• Published 11th Jan 2017
  • 17,209 Views, 792 Comments

Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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Twisted Evil Part 4: Living Nightmares

Author's Note:

Tonight, our specials will be:

Stephen King's Miss Carrie Hot Blood-a-la Soup
The Texas Massacred Roadkill Ribeyes
Stuffed Scootaloo Turkey
Pennywise Frightened Meats

For desserts, we have:

Pinkamena Diana Pie's Cupcakes, with a side of Rainbow Factory Flapjacks
Applejack's Sleepless Cider
Cujo's Rabie Rumble
Fear Haunter's Just Dessert

Now without further ado, dinner is served. Mwhahahahahaha!

All the fears the heroes are facing, are courtesy of alphasteel.

Oh, as for Spike's fear, I based them off of the one he faced from King Sombra's spell, as well as all those Spike Abused fics I had to read to try and get the feel of it. Question is: Did you want it mild or extra crispy?

Tender Taps

Tender Taps was walking down the street of Ponyville. Though, with all the ponies and creatures who've been afflicted by this plague of fear by some twisted metahuman, it wasn't a surprise the street is unusually quiet.

The boy was on his way to check up on Apple Bloom, to make sure she was okay, when he suddenly noticed a huge stage, in the middle of the street.

'Huh? Where did that come from?' Tender asked himself, mentally. Deciding to investigate, he carefully walked over to the stage, inspecting it from a safe distance, until he got close enough to touch it. Without warning, the stage suddenly came to life, with a flash of fire and a puff of smokes. Tender jumped back, yelping in surprise. Getting up, he frantically beats his chest, before he looked up to see a trio of skeletons, standing before him. Furthermore, the skeletons don't appear to be ponies either. In fact, they're more humans.

Tender Taps was surprised, until the skeletons don themselves up with top hats, and started to dance with some canes, to some classic dance musics. Tender's surprised expression quickly shifted to that of wonder, as he watches in amusement to the skeletons' movements. The skeletons' dance at first, came off as cartoonish, similar to Disney's classic shorts: "Silly Symphony: The Skeleton Dance." Later, the skeletons were doing some river dances, tap dances, and even ballet dance.

This kept on going, until the skeletons came to the end of their dance, in which they took a bow, with their hats, "Bravo! Bravo! En core!" Tender whistled, while clapping his hands together.

The skeletons all looked up at Tender Taps, and suddenly, their empty eye sockets glowed red, in which all good feelings in Tender Taps quickly dissolved. The skeletons all let out bloodcurdling screams, as they lunged towards Tender, tackling him to the ground. Tender struggled to break free, but to no avail. The skeletons are the very definite of "big bones," and "strong bones," as they all held Tender down to the ground, and proceeded to maul him; biting and clawing.

Apple Bloom was just doing some grocery shopping, when she happens upon Tender Taps, curled up in a fetal position.

"Tender Taps?!" Apple Bloom exclaimed, dropping all of her groceries, and galloped over to the frightened boy. "What is it? What's wrong?" The mare asked, in which Tender's only response is a long frightful scream.

Button Mash

Button Mash was walking around Ponyville, taking every cautious step, constantly on the lookout for the metahuman, Fear Haunter.

"Careful now," Button said to himself, while armed with a nun-chuck, and his Minecraft foam pickaxe. "One step at a time. That's it. I'm gonna live," Unfortunately, Button spoke too soon, as he was suddenly set upon by a pack of deranged, demonic, disheveled animatronics of anthropomorphic animals.

FNAF 4 Game Over by Illusion100

"MOMMMA!!!" Button screamed, as he took off running in fear.

From his hiding spot, Fear shook his head, "And he's supposed to be the wise one?" He asked himself, incredulous.

Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie was jumping over houses, roof to roof, as she and Rainbow Dash searched for the culprit.

"I'll go high! You go low!" Rainbow suggested.

"Okie-dokie-loki!" Pinkie agreed, as Rainbow Dash flew higher into the sky, leaving Pinkie to leap back on solid ground, where she shifted her mane into a drill, and she began tunneling underground.

Soon, Pinkie Pie was popping up around town, "Here Fear," She called. "Here Feary, Feary, Feary, Feary, Fear," She even blew a whistle. "Nice metahuman, you-hoo." She continued to whistle, before she was stopped by a firm hoof.

Looking up, there stood before her an elderly stallion of moderate amber color with medium light gray mane and tail, and wears a black fedora with light gray band, with matching neck tie and collar. His cutie mark is a simple pickaxe.

"Oh, hi dad!" Pinkie chirped. "What brings you to Ponyville?"

"What brings me here?" Pinkie's dad questioned. "I personally would like to hear why you've recently been wreaking havoc, and spreading chaos and disharmony across Ponyville."

"What?!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Me? Where'd you-"

"SILENCE!!" The stallion shouted in a booming voice, blowing Pinkie out of the ground. "What has possessed you to commit such ludicrous acts, Pinkamena Diana Pie? The latest Equestria Daily reads: 'Local Ponyville Party Planner-Pinkie Pie-Leads A Bloody Killing Spree!'" As if to prove his point, the old stallion conjured up an Equestria Daily paper from his hat, and showed it to a horrified Pinkie Pie. What's even more horrifying was that Pinkie Pie was looking at herself in the picture, wearing a baby mask that is both cute and creepy.

With a mixture of confusion, shock, and disbelief, Pinkie Pie was beyond frightened. She was petrified, and couldn't find her voice, "B-B-B-B-B-But, this can't be!" Pinkie sobbed. "This isn't right! This isn't me! I would never do this!"

The stern look on Pinkie's father remains, "I wish I could believe you daughter," He frowned. "But this is out of my hooves."

"Our hooves," Another strict voice spoke, revealing a mare with an equal stern expression on her face.

In appearance, the mare has a light cobalt bluish gray coat with grayish opal mane and tail, with the mane dun up in a bun. She wears a pair of brass glasses over her weary light arctic blue eyes, a gold pendant beneath a black collar with white criss-cross patterns.

The mare glowered at Pinkie, shaking her head, in disapproval, "Mom!" Pinkie cried tearfully. "I'm telling you, it wasn't me!"

"There's nothing we can do now, Pinkamena," Her mom frowned. "So all those years of throwing parties and putting on that smily face of yours has all been a facade to cover up this newfound bloodlust of yours?" When Pinkie shook her head in denial, her mother sighed, "You fool no pony, Pinkamena. It's clear. You're no longer one of us, and your are hereby sentenced to eternal exile to Tartarus!"

Pinkie's mane and tail deflated, as her colors turned dull, "No! No! Please, don't!" Pinkie cried, covering her tear ridden face with her hooves. "I'm innocent I tell you! Innocent!"

Watching from the alley, Fear cracked a wicked grin, as he watch the once happy pony, reduced to a pink lump of sadness in a puddle of tears.


Fluttershy was at her cottage feeding her animals until she hears a crunching sound from the distance. Against her better judgment she decides to investigate the noise.

When she found the source of the noise, what she saw horrified her. Standing before her were a couple of Cerulean Hunters munching on some woodland critters. What's surprising about these hunters is that they look more beastly with longer claws and sharper teeth. It was then that the hunters start sniffing the air and took notice of Fluttershy.

The bashful pegasus was beyond scared, but was able to muster upsomecourage and demanded, "W-where's Professor Chimera!? What have you done to him?!"

The hunters just looked at each other before letting out a bone chilling laugh. One of them pulls out what looks like a unicorn's severed head before tossing it at Fluttershy's fore hooves. It took her a minute but she realise's that it's the head of her mentor and her eyes start to water. She then looks up at the hunters who start licking their chops and she knew that she was next.

She immediately bolted to her cottage with the beastly hunters in pursuit. She gathered all the animals outside and threw them in her home. She then locks all the doors and windows, just when she thought she was safe however she hears the hunters banging on the door...

"Little pig," One of the hunters began in a haunting voice. "Little pig. Let me come in!"

Chatting her teeth together, shaking violently against the door, Fluttershy trembled as she struggles to summon all her courage, and whimpers, "No! Never! Go away!"

In response, the demonic hunters broke through the window, as they stared at Fluttershy, hungrily with bloodlust, "It's chow time!" The hunters laughed maniacally, as they lunged at the screaming pegasus.

Kyrie was sharing some bird seeds, with Peewee, when the two birds heard screaming from inside the hut. Curious, the two birds flew into the hut, to see Fluttershy, curled up in a fetal position, screaming her heart out, with Angel Bunny at her side, trying in vain to calm her down.

"Fluttershy?" Kyrie asked. "What's wrong? What's the matter?" In response, the buttercup pegasus screamed even louder, blowing Angel and the talking canary, off their feet.

Just then, Peewee felt something off, in the distance. With a burst of flame, the phoenix spreads his wings, as he took of flying.

"Peewee!" Kyrie called out, but the phoenix was already out of earshot, as he flew on.


"Now where's that consarn son of a gun." Applejack asked herself as she searched a nearby pond.

"AJ, over here!" Cried a voice Applejack hadn't heard in a long time. She turned to see the source of the voice and her eyes widened of who she saw.

Somehow standing on top the water of the pond was a stallion, with a brilliant red mane and tail, a coat that's pale, light grayish olive, his cutie mark is a half of green apple with a star in the center, and a stetson that's similar to hers. AJ knows this stallion all too well.

"D-daddy..." She stuttered. Yes the stallion before her is none other than her father, Bright Mac.

"That's right baby girl, it's me." Bright Mac said in a cheery tone.

Applejack was hesitant, one part of her knows full well this is a trick from Fear Haunter but at the same time...

"You want a balloon baby girl?" Bright Mac asked while pulling out some balloons, however AJ noticed somethings off. For one Bright Mac is now wearing Fear's hat and trench coat and when he spoke there was another voice speaking as well, "They float, they all float."

Applejack shook her head and backed of a little. When she looked up again, instead of her father standing there it was Fear Haunter chuckling darkly. He waves at AJ and then vanishes into thin air, while all the balloons he was holding floated up in the sky.

Unfortunately, while Applejack was paying attention to the balloons, something came out of the pond and grabbed one of her forelegs. She looked down and see that it was a skeletal remains of a pony covered in moss.

"We fall down, we all fall down," The skeleton said in a gurgling voice, "And very soon you'll fall down too, redneck!"

AJ's look of fear turns to anger, "Ah don't think so..." She said as crushes the skeleton's head with her other fore hoof. She then looks around, "Gonna have to try a lot harder than that, you son of a bitch." She grumbled as she trot on.


Featherweight was searching for Fear until he came across a burnt building. Featherweight paused at this. There was something very familier about this building. Suddenly, with a scream of agony, charred hands sticking out of a locked door, reaching out for him in vain, all the while screaming, "HELP! HELP!! LET US OUT!!!"

Featherweight's eyes widened, as his whole life flashes before him, before it all settled to a time when he was much younger, during which he had witnessed an incident, such as this, before his very eyes.

After he returns to reality, Feather slowly backed away, but was picked up by the collar, and was thrown towards the burnt door of the building, in which the hands all grabbed him.

"No!" Feather groaned, as he struggles to break free. "Let me go!"

"Why should they?" A stern voice asked, to which Feather looked up, to see Scorpan, in human form. "After all, you never did anything to help these poor people go free."

"Master Scorpan?" Feather asked. "What are you-"

"You did nothing to help them," The man frowned grimly, as he reached his hand out and grabbed ahold of Feather's camera. "Nothing! Except taking a picture, and left them all to die!" With a grunt of disgust, the man throws the thin boy's camera to the ground, shattering it into several pieces.

Featherweight was aghast, "But.....master....I-"

"Not a word out of you young man," Featherweight's father frowned, pointing a finger to his son. "You are in deep trouble and you know it. And you don't deserve the Shield of Purity!" With a slash across the face, Scorpan turned and left the boy, "Go burn in Tartarus for all I care!"

Scorpan turned his back, as he changes into his true gargoyle form, taking flight, while leaving a grief stricken Featherweight behind, pleading, "No, Master Scorpan! No! Wait! I can explain! NOOOOO!!!" Feather was silenced, when one of the hands grabbed him by the mouth, gagging him.

Princess Skystar

"Whee!" Skystar squealed as she leapt out of the air, before she came crashing back into the water with a big splash. Soon, Sky broke the surface as she started doing the backstroke, while singing herself a merry tune.

The lone sea pony had been hanging out at the Ponyville pool house, enjoying herself, completely oblivious to the events going on outside. Though the pool isn't as big, or as spacious as the ocean of her home in Seaquestria, it's still big enough for Sky to swim around, and play in.

Skystar paused for a moment, as she took the moment to look around, seeing how she was the only one, in the pool house.

"Gosh, I wonder where everypony is?" Sky asked herself, while raising one of her shells out from the water. "What do you think they're doing, Shelly?"

"Beats me," Sky said, ventriloquizing for Shelly. "I'm more concerned with what you're doing."

"Me?!" Sky ventriloquized for Sheldon. "What did I do to make you constantly glue your eyes at me?"

"Nothing. That's what. Besides, my eyes are constantly glued to you, because Skystar here had glued them onto me!"

"Why Shelly, I'm offended!" Skystar berated.

"I'm not saying it's a bad thing, Skystar," Shelly spoke for himself. "In fact, I'm glad you did, because me and Sheldon here would never get to see how cute you looked!"

Skystar giggled, "Oh Shelly, you old charmer!"

"Wow, such a pretty little smile you've got," A voice spoke.

"Why thank you?" Sky said, when she didn't see anyone. "W-Who said that?" Sky asked nervously.

"Such a pretty smile, befitting as the mask that hides a tragic tale," The voice said again.

The next thing Skystar knew, someone grabs her by the collar, lifts her up and throws her out of the pool where she lands on cold, hard concrete.

"Ow!" Sky groaned, as she struggled to get up on her front flippers. Rubbing her head, all the while wincing at the hard feeling of the rocks and soils, biting into her skin beneath her, Skystar looked up. "Hey! What was that for?" She angrily asked, only to come face to face with an intimidating looking human.

The human lowered himself to Sky's level and asked, "Tell me, are you scared right now?"

She stuttered, "N-No."

The man simply chuckled, then turns away for a second before he turns back to her with his eyes rolled up androarsat her while showing her an endless row of sharp fangs.

"AAAAAHHHHH" Sky screamed as she staggered back while the man's face returned to normal. Skystar then notice the man chuckling, "Was-was that suppose to be funny?!" She asked both angry and frightful at the same time, "CAUSE I'M NOT LAUGHING!!!!"

"Oh, it's just to show that like your smile, your bravery is also a facade," The man stated "It's not suprising since you come from a race of cowards after all."

Skystar was aghast, "Excuse me?!" She exclaimed in outrage.

"Oh don't try to hide it," The man began, "When that buffoon, the Storm King, came knocking on your door, instead of staying and fight for your home, you ran to the sea with your tails between your legs."

"Hey! We didn't run! We swam! Y'know in order to run!" Skystar corrected him.

The man was not amused, "Is there a difference?"

"I-uh, no there isn't." Sky admitted in defeat.

"The point is, you're all cowards who would run at the first sign of trouble! If you would hide in the ocean just from some bumbling yeti, then I can't imagine what would happen if the Cerulean Hunters or the Splicerbolts came to your doorstep." The man continued, before he turned his attention, back at Sky. "Though, I wonder if yours goes deeper than the Storm King."

Then, without warning, Skystar finds herself in a seemingly endless dark void, "Hey! Where am I?" Skystar inquired. "Hello? Big tall mean old man? Where are you? Is this some kind of trick? If it is, then it's not funny!"

"Oh, it's not meant for a laugh!" The man's dark and ominous voice replied. "Well, for me, perhaps. But it'll be a totally different experience for you!"

Skystar was about to ask, when a voice called out, "Sky.....My little Skystar....."

Skystar gasped, as she turns her head, and was shocked to see a familiar male hippogriff, "Daddy?!" Sky shouted, flopping herself over to her father, to see the area around her was cleared up, to reveal that she was now at the top of a tall mountain, and her father was hanging onto a cliff, preventing him from being sucked into a vortex. "DADDYYYYYY!!" Sky screamed.

"Skystar!" Her father called. "Help me!"

"DAD!!!!" Sky screamed, but winced at the sound of a dark laughter, that sent her scales standing on end. "Oh no! No! Please, don't be-" Skystar turned her head, and wished she didn't.

A flash of lightning pierced the sky, to reveal the shadowy shape of a large, terrifying creature, with piercing red eyes, long narrow wings beating to the winds, and long menacing tentacles, swaying in the wind to add the ferocity of the creature's appearance.

Sky closed her eyes shut, "SKYYYYY!!!" Her father called out.

"DAD!!" Sky screamed, crawling over to her father, holding her flipper out. "Just a little farther!" She grunted, with her father doing the same.

Just as Sky was about to touch her father's talons, "GOTCHA!!!" Sky turned her head, and was horrified to see her fluke tail, in the grip of the monster, "Poor unfortunate Skystar!" The monster hissed.


"DDDAAAAAAADDDDDYYYYYY!!!!" Skystar watched as her father was sucked into the vortex, never to be seen again. "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" She wailed, tears streaming from her eyes.

"Oh dear," The monster spoke. "You're not going to cry now, are you? I know it hurts. But you must accept the truth. Nothing can stop death! Your blessed father's couldn't even prevent it from getting to him!"

Princess Skystar laid on the ground, curled up in a ball, with tears spilling from her eyes, "Stop it!" She pleaded. "Please, just stop!"

"I told you, it can't be stopped!" The monster continued. "You can run, as long as you want. But you can never hide from it! Nor will you ever hide from me!" With that, the monster quickly shifted itself into a tall, monkey-like monsters with long sharp horns protruding at the top of his head, and electricity pulsing from his piercing icy blue eyes.

Sky stared, eyes further widened in horror, "It can't be!!" She said in denial.

"Oh, but it is!" The monster cackled. "The whole lot of you are slippery little fishes, let me tell ya. Though it's strange to find you so far away from your home." Sky whimpered as the monster held her by the throat, as he continues to laugh menacingly, "Perhaps you are lost. Allow me to help you get home. And in return, you shall show me where you are all hiding, so that I can have the pleasure to destroy you all!"

"Skystar!" Another voice called, to which Sky turned her head, to see a light fuchsias gray sea pony, covered in dark chains that were dragging her down into the darkness.

"Mother?!" Sky exclaimed.

"Skystar! Come back!" Her mother called, while slowly being swallowed by the darkness. "Come back home, daughter! Come back!"

"Mom!" Sky reached her flipper out, but to no avail.

"Sky!" Two more voices called, to which Sky turned to see two sea ponies-one vanilla white with reddish fins, and the other light blue with purple fins.

"Haven? Salina?" Skystar exclaimed.

"Why did you leave us, little sis?" Haven cried. "Why?"

"I didn't mean to!" Sky protested.

"You were gone for so long!" Salina added. "You left us to the Storm King! You've forsaken us!"

Before long, Princess Skystar finds herself surrounded by her people, all crying out for her, begging her to come back and save them. Skystar was beside herself, as she laid on the floor, curled up, crying, with apparitions of the monsters hovering over her, laughing, together with Nightmare Smooze.

In the real world, the man left a crestfallen Skystar, crying in the street. A little, frighten filly was passing by, when she noticed the sadden Skystar.


Rarity has been looking up & down for the twisted metahuman but no avail. That is until she spotted her sister curled up and lying on the streets. Fearing the worst, Rarity galloped over to her.

"Sweetie, Sweetie! Are you all right!?" She asked her little sister but no response, however does hear her mumbling something.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Sweetie said over and over.

Rarity doesn't need her detective skills to figure out what she's apologizing for, "Sweetie?"

"Rarity, the voices, they won't stop, they won't go away." Sweetie explained to her.

Just then a pebble comes flying and hits Sweetie Belle, on the head. Sweetie yelped, as she held a hoof at the inflicted spot, where a bruise was forming. Then another pebble comes and hits her in the shoulder. This causes Sweetie to curl up again.

"WHO'S THROWING THAT?!?!" Rarity demanded angrily, before another pebble comes flying and hits her instead.

After regaining her composure, she looks around and sees that it was Fear Haunter who's been throwing them from the rooftop of a nearby house. He sighs, "I have never seen someone so petty and pathetic in my whole life," Fear stated as he threw another rock at Sweetie.

Rarity fires a bolt at the metahuman, but Fear quickly turns into smoke and zips across to the other side, "I mean who would ruin someone's life just because their sibling payed more attention to that person instead of them." He continued.

"You uncouth brute!" Rarity yelled, "It wasn't her fault, it was-"

"It was the Shadowbolts, they set her up to do it," Fear interrupted the marshmallow unicorn, while doing an impression of her, "Puh-lease, what your sister did was on her. All The Shadowbolts did was just gave her the push she needed." He finished before throwing another rock at Sweetie, which Rarity fortunately conjures up a shield before it hits her.


Fear just shrugs, "Fine then. Let's start with you," He began. "Where were you when Sunset needed you most?" Rarity didn't know how to answer that so Fear answered for her, "You and those other girls turned your back on her, thinking that she never changed." He exclaimed. "You know for someone who wields the element of generosity, you're pretty friggen selfish."

"I admit, it was not our most proudest moment, especially when we found out about the truth," Rarity said with a sigh. "But it's in the past now and the best we can do now is to do better in the future!"

Fear stares at her blankly and then gives a slight smirk, "I wonder if there is a future for you and your friends." He said as he opens his mouth wide and spiders come pouring out.

Rarity was mortified to say the least as the spiders come crawling towards her. She takes a step back and tries to grab Sweetie Belle only to see more spiders coming out of her mouth as well. Just then even more spiders come bursting out of doors and windows and they all crawled towards her. Rarity tries blasting them away with her horn, but it did little good. The alabaster unicorn screams for her life as the arachnids began to crawl all over her.

Back in the real world Rarity is lying on ground, flaying her legs around and screaming for dear life. Fear just shakes his head and sighs, "All too simple, and yet so fun for a scare," he said to himself as he took his leave, but not before throwing one last rock at Sweetie Belle.

Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash was flapping her wings, as she flies across Ponyville, scanning for any sign of Fear Haunter.

"Come out, come out wherever you are, freakazoid," Rainbow said to herself.

Suddenly, a loud shriek pierced the sky, and a blur of black came soaring from the sky and struck Rainbow Dash, cutting her cheek.

"OW!" Rainbow winced, before she looked up at her attacker. "What the-" The attacker appeared to be a giant sixteen foot raven with four eyes and black chains covering it's wings, as it makes a sharp turn, and makes another dive at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow flapped her wings, moving to the side, dodging the attack. Unfortunately, the raven made another turn, and Dash wasn't quick enough to dodge out of the way in time as the massive bird grabs her with it's talons and slams her to the ground, pinning her down.

"Get off of me!" Rainbow snarled, struggling to escape. Then, without warning, the raven grabs her wings by the beak...and rips them off her back. Rainbow screamed in pain as the raven lets go of her and devour her wings. "No! My wings!" Rainbow cried, tears pouring from her eyes. "My beautiful, awesome wings! Not again!" She cried, recalling how she first lost her wings, to the Three Magicians.

The difference then was that it was only temporarily, and she was able to reclaim her wings with Twilight's help. This time, however, it may be permanent, as Rainbow's wings have been devoured whole, by a demonic raven, before her very eyes.

Rainbow laid her head on the ground, as she sobbed, "My wings....gone. I'm nothing without them...."

"If you're nothing without those wings then you probably shouldn't have them in the first place!" A demonic voice coldly told her.

Sunset Shimmer

The fiery unicorn was nothing but a puff of smoke as she flies through the fear-ridden streets of Ponyville, searching for Fear Haunter.

'Of all the metahumans, does it have to be some twisted evil psychopath with powers over fears?' Sunset asked mentally, before she landed on the ground, taking the moment to rest her magic.

Just then, a stallion came walking out of his house as he pointed at Sunset, "Now there's the bad girl we loved to hate!" The stallion neighed, as ponies all came out of hiding, shooting angry stares at Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset looked around at all of the angry ponies who were all pointing and calling her, "She-demon! Anon-a-miss! Monster! Sunburn!"

"I'll never forget how you wrote those packs of lies about me in the Equestria Dailys!" An angry mare hissed.

"Or how you revealed those embarrassing pictures of me!" A stallion added.

"And the time you humiliated me, in front of my friends and family at my party!" A mare added.

Sunset, knowing this was all part of Fear's trick, tried her best to ignore them. But every words she hears being lashed out against her, unpleasant memories were flashing in her mind. Then, comes her absolute worst memory of all.

"How could you do this to us?" Applejack asked.

"We trusted you Sunset!" Rainbow growled. "We thought you were our friend!"

"How could you do this?" Rarity sobbed. "After all we've been through together?"

"But you did!" Pinkie sobbed. "You must've just been pretending to be our friend, when all along you were after our secret! Just like you did with Spike!" At this point, Pinkie's sad face shifted to anger. "I knew you're still a bad guy! You secret stealer!"

"But you are!" Fluttershy screamed with tears in her eyes. "You're still the pony we thought you weren't anymore. You're not our friend!"

"But you've taken advantage of us far enough," Applejack concluded. "You did this to us! You can tell whatever secret you want, but we don't have to listen to anything!"

"ENOUGH!!!" Sunset screamed, before she finds herself back in the real world, and looked to see that she was all alone. But not for long. Sunset's ears perked to the sound of footsteps. Walking out from the shadows, draped in darkness, was the mysterious man, "Joe?" She asked.

"Adequate, yet crude," The man spoke, before he ushered, "Follow me."

Starlight Glimmer

Starlight Glimmer was also nothing but a puff of smoke, as she travels through Ponyville, searching from top to bottom, for Fear Haunter. However, it wasn't long before she came across a little foal, huddling up in an alleyway.

"Hey, what's wrong there?" Starlight asked, as she slowly walked up to the filly, with a look of concern.

The filly looked up at Starlight, and quickly closed her eyes, "Please! Don't take my cutie mark away!" She cried.

"What?" Starlight asked. "No. No. I'm not here to take away your cutie mark."

"A likely story," Another voice spoke, revealing itself to be some stallions Starlight knew.

One stallion is an earth pony who has snow white coat with ruffled mane and tail colored light cyanish gray and white streaks, and light cobalt blue eyes. His cutie marks are three blue flowers, and a dark purple scarf wrapped around his neck.

The other stallion is a unicorn, colored light cyanish gray with frizzy mane and tail colored moderate azure with cornflower blue streaks, and light cobalt blue eyes as well. His cutie marks are a party balloon in the shape of a dog, surrounded by streamers.

"Double Diamond? Party Favor?" Starlight gasped, looking at each of the respective stallions.

"Yes, so nice of you to remember," The white stallion named Double Diamond, frowned. "Too bad for you, we wished we could forget you!"

"But I apologized!" Starlight replied. "I gave back the cutie marks! What more do you want from me?"

"What more do we want?" Party Favor asked, as he blew up a balloon, in the shape of a unicorn. "We wished you could just go away! We wished you could just cease to exist! We wished you were dead!" With that, the unicorn stallion conjured up a needle, as he pops the balloon.

It wasn't long before more ponies all came out of hiding that they all glared at Starlight, wanting her to die.

"Please! I'm not like that anymore!" Starlight tried to reason, but to no avail. Her horn began to glow, as she grew more and more anxious, until finally, "NNOOOO!!!" Starlight screamed, blasting the ponies away in fright, causing them all to disperse into smokes.

Starlight gasped, "Oh no! What have I done?" She placed her hooves over her face. "What have I done?"


Somnambula and her Shadowbolts were searching in an alleyway for the twisted metahuman.

"Stay on you're guard everyone," The Egyptian pegasus warned them "There's no telling what that bastard will pull."

Just then a scythe comes flying and nearly hits the minotaur in the shoulder, had the griffon not heard it coming, and pounced on his comrade, saving him from the sharp projectile.

"Whoa, thanks!" The minotaur said gratefully, before they both got back up on their feet.

All three Shadowbolts stood defensively, around Somnambula.

"Show yourself!" The chimera roared. "He's stalking us," She whispered to her fellow Shadowbolts, when a streak of smokes zipped over them.

"Are you afraid to face us?!" The griffon roared, when another streak of shadow zipped beneath him.

"Are you afraid to fight me?!" The minotaur bellowed.

"What's there to be afraid of?" The metahuman replied. "You've never once posed as a threat. Nor were you able to capture the Dragon Prince. Except maybe that one time, when you've had your moment of triumph, by unleashing the Smooze on the world. But then it all came crashing down on you at the last second. All because you couldn't keep your arrogance in check."

Before long, the three Shadowbolts were confronted by their greatest fears, "In the end, your all doomed to fail, evil or not!" Fear added.

For the minotaur, he sees a human butcher holding two massive cleavers in each hand.

for the chimera, she sees a group of Cerulean Hunters; the same ones that took her mother from her.

And the griffon, he sees a group of other griffons in greaser attire bringing out their switchblades.

The Shadowbolts were all showing signs of fears, before they resorted to fighting back, in vain.

Somnambula watched, as her Shadowbolts were fighting nothing, but the air itself, "Are the Shadowbolts always this weak minded Somnambula?" She wasn't gonna dignify that with a response. "If so, then it's no wonder you came crying for my help." Fear said to her, while appearing before her in a puff of smoke, with his face still visible.

Somnambula frowned, "Well now I regret I ever considered you a first choice," She said, waving her staff at the metahuman, conjuring a bolt of lightning.

Fear Haunter rolled to the side, dodging the attack, before he was tackled by a monkey. Soon, more monkeys swarmed all over the metahuman, biting and clawing at him. One of them got out a small pipe, which they used to fire a nerve dart at the metahuman. Unfortunately, he was quick to dodge, as it flies past him, snips a piece of his hair, and became embedded in a tree. With a tap of her staff, Somnambula conjured several white fabrics to bind Fear Haunter's legs, arms, and his whole body, giving him a mummy-like appearance. However, Fear quickly broke free, as he quickly focuses his powers on Somnambula.

Somnambula tried to block him out of her mind, but she nevertheless finds herself in a dark void.

"Oh no this again," Somnambula grumbled, before another voice spoke up.

"Well, hello again," Somnambula turned, and was dismayed to see her evil human sorceress alter-ego.

"No, not you again!" Somnambula frowned, in horror.

The evil Somnambula could only cackle, as she spoke, "Did you really think, that I'm really gone for good? I am you! Only better! I am what you were! What you are! And let me tell you, weak pony! No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, you'll always be me!"

"Never!" Somnambula yelled in defiant, before she was struck down by a blast of lightning from her evil self.

Back in the real world, Fear Haunter watched with amusement, watching how the Shadowbolts, plus Somnambula, were all fighting their own fear, when in reality, nothing was there. Just before he was about to leave, however, he was hit by a combo of explosive, offensive spells.

Looking up, he sees Sunset Shimmer walking over to him, with Joe at her side. Both the unicorn and man fired their assaults on the metahuman, with Sunset Shimmer blasting him with fiery spells, while Joe was firing some bullets that exploded into icy crystals upon impact.

"This ends now!" Sunset screamed, as she pours out all of her dark emotions, fueling the heat of her attack.

Joe reaches into his coat, before he pulls out vial of potion of sort, and tosses it at Fear Haunter. The metahuman screamed in agony, before he dispersed into a puff of smoke.

"Where'd he go?" Sunset asked.

"Not too far," Joe answered grimly. "The potion I have coated him with gives off a distinctive trail we can use to track his movements. Furthermore, it also reveals to me the whereabouts of his exact location."


"Scootaloo!" Rumble exclaimed, as he ran over to the orange pegasus mare friend of his. "Scootaloo? What's wrong?" In response, Scootaloo lets out more screams of terror.

Looking in the distance, Rumble quickly caught sight of the metahuman he and his fellow heroes have been hunting for. Narrowing his eyes in determination, Rumble quickly dons up his rollerblades, hockey mask, as well as several paddings on himself, Rumble unsheathed the Sword of Honor from its scabbard, behind his back, and he charged after the metahuman.

Fear Haunter turned his head in the athletic boy's direction, and smirked as he took off running, with the knight in hot pursuit.

"You're not getting away from me!" Rumble snarled, as he skated even faster.

Fear Haunter made a sharp turn, into an alley, with Rumble screeching to a halt, before he turns and skated after the madman. Fear Haunter leapt over a trash bin, with Rumble doing the same. Once out in the open, Rumble continues his chase after Fear Haunter, who became nothing but a streak of black smokes as he flies across town, with Rumble still in pursuit.

At last, they arrived in a ballpark, where Fear Haunter has suddenly vanished out of thin air.

"Come out, come out wherever you are, freak!" Rumble snarled, holding his sword and hockey stick, ready for anything.

Just then, he noticed some ponies walking by, scoffing, "Who is that kid?" One of the mares asked another. "Isn't he kinda young to be playing with swords?"

"Who does he think he is?" Another asked. "Friday the 13?"

Rumble looked confused at these ponies. Don't they know they're in the middle of a fearful crisis? What are they doing out and about? And why are they talking about him that way?

"Hi every pony!" A loud, gruff voice spoke.

Rumble and the ponies all turned their attention to see a pegasus stallion with dark magentaish gray coat, light cyanish gray mane and tail with lighter streaks, both shaped in buzz cuts, and piercing light gold eyes. His cutie mark is a lightning bolts produced by a dark gray thundercloud.

The ponies all looked, and smiled upon seeing the stallion, "Thunderlane!" The mares cheered, as they trotted off, and surrounded the stallion.

"Thunderlane?" Rumble inquired in bewilderment, at the mention of a pony sharing his brother's name. "That can't be? Can it?"

"Oh, but it is," A voice spoke, to which Rumble turned to see Fear, sitting in one of the nearby bleachers.

"GOT YA!!" Rumble growled, as he sets some hockey pucks on the ground, and quickly swatted them with his hockey sticks, launching the projectiles at the metahuman, who quickly disappeared in a puff of smokes, evading the attack.

"Ooh, bad aim, boy," Fear sneered, reappearing next to Rumble.

With an angry yell, Rumble viciously slashes his sword at the man, who quickly dodges to the sides, before he quickly pulls out a large scythe, tipped with a long, dented blade. Slashing his weapon, Fear was able to knock the sword out of Rumble's hands, before he swept the floor with the other end of his scythe.

"You've got spunk, kid," Fear chuckled. "But that's not enough to surpass to that of your brother, Thunderlane, who's got the skills. Why just think, if he was here right now, the Wonderbolts would recruit him right on the spot." With that, Fear pointed to Rumble's brother, who was seen getting acquainted with some Wonderbolt pegasi, before he received a Wonderbolt uniform of his own to don up.

"Admit it," Fear snarled, grabbing Rumble by the back of his jacket, so the boy would be face-to-face with the metahuman. "You're afraid you'll never be as good as your brother! You're afraid you're not the best of the Knights! You're afraid to admit, that you're always second rate!"

You're Only Second Rate

"ENOUGH!!!" Rumble screamed, as he quickly kicks Fear in the face, before he regains his sword. Turning back to face the metahuman, however, he was nowhere to be seen.

"It's the truth, Rumble!" Fear's voice echoed. "You can't change it! It's the truth! You can't run from it!"

Rumble tried not to listen, tried to shake those words out of his head. But no matter what, he couldn't. He looked on at the pony who looks identical to his brother as the other ponies continue giving him praise.

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight was galloping, flying, and teleporting from one part of Ponyville to another, with the meta tracker still in her telekinetic grip.

"You run, but you can't hide forever, Fear!" Twilight frowned, as she searches for the metahuman on the run. "I'll find you, and you're taking a one way ticket out of here, and Equestria, forever!"

"AAAAAAUGH!!!" A loud scream roared, leading Twilight to come to an abrupt halt.

"SPIKE?!!" Twilight gasped, as she took flight in the direction, nothing but concerns for the Dragon Prince on her mind.

Unfortunately, by the time Twilight got there, however, it was too late. Spike was lying face first on the ground with a large scythe sticking out of his back.

"No no no no no Spike!!! Spike please get up!!!" Twilight yelled as she ran over to him, levitating the scythe out of his back, before she rolled him over to look at her.

Spike opened his eyes, "T-Twilight?" He asked, hoarsely.

"Yes, Spike. I'm here!" She said to him. "Please save your strength!" She tried using her healing spells, but nothing seems to be working.

"Twilight, I don't think I'm gonna make it." The Dragon Prince grunted.

"Don't say that!" Twilight yelled, trying in vain to reassure him.

"Twilight, I'm sorry," He grunted. "I failed you. I-I-"

"N-No, Spike," Twilight shook her head, tears streaming from her eyes. "You didn't fail-I'm the one who should-"

"Twilight.....good-bye...." With that, Spike's eyes rolled back back, before closing them, and he fell motionless to the ground.

"Spike? Spike!? SPIKE?!?!?!" Twilight feared the worst. She touched his neck, no pulse. "No..." Tears began to form in her eyes. "No! Please....please don't leave me!" Twilight cried into his chest.

"Oh, poor little alicorn." Came a voice behind her. "To lose your first friend. The one who introduced you to the magic of friendship in the first place."

Twilight stood up and turns her head, face-to-face, with the metahuman she's been hunting, "YOU!!!!" She screamed, sadness, and grief, evaporated, leaving nothing but burning hatred, clear on her face, flapping her wings as she lunged forward, and blasted a bolt of magic.

Fear quickly dispersed in a puff of smoke, evading the attack, "He was doomed from the start," Fear's voice sounded. "Face it, Twilight. He was better off without you!" He taunted.

"Say that to my face, coward!" Twilight roared. "Fight me like a man, Fear!"

Fear can be heard laughing, "Your desire to avenge a fallen friend amuses me, princess. But it's no surprise to me," He continued. "You would do anything to avenge a friend. Even if it means taking the lives of another. I'm sure you remember don't you, how you could've prevented poor Spike Draco from leaving Equestria. Instead, you were captured, and forced to watch as he valiantly defended his precious mommy, and lost his memories and powers. It was right then and there, that you were willing to avenge him, by taking the lives of the Shadowbolts. But in the end, it doesn't change the fact that you couldn't save him, or restore his powers back."

Twilight didn't want to show that his words were getting to her. But every words he spoke, they're like poisons. Each more venomous than the last. Feeling a familiar surge of powerful magics, coursing through her whole body, all the way up to her horn, threatening to break free, Twilight winced at the burning sensation she began to feel.

"Face it, princess," Fear added. "Death is much more tragic. And the same fate shall befall on your other dear friends."

"AAAARRRGGHHH!!!" Twilight screamed, as she angrily blasts several waves of magic in every directions, where she heard Fear Haunter's voice.

"Whoa!" Fear shouted, backing away slightly, while receiving a few cuts from Twilight.

"YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS!!!" Twilight screamed, as her mane, wings, and tail suddenly caught fire, with her eyes becoming blazing red. "GO TO TARTARUS!!" She yelled.

In retaliation, Fear exploded in a puff of smokes, and several shady duplicates of him appeared, all around Twilight, while repeating the same thing, "Death is more tragic! Death is more tragic!"

Shaking her head in denial, Twilight continues to blast away every Fear Haunters she sees.

"Twilight!" Sunset shouted. "Twilight! Snap out of it! Twilight!"

Twilight turned in a specific direction, and blasted a Fear Haunter duplicate, revealing itself to be.....

"Sunset?!" Twilight exclaimed, before she finds herself, back in Ponyville, with the dead body of Spike gone, and the other ponies looking at her, scared. "W-Wuh-What happened?" Twilight nervously asked.

Sunset scratched the back of her head, before she hesitantly answered, "You happened," Sunset pointed, to show a pair of legs, sticking out from under a house.


Spike was flying overhead, whiskers shaking violently, ears opened, and nose twitching, all working together to locate the twisted metahuman.

Spike kept on flying, when his senses suddenly jolted, as if getting a lock on a specific location, "I've got you now, you son of a bitch," Spike growled, as he dives in towards his target.

Fear Haunter had just finished doing his business with Rumble, when Spike dives in towards the man, catching him by the scruff of his coat, and throws him into the side of a house. Spike's claws were surrounded in auras of fire, before a pair of katanas were produced. With a loud roar, Spike flapped his wings at Fear, slashing his fiery swords at the metahuman, who quickly dispersed into a puff of smoke, before reappearing behind the dragon, with a large scythe in hand. With a twist of his whole body, Fear slashed the scythe at Spike, who quickly parried the attack with one of his katana, while using the other to slash at Fear.

"General Scorpan's taught you will," Fear analyzed. "In the ways of martial arts. Though I couldn't help but detect a sense of unease, even as a dragon. Perhaps you're not much of a fighter when it comes to magic, are ya?" Spike remains silent, as he and Fear continue their assault.

Fear slashed his scythe at Spike again, only for the dragon hero to leap back, with a flap of his wings, before he breathed a huge burst of an explosive fireball at the metahuman, who quickly slashed his scythe, cutting the explosive fiery attack, which still exploded upon impact, sending Fear flying off his feet, and into the wall of a house on the side.

Growling like an angry beast, with the intent to kill, Spike slowly walks up to Fear, wielding two brands of fiery katana.

"Do it," Fear taunted. "Kill me! Kill me, and end this plague of fear! Then you can continue your reign of fear, as the monster you really are!"

"I'm not a monster!" Spike snarled, holding his katana close to the madman's throat. "Not a monster like you..."

"Of course not, you're much worse!" A voice spoke, which Spike turned in the direction to see who. Then, walking from behind a house, is Spike's annoying, least favorite, adopted cousin, Prince Blueblood.

"Vlad?" Spike called, with a hint of annoyance. "What are you doing here?"

"That's Prince Vladimir Blueblood to you!" Prince Blueblood scowled. "And I just happened to be here to check on your heroics, and I'm appalled to see you were going to take the life from another. Isn't that like a dragon?"

Spike narrowed his eyes, feeling something burning surging inside him, wanting to silence the unicorn stallion on the spot. However, at the same time, another force was in there, telling him otherwise.

Knowing better, Spike exhaled a sigh, "I'm nothing like that," Spike merely stated. "Everyone who are my friends and family all know me better than you and any pony else."

Without looking, Spike can feel a his cousin pouting, dismayed that he failed to touch a nerve.

"Is that so?" Blueblood asked, trying to figure a way to play his cards right. "Well, I am family, by adoption standards. And I do know you better, cousin. I do know for a fact that you're just a disaster waiting to happen!"

Soon, more ponies who are just as snobby and arrogant as Blueblood all came out, exchanging agreements along with hateful comments toward the Dragon Prince, "Monster! Freak! Beast!" They all pointed.

"ENOUGH!!!" Spike roared. No sooner did he screamed, however, when a burst of fire exploded from his mouth, and from the looks of it, he incinerated everypony who had insulted him.

In their place, are the looks of fright and disgusts, on the faces of the ponies who are his friends. It wasn't long before he hears the voices of the Elements-Bearers, turning against him.

"Go rot in tartarus, varmint!"

"Horrible monster!"

"Want a party? Here's one, for your funeral!!"

"Go die in hell!!"

"You horrid dragon!! I can't believe I ever socialized with the likes of you!!"

"I can manage just fine without you!!"

Spike, knowing this was all a part of Fear's ploy, stood firm, "Nice try, Fear," Spike frowned, as he slashed his katanas at the ponies, causing them to disperse into smokes. "You'll have to do more than that to scare me!"

"You mean like this?!" Fear asked, as he snapped his fingers, and Spike suddenly finds himself in a black void.

"What the?" Spike exclaimed. "Where am I?"

Then, much to Spike's surprise, his adopted mother soon appeared. However, the look on her face was nothing like a mother's love for her child.

"Mom?" Spike asked.

"Do not mom, me young dragon," Celestia said bitterly. "How could you attack all those ponies like that? They were our people! They were your friends!" Celestia face was twisted to a look of disgust. "Then again, I should've known better than to trust a little spawn of a dragon, such as yourself!"

Spike watched, as Princess Celestia's horn was surrounded in cracks of magics, "I've made many mistakes in my time," Celestia frowned. "You are one of these mistakes." The words pierced Spike's heart like daggers, as he watches in horror at what his adopted mother began to do to him. "You're no son of mine!" With her eyes glowing green, and purple smokes trailing, she prepared a spell which she fired onto Spike, aimed directly at his chest.

The pain was nothing like Spike has ever felt before. To him, it was as if a million arrows, tipped with fire, have all struck him in the heart, and his blood was burnt, numbing his whole body, causing him to collapse.

In the real world, Spike was curled up in a fetal position, clutching his chest, while groaning, "Mom! Stop it! Stop!" He screamed, while not noticing that his hands were burning in a yellow aura, with his adopted mother's cutie marks engraved upon them.

Fear Haunter chuckled, as he took his leave, when a loud screech pierced the air, and a blur of orange, red, and yellow came blazing down, aiming at the metahuman. Fear ducked down in time, as the fiery blur swoops down, and knocked his fedora off. The blur revealed itself to be Peewee, as the phoenix makes another dive at the man.

Spike had just broken free from his nightmare, when he looked up to see Fear Haunter, swatting aimlessly at Peewee. Then, moving as fast as lightning, Fear quickly snatched Peewee, out of the air, by the neck, "Peewee!" Spike shouted.

"Oh, is this your bird?" Fear smirked. "Not anymore!" He said, as he proceeded to break the phoenix's neck, dropping him motionless to the ground.

"Peewee!" Spike screamed, with a look of horror, while Fear dispersed in a vortex of smokes. "Peewee!" Spike exclaimed, scooping up the body of the dead phoenix.

It's a well-known fact in the magical world, phoenixes famously known for their immortality; being able to reborn from the dead, so initially, Spike didn't have any reasons to fear. After several minutes of Peewee not bursting into flames, or doing anything dramatic, however, the Dragon Prince began to worry.


Fear was walking down the street, enjoying himself, even breaking out into a song.

Jekyll & Hyde - ALIVE

At the end of his song, he happens to spot Pipsqueak, with Captain Celaeno.

With a sadistic grin, the madman focuses his powers on the two.

As he predicted, Captain Celaeno fell to her knees, succumbing to her fearful visions. Meanwhile, Pipsqueak, initially, looked surprised. And yet, he appears, undeterred. Fear was baffled.

'What the devil?!' Fear thought, as he focuses again on Pipsqueak. He could see what Pipsqueak was afraid of, and yet, it did nothing to deter the boy. The short boy just stood firm, resisting the frightful images that plagued him, persistently.

Scratching his chin, Fear narrowed his eyes, before he walks over to Pipsqueak. Hearing the metahuman's footsteps, Pipsqueak turned around, and quickly got into fighting stance.

"Who are you?" Pip asked.

"Who are you?" Fear asked. "Aren't you scared?"

"Why should I?" Pip asked, obliviously. "There's nothing for me to be afraid of, but fear itself."

Fear huffed, "Is that so?" The man asked. "So tell me," He began. "What are you afraid of? What do you fear?"

Suddenly, everything around Pip turned black. Pip looked around, trying to find a clue to where he is.

"Where am I?" Pipsqueak asked himself. "Hello? Guys? Girls?! Captain Celaeno?!! Anyone?!" He called.

"There's no one here, Pip!" Fear said ominously. "It's just you and me." Before long, Pip finds himself underwater, with sharks, squids, octopi, and all sorts of aquatic predators, circling around him. "And some pets. Maybe you're afraid of being submerged, in the ocean, with no way out, with predators descending, upon you!" With that, the creatures all lunged after Pipsqueak, determined to snatch him up in their masses of tentacles, jaws, and teeth. In retaliation, Pipsqueak unsheathes a pirate sword he's been using for training with Celaeno. Holding it close, and his Boots of Courage glowing an aura of gold sparkling magic, he zipped through their massive numbers, while hacking his swords at every one of them, disappearing in puffs of smokes.

"Nope!" Pipsqueak replied, defiantly. "That's not it!"

"Hmmm, or maybe you fear knives!" Then, as if he's replaced Rainbow Dash in her darkest dream with a psychotic Pinkamena Diana Pie, Pipsqueak finds himself tied down on a gurney, with the said crazed killing pony of his pink party friend, cackling on the left, with a wide, unpleasant grin.

The demonic version of Pinkie Pie licked her knife with her tongue, before she brushes it across Pipsqueak's arm, "The feel of cold steel," At the mention of those words, Pipsqueak tensed himself up, feeling the knife's cold touch on his skin, which made his hair stood on end. "Dragging across your skin, splitting it apart!" With that, Pipsqueak felt the knife, piercing into his arm, causing him to wince, gritting his teeth to keep himself from screaming.

"It's nothing," Pipsqueak groaned. "So what? I'm sure it's nothing compared to how Captain Celaeno and her crew have lost some parts of their own!" Pipsqueak gritted his teeth even tighter, feeling as if they're on the verge to break. "Or how Spike got hit by dark magic and lost his memory!"

Fear Haunter is clearly losing his cool, as he can be heard growling in the darkness, "Then perhaps you're afraid of insects," With that, Pinkamena, her knives, and gurney disappeared, in place of several creepy crawlies that crawled all over Pipsqueak. With disgusts, Pipsqueak quickly kicked his legs out, waving his arms around, struggling to get them off.

"Cockroaches, spiders, and maggots, crawling all over you; inside of you; eating you from within!"

"Yuck!" Pipsqueak groaned, before he started to stomp his feet, swatting his hands, crushing the insects. "Nasty! Get off of me!"

Even though Pipsqueak was showing a sign of discomfort, it's still not enough for Fear. With that, he played his last trump card, "Or maybe you fear, isolation!"

With that, Pipsqueak finds himself in an empty Ponyville.

"Being all alone, with nowhere to go, and no one to turn to," Fear Haunter said, in a haunting whisper. "As the walls closed in on you, the silence is deafening."

Pipsqueak looked around, seeing no one in sight. His tough guy persona quickly dissipated, replaced with a look of sadness, and longing on his face. Fear grinned himself with glee, seeing he at least got a reaction from Pip, at last.

"But there is one thing you should really be a afraid," Fear resumed, as Pip's world disappeared around him. "ME!" Fear said, in a puff of smokes, appearing before Pip, jumpscaring the boy. Startled, Pip began to breath heavily and rapidly, before he was picked up from the ground, off his feet, and was held, face-to-face with Fear, "You're not asleep! This is real!" The man said venomously, showing Pip a horror twisted Ponyville, with every signs of color and life, replaced with breaks of dreary gray, and death. "I am real!" Fear growled, as he once more held Pip to his face. "And I will not rest, until I have destroyed your life! Everyone and everything that you ever care about will be gone!"

Hearing the last words, all thoughts of fear and doubts inside of Pip disappeared, and was replaced with a newfound determination, and a will to fight, "NEVER!!" Pip screamed, as his feet were surrounded in a gold aura, and kicked Fear in the face, with rapid kicks.

Surprised, and disoriented, Fear shook his head, collecting himself, before he glanced at Pip, who stood a distance away, Boots of Courage glowing, with a pirate sword, unsheathed.

"You're never gonna get away with this, Fear!!" Pip growled. "Not while I can still run you through the gizzards!" With a burst of speed, Pip ran towards Fear, who retaliated with a slash of a huge scythe he conjured.

"Then I'll just have to make you bleed!" Fear sneered, with death, clear in his eyes. "FALL DOWN!!" Fear roared, slashing his scythe, with Pip ducking his head as he zips between Fear's legs and came up from behind, and jabbed into the man's rear. "OW!!" Angered, the man viciously slashed his scythe at Pip, who speedily dodges the large, sharp blade, while clashing together with his sword.

"You can't ESCAPE!!!" Fear Haunter hissed, as he slashes his scythe at Pip, who continues to outrun the man's slashes.

"No!" Pip retorted, as he parries with the man's scythe. "But I can still run, you creepy bogeyman!" With a leap, Pip flips in the air, over Fear's head, before he came back down to the ground, in his anthro pony form, sword still clutched in his hand.

"Disgusting creature!" Fear scowled, slashing his scythe at Pip.

In the meantime, Celaeno was, once more, plagued by visions of her crews, all screaming out for her in agonizing wails.

"No, no!" Celaeno groaned, claws over her ears, blocking out the sounds of screams, in vain. Then, in the corner of her eyes, Celaeno's eyes widened in surprise, and shock, to see Pipsqueak running circles around Fear Haunter, and clashing blades. "Pipsqueak?" Celaeno gasped, as she watch Pip fighting Fear to the stand.

Pipsqueak did a backflip, avoiding a slash from Fear, who quickly slashed at the boy again. Pip raised his sword up, parrying with the scythe's blade. Summoning all his strength, Fear successfully pulled the sword out of Pip's hand, disarming the boy of his weapon. With that, Fear, unfairly, resumes his assault on Pipsqueak who ducks, jumps, and sidesteps to avoid the blade, before he picked up a large stick he found lying around. After a moment of catching the man's scythe, with his arms, Pipsqueak spins to the left and smacked the stray branch into Fear's back.

Fear stumbled a moment, as he rubs his inflicted right shoulder, before he glares daggers at Pipsqueak. Slashing his scythe downward, which Pip shielded with an upward block with his branch, before he leapt at Fear, with a flying side kick, only for Fear to duck his head, as he uses the blunt end of his scythe to disarm Pip of the branch, before he resumes using the bladed end to slash at Pip. Pipsqueak leapt in the air, before he stepped on the blade, which Fear pulled away, causing Pip to trip and fell, before the evil metahuman stood over, raising his weapon up for the killing blow.

"Time to fall down!" Fear said gravely.

Celaeno narrowed her eyes, as all fearful feelings were banished. In their place, she felt only righteous indignation, as she quickly pulls out her musket, and fires a bullet, directly at Fear's hand, disarming him of his scythe.

Before the surprised metahuman could react, Celaeno came charging at the man, sword unsheathed, as she slashes viciously at the man. The man quickly dodges from side to side, evading the blade, before he was met with a sharp kick to his stomach, by Celaeno's jade peg leg, knocking the wind out of him.

In the meantime, Pipsqueak watched in awe, seeing amount of bravery displayed by the parrot. All of which she was using to protect him, from the monster that's the cause of the plague.

Celaeno leapt to the air, before she brought her sword down on the twisted metahuman, who quickly turned to smokes, and disappeared.

"COME BACK HERE!!" Celaeno squawked. "COME BACK HERE AND FIGHT!!! COWARD!!!!" Then, the sound of Pipsqueak’s voice instantly snapped the parrot out of the anger she was displaying.

The anthropomorphic parrot turned to look at the boy, eyes widened and mouth open wider than a codfish.

“Wow! Captain!” Pipsqueak said in awe. “You saved my life!”

“That I did, Pip,” Celaeno replied, sheathing her sword and gun away. “That I did.”

“You were bloody brilliant!” Pipsqueak exclaimed happily. “You were fighting him to the stand. You were cleaving him to the brisket! You were-“ Pipsqueak ceased his heartfelt enthusiasm, as Captain Celaeno got down to his level, and checked the boy over. “Ce-Celaeno?” Pipsqueak asked.

“Did he hurt ya somewhere, Pip?” Celaeno asked, with the look of concern, clear on her face.

“Just a few bumps and bruises, here and there,” Pip pointed, to which Celaeno quickly examined the areas. “But not too serious?” He asked, hoping to lighten the mood.

After checking everything, Celaeno breathed a sigh of relief, “Thank Faust yer alright,” She said, before her face contorted to a look of disapproval, mixed with a hint of worry. "That was very reckless of ya, Pip! He almost got ya killed! Don't ever scare me like that again!"

"Scare you?" Pip asked in surprise. "What did I do to scare you?"

"Oh like yer friend the Dragon Prince, ya put yourself in harm's way!" Celaeno answered. "That was a foolish and reckless thing to do! And yet, I'm so proud of ya for doing it," Celaeno said, in a growing calmer tone, though her worries continue to linger.

Pip looked at the parrot in surprise, "Celaeno?" He asked.

"Ya showed real courage in the face of danger there, Pip!" Celaeno began. "Truly something worthy of a pirate."

Pip couldn't help but blush, as he scratched the back of his head, "Gosh, I'm flattered." He admitted. "I always did like the swashbuckling and adventurous lifestyle of a pirate, and hearing all of that from you, I....thank you."

Celaeno smiled, as she pulled Pip close, "I was wrong about ya, Pip," She admitted. "You may not be big, or strong. But you're quick, clever, and courageous of heart. And perhaps that counts for more than I thought. You will make an excellent pirate, Pip." With that, she hugged him tightly.

Pipsqueak felt himself overwhelmed with the love washing over him. It reminded him of the love he once had with his parents before their deaths. Now, with Celaeno, it once more felt like he was in his mother’s arms.

Getting control of himself, Pipsqueak slowly returns the embrace, before Celaeno broke it up, "But don't forget, I'm still the captain," She reminded with a smirk.

Pip chuckled, "Aye-aye, captain," He saluted, before the two resumed their loving embrace.

From the shadows, Fear was watching the tender moment being played out, “Disgusting,” He groaned, before he dispersed in a puff of smokes, just as Applejack came onto the scene.

"Um, as much as I hate to interrupt this moment," Applejack began. "But Twilight's expecting us at town square!"

"YOU LEFT ME FOR DEAD!!!" A ghostly wail of a woman cried. "YOU LEFT ME!!!!"

Grand Pear kept on running, trying in vain to escape the shrieks of his deceased daughter.

Suddenly, Grand Pear came to a quick halt, in front of a run down manor, at the edge of the Everfree Forest.

Grand Pear gasped at the sight of this magnificent, and yet, crumbling structure.

“Hello old coot,” A voice spoke from behind.

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