• Published 11th Jan 2017
  • 17,227 Views, 792 Comments

Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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Spike and the Crystal Prep Shadows - Sunny Flare - Legend of the Shadowbolts and Mooncakes

It was a quiet Saturday morning on another cool fall day in New York City. Unfortunately, the calm loving atmosphere was soon disrupted by the piercing shriek of a certain snooty man, complaining of his current apartment's state.

"No, no, NO!!" The owner of the voice exclaimed, indignantly. "This is unacceptable! I will not stand for my GOOD lemons to be washed with every OTHER lowly commoners dirty laundries! I have said this time and time again! Wash in important waters ONLY!! I don't care if you have to run a pipe from this land called the Swiss Alps. Just do it, do it, DO IT!!" Blueblood shouted, before he took notice of some unwanted attentions. "What do you want?! Get out, get out, GET OUT!!!"

Sunny Flare gladly complied, "Hmph, who does that uncouth man think he is?" She huffed.

"That's Vladímir Blueblood," A passing resident answered. "He thinks he's the best guy around. But if you ask me, he's the worst."

"He's self-centered," Another resident muttered.

"He's rude."

"He's evil."

"He is indeed," Spike agreed, when he passed by, carrying boxes of pizza.

Sunny Flare smiled upon seeing the green haired boy she was looking for, "Spike, dearie!" Sunny greeted.

"Hey, Sunny Flare," Spike greeted her. "Just a moment," Spike walked up to a door, looking at the receipt to confirm the address.

The inhabitant, a man, answered the door, "The pizza's here!" He announced to his family before he exchanged some dollars for the boxes. "Keep the change," He said.

"Enjoy!" Spike replied, before he counted the money to be a total of $32, and placed it in his fanny pack. Spike turned to the left and was on his way down the stairs, with Sunny Flare following, "So, what's up, Sunny?" He asked.

"Spike, dearest," Sunny began. "I was wondering, if you're not too busy tomorrow, then by chance, would you be interested in a date with me?"

Spike frowned as he looked sadly at the girl, "Sorry, Sunny. I've already got plans with the guys tomorrow," He answered.

"Oh, that's okay," Sunny frowned, looking a little disappointed.

"How about this Friday? I’m free, after my shift from work then," Spike offered.

Sunny smiled brightly, nodding her head in agreement, "That sounds lovely," She nodded. "Um, maybe around 6 PM? At my place?"

"I'll be there," Spike grinned.

"Splendid!" Sunny smiled, embracing Spike in a hug, before she composed herself. "I mean, ahem. Friday it is then."

After a whole week of school was over, and another day of work, Spike was on his way to Sunny Flare's place. With his hair neatly combed back, wearing a white long sleeved jacket over a black t-shirt with a blazing green flame on the front, and long jean, together with a dash of cologne. He wanted to look his very best for Sunny Flare.

Speaking of whom, Sunny Flare walked out of the door of her building, and stood before Spike, dressed in a magenta jacket over a silky white top, with a lilac pink scarf around her neck, a dark purple frilly skirt with darker stockings underneath.

"Hi Sunny!" Spike greeted. "Looking good!"

Sunny smiled, "Thank you, Spike," She mused, as she walked down the stairs to meet him. "You're looking sharp there, dearest."

"Thanks," Spike held a hand out. "Shall we?"

Sunny nodded as she took ahold of his hand and they both walked off together, down the streets of New York, hand-in-hand.

"So, where do you want to go?" Spike asked.

Their first stop was at a Starbucks cafe, where they both sat down to have some cups of frappuccino.

"Mmm-mmm, that hits the spot," Spike said in satisfaction.

"Agreed," Sunny nodded, before she began, "So Spike, dearie. How've you been as of late?"

"I'm doing well. Why do you ask?"

“I’m just curious with the state of things, is all,” Sunny replied. “In case you forget, we haven’t exactly done anything social together since our recent adventure of returning young Princess Skystar to Seaquestria.”

“Right,” Spike nodded in acknowledgment. “So why now?” He asked.

“Well, if you must know,” Sunny twiddled her fingers before she answered, “Lemon Zest told us about your recent date together.”


“Mm-hmm. And I have to admit, she had the right idea, about getting to know you, properly, dear Spike. It’s the least we can do to make amends,” Sunny said quietly at the last part.

Spike nodded, “Of course,” He acknowledged.

There was an awkward silence between the two, before Spike decided to break the ice, “So, how are things at Crystal Prep? Lemon Zest told me how you, and the girls have teamed up with Twilight and her friends in raising the money to have a dance on a yacht. How did it go?"

"Oh, it was a success, dearie!” Sunny smiled. “We had a lot of fun with the making of the music video,” Sunny chuckled as she recalled in nostalgia. “I never thought we could actually do it, since admittedly, Twilight and her friends have the worst choreography ever. They were so out of sync, they would constantly fumble around the stage, and crash into each other.”

Sunny snickered, together with Spike who can just picture the scenario, “Of course, we’re no better than they are ourselves,” Sunny composed herself.

“What do you mean?” Spike asked.

“You see, Spike. We both have some strengths and weaknesses. While your friends, the Rainbooms, as they’ve recently called themselves, what they lack in choreography, they make up with creative thinking. Something which the girls and I don’t have. All the more reason why we have decided to band together and create our music video.”

Spike smiled, “And without a doubt, you girls have won the prize money,” He said.

Sunny Flare smiled and nodded, “We sure did,” The elegant girl frowned sadly, “I just wished we had been friends more from the start,” She sighed. “Because then, I’m sure none of our conflicts would ever happen.”

Curiosity piqued, Spike asked, “Speaking of which,” He began. “I remember some bad bloods between you and Twilight. Just asking, what could Twilight have done to make you hate her so much?”

Sunny took a deep breath before she hesitantly answered, “It’s kinda complicated. I don’t know why I was so...antagonistic towards Twilight. Maybe it’s because back then, I was such a...a prima donna,” Sunny admitted shamefully. “I just like the attention I was receiving from the school building. All of it regarding to my talents, my lady-like elegance, and most of all, my beauty. To me, it felt great, because I thought I had friends then, and everyone who admired me were my friends.”

“That’ not exactly how friendship works, Sunny,” Spike commented.

“I know,” Sunny frowned in shame. “I learned that when...when Twilight came. The Princess of Friendship, herself,” Sunny recalled. “Back then, she was posing herself under the cover name as ‘Melody Ravenclaw.’ And when I first met her, she was helping a student up, before she started to scold me for treating my classmates that way. And of course, I scolded back at her for telling me otherwise. But before I knew, everyone I had ever dominated turned against me and sided with Twilight.”

A tear escaped from Sunny’s eyes as she whimpered, “I was humiliated. And I deserved it,” She berated. “But I was just so angry then, I didn’t know what to think. And next thing I knew, I was approached by Abacus Cinch and some figures in black, who took me to Nightmare Moon....and you know the rest,” Sunny concluded, looking even more shameful.

Spike was silent for a moment, before he shook his head in disbelief, “That’s it?” He asked. “All of that hate over some petty argument, just like that?”

“It’s ridiculous. I know,” Sunny sighed, before she got up and started to walk away.

“Hey, where are you going?” Spike asked, getting up to follow the girl.

“Isn’t obvious?” Sunny turned to Spike. “The date’s off.”

The young dragon shook his head in disbelief, “But why?”

“You know why. Because I was so horrible! For a long time, I’ve been telling myself that Twilight was no good at friendship, but that's not true. I wasn’t. I was terrible at friendship. She's the one who knows how to reach out and be brave and friendly. She truly deserves the title as Princess of Friendship..” Sunny turned to Spike, and spoke solemnly. “That’s why you’re wasting your time with me. I don't deserve friendship. And most of all....I don't deserve you...”

Spike shook his head, as he walked past Sunny. Sunny winced, preparing to hear the sound of the door being opened and slammed shut. But it never came.

“Y’know, Sunny. I’m kinda disappointed in you right now,” Spike said. “After all those times when you and the Shadowbolts have helped me and my friends, I thought for sure you wanted to join our friendship circle. And yet, here you are, giving up so easily? That ain’t like you.”

Sunny turned her head to face Spike, “What do you know about me, aside from what I’ve told you?”

Spike explained, “When we first fought, I thought I saw a girl who was a fighter. A fighter who wasn’t going to quit so easy in a fight.”

“Well, a fight and a date are two different things, Spike. What do you expect me to do?”

“Do exactly like what Twilight would do. Be brave and friendly and outgoing,” Spike repeated. “You said it yourself. You’re terrible at friendship. So maybe it’s time for us to change that. And it can start with us, together on this date.”

“I don’t know, dearie.”

“Why not?”

“This date didn’t exactly start off as well as I had hoped,” She sighed.

“Well the date’s still young, so let’s give friendship another try for us,” Spike said, walking up to Sunny Flare and asked. “Now then, where do you like to go?” He asked to a stunned Sunny Flare. “Let me show you how the real magic of friendship begins,” He offered his hand out for the girl to take.

Reluctant at first, Sunny took Spike by the hand.

As she had requested, their next stop was at a mall. Spike and Sunny Flare were jumping from stores to stores, browsing at all the different merchandises on sale, and buying whatever catches their attentions.

"Ooh! This one looks spectacle!" Sunny smiled, holding up a diamond necklace, marveling at how it glistened in the light. "What do you think, Spike?" She asked, turning to the green haired boy, who was looking at a display of glass sculptures.

"Huh?" Spike asked, looking in Sunny Flare's direction, noticing the necklace she was holding. "Oh yeah, it's beautiful," He quickly answered, before looking back at the small glass sculptures, with a few in particular catching his attention.

One was a glass figure of an orange blazing phoenix, with a pillar of flames at the base. Another was a beautiful star, coated in a multicolor of sparkles. It made him think of Twilight and the girls. Turning to the left, Spike noticed the figure of an alicorn. At first, Spike could see his adopted mother in place of the small figurine, before it changes to his aunt luna, and lastly, Nightmare Moon.

Lastly, it doesn't exactly help that a glass figure of a fearsome snake sat next to the alicorn, which furthers the pain from the past. Spike didn't like to think back on it, too much. But the young prince experienced a painful flashback as it rushes back into his head, picturing the wicked serpent mark of the Shadowbolts, the dark lightning spell from Somnambula that made everything turn rapid white, following a combo of burning and pounding sensations that erupted in his head upon recalling the tragedy.

Spike hissed as he snaps back into reality, clutching the spot where the lightning had struck him. Somewhere, in his spiky locks, his fingers traced over the large rough surface of a scab that was formed over the wound, 'How long has that been there?' He asked himself in his thought.

"Spike?" Spike snapped back to reality as he turns to Sunny Flare, looking at him with concern. "Are you alright, dearie?"

Unsure at first, Spike took a few deep breaths to calm himself, before he composed and hesitantly answered, "I'm fine, Sunny," Spike answered. "Just a little, dazed. That's all."

Sunny Flare wasn't buying it at first. Looking at the glass figurines that started his troubles, Sunny silently got the message and decided not to question any further. It still amazed her that even after their previous attempt on Spike's life, the young dragon was still willing to give her a second chance for redemption and amendment. Of course, it doesn't change the hardship the dragon and his friends had gone through, following the tragedy that tore them apart, with the Shadowbolts held responsible.

"Hey Spike!" A familiar voice called out to him, which reveals itself to be Snips and Snails running up to him and Sunny.

"Yo, Snips! Snails!" Spike greeted the two boys. "What's up? Out girl hunting again, I presume?"

"You know us too well, Spike," Snails replied, while Spike rolled his eyes at the obvious fact.

"And do I dare ask, how that goes?"

"Like you had to ask," Snips frowned, before he and Snails ogled their eyes on Sunny. "Whoa! Who is this beautiful babe with you?"

"This is Sunny Flare," Spike introduced the girl. "Sunny, I'm pretty sure you know Snips and Snails."

"What?" Sunny asked, along with Snips and Snails, sharing equal confusions. "I don't believe I know them, dearie."

"Dearie?!" The two goofy boys asked.

"Well then, I guess that means it's all water under the bridge for these two vandals for ya."

"Huh? Vandals? What are you-" Sunny's eyes widened as she begins to have an epiphany. "Wait, I remember you two!" Sunny scowled. "You're those hooligans who kept trespassing on our school grounds! Aren't you?"

"What?" Snips and Snails asked, holding their hands up in defense.

"Hey, wait a minute," Snails began. "We don't even know you! So what did we ever do to you?"

"Though, come to think of it," Snips began. "You do look familiar. You kinda looked like this girl who....uh oh," Snips moaned, realizing he and Snails were in hot waters.

The two frightened boys looked up to see Sunny Flare's former lady-like poise melting away, in place of a face with an expression of furious rage that's scary beyond all reasons. Even Sour Sweet would never be this angry. Or would she?

"Uh, easy there, cutie," Snips whimpered, as he and Snails slowly backed away. "It's all fun and game until one of us gets hurt."

As a desperate attempt, Snails pulled out a pair of Groucho glasses, "You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses, would you?" He asked desperately.

In response, Sunny took the glasses off, and snapped them into two, "Yeah, I guess she would," Snips whimpered.


The two boys quickly collapsed, out cold, courtesy of Spike, having snuck up behind them, undetected, and literally struck a nerve. Nerve point to be exact.

“Sorry boys,” Spike apologized. “But it’s for your own good.”

“Spike?” Sunny gasped. “Dearie, what-“

“Nothing. I just struck some pressure points. That’s all,” Spike shrugged. “Don’t worry, they’re fine. They’ll wake up in about five minutes. Give or take.” Seeing the look of shock still plastered on Sunny’s face, Spike cleared his throat before he began, “So...shall we continue with our date then?”

Snapping out of her daze, Sunny stammered, "I um, o-of course," Sunny then looked up at Spike with a demanding expression, "But pray tell, care to explain who you know these two hooligans?"

"Heh heh, funny story," Spike chuckled.


“So you see, they're paid to do all those crazy shenanigans," Spike explained. "They’re like soldiers for hire by Rumble’s big bro, Thunderlane. And whenever they get into trouble, the Knights and I would always have to come to their rescue.”

"Oh really?" Sunny asked, crossing her arms together and raising an eyebrow.

"Hey, don't look at me! You're the ones who defaced our Wondercolt statue to gloat, so it ain't entirely my fault that one of our schoolmate desired bitter payback for something like this," Spike justified his statement.

"Oh I can relate, dearie," Sunny replied. "I actually have a fair share in a thing or two about school pranks. But two peeping toms? That's just crossing the line!"

"You're right," Spike sighed. "We kinda realized that too late. And I'm surprised with what? Over 9,000 escapes? They're still at it," Spike shook his head in shame for the two boys in question. "But still, they're not all that bad once you get to know 'em. Snips can really give us an awesome hair cut, and Snails's a natural when it comes to soccer. Put him as the goalie, and nothing ever gets past him."

"Uh huh," Sunny Flare noted.

"Anyway, let's not have those two jokers spoiling our fun," Spike said, trying to steer the topic away. "It's not exactly like we're competing in another big game or anything. So, why the tensions and bad blood? Am I right, or am I right?"

Sunny shrugged, finding no reason to argue with it, "I suppose."

Relieved, he started to ask, "So, where do you want to go next?"

Sunny pondered for a moment, before she looked and spotted a nearby costume store, where they browsed through all the costumes that are on display, ranging from a variety of masks worn at masquerade balls to some cosplay costumes of well known TV, movie, video game, and Anime/Manga characters.

"Hey Spike!" A voice greeted, to which the two turned to see a tall scarecrow.

"BWAH!!" Spike screamed in surprise, along with Sunny Flare. "Thorax! What are you doing here?"

"Uh, I work here, of course," Thorax answered with a chuckle. "So, what brings you to New York Costume-AH!" The changeling in human disguise screamed, upon seeing Sunny Flare.

"Whoa, whoa, take it easy, Thor!" Spike calmed the changeling. "It's okay! She's with me. She's on our side now, remember?"

"I remember," Thorax replied, while giving Sunny the stink eyes. "But I still don't trust her."

"Why not?"

"Are you kidding me, Spike? In case you forgot, again, two reasons. One: She's a Shadowbolt. And two: She tried to kill you once!"

Sunny looked down in shame, "You're right, Thorax. And yes, I'll admit, there are times where I can't fully put my faith in her, yet," Spike began. "But I'm still giving her the benefit of the doubt for three reasons. One: She's turned over a new leaf, like the others. Two: She and the other girls did help me out in a jam once, before aunt Luna returned. And three: Because she deserved a second chance," Sunny couldn't help but smile in admiration at Spike's kind words.

"Well...." Thorax scratched his chin, before he shrugged, "Alright. Have it your way, Spike. I just hope you know what you're doing," Thorax then turned to Sunny, pulling his mask away to reveal his snarling changeling face, bearing fangs and fork tongue and all, "One false move, shadow girl, and so help me...."

Though initially frightened, Sunny calmly reassured, "Now, now, dearie. No need for that," Thorax continued to walk away, while making a v sign with his gloves, over his eyes and traced them back to Sunny Flare, who looked even more sadden than before.

Spike wrapped his arms around her in comfort, "Give'em some times, Sunny," Spike began. "Everyone around here will get to like you more."

"I hope so," Sunny sighed, before she looked down at Spike and asked, "Do you really mean it?"

"Mean what?"

"That I deserved a second chance?"

"Well, sure, I mean, mom's already giving aunt Luna another chance for redemption, so it's only fair that I'd do the same. Though it depends on how far you would go to earn my forgiveness and everything, y'know?"

Sunny looked away, blushing for a moment, before she looked back and smiled, "Of course, dearie," She said, as she walked over and pulled Spike in close for a hug. "And I won't stop until we have regained that honor," She cooed. "Thank you for believing in us, Spike."

Spike was blushing up a storm from how close Sunny was holding him, and the feel of her hands stroking his hair, affectionately, 'I don't know what's worse,' He began mentally. 'A Shadowbolt assassin, or a Shadowbolt killing me with affection.'

Spike and Sunny later resumed their fun, as they tried on different costumes, before they came back out to show them off to each other.

"Hadouken!" Spike shouted, jumping out in a Ryu cosplay.

"やった(Yatta)!" Sunny screamed, jumping out as Chun-Li.

"Oh!" Spike feigned defeat, as he collapsed to the floor, "You win!" He groaned, much to Sunny's amusement.

Later, they both appeared, dressed up as a king and a queen, pirates, ninjas, Han Solo and Princess Leia, Annakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala, Robin and Starfire, etc.

"Plagg, claws out!" Spike shouted, as he appeared in a black jumpsuit, complete with a long belt, and a cat's mask and ears.

"Tikki, spots on!" Sunny joined in, while appearing in a red jumpsuit, coated in black spots, with a matching mask.

"Your super heroic days ends today," A sinister voice filled the air, as Thorax appears before the two, dressed in a dark purple dress shirt with a black butterfly-shaped lapel, a brooch of the same butterfly on the center of the collar, and black dress pants. Over the majority of his face and neck, he wears a silver mask.

"Wow, cool voice impression, Thorax," Spike complimented.

"It's all changeling for ya," Thorax smiled, feeling proud of himself.

Getting back to their fun, Spike came out, dressed in a red jacket, blue cargo shorts, and grey shoes, while rapping, "From the J to the A to the K to the E, I'm the back daddy dragon of the NYC, ya heard?"

In a puff of smoke, Sunny Flare appeared, wearing a ninja-like uniform that was green with black ballet flats around the waist, with matching paddings along the chest and shoulders, gloves, and boots, "Prepare to be slain, dragon!" She spoke in an intimidating tone.

"Aww, man!"

After they had their fun, the two were walking through Central Park, enjoying the tranquility of the nightly setting, after the sun had set over the horizon, "Wow, sure is pretty, isn't it?" He asked.

"Indeed," Sunny agreed, before she turned to Spike. "Say, dearest? What do you think of this new costume of mine?" With a puff of smoke, Sunny Flare stood before Spike, wearing a navy blue sailor uniform. Her shirt is a crop top with mid-length sleeves that bares her midriff. Her sailor-style collar with red stripes is tied by a multicolored scarf, with the left half that resembles a red eye with yellow sclera, while the right half appears to be an eyepatch with an X-shaped scratch over it. Her skirt is held up by suspenders attached to a belt. To further change her appearance, Sunny wore a black scruffy wig with red highlights, and blue eye contacts.

Spike whistled, "Looking good, Sunny," He commented. "Kinda cute, and yet bad ass at the same time. Pardon my language."

"I'm flattered," Sunny grinned, before she looked at him with half-lidded eyes, "But what do you think now?" With another smoke bomb in hand, Sunny made a quick change in costume, before she stood before Spike, in a rather skimpy version of the costume from before.

"Whoa!" Spike exclaimed, blushing a storm, nearly losing control of himself as when almost changed into a fish. "That's a lot of skin, Sunny," He blushed, while trying not to look.

Sunny couldn't help but giggle at Spike's embarrassment, if not, her own, "That never stopped this girl from fighting to her death, in spite of her embarrassment, now has it, Spike?" She asked.

Still looking away, Spike asked, "Depends. Any reason why she's dressed like that?"

"Oh, probably a price for her to pay for the powers she needed to fight for a good cause," Sunny chuckled. "That, and she would easily slay you, seeing how you're helpless in her presence," The girl teased.

Irked, Spike's blush faded away, as he looked at Sunny Flare, steeling his eyes into reptilian pupils, "Oh yeah?" He grinned, as he lunged towards Sunny, only for the elegant girl to gracefully dodge his attack and pinned him to the ground.

"Wow, Spike. If I had known you were this helpless, I would've captured you a long time ago!" Sunny laughed.

"Oh yeah?" Spike grinned, as he pounced on Sunny Flare, and they both rolled around in the grass, laughing before they got up and walked away, after Sunny changed back into her normal attires again.

"So, where would you like to go now, dearest?" Sunny asked.

Spike pondered, when he looked up at the full moon in the night sky, "Oh! I almost forgot!" Spike shouted upon realization. "The Mid-Autumn festival!"

"Mid-Autumn festival?" Sunny asked.

"Yeah. They're hosting it in Chinatown," Spike replied. "I was supposed to be down there to get some moon cakes for aunt Luna and her children."

"Well then, by all means, let's go!"


Spike and Sunny were later walking down in the said town, where they watched a series of lion dances being performed in the street, decorated with colorful paper lanterns and banners.

"Wow," Sunny marveled, clasping her hands together. "This is so....beautiful!"

"It sure is," Spike agreed, before directing her attention up to the full moon. "Of course, the main attraction for tonight is the moon itself."

Sunny looked up, and marveled at the beauty of the full moon, "Marvelous."

Spike nodded in agreement, before he sighed, "I'm sure Aunt Luna would've loved this. She would have a blast with the Chinese." He said, while picturing how content and happy Princess Luna would be, surrounded by the Chinese folks, laughing and having a good time, while accepting tributes to the moon and its princess. Curious, Spike turned to Sunny and ask, "Speaking of Aunt Luna. How have things been for you and the rest of the Shadowbolts, now that you're all good and all that?"

Sunny Flare scratched the back of her head as she began, "Well...."

Following the heroes' triumphant victory, in which they finally freed Princess Luna and reformed the Shadowbolts, one of the first acts of redemption the Shadowbolts committed was to turn over all of the outposts, where they hold all of the treasures they've hoarded over the years along with all the weapons they have stored, in Equestria, and Earth, to the royal armies. Furthermore, Somnambula had severed all ties with the Vermin Cartel, run by Verko and his family, one of the five biggest criminal organizations in the magical underworld.

And yet, despite all of these changes made for a brighter future, there have been numerous reports of attacks on these outposts. The northern outposts were reported to be under siege by several swarms of insect-like creatures, such as the Changelings, and two more that are called the Hornets, and Myrmidons. Meanwhile, the southern outposts were reported to be invaded by a fleet of airships, led by the Storm King.

Furthermore, there have also been reports on Earth, about a squadron of Shadowbolts were being attacked by a mysterious group called the House of Meta. Lyra and Bon Bon are currently looking into this group. There have also been reports of Shadowbolts being captured and taken to a place called the Crimson Citadel.


"Ouch," Spike grimaced. "Sounds like you Shadowbolts still got it rough, aren't you?"

"I'm afraid it's worse than that, dearie," Sunny explained. "Even after your victory over us, which reformed Princess Luna, and a majority of us, there are still a fraction of the Shadowbolts that are still at large. Namely, the Nightmares and Hydia."

"The Nightmares?" Spike asked. "Uh, are those smoky creatures that we've had to dealt with on the moon?"

"Yes," Sunny Flare confirmed with a nod of her head. "After repairs were done in the wake of Nightmare Smooze's wrath, we have lost contact with the Nightmares, along with their leader, Shadowfright. And by Princess Luna's command, we continue to search for them. Furthermore, Hydia and her daughters are still at large." Something else crossed her mind and she felt now would be a good time to tell him, "Spike, there's something else you should know."

"And what's that?" He asked, curious on what she has to say.

Sunny took a deep breath before she continued, "Years ago, before you even came to Equestria, there was a big split amongst the Shadowbolts. We are still hunting these heretics even to this very day."

Spike was a little shocked by this, "Whoa. So...if you don't mind me asking, what exactly caused this split?"

"Times were changing and many Shadowbolts felt they should do the same." Sunny began, "However, the elites at the time were afraid of change and any Shadowbolt who brought this up with them got shot down and ridiculed. Many of them grew increasingly frustrated with the elite's stubborness and began to plot and scheme amongst each other. Eventually, they decided to break away from us."

"Well that's kinda the elites fault for not listening their underlings better. And knowing Somnambula at the time, she probably didn't took it very well." Spike stated.

"She didn't, she had the heretics hunted down. But all they found were severed hands, hooves, and claws that bared the Shadowbolt mark.

Spike eyes widened and his pupils shrinked to pinpricks.

"Yeah. I nearly lost my lunch when I heard that part for the first time."

Spike and Sunny walked into a bakery, where Spike was browsing through a shelf, looking at all the sweets, searching for some mooncakes, while listening to Sunny Flare's story, "Guess we're gonna have to be extra careful then, huh? Who knows. They could be watching us right now."

"Agreed," Sunny nodded, while assisting Spike in their search for mooncakes. "Though, what matters for the Shadowbolts and Princess Luna is that her children are safe."

"Yeah, children," Spike nodded, before another question came to mind. "So, how exactly are her children related to aunt Luna?"

"She adopted them," Sunny answered. "Just like how Princess Celestia adopted you, dearie. About thousands of years ago, they were-"

"Whoa, whoa, wait a minute!" Spike interrupted, in surprise. "They're over a thousand years old? But they looked so young!"

"It's just a simple non-aging spell," Sunny explained. "Another form of dark magic the Shadowbolts have practiced, from the archived spells of the Umbrums."


"We'll talk about them later," Getting back on topic, Sunny Flare resumed, "So about thousands of years ago, before Princess Luna became Nightmare Moon, she was sadden by the daily struggles of the ponies of Equestria, and was very heartbroken for the hardship the children had to endure. Therefore, she proposed to form a new colony where all the children could grow strong and happy, under her guidance. Unfortunately, Princess Celestia forbade it."

"Why would mom forbid it? What's wrong with aunt Luna helping out some little kids?"

"Equestria was still young and was very fragile back then. She was afraid that Luna's action would only make things worse, by dividing and shatter the weakened kingdom, forever."

Spike scoffed in disbelief, "That's ridiculous!"

"I know. But nevertheless, at her own risk, Princess Luna carried on with her plans, with the children whom she had rescued. That was also when we the Shadowbolts were founded. As far as I know about our history in Equestria, the Shadowbolts were guardians whom Princess Luna had tasked in protecting the children, with Somnambula as the second-in-command," Sunny Flare sighed as she continues, "I don't know what happened, or how it went, but needless to say, Princess Celestia confronted Princess Luna about her action, there was some tensions between them, which lead to Luna becoming Nightmare Moon, and the Shadowbolts being lead astray from their honorable purpose...and you know the rest."

Seeing the look of guilt and regret on Sunny's face, Spike resumed looking through the shelves, before he found what he came to Chinatown for, "Well, there's no time like the present for amendments, as Sunset and Starlight would always say. And it can start with these," Spike showed the package of mooncakes to Sunny Flare, before he was on his way to the counter to purchase them.

"What's so special about these mooncakes?" Sunny asked.

"It's all part of an age old Chinese traditions, dating back to the Zhou Dynasty," Spike explained, while paying for the cakes. "The moon cakes are the symbol of the Moon Festival - that's another name the Mid-Autumn Festival goes by. These cakes are round, just like the moon, and they symbolize the reunion of family. All the more reason why eating them under the full moon can evoke the longing for distant family relatives and friends. Other times, they're for wishing loved ones a happy long life."

"Fascinating," Sunny said in awe. "Mind if I have one?"

"Sure," Spike replied, opening a package and handing one for Sunny to take a bite. "So, how did it taste?"

Sunny opened her eyes, bedazzled, "It's so good!" She said, downing her whole cake.

Spike smiled for the girl, before they were on their way out of Chinatown.

Later, back at Spike's apartment, the two were busy gift wrapping the moon cakes in several boxes.

"Thanks again for helping me with the gift wraps, Sunny," Spike thanked the girl, while writing a letter. "I really appreciate this."

"Oh, please," Sunny began, while expertly working with a ribbon to wrap a beautiful bow around a box. "I'm the one who should be thanking you dearie, for this wonderful night. It's very kind of you for giving me another chance."

Spike shrugged, "Eh, I'd do the same for Sunset and Starlight," Spike winced, while clutching his head, at some unpleasant memories of Sunset. "But for now, I'm glad it's only you for tonight."

"Oh? Why's that?"

"I don't know. You seemed nice, fair, and not too scary, like Sour Sweet," He shuddered in fright at the thought of the crazy girl.

"Oh come now, dearest," Sunny began. "She's not all that bad, once you get to know her. Though, it'll take awhile for her to like you, considering you left a rather bad impression on her."

"Don't remind me," He grumbled, until they finished packing away all the mooncakes. "Well, let's go! We've got children to feed."

Sunny nodded in agreement, before she walked over and hugged Spike, "Thank you, dearie," She whispered lovingly, before she finished with a quick kiss to his cheek.

Spike's face turned red from the kiss, before he shook it away, "Zhù nǐ hé nǐ de jiārén zhōngqiū kuàilè!" He said.

"What?" Sunny chuckled.

"Chinese for 'wish you and your family a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!'" Spike explained.

"Oh! Wish you and your family a happy Mid-Autumn Festival too!" Sunny blushed.

After her night shift had ended, Princess Luna was ready to call it a day, when she noticed several large gift boxes, placed on her bed, each addressing to her children, "Oh, what's this?" Luna asked, levitating the box that has her name on it, opens it up to see it was full of moon cakes, along with a note that reads:

"Dear Aunt Luna,

Hàoyuè shǎnshuò, xīngguāng shǎnyào, zhōngqiū jiājié, měimǎn kuàilè!
A bright moon and stars twinkle and shine. Wishing you a merry Mid-Autumn Festival, bliss, and happiness.

Your Loving Nephew,


Touched by the loving words from her nephew, Luna smiled happily, before she took a bite from a single moon cake, savoring its sweet flavory texture within.


Prince Blueblood just woke up, before he noticed a mooncake on the table, together with a note.

"Huh, what's this?" He asked, reading the note:

"Dear cousin Vlad.

I wish that your career and life, just like the round moon on Mid-Autumn Day, be bright and perfect.




P.S. I still hate you."

"Hmph!" Blueblood huffed, tossing the note away. "Jealous reptile. And it's Prince Vladímir Blueblood to you!" Blueblood was about to take a bite, when he stopped momentarily, "Waaaaait a minute....." He scowled. "Oh no. Not this time! I've fallen for this trick one time too many to know it'll end up with me getting a face full of carnival fare fillings! Well I'm not eating this!" Blueblood simply tossed the mooncake to his little dog, Bunny, to chew on. "Cheers to your failed attempt, cousin!" Blueblood dons a smug grin, while drinking down a bottle of sparkling water..........with ghost pepper.


Author's Note:

1. Sunny Flare: 0
2. Indigo Zap: 0
3. Sugarcoat: 0
4. Sour Sweet: 0
5. Lemon Zest: 1

But before I continue, I'd like to ask, canonically, who is the leader of the Crystal Prep Shadowbolts?

In the book,Twilight's Sparkly Sleepover, Sunny Flare is depicted as the de facto leader. Which kinda gives us more debts to her character, considering how poised she is, how well mannered she is, compared to Rarity, but with a touch of arrogance. So she's kinda matured enough to be the leader.

But then we have Sour Sweet being depicted as the leader in the short, Dance Magic. It washeridea to steal the Rainboom's music video concept to begin with. And she's always been kind of scary, so it would surprise me if she just intimidated the rest of the Shadowbolts into going along with her crazy scheme.

Now I'm confused. Which one of them is therealleader of the CPA Shadowbolts?

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