• Published 11th Jan 2017
  • 17,227 Views, 792 Comments

Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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Help from the Shadows Part 2: The Cursed Life of Sunset Shimmer

After what felt like hours, Spike and Sunset continued to face failure.

"I've told you many times already," Sunset groaned. "Control your emotions. Discipline the mind! Again!" With that, Sunset repeated her spell, and like before, the outcome was still the same.

Zecora and Peewee in the meantime watched in anxiety.

"Stop it!" Spike growled in frustrations. "We've been at it for hours! If I could just rest-"

Rolling her eyes and shaking her head in frustrations, Sunset magically forced Spike back to the floor, "The Shadowbolts aren't resting! Every seconds pass, they're out there, searching for you. And they're not going to stop, until they find you and have your powers! Until then, you're better off staying here, than out there."

"But I can't be here forever!" Spike proclaimed. "I've got a life!"

"And it will be over, sooner than you'd think. If you can't improve, then you might as well kiss any chances of going back to Equestria good-bye then. And that goes double with seeing Princess Celestia again."

Spike's eyes widen, his pupils becoming slits as he recalls the sad look on his mother's face, when he and Scorpan left.

"So unless you want to go back to Equestria safe and sound and in the open wings of your dear mother, then do exactly as I said!" With that, Sunset once again blasted Spike with her spell, even more aggressively. And liked before, she succeeded in peering through Spike's minds.

"Sunset enough!" Zecora shouted, stopping Sunset. "Not so tough! Did I not warned you, about letting your anger flew the coup?"

Realizing what she was doing, Sunset's eyes began to water, "I-I-I-I'm sorry."

Zecora took a deep breath, before she said, "Perhaps it is best, for the three of us to take a rest."


Twilight, Pinkie, and Lyra followed the trail of scorch marks through Chinatown, which lead them into a firework factory.

"Judging from the warmth of this mark," Twilight analyzed. "I'd say our dragon is close."

"Here dragon!" Pinkie called out. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!"

"Pinkie!!" Twilight hissed, shushing the enthusiastic pony. "Keep your voice down! You're gonna get us killed!"

"I am?" Pinkie asked.

"We're trying to find the dragon," Twilight replied. "Before it finds us."

"We are?"

"Yes. So do us a favor it get serious! Remember, we're dealing with a dragon here!"

"Um, Twilight," Lyra whimpered. "I think, I've found our dragon!"

The girls looked and gasped.

Central Park Zoo

Fluttershy, Rarity, and Bon Bon succeeded in capturing the chimera and manticore in Fluttershy's backpack, leaving the bugbear left for capture.

The said creature was hovering nearby, following the scent of honeys, when Fluttershy came out, wearing a bee costume.

Remembering a lesson she learned from her professor, Fluttershy blew into a bear whistle, creating the sound of a bear's growl, catching the bugbear's attention. Turning its head in her direction, Fluttershy did several buzzing sounds, along with a few dances steps, and hip shakes, which further aroused the creature, much to Rarity and Bon Bon's bewilderments, as they watched from behind a tree. Soon, the creature was buzzing calmly, as Fluttershy quickly took out her backpack.

"That it's," she whispered. "Into the nice, safe, backpack you go."

However, just before the bugbear could get in, a piece of honey dripped from a hidden beehive and onto Bon Bon.

"Yuck," Bon Bon groaned. "What the-Oh, honey!" the girl exclaimed, which didn't go unheard.

The bugbear turned its attention to the girl, taking in the scent of the honey, mixed together with the girl's natural sweet scent of sweets.

"Oh dear," Fluttershy whimpered.

"Run," Rarity whispered.


Rainbow Dash and Applejack were still in their fight against the gremlins and griffon. One of the gremlins had hijacked a big truck, filled with gasoline, and tried to run the girls down, had Applejack not stopped it dead in its tracks. However, one of the gremlins took this as a chance to jump on Applejack from behind, covering her eyes, while another pulled on her by the hair.

"Get off of me!" Applejack growled, struggling to get the gremlins off.

One of the gremlins pulled her belt off her skirt. Holding one end, with the other end held by its comrade, the gremlins tripped the girl down on her back, before they all piled on top of her.

Rainbow Dash meanwhile, continued her tussle with the griffon. The two had taken their fight onto one of the nearby subway station, during which an upcoming subway was heading in their direction.

"Get off of me or die!" Rainbow growled, as the griffon jumped off, followed by Dash, just as the subway flew by. Once the train passed, the griffon pounced onto Rainbow Dash, who kicked it off with her leg, before she flew in and landed several punches and kicks to the creature. "You're finished!" With that, Rainbow Dash launched the griffon through several trees, before it passed out on the ground.

Rainbow Dash was about to regroup with Applejack, when she noticed something happening to the griffon. The dark clouds that surrounded it started to disappear, revealing its true form.

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened in shock, "Gilda?!" she exclaimed, as the griffon snapped her eyes open, revealing them to be red with hatred. "What?!" With a loud screech, Rainbow Dash was met with a punch to the nose, causing it to bleed, while being launched into the Bronx, landing on Applejack, knocking the gremlins off in the process.

"Dash?" Applejack groaned.

"Hey AJ," Dash replied, while covering her bloodied nose.

Both girls heard an angry screech, as Gilda came flying after them, at top speed.

Secret Place

Some times of silence have passed, since Zecora had given Spike and Sunset some spaces from each other. Peewee was sleeping, while Spike was sitting in the magic circle, trying to meditate, attempting to clear his mind. But the nightmare he had continues to plague him, out of his concentration.

"Your thinking needs to readjust," Zecora stated. "Total concentration is a must."

Spike sighed, "I'm sorry Zecora," he apologized. "I just can't seem to do it. Maybe I am better off just staying here."

"Do not be so dour," Zecora replied, patting the boy on the shoulder. "It is an immersive power. You can't expect to master the skill, just yet."

"I wonder how long it may be til then," Spike said, feeling more despondent.

"In time, you'll know," Zecora replied. "But first, there's the matter of helping Sunset quell her inferno."

Spike looked at another cave entrance, covered with leaf curtains.

"I don't know," Spike replied, uneasily. "The way she was acting with me, during our practice. I don't know if I should."

"Make amends with her," Zecora replied. "Like many others, no pony is more heartbroken than Sunset Shimmer."

Spike thought, before he reluctantly nodded his head. Getting up from the floor, he walked through the curtains, finding a despondent Sunset Shimmer, in pony form, and lying in a bed of leaves. This is actually the first time--at least in ten years--that Spike has seen Sunset as a pony. In appearance, Sunset is a unicorn, with the same mane style as a human, and matching tail, brilliant amber coat, and the same sun symbol as her cutie mark.

Deciding to make his presence known, Spike spoke lightly, "Sunset?"

"Hey Spike," Sunset replied, sadly.

He finally spoke, "Sunset. I'm sorry if I didn't meet your expectations. And I'm sorry that I couldn't-"

"No Spike," Sunset interrupted. "I'm the one who should be sorry. For everything."

"What do you mean?"

Sunset took a deep breath, and in a flash of fire, she turned herself back in human form, "I'm the reason you're here, and not Equestria. I'm the reason the Shadowbolts tried to attack you before. I'm also the reason why you're taken from your mother. All because I am, or was, a Shadowbolt."

With that, Sunset pulls down her right sleeve to reveal the symbol, on her wrist.

Spike could hardly believe his eyes, "Sunset, why?" Spike asked.

Closing her eyes; face etched with guilt, Sunset replied, "It's a long story. And like yours, it's not a happy one."

Spike took a seat before her, "I'm listening."

[Still Alive-Lisa Miskovsky]

"Unlike you or any other ponies, I don't have a family or friends as a little foal. I grew up in an orphanage, never knowing my parents, or what kind of ponies they are."

A young Sunset watches bitterly from behind a desk, as many orphaned fillies and colts all got adopted by the visiting mares and stallions. Sunset Shimmer went back to her bed, where she wrote some words in her only precious possession from her unknown parents: her journal.

Later, Sunset Shimmer began attending Princess Celestia's School For Gifted Ponies and Magical Creatures, where she passed her entrance exam, by performing a pyrokinesis spell that allowed her to breath fire, on some multicolored sands she brought for the exam, creating a stained glass portrait of herself; impressing the judges.

Since then, Sunset Shimmer became Princess Celestia's star pupil, and as such, has proven herself, time and time again, that she was a talented unicorn, which eventually sparks a sense of pride and a thirst for power in Sunset Shimmer. As a result, Sunset Shimmer shunned herself from every pony, believing friendship and family isn't worth her trouble, and that it has no value than the dark arts she had grown fascinated with. On some occasions, however, Sunset would be seen having a fit of jealousy, which she takes it out on certain ponies, to the point of driving their friendships apart.

Eventually, rumors of Sunset's fascination of the dark arts caught the attention of Abacus Cinch, who was one of the professors of Princess Celestia's school at the time.

One day, Sunset Shimmer was out in the courtyard, practicing a spell she had invented in her journal, when she was approached by the professor, herself.

"Sunset Shimmer," Abacus Cinch greeted.

"Professor Cinch," Sunset returned the greeting. "How are you?"

"Good, thank you for asking," Getting back on topic, the professor began. "But I would like to discuss a certain matter with you."

"And what's that?"

"Follow me."

With that, the professor lead the young unicorn through the school, before they arrived at the end of a hallway, with a broken light. There, Abacus arrived at a locker, where she turned the dial on the lock in a certain way, before it opened up, to reveal a brick wall. Abacus stepped in, tapped the bricks in a certain way. Then, without warning, the bricks shifted and turned, to reveal a door, which opened up.

[Professor Snape(Harry Potter song) By Shane Blair]

"Run along, Dumb-Bell," With that, the guard shot a spell that forced the pegasus colt out, and forced the door shut.

"Colloportus and anti-Alohomora," Sunset stated. "Nice."

Abacus Cinch continued to guide Sunset Shimmer, down a set of staircase, before arriving at a gathering of ponies and all sorts of magical creatures, clad in dark robes of purple and black, and wore masks over the faces. Sunset Shimmer was given her own, as she took a seat, next to some fellow Shadowbolts. Eventually, Somnambula made her appearance.

"Greetings, my little Shadowbolts," Somnambula cackled. "We are a gathered here tonight, for the achievement made of one, Starlight Glimmer."

With that, a unicorn filly, wearing a mask, similar to Sunset Shimmer's, with the obvious exception of the cutie mark, stepped forward, bowing before the elder witch, who casted a spell on the filly's right hoof. Sunset can easily sense the discomfort on the filly's part, during the process, until it came to an end.

"Money can never buy the honor you have earned, tonight," the witch said. "You make us all proud."

With a bow of her head, Starlight went back to her seat.

"Only through efforts, ambitions, cunning, and resourcefulness, earns the a place among the ranks of the Shadowbolts!" Somnambula lectured. "You are here because the outside world rejects your very existence, just as it did to our beloved mother. This is our sanctuary, our kingdom, and Nightmare Moon is our mother, our princess of the night! I want you all to prepare yourselves, and become full members of the Shadowbolts, for the day when our dear mother returns from her life-long imprisonment. There is a force that is vital for her return. We are her eyes and ears. Find it! Together, we shall capture this force, and use it, for our dear mother. For we shall forever be, her children of the night! Find the Dragonfire!"

It was from that moment on that Sunset Shimmer became intrigued with the Dragonfire.

At some point, Sunset finally pinpointed the vessel of the Dragonfire to be Spike Draco himself. Seeing an opportunity, the Shadowbolts chose Sunset Shimmer to play a part in the assassination of Spike, in order to claim his power. Sunset would've succeeded in her mission too, had it not been for one fatal flaw in the plan.

One day, while tailing a young prince Spike, on his way home from school, it started to rain.

"Arrgh," Sunset growled. "Those pegasi have got the worst timing, ever!"

The young unicorn looked, and saw no sign of Spike. She galloped through the rainfalls, trying to locate the young dragon, when a crack of lightning pierced through the sky, startling Sunset Shimmer into a frightened gallop. In her state of blind fear, Sunset bumped into several crates of barrels, causing them to fall on top of her, and knocked her out cold.

By the time Sunset finally came to, she finds herself, in bed, wrapped in a blanket, closed to a fireplace.

"Wuh-What?" Sunset asked, looking at her surroundings. "Where am I?"

"Hey Sunset," Spike greeted, entering the room. "Took you awhile to wake up."

"Spike?" Sunset inquired, before letting out a sneeze. "W-Where-achoo!"

"Whoa, take it easy Sunset," Spike replied, gently setting the unicorn back down in bed. "You've been in the rain more than you should be. And that's one nasty cold you got there." Spike soon brought in a bowl of soup for Sunset to eat.

At first, Sunset was a little hesitant of eating it, "It's okay," Spike assured. "It's just tomato soup."

Darting her eyes back and forth at the Dragon Prince and the soup, Sunset accepted the food, before her eyes lit up, "Wow, this is good," Sunset smiled, eating some more of the soup.

"That's Fluttershy's tomato soup for ya," Spike smiled, as he watches the young unicorn eat.

"But why?" Sunset asked, display a mix of confusion and distrust. "Why did you save me?"

"Well, I couldn't just leave you out in the cold like that. Can I?" Spike asked.

"Don't get me wrong," Sunset replied. "I'm not ungrateful or anything. It's just that, I've always been told it's every ponies for themselves."

"Well I've always been told that we're family," Spike replied. "And family means nobody gets left behind, or forgotten."

Sunset was silent for a moment, before she shifted her gaze in another direction.

"Sunset?" Spike asked. "What's the matter?"

Snapping out of her trance, Sunset replied, "Sorry, it's just that, I've never had a family. And I've always been content with just living by myself."

Spike looked at the filly, sadden to hear a sad background of a pony whom most students at school feared of.

"Well, y'know," Spike began. "If you give friendship a chance, you'll find something better than just isolation."

"How?" Sunset asked. "All I've ever done since being in school was drive everyone apart. I don't know the first thing about friendship," Sunset soon curled herself up, while letting out a faint sneeze. "And I'm not sure if I'll like it."

"Oh contrare," Spike replied. "You'll love it. And I know some good ponies who can teach it to you." He said, pointing to a picture of himself with the girls, Flare Heart, Princesss Celestia, Scorpan, and a grumpy Blueblood, with an equally grumpy Bunny.

Sunset thought for a moment, before she asked, "If I join your little 'friendship' circle. Then would you be my friend then?"

"I don't see why not," Spike replied.

An evil grin began to form on Sunset as she thought, 'How can I pass up an opportunity?' With that, Sunset puts on a smile, pretending to accept Spike's friendship.

[Equestria Girls-A Friend For Life]

At first, Sunset's "friendship" with Spike, was one of her means to get closer to him, in order to claim the Dragonfire. But as time grew, Sunset grew more and more closer with Spike, the more she started to abandon the mission, as she began to realize the value of friendship, even opening herself up to Twilight and the rest of the friends, while apologizing for all the wrongdoings she had done in the past. However, despite the changes in Sunset's heart, there are those who still hold some distrusts towards Sunset.

"I don't care what the ponies say," Spike smiled. "You're special, Sunset, in your own kind of way."

Sunset blushed, "I don't know about that, Spike," she replied. "I mean, you're a human with a gift of the dragons. I'm just a regular old unicorn who's only good with pyrokinesis and dark magics."

"That's not true," Spike replied. "You're anything but that."

"Oh, really? Like what?"

"Well, let me think," Spike pondered. "You're a good friend. You're my mom's prized pupil, you taught me that fire transportation spell, and you're an excellent study partner for self-defense," Spike quickly glanced around, before he whispered, "But don't tell Flare I said that. He gets very jealous with that sort of thing."

"Your secret's safe with me," Sunset replied.

With that, the two friends breathed a content sigh, resuming watching the sky together. "Hey, Spike," Sunset began.

"Yes, Sunset?"

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For showing me what friendship is really about. I'll admit, I didn't quite understand the value it holds, even with Princess Celestia's guidance. But with you," Sunset hesitated, trying to find the right words. "I guess, I'm not as perfect as I thought I was." She said, with a despondent look. "I'll admit, whenever I see the friendship between you and the girls, and in some other ponies, I may have been, completely and utterly jealous."

Spike placed a comforting hand on the unicorn's shoulder, "Y'know, if you needed help on making friends, just ask."

With a glow of her horn, Sunset pulled Spike in a loving hug, "Thank you for being my friend," She smiled.

"Um, you're welcome," Spike groaned, at how tight her magical grip has on him.

One day, while attending another meeting with the Shadowbolts, Sunset was shocked and dismayed to hear their plan on attacking Spike. Sunset quickly teleported in a flash of fire, and hurried to warn Spike. Unfortunately, one of the Shadowbolts was already onto her, and intercepted her. Together, the two engaged each other in a magic duel, while the Shadowbolts carried their plans in Canterlot Castle, trying to claim the Dragonfire.

Both fillies were evenly matched. Heaven and earth shook, as the two unicorns clashed their magics against one another. Then, with an earth shattering blast of magic, Sunset released a fury of fire magics in her opponent's way. The magics exploded upon impact with Sunset's opponent's shield magic, while Sunset was launched, off her hooves, and into a tree, knocking her out cold. By the time Sunset woke up, Canterlot was set ablaze. Setting her sight on Canterlot Castle, Sunset became a puff of smoke, flying towards one of the towers, into the throne room, and collapsed to floor, upon seeing Spike, unconscious, battered, and cradled by a heartbroken Princess Celestia.

And like all the little ponies, who've came to love the young prince, Sunset was distraught when Spike and Scorpan fled to Earth, for who knows, how many years.

Sunset was even more beside herself, when her association with the Shadowbolts was, somehow, revealed to the public. With that, Sunset was constantly marred with hatred and anger from all the ponies of Equestria. All, except for a few.

At first, Sunset was content with just having the Mane Six, Princess Celestia, and some others as her trusted allies, and being the only ponies who forgave her. Or so she thought.

[Bon Jovi - You Give Love a Bad Name]

Sunset was waking up one day, before she found herself in an open field of flowers.

"What the hay?" she asked. "How did I end up here?" Then, Sunset sniffed the air, smelling the burning scent of fire. Turning around, Sunset's eyes widened to see Ponyville in flame.

Without hesitation, Sunset galloped into the village, and helped to put out the fire, by using a powerful spell to absorb the heat from the flames, into her horn. Once the fires died down, Sunset looked, expecting a big thank you. But on the ponies' faces, she saw only horror.

"That's her!" one of the ponies cried, pointing accusingly at Sunset Shimmer. "That's the unicorn who set this town on fire!!"

"What?" Sunset asked. "What are you talking about?"

"Sunset!" Twilight, as a unicorn, called out, as she and the girls galloped up to her. "What happened to you? Why did you do all this?"

"I didn't do all this," Sunset replied uneasily. "I swear."

"I beg to differ!" one of the ponies shouted. "I saw her, setting my house on fire!"

"I saw her burning my cabbages!" the random cabbage merchant exclaimed.

"She turned me into a newt!" one of the ponies shouted, causing all of the ponies to look at him in bewilderment.

"A newt?" Twilight asked.

"I got better!" the pony replied. "And then she turned my sister into a cupcake!"

The ponies looked to see an empty plate, before they looked at Pinkie who was eating a cupcake, "What?"

"Cupcake killer!!" one of the ponies screamed, before Twilight blew a whistle to get every ponies back on topic.

"Look Twilight," Sunset said. "I didn't do any of this. I wasn't even around when it happened."

"I believe you Sunset," Twilight replied.

Just then, a pony arrived, screaming, "The library! It's been ransacked!!"


The ponies were all at the library. Twilight was most upset, to see the state the library was.

"I just had these books re-shelved!" she exclaimed.

"What could they be after?" Applejack asked, while Rarity and Pinkie were busy rummaging through the wreckage.

"Whatever they were looking for," Rainbow voiced. "They must've gone through a lot of trouble just to find it."

"And I think I know what it is," Rarity replied, levitating Sunset Shimmer's saddlebags.

"How did that get-" Sunset was quickly silenced by Rarity, who levitated the contents.

"Hey!" Rainbow exclaimed. "That's my chest of embarrassing secrets!"

"And my diary!" Rarity shouted, levitating the said book.

"AH!" Fluttershy screamed. "My secret passion exposed!"

"HEY!" Pinkie shouted, picking up the book. "I've been trying to hide this book from the public! How did this darn thing get into your saddlebag?"

"My book of working in progress spells!" Twilight shouted.

"My mom's diary!" Applejack shouted.

Sunset grimaced, as more items she had no knowledge of obtaining were spilled from her bags and onto the floor. Once the task was done, the girls, except Twilight, and ponies of Ponyville all glanced at Sunset Shimmer, angrily.

"How could you do this to us?" Applejack asked.

"It wasn't me?!" Sunset repeated.

"We trusted you Sunset!" Rainbow growled. "We thought you were our friend!"

"How could you do this?" Rarity sobbed. "After all we've been through together?"

"I didn't do this!" Sunset replied. "I could never hurt any of you!"

"But you did!" Pinkie sobbed. "You must've just been pretending to be our friend, when all along you were after our secret! Just like you did with Spike!" At this point, Pinkie's sad face shifted to anger. "I knew you're still a bad guy! You secret stealer!"

"No! No!" Sunset protested. "I would never-not after Spike left. I'm not like that anymore!"

"But you are!" Fluttershy screamed with tears in her eyes. "You're still the pony we thought you weren't anymore. You're not our friend!"

"But I-" Sunset's voice cracked. "I am your friend. I promise!"

"Sorry Sunset," Applejack retorted. "But you've taken advantage of us far enough. You did this to us! You can tell whatever secret you want, but we don't have to listen to anything!"

At that point, Sunset eyes watered, and the pipes broke.

"Hold on!" Twilight shouted, standing before Sunset. "Just listen to yourselves! I thought you girls were better than this. I thought you all understood the magic of friendship! Don't you remember all the time Sunset's been through with us? She's family!"

"What a bunch of nonsense!" Applejack replied. "Don't give us this big talk about how Sunset's been a family to us! She's anything but after all this!"

"Applejack!" Twilight exclaimed. "I can't believe you!"

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I have to agree with Applejack," Rarity voiced.

"Rarity!" Twilight exclaimed. "Not you too!" Horrified, Twilight looked to see the rest of the friends giving their agreements, against Sunset and Twilight. Trying to stand up for Sunset even more, Twilight voiced, "But what about all those times Sunsets been for us? All the times she's worked so hard for us? How she's tried to-"

"I just don't feel like any of that matters now," Applejack replied, followed by agreements from the girls.

Twilight could hardly believe what she heard, "Fine! Be that way!" Twilight angrily spatted. "If you girls aren't going to help clear Sunset's name, because you're too ashamed of yourselves, then I will!"

[Beauty And The Beast-Piano]

For the many moons that follow, the ponies continue to mock, gossip, even going as far as hissing at Sunset Shimmer wherever she goes. Twilight and Princess Celestia were her only allies at the time, but despite their assurance, doubts continued to follow, even in Sunset Shimmer herself. During this time, many of the girls' secrets were posted in the Ponyville Chronicles, and the Equestria Daily newspapers, discouraging the girls, and making them a laughing stock, and further enforcing their initial accusation of Sunset Shimmer. Twilight and Princess Celestia, on the other hooves, remained loyal with Sunset Shimmer. Finally, having been fed up with futile endeavors to clear Sunset's name, the fiery unicorn fled from Ponyville and escaped into the one place where no pony would ever try to find her: the Everfree Forest.

There, Sunset Shimmer discovered the ruins of the Castle of the Two Sisters, the original home of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Once inside, Sunset casted several charms to conceal herself within, while hexing a mirror as her only window to the outside world. And during her time in self-exile, Sunset would pour her emotions out, into her journal. Dark emotions that would eventually warp her mind in favor to the forces of darkness, for she would often be heard saying horrible things, such as:

"Rainbow Dash: Lazy. Arrogant! Fluttershy: Weak! Rarity: Forever whining about how unfair life is. The Apple and Pie Families are a pack of swines!"


While Sunset was busy telling Spike all that had happened, Zecora eavesdropped on them, frowning as she remembered witnessing one such incident with Sunset losing control on her anger, on Hearth's Warming Eve.

[Miraculous Ladybug Christmas-Cat Noir's song]

Angered and driven mad at the accusations from the ponies she thought were friends, Sunset sought revenge. Arriving in Ponyville, wearing a dark robe that made her look like an overgrown bat, while wearing her Shadowbolts mask, Sunset was a puff of smoke, peering through the windows, watching bitterly as ponies were all celebrating together, as a family. Something she had lost for so long, all because of a crime she didn't commit. Sunset soon arrived in the center of Ponyville, and prepared herself to succeed in stealing destroy Hearth's Warming. Embowered by the Windigo's dark influence, and her burning grudge, Sunset was about to destroy the Hearth's Warming tree, when memories of Spike flashed into her mind.

"I can't do it! I CAN'T DO IT!!" Sunset sobbed, looking around and released her anger, in the form of a fireball, surrounded by a dark aura of lighting, into the sky, where it exploded into a huge display of fireworks.

Once the task was done, Sunset felt herself burned out, retreating back into the Everfree Forest, took shelter in the Castle of the Two Sisters, dropping her mask, and herself to the floor, and cried.

Zecora, meanwhile, was watching from the tree, and couldn't help but empathize the feeling of misunderstanding and mistreatment. Just then, Zecora's ears flicked, as she turned to see a group of Shadowbolts.


Sunset Shimmer was curling herself up, crying into her hands.

"Sunset," Spike muttered.

"They were right about me," Sunset cried. "I am a menace. A freak of nature. A she-demon."


"It's been that way. No matter how hard I tried to do good, I only ended up making things even worse in the end."

"That's not true!" Spike shouted.

"Yes it is!" Sunset cried. "I Just can't do anything right, no matter how hard I tried. I failed to be a talented unicorn as I had always dreamed of, I failed to be a friend, and worst of all, I failed to be your ally! I couldn't even help you learn to block your mind from Nightmare Moon's magic." Sunset looked down, turning herself back into a pony as she sobbed, "What kind of a friend am I? How can you call me your favorite study partner for self-defense, if I can't help you learn to block your mind?" Burying her face into her bed, Sunset sobbed, "I'm sorry, I can't help you get back to Equestria. I think I'm better off as a prisoner, here in this world, than I am in Equestria."

Spike, watched as the formerly bad girl, cried. Walking up to her, changing into a puppy, Spike licked Sunset's salty cheek, catching her attention.

"Spike?" Sunset gasped in confusion, as the boy continued to lick her face. "W-What are y-yo-"

"It's okay, Sunset," Spike replied. "I forgive you."

"Huh?" She gasped. "You've forgiven me? After all I did?"

"Of course," Spike replied. "If anything, the girls should be the one to say they're sorry. With what you've told me, I'm really disappointed in the way they treated you, except for Twilight of course. I can't believe they would do that to you, just for some beans being spilled." Sunset looked down, only for Spike to put his hand under her cheek, urging her to look at him. "But don't you worry. Things will work out." Spike smiled, in encouragement. "We started this together with the Shadowbolts, and that's how we're going to end." With that, Spike changes back into a human, as he hugged Sunset Shimmer for comfort. "I promise." He added, while stroking the unicorn's mane.

Sunset smiled, as she changes in human form, and returned the embrace, "Thank you."
Quickly, Sunset's smile disappeared, "But what are we going to do now?" she asked. "The Shadowbolts are still out there. Nightmare Moon will try looking into your mind again, and you still haven't mastered mind block."

"Then let's give it another go," Spike replied, with determination.

With that, the two resumed their training. With Zecora watching, with a smile. Peewee woke up from his nap, and watched in awe, to see his owner back in training.

Though Spike continues to struggle against Sunset's mind reading spell, he knew he can't give up. And he certainly can't let Sunset down, not after all she's been through for him. With that, Spike pushed on.

"RANDORI!!" Scorpan exclaimed in his thoughts.

Many Hours Later

Spike and Sunset were lying on the floor, panting from exhaustion.

"How did I do?" Spike asked.

"Better," Sunset replied. "Not nearly as perfect, but better." Spike shrugged, satisfied with the girl's answer. "Come on, let's have some lunch," With that, Sunset Shimmer brought Spike over to a hidden storage of food supplies, levitating some plates of salad, sushi rolls, and sandwiches.

"Y'know Sunset," Spike began. "For a girl who used to be a Shadowbolt, you're not such a lousy friend at all."

Sunset smiled.

"Indeed she is," Zecora smiled. "From a protege of the dark arts, she has truly become a wonderful apprentice with a big heart."

Spike smiled, before he turned his attention to Zecora, "So how did you come into this?"

"Since you have left, dear Spike. I was certain I had sensed the presence of what every pony thought had taken a hike. When I went to find what the fuss was all about, who should I found, but Sunset Shimmer, alone with her anger out."


Sunset Shimmer was writing in her journal to vent out her latest anger tantrum, when she was set upon by the Shadowbolts.

"Well, lookie here," one the Shadowbolts sneered. "The former Phoenix Princess of Darkness!"

"So good to see you," another smirked.

"I'm afraid the feeling isn't mutual," Sunset frowned. "And how did you find me?"

The Shadowbolts ball broke into a fit of laughter, as Somnambula stepped forward, "Have you forgotten who you are?" the witch asked, pulling the unicorn's hoof out, with the mark imprinted. "You're one of us. You have the mark! So we'll always find you! And we'll always know where you are! You can run, but you can never hide!"

With a blast of magic from her staff, Somnambula had Sunset tied to the wall, in black vines.

"What do you want from me?" Sunset asked.

"Nothing much," one of the shadow bolts smirked. "Just all the darkness in your heart!"

"You're wasting your time!" Sunset spatted. "There's nothing dark in me. I've left that life behind!"

"Oh really?" Somnambula asked. "Then I take it then that display of hatred you displayed back in Ponyville was not you acting out on the dark instinct inside of you?" As much as Sunset wanted to remain defiant, there was no point in sugarcoating it. "Oh, don't be ashamed of yourself, Sunset. Not every pony are strong enough to resist the dark forces of their magic."

"Yeah," another Shadowbolt smirked. "All it took was just one bad day, and you eventually became just like us." The Shadowbolt broke out into a raspy laugh, as he bragged, "But then I guess the day I framed you for it, was that day, wasn't it?"

Sunset's eyes instantly turned red in anger, as she struggled to break free, "So it was you!!" she roared. "You'll be sorry you ever messed with me! You won't get away with this!"

"Oh contrare, Sunset," the colt smirked, cupping her cheeks with his magic. "I've already have." With that, the colt smacked her across the face, before he joins back in the ranks of the Shadowbolts.

"Now what we came for," Somnambula began. "Since you've developed such strong feelings for the Dragon Prince, it's quite clear that you're useless to us. Your magic on the other hand-"

"No," Sunset retorted. "You wouldn't!"

"Try us," Somnambula sneered, before she snapped her finger. "The girl's journal!"

With that, Sunset Shimmer's journal was produced in a puff of smoke. Opening the contents, Somnambula read all the dark emotions Sunset had tried to conceal for most of her life, while chanting a series of ancient spells. With that, dark fires started to burn from the pages of the books, as they all formed into a dark storm cloud in the air. Sunset watched, as the cloud swirled above her, before suddenly, it was swallowed up, into a jar, courtesy of a zebra, wearing a long brown robe.

"Hey!" one of the Shadowbolts shouted. "Who are you?"

"The name is Zecora, for ya," Zecora answered, before she pulled out a bag of sparkling green dusts, blew on it, creating a smokescreen of green clouds. Once the clouds disappeared, Sunset and Zecora were gone.

"The Shadowbolts tried to take your power?" Spike asked, to which Sunset and Zecora both replied with a nod.

"After the Shadowbolts were defeated," Zecora began. "I quickly took Sunset in to be treated."


Zecora was busy treating Sunset's wounds with some potions.

"Now, now, be still," Zecora said. "Or you'll always be ill."

"But why did you save me?" Sunset asked. "I'm a Shadowbolt."

"You only bore their mark," Zecora answered. "But that is nothing compared to the mark, within your heart."

"My heart?" Sunset, initially confused, immediately realized what the wise zebra was getting at.

"Despite your checkered past of the dark arts," Zecora began. "I did however sensed a hint of love within your heart."

The last words strucked Sunset, as she looked up at the wise zebra.

"It is quite rare you see," Zecora continued. "For a Shadowbolt to feel the love they try to conceal. And it is that kind of love you've treasured for moons, that makes you resistant to the dark forces of Nightmare Moon." Zecora turned, to see Sunset Shimmer silent. "Do you not have some pony to love? Or is it merely just a dove?"

With a shimmer of her horn, Sunset projected a fiery aura-like image of dragon that appears to be a mix of western and eastern variety. The dragon slithered through the air, flapping its wings, before it flew around, and out through an open window in Zecora's hut.

"Prince Spike?" Zecora asked. "After all this time?"

"Always," Sunset replied, with a small tear.

Since then, Zecora took Sunset under her wings, helping her further with her knowledge of dark magics, as well as helping Sunset having better coping strategies with her troubled feelings. Then, came the day when Sunset sensed the Shadowbolts, making their moves into Earth. Without hesitation, Zecora and Sunset both opened up a portal to Earth, while unknowingly picking up a hitchhiker.


Sunset blushed, as Spike looked at the girl.

"Oh dear," Zecora smirked. "It appears, I've made poor Sunset Shimmer here, fluster."

"Zecora, stop it!" Sunset blushed. "Getting marred with hatred is one thing, but don't embarrass me in front of Spike."

"Actually, I'm quite flattered," Spike smiled. "I know I'm charming with girls and everything. At least, from what the girls have told me, but I never knew it would actually go this far." Sunset blushed, before Spike decided to change the topic. "So, what's it like to live with Zecora?"

Sunset smiled, "It feels great, to live with Zecora as her apprentice," Sunset replied. "She really helped me a lot with my magics, and teaching me how to cope with the negative feelings I've had since you left. I'm surprised she never worked in Canterlot, let alone applied for the job of a professor at Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Ponies and Magical Creatures. She'd make an excellent professor."

Zecora smiled, "You're such a flatterer, Sunset Shimmer," she said. "But believe me, I'm much content with my life of potion-making and sipping tea." With that, Zecora took a sip of tea from her cup, before she shifted her gaze to a solemn look. "But there is an even more serious matter, concerning with your power, and Sunset Shimmer's anger."


One day, while Zecora was out in Ponyville for some errands, along with the captured Shadowbolt, who framed Sunset Shimmer, the young unicorn was left to attend the states of the hut. Sunset was dusting the shelves, when an arrow flew in, and broke the bottle which contained her dark magics.

"NOO!!" Sunset cried, as the cloud was released, before it formed itself into another Sunset Shimmer. "W-Who are you?"

"Don't be such a fool!" the other Sunset Shimmer replied. "I am you!"

"If you're me, then who am I?"

The other Sunset Shimmer growled, "You are so stupid! Just like Pinkie Pie! You are you also!"

"Enough!" Sunset replied. "You are my mirror image! Yet your speeches are filled with evil and disrespect!" Sunset's duplicate smirked, seeing she touched a nerve with the original Sunset. "Who are you? And how are you like this?"

"I am the daughter of Somnambula's magics!" the other Sunset replied. "I am a product of Nightmare Moon's hatred towards Princess Celestia, and your own burning hatred of the ponies. I am your anger, hatred, and sorrow, made flesh! Your dark side! And I possess all the powers that you wield! And I was created by the Shadowbolts for one purpose! To hunt the Dragonfire, and exact my revenge!!"

"No!" Sunset screamed, before she shifted to a look of determination. "You'll have to get past me first!"

With that, both unicorns galloped through the Everfree Forest, blasting each other with their offensive spells, while countering each other with their defensive spells. Sunset kept on going, for the love of Spike, but eventually, she pushed herself to the point where she can't go on.

"Pathetic," Sunset's anger hissed. "Just like Twilight. Now, prepare to meet your maker!"

"Not so fast!" a voice shouted, revealing itself to be an armored unicorn, who casted a defensive shield, which reflected the angry counterpart's attack.

"Flare Heart?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

"Hello, Sunset," the unicorn guard greeted. "Need some help?"

Sunset nodded, as she was helped up. With that, the two unicorns continued their fight with Sunset's anger, until Zecora returned. Seeing the zebra, Sunset's anger quickly retreated as a puff of smoke.

"I'll get you yet, Sunet Shimmer!" it screamed, as it flew away.


Spike was beyond shocked and surprised, "W-Whatever happened to this anger of Sunset?" he asked.

Zecora looked solemn at first, before she replied, "The anger of Sunset Shimmer fled, before we presumed it to be dead."

"I don't know," Sunset replied uneasily. "I have a bad feeling that she's still out there, somewhere."

Spike pulled Sunset close in another comforting hug, "Don't worry Sunset," he said. "Whatever happens, you won't be alone to deal with it."

Sunset smiled, as she pulled Spike even closer, "That's why I love you," she said, planting a kiss on his cheek, which result in his face to turn completely red. Not to mention his eyes catching on fire.

Zecora and Peewee watched the scene in amusement, before another voice sounded, "Sunset? Zecora?" a voice called out. "I'm back! And how is our little prince?"

"He's doing fine," Sunset replied.

"Huh?" Spike began. "Who's there?" he asked, while hearing the faint sounds of dirts falling lose, and the sound of hoof steps echoed through the cave. Spike looked, before he gasped at sight of the newcomer. Standing before him, was the tall unicorn, cladded in a dark purple armor.

"Ah, yes," Zecora smiled. "Do not fret. An old friend from the past, has finally got the chance to see you at last. Give us the pleasure, to reintroduce you to one known as, Fleur."

With that, the unicorn's horn glowed in a light pink aura, lifting her helmet off, before she looked at Spike and smiled, "Bonjour, Spike."

Author's Note:

Wow, this is perhaps the most difficult and the longest chapter I've worked on in this story. I'm going to be out for awhile.

A homage of mine to Sia Furler, for her contribution to the upcoming MLP FIM Movie, and of course, to a lot of Harry Potter fans' all time favorite actor, next to Daniel Radcliffe, the late Alan Rickman's role as Professor Snape, and finally for Eddie Redmayne's Erumpent mating dance.

Honestly, the Equestria Girls Holiday Special Comic in 2014 and MLP FIM Comic #30 are perhaps the most heart wrenching and my least favorite comics, due to the treatment Sunset received in the comic, and to all of the fanfics that resulted from this(No offense to the writers or anything), as well as how Applejack of all ponies is the first one to voice about a betrayal in family.

Oh yeah, and to the brilliant StasySolitude of Crazy Mole Production on YouTube, for their fan-made video: Tale of One Shadow.

Oh, and to the writers of MLP FIM, thanks for Season 7 Episode 2, with the whole anger infection from dark magic. And another thanks to the writers of Samurai Jack.

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