• Published 11th Jan 2017
  • 17,227 Views, 792 Comments

Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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Crouching Tiger (Cat), Hidden Dragon (Dog)

One day in Ponyville, Spike was strolling through the streets, with the girls, and boys.

"It's lovely that you can come over today, Spike!" Rarity smiled.

"Ponyville's not the same without ya," Applejack added.

"I'll say!" Pinkie bounced. "It's just like all those boring and dreary days we've had to suffer for ten years, when you were gone!"

"I know," Spike replied. 'I saw it,' He recalled, having seen the griefs the girls had gone through, in his absence. "And in truth girls, it's even lonelier for me, without you girls." The girls couldn't help but smile at the last statement their dragon friend said.

"Well ain't this a cat's meow?" a voice spoke, before a figure steps out from the shadows.

In appearance, the figure is a tan anthropomorphic cat, with darker patches of fur on his face, ears, paws, the end of his long fluffy tail, lighter tuft of fur on his chest, neatly groomed bangs of indigo hairs hanging over his piercing green eyes. His only attire was a long red coat, with a few patches, gold buttons on his collar, and wore a long black cape with a top hat.

"Well, look who the cat drags in," Spike spoke. "Himself."

"Well, well, who let the dog out, I wonder?" the cat replied.

The two, soon, were having a stare off, before they both broke in a fit of laughter and hugged, exchanging pats on the back.

"Spike, amigo!" the cat smiled. "So good to see you again, my friend!"

"Feeling's mutual, Capper!" Spike grinned.

Everyone else looked as if they were missing something.

"You two know each other?" Twilight asked.

"Oh yeah!" Spike replied. "Guys, this is Capper! He and I go way back! Believe it or not, he's this swanky aristo cat guy I once met back in Panthera, Abyssinia!"

"And I'm actually where Spike gets all his 'charms' for the ladies from," the cat smirked. "No one does charming like I do. Capper's the name, charming's my game." The cat said, with a bow, while taking his hat off.

"Oh please," Rarity scoffed. "No one's more charming than Spikey-Wikey."

"Hmm," Capper went up to Rarity, checking her out. "You must be, Rarity. I guess my friend Spike was onto something, when he says you are a diamond in the sky. Such a dazzling beauty, befitting, for a lady," the cat gentleman complimented, finishing with a kiss to her hoof.

Spike couldn't help but scowl in envy, while Rarity couldn't help but giggle in response, "My goodness. You are quite the gentleman." Rarity blushed.

"And a scoundrel, at that," Fleur spoke, when she made herself known.

"Hey, Flare Heart!" Capper greeted. "Oh, wait a minute now, your name's not really Flare Heart, and you're not a colt." Fleur remained stone faced. "Now, now, Flare. I know we haven't talked since-"

"You sold me out to that crime boss in Klugetown!" Fleur replied bitterly.

"Okay, I admit, I'm guilty for that part," Capper replied. "But I did tip Verko off to the guards to save you, as an apology."

"Apology not accepted," Fleur grumbled.

"Um, what was that about?" Spike asked.

"Oh a lot of stuffs have happened while you were gone, Spike," Capper said, looking uneasily away. "Needless to say, I've done some times."

"Times? For what?"

"Oh just the usual crimes, for a simple con artist, like myself," Capper began. "The usual pickpockets for money, food, trying to make ends with my debts...."

"And selling ponies out to some naked mole rat," Fleur scowled.

"You really know how to hold a grudge, don't you?" Capper asked.

"How'd you end up like that, Capper?" Spike asked. "You weren't some petty crook, as far as I know."

"You're right, Spike. I'm not," Capper frowned. "But all of that changed when...when..."

"When what?" Spike asked.

"When the Storm King happened," Capper answered.

"The Storm King?" The friends all asked, in bewilderment.

"Um, never heard of him," Rainbow replied.

"Do you?" Capper asked. "Funny. He always did like to make a big drama of himself. But still, right after Spike here left for Earth, the Storm King, and his whole armada of storm creatures attacked our city. And long sad story short, our city was gone."

"Oh, that's awful!" Fluttershy whimpered.

"Oh, trust me, it ain't half the story for me," Capper frowned. "Me and Chummer were one of the lucky few to escape the Storm King's wrath. We ended up in Klugetown, where we used our wits to make ends meet. Eventually, we attracted the attention of Klugetown's crime boss, Verko. Having scraped enough money, Chummer and I were able to buy ourselves an airship from the rat, and we were about to leave behind the life of crimes, if Chummer hadn't bailed out on me, and left me behind in Klugetown, in order to retain his life of a thief."

Capper clenched his fist, still irked at his former friend's betrayal, "But the last laugh's on him, since not only did he leaved me behind, but he just so happened to bring with him the Misfortune Malachite."

"Misfortune Malachite?" Spike asked.

"The Misfortune Malachite," Capper repeated. "One of the most dangerous and powerful of all dark artifacts. While it possess considerable strength, it does, however, brings a curse on those who possess it. We're talking more than nine lives of bad luck, and misery."

"Yikes, sorry I asked," Spike grimaced. "So, what happened to Chummer when he left you?"

"I don't know," Capper replied. "And I honestly don't care. Because he's the last thing I want to think about." Deciding to change topic, Capper began, "So Spike. How've you been for the last ten years? And how is it that you're back?"

"Oh, well, have I got a story for you," Spike answered, as the gang made their way back to the Friendship Castle.

"Wait, wait, wait a minute!" Capper stopped. "You've got wings? You actually grew wings?!"

"See for yourself," Spike said, as he dragons up, revealing himself, with wings, horns, and whiskers.

"Wow, I'm actually digging this new look for ya," Capper mused. "Oh, and digging the caterpillar lips. If I didn't know any better, you're trying to impress a lady, or two."

"Yeah right," Spike replied. "Though, what makes you say that?"

"Well, usually, when a gentleman courts a lady without a mustache, he's just being modest. But when a gentleman courts a lady with a mustache, well that's usually a desperate move for an impression."

"Oh like you're one to talk. Charming's your game, and you got a whole set of whiskers!"

"What can I say? I'm a cool cat."

"So, Capper," Rarity began. "How long have you known, Spikey-Wikey?"

"Well, it was about some time ago, when we were kids," Capper began.


Young Spike was visiting Panthera, on an important business trip, together with his mother, Prince Blueblood, and Flare Heart, while Scorpan was left in charge of Equestria, alongside Princess Cadence. Upon arrival, the Equestrian royals were greeted by the Kings and Queens of the City.

"Greetings, Princess Celestia," The King greeted with a bow, a gesture which Celestia returned, followed by Spike and Blueblood. "You grace us with your presence."

"Well, I do have that effect on every pony back home," Blueblood smiled arrogantly, while holding his head high.

"Quiet, Blueblood!" Celesstia scolded, before she cleared her throat and regains her composure. "The pleasure is all mine, King Thomas and Queen Cleo. I am more than willing to answer your calls. Though you did say it is urgent, did you not?"

"Indeed it is, your majesty," King Thomas replied, gravely. "These past few days have been very troubling for us. What with news we've been getting from the south of the Storm King, and his armada, conquering other fallen kingdoms, and news of the hippogriff's disappearances. We've got to take action before they come here."

"I understand," Celestia nodded. "Then we haven't got a moment to lose." With that, Celestia and her fellow royals went to work.


Before the meeting could begin, however, Spike was denied entry, "What?" Spike exclaimed. "But I have to know!"

"This is no place for some.....child," The guards spoke sternly.

"I'm not a child!" Spike barked. "I'm Prince Spike. I'm the Dragon Prince. And I'm here with my mom! So let me in!"

"Spike, no!" Celestia said, before her gaze softens. "I'm afraid he's right. This is something far beyond your understandings."

"But mom," Spike tried to protest.

"Not buts," Celestia replied. "Just go and explore the city. Get to know a few cats, or two. And stay out of trouble."

Spike sighed in defeat, "Okay," He reluctantly complied.

"Hah, listen to mommy, Spike," Prince Blueblood sneered, smugly. "This is grown-ups' work. So only big ponies are allowed."

"And that goes double for you, nephew," Princess Celestia said sternly.

"What? WHAT?!!" Blueblood exclaimed. "Well, I never! Humph!" With a huff, Blueblood took his leave.

Both Celestia and Spike watched in annoyance as Blueblood walked away, acting all high and mighty.

"What am I going to do with that colt?" Celestia groaned.

Looking at his adopted mother's grief, Spike spoke up, "If it makes you happy. I'll still go and check out the city, mom!" Spike smiled.

Looking relived, Celestia smiled as she draped her wing over her son's shoulder, "Thank you, Spike," Celestia sighed. "The least I want you to do is to make some friends. Now go, and stay out of mischief."

Bowing his head in respect, Spike took his leave.

Spike was walking around the city, looking at all the buildings, as well as seeing some of the cat people who lived there.

"New in town?" A voice spoke, to which Spike looked up, to see a tan anthropomorphic cat, sitting in a tree. "I've never seen you around here before. Of course, we don't exactly get much visitors like you around these parts."

"I came here with my mom," Spike replied. "But she's at a meeting right now, and told me to just go and explore this place."

"All by yourself?" The cat asked, while peeling in apple, with his claws. "You're just a kid."

"I'm not just a kid! I'm Spike Draco! I'm the Dragon Prince! And I'm here with-"

"The Dragon Prince?!" The cat asked, as he jumped off from his perch, and landed perfectly before young Spike.

"Yeah! You got a problem with it?" Spike asked, getting into a fighting stance.

"No, no, no," The cat answered, waving his hands out in defense. "No problem at all. But forgive me for being blunt, or something.....but you don't exactly look like a dragon to be appropriately called, the 'Dragon Prince.'" The cat said, while making quote unquote signs with his paws.

"That's because I'm not in dragon form," As to prove his point, Spike was surrounded in a burst of green fire, before he appeared before the cat, in his dragon form. "See?"

"Oh, then I beg your pardon, young prince," The cat said, with a bow. "But I don't see dragons like you doing hocus-pocus like that. In fact, I hardly know anything about you dragon-types."

"It's okay, I get that a lot," Spike replied, before he turned himself back into a human. "Anyway, you can just call me Spike."

"Spike huh? Sounds like the name of a dog, but alright," The cat held his paw out. "I'm Capper, by the way."

"Pleasure to meet you, Capper," Spike answered, as he shook paws with the cat.

"So tell me, Spike," Capper began. "What brings you to our fair city?"

"I'm here with my mom on an important business trip about this Storm King crisis you guys have been having."

"Is she now?" Capper asked. "Who is she? Prince-Look out!" Capper shouted, as he shoved Spike to the side, just as a cart, pulled by some strange looking lion-like creatures, nearly ran them over.

"Whoa! Where's the fire?!" Capper called out to the driver.

"My tail if I don't deliver these crates on time!" The driver shouted, as he cracks a whip with his reigns, causing the lions to run faster in response.

Spike and Capper watched, as the cart made a sharp turn, around the corner, resulting one of the crates in the cart to fall out, and onto the road.

"Ooh, looks like he's going to get fired anyway, punctual or not," Capper winced, with Spike nodding his head in agreement.

"Well then, let's just take it, and return it to them," Spike suggested, before his nose twitched, as he caught scent of something that smelled both sharp and tangy, "Phew, what the heck are they carrying in this thing?" Spike cringed.

Capper took a whiff, "Ew," Capper winced, as he holds his paws over his nose. "Whoever they are, they either need to get their nostrils fixed, or their orders of catnips has expired."

Spike shook his head in discomfort, "Let's just get this thing back, and get it over with," He said.

"Be my guest," Capper spoke. "Though, if you don't mind, I'll go first. If we're gonna return any lost valuables to anyone, you're gonna need my sense of navigation through Panthera."

"Sure," Spike grumbled. 'And as a plus, you're just volunteering so you don't have to do the heavy work.'

And so, the two boys set off, following the trails of the cart from before.

It felt like hours, mostly for Spike, but at last, the two boys made it to the outskirts of Panthera, where they saw the cart, parked outside a large warehouse.

"That looks like our cart," Capper observed, before he took the crate from Spike. "Alright, I'll take it from here."

Young Spike looked at Capper, suspicious, "Geez, why now?" He asked. "Why not sooner, before my arms felt like they're going to fall off?"

"Well, the thing is, you never asked," Capper replied. "Besides, I don't think the cat won't take it too well, if they see one of their lost valuables was in the hands of some foreigner."

"Humph," Spike fumed.

Capper was on his way to the door of the warehouse, when he looked up in the window, and spotted someone.

"No! It can't be!" Capper gasped, dropping the crate, emitting a loud thud.

"What was that?!" A voice called, followed by several more, and the sound of footsteps.

Capper quickly dived into a bush, as Spike started to walk over, "No! Don't move!" Capper whispered.

"Why?" Spike asked.

Capper shushed, as he beckoned Spike to hide, "Be quiet! Keep your voice down!"

Reluctant, Spike complied as he hide in a bush, as he and Capper watched several tall, muscular anthropomorphic leopards arriving on the scene. The leopard men all scanned their surroundings, before they noticed the box.

"What's this?" One of the leopard man asked, examining the crate.

"Oh! There it is!" A nimble-looking, anthro black cat appeared, breathing a sigh of relief as he got to the crate. "I thought for certain I was-"

"What is going on here?!" A loud booming voice yowled.

Both the black cat, and leopard men instantly turned their attention to the source, as another anthro cat stepped out from the warehouse.

In appearance, the cat is female, with dark brown fur, a vanilla patch of fur around her muzzle, piercing green eyes, and a long flaming orange hair that gave her the appearance of a lion. For attires, she was dressed in a long red dress, with fluffy purple furs at the bottom, collar, and sleeves, gold studded belt around the waist, and matching bracelets around the wrists.

The black cat trembled as he spoke, "We had a slight problem, Countess." The Countess raised an eyebrow, while glowering over the cat, "One of the crate was missing. But we've found it! It must've fallen out, on the way here. But rest assured, your ladyship, the content is all here, and accounted for."

To prove it, the cat opened up the crate, to reveal a pile of plants. In appearance, they have bright-green stems and leaves and small, brightly colored and attractive flowers.

Capper looked shocked at the plants, while the countess glowered, "Don't let it happen again!" She warned the frighten cat.

"Y-Y-Yes, ma'm," The cat whimpered. "I mean, no ma'm! I mean, I promise. It won't happen again."

"I'll hold you to your words, Butch," The countess threatened, before she pointed to the warehouse. "Now, unload and get to work!"

"Yes ma'm," Butch said, as he frightfully complied with the countess's orders.

Once the countess and the leopard men left, Spike got out from his hiding spot, as he went over to Capper, "Who was that?" Spike asked.

"Countess Catrina!" Capper scowled. "She's a real pain in the tail around these parts. She's more cruel to us, than she is to her servants. And there's nothing we can do about it, lest we risk facing dire consequences from the King and Queen, her oldest and dearest friends," Capper scratched his chin, "Still, something smells fishy around here. And I ain’t referring to you, Spike."

“Huh?” Spike lifted his arm up to smell himself, but failed.

“There’s definitely more to this, than just shipment of those witchweed plants. And I’m going to find out what it is,” Capper said, looking ready to sneak in.

"Hey, wait up!" Spike called, as he changed himself into a dog, and followed close behind.

Both boys were creeping through the shadows of the warehouse, rolling, ducking, and hiding behind the crates that are being stacked inside.

Both boys took notice of some crates being carried into the next room, and proceeded to follow, only to see ahead that the next room was guarded by two leopard men.

"Now what do we do?" Spike asked, to which Capper looked around, before he got an idea.

The leopard men were standing guard, bored out of their minds, when a mouse suddenly appeared before their eyes. Licking his chop, one of the guard pounced forward, chasing the rodent as it disappears behind a crate. The guard followed close behind, before the sound of crates breaking can be heard, followed by a grunt.

Confused, the other guard quickly went over to investigate, and could see his friend knocked out, and with a broken crate over his head.

"Hey, come on, Spot!" The leopard said to his knocked out comrade. "No lying down on the-" The leopard was interrupted, upon being karate chopped from behind, and was punched in the face, knocking him out cold.

"OW!!" Capper groaned, as he shakes his fist.

"I told you to go for the stomach," Spike said, as he and Capper started to carry the unconscious guards, and hid them behind some crates.

With that, the boys all made their way to the door, and they entered the room, to find that it was full of huge brewing machines, together with huge vats of strange chemicals of some sort.

Both boys had to hold their noses together with their fingers, repulsed at the foul stenches of the chemicals being brewed.

"Is it ready, yet?" Catrina's voice sounded, which the two boys followed.

"Yes, your ladyship," Another male voice spoke.

Spike and Capper both poked their heads out, from behind a wall, watching as something or someone drank a liquid from a small vial. Then, the boys watched in horror as the figure suddenly dropped to the ground, clutching their stomach, as if they're on the verge to lose their lunch. Then, the figure lets out a loud yowl, which the boys realized to their horror, that it was Catrina herself.

Catrina screamed in pain, as she held her paws out, with nails jutting out, longer and sharper. Her hair started to flow, as if they were being blown by an invisible wind. Her eyes becoming burning fireballs of green, and she started to grow taller, and emits a loud roar of a lion.

"Ah! The power!" Catrina said in satisfaction, with her eyes blazing fires. "Yes! The power to create!" She meowed, creating a thundercloud in her paws, "The power to change!" With a blast of magic, she transfigured a simple stool nearby into an expensive arm chair. "And my personal favorite, the power to destroy!" She yowled, spitting a small hairball, which exploded upon impact with a structure of the building, close to where Spike and Capper were hiding.

"Whoa, now that's some serious hairball she's spitting there!" Capper exclaimed.

Catrina arched her head up, howling in the air, when she started to shrink down, back to her normal size, and her demonic appearance disappeared.

"What?" Catrina exclaimed, as she looked at herself. "What's the meaning of this? What happened to my powers?"

"Your powers don't last long," A hooded figure replied. "They only last for every amount of potions you drink."

"Then give me more!!" Catrina yowled.

"No, m'lady," The figure denied. "I've warned you how dangerous the potion can be! It's unstable! If I give you more, it will destroy you!"

"Don't lecture me, old friend," Catrina growled.

Suddenly, Spike and Capper were grabbed from behind, and were presented before the countess, herself.

"What's this?!" Catrina exclaimed in bewilderment.

"It appears we have a couple of spies, your ladyship!" One of the leopard man thugs answered.

"Well, we can't have that. Can we?" Catrina glowered at the boys. "Dispose of them!"

"No!" The two boys shouted, as they struggled to escape.

"No, wait!" The hooded figure shouted, holding his hands out. "They're just kids!"

In response, Catrina held the hooded figure by the collar, "Don't you dare start to defy me!" She threatened. "I've come too far to let months of witchweed potion-making operations to be marred by the meddling of some children!"

"Catrina, please!!" The hooded figure said in frustration. "You're being irrational! You're not thinking straight!"

As the two argued, like an old married couple, the boys looked around, as they concoct a plan to escape. Remembering an escape tactic Scorpan had once taught him, Spike concentrated into his powers, and his mouth took the form of a dragon's jaw, which he quickly clamped down on the thug's arm, coupled with a burst of green fire.

"AAAUGGH!!" The thug screamed, as he released his hold on Spike, and the Dragon Prince quickly breathed a burst of green fire in the other thug's face, forcing them to release their hold on Capper.

Catrina and the hooded figure stopped their argument, as they turned their head to see what the ruckus was all about. Upon seeing Spike taking form of a dragon, they were more shocked.

"IT'S A DRAGON!!" Catrina exclaimed, before she was hit with a flaming fireball, that sent her off her feet.

"Catrina!" The hooded figure gasped, as he ran over to help her up, only to be ungratefully knocked to the side.

"Don't just stand there you fools! CATCH THEM!!!" Catrina ordered.

The leopard thugs all growled, as they aggressively pounced after the boys who split up. Most of the thugs ran after Spike, who scaled up some vats, with the leopards following. Once at the top, Spike was struggling not to fall of the rails, as the leopards closed in on him. Fortunately, he quickly remembered another training he had from Scorpan for a situation, such as this.

With that, he quickly took the leopard thugs by surprise, as he skillfully dodged their attacks, knocking them into the vat's content, while being careful not to fall in himself.

Capper, meanwhile, quickly ran through several stacks of barrels, with the thugs giving chase. Thinking fast, Capper pulled a peg loose, from a rail that kept some barrels from rolling. It wasn't long before the thugs were bombarded by an avalanche of barrels.

"You incompetent fools!" Catrina bellowed, before Spike suddenly appeared, and snatched a vial of potion next to her.

"I'll take that!" Spike said, before he made a jump for it, with the potion.

"NO!!!" Catrina yowled, as she failed to retrieve the potion. She watched, as Spike and Capper made their hasty escape through the door. "AFTER THEM!!" Catrina ordered, as the leopard thugs all got back up on their feet and gave chase, while the hooded figure suddenly changed into a huge pterodactyl as he flew after the boys.

Spike and Capper looked behind them to see they're being pursued.

"They're gaining on us!" Spike exclaimed.

"Not us!" Capper countered. "You! They want the potion!"

"Okay then, you take it!" Spike said, throwing the potion to Capper.

Soon, the thugs set their sights on Capper, who quickly tossed the potion back at Spike, who caught it, while avoiding the talons of the pterodactyl, as he tossed it back to Capper. Apparently, this became a whole new version of the game: Monkey in the Middle.

"Capper! Go long!" Spike shouted, as he tossed a final throw towards the cat.

"I got it, I got it!" Capper said, before he caught the potion, with the pterodactyl's talons locking its grip on it at the same time. "Now he got me!"

With a screech, the pterodactyl flapped its wings, preparing to fly away, "Let him go, ya flying turkey!" With a jump, followed by a kick, Spike launched himself off a wall, and flew in the air, and breathed fire on the bird, forcing it to release its grip on Capper, who fell into a wheelbarrow below. "You okay, Capper?" Spike asked.

"Sure, if you define okay for, serious back pain!" Capper groaned, before his eyes widened. "DINO-HAWK!!"

Spike looked behind him, and his eyes widened to see the pterodactyl and leopard men closing in for another kill. Without wasting another second, Spike started to push the wheelbarrow, carrying Capper within it. With the leopard thugs following close, the boys made a narrow escape, out of the warehouse, while the pterodactyl took to the sky.

Eventually, both Capper and Spike made it back to town. Unfortunately, they were cut off by the pterodactyl, who quickly dived in for the attack. Thinking fast, Spike made a sharp turn, and into an alley, leaving the pterodactyl to crash into one of the leopard thugs, while the others chased the boys.

Spike pushed the wheelbarrow down an alleyway, with Capper knocking on a side door, on the way.

"Who is it?" The occupant called, before they opened up the door's top-half, and slammed it straight into one of the thug's face.

Just then, a random siamese cat came walking out from the side, while carrying a large ladder. Thinking fast, Capper jumped over the ladder, and back into the wheelbarrow, just as Spike came out from under the ladder.

"Watch where ya going, ya fool!" The cat meowed.

"Same to you, pal!" Capper spatted back.

"Out of the way! Out of the way!" One of the thug cried, but too late. He crashed into the ladder, after the cat had inadvertently used it as a makeshift shield.

Spike and Capper were speeding down an alleyway, when Capper looked up ahead to see it goes downhill, and up to a ramp.

"AAAAAAHHHH!!!" Spike and Capper both speeded downhill, before they flew up on the ramp. "AAAAAHHHH!!!!! Both boys screamed, as they both jumped off the flying wheelbarrow, and onto the face of a clocktower, grabbing the hand that was pointing 12.

"Hey, are those two hooligans going to die?" An old cat asked the other.

"No, why?" The other old cat asked.

"Because it looks like their time is up!" With that, the two elderly cats burst out laughing.

Spike and Capper were holding on for dear life, when the clock strikes nine. With that, the bell in the tower rang nine time, emitting a loud thunderous noise.

Losing their grip, the boys plunged to the ground, and would've landed with a loud splat, had it not been for an umbrella roof that stood in between the boys and the ground. The boys bounced on the roof, and back up in the air.

With quick reflex, Capper was able to land on his feet, "Ta-da!" Capper hollered in triumphant, before Spike landed on him.

"Whoa, great catch, Capper!" Spike panted in relief. "Thanks."

"You're welcome," Capper groaned.

"What is going on here?" A guard asked, arriving on the scene.


"Wow, that's quite the adventure you guys had," Rainbow smiled.

"Yeah, and looking back on it, I guess that explains something for me," Spike said.

"Explains what, amigo?" Capper asked.

"Why I would often have a dream where I'm falling down, at the sound of a clocktower ringing," Spike answered, to which Capper nodded in acknowledgement.

"So then what happened?" Pinkie asked. "What did you boys do with the witchweed potion?"

"What about Countess Catrina?" Twilight asked. "What happened to her?"

"And is it true that Catrina's secretly a vampire? And that she would often take baths in witchweed potion to fuel her evil powers?" Pinkie asked.

"Well after escaped her goons, ya can just imagine how furious she was," Capper smirked. "She was so mad, ya can practically hear her screaming a mile away. We knew we couldn't simply rat her out to justice, considering her high influence as a countess, and the fact she would come after us. So here's what we did...."


Spike and Capper's backs were up against the walls, as they find themselves cornered, by the thugs.

"What do we do now?" Spike asked.

Capper looked at the young prince, incredulous, "You are a fire breathing dragon, right?" he asked.

"Oh yeah," Spike replied, blushing at having forgotten the obvious.

The leopards were advancing on the two, but stopped in bewilderment, when Capper stood before them, while holding Spike, like a gun.

"Say hello to my little friend!" With a cartoonish gesture, Capper cocked Spike, making clicking noises of a gun, before the dragon started breathing green flames at the leopards, roasting their faces, and buttocks. "Ha ha ha ha!" Capper laughed like a crazed maniac.

"Don't get too excited, Capper!" Spike muttered.

"Sorry," Capper said sheepishly. "It's just, I've never had this much fun in years!"

'For you perhaps,' Spike thought.

From her balcony, Catrina grabbed the hooded figure and threw him, "Stop them, Rex!"

With a spin of their cloak, the hooded figure changed into a huge tyrannosaurus rex.

"Stay still," Capper said to Spike. "His visions depends on movements."

"......That's only a myth," Rex said bluntly.

"Apparently, he can hear you talking to me," Spike said to the cat, before the boys made a run for their life.

"Don't make me do this boys!" Rex roared, while snapping his jaws repeatedly.

"Quick! Over there!" Spike pointed to a small corner in a nearby building, where they remained out of reach from the dinosaur's jaws, and arms.

"What's going on?" Catrina yelled. "Why aren't you grabbing them?"

"I've got a big head, and two little arms," Rex replied, before he turned himself into a deinonychus, and roared, "Game's over, boys!"

"Then let's play my new favorite game - GO FISH!!" With that, Capper held out Spike, who transfigured into a puffer fish.

With a large deflation, Spike spewed hot sauce into the dinosaur's eyes, blinding him, "AH!!!" Rex shook his head violently, before he turned himself back into his hooded figure form. "My eyes! AH!!!!"

"ARRRRGGH!!!" Catrina yowled in frustration, before she leapt off her perch. "I'll do it, myself!" With a gigantic leap, Catrina landed with a loud thud, before Capper and Spike, and knocked the boys to the side. "Give me my potion, and I'll make your demise quick and painless!"

"Y'know, you really need to work on your interrogation skills," Capper said to the countess. "Because, who would want to comply with your demands, if they know you're going to kill them later? Y'know what I'm saying?"

"ENOUGH!!!" Catrina roared, sounding like a tiger.

"Why do you even want the witchweed potion, anyway?" Spike asked. "Don't you know there's a strict regulations for these things? And it's illegal!"

"Sometimes, you have to make a small sacrifice for the greater goods!" Catrina replied. "Besides, the King and Queen will thank me later, once I saved us all from the Storm King's Armada with my witchweed potions."

"But you don't know how these things work!" Spike replied. "They're uncontrollable! And the effects are unpredictable!"

"Doesn't matter! I'm doing this to protect Panthera, and all of Abyssinia! And there's nothing you boys can do to stop me!"

"You're right," Capper replied. "But I'm sure the King and Queen would, along with Spike's mom, Princess Celestia."

"Well, it's my words, against yours."

"I don't think so," Spike smirked. "Hit it, Flare!"

With that, the unicorn guard played a magical recording of what Catrina had said, "Ooh, looks like it's your words against yours," Capper snarked. "It's called a hustle sweetheart. Boom!"

Before Catrina knew it, she was swarmed with guards, both of Panthera and Equestria.


"And that's how me and my buddy, Spike, defeated Countess Catrina," Capper smirked.

"Wow," Everyone, besides Fleur, gasped in admiration.

"That was AWESOME!!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"And smart," Twilight noted. "I never thought about taking a villain like that before."

"Well, we do make an awesome team, don't we?" Capper asked, specifically towards Spike and Fleur.

"Oh yeah, we do," Fleur grumbled. "Before one of us backstabbed the other!"

"Though next time, you can be the weapon, and I'll be the fighter," Spike said.

"So what happened to Countess Catrina?"


Despite calls for Catrina's execution, the countess was banished from the city forever.

"Very well," Catrina glowered. "But understand this. What I did, I did for Abyssinia and its people. Mark my words, when the Storm King comes, you'll be sorry!"

In response, King Thomas pointed Catrina away, who begrudgingly complied, together with her thugs, and Rex.


"Wow, that's kinda harsh," Applejack spoke honestly.

"Well if you ask me, she should be grateful that we let her live," Capper spoke. "Besides, it was her crazy idea to even consider using witchweed potions to begin with."

"Tell me about it!" Twilight slammed her hoof. "I mean, what kind of megalomaniac would even consider resorting to powerful dark magics?! They're insane!" In response, Sunset and Starlight both cleared their throats, while holding up their hooves with the Shadowbolts mark, "Oh, no offense!"

Rolling their eyes, Sunset and Starlight frowned, "None taken."

"Well I for one think it's good that you two got straightened out," Spike said, as he walked over and placed his hands on both former bad girls' shoulders, reassuringly. "Without you, we'd never have won the fight, and still have this beautiful day today."

Sunset and Starlight looked at Spike, feeling touched by his words, "Aw, thanks Spike," Starlight smiled, as she hugged Spike. "It's nice of you to stand up for us."

"You're just too sweet," Sunset joined in. 'Why would we ever want to hurt a soul like you?' She thought.

"Hey!" Rainbow barked. "Reformed or not, you don't get to hold Spike close!"

"Yeah! That's my job!" Pinkie pounced.

"No, I do a better job!" Rainbow spatted.

"Y'all are a bunch of crazy filly!" Applejack said, as she lunged in.

"Um, can we please, settle down?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh, what a bunch of immature-" Twilight was cut off, when she was hit by flying cupcake. "Oh, so that's how it is, huh?"

Soon, the girls all attacked, as they fought over Spike, who was struggling to escape. He couldn't even sneak his way out, without triggering Fluttershy's puppy love.

Fleur couldn't help but giggle, while Capper scratched his chin in amusement, "Interesting," He said.

Later, Spike and Capper were out, sitting on a wall, while gazing up at the moon.

“Wow, such a beautiful night,” Capper said. “Your auntie Luna really knows her night, doesn’t she?”

“She certainly did,” Spike agreed. “Where’ve you been during the whole Shadowbolt’s fiasco with Nightmare Smooze is the real question.”

Capper chuckled, before he explains, “Let’s just say that I was taking care of some business with the Cerulean Hunters and my old friend, Verko.”

Capper was about to leave the bar until he runs into a green furred Griffin armed with a crossbow.

"Going somewhere Capper?" The griffin asked, pointing his crossbow at the feline.

"Yes Greedo, as a matter of fact I was just about to see the big mole himself," Capper replied calmly as he was forced to sit back down with the griffin, now known as Greedo, sat at the other end of the table, "Tell Verko that I've got his money."

"It's too late," The griffin said, "You should have paid the boss while you had the chance. He's put a price on you're head so big, bounty hunters on both worlds will be looking for you." Greedo chuckled, "Luckily I found you first before bigshots like Bloodshot or Tempest Shadow did." He finished.

"Yeah but this time I got the money." Capper said, playing it cool slowly reaching for the back pocket of his jacket.

"If you give it to me, I might forget that I found you." Greedo said, not entirely convinced of the words coming out of the Abyssinian's mouth.

"I don't have with me at the moment," Capper said, while slowly pulling out what looks like a revolver out from his back pocket, the handgun looks different from the other revolvers as it's white with blue trimmings, has a longer barrel that reads Lola on it, has 10 chambers instead of the usual 6 or 8, and has a certain logo of two dogs and an eagle on the hilt, "Tell Verko-"

"Verko's through with your crap Capper," Greedo interrupted, "He's got no time for failures who would give up important packages to the Cerulean Hunters."

"Even I have my limits okay. I like to see you try to outrun 4 divisions, a flock of Cerulean Vultures,anda pack of mech suit wearing fleabags! It was either give them the package, which whatever it was in there by the way, they werereallydetermined to get their mits on it, or get a one way ticket to the Crimson Citadel, or at the very least one of their holding facilities. You think I had that much of a choice?" Capper angrily asked.

"You can tell that to Verko when I take you to him." The green furred griffin replied.

"Over my dead body." Capper said narrowing his eyes.

"That's the idea," Greedo said smugly, "I've been looking forward to this for a long time." He finished, about ready to shoot his crossbow.

"Yeah I bet you have..."


Greedo, now lifeless, falls head first on the the table. Everyone in the bar jumped at the sound of gunfire but quickly returned to their routine.

"I knew keeping you was a good idea," Capper said to the gun, before blowing some smoke from the barrel and putting it back in his pocket. He then walks over to the dead griffin and takes a bag of bits, he then tosses it at the barkeep, "Sorry for the mess." He said in a casual tone as he takes his leave.


Spike looked at his cat friend, wide yes, and jaws agape, "Remind me to never get on your bad side," He said.

Capper chuckled, "Don't worry, D-Man," He winked. “You won't be seeing him anytime soon," He reassured. "But enough about me,” Capper began. “Tell me more about yourself. Words on the street says you’ve been quite the ladies’ man.”

Spike rolled his eyes, “Don’t believe everything you hear, Capper.”

“I don’t have to,” Capper smirked. “That display of affections I saw back there says it all.”

“Yeah, so?”

“So you’re either stepping up your games, or I must be contagious because you’re catching charming like it was a cold.”


“You really don’t let yourself enjoy these things, do you?”

“I enjoy! Sometimes. It’s just, don’t forget, I’ve been gone for ten years. I still have duties, and I’ve got so much work to make up for.”

“It’s not just work you need to make up. It’s the girls who are overdue for some bonding time with their favorite prince you know. They’re practically crying their hearts out for you, begging you to just sweep them off their feet, carry them off in style. And besides, after that whole fear plague y'all had to go through, then their prince in shining armor is just what the love doctor ordered.”

“Then, what do I do? Bear in mind, they’re all my friends, and I like each and every single one of them. It’s kinda hard to pick just one.”

“Who says you have to bond with only one?” Capper leapt off the wall and landed perfectly on his feet. “You can just pick the right time and place for a special outing for each of them. Or have them decide, whichever comes first. Think on that, my friend. Adios, amigo.”

A friend for life (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)

That's what you are to me (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)

A friend for life (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)

That's what you are to me (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)

I couldn't see what was

Right there in front of me

Turned my back

Got my mind off track


You saw a world that was

Something new entirely

Helped me to see

All the possibilities


Like a star in the day light

Or like a diamond at night

Your light was hidden

From my sight

A friend for life (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)

That's what you are to me (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)

A friend for life (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)

That's what you are to me (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)

Every friendship is tested

You say you're sincere

But it's all unclear now

But with a word

Everything changes

And just like that

You and I are right back


Like a star in the day light (Star in the day light)

Or like a diamond at night (Diamond at night)

Your light will shine

When the time is right

A friend for life (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)

That's what you are to me (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)

A friend for life (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)

That's what you are to me (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)

When I put my hand out

And I thought I would fall

You knew what I needed

And you came around

To fix it all

A friend for life (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)

That's what you are to me (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)

A friend for life (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)

That's what you are to me (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)

A friend for life (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)

That's what you are to me (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)


(Like a star in the day light)

A friend for life (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)

That's what you are to me (ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohh)

(Like a diamond at night)

Ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-ohhh

That's what you are to me

Author's Note:

Happy Chinese/Vietnamese New Year!

The clock tower stunt is a homage to another of Jackie Chan’s classic, Project A. And that stunt of Jackie's is a homage to Harold Lloyd's clock tower stunt in the classic Safety Last.

Oh, and Capper's scene with Greedo is a homage to Han Solo's scene with Greedo. Thank alphasteel for that.

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