• Published 11th Jan 2017
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Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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Dragon Metamorphosis! Part 2: The Shadowbolts Strike Back!

Celestial High School

After awhile of calming some tensions between the girls, some misunderstandings were being cleared.

"We've been duped!" Applejack groaned.

"Duped!" Pinkie repeated.


"We've been smeckledorfed!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Arrgh!" Rainbow growled. "I can't believe we were so stupid! We fell for another one of the Shadowbolts' tricks!"

"And worst of all," Twilight began. "You let Sunset's past blind you from seeing the truth! When you should've all known better!"

"I'll say," Applejack replied sadly, before she looked at Sunset Shimmer. "Sunset," Applejack was the first to start. "I honestly can't tell you how much it bites me, to realize we've been barking up the wrong tree. And again. What we did was inexcusable, and I'm sorry we haven't been there for you, like how a family should."

"Yeah, that goes for me too," Rainbow added. "I represent the element of loyalty," the rainbow haired girl looked down, despondently. "But how can I call myself loyal, when I was so quick to turn my back on you, just like that?" Swallowing a lump in her throat, Rainbow looked up and said, "I'm really sorry, Sunset."

"Me too!" Pinkie cried, with her hair deflating slightly. "I was suppose to be looking at the glass of chocolate milk half full. But instead, when I saw that cupcake book in your backpack, I looked at you half empty," Pinkie started to sob uncontrollably again as she sniffled, "I understand if you don't want to smile with us again. And you can hate me for as much as you want, knowing you were right. I really am a Pinkamena Diane Pie."

Fluttershy was hiding her face behind her hair, as the pipes broke lose, "I've never felt so guilty," she cried, before she tackled the red haired girl in a hug. "You poor, poor thing! I'm sorry! I really am!"

Rarity sniffed as she too joined the hug, "Feeling guilty for driving you away was one thing. But I can't bear to see Fluttershy, cry!"

With that, the five girls all hugged Sunset, while the others looked on, with a mix of sympathy and satisfaction, until they finally broke away. At first, a small smile was forming on Sunset's face, before it quickly disappeared.

"Sunset?" the girls asked, confused at her expression.

Taking a deep breath, Sunset replied, "What choices do I have? You girls are the only family I've had left," the girl turned her face away, avoiding eye contacts as she states, "But my trust is something that'll have to be earned back." The girls, minus Twilight and Fleur, nodded their heads in understanding.

"Understood," Rarity said solemnly, as she and the girls watched the fiery headed girl walking away.

"See you girls later," Spike said, as he ran off to catch up with the girl.

"Au revoir, mon ami," Fleur said her farewell, before she walks into the janitor's closet and disappeared.

The boys later went their separate ways for their respective classes, while the girls were left in silent.

"Do you think she'll ever forgive us?" Applejack asked.

"She will," Twilight assured. "She just needs some time to herself, that's all." Looking at her watch, she said, "C'mon girls. It's almost time for our next class."

With that, the girls too went their separate ways for their respective classes, just as a zombie Snips, Snails, and Zephyr walked in.

Meanwhile, at Crystal Prep Academy

It was during lunch period, when Sunny Flare was meeting with the other four girls of the Shadowbolts.

"Girls," Sunny Flare greeted the girls.

"Sunny," they returned the greeting as Sunny took her seat.

"So, any luck on locating our dragon?" the leading girl asked.

"I'm no Melody," Indigo replied, while holding a device that has a monitor, displaying a sonar, and a map of New York. "But I can tell, this thing is worthless, now that we can't find our dragon!" Just then, the device went off, as its screen was blurred out before it shut off completely. Frustrated, Indigo tossed it in the nearest trash bin.

Sour Sweet lets out some irritated screech, as she hissed, "We have to find him! I want to find him so I can make him pay for what he did to me!!"

"Oh, you're not still mad about how he made your boobs bounced and got away with it," Indigo laughed. "Are ya?"

In response, Sour Sweet grabbed Indigo Zap by the throat so hard, that Indigo felt the winds literally knocked out of her, "Does my humiliating defeat amuse you?" Sour asked threateningly, tightening her grip. "Does it?"

"Nope," Indigo replied, with her voice turned high and squeaky, before Sour released her.

"I just want to play with him for a little bit!" Sour squealed with sparkles in her eyes. "Can't you see how cute he looked as a puppy? He's so small, so round, and above all, he's so fluffy!!!!" She roared at the last part, earning some weird looks from the girls. "And then we take his Dragonfire to please the masters," she said gloomily.

Clearing her throat, Sunny got the girls back on topic, "He's got to be hiding somewhere!" she said. "And once we find him, we'll show him no mercy."

"So any ideas where he may be?" Indigo asked.

"Well, I've got one," Sugarcoat stated.

"Oh, really?" Sour Sweet began sweetly, before she growled, "Spit it out!"

"You need to control your temper," Sugar said bluntly.

"Is that all?" Sour screamed, before she quickly calms back to normal, upon seeing the weird looks being shot from the students in the room. "What are you looking at?" She asked, as the students all went back to eating their meals.

"That wasn't my idea," Indigo said to Sour bluntly. "That was my suggestion on your bad temper. My idea is, if we can't find Spike. Then perhaps we should make him find us."

"Find us? How?" Sunny asked.

"Well, we don't know where he is. But we do know where the girls are."

"But what does that-" Indigo stopped, realizing where Sugar was getting at.

Unknown to the girls, Fleur, disguised as another student, was listening to their conversation.

Celestial High School

Later, during lunch hours, Sunset was once again, in the cafeteria, enjoying her meal with Spike and the boys.

"So Sunset," Rumble began, while avoiding the topic of her early morning conversation. "How've you been? From what Spike's told us, you're actually helping him with some secret, special training."

Sunset was a little bit hesitant on answering, "If we told you guys what it was, then it wouldn't be a secret anymore," Spike answered on the girl's behalf.

"Oh c'mon!" Button protested. "You know we can keep a secret."

"Not unless you're facing some evil demented alicorn who has the power to look in your mind," Spike said.

Button was about to protest again, before he thought about what Spike meant, "Good point."

"So besides that, what else happened?" Rumble asked, before he remembered, "Oh, could you tell us how you became friends with a Crystal Prep-ow!" The boys elbowed Rumble as they pointed behind him, showing zombie Snips and Snails passing by. "I-I-I-I mean, a transfer student who c-c-c-came from France to study here," he stammered, as the two stooges walked away. "So, how long have you been friends with a girl like Fleur-De-Lis?" Rumble whispered.

"Well it's kinda a long story," Spike smiled sheepishly.

"Do tell!" Feather insisted, getting a notepad ready.

Meanwhile, with the girls

The girls were later meeting together, during Study Hall, which was currently being overlooked by Professor Flintheart. At the same time, a zombie Zephyr Breeze was in class, ogling at Rainbow Dash from behind, before the strict professor came and forced the boy's face, back into his book.

"Ow, my nose," Zephyr groaned, as the professor walked away.

The girls in the meantime, were writing to each other, back and forth, with the use of magic journals, similar to Sunset's.

After finishing one of her algebra homework, Twilight took the chance to write to the girls.

"What shall we do after school today?"

It didn't take long before she received some responses.

"I don't know, sugarcube. I'm more concerned with Sunset Shimmer."

"Same with me, darling. There must be something we could do to make her know she can trust us again, as well as we trusted her."

For a moment, the page remained blank, until Pinkie wrote, "How about a party? After school today! We can throw a big party for Sunset Shimmer! We'll call it, 'We're Sorry and Please Forgive Us Sunset Shimmer!!!'"

The girls thought about the party girl's suggestion. Just then, Professor Flintheart came passing by, and they quickly got out their homeworks and pretended they're really working on them, though the professor doesn't seemed to be fooled. After awhile, he continued on his way, while taking out a book to read.

"Phew, that was a close one," Rainbow sighed, before she resumes writing, "Are you sure a party's all we've got for Sunny?"

"Why not? Everybody loves a good par-tay! And nobody likes parties than Sunset Shimmer! Right?"

"I don't know Pinkie. Even if a party would make Sunset feel better, how are we going to pull it off?"

"Just leave it to me! Oh, hi Professor Flintheart!"

Confused at the last part, Twilight turned her head to see the suspicious professor, looking at her coldly, "Ms. Sparkle," he began, in his usual tone.

"Professor!" Twilight chuckled nervously.


"WHAT?!" the boys exclaimed, when Spike told them about Fleur.

"Your best friend, royal guard in training, and faithful sidekick, was a-a-a-a-a girl?!" Button asked, while whispering at the last part.

"And a hot one at that!" Tender whispered to Rumble.

"Yeah, big surprise for me as well," Spike replied.

"Dang it, Spike!" Button whispered. "What is it with you and girls?"

"Why you asking me?" Spike asked, pointing to Sunset.

"Well," the girl blushed. "The thing we loved most about Spike was that, he's been good to us in more ways than one. And we all loved him for it." With that, the girl couldn't help be recounted the life she's had with Spike. The boys could hardly believe their ears.

"Spike," Button smirked, nudging to the dragon's side. "Who knew you'd have a way with bad girls."

"Yeah," Spike chuckled nervously, while Sunset blushed. "Who knew?" Spike asked.

Later that day

Spike and Sunset, along with the boys, walked out of the school, to the horse statue, where they expected to meet the girls, only to see they weren't there.

"Huh? Where are the girls?" Spike asked, before his phone rang. Taking his phone out, he reads, "Gone for some errands. Meet us later at our place. ;)"

"Hmm, sounds like they're up to something," Feathers pondered. "The question is, what?"

"We'll find out later," Spike said. "In the meantime, me and Sunset have some training to do. Catch you guys later."

"See ya!" the boys shouted, before they went their separate ways.

Party Tree

Meanwhile, the girls were out to get some party supplies.

“I can’t wait to see the look on Sunset's face!” Pinkie smiled. “This is going to be the best surprise for her yet!”

“Don't get yer hopes too high, Pinkie," Applejack said. "Remember what Sunset's been through. It'll still take a while before she could come around for us again."

"Oh, now we wouldn't want that to happen. Would we?" a voice called out, to which the friends flinched. Walking from behind a stand, was Somnambula herself and more of her accomplices. "How fortuitous that I should find you girls here," Somnambula cackled. "For once we’re disposed with all of you, the Dragonfire will be ripe for the taking!"

The girls readied themselves in fighting stance, as Somnambula shouted, "ATTACK!!"

[Fighting Is Magic - Rainbow Dash's Theme]

With that, the forces of evil charged towards the heroines, who all quickly dropped their stuffs up, as they began their fight.

"Sorry!" Twilight said to the clerk. "We'll pay for the damages later! Thank you!"

Twilight was blasting magic beams at the Shadowbolts, as well as casting magic shields, saving herself from the arrows they were firing, before she clashed with Goldcap.

"I see you still haven't learned your lessons, Goldcap!" Twilight growled.

"I don't need lesson to learn that I can be a princess like you!" Goldcap spatted. "I could've become an alicorn, if you had just let me!"

"The power of an alicorn is a magic that is earned!" Twilight growled. "Not stolen! The act you and your friends committed was illegal! That is why you've been stripped of your unicorn magics!"

"And why we've been reduced to work as magicians in the human world just for a living!" Goldcap fired another spell, which Twilight blocked. "But once we get the Dragonfire! We'll become the most powerful witches and wizards in the world!!"

"As if!" Rainbow growled, as she kicked Goldcap away. "It's payback time!"

"I couldn't agree more!" Indigo shouted, as she landed a flying kick to Rainbow Dash. "So you must be the famous Rainbow Dash I've been hearing so much about from Melody."

"Gee, what gave that away?" Rainbow asked rhetorically. "The hair? The awesomeness?"

"Nope," the equally competitive girl stated. "Just your clumsiness is what I've noticed."

"Clumsy?!" Rainbow growled. "No pony calls Rainbow Dash, clumsy, and gets away with it!" With that, Rainbow changes into her battle form while saying, "You're gonna eat those words!"

"Bring it!" Indigo sneered, unsheathing her swords. With that, the two girls charged at each other.

Applejack, in the meantime, was fighting Sugarcoat, in her battle form, while the Crystal Prep girl was armed with her shuko claws.

"As much as I hate to say it," Applejack panted, as she thrusted her leg out in a sidekick. "You've got some good forms."

"You're not so bad yourself," Sugarcoat replied, rubbing her arm. "For a country girl who smells of apple cider."

"Hey! Ya got a problem with that?" Applejack asked.

"Well, it's a little too sweet for my taste. Too much alcohol, and not enough vinegar. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone I know."

"Why ya snooty, blunt, arrogant-"

"Oh don't even go that far. You're far off worse than you think, Piggly Wiggly."

Applejack blushed a shade of red at the mention of her childhood nickname, before she was met with a flying kick to the face by Sugarcoat. Shaking the blow, as well as the embarrassing feeling off, Applejack resumed the fight.

[MLP: Friendship Games - Dance Magic]

Pinkie Pie and Lemon Zest were having a fun dance-off.

Pinkie rapped: "Doesn't matter what style you've got!

Just keep dancin' on that spot,

Friends like you for who you are,

Dance queen, on the scene, superstar!

Crystal Prep, you've got the moves,

Rainboom bringin' all the grooves,

Put it together and make it fit,

Crystal Rainbooms, dance magic!"

*disc scratch*

"As you were?" Sunny glared, at Lemon Zest.

"Uh, meep meep!" Pinkie said, followed by a raspberry, while Lemon Zest gave chase.

Rarity in the meantime was fighting off, with Sunny Flare, and Sour Sweet.

"You know this is really bad form for you girls!" Rarity said, while holding her shields up. "I mean really, don't you know you've got me at an unfair advantage? Two against one? Do you know anything about fighting fair? Or is that how they teach at Crystal Preps? Do you cheat at every games you play?"

Sour Sweet, irritated, swung her staff furiously, "WILL YOU SHUT YOUR TRAPS?!!" she screamed.

"Well, I never!" Rarity continued. "Never in all my years have I ever had the misfortune of meeting someone with terrible manners. How does your family raised you?"

"Enough!" Sunny Flare shouted. "You will cease your whining! Or die!"

"Whining?" Rarity asked. "Whining?! I'm not whining! I am complaining! You want to hear whining? This is whining!" Rarity whined at the last part. "Ooh, it's not fair! Why do you have to pick on poor misfortunate me?"

Irritated, Sunny growled, "Sour! You take Whiny! I'll take Doormat!"

"Why am I stuck with the Whiny pony?" Sour asked. "Why can't you take her? The two of you are kinda the same person!"

"You take her because I say so!! I'm the boss here!!"

"Why can't I be the boss?"

"Because you're impatient! Hot-tempered! And above all, I'm better than you!!"

"You want to bet on that?!"

"STOP IT!! BOTH OF YOU!!" Somnambula shouted, firing a lightning bolt that the two girls ducked, as it flew overhead and struck Zappityhoof.

"Hey!" Zap groaned. "Just because I'm named Zappityhoof, doesn't mean I have to be zapped." With that, the inflicted girl fainted.

Meanwhile, with the rest of the magicians, Decepticolt came running to Gold's aid, "Similo Duplexis!!" the boy chanted, creating several duplicates of himself, surrounding the girl. The boys all jumped at the brainy girl, who quickly shape-shifted into her alicorn form, forming a shield, and blasting off the boys.

"You should know better than to face me!" Twilight growled. "You can try and throw whatever spells and card tricks you've got. You'll never beat me!"

"Then try me!" a voice announced, as Twilight turns around, eyes widened upon seeing a huge imugi, hissing and glaring hungrily at her.

"Oh, goodness!" Fluttershy whimpered, as the girls all turned at the new arrival.

"No!" Applejack gasped. "It can't be!"

"Rage Shimmer?!" Pinkie gasped.

"Rage Shimmer?" the girl pondered. "I like it.......NOT!! That name sucks! And I'm going to make you PAY FOR IT!!"

"Uh oh," Pinkie whimpered, as the angry counterpart of Sunset Shimmer charges forward, on the back of her imugi, with snapping jaws, had Pinkie not been pulled out of the way, by....

[Tim ve Chon Cu Loan-Female Vocals]

"Flare?!" Pinkie exclaimed. There stood, Fleur-De-Lis, cladded in her suit of armor, completed with a knight's helmet.

"Fleur," Fleur replied. "Fleur-De-Lis." With that, Fleur unsheathes her rapier, and charged into battle against Sunset Shimmer's dark half's army of living paper dragons. "En garde!"

One of the dragons lunged at Fleur, snapping its jaws at the girl, had she not jumped up and slashed her sword at the dragon, tearing a hole in its neck. Another circled its coil around the girl, trying to squeeze the life out of her, had she not slashed it in half.

Angry at the interference, Rage Shimmer threw a huge fireball, which Fleur was able to block with a shield she magically conjured. In retaliation, Fleur fired a magic bolt, from her sword, in the air, causing it to explode in a blinding light, stunning the Shadowbolts momentarily. Using the distraction to her advantage, Fleur flew at high speed, cutting all of the paper dragons into little pieces, before she sets her sight on Rage Shimmer.

"You're mine!" With that, Fleur charged forward, sword ready, only for Rage Shimmer to pull out the device at the last second.

"On the contrary!" Rage smirked, "Your powers are mine!"

"NO!!" Fleur groaned as she felt her powers being drained, before she collapsed to the floor, slightly weakened.

"Yes!!" Rage hissed, after the power was collected, and she felt herself growing stronger.

"Um, did we forget to mention that Angry Sunset Shimmer stole the device that we originally used to find Spike?" Rainbow asked.

"Would've been helpful," Fleur muttered, while the Three Magicians laughed.

"Yeah!" Decepticolt laughed. "How does it feel now to be the one drained of power?"

"How the mighty has fallen!" Goldcap laughed, before she and her comrades were silenced by Somnambula.

"Very good, Sunburn Shimmer," Somnambula smirked. "You've done well."

"I have you to thank for it," Sunburn bowed her head.

"Now then," With a wave of her staff, "Seize the girls!!"

"With pleasure!" Sunburn smirked, showing her fangs, as she restores her paper dragons. "Dinner is served boys!!"

With a roar, the imugi all lunged forward.

After finishing his shift as a police officer, Scorpan was on his way to Starbucks for a well-deserved cup of coffee, when he felt a disturbance in the air.

Focusing his thoughts on the disturbance, Scorpan gasped, "No! It can't be!"

Elsewhere, Discord was putting on a magic show, with Thorax, entertaining some children, when suddenly, "Uh oh!" he gasped. "My chaos senses are tingling."

Lastly, Spike and Sunset were in the middle of their mind blocking training, when they too became interrupted by the disturbances being felt. Spike was meditating, as he tries to mind block, when his eyes suddenly turned white, while snapping open, as he sees random images of the Shadowbolts, the girls being defeated by Sunset Shimmer's angry half, lightning claps being sounded, Somnambula and Nightmare Moon cackling in triumph. Sunset meanwhile, lost focus with her spell, when her wrist started to burn intensively.

Lifting up her sleeve, Sunset looked, to see the Shadowbolts' mark on her wrist glowing brightly, as it burns her skin.

"What was that?" Spike asked, before he took notice of Sunset's wrist. "Oh no. That can't be a good sign."

"It's never a good sign," Sunset replied.

"It's a sign of trouble!" Zecora said, as she walked in, with an injured Fleur-De-Lis, and the boys at her sides. "Meaning we are in a time of muddle."

"Fleur!" Spike gasped, as he ran over to the girl. "What happened to you?"

"The Shadowbolts!" Fleur cringed. "They struck again! And they've got my powers!"

"We were on our way, back home from the skatepark, when we saw the commotion!" Rumble began. "When we rushed in, the crazy witch was there, along with the Shadowbolts from Crystal Prep, and some others we've never seen before."

"We were only able to rescue Fleur," Button continued. "But when we tried to save the others, we were attacked by some serpent dragons, controlled by Sunset Shimmer's angry half!"

"I thought we were goners for sure!" Pipsqueak shuddered. "But then, Zecora came, and poof! We're here!"

"Nice decor by the way!" Feathers commented, as he snapped some pictures.

"What about the girls?" Spike asked. "Are they alright?"

"Don't know," Button replied. "Last time we saw, they were fighting off those dragons, before we came in."

Just then, Spike's phone rang. Checking the Caller ID, which reads: "Twilight!" Without hesitation, Spike tapped the call button, as he answers, "Twilight?"

"Twilight can't make it," Somnambula answered.

"Somnambula!" Spike gasped.

"Yes, I'm pleased you can remember again," the evil witch cackled. "Feeling homesick?"

"What have you done to the girls?" Spike asked angrily.

"They're fine, for now. And I'll play Ms. Nice Witch for the moment to release the girls unharmed, Mr. Draco."

"What's the catch?"

"An exchange of goods," Somnambula answered. "Your precious girlfriends from your forgotten past, for the Dragonfire you've been gifted since the day you were born. Should you decide your decisions for the lives of the girls, then you may rendezvous with us at Battery Park, at precisely 11: 30 PM. And come alone, or else the girls will get it!"

"NOOOO!!" Spike exclaimed.

"We'll be waiting!" With a cackle, the witch hung up.

“Spike? What’s wrong?” Button asked.

“The girls are in trouble!” Spike replied. “I have to go and save them!”

“Then we're coming with ya!” Rumble stated.

“No!” the boys were taken by surprise at Spike’s response. “I have to go alone. If Somnambula catches me with you guys, she’ll hurt the girls!”

“But Spike! This could be a trap!” Pipsqueak said.

“Yeah, and you need us to be back you up!” Button stated.

"I know it's a trap!" Spike replied. "But the girls are already in it! I have to get them out!"

"Spike!" Sunset stopped him. "As much as I respect your courage and act of heroism, you don't stand a chance against the Shadowbolts! You haven't even mastered the Mind Block!"

"Then it’s a risk I gotta take!" Spike replied. "For the girls.”

With that, Spike concentrated in his powers, before his whole body was surrounded in a green aura, his eyes burst open with reptilic green eyes, as he begins his transformation.

His whole body was engulfed in a burst of green fire, as he stood before the girls and boys, in his dragon form.

"Whoa!" the boys exclaimed.

"So this is what you looked like as a dragon!" Button gasped. "Though, I expected you to be less dull and lumpy."

"What?" Spike looked in a nearby mirror, to see his cover was literally blown. "Oh man!" Shaking his frustration and humiliation off, Spike regained his determination, "For my friends!" Just then, Peewee came in and latched onto the dragon's back, "Gotta fly!" With that, the two flew on through a magic door, disappearing upon entering.

"So, what do we do in the meantime?" Button asked.

Pipsqueak thought for a moment, before he answered, "We go in! For our friend!”

The boys looked at the younger boy, questionably, "But Spike just said-"

"Hey! This is what we've been training for! Spike's looked out for us since the day we met! Now we've got to do the same for him! No matter what happens, we're friends till the end!"

The boys thought about it for a moment, before Rumble nodded in agreement, "You're right!" he said. "Let's go, brothers!"

With that, the boys all fist bumped together, before they cheered, "Let's do it, to it!" With a cheer, the boys all ran after their friend, leaving Sunset alone, with Zecora and Fleur.

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