• Published 11th Jan 2017
  • 17,209 Views, 792 Comments

Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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Mission Rogue Diamond Part 8: The Smooze-ical

After escaping from a near death experience with the Smooze mutants and monsters, the heroes took refuge in the castle, along with the other refugees.

"Is every pony alright?" Celestia asked.

"No," Gabby sobbed. "Gilda's gone! And all because she's been slimed!"

"It wasn't slime," Trixie muttered. "It was Smooze. And there's a lot of it out there."

"We've got to go back and rescue her!" Gabby sobbed, as she tries to leave through the door.

"But we don't stand a chance!" Lyra said.

Everyone all dipped their heads in sorrow at what the minty unicorn said.

Zecora looked out, through a window, surveying the situation that was unfolding before her.

"Actually, in light of all this calamity," Zecora began. "There's still a way, for us to save the day!"

"And pray tell, how?" Twinkleshine asked.

"The Dazzlings, whom make the Smooze strong and maddening, must be stopped or the Smooze is hardly to stop!" Zecora explained.

"If we can get to them without winding up like Gilda, that is," Gabby moaned.

Moon Dancer, looking at the heroes before her, having lost their fighting spirits, could hardly believe it. Looking out the window, seeing the moon in the sky, the look of determination quickly formed on Moon Dancer's face.

"Listen up," Moon Dancer began. "We can't give up! Our friends never did, so neither would we!" Everyone looked up at Moon Dancer as she continues. "Don't deny it. When we lost Spike years ago, we nearly lost hope," Princess Celestia nodded her head, while at the same time felt her heart ache at the mention of the tragedy.

"But even so, it never stopped us from fighting in his place!" Moon Dancer continued. "Spike lost his memories, fighting for us! And in his absence, Twilight and the others never gave up hope, fighting in his place! We need to do the same! It's not over!"

"Look Moon Dancer, we want nothing more than to save our homes as much as Spike would," Daring Do spoke. "But first, we need a plan. So unless you have one, we're better off staying in here."

"I'm working on a plan," Moon Dancer replied. "First, we need to figure out a way to handle those sirens," Moon Dancer analyzed. "As long as they keep up with their song, then we're never going anywhere with those Smooze monsters on the loose!"

"And just how are we going to do that?" Ember asked. "Do we just simply walk up to them and politely ask them to stop singing for awhile? Because they don't like they're the types taking requests, let alone, care about the lives they're risking."

"Then we're just gonna have to out sing them," Gabby exclaimed.

"But how?" Ember turned to the griffon. "Anyone here a good singer?"

"I am," Rara spoke.

"Countess Coloratura?!" Moon Dancer exclaimed, together with her posse.

"OMIGOSH!! Countess Coloratura!!" Minuette chirped, as she zips off, and stood enthusiastically close to the pony pop star. "Omigosh! Omigosh! Omigosh! I can't believe it! How long have you been standing there? I can't believe, I'm really talking to you, here, in Canterlot, of all places! And right when we're in the middle of a Smoozeapocalypse! Can I have your autograph?!!" Minuette exclaimed happily, while levitating a notepad, and an ink pad before the bewildered singer.

"Minuette!" Moon Dancer called. "Now's not the time!"

"Oh, right," With a nervous giggle, Minuette rejoined the group, giving space for Rara to join in.

"Okay, we got our singer," Ember spoke. "Now let's do this!"

"Not so fast, Ember," Moon Dancer spoke. "Now, we just need some equipments to make Rara sing over the Dazzlings."

Just then, a certain DJ unicorn mare just happens to be walking by, dancing to the rhythm of the music in her headphones.

"I got it!" Lyra exclaimed, as she got in front of the DJ. "Vinyl Scratch! Hey!"

Vinyl Scratch, though faintly, heard Lyra's voice through the music. Through her violet shades, Vinyl looked and could see Lyra speaking to her, to which she responded by taking her headphones off.

"Yo Lyra," Vinyl greeted. "What's up?"

The dazzlings continue to sing their song, harmonizing their voices in perfect sync, while moving their bodies in fluid motion, with the Smooze's slimes following.

Adagio: "Welcome to the show~
We're here to let you know~
Our time is now~
Your time is running out~

Meanwhile, up on the balcony of Canterlot Castle, the heroes, together with Vinyl Scratch had just finished setting up a huge machine.

"That should do it," Vinyl Scratch said, as she takes her place behind a record player. "Let's get this party started!"

After checking every last bit of details on the machine, Moon Dancerl looked to see Rara, who was standing on stage, with a microphone don on her head, "You ready for this?" Moon Dancer asked.

"I just hope this works," Rara replied nervously.

Dazzlings: "Feel the wave of the sound, as it crashes down!
You can't turn away, we'll make you want to stay!

We will be adored,
tell us that you want us!
We won't be ignored,
it's time for our reward!"

As the dazzlings sang the last verse of their song, they were surrounded in a coat of red lights, as they began to transform. Then, in a flash of light, in place of their teenage human girls appearance, are three hippocampus, with red jewels embedded in their chests. Adagio was colored gold, while her sisters, Aria and Sonata, were colored dark purple and light blue, respectively.

Dazzlings: "Now you need us!
Come and heed us!
Nothing can stop us now!"

Just then, another angelic voice interrupted their song, as the Dazzlings looked to see none other than Rara, singing loudly through her microphone.

Via Rara's harmonious singing, the Smooze monsters began to grow weak, and cracks started to form on the Smooze mutants.

Bits of the Smooze fell off of Gilda, as she looked up in surprise.

"You think you can outshine us? Us, the Dazzlings?" Adagio asked with a raised brow. "The creators of pops? The beautiful sorceresses of the sea?" Adagio grinned maliciously, "Think again."

Dazzlings: "What we have in store,
all we want and more,
we will break on through,
now it's time to finish you!"

With that, the Dazzlings' jewels glowed intensely, together with their whole body. Soon, the three enchantresses started to float in the air, as they took flight, slithering around Rara and the heroes, together with the Smooze.

"Oh no!" Gilda cried, as she felt herself once more being smothered in the Smooze's slimes, and was once more a mutant.

"Keep singing, Rara!" Ember shouted. "We can't let these maniacs win!"

"I'm singing the best I can!" Rara replied.

"I don't suppose you still have room for one more," an elderly voice called, to which Mina smiled.

"Uncle Mako!" Mina cheered happily, seeing the veteran dragon hero coming in for a landing.

"Stand aside, niece," Mako spoke. "Watch your old dragon at work!"

With that, Mako slithered in the air, breathing fires at the Dazzlings, as well as spinning in the air, taking control of the winds in the air, which he used to blow away many of the Smooze monsters away, keeping them at bay.

"Go uncle!" Mina cheered.

"Save some for us!" Ember said, as she leapt off the balcony and breathed fire at the monsters, causing some to disintegrate.

"Take this!" Minuette shouted, as she, Twinkleshine, and Lemon Hearts all blasted beams of magics at the monsters.

Having enough, Adagio lets out a long piercing howl that forced Mako back, as well as overpowering Rara's vocals.

"You've got quite the set of pipes, I'll give you that," Mako grumbled.

Then, Aria and Sonata joined at their sister's sides, and they all howl at the heroes, forcing them all back slightly. Rara's microphone flew off her head, as she was knocked off the stage.

"Now, for the final curtain call for you!" Adagio grinned, as she and her sisters moved in for the kill.

"ENOUGH!!" Celestia shouted, as she got in the way, wings spread out defensively before the heroes.

Before long, Celestia fired her magic via horn, projecting a barrier between herself, and the sirens.

"Countess Coloratura!" Moon Dancer shouted, as she and the friends all gathered around the pop star.

"It's no use," Rara panted. "We need more singers, besides me."

Thinking quick, Trixie quickly took a mic, as she joined in the song. Together, Rara began to get a second wind, as she resumed singing, with Trixie.

Shaking their heads, and with a roll of their eyes, the Dazzlings resumed attacking, only to their bewilderment, their songs were hindered by the combined singing vocal of Rara and Trixie. Seeing how it's working, the rest of the girls all joined in, as they sang together with Rara.

Soon, the heroines were even with the Dazzlings.

"Got room for more?" a voice spoke, and two ponies took the stage, as they started singing together with Rara.

"Sapphire Shores?!" Rara exclaimed to the pony on her right. "Songbird Serenade!" She said to the left.

"Well don't stand there like a deer in the headlights, girl," Sapphire spoke. "Let's show these sirens what we're made of!"

With a look of confidence imprinted on her face, Rara nodded as she, and her fellow singers all joined their voices together, as they sang the song the overpowered the Dazzlings' song spell, on the ponies, and the Smooze.

The Smooze mutants were reverted back to their original forms.

"Let's get outta here!" a father spoke.

"Oh! We're gone!" his daughter cried, and the two zipped away.

Gilda was later shaking the shells of her former mutant form off, "Whoa, I thought my geese were cooked," Gilda sighed in relief. "Thanks you guys."

"Don't thank us yet," Ember replied.

"GILDA!!!" Gabby screeched happily, as she tackled Gilda in a death gripping hug. "You're back!"

"Well, as they say," Aria grumbled. "The fat pony has sung."

"Which one is the fat one?" Sonata asked.

"Ugh, it's just a figure of speech!" Aria replied.

"Girls! Not now! Look!" Adagio spoke, pointing in the directions, to see the Smooze getting back in fighting stances.

"Now, let's see how good you guys can fight, without your partners in crimes' songs!" Ember said, as she cracked her knuckles.

With that, the heroes all charged back into the fight.

After a long hour of fighting, the slime monsters all retreated over the cliff, where they jumped off, and disappear in the sea of Smooze. Together with the Smooze, the Dazzlings too were dragged away, and into the sea of the Smooze.

Every pony, and creatures in Canterlot, all cheered, feeling relieved the threat was over.

"We did it, auntie!" Cadence cheered, as she hugs Princess Celestia. "We did it! We're safe!"

"Don't be so sure, Cadence," Celestia spoke grimly. "It's far from over."

"But those Smooze monsters are gone," Ember spoke. "Your city, and everyone here are all safe and accounted for. And-" Ember didn't finish, when Lemon Hearts tapped the dragoness on the shoulder.

"Um, Dragon Lord," Lemon began. "You might want to take a closer look."

With that, Ember, and the rest of the heroes complied, as they looked down, and could hardly believe their eyes.

"No!" Celestia gasped in horror. "It can't be!"

Then, as if things couldn't get any worse, a dark flaming meteor came crashing down, from the sky, and into the sea of the Smooze.

Author's Note:

Up next, Spike and friends finally take on Nightmare Moon, once and for all.

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