• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 151: Battle Birds

"Nicole, response." said Twilight.

"Scanning, Twilight. Restoration at 15%." said the A.I.

"At this rate, I doubt I'll have this finished in time." said Twilight as she let out a stressed sigh. She then began to type something on the keypad as she pulled up some images and schematics as she began to evaluate the data once more. "Are you sure, we've tried everything?"

"Everything you've disposed, I've analyzed and am running the configurations, Twilight. The best bet is to wait for the things to fall in place by themselves." responded her A.I. "This is something that I've never seen the likes of and know very little about. Perhaps you best take a break and distract yourself while I do my calculations."

"You're probably right. Thanks, Nicole." said Twilight. "If anything happens, let me know immediately." Twilight then closed her computer as she opened the door and standing there was Isaac as he had his fist raised.

"Oh, you're up. I was just about to knock." said Isaac.

"Oh, yeah. I've been up for a while, no big deal." said Twilight as she tried her best to put on the biggest fake smile possible.

"Ok-ay." said Isaac as he raised his eyebrow. "So... who were you talking to?"

"No one! Just myself. And my book." exclaimed Twilight. "Nothing like getting lost in the story, am I right?"

"I guess." said Isaac as he didn't fully believe Twilight's answer. "Anyways, you going to join the others. We're about to have breakfast."

"Yeah, I'm coming. Just let me fix my hair." said Twilight as she quickly closed the door in Isaac's face.

"But your hair is fine." said Isaac as he was looking at the door.

Isaac then scratched his head as he was trying to figure out what could Twilight's reason be for acting so weird, apart from it being morning. Eventually he decided to put it to the side as he made his way downstairs; Applejack, Pinkie, and Fluttershy were all at the dining table as they were eating some cereal; Isaac then took this time to head to the backyard of the house as he pulled out his phone. He then touched a number as it began to ring and soon he heard a person's voice.

"Hello." said the person.

"Hey, bud. It's me." said Isaac.

"Oh, Isaac. How are you doing? I've been seeing the results so far, so any particular one you want to face?"

"They're all make worthy challengers." responded Isaac. "So, any updates?"

"Sorry, bud. I'm going busy for the next few months. But I will make sure to send you the things you've requested." said the person.

"Thanks, I appreciate it." said Isaac. With that he ended the call as he let out a stressful sigh. Isaac then thought back to yesterday, when he and Twilight were staring at one another as he retreated back into the house.

After about an hour, everybody was now dressed and ready for the last day of the tournament. They each grabbed their duel disks and decks as they all exited the house. Seems after the incident with the pets yesterday, Isaac was not pleased with what Spike and Tigre had planned. But given that today was the final day of the tournament, he allowed the girl's pet to stay until the event was over. But he was strict that he didn't want to come to a messing living room like the night before. Since Spike was the only one who could communicate, he said that he would be in charge and make sure that they wouldn't cause too much of a mess. Eventually, he said his piece and Isaac along with the rest of the girls all left for school.

Once more, everybody was excited as the final days of the tournament were coming to a close. Especially, cause not only would the semi-finals be taking place, but immediately following the second duel, both winners would then begin their final match as everybody looked to crown a winner. But the bigger story would be the winner would face Isaac the current champion at the Fall Formal which was scheduled to take place next Friday. So it was safe to say that everybody couldn't wait to see the duels.

Each of the four remaining participants were now taking time to overlook their decks as this would be the last time to make last-minute changes cause once the tournament go underway, it would be nonstop action. So with that being said, the remaining competitors were now prepping themselves, while Isaac took the time to do something.

"Alright, I made it this far. Just got to do it again." said Shadow as he was sitting in a chair with his deck in his hand.

"Is that right?" said Isaac as he stood over the boy.

"Look if you're here to confront me for eliminating your girlfriend, then I'm sorry. I don't want any trouble." said Shadow.

"Come on, you me better than that. That's not why I'm here." Isaac then grabbed another metal chair as he position it with the back of it facing Shadow as he sat down. "I want to talk to everybody who's left. I wanna... make sure you understand what's at stake here. This is an opportunity to challenge for the title of Canterlot High's Duel Monsters Champion, Shadow. This is as big as it gets while you're a student here. And you're right there. Now I'm not blowing smoke up your ass, but I've seen too many duelists like you. You got everything it takes, very few guys and gals that walk through these doors can do what you do on the dueling field. But I've seen it, I just think you need that little bit extra something. I do think this might be your time to grab that brass ring and prove to the world that you're 'the man'. You know what I mean." said Isaac.

"Yeah... I do." answered Shadow. "I really appreciate that."

"I'll be watching. And maybe I'll put in a good word for Luna." said Isaac as he got up from his chair and left the boy with his thoughts.

"This is it, just like I told everybody else. The spoiler that I dropped is gonna come true. I win my first duel, I advance to the finals, and then I win the tournament and beat Isaac. Time to complete step 2." said Penny as she trying to get her mindset in the right place. She then looked at her deck as she spread out her cards in her hand. "What do you want?" asked Penny as she shifted her eyes up from her deck as she saw Isaac standing there.

"Just wanna have a chat." said Isaac as he set up some chairs as he offered for Penny to sit down. "You know what's at stake? And you're nearly at the finish line, I just wanna say that I'm impressed with how far you've come."

"I... well... thank you." said Penny as she smiled for the first time.

"Know that this is where things get tough. No disrespect to anybody else whose competed in this tournament. But this is where everything changes, so this means two things. You either step up or you crumble. No other way to say it." informed Isaac. "Duel Monsters is about showing the world what skills you have as a duelist and whether or not you can handle a deck. And I believe you've got what it takes, you and the other students that I've handpicked for this program. You all possess talent, me and the girls all want to help develop that talent. You're setting a bar with this program that hopefully many others will follow. In a way, it's a responsibility that you need to uphold. You understand?"

"Yeah... and... look... I'm grateful for what you, Sunset, and the others are doing. I know this isn't easy on your part; having an idea, then actually making that idea a reality, starting a program from the ground up and investing your own money into it. That's something that not many people are seeing, is that you've put a lot of hours and sleepless nights into having this small experiment. And I think me and the other students have been taking that for granted, so from me personally, I appreciate all the hard work you've done." said Penny. "But don't think this little sweet moment is going to take away from my objective. I plan on winning and then I take your title."

"Then I'll be rooting for you." smiled Isaac. "Good luck." Isaac then extended his fist out to which Penny did the same as she gave her headmaster a fist bump.

"See ya, teach." replied Penny as she went to get ready.

"Ready to whup butt, Fluttershy?" asked Rainbow Dash as she gave her best friend a strong pat on the back.

"No!" said Fluttershy as she was still a bit scared.

"Good job, Dash. Now you've gone and scared her." stated Applejack.

"I didn't mean it, intentionally." replied the chromatic haired girl.

"Darling, Fluttershy calm yourself. Just take a deep breath." said Rarity as she got the shy girl to do just that.

"Yeah, how else are you gonna enjoy your victory celebration when you win this tournament." stated Pinkie with a smile.

"Pinkie, she hasn't won yet." said Sunset as she placed a hand on her hip.

"Not yet." replied Pinkie as she was still smiling.

"Statistically, Fluttershy has a 25% of winning the tournament. About a 50% of winning her duel and making it into the next round." added Twilight as she gave the low down on the odds. "And that's not including multiple factors like..."

"Okay, we get it nerd." replied Rainbow.

"Math is important people." mumbled Twilight. She then turned to the side as she saw Isaac standing there with his arms crossed and a serious look on his face. "Isaac." Twilight's comment got the attention of the others as they saw their male friend standing there.

"Girls... mind if I have a private chat with Fluttershy?" asked Isaac. The others heard his request as they all left as it was him and the timid girl. Isaac then approached Fluttershy as he still had a serious look on his face. "Relax, just wanted to know if you dropped a card?"

"What?" Fluttershy then looked at her deck as she began to scan her cards. She then realized that she was missing one. "Oh my gosh, where is it? I can't believe I lost it." stated the panicked girl.

"Calm down, does it look like this?" asked Isaac as he unfolded his arms and then flick of his hand, he was now holding Fluttershy's Albert the Flying Squirrel monster card. "Does it look familiar?" smiled the boy.

"Oh my gosh I can't believe it. Where did you find this? I thought I lost this forever. Thank you!" said Fluttershy. She then reached to grab the card as her fingers touched Isaac's as she stared at the boy and got lost in his eyes.

"This takes me back." said Isaac. "To when we first met."

"Yeah, it does." said Fluttershy as she began to remember the first encounter she had with Isaac. It all started with a simple card and then it blossomed into something wonderful.

"Be careful out there, and good luck. I kinda hope that I do face you." smiled Isaac.

"I'll do my best." stated Fluttershy as she pulled the card out of Isaac's grip and placed it back into her deck.

"Can't wait."

Isaac then felt his body being wrapped around as Fluttershy gave him a deep embrace as she buried her head into his shirt. Isaac eventually returned the gesture as he too embraced his shy friend as he ran his right hand through her pink hair as he stroked it. Soon their little moment was broken as Fluttershy gave him a quick peck on the cheek to which he tipped his cap and went off.

"Well, mom and dad. Wish you could see what your daughter is doing." said Lucky Star as she sitting down on a bench. She was looking at an image on her phone of when she was younger.

"Maybe they can." replied a voice as it turned out to be Isaac as he was standing in front of the girl. "Take a listen." Isaac then pushed some buttons on his duel disk as he was pulling something up. Soon he pushed played as a voice message that had been recorded was playing.

"Sweetie, me and your mother wish you the best of luck. Now I know we haven't been the best of parents, especially when you were growing up. But it makes us proud to see that you've become a fine young girl. We want nothing but the best for you and we fully support you. Know that we're cheering for you, your the daughter we always wanted, we just wish we could have been the parents that you needed." said the message as it ended and Isaac pushed another button to close it.

"They contacted the school once the first round began. I had them record a message to send to you, but they told me not to play until you made it to the very end." said Isaac.

"They said that? My parents." said Lucky Star as she felt a few tears forming in her eyes.

"Seems they really care about their daughter. You've exceed their expectations, it's just they feel like they failed you." Isaac then let out a deep breath as he began to address the girl. "Take it the extra step. Be willing to do anything. And maybe it is your time to grab that brass ring. Be willing to do anything and maybe Lucky Star will be the one to be called champion. Good luck." Isaac then turned to leave until he was caught in Lucky Star's arms as she gave him a quick hug.

"I appreciate you doing all this." said the girl as she broke their embrace. "And I will grab that brass ring. Guarantee it."

With that Isaac smiled and nodded. He then made his way to his throne chair as the duels were about to begin.

"We're about to start!" shouted Spike as he and the other pets all made their way to the living room as they prepared to watch the final duels take place.

"Ladies and gentleman, we've reached the closing rounds of this epic tournament. Out of the 14 participants that started, only 4 remain. And we're about to get even smaller." said Celestia. "For today we not only have the semi-final rounds, but also the final round. In fact, today we shall crown a winner to see who will earn the right to challenge Isaac at the Fall Formal next Friday."

"Indeed, I speak for everybody when I say this tournament has provided us with some unexpected results. Now then, let's see what the matchups will be!" shouted Luna. She then pointed at the screen behind Isaac as the computer pulled up the remaining portraits of the duelists as it began to randomize the results. Everybody watched on as they were waiting to see who would face who. Then it began to slow down as the computer had made the final picks for this tournament.

"And there we have the brackets. In the first duel it'll be Shadow Moonrise taking on Penny and in the second duel, it'll be Fluttershy taking on Lucky Star. Then the winners of the two duels will immediately face each other after the second matchup. So without any further ado, let's get these duels started!!" shouted Luna as she was met with a rowdy response from the crowd and the people watching at home.

"Here we go." said Shadow as he made his way to the dueling field.

"Time to show why girls are better than boys." smiled Penny smugly as she took her position.

Both students then pulled out their duel disk as they slid them on with Shadow projecting a dark blue card tray as Penny projected a black color. They then pulled out their decks and then put them in the compartments.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

"Let's duel!" shouted both individuals.

Shadow's Life Points: 8000-

Penny's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Penny

"It's my turn!" shouted Penny as she drew her card. "And with it, I summon my feathered friend Blackwing, Jetstream the Blue Sky(100/800)! Birds of a feather like to flock together, so since I already a have 'Blackwing' flying about, I can also summon Blackwing, Oroshi the Squall(400/600)!" Penny now had two monsters on her field as she was set up to do her usual thing. "But it won't be staying for long cause I'm tuning my Level 1 Oroshi the Squall with my Level 1 Jetstream the Blue Sky!" Oroshi the Squall then flew high as it turned into a giant green ring that circled around Jetstream as it flew into the ring. "Show 'em how we turn the power of flight into the power of fight! I Synchro Summon... Assault Blackwing, Sayo the Rain Hider(800/100)!" Out emerged a small bird that wore some clothing and had a small katana in its hand. "Next, I'm activating the equip spell Charging Blade! And it's charging Sayo's attack points by 800! But that's not all this equip spell does. Since I synchro summoned Sayo, it deals 800 points of damage!" Sayo then used its blade as it did a slash attack that headed towards Shadow as he blocked it with his duel disk.
Shadow's Life Points: 7200-

"You might be up, but not for long!" stated Shadow. "Since I took damage, I can summon Raidraptor - Avenge Vulture(1700/100)!" Shadow now had a powerful monster on his field even before he had managed to take his turn.

"You sure made the most out of something bad. Now I'm curious to see what else you can do and how you handle the rest of this duel. I set one card facedown and end my turn." stated Penny.

Turn 2: Shadow

"I'm gonna 'handle' it by beating you. I draw!" said Shadow as he drew his card. "It's time for me to add to my aerial assault by summoning Raidraptor - Pain Lanius(100/100)! Next, Pain Lanius' level changes so that it's the same level as Avenge Vulture. But I have to take damage equal to my Raidraptor Avenge Vulture's defense points."
Shadow's Life Points: 7100-

"For real?" asked Penny.

"It's nothing more than a peck on the neck." stated Shadow. "And once again since I took damage, I can summon a second Avenge Vulture!" With that Shadow now had three monsters that were the same level.

"I get no pain, no gain, but this is ridiculous." said Penny to herself.

"Since I have three Raidraptors on my field, I'm allowed to activate the spell card Raidraptor Sanctuary! It lets me draw two cards from my deck!" said Shadow as he picked up some more cards. "It's go time! Avenge Vulture attack! Ground that Blackwing!" Avenge Vulture then soared over as it head towards Penny's side; her monster then used its blade to block Avenge Vulture's beak.
Penny's Life Points: 7900-

"Nothing's getting grounded! Sayo can't be destroyed twice a turn!" informed Penny.

"I can still swipe some life points!" shouted Shadow. "Now, swoop on it!" commanded the boy as he had his second Avenge Vulture attack Penny's monster.

"Sayo's still not going anywhere." said Penny with a smug smile.
Penny's Life Points: 7800-

"So far you're 0 for two, Shadow! No wonder girls are much better than boys." stated Penny. "Did you really think that would do much of a difference?"

"Well, you know what they say, third time's the charm!" said Shadow. Time to test out, some of the new cards that Isaac gave me. "I activate Raidraptor Rapid Xyz! It lets me Xyz summon during battle!"

"You mean like now?!" said Penny as she didn't expect that.

"I overlay my two Avenge Vultures and my Pain Lanius in order to build the Overlay Network!" Shadow's three monster then transformed into dark orbs of light as they levitated for a bit as a portal opened up in front of him. The three orbs then were sucked into the portal as they disappeared and a pillar of light emerged. "From the shadows, the falcon soars on wings of courage, talons ready for the rebellion! I Xyz Summon! Witness the ascent of Raidraptor - Rise Falcon(100/2000, OLU: 3)!" A giant mechanized bird soared from the sky as it gave a loud screech and then hovered over Shadow's field.

"By using one Overlay unit, it gains the attack points of your Blackwing. So it looks like my Rise Falcon's attack points are about to soar sky high!" Rise Falcon then absorbed an overlay unit as its attack points shot up to 1700.

"Wait a minute!" shouted Penny. "You're using my monsters to your advantage?"

"That's right! Looks like girls aren't that much smarter than boys." snickered Shadow. "Rise Falcon... attack Sayo the Rain Hider!" This time Shadow was able to hit his mark as he managed to successfully take out Penny's monster.
Penny's Life Points: 7700-

"I've grounded your game and left you with nothing. Maybe that will prove to you that boys are better than girls, especially when it comes to dueling."

"Oh, you best believe I'm gonna fight back all right. My Blackwings and I are just getting revved up, so you better be ready to eat those words!" shouted Penny as she gave back a glare at Shadow who returned the same look.

"Yeah, for your birds falling from the sky." replied Shadow.

"Funny, Shadow. But you won't be laughing once you lose!"

Man, do they love to bicker. thought Isaac.

Turn 3: Penny

"Check this out! I draw!" said Penny. "I'm summoning... Blackwing, Tornado the Reverse Wind(1000/1200)! And its special ability is gonna blow you away! It lets me summon a tuner monster from my graveyard! So welcome back, Oroshi the Squall!" stated Penny as she once again had two monsters on her field. "Now my Level 1 Oroshi the Squall tunes my Level 4 Tornado the Reverse Wind!" Oroshi then soared high into the air as it transformed into a giant green ring that circled Tornado the Reverse Wind. "There's a storm coming, and with it comes a deluge of destruction! I Synchro Summon! Assault Blackwing - Sohaya the Rain Storm(1500/2000)!" Penny now had a fierce looking bird warrior on her field as it wore armor and wielded a long sword.

"Since I synchro summoned Sohaya, I can now bring back another Assault Blackwing from my graveyard! Come... Sayo the Rain Hider!" Penny's monster then pointed its sword into the ground as a portal opened up that allowed Sayo to fly out an appear on her field. "And when it rains, boy, does it pour! Sohaya the Rain Storm counts as a tuner monster, and that means I can Synchro Summon one more time."

"That can't be!" shouted Shadow as it was now his turn to be shocked by Penny.

"Afraid so! And the forecast for this duel is about to get even worse! I'm unleashing a storm of trouble!" Penny then had Sayo turn into two giant green rings as they circled around Sohaya as it flew into them. "I Synchro Summon! The turbulent Assault Blackwing - Raikiri the Rain Shower(2600/2000)!" A new feather monster appeared on the field as it landed with a fierce look on its face as it pulled out a long sword of its own. "Now Raikiri attack Rise Falcon!" shouted Penny as her monster then flew with fast speed and looked to take out Shadow's monster.

"By sending Raidraptor - Booster Strix to the graveyard, Rise Falcon can use one Overlay Unit to rocket itself out of harm's way!" Shadow's Booster Strix then attached to Rise Falcon as it used its jet-like engines and rocketed the both of them out of Raikiri's attack as it soared high into the sky.

"That thing just went supersonic!" exclaimed Penny.

"And by using another one of Rise Falcon's Overlay Units, it can take out the monster that tried to attack it!" stated Shadow. "So your Raikiri is history!" Rise Falcon then absorbed its last Xyz material as it did some sharp flight maneuvers as it looked to fight back against Raikiri.

"I don't think so! Cause I play the trap Blade Shade!" Soon a giant shield appeared in front of Raikiri as it spun really fast. "It shades Raikiri from being destroyed! But I can't say the same for your life points, cause Blade Shade's about to hit you with 500 points of damage!" Penny's monster then was able to repel the attack as it swatted Shadow's falcon away as he took lost some points.
Shadow's Life Points: 6600-

"Your move. But you gotta face facts, Shadow, I've got the upper hand and your aerial assaults can barely get off the ground. Once again this proves that girls are better than boys." stated Penny.

"I might be down, but I'll rise up." exclaimed Shadow. "And I'm going to enjoy it even more when I show you why boys are the better ones."

If Shadow wasn't fascinated by Luna, I swear people would think these two would make a couple based on how they're arguing. Isaac couldn't help but smile at his own comment.

Turn 4: Shadow

"Time to take to the skies! And unleash all my might! Now it's my turn!" shouted Shadow as he drew his card. "Here I go. I activate the spell Rank-Up-Magic Raid Force! I overlay Raidraptor Rise Falcon to Xyz summon another Raidraptor that's one rank higher!" Rise Falcon then changed into a dark orb as it levitated in the air for a bit as a portal opened up in front of him. Soon it disappeared into the portal as a pillar of light emerged.

"This can't be good!" said Penny.

"Terror of the skies! Predator of blazing force! With wings that slash and talons that tear! Go, Rank-Up Xyz Evolution! Rise up, Raidraptor - Blaze Falcon(1000/2000, OLU: 1)!" Shadow now had an even more power bird of prey as it let out screech as it made its presence known. "By using one Overlay unit, Blaze Falcon's special ability destroys your monster and deals you 500 points of damage." Blaze Falcon then launched several of its weapons that tracked Penny's monster and fired lasers at it in order to get rid of it.

"But thanks to my trap Blade Shade, Raikiri the Rain Shower is protected from being destroyed!" Once more Penny's shield then appeared in front of her monster as it spun really fast as it managed to block all the tiny lasers as it protected her monster from being destroyed. "You do know that if you keep this up, Shadow, you're totally gonna end up winning the duel for me. I mean, like I need the help consider that I'm proving why girls are better than boys." stated Penny as Shadow lost some more life points.
Shadow's Life Points: 6100-

Though I'll admit this, there's more to Shadow's game than meets the eye. I mean, he wouldn't just take 500 points of damage if he knew about my Blade Shade. But then again, boys aren't that smart and they tend to act before they think.

"And now Blaze Falcon... attack Penny directly!" shouted Shadow. His monster then soared high into the sky as it set its sights on the girl and then soon zoomed by as it delivered a powerful blow to Penny who fell back a bit onto the ground.
Penny's Life Points: 6700-

"And now I activate Blaze Falcon's other ability, when it deals you damage, it also gets to destroy your monster." Blaze Falcon then unhatched its back compartment as tons of little missiles came out of its back as they all targeted Penny's monster and they took it out with ease.

"That's a double whammy!" exclaimed Penny as she got back to her feet and was angry. "Since Raikiri is gone, Blade Shade is also destroyed."

"With that, I'll play two face-downs and end my turn!"

Turn 5: Penny

"You may think I'm down and out but you better watch out, cause I'm gonna ground you!" shouted Penny.

"Bring it on!" replied Shadow with the same volume as the two were still glaring at each other. "And after I get through with you, I'm taking out anyone else who dares get in my way! And prove to you why boys are superior!"

"There's one small problem with your plan. You can't beat me! So good luck, Shadow! Plus girls are better than boys!" shouted Penny as she drew her card. "When there are no monsters out on my field, I can summon Blackwing Gofu the Vague Shadow(0/0)!" Out came a small monster as it was surrounded by a mystical shadow. "When I summon Blackwing Gofu the Vague Shadow, I can also summon two Vague Shadow Tokens(0/0) in attack mode! And I'm puttin' 'em to use right away! I tune my Level 5 Gofu the Vague Shadow with both of my Level 1 Shadow Tokens!" Gofu the Vague Shadow then turned into five giant green rings that circled Penny's two tokens as they both flew into the rings. "FYI, Gofu the Vague Shadow let me Synchro Summon a monster from my graveyard instead of my deck!" informed Penny.

"From the graveyard?" said Shadow as he was caught off guard.

"Watch as my monsters unite to fight! I... Synchro Summon! Return to the fray, Assault Blackwing - Raikiri the Rain Shower!" shouted Penny. Soon one of her best monsters was now back on her field as it looked ready to help its mistress to win the battle. "It's time to make it rain with pain! Raikiri, let's get back to the business at hand. Use your special ability to destroy his monster! Take out Blaze Falcon!" exclaimed Penny.

"I activate the trap, Raidraptor Reversal!" shouted Shadow as his facedown flipped up which was one of the new cards that Isaac gave him after his match with Sunset. "Not only does this trap card protect my Blaze Falcon from Raikiri's special ability, it also lets me draw a card!"

"I'm giving my Raikiri an upgrade that's gonna take you down! I equip Sky Excalibur on Raikiri! So now my Blackwing gains an extra 400 attack points!" said Penny as her monster now had an attack strength of 3000 attack. "Raikiri, take out Blaze Falcon!" Raikiri then flew over to Shadow's side as he raised his mighty sword and with a slash as quick as the eye could see he was able to cut down and destroy Shadow's monster in half as he lost some serious life points.
Shadow's Life Points: 4100-

"I activate the spell card Rank-Up-Magic Raptor's Force!" said Shadow as one of his facedowns flipped up. "It brings my Blaze Falcon back! Then I overlay Raidraptor Blaze Falcon to Xyz Summon a Raidraptor that's one rank higher!" Shadow's Blaze Falcon then appeared out of a black hole as it let out a screech and then turned into an orb of light as it stayed in the air for a bit as another portal opened up in front of Shadow. Soon it disappeared inside of the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "Fiercest falcon, set your wings ablaze and lock your gaze on our ill-fated foe! Now, make it so! Go, Rank-Up Xyz Evolution! Emerge, Raidraptor - Revolution Falcon(2000/3000, OLU: 1)!" Shadow now had an even bigger and more powerful raptor to call upon as it too let out a piecing screech.

Just when you think one of them has the upper hand, the other manages to outdo them. Shadow with his Xyz summons and Penny with synchro summons. Anyone of them I would be glad to share the dueling field with. Isaac couldn't help but smile at the duel he was witnessing as it was both entertaining and hard-hitting. Even the crowd and the folks watch on TV were into this battle.

"Raidraptor Revolution Falcon's special ability activates destroying your monster, and dealing you damage equal to half of Raikiri the Rain Shower's attack points." stated Shadow. His falcon then fired off several shots that went off around Raikiri and Penny as both of them covered up as the explosions went off.

"Your falcon's blasts didn't do much damage at all! You can't mess with Raikiri as long as Sky Excalibur is in its hands!" informed Penny. Raikiri then used its sword and plunged it into the ground as it created a barrier that formed as it shielded both itself and Penny from the rest of Shadow's onslaught.

"Alright, no more holding back!" shouted Shadow.

"Oh, you mean to tell me that you weren't? Another reason why girls are better than boys." replied Penny.

"I'm going to prove to you who the superior gender is!" shouted Shadow.

"I'd like to see you try. I now end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 6: Shadow

"It's my turn!" said Shadow as he drew his card and it so happen to be another card that Isaac had implemented in his deck. But given that he didn't have any other options, he figured now was as good of a chance as ever to play the card. "I activate the spell Rank-Up-Magic Skip Force! I overlay Raidraptor Revolution Falcon to Xyz summon a Raidraptor that's two ranks higher!"

"I'll admit this, when Shadow ranks up a monster, he doesn't mess around! It's kinda cute of him." admitted Penny as she did have to give Shadow his dues in this battle.

Shadow's falcon then turned into dark orb as both it and the overlay unit that it had attached stayed in the air for a bit as a portal opened up in front of him. Soon both orbs disappeared into the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "When you've been through what I've experienced, you learn a thing or two: If you wanna stay in the game, you have to keep pushing to the edge! Go, Rank-Up Xyz Evolution! You're clear for take-off, Raidraptor - Satellite Cannon Falcon(3000/2000, OLU: 2)!" Shadow now had managed to summon the monster he used to take down Sunset in the opening round.

Not bad, Shadow, but not good enough to take out my Raikiri!

"But there's more to come!" informed the boy.

"More of what?" stated Penny as she was confused.

"This! By sending Rank-Up-Magic Raid Force to my graveyard, I can add the Rank-Up-Magic Skip Force that's in my graveyard to my hand!" Shadow then slid his card into his duel disk as it was sent to the grave and in returned ejected the card he desired as he grabbed it. "Then I'll activate Rank-Up-Magic Skip Force to put my next move in motion. I overlay Satellite Cannon Falcon to build the Overlay Network!" Shadow's falcon then turned into a dark orb as both it and its Xyz materials stayed in the air for a bit as a portal opened up in front of him. Soon both orbs of light entered the portal as they disappeared and a pillar of light emerged. "You've seen my Blaze, Revolution and Satellite Falcons, but now you're going to witness the next evolutionary step in my aerial arsenal! Go! Rank-Up Xyz Evolution! Rise up! Raidraptor - Ultimate Falcon(3500/2000, OLU: 3)!" Shadow now had one of his most powerful monsters on the field as it let out a screech that caused everybody to take in the sight of this new falcon.

"I activate Ultimate Falcon's special ability! By using an Overlay Unit, Ultimate Falcon negates the effects of all cards and lowers their attack points by 1000!" stated Shadow. His monster then absorbed an Xyz material as it managed to drop Raikiri's attack strength all the way down to 1600 attack points. "It's go time! Ultimate Falcon take to the skies and take out Raikiri! Broadside Barrage!!!" shouted Shadow. Ultimate Falcon then powered up as it created a dark orb of energy, once it was fully charged it then shot it towards Penny as both her and her monster fell the force of the attack as she dropped to her knees and her monster was destroyed.
Penny's Life Points: 4800-

"I have to admit that I didn't think you'd have enough firepower to take out Raikiri." stated Penny as she slowly back up to her feet. "But because you did, I have to send it to my Extra Deck due to me using Gofu to summon him." Penny then took her monster card as she the Extra Deck compartment of her duel disk opened up and she placed it inside.

"Well, that's good news for me, because now that you don't have any monsters on the field, Ultimate Falcon's special ability kicks in and you lose 1000 life points." stated Shadow.

"When you blasted Raikiri, Sky Excalibur was sent to my graveyard, but I can still draw from its power! I can bring back a blast from the past and summon a tuner monster from my graveyard. Welcome back, Oroshi the Squall!" stated Penny as she managed to bring back a monster to protect her life points.

"That bird can't save you, because Ultimate Falcon renders it useless! Just accept that it's over! And that girls aren't better than boys!" shouted Shadow. "I now end my turn." Gotta to admit, Penny sure is tough girl. Pushing me to my limits, kinda cute that she's doing that.

Turn 7: Penny

"Oh, I will! And I'll prove that girls are superior! I draw!" shouted Penny as she currently had no cards in her hand. "Now we're talking! Since there's a 'Blackwing' already on my field, I can summon Blackwing Bora the Spear(1700/800)! Oroshi the Squall tunes Bora the Spear!" shouted Penny. Oroshi then turned into one giant green ring as it circled around Bora the Spear who flew into it. "I Synchro Summon Assault Blackwing - Sohaya the Rain Storm! And when I summon this awesome bird to my side, I can bring back another Assault Blackwing straight from my graveyard! Say hey to Sayo the Rain Hider!" stated Penny as she now had 2 synchro monsters on her field. "Sohaya the Rain Storm counts as a tuner monster, and that means I can Synchro Summon again! Sohaya the Rain Storm tunes Sayo the Rain Hider!" Once more Penny had her Sayo turn into two giant green rings that circled Sohaya as it flew in between them. "I Synchro Summon, Assault Blackwing - Raikiri the Rain Shower!" Penny now had managed to summon out her monster once again.

"Impressive." said Isaac. "And I know what comes next."

"One more move and this duel is over! Since I have a monster on my field, Raikiri can destroy one of your cards! Your Ultimate Falcon is finished!" stated Penny.

"It took a lot of effort to revive Raikiri. But it was all for nothing, cause Ultimate Falcon is immune to its special ability!" stated Shadow.

"It's no biggie! My Blackwings can call upon their friends whenever they need help!"

"What are you planning to do?" asked Shadow.

"Oh, you'll see. Sohaya's super special, cause its special ability activates from my graveyard. So if I banish one, I can summon the other one to my field!" Penny then used her duel disk screen as she clicked confirm as her duel disk moved one of her Sohaya into the banished compartment of the device as it ejected the other one for her to grab as she placed it on her card tray. A portal then opened up on her field as her monster was back in play. "And since I used a 'Blackwing' to summon Raikiri, it can be treated as a tuner monster. I'm about to kick the duel into high gear, so I'll have Raikiri go ahead and tune my Sohaya the Rain Storm!" Raikiri then soared high into the air as it turned into seven giant green rings as it circled around Sohaya who flew in between all of them. "Get ready to feast your eyes on a thundering display of power that will have you shaking in your duel disks! I Synchro Summon! Assault Blackwing - Onimaru the Divine Thunder(3000/2000)!" Out on Penny's field was one of the strongest monsters she had in her deck as it looked to bring victory for the young teen.

"Time to take flight! Onimaru, finish Ultimate Falcon once and for all!" shouted Penny as her monster took flight and charged at Shadow and his falcon. "Onimaru's special ability will now kick in. That means the power of its attack will increase by 1000 points for each Synchro Summon I made this turn!"

"For each one? Then that's a total of 3!" said Shadow.

"Exactly, so now Onimaru gains 3000 extra attack points."

"Well, I'll still have life points left." informed Shadow.

"Not after this attack you won't, cause I still have my facedown that I set previously. I reveal Synchro Baton, now a synchro monster on my field gains 600 extra attack points for every Synchro monster in my graveyard!" Penny's duel disk then glowed as the spirits of her synchro monsters were shown as they helped to give their comrade a power boost. "Since I have 3, that means my Onimaru gains 1800 more attack points." With that Penny's monster now had a total of 7800 attack points. "With this final attack, it's enough to win! Onimaru end this duel! Thundering Thrash!!!" shouted Penny as she thrusted her arm out. Onimaru then soared high into the air as it was surrounded in a yellow light as it did some sharp maneuvers. It then brought is sword down on Ultimate Falcon in a downward slash as it caused Ultimate Falcon to let out a screech as it exploded and crumbled to pieces as the aftereffect of the attack caused Shadow to be flung back onto the ground as his life points dropped.
Shadow's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Penny

"And with that, Penny soars to victory!" shouted Celestia. Everybody then began to clap as they were pleased by the fight they saw between the two duelists.

"Was there any doubt?" asked Penny confidently. "Step two of the spoiler complete. Now the final step." She then made her way toward Shadow who was still on the ground.

"No." said Shadow. He then saw Penny approach her as it caused the boy to sit up as he saw her extending her hand out. He then grabbed it as she pulled him back to his feet.

"Good fight." said Penny as she was giving her praise to the boy. "You know, maybe boys aren't that bad."

"Yeah. Same thing to you girls." said Shadow. "Stay strong and win."

"I will. And that was kinda cute in how you handle your Raidraptors." smiled Penny.

"Same thing to you and your Blackwings." stated Shadow as he returned the gesture.

With that the first duel of the semi-final round was done as the second bout was about to start. And then it would soon be time for the final round in which a winner will be named and then will go on to face Isaac at the Fall Formal which was fast approaching.

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