• Published 11th Jan 2017
  • 17,227 Views, 792 Comments

Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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Mission Dragonfire Part 12: Into the Nightmares

Observing from a safe distance, are Princess Cadence, and some of the remaining survivors. Everyone had all seen how the battle was played out, and they were instantly shocked to see their favorite heroes being swallowed up by Nightmare Smooze.

"OH NO!! RARITY!!" Sweetie Belle cried tearfully for her sister.

"Applejack! NO!!" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

"Not Rainbow Dash too!" Scootaloo said in disbelief.

Princess Cadence, and the others were just as horrified.

"Shining Armor!" Cadence weeped, watching as a magic shield protecting a city was crushed under Nightmare Smooze's huge tentacle. Without a doubt, Shining Armor was among the unfortunate ponies getting swallowed up. "Twilight! Cousin!" Cadence sobbed at the spot where the heroes once where.

"I can't believe this," Thorax muttered, trying to deny what he was seeing. "Spike lost the fight?!"

"Twilight too!" Minuette cried, while being comforted by her posse, including Lyra and Sweetie Drops.

"Clearly, fame isn't everything," a voice spoke, to which the survivors turned to see the Shadowbolts, and the man in fedora, having appeared at their spot, moments earlier.

"The Shadowbolts!" Twinkleshine exclaimed.

"GET THEM!!" Minuette shouted, as she and her unicorn posse all made a lunge for the Shadowbolts.

"NO! WAIT!!" Sunny shouted, before a flash of light interrupted them.

There stood Sunburst, Starlight Glimmer, Fleur, Scorpan, and Celaeno.

"Whoa," Sunburst groaned. "That was way too close for comfort."

“Sorry Sunburst,” Starlight apologized.

“Starlight Glimmer!!” Trixie cheered happily, as she ran up and hugged the unicorn.

“Starlight Glimmer?” Kyrie chirped, as she pokes her head out of Trixie’s hat. “I don’t believe it! You’re alive!”

“Believe me,” Starlight shuddered. “It was no picnic.”

“Then, where’s AJ?” Rara asked hopefully.

“And more importantly, where are Twilight and the girls?” Cadence asked. “And Spike and the Knights?”

After a moment of composing herself, Fleur looked, “Zut Alor! They’re not here!” She quickly panicked.

"WHAT?!!" Scorpan exclaimed, together with Celaeno.

“Oh no!” Sunburst grimaced. “They must still be inside of Nightmare Smooze!”

Everyone around the four survivors all gasped, "I'm sorry, every pony," Starlight apologized. "But there's so many of us, and so much I can do with just one teleportation spell."

“Then, we have to help them!” Fleur said.

“But how?” Starlight asked. “What can we do? We don’t stand a chance against Nightmare Smooze, let alone destroy her.”

“Wait! Wait just a minute!” Moondancer shouted, as she arrived, while carrying a few Breezies in her saddlebags, while levitating a scroll. “There might be a way!” Walking up behind the disheveled unicorn mare, was Neira, Prince Edgar, and a few penguin guards and snow ponies, all carrying the Sun Stone.

Spike Draco

Tranquility - Time Solitaire. Music united by Nature

Spike opened his eyes to see Princess Celestia, smiling happily at him, "Mom?" he asked, slowly getting up. Looking around, he finds himself, and his mother in a wide open field, of flowers, trees, and a calming river. Birds were chirping in fine tunes, together with some buzzing insects.

"Where are we?" he asked. "Am I dead?"

Celestia chuckled lightly, as she replied, "No, my child," she smiled. "You have triumphed over evil," Turning her head up to the sky, Celestia continued, "You and your friends have freed Luna from Nightmare Moon. You brought back the day. And saved Equestria," Turning back, and looking lovingly at her son, Princess Celestia nuzzled closely to Spike's nose, "I've never been so proud of you, my son. And now, I want to make this day, just the two of us."

Spike smiled, "I couldn't agree more mom," Spike shed a tear. "You and I have so much to catch up on."

Celestia, wrapped her wing around Spike, as she pulled him close for a kiss on the cheek, "In time, we will," Celestia's whole body was enveloped in a gold aura, as she assumes her human form. "But first, you must rest," Celestia replied, patting a spot on her lap. "You've been through so much, Spike. You deserve it."

Spike complied, as he laid his head in his mother's lap, and finds himself at peace with the tranquility that surrounds them.

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight finds herself in Canterlot Castle, where Princess Celestia was waiting, atop her throne.

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight exclaimed, as the Sun Princess turned her head to the lavender alicorn. "What happened? How did I-"

"Get out!" Princess Celestia hissed.

"What?!" Twilight Sparkle exclaimed in bewilderment.

"You heard me!" Princess Celestia growled, as she stood up on her throne. "Begone!"

"But I don't understand! Why? What did I do?"

"What you've always been doing! You're careless! You have no respect for the power you have! And what's more, you couldn't even keep my son protected! You are dismissed forever."

"What?!" Twilight gasped, feeling her heart breaking at the last word. "No!"

"My son is dead!" Celestia continued bitterly. "The Magic of Friendship is dead! And it's all because of you!" Before Twilight could respond, Celestia's whole form bursted into flame, as the white alicorn adapted a more demonic appearance and voice. "You have forgotten your purpose! You've forsaken us!" With that, Princess Celestia and several flames around her all let out bloodcurdling shrills at Twilight, who was beside herself, while looking at a stained glass window, depicting Nightmare Moon's rise to power, and Spike's dragon form, broken.

Twilight collapsed to the floor, crying in despair.


Fluttershy opened her eyes, and quickly finds herself, on a mountain path, don up in a beautiful green floral dress.

"Oh my!" Fluttershy gasped, as she looked at herself over. "When did I wore this dress? I haven't worn it since the Grand Galloping Gala."

"Hey Fluttershy!" a voice spoke, to which Fluttershy turned to see who the speaker is.

"Spike?!" Fluttershy exclaimed happily. "Oh, I'm so glad to see you! I was so scared, and-" Fluttershy was interrupted, when Spike walked over and hugged her tightly.

"Don't worry, Fluttershy," Spike cooed. "You're safe now. I'll protect you."

"Oh, I know," Fluttershy smiled, as she blushed. "You've always protected me, and every pony else." Spike soon lets go of Fluttershy, as he started to walk away. "W-Where are you going, Spike?"

"We're gonna be late for the Grand Galloping Gala!" Spike replied, as he turned and beckoned Fluttershy to follow. "Come on! Follow me!"

"I'm coming!" Fluttershy replied, as she got up, and trotted after the Dragon Prince.

After awhile of trotting, Fluttershy can see the beautiful city of Canterlot, in the distance. The city glistens beautiful as it bathes in the moon light. To Fluttershy, the sight of Canterlot bathing in the beautiful night, from the distance, brings a sense of tranquility to Fluttershy, making her feel less scared, and yet more excited.

Fluttershy turned her attention back at Spike, who appeared to be nothing more but a dot, before he disappears behind some trees.

"Wait! Spike!" Fluttershy called, as she quickens her pace, trying to catch up to the dragon. But by the time she caught up, the Dragon Prince was nowhere to be seen. Standing before her, was a marble staircase that led her up to Canterlot Castle. On each sides of the staircase, are statues of ponies, and magical creatures. Fluttershy took careful steps up the stairs, passing the statues at her sides.

Fluttershy's world suddenly turned dark, and she was no longer in Canterlot.

Instead, she now finds herself standing in the middle of a dark forest. It was even eerier than the Everfree Forest, with trees having twisted appearances that looked almost like the faces of sinister monsters.

"Eep!" Fluttershy yelped, as she frightfully backed away from the trees, before bumping into another. "Yipe!"

"You're here," an eerie voice spoke. "You're finally here!!"

"W-W-Who's there?" Fluttershy whimpered in fright.

"I'm trapped," the voice answered. "And so very lonely." Then, the voice suddenly started to cackle menacingly, when it asked Fluttershy, "Won't you JOIN ME?!!"

Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash opened her eyes and finds herself strapped down on a large board. Rainbow tried to break free, but the leather strap kept her head in place, the braces around her chest and limbs all kept her firmly in place.

"Huh?" Rainbow asked, as she struggled to break free. "Where the hell am I? What gives?"

"Oh goody, goody gumdrops! You're awake!" a chirpy voice spoke.

"Pinkie Pie?" Rainbow exclaimed, looking in the direction of the pink pony's voice. However, much to Dash's shock and confusion, Pinkie stood before her, mane deflated, colors dulled by a tone of gray, and smiling, menacingly. Though just barely, Rainbow Dash can see in the darkness, behind Pinkie Pie, a whole board display of tools used for cutting.

Rainbow watched with confusion, as Pinkie Pie pushed in a cart, covered with a cloth.

"Pinkie Pie? What gives?" Dash asked. "Why can't I move?"

"Well duh, you're tied down silly!" Pinkie chided. "I didn't think you'd needed to know that!"

"But what's going on?"

"You're here to help me make cupcakes, of course!" Pinkie smiled. "Unfortunately, you see. I'm missing a key ingredient."

"And pray tell, what's the ingredient?" Rainbow asked, still slightly frighten.

"Why, it's you!" Pinkie grinned menacingly.

At first, Rainbow's eyes widened in fear, but she later burst out laughing, "Okay! Very funny, Pinkie!" Rainbow laughed. "You got me!I gotta tell you, this the best prank yet. You win, you’re the best.“

Pinkie giggled even more. “Aw, thanks Dash. But I haven’t done pranks today, so I can’t accept your praise. “

Dash was struggling again. “Pinkie, come on, this isn’t funny.”

“Then why were you laughing”? Pinkie grabbed the cloth and whipped it off the cart. The top of the tray contained various sharp medical tools and knives carefully organized and ready. There was a medicine bag and several other objects next to them.

Dash was now in full panic mode. She was starting to hyperventilate. Her mind was racing and she tried to reason with the pink pony. “You can’t do this Pinkie! I’m your friend!”

“I know you are and that’s why I’m so happy it’s that I’ve got you here. We get to share your last moments together, just you and me.”

"But what about our fiends?" Dash asked. "Every pony will all be wondering where I am. Spike will even-"

"Oh, Dashie," Pinkie continued in a demonic voice. "I've been doing this for a long time. No one will even cared you went missing. And what Spike doesn't know, won't hurt me!" With that the lights suddenly came to life and showcased the rest the room.

“Oh god, no” Dash reeled in horror at the image presented to her. The room was decorated with a typical but twisted Pinkie Pie flair. Colorful streamers of dried entrails danced around the ceiling, brightly painted skulls of all sizes were stuck on the walls, and organs done up in pastels filled with helium tied to the backs of chairs. The tables and chairs were made of bones. Dash cringed at the center piece on the table nearest to her. The heads of four foals, their eyes closed like they were sleeping, wearing party hats made from their own skin. She recognized one of them as Apple Bloom’s classmate. Her eyes darted back and forth and then gazed up at the patchwork banner hanging from the rafters, with the words “Life is a party,” scrawled in red.

Dash’s attention was stolen by a party horn unfurling and tickling her nose. She saw Pinkie Pie standing in front of her. The party pony was wearing a dress quilted from cutie marks. On her back fluttered six pegasus wings, all different colors. As she skipped in excitement, her necklace of unicorn horns loudly clacked together.

"Let the cupcake making begin!" Pinkie grinned, as she brandishes a knife and walks up to Dash, who was really scared right now.

"ANYPONY!!! SPIKE!!! HELP!!!" Dash cried tearfully.

Pinkie Pie

It was a warm sunny day, and Pinkie Pie was enjoying it, as she skips happily down the road, "La la la la," Pinkie sang. Suddenly, the bright day came to an abrupt halt, when the sky was darkened, and huge storm clouds appeared.

"Oh, poo," Pinkie pouted. "That was such a nice sunny day too!" Nevertheless, Pinkie Pie broke in a trot, determined to find shelter, or risk getting a cold, out in the wet, stormy weather.

Then ahead, Pinkie Pie spotted a familiar pegasus with rainbow mane and tail, "Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie called out. In response, Rainbow Dash broke out in a fast trot, "Dash! Wait up!" Pinkie gave chase, and finds herself and Dash running back in Ponyville, and into Sugarcube Corner. "Good idea, Dash! Let's take cover in there!" With that, the two ponies all entered the bakery.

Once she was greeted with the slight cool air of the bakery, and the welcoming shelter from the storm, Pinkie shook herself free of the raindrops she got on her.

"Whew!" Pinkie sighed in relief. "That's quite the weather you had there, Dashie!" Pinkie Pie looked up, and was greeted with the exact opposite of what she knew as a welcome from Sugarcube Corner.

Instead, she sees the room had been darkened, reducing the bakery's once cheery demeanor to match that of gloom and despair. Furthermore, everywhere Pinkie looked, she could see the same words "Life is a Party" written in red, on the walls, and the floor. Worse still, the rain drops on the floor, and Pinkie's body turned blood red.

"What?" Pinkie whimpered. "What's going on?"

"LIFE IS A PARTY!!!" a voice exclaimed, to which Pinkie turned to see a bloodied Rainbow Dash.

"AHHH!!!" Pinkie screamed at the sight. In appearance, Rainbow Dash looked almost as if she had been mauled by a bear, with her whole body covered in blood, her eyes missing, as well as her lower jaws, her wings, her cutie mark, and her chest, exposing the rib cages. "Oh.....my......god!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Rainbow Dash?! What's happening? What happened to you?"

"You don't remember?" Dash asked.

"R-R-Remember what?" Pinkie whimpered.

"Ooh puh-lease, tell me," Dash continued. "Was I tasty?"


"I can imagine my cupcakes looked very colorful!" Dash replied with a laugh.

"What cupcake?" Pinkie asked, at the point of crying in fright.

"Are you serious?" Dash asked, sounding quite angry. "You really wanna take me for an idiot? Don't tell me you can't remember my most delicious cupcakes? The ones you pour my life into making? Those cupcakes that costed me my eyes, my wings, and my whole body? Where I'm the key ingredient?!"

"No!" Pinkie cried. "I would never! I'd never hurt you, Dashie! I pinkie promised!"

"Yes, you pinkie promised!" Dash growled. "I pinkie promised that your pies will be just as bad as your cupcakes! I pinkie promised you will DIEEEEEEE!!!!" Rainbow screamed at the last part, together with several more pony corpses, all showing themselves, and crawling out of hiding, holding the hooves out for Pinkie Pie.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Pinkie Pie cried, trying to block out the screams in vain.


Five Nights at Freddy's 3 - It's Time To Die by DAGames

Applejack shook her head, "Sweet Celestia," Applejack groaned. "What in Tartarus happened? It felt like I'm in a dungeon?!" Applejack exclaimed, when she took notice of her surroundings.

Just then, the door opened to reveal a despondent Twilight, "Applejack?"

"Twilight!" Applejack exclaimed, getting up and tried to trot over to the alicorn, only to find herself chained to the wall. "What in tarnation?" Applejack tried to break free, but finds herself unable to do so. "Twilight? What's going on? What happened?"

"You happened, Applejack," Twilight replied gravely, as she levitated a mirror to show Applejack, drenched from head to toe in bloods. Furthermore, Applejack's eyes were lined with black rings beneath, indicating she hadn't slept, and she was covered in scars, and bandages.

Applejack couldn't believe her eyes, "What happened to me?!" Applejack exclaimed.

Levitating the mirror away, Twilight began, "We've won the battle against Nightmare Moon," Twilight lowered her head, as she frowned. "But at the cost of your sanity," Twilight answered.

"What do ya mean?" Applejack asked.

"We won the fight. But as a last resort, Nightmare Moon brainwashed you with a spell. She took control of you. You wrecked everything, and every pony who crossed path with you. You turned Sweet Apple Acres into a slaughtering ground!"

"What?!" Applejack exclaimed in bewilderment. "No! That can't be! I'd never-"

"But you did!" Twilight snarled. "And in our despair to save you, you killed several ponies! You almost killed Rainbow Dash as well."

"NO!!! I didn't mean to! Twilight! I wasn't in my right mind!"

"I know," Twilight replied. "And for that, we've granted you your life. However, as a precaution, we've kept you here, so that you would do no further harm."

"But I-" Applejack pleaded, but finds that it was futile, so she slumped in defeat. "Then, why are you here then?"

"To say good-bye," Twilight turned her back on Applejack, ready to take her leave.

"Twilight wait!" Applejack called. "What I want to know is, how is Rainbow Dash? Is she recovering?"

"She's doing fine," Twilight replied gravely.

"And my family?" Applejack asked. "Is Granny Smith alright? What about Big Mac?"

"They're okay."

"And Applebloom?" At the mention of the younger filly's name, Twilight flinched, and she hurried to the door. This of course, didn't go unnoticed for Applejack, "Wait, Twilight? What happened to Apple Bloom? What happened to my sister!"

"She's in the hospital," Twilight replied bluntly. "She's had quite the shock, from you!"

"Will she be alright?"

"It's hard to answer that. Since Spike couldn't even keep her protected from you, AJ."

"What about Spike? What happened to him?"

"He's dead," Those two words struck Applejack to the core, and she felt her legs giving away. Having lost their will to stand.

"No, no," Applejack cried. "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!"


Rarity was running through a dark forest, covered in thick, sharp vines. The mists were rising, all around her, but that doesn't stop Rarity from running.

"Help!" a little filly's voice cried out.

"Where are you?" Rarity shouted, as she continues to gallop, determined to save he filly, and to escape the shadow that chases after her. Rarity made a sharp turn around a tree, and slid to a stop, "Sweetie Belle!"

"Help me, Rarity!" Sweetie Belle cried.

Rarity quickens her trot, as she ran for her little sister, lighting up her horn's aura as she did so. However, just before she could even get close enough to pick Sweetie up in her aura, blue flames burst out from the ground, between Rarity and Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle screamed in horror, as a demonic alicorn with a wide grin, showed her rows of razor sharp fangs.

"Go to sleep, little one!" Nightmare Moon cackled, before she levitated a dagger.

With a blur, Sweetie Belle's scream came to an abrupt silence, "SWEETIE BEEEEEEEELLLLLEEEEEE!!!" Rarity screamed in pure horror.

Spike Draco

Spike was enjoying himself, as he relaxes in the comforting lap of his mother, who lovingly stroke his head. Spike felt himself at peace, when suddenly his ears perked up to the sound of screaming.

Spike's eyes bolted wide open, and he looked, but sees no pony. He tries to relax again, but he hears the screaming again, but louder.

"What troubles you my son?" Princess Celestia asked.

"I thought I heard someone in trouble!" Spike replied. "I should go and check it out," Spike got up and was about to walk away, when his mother grabbed him by the hand, and held him back down.

"No, Spike!" Celestia said. "Don't leave. Not yet. Stay. Rest."

"But if someone's in trouble, then I have to help them!" Spike replied.

"If someone's in trouble, let Twilight and the others handle it," Celestia replied. "Let us savor this moment. Just the two of us."

"Well if Twilight and the others can handle it, then who am I to get in the way?" Spike complied, as he laid his head back down in his mother's lap to rest. 'Although, if they ever needed help, then I should at least be there for them,' he thought. Then, his ears perked up, when he hears the screams again, only more louder, and more dreadful. "Hang on, girls! I'm coming!"

"SPIKE!! NO!!" Celestia screamed, in a scary tone. Desperate, Princess Celestia's horn ignited in a dark aura, and a wall formed in front of Spike, stopping the Dragon Prince in his track.

Spike turned around to face his 'mother.' "WHO ARE YOU?!!" He demanded.

"Spike!" 'Celestia' began sternly. "You should know better than to talk to your mother in that tone!"

"Well, you're not my mother!" Spike snarled. "The mother I know and loved, imposter!" With an angry shout, Princess Celestia's eyes pulse with darkness, and she shot a bolt of magic at Spike. Spike rolled to the side, dodging the attack.

"How dare you speak to your mother that way!" Celestia snarled. "I knew I shouldn't have been so soft on you! Now, I'm afraid you're gonna have to be punished for this!" With a glow of her eyes, Celestia enveloped Spike in a fiery aura, that burned Spike's skins slightly. Spike screamed in agony, as he struggles to break free, while feeling as if he's being burned alive.

As Spike continues to scream in agony, he felt something stirring inside of him. It made his heart thump rapidly, almost as if it had been contained for so long, and it was finally getting a chance to break free. With that, in a great burst of flame, and a loud roar, a fiery dragon emerged from Spike and knocked Princess Celestia to the side.

Celestia got up, only with half of her face burned off, revealing a patch of dark skins beneath.

Spike was breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath. He looked up in time, to see Princess Celestia's appearance melting away, to reveal that of Nightmare Moon. With an angry neigh, Nightmare Moon lunged in to attack Spike, only for the fiery dragon to slither in between the demonic alicorn, and the boy. The dragon charged towards Nightmare Moon, slashing its claws viciously at her, followed by a whip of its tail. Nightmare Moon lunged at the dragon, only for it to disappear in a flash of fire, before it reappeared, wrapping its coils around the alicorn, and slammed her repeatedly into the ground.

Nightmare Moon was done for the count, as the dragon flew back to Spike, enters through his mouth. Spike groaned, as it felt like a ball of fire was forced down his throat, and the burning sensation on his skin was felt once more. Before long, Spike's whole body was enveloped in a flash of light.


"Your little resistance is futile, Queen Gwyneira!" Nightmare Smooze snarled. "You will fall!"

"You'll have to catch me first, Moony!" Neira spatted, while surfing on the monster's slimes, with an ice board she made, all the while firing back several ice arrows at Nightmare Smooze, and her smoky nightmares, all giving chase.

Meanwhile, the rest of the heroes were on the mountaintop, with Princess Celestia, whom Princess Cadence was able to rescue.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Twinkleshine asked.

"Did the Outcast ever triumphed over Starswirl the Bearded?" Moondancer asked rhetorically. "Besides, this has to work! For the sake of the world!"

Moondancer carefully placed the Breezies on top of the Sun Stone, before she took her place, with Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Princess Celestia, and Fleur taking their place, around the stone.

"Let's do this!" With that, the chosen magic users all fired their magic into the stone, channeling their energy. While doing so, the Breezies started to feel rejuvenated.

"My.....head," an aquamarine breezie with pink mane and tail spoke. "I'm feeling.....better!"

"Keep going!" Moondancer groaned.

Nightmare Smooze, who was busy chasing Neira, suddenly felt a disturbance in the air, turned her head to see what the heroes were doing in the mountains. Narrowing her eyes, she manipulated some nearby storm clouds to attack, only for them to be deflected by a shield spell, courtesy of Princess Cadence.

"Uh oh," Thorax moaned. "I thin she's onto us!"

"What's your first clue?" Sugarcoat asked. "The storm clouds firing lightning bolts at us, or the way she turned her head in our direction?"

"That! And we've got some angry Shadowbolts, hovering over us!" Indigo shouted, to reveal Somnambula, Abacus Cinch, and several more Shadowbolts, on dark clouds, floating overhead.

"So this is where you girls have gone off to!" Somnambula hissed. "No matter! You girls will pay dearly for your betrayal, for none of you will be leaving alive!" With a wave of her staff, Somnambula fired a bolt of lightning that was strong enough to leave a dent in Cadence's shield.

Abacus Cinch got out a small metal ball, which she used to pierce a hole in Cadence's shield. With that, Somnambula fired a bolt of lightning through the hole. The bolt would've struck the heroes, had a hand not captured the bolt in time, and threw it back at Somnambula.

"Did you forget about me?" a familiar voice asked. "Big mistake, you know!" the voice reveals itself to be Discord, and the boys.

"Discord?!" Somnambula exclaimed. "You dared to defy us?!!"

"Oh no, I don't defy anyone," Discord replied. "See, this was the plan the whole time. I'm really, a double agent!"


"That's right! I'm Double Agent Captain Goodguy!" With that, Discord spun around as he dons up a secret agent slash superhero costume.

"We are number one!" Snips and Snails sang.

Then, before the boys knew it, they were surrounded in a red aura, as they were levitated up to Somnambula.

"Then today's my lucky day!" Somnambula began. "Six traitors for the price of one!" With that, Somnambula's stuff pulsed, as she absorbs an aura of dark magic from Discord, Snips, and Snails, with her staff. The dark magic converted itself back into a huge cloak, while Discord and the boys dropped to the ground, reverted back to the way they were.

"I should've known you were behind this!" Somnambula snarled, glaring at the man in fedora.

"You always have been the careless one, Somnambula," the man spoke. "All of that optimism you've held, regarding to hope has clearly made you the blinded fool. If I had known better, the pink annoyance bears a strong resemblance to you the most."

"You will pay dearly for your defiance, Joe!" With a crack of thunder, Somnambula fired a bolt of lightning at the man, now revealed to be Joe.

Spike, opened his eyes, as he turned to the left, then to the right. But he was only greeted with the pitch black of darkness, “Where am I?” He asked himself.

"You're in the Smooze, of course!" a chirpy voice answered.

"BWAH!!" Spike shouted in startled. "Who said that?!" He asks, while struggling to assume a fighting stance.

"Me! Over here!" the voice answered, to which Spike turned to see nothing. "Oh, right, you can't see me, of course," Without warning, an aura of light suddenly lit up, banishing the surrounding darkness away, allowing Spike to see the speaker.

Author's Note:

Most of these nightmares are based off of some MLP Creepypasta fics, games, comics, and the official IDW MLP Comic issue 6.

Twilight's Nightmare - From Comic issue 6, and mixed together with Samurai Jack's trauma.
Fluttershy's Nightmare - Based off of Flutter Island 2.
Rainbow'S Nightmare - Decker Jone's infamous Cupcakes.
Pinkie Pie's Nightmare - Lost Memories (Click at your own risk)
Applejack's Nightmare - Stephen King, MagpiePony, TheLostNarrator, and so many horror fanatics I can find.
Rarity's Nightmare - I don't have to type this out.

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