• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 33: Studying Time

"Think. Think. What can I do in this situation?"

Isaac was currently in the library on the second floor. He was sitting at a table with a couple of books on it; he also had several cards spread out on his table. He was currently going over a plan to win in this given scenario. Once Isaac figured out his plan he was about to do it until he was interrupted.

"Alright, so I'll..."

"Hey Isaac!"

"Nevermind." said Isaac as he didn't like it when people interrupted his concentration.

"Yo Isaac, you in here?" she shouted.

"I'm up here Rainbow." Isaac signaled Dash to let her know where he was at.

Once Rainbow saw where Isaac was, she made her way up the stairs to join him.

"Glad I found you; Sunset said you might be here. So what are you doing?"

Rainbow had gotten close to Isaac's position and she was intrigued by what he was doing. There were a couple of cards spread out on the table; there were a few monsters facing Isaac and a single facedown. On Isaac's side he had but a single monster which was his Dark Magician and had 6 cards in his hand.

"Well if you must know, I'm taking a test of sort. See I like to challenge my mind from time to time. Duel Monsters is all about how you can figure out a way to get out of a situation. So what I like to do is put down several cards and see if I can't find a way to win with the cards that I have selected. Let me show you: my opponent has 1500 life points and he has 3 monsters on the field which consist of Gazelle, Armed Dragon LV 10 , and Alpha the Magnet Warrior who is in defense mode with Gazelle. My opponent also has a single facedown. Now in terms of what I have, the monster that I currently have on my field is Dark Magician. In addition, I only have 900 life points left. The goal for me is to use the cards in my hand to try to win by dealing enough damage to defeat my opponent in one attack."

"That's actually pretty interesting. So mind showing me how you plan to win in this certain scenario?" Rainbow then took a seat by Isaac as she looked over his shoulder to see what cards he was working with.

"Well. lets have a look." Isaac flipped over the first 6 cards off of the deck to see what he got. The cards he got were: Dark Magic Expanded, Magic Formula, Breaker the Magical Warrior, Counter Spell, Passing Spirit, and Brain Control. Isaac took a second to see what his options were and began to formulate his plan.

Rainbow saw what Isaac had drawn and she too was trying to figure it out. She then offered her train of thought. "Well it's a no brainer, just use Brain Control and take command of that Armed Dragon LV 10 and then you'll have two monsters to clear the field."

"Then how do you deal damage to your opponent and win? The goal is to win this round by taking down that Armed Dragon LV 10 and doing enough damage to win the duel. So it requires a bit more thinking; you have to think a few steps ahead and cover all your bases. Now you're right about using Brain Control, but not for the right reason. Let me show you." Isaac then directed Dash's attention to his cards so that she could pay attention to what she was about to do.

"First, I'll activate Brain Control. So by paying 800 life points, I'll take control of Gazelle, King of Mythical Beasts. Then I'll play the Magic Formula Card to raise my Dark Magician by 700 attack to bring him up to 3200. Then I'll activate my Dark Magic Expanded to boost my his attack by another 1000."

"Okay, but that will only deal him 1200 points of damage. That leaves your opponent with 300 life points."

"That's why I'll activate my Passing Spirit to boost my magician by half of the attack points of another monster on my field. Since I currently have Gazelle on my field, I can transfer half of its attack to my monsters. So now his total attack points is 4950, which is more than enough to win."

"Well then all you have to do is win. You've got nothing to worry about." Rainbow was feeling confident in Isaac's strategy.

"Well I still have yet to see what my opponent has facedown." Isaac then flipped over the card and it was the trap Dust Tornado. "With this card, my opponent could negate/destroy a spell card. If he were to do that then I would still destroy his monster but I won't take out all of his life points."

"Then it's over; Dust Tornado is a powerful card. Looks like you made an error."

"True, but I have a way to deal with that. If I activate my Counter Spell, all I have to do is send a card in my hand to the grave. Then I can counter the activation of a spell/trap. Now my magician is safe and Dust Tornado is rendered useless. Then all I have to do is wage an attack on Armed Dragon LV 10 and win."

Rainbow was intrigued to say the least as she was impressed with what Isaac had done. He was able to think steps ahead of his opponent and be able to secure victory. She was invested on what Isaac was showing her that she wanted to take a crack at it herself.

"Nice going, nerd. So now that I've seen how it's done, can I take a crack at it? If you can solve it, then it should be easy for me." Rainbow pounded her chest with her fist to show how confident she was.

"Alright." Isaac then shuffled a stack of cards and started to place them on the table.

On the opposite side were Red Gadget and Yellow Gadget in defense mode. Meanwhile Green Gadget and Ancient Gear Soldier were in attack position, as well as the trap Stronghold the Moving Fortress. In the spell and trap zone there were 2 cards with one of them being The Dark Door which is activated and the other facedown. In addition the opponent had 2300 life points. Now on Dash's side she a monster called Tragoedia which had an ability that gains 600 attack points for every card in her hand. Rainbow was currently holding 6 cards which meant her monster had 3600 attack points. The cards she was holding were Remove Trap, Axe of Despair, Cost Down, Shooting Star Bow-Ceal, a level 6 Bird King Alector, and the last card was Tribute to the Doomed. Furthermore Rainbow Dash's life points were 1000.

"Alright, try this one. Remember the goal is to try to win this duel in one turn. Think you can handle that?"

"Please, this is child's play at best. Now move over and let me do my thing!" With that Isaac handed Rainbow Dash her cards and they switched seats with Isaac watching over Rainbow's shoulder to see what she would do. Rainbow looked at her cards and then in a flash she selected her move.

"Easy! I've got a powerful monster on the field and the Shooting Star Bow-Ceal equip spell in my hand, so this is a no-brainer! By equipping the enemy's Green Gadget with Shooting Star Bow-Ceal, I can take away 1000 attack points. Bam! Sure my monster will lose 600 points since there's one less card in my hand but it's still got enough attack to finish my opponent off. Ha! Told you it would be quick!" Rainbow had a confident smile on her face as she was proud of herself for figuring not only solving it but doing it faster than Isaac did his.

"That would work, but you haven't taken into consideration what your opponent's facedown might be." Isaac then flipped over the card facedown and it was none other than Mirror Force. Which meant not only did Rainbow's attack failed, but it meant that her monster would be destroyed. "Sorry, Rainbow but it looks like you lose."

"Huh?" Rainbow was surprised that not only did her plan fail but that her monster was now gone. Now if it were a real duel then that would have been the end because nothing else in her hand could have protected her on her opponent's next turn. Ultimately, Rainbow was bummed out that she failed. "Well that didn't work."

"Correct, and because of The Dark Door spell, each duelist can only attack once and you only had the one monster out, so you can't win this turn."

Rainbow was pissed that she failed since she prided herself on always winning. He was so mad at how poorly she played it that she ignored what Isaac was telling her.

"There's an upside to all this, at least you now know that the facedown card is Mirror Force, that's an important detail to pay attention to." Isaac tried to tell Rainbow this information but she was so mad that she didn't hear his suggestion and began to try again. Isaac could only watch as Rainbow struggled to find the solution; still it did make for a good show, plus he kind of enjoyed it when Rainbow got a bit frustrated. That was one part he liked about Rainbow, sure she can be boastful and have her ego get in the way of things. But when something got her mad, she didn't stop till she managed to figure it out.

"Alright, no more fooling around! Time to get serious! This time I'll increase my own power so that I can crush my opponent. I'll equip Tragoedia with the Axe of Despair! Now Tragoedia has 4000 attack points! Like before he'll lose 600 since there's one less card in my hand, but that spell card makes up for it by giving him an extra 1000 points. Then I'll have Tragoedia attack Green Gadget!"

"Seems my message fell on deaf ears; you forgot that your opponent has Mirror Force facedown which means they can activate it to prevent their monster from being destroyed and return the attack back to your monster. You still lose, Dash." This time Isaac couldn't help but to have a smug look on her face.

"Ahhh! This too hard!" Rainbow had slammed her hand on the table as she was pissed she couldn't find the solution. She then put her head down as she didn't want to look at Isaac for the fear that he would make fun of her.

Isaac saw this and put his hand on Rainbow's back as he tried to ease her. "Hey, Rainbow. It's okay, not everybody can figure out the answer on their first try."

Rainbow then lifted her head to look at Isaac. "You seemed to have no problem with it."

"True, but that because I've had lots of practice with this. In the beginning, I too had a tough time trying to figure out certain situations, in fact I crashed and burned so many times that I lost count. But eventually, I kept at it and the more times I practiced the better I was able to understand and solve these mini problems. I learned to see all the angles and use different methods rather than just rely on my same old bag of tricks. I know it may be hard, but I promise that if you keep at it you'll understand it. Do you trust me?"

Isaac was now stroking Rainbow's hair when he was giving her the pep speech. Rainbow understood what Isaac was trying to say; she knew that if she wanted to up her game then she needed to stop going with what she knew and start learning what she didn't know. All her life, Rainbow prided herself on being a winner; and being a winner meant that she couldn't give up if she wanted to gain a victory. If she wanted to show Isaac her skills that meant wiping away the few tears in her eyes and looked at Isaac with a determined look on her face. Rainbow did experience a feeling inside of her when Isaac touched her hair; she couldn't really describe it but it felt nice to say the least. It felt similar to the feeling she got when Isaac was concerned with her after her brutal duel with Sunset; it made her feel happy that there was someone who was concerned for her and willing to keep her safe. She had a bit of a blush when she thought of that, especially since she was looking at Isaac. She did her best to get rid of it quickly and then looked at him with a new found of confidence.

"Thanks, Isaac. I think I'm ready to give it one more shot!"

"That's the spirit. In fact, I'll offer you some tips that may help you." With that Isaac put the cards in front of Dash as he sat a bit closer to Dash as he was ready to guide her in solving this problem. "Come on, Rainbow. I know you can do this, be the cards. Trust in your hand and it will trust in you."

Rainbow looked at her cards as she headed Isaac's words. She then took the time to see her options; it took awhile but before long she had a plan set in motion.

"I've got it! Ok, first of all, the obvious problem is that Mirror Force trap card. I can't let it activate. Of all the monsters on the field the only one that can seal away Mirror Force is Ancient Gear Soldier. It's got the power to prevent traps from activating during battle."

"Alright, you're on the right path. Except that Ancient Gear Soldier is on the opponent's field." stated Isaac.

"That's the part I'm having trouble with; how do I use my opponent's own monster against them?" Rainbow was starting to scratch her head trying to figure out the solution.

"I'll let you in on a secret, you're using Tragoedia for an attack purpose when you should be using his special ability. See by sending a monster card in your hand to the graveyard, you can gain control of an opponent's monster as long as it's the same level as the monster discarded." said Isaac as he offered his piece of advice.

"Okay, but how does that help me? I don't have any monster in my hand that's level 4!"

"That's for you to figure out, remember look at all the angles."

Rainbow then looked at her cards to see if she could see the angle she was missing. The only monster card in her hand was the level 6 Bird King Alector. As she looked at her cards, she didn't see anything that could help her until she noticed the answer right in front of her face.

"I think I got it! From my hand, I activate the Cost Down spell! By discarding Remove Trap, I can decrease the level of the Alector in my hand from 6 to 4. Then, thanks to Tragoedia's special ability, by sending Alector to the graveyard I can gain control of Ancient Gear Soldier!"

"Good, good. Now all you have to do is figure out a way to deal enough points to your opponent to win this duel." Isaac was starting to see Rainbow's plan take effect.

"Alright, I could activate Axe of Despair to increase Ancient Gear Soldier's attack points and then use Shooting Star Bow-Ceal to lower Green Gadget's attack points down to 400. However, I'll only be able to deal 1900 points damage to my opponent and with The Dark Door spell I can only attack once. That's still not enough." Rainbow was on the cusp of figuring out this duel but just couldn't find the last piece of the puzzle. Just then she looked at her opponent's field and saw what they had. Rainbow's eyes then grew as she finally solved the problem

"Stronghold the Moving Fortress. Sure it may have 3000 attack points, but it's only got 3000 attack points when all 3 of its gadgets- green gadget, yellow gadget, and red gadget are out on the field with it. But without all of those gadgets together, Stronghold the Fortress loses its attack points and becomes totally defenseless. Now then, by sending Shooting Star Bow-Ceal from my hand to the graveyard I can activate the Tribute to the Doomed spell card! And with that, I can destroy Green Gadget! With Green Gadget gone, Stronghold loses all of its attack points. Now I'll equip the Axe of Despair! Ancient Gear Soldier's attack points increase to 2300! And with that- Ancient Gear Soldier attack Stronghold!"

Isaac just merely gave Rainbow a clap as she figured out the answer to the riddle. "Well done, Rainbow you did it."

Rainbow was so happy that she finally figured out the puzzle she couldn't believe it. She was so happy, she knew it took awhile but with the help of Isaac and her will to never back down, she managed to come back and win. She was so ecstatic that she just gave Isaac a hug that he didn't know what to do. Compared to Rarity and Fluttershy, they were people who didn't mind expressing their feelings through their actions. Rainbow Dash was a totally different girl; she was the type of girl that wasn't for touchy stuff. Most people considered her to be tough based on her tomboyish attitude; not to mention how she wasn't one for romantic things because she considered that totally uncool. So Isaac was hesitant in what he should do, so he decided to take a risk and put his arm around Rainbow. Isaac was expecting her to either push him off or worse punch him in the face for doing something she was uncomfortable with. However, she didn't do that instead she just let it happen and she seemed to enjoy it. Ultimately, Rainbow saw this and she quickly pushed Isaac off that he got knocked off his chair and fell on the floor.

"Ow! What the hell, Rainbow?"

"That's what you get for hugging me and trying to get me to do something mushy? You know I don't like that kind of stuff." Rainbow tried to retain her pride but she quickly turned away from Isaac.

"You leapt at me!? Whatever!" Isaac decided that this wasn't going to go anywhere so he just dropped it as he got up and dusted himself off.

Rainbow still had a bit of red on her face as she was looking away. She would never admit it publicly, but the way Isaac was hugging/holding her and when he stroked her hair it felt nice. With that Isaac gathered his stuff and was preparing to leave with Rainbow accompanying him. Just as they were about to leave the library, she quickly remembered what she wanted to ask Isaac when she went to find him.

"Oh, before I forget. There was something I wanted to ask you when I barged in. See as you know the Winter Ball is coming up and they'll be a exhibition duel that will take place at the event. I'm sure you know about the mini tournament that is being held prior to that. Well thankfully, me and Applejack are 2 of the 8 participants taking part in that."

"Where are you going with this Rainbow?"

"See the thing is that after the Winter Ball, it will be finals week before we're on Winter Break. So Celestia called me in her office this morning to discuss some things regarding me. She said that if I don't study and get a passing grade on my math final then I would forfeit my position in this tournament. Can you believe that, what makes her think she can take away my opportunity?"

"Uhh, cause she's the principal. Meaning technically, she's the boss of us and can do whatever she wants. But it makes sense; if she says that you need to get a passing grade or risk your spot then it means she cares for you. It may seem unfair but Celestia just wants you to do your best; if you can pass your math final as well as you duel then you should have no problem."

"See that's the thing. When it comes to Math, I just can't handle it. Everytime I hear anything involving numbers, I just doze off. It's just so boring!"

"Then I'm surprised you haven't been caught sleeping in a duel; sure a duel consist of monsters battling each other but you need to know how to do math to understand how much strength you need to beat a certain creature."

"But that's Duel Monsters; it full of amazing cards and effects that are eye catching. Look I really need to pass this Math Final, and I really want to compete in this tournament. So can you please tutor me?" Rainbow was giving Isaac the pleading eyes.

"Why me? I'm not that smart, in fact, Sunset would be a better tutor seeing as she's got a bit better grade than me. I know enough to get a decent/passing grade. If you're looking to get a perfect score than I suggest asking Sunset for help."

"I don't want anybody else, I want you!" When Rainbow said that she quickly realized what she just shouted and quickly turned her head in embarrassment with a hint of blush. "What I mean is sure I could ask Sunset for help, but I want you to tutor me. From what I heard from Fluttershy and Scoots, it seems you have a knack for teaching. That proved true when you helped me to figure out that little activity we did. So I would feel comfortable knowing if I had someone like you mentoring me in my study; the way you explain things makes it so that I can understand complicated shit. Please? I wouldn't be here if I wasn't desperate for help."

"I don't know."

"I'll beg if I have too." Rainbow then did something she never thought she would ever do in her life. She was on her knees and had her hands together as she was in front of Isaac. "Please, you have to believe me. Can't you see how serious I am?"

Isaac just looked at Rainbow as he let out a sigh.

"If that's not enough, then tell me: what do I have to do? You want some duel cards, I'll get you some. You want a spot on a team, I'll put in a good word. If you want to go on a date with me, then I'm willing to do it and I'll let you touch/hold me, just help me with passing math!" Rainbow had her head down as she said that last statement. She couldn't believe how pathetic she was acting and the fact that she in a way sort of caused Isaac to think about going on a date with her.

Isaac just kneeled down and lifted Rainbow's head to look her in the eyes. "Before you said all that I was about to say that I was willing to lend you a hand. You know I'm always willing to help my friends when they need my assistance. So in short, yes, I'll tutor you."

Rainbow just had a smile on her face as she was glad Isaac accepted her offer.

"Still I have to ask, were you serious about that last one? Would you have gone on a date with me, just to get my help?" Isaac now had a sly look on his face that matched his smile.

Rainbow now had the biggest shade of red on her face as she realized what Isaac was trying to do. She didn't know what to say so he tried her best to deny ever saying something like that. "Of course not, you dumbass. As if I would ever go on a date with someone like you? I mean you're not even my type!"

"Ahh, so you do have a type?" said Isaac with a bigger grin on his face.

"Shut up!"

Isaac couldn't help let out a laugh as he enjoyed teasing Rainbow. Once he got his daily dose of laughter, he then helped Rainbow get up from her knees and told her to meet him tomorrow in the school library to start studying. The next day Isaac was in the library and he was waiting for Rainbow to which she eventually showed up. She quickly told Isaac about how she had won her duel earlier and now was moving on to the semifinals of the tournament. With that Isaac began to open his text book and did a couple of basic problems to see where Dash had problems with. Unfortunately, most of the problems Isaac went over, Rainbow didn't have a clue as to how to solve them. So it took a bit longer than expected but eventually Rainbow began to make some progress and was starting to understand what Isaac was telling her. Overall, the performance was decent as Rainbow had managed to retain some information that she learned. They continued meeting with each other after school for the next few days and the following week. During that time the rest of the mini tournament was taking place and soon the final two were Applejack and Rainbow Dash where the winner would be Isaac's opponent at the Winter Ball. In addition, Rainbow's math grade was starting to improve and Celestia was happy to see the difference and she congratulated Dash on taking to initiative to improve herself and wished her the best of luck in the tournament. Rainbow Dash continued to meet with Isaac and she got to the point where when Isaac presented a problem she already knew what the answer was and was confident in her ability to solve it.

Soon it was the week before the Winter Ball and the finals of the tournament were taking place. The auditorium was filled with students chanting for the duelists. Isaac along with Celestia and Luna were watching from the stage from behind the curtain as they wanted to see who would challenge him as his next opponent. It was a hard fought battle but in the end it was Rainbow Dash who had managed to pull out the win and she raised her hand in victory as she was covered in sweat. Once Isaac saw the result he just merely let out a smile and then left the room while Celestia and Luna made their way to Rainbow to congratulate her on her win. And with that the matchup for the Winter Ball was set; it would be Isaac vs Rainbow Dash. Isaac was already at the school's entrance but he could still faintly hear the crowd chanting Rainbow's name and he still had a smile on his face.

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