• Published 11th Jan 2017
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Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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Armor of Heroes Part 2: Legend of the Armor

Author's Note:

Dangerous: This chapter contains a classic comedy reference, mixed together with immeasurable heartbreaking cuteness. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!

You've been warned!

Somewhere in Equestria

In a huge temple, a ceremony was taking place. Some tribal ponies were chanting, as they prepared a sacrifice, in front of a huge stone idol, to appease their gods, when a treasure hunter intruded the place.

This was no ordinary treasure hunter. She is a pegasus, known as Daring Do. In appearance, Daring Do looked almost like Rainbow Dash, with the obvious exception of her coat, mane, and cutie mark, which are colored gold and dark shades of grey, respectively, and the cutie mark resembling a compass. For attires, she wore a pith helmet, with exactly twenty arrow holes, a green cargo shirt, and a light brown tan saddlebag.

While remaining unseen, Daring Do spreads her wings, as she slowly glides down, behind the idol, with the intention of claiming one thing: a huge two handled sword, that rested within the idle's hands. All was going according to plan, until Daring Do landed behind the statue, and accidentally knocked its head off. Daring Do quickly head behind the statue, before the tribes noticed her, as they exclaimed in bewilderment upon seeing their god, missing his head. With little choice, Daring Do stuck her head up, pretending to be the head.

The tribes noticed, as Daring Do started to speak in a foreign language, convincing the tribes that she's their god. Well, most of them anyway, since their shaman wasn't fooled. The shaman saw through Daring Do's guise, as he investigated behind the statue, and alerted his tribesmen. With that, Daring Do kicked him away, as she pulls out her whip, used it to snatch the sword, caught it in her mouth by the handle, and flapped her wings, frantically making her escape.

Unfortunately for her, one of the tribes threw a spear that scratched one of her wings, causing her to crash land back in the ruins. With that, Daring Do was forced to fight off the tribes, hoof to hoof, before she bucked her legs into a wall, causing one of the shields to be knocked lose. With it, she rolled behind it, while remaining protected from the projectiles being thrown at her, until she reached the exit, changes into anthro form, giving her hands, as she climbs up, through an open window, and made a tremendous leap across a deep chasm, barely reaching the other end. However, our adventurous hero was far from safe, since she was ambushed by more of the tribal ponies, all pointing spears at her. Thinking fast, Daring Do reached into her saddlebag, and threw the tribes a can of soda.

"C'mon, it's delicious," Daring Do smiled, while taking another one out. "See?" she asked, opening the can, courtesy of a small lever, and drank the bubbling liquid content, within. The tribal ponies did the same, only instead of a delicious beverage, what they got was far more surprising, in the form of hissing, yellow smokes.

With that, Daring Do got away, escaping through a long hallway, picked up a shield, used it to slide her way down, before she flew out through a window, and landed outside, and makes her escape, with the sword in her mouth.


"Yes, my little pet!" the dark figure sneered, as she watched through the enchanted water within her cauldron. "Go! Strike fear into the hearts of the little ponies! Give them reasons to fear a demon sorceress, such as I!"

Just then, the door bursts open, "MASTER!!" two figures, one short and the other tall, shouted, startling the former.

"You insolent bumbles!" the figure, growled. "How many times have I told you not to interrupt me, when I'm ranting?"

"But master!" the tall one began. "We have good news!" With that, she received a bonk on the head.

"What did I say about good news?!" the dark figure growled.

"I mean bad news...." the tall one groaned.

"TOO LATE!!" the dark figure roared. "Now I feel a song coming up!"

"Oh no," the short one began. "Here we go again."

"Now that that's over," the dark figure began. "What do you bumblers have that should be of interest?"

"Well, you see," the short one walked over, as she whispered into her master's ears.

"What? Really? Where?" the master began, before she received her answer. "Excellent!" the evil figure cackled. "Excellent! Quickly! Ready my flying machine! We must get it before they do!"

"Yes, master!" the two figures saluted, before they ran out the door, only to get stuck.

"I came out of retirement for this?" the dark figure asked the readers.


Spike, and the girls, both ventured through the Everfree Forest, investigating the early report of a giant spider, from Button Mash.

While investigating, Spike struck up conversation with Fleur, who was clad in her armor, "I'm sorry our quest was kinda put on hold Fleur," Spike apologized, sensing disappointment from the girl.

"No need to apologize Spike," Fleur replied, glumly. "After all, duty calls. No?"

"No," Spike replied, before he stammered, "I mean yes. I mean, duty calls. But not for long, right?"

"Oui," Fleur replied. "Besides, we do have a lead."

Early That Morning

Spike and Fleur were in the library, with Sunset Shimmer, Lyra Heartstrings, and Bon Bon, discussing over the topic of Fleur's missing parents, and the Shadowbolts.

"I'm sorry Fleur," Bon Bon apologized, while looking through some files. "We've done our best, but we just couldn't find anything on the whereabouts of Lady Amalthea, or Sir Lir," Lyra shook her head, in agreement with Bon Bon.

"But there's got to be at least something we can use!" Spike replied, while looking through the files. "There's got to be at least a clue or something you girls may have overlooked," Spike then looked up to Sunset Shimmer. "Wait! Sunset! You can read minds! Did you by chance find anything from the Shadowbolts' minds about Fleur's folks?"

"Sorry Spike," Sunset replied sadly. "I wished I had, but even I couldn't find anything on those two. All I know is that informations regarding to the whereabouts of Sir Lir, and Lady Amalthea are concurred with the Shadowbolts' Elites."

"And who are the elites?" Spike asked.

"Well, Somnambula is one of them, obviously," Sunset replied. "Then there's Abacus Cinch, and some others. Unfortunately, even I couldn't find anything from them. Not directly, that is. They aren't called the elites for nothing, without mastering mind block."

"Darn!" Spike groaned, as he face palmed in frustration.

"It's okay, mon ami," Fleur comforted the boy. "You tried."

"But we can't give up!" Spike replied. "I promised I'd help you find your parents Fleur. And I intend on keeping that promise!"

"And how do you plan on doing that?" Sunset asked. "It's not like you can just sniff Fleur, and pick up Sir Lir, or Lady Amalthea's scent right away!"

"Did some pony say, Lir?" a voice asked.

The friends turned their heads, to see Starlight Glimmer, standing in the doorway.

"Starlight?" the group asked.

"Sorry," Starlight apologized. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I thought I heard you guys mentioned Lir and Amalthea, and I got curious."

"We're trying to look for them, Starlight," Spike explained. "And I don't suppose a former Shadowbolt like you would know anything. Do you?"

"Well, actually," Starlight began, as she walked into the room. After a deep breath, the unicorn began, "I don't know where Fleur's parents are exactly. But I do know why, 'we' took them in the first place."

"I know why," Spike replied. "The Shadowbolts believed that Fleur had some gifts that were passed down from her mother, and it made Shadowbolts like Somnambula believed she was a threat."

"No," Starlight shook her head. "There's more than that! It has something to do with the Armor of Heroes!"

This got the whole group interested, "The Armor of Heroes?" Sunset asked. "As in the Armor of Heroes?" Starlight nodded in reply, as Sunset continues, "But, I thought it was just an old filly's tale."

"Apparently, the Shadowbolts have reasons to think otherwise," Starlight replied.

"What is this Armor of Heroes?" Spike asked, earning some shocked look from the ponies in the room. "Why are you girls looking at me like I'm crazy?"

"Sorry," Bon Bon replied. "It's just that, the Armor of Heroes, is one of Equestria's legendary relic, next to the Elements of Harmony. And hearing you say you've never heard of it, no offense, it's kinda....unheard of."

"Well, I may have heard the name," Spike replied, before he turned to Starlight. "So, care to fill me in one what it is exactly?"

Starlight Glimmer nodded her head, as she explains, "Long ago, when Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were still little fillies growing, dark forces have ruled Equestria, spreading fear, chaos, and hatred across the land. The only thing, standing in between these dark forces, and total world domination was a group of heroes, led by a powerful unicorn wizard, named Starswirls the Bearded. As the legend would say, Starswirls and his team of heroes eventually defeated these dark forces. Since then, many of the heroes' armors and weapons would pass down, through generations, which brings us to present time. Only six pieces of the armor now remains."

"But what does all of this have to do with Fleur's parents?" Spike asked.

"By chance, do you remember the story of their heroics?" Starlight asked.


"Then I'm pretty sure you remember the piece of armor Prince Lir used to aid, Lady Amalthea in their final battle against King Haggard, the ape king?"

"He used something called the Chestplate of Valor," Spike recalled. "Didn't really helped much, since he got run over by the red bull anyway." Then, Spike had an epiphany.

"That's right," Starlight replied. "He had only one piece of the Armor. And because of that, the Shadowbolts believed he was descended from one of the heroes, and knew the whereabouts of the other pieces," Starlight then turned to Fleur. "I'll bet you anything, they took your parents, in hopes of finding the other pieces."

"But why?" Fleur asked. "What would they want with the armor?"

"I'd like to know that too," Sunset voiced her opinion, "Hence it's name, I don't think the armor is the type to be fallen in the hooves of evil."

"Well, they say that the armor carries great magic within it," Starlight answered. "Great magics, from Starswirls himself. And the Shadowbolts believed that if they can get all six pieces of the armor, and destroy them all at once, then they would obtain great powers from Starswirls himself."

"Then we better find all of those pieces first!" Spike declared. "If it isn't too late already. And hopefully, they could lead us to your parents Fleur."

"Oui," Fleur answered. "But where do we start?"

Before the group could have a chance to ponder on their options, a bloodcurdling scream from Button Mash was heard, outside of the castle walls.

Present Day

"As soon as we get this over," Spike replied to Fleur. "The sooner we'll get back to looking for those pieces, and your parents."


"Hey guys!" Pinkie jumpscared the two, resulting in Spike comically jumping into Fleur's arms, as a dog, who changed in anthro form, out of frightened impulse. "What are you two talking about?"

"Pinkie!" Spike frantically breathe, as he got down from Fleur's arms, and changed back in human form. "Don't do that! You almost gave us a-"

"LOOK OUT!" Fleur shouted, as she shoved the two down, just as a giant, spindly leg came crashing down to the ground, and almost got the three.

The friends looked up, to see a giant black wolf spider, roughly bigger than an elephant, with two big red eyes, a line of four smaller eyes beneath, and an eye on each sides of its head, large blood red pincers, repeatedly snapping at the friends.

"Fluttershy?" Twilight asked. "What kind of spider is that?"

Reaching into her saddlebags, pulling out a book from her professor, Fluttershy quickly skims through the pages, "Oh my!" Fluttershy yelped, upon finding the spider. "It's an acromantula! And according to this, it-YIPE!" Fluttershy jumped, just as a tree nearly fell over her.

The spider let out a bloodcurdling scream, before it lunged forward, snapping its pincers.

Spike, Pinkie, and Fleur, quickly ducked down in time, just as the pincers flew overhead, and chopped one of the trees.

"Whoa!" Spike exclaimed. "This spider means business!" With that, the boy changes into his dragon form, as he lets out an explosive fireball at the spider.

The fireball exploded upon, impact, but it didn't do much to stop the spider, as it continues swat its legs out at the dragon, who immediately took flight. The spider, surprisingly, made a tremendous leap, jumping from trees to trees, trying in vain to catch the young dragon, with its pincers, and palp.

"Looks like Shelob's cousin here too can jump good!" Spike commented, as he continues to flap his wings.

"Hey Aragog!" Pinkie called, as she takes out her party cannon. "EAT SPRINKLES!" With that, Pinkie fired the sprinkles, all which exploded upon impact.

The spider stumbled backward, as Twilight charged towards it, "Arania exumai!" Twilight shouted, casting a beam of magic, that blasted the spider a few feet away.

The spider landed on its back, before it turned itself back up, and let out an angry shrill.

"Yikes!" Pinkie shrieked. "Now he's really mad!"

"Let's take this varmint out for a rodeo!" Applejack said, as she charged forward, and thrusted her legs out, smacking the spider in the face. Before the spider could make another move, Rainbow Dash flew in, with a thundercloud, kicked it, shocking the spider. In retaliation, the spider jumped in the air, grabbed the pegasus by the leg.

"OW!" Rainbow groaned, as she was dragged back to the ground, as the spider held the struggling girl down to the ground.

"DASHIE!" Pinkie screamed, as she threw more sprinkles at the spider, exploding in puffs of purple smokes.

The spider suddenly shot a string of sticky webs at Pinkie Pie, snaring the pony to a tree. Rainbow quickly changes into her anthro form, as she quickly kicked the spider off of her. After landing on a tree, the spider was about to jump after the girls again, when Spike breathed fire at the spider's abdomen, causing it to jump, yelping in pain. Turning its eyes, the spider shot another string of web at Spike, making a direct hit to his face, blinding him.

"Ew!" Spike groaned. "Now I know how flies must feel." The spider soon jumped at the blinded dragon, and was on top of him, had Spike's senses of hearing and smell located the spider, enabling him to dodge the attack. After landing on another tree, the spider jumped after Spike again, only for it to be knocked away, by the fiery entrance of Peewee.

The phoenix turned to the dragon, before it landed on top of his head, and started to peck the webs away.

"Careful Peewee!" Spike said, almost getting one of his eyes poked. Just then, the spider jumped off a tree, shooting a string of web at Spike's tail, before he dragged the dragon back to the ground. Spike landed, on his feet, as he grabbed the web, and spins the spider around, before it loses its grip, and was flung away, where the girls all piled on top of it.

"Now Fluttershy!" Rainbow called. "Your saddle bags!"

"Uh, right," Fluttershy said, as she pulls a string on her saddle bag, causing a vortex to come out, as it sucks the giant spider into her bags.

"Phew," Spike panted, just as Peewee finished taking the last string of web off his face. "Glad that's over." Suddenly, the angry spider broke free from Fluttershy's saddlebag, screaming even more angry. "Or not," Spike whimpered, as he turned himself into a dog. The spider swiped its legs out at Spike, who quickly jumped out of the way, and ran off, yipping in fear, with the spider right on his tail. "RUN AWAY!" he barked.

"SPIKE!" the girls called out to the dog.

Spike kept on running, with the spider right behind him, before it chased him into the ruins of an ancient castle. After running through several halls, Spike tip-toed out of a suit of armor he hid in.

"I think I've lost him," he said to himself. "AAAAHHH!!" Spike screamed, as the spider appeared before him.

Spike once more broke into another frantic run, as he tries to escape from the hungry spider.

"Spike?" Fluttershy called out. "Where are you?"

"Over here!" Spike barked, as he ran towards the girl, who quickly caught him, in a loving embrace, just as the spider arrived, when suddenly, Fluttershy lets out a lethal whimper.

The arachnid peril, was no more. The quest for the Armor of Heroes could continue.

Few Hours later

"Aye me!" Zecora exclaimed. "Is that an acromantula I see?"

"Yup," Sunset answered. "A dead one too."

"Dear Sunset, how did you managed to kill without fret?"

"Oh, it wasn't me," Sunset answered. "It was Spike and the girls, who did the work," Sunset lets out an amused chuckle. "Though, mostly it was Fluttershy who did the whole thing." Zecora pondered, as she examined the spider corpse, before she took out an empty flask. "Um, what are you doing Zecora?"

"I see before me, a once in a lifetime opportunity," the zebra answered, as she unplugged the flask, and started to milk some poisons from the spider's pincers. "Acromantula poisons hold great value for both potions and bits. But if I were not quick, a waste it becomes in a swift."

On the Outskirts of Ponyville

"Ah, Ponyville," the hooded figure said, before she turns to her companion. "C'mon, let's go and say hello, to the Dragon Prince."

New York

In the middle of a nearly upside down Times Square, sleeping on a wrecked car, was Discord himself.

"Draconequus!" a voice rang in his head. "This is your master! The all-powerful, Nightmare Moon! Listen closely, this is what you must do. You will go to Equestria. There you will go to...."

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