• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 109: Ambitions

Isaac was currently walking along a meadow as he found himself in some sort of weird place. He was still a pony, but where he was, he noticed the sky above him was the brightest shade of baby blue and the flowers on the ground next to him were the prettiest he had ever seen.

"Okay, where am I? Wait... I know, I'm dreaming. So this is probably just some more of Princess Luna's magic. Though the real question is why am I here? Cause last I remember, I was dreaming about a duel."

"It was not my doing?" said a voice.

"Who's there?" asked Isaac as he noticed a rift open up in front of him. The pony that then appeared in front of the colt was none other than the princess of the night. "Princess Luna?"

"It's good to see you again, Isaac. So... how's it hanging?" said Luna.

"Okay, that one actually works." stated Isaac as he heard Luna's attempt to speak cool lingo. "Well, I was having a dream about me competing in a duel, but then it suddenly shifted and I found myself in some sort of meadow. So... I can only assume you had some part in doing that?"

"Normally, I only can influence certain things in the dream world. But as for your dream changing, well it was actually you who did it."

"Wait, what?" said Isaac in a dumbfounded expression.

"It seems your dream changed due to something inside of you. Something that's plaguing your mind." stated Princess Luna.

"Something on my mind? I don't know what that could be."

"Perhaps, you'll have a better chance at figuring it out when you wake up. Speaking of which, you should awake... now!" stated Luna.

At that moment, Isaac opened his eyes as he the sun rising high in the sky. He let out a yawn as it served as the signal to start his day. With that Isaac got out of bed as he stretched his limbs, he then thought about his dream and what Princess Luna said.

"Something on my mind? What could that be? I mean, I don't have anything that's bothering me. Except, no... no, it can't be that." Isaac quickly put the thought out of his mind as he choose to ignore it.

He exited out of his room as he entered the kitchen where he saw Spike washing some dishes.

"Hey, Isaac. Saved you a plate." said Spike as he pointed to the table.

"Thanks, Spike. Where's Twilight?"

"She's gone to Canterlot. Apparently, Princess Celestia sent her a note late last night about how they needed her for some kind of royal meeting. So she took the first train this morning and said she won't be back for awhile."

"Oh, bummer." said Isaac as he took a bite of his food.

"Anyways, I got to head out as well. I promised Rarity that I'd help her today." With that Spike finish the last bit of dishes as he wiped his claws dry and took off his apron. He then said goodbye to Isaac as he exited out the door and the castle.

Isaac was left alone as he continued to finish his meal and think about what it was that plagued his mind. He then began to head towards Sunset's room to see if she was there. He opened the room and found it to be empty, he noticed a note that was on her bed as it told Isaac that she had gone to help Fluttershy with taking care of some animals and that she would be gone for nearly the whole day. Isaac just let out a sigh as he was hoping to talk to the orange mare about his dream and possibly see if she had any answers. So Isaac decided to take his mind off of things by heading into town. The first place that Isaac visited was a place the girls had always wanted to bring him to which was the Ponyville Spa.

"Mister, it seems you have some stress that you've gain over the years." said a mare by the name of Lotus Blossom.

"Stress, what are you talking about?" asked Isaac.

"It happens to all of us, sometimes even though we don't feel it. It's there; now just lie down and let me take care of it." instructed Lotus.

"But I told you that I don't feel... oh... that's... actually feels good." said Isaac as he felt the pair of hooves rub his shoulder and backside. "Huh, guess I did have some stress."

"See. Now then let's focus on your muscles." said Lotus as she began to massage the colt's body. "My, all this stress and to think it hasn't caused you to age."

"Well, I guess being the hero is tiring work. But it does allow me plenty of exercise." stated Isaac as he felt the tension in himself being relieved. Soon Lotus pulled out some cucumbers and placed them on Isaac's eyes. "Okay, what the hell is this for?"

"To reduce the puffiness around one's eyes." Lotus said, with a sigh.

"Wait, seriously?" asked Isaac, raising a cucumber. "Huh... I thought these were just for presentation."

Soon Isaac felt himself being a bit younger despite him still being a young individual. He stretched himself as he felt his muscles become a bit more loose. In fact, it seemed the all stress that was on Isaac's body left him as he felt revitalized. He then thanked Lotus Blossom for all she did as he paid her a tip and tipped his cap to her. After he exited the place, Isaac decided to explore the town while also doing his usual patrol. He managed to buy a couple of groceries for Spike while he was out as he even bought some sweets. Pinkie even gave him a discount as she was thankfully for Isaac helping to baby sit the Cake Twins when she had a huge order to fill out the other day. Soon it was nighttime as Isaac had returned back to the castle. Spike was already fast asleep and as for Sunset, she had decided to spend the night at Fluttershy's cottage; seems taking care of the animals proved to be more tiring than she expected. And Twilight was still in Canterlot as the meeting was going for another day. With nothing to do, Isaac decided to hit the hay early. He was all set to bed as he closed his eyes and drifted off to dreamland.

"Now that the end is near. It's time to strike." said Isaac as he was dreaming about him in a duel as he was in his human form. "Now, my draw. Perfect, Now I'll sacrifice my monsters so that I can play, Dark Magician! But wait, that's not all. Cause next I activate the spell, Bond Between Teacher and Student. So now please welcome Dark Magician Girl!" shouted Isaac as he had his two ace magicians on his field. "Together the three of us are unbeatable."

"Is that so?" said Isaac's opponent in a deep voice. He then flipped his facedown as it caused a bright light to appear.

"What's happening?" said Isaac as he covered his eye. Soon the light died down as Isaac saw his magicians were frozen still. "What's happening? Mahad? Mana?" Isaac walked to the front and saw that his monsters were stone statues. He was surprised as he saw his best friends like that; he then saw several other statues ahead.

Isaac then began to check them out as they were some of the famous monsters used by duelist of the past. And they seem to be sectioned off by the method of summoning that they belonged to. Isaac walked along the path as the first batch he came across had several Xyz Number monsters as the head of that group was none other than Number 39: Utopia. After that Isaac walked a bit further and he saw six dragons that belonged to the group of people that ushered in Synchro Summoning as Stardust Dragon was the one in front. After that, he walked past them as he came to the next group of statues as they belonged to the great fusion duelist of the past. So many statues laid about with most of them belonging to the best fusion player to ever exist as he saw Elemental Hero Neos. The last group that came into view belonged to the pioneers of Duel Monsters as they had their signature monsters all overlooking the rest of the statues.

Isaac got up on the stage as he took in the statues and was impressed with their likeness despite being in stone. He then noticed two spots in the middle of the stage as it seemed to like something was missing. Isaac's deck then began to shine; he then pulled it out as he examined his Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl as they were the ones causing the light. He then looked at them as it caused him to look away as the light got brighter, once it died down, Isaac was still holding his cards but the two spots that were empty were now replaced with statues of his ace magicians.

"What is this place? What does it all mean?" said Isaac as he looked at the statues in front of him and then out back to the many that were facing the stage. "Princess Luna said that mind has been dealing with something, but what? The only thing that's been constantly on my mind is going home, but that can't be it? And as much as I think... no... it's not that. I know for a fact that it's not that! No matter what she said, my destiny is not set in stone. It just can't be! I know it!" shouted Isaac.

"All of these duelists, they all became legends, but was it their destiny? Did they suffer what I went through?" asked Isaac. "Were they told that this was they were suppose to become and nothing else? I want to believe that I'm going to be more than just a pro, but the way things are going and how everyone mentions that, I don't think I want to be a duelist anymore." Isaac then punched the statue of Dark Magician in front of him. "I say I love this game, but if I love it, then why do I feel miserable? Why I do I feel miserable whenever I think about going pro? I appreciate that people see my skills and talents. But I can't help but feel that I'll end up in a life of misery. And my friends, am I never gonna see them again? My family? Was what Sunset said when she was still evil right, if I want to get to the next level does that mean I have to forget about the ones close to my heart?"

Isaac felt a few tears form in his eyes as he wiped them out. "I wish I could get some advice, how they did they handle this? What advice would they give me?" said Isaac. He let out a sigh as he then turned around; just then Isaac noticed something moving.

From among the field of Xyz statues there was a presence. At first glance it seemed to be nothing but a magical energy, but soon it started to take shape as it was taking the form of something or someone. Isaac noticed a similar thing happening coming from the Synchro statues as well as the Fusion statues. Soon all three energies appeared in front of Isaac as they had taken the form of a person. To Isaac he couldn't make out their faces, but the three spirits that were in front of Isaac was none other than 3 individuals that each revolutionized their own summoning methods. Isaac couldn't make them out until he saw their signature monsters appear above them. Isaac was amazed as he took a step back until he felt something; he then turned around and saw another presence. Like the others he couldn't see their face, but Dark Magician appeared behind him as Isaac had his eyes in awe.

"You? All of you? You're the Big 4." stated Isaac as the presences all looked at him. Isaac then looked at the figure in front of him as he could tell it was none other than his idol. "The King of Games." said Isaac as the presence in front of him just stared at the young boy. "Tell me, what do I do? How do I handle all this? How did you all do it?" asked Isaac as he hoped the spirits of the Big 4 could offer some insight to his personal demon.

The four presences then all lifted their hand as a pillar of light started to surround Isaac. Isaac was unsure of what was happening as he stood his ground as the wind was blowing in his face. Once the tornado around Isaac ceased, Isaac found himself as he was in a city of sorts. He noticed several people walking around, Isaac bumped into one person but they passed through him as if he wasn't there. Isaac then point his hand out and it phased through another person as they walked by.

"Woah, trippy." stated Isaac. Soon he heard a couple of voices.

"Come on, man. Hurry up. We're gonna miss him in action." said a person as they ran with their friends.

Isaac then began to follow the people as he wanted to see what they were talking about. He then phased through the massive crowd that had gathered as he appeared in the front and was welcomed to the sight of a duel. But not just any duel, it was a duel that had Isaac's idol as he was currently engaged in battle.

"Now, Dark Magician. Attack him directly! Dark Magic Attack!!!" said the person in a deep voice as he had so much confidence. Dark Magician then raised its staff as it took out his opponent and awarded the victory to his owner.

Once the duel ended, tons of reporters and journalists began to swarm the person as they asked him some questions. Isaac listened in closely as he saw his idol.

"Mr. King of Games? Over here. Stellar performance as always. Do you think that there's anybody out there that can provide you with a challenge?" asked one reporter.

"I pride myself on being a duelist. And one of those things is not whether someone can beat me, it's whether they can push themselves past the limit. Do they truly believe in the heart of the cards? That to me is someone who I would love to share the duel field with." said Isaac's idol as he looked in the direction of Isaac even though he couldn't see him.

"Question, over here. What was it that inspired you to become a pro duelist?" asked a female journalist.

"I never went with the intention of being a pro duelist, it just sort of happened. But at times, I'm glad to have gone down this career. I got to meet some wonderful duelists, all who have shown promise. Now whether they succeed or not is completely up to them, but one thing is for sure, is that your destiny is not one that's confined. You make the most of it." said Isaac's idol.

"You make the most of it." repeated Isaac to himself.

Soon the scene started to change as Isaac saw himself getting farther and farther away from him. Soon a bright light caused him to cover his eyes, it then died down as he found himself surrounded by trees and he could see the ocean's waves crashing against the rocks. Isaac then noticed a giant building that could be seen from the whole place as he noticed a sign that said: Welcome to Duel Academy. He then noticed a small group of people watching two people dueling. Isaac got closer look as he saw that one of the individuals was the person who was the best fusion summoner.

"Alright, time to finish this. Neos, Aqua. Contact Fusion!" shouted the male in a red jacket as his two monsters jumped into the air they made contact and began to combine with each other. "Say hello to Elemental Hero Aqua Neos(2500/2000)!" said the person as a brand new monster came out. "Now attack!" With that his monster then took out his opponent's creature as their life points dropped to zero. "That's game!" said the person as he did his signature pose.

"Nice work, Jay." said his opponent who was a much shorter person.

"Indeed, keep that up and you're sure to be the next King of Games." said a female as she wore a blue jacket.

"Well, can you blame him?" said another boy as he wore a yellow jacket. "He's the best out of all of us. According to my numbers, he's a sure fire to be the next dueling legend."

"Way to go, Sarge." said another person as he applauded his friend as he too wore a yellow jacket vest.

"Thanks, guys. Though I don't think I can be the next King of Games. Cause everybody wants to be that, so the only way I can truly be the next King of Games is to challenge everybody who I met. Then I'll be the last one standing, so then it's guarantee to be me." said the person as he gave a goofy smile. The others just smiled and nodded at their friend's line of thinking.

"I guess that makes sense. Still, I hope you won't forget about us when you become a pro." said the short person.

"How can I forget about you guys, you're my friends? All the adventures we've had, all the duels we've fought. That's the real treasure and I wouldn't trade it for the world." said the boy as he gave his friends a smile. "You hear me world, nothing is gonna stop Jaden Yuki from becoming the best. Nothing, as long as I have my friends by my side, I'll conquer any challenge you'll throw my way." said the boy.

"As long as I have my friends? By my side." said Isaac as he took in the words stated by Jaden.

Once more the scene was changing as Isaac covered his eyes again as it teleported him to another place. He know found himself in front of a building. Upon further inspection, it seemed to be some sort of garage. He then phased through the door as he saw the inside of the place. It had a couple of beds upstairs, but the main space of the garage had a couple of computers and parts spread all over the floor. He then saw the main door open as in rode three Duel Runners and two Duel Boards as they all arrived from their little drive.

"I think we figured out who the best is." said the tall blonde person in an accent.

"What are you talking about? I beat you several times." argued another person who had spiky orange hair. "As far as I'm concerned my Blackwings are better than your Power deck."

"Why you!?! How dare you make a mockery of my skills? I'm the best one of all of us, no debate!" shouted the taller person as they got in each other's faces.

"Those two really love to argue." said a girl who unhooked her duel disk as she got off her duel board.

"Yeah, glad we're not like that." chuckled her twin brother who had unhooked his safety pads.

"Yeah, cause I totally don't have a dork for a sibling?" snickered the girl.

"Dork? Who you calling dorky, sis?" responded the boy as he looked at his sister.

"I mean what I say." responded as she looked at her brother.

"Guys, settle down." said the last person of the group as she was an older female. "It's bad enough dealing with their constant bickering, you don't want to turn out like them." said the girl as she pointed to the males.

"What's wrong with turning out like us!?!" shouted both of the boys as they looked at each other.

"My point exactly." chuckled the girl as the two kids also let out a laugh. "Besides, you know who the best of us is."

"Right, your boyfriend." snickered the boy.

"He's not my boyfriend!" responded the girl with a bit of red on her face. "And keep in mind, I have physic powers which means I could squash you like a grape if I wanted to."

"They seem like a merry bunch." said Isaac as he sat on the stairs looking at the group with a smile.

Just then they heard the sound of an engine in the distance. It then began to get louder and louder until they looked at the garage entrance and in came another rider. The runner was red and the driver was someone who Isaac recognized, he removed his helmet and Isaac got to see the person in action.

"It's Satellite's Shooting Star." said Isaac.

"Hey, Yusei." responded the boy and girl.

"Hey, guys." responded the man as he gave them a high five and hug.

"Bout time you showed up." stated the blonde person.

"What's shaking buddy?" said the orange haired person.

"How's everything back home?" asked the older girl.

"Everybody's fine. The kids were all happy to see me." responded Yusei.

"Hey, guys? Do you think that we'll be together? I mean, I know the WRGP is coming up, but what about the future?" asked the boy. "I'm kind of feel scared about what's going to happen to us?"

"Leo's right. I'm glad to have met you all, even if was because of this mark on my arm. But I wouldn't trade it for the world. Still, I can't help but think what the future holds for each of us?" responded the girl. "I just hope that we'll stay friends."

"Of course we will, Luna." said Yusei. "To be honest, it really hurts me to think about what will happen when that day comes. I really want all of us to stay here forever. But I can't do that, and neither should any of us. After all, we're all on paths that we've chosen for ourselves."

"You sure our bonds will stand for that?" asked the older girl.

"Bonds are bonds, you know. They never shake away. But even so, the futures we'll be moving towards from here on out aren't ones that can somehow be attained with just our bonds. We have to live our own lives responsibly. And that starts now." said Yusei as he gave his friends a smile. "We're each stepping onto our next stage."

"When did you get all sappy, Yusei?" asked the blonde male.

"He's the good guy. It's what he does, he's been doing it since we were kids, remember." stated the orange spiked male.

"From this point on lies the futures we'll create for ourselves. So let's keep riding, you guys! In this Turbo Duel we call 'life'!" stated Yusei as he had his fist raised. All of his friends agreed with their leader as they all gave nods.

"We have to live our own lives responsibly; from this point on lies the futures we'll create for ourselves." said Isaac as he repeated the words. "Words to live by." he said as he dawned a smile. Soon the scene started to change once more as he felt himself being whisked away.

Isaac now found himself overlooking a river. He turned to his side as he saw a boy and girl standing there overlooking the body of water. The boy had a special key hanging around his neck as Isaac could that he was the person that made Xyz Summoning so grand. He then listened in as the girl behind him began to talk.

"So... you've made up your mind?" asked the girl.

"Yup... my mind's made up and I've decided on becoming the world's greatest duelist. Being the World Duel Carnival Champion was the first step. Now it's time to take things to the next level." said the boy.

"I'm happy for you. After all we've been through, finding your parents, restoring peace to our world, and collecting all the numbers. But... what the about the promise you made? To me." stated the girl as she put her head down. "After all the crazy adventures we've had, I thought that we would get to spend the rest of our lives together. And I'll always support you, no matter what. But we also had a dream to settle down together and now I..."

"Hey, do you trust me?" said the boy as he looked at her.


"Then you know that I never break a promise. Especially not to my friends." said the boy as he placed his hand on her shoulder. "It's like I told Astral when he left, no matter how many times I fall, no matter how many times I get laughed at, I promise to keep trying to high-five the sky, 'cause when you're feeling the flow, there's no going back!" stated the boy. "I don't know what the future holds, but if the past is my guide to tomorrow, I don't fear the unknown, for the friendships I have forged have shown me that high-fiving the sky can overcome any obstacles that get in one's way. I'll always remember my friends and I'll always remember you. We'll be together forever!"

"Together till the end of time!" said the girl as she leapt at her friend and gave him a tight hug.

"I promise to come back and then we can finally start our dream, together."

"Then I'll wait for you, Yuma." said the girl as she gave a peck on his cheek.

Isaac was watching this scene as he started to think about his own relationship. "Together till the end of time. We'll be together forever." said Isaac as he clutched his heart. "The only thing is can this also work for me and Twilight, or are we just suppose to go our separate ways?" With that the light started to surround Isaac as he found himself back into the place he first started which was the statue garden.

He was back on the stage as he saw the three presences before him, but this time they were much clearer as he could see their faces and their appearances. Isaac looked behind him and the shadow of his idol was still there, but unlike the others, it was still covered in a blanket of shadows.

"You all showed me something. Pieces of what I'm struggling with when the times comes. All these different issues; I'm just so worried about myself, about what my friends will become and our relationships. About what the future holds for each of us, and quite possibly if I get to spend that future with the person that I care about the most." said Isaac as he looked at all four of the presences as he stated what each of them was trying to say. "The future is scary because you don't know what to expect, and not knowing makes you worry. But then again... sometimes that's a good thing. I... I... think I have a bit more clarity on the issue. Granted there's still some uncertainty, but I think I gained some closure."

The spiritual presences all smiled at Isaac as they gave him a nod. They all turned their backs to him as they began to walk. Isaac noticed this and called out to them.

"Wait! Before you all go, I just want to hear it from you all. Do you think... that... I could be like you guys? Inspire people, make believe in the impossible, more importantly, can I pave the way for the future with my deck? Just like you all did. I just want to know if you all think I've got what it takes." asked Isaac as that was the one answer that would decide everything.

"That depends." said Isaac's idol as his shadow spoke which caused Isaac's eyes to go wide.

"As long as you have fun..." stated Jaden.

"As long as you remember the ones who truly support you..." continued Yusei.

"As long as you stay true to yourself." finished off Yuma.

"Then you'll find your answer." said all of them in unison. With that they all disappeared into their own section of statues as the spirits of their ace monsters appeared behind them as they drifted off into the fog. Soon it was just Isaac by himself as he was still surrounded by the statues.

"These words of wisdom, I have to hold on to them. I look up to these legends and if I am to be just a sliver of what they stand for and what they created, then I need to trust in that when the time comes to make that decision. I'll have chosen the right one, I just hope it's the one that everybody is content with." said Isaac as he put his head down. Soon he felt something on his shoulders as his Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl looked at their master. Isaac moved his head up and saw his magicians as they had a smile on their faces; Isaac returned one as they all were happy. Soon the place started to disappear as the statues began to crumble; Isaac then disappeared back into the dream realm controlled by Princess Luna.

"What do you think, Yugi?" asked Jaden. "The kid looks up to you."

"Indeed. But he looks up to all of us." responded Yugi.

"Kid's a natural, could tell that he duels with passion." stated Yusei.

"Then we better make room, guys. Cause soon, we might have another person join our ranks." said Yuma.

"Yes, soon." smiled Yugi as all four spirits disappeared back into the ether.

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