• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 97: Spirit World

"Student #475, based on how well they performed the fire spell. Acceptable. Earth spell, failed to move rocks and instead created a potion that can grow petunias. Reminded to keep my eye on them." said Mahad as he was in his home at his work desk going over some class evaluations. "Well, past midnight. Best to finish this work in the morning." Mahad then began to turn in for the night when he noticed something on his bed as it gave a croak.

"Mana!!!" shouted Mahad.

Things worked differently in the Spirit World, in the past these two places lived in harmony with the realm of humans. But over time, evil forces caused both worlds to split and as a result these spirits lived in a world that was separate than the ones the humans lived in. Still they maintained a connection in the form of Duel Monsters; when a person played a card on their duel disk, it was more than just a simple summon. It was a calling to that monster to appear in limbo as it served to battle for the person that called them.

Morning rose as the sun shined down on the Spirit World. Tons of Kuribohs and Winged Kuribohs were floating about as they were delivering the morning mail to the inhabitants of the world. Mahad opened his home as Kuriboh had just arrived at his front door with a postal bag as he had letters and scrolls in them.

"Morning, Kuriboh. How's everything?"

"Kuri" said Kuriboh as he answer his comrade's question.

"I see, well any parchments you have for me?"

"Kuri". Kuriboh then reached into his bag as he pulled out a letter and some new scrolls for Mahad as he gave one last sound before leaving.

Mahad then closed the door of his home as he got to work on creating some spells and potions. Meanwhile, he had some tea that was brewing as he used the new scrolls he ordered and began to write somethings down. Soon he poured himself some tea as Mahad used his magic to levitate it in place. Soon he ran some test on the potions he created as he wrote down their results. Once he reread the results, Mahad then cleaned up as he prepared himself for the day. Despite, being Isaac's star monster, Mahad had other responsibilities that didn't involve protecting his master. One of them being that he was a mentor for other young spellcasters and magicians. So Mahad used his magic as he started to levitate towards the place as it was a magic school but it was also a palace. With that he entered his classroom as he saw all of his students present.

"Greetings students, now I'm sure all of you were able to perform the transfiguration spell I asked."

"Yes, Master Mahad!" said the students.

"Uhm, Master Mahad?" asked a student who had their hand raised up.

"Berry Magician Girl, did you used frog wart instead of toad again?" asked Mahad as she had the head of a frog and her hands were now webbed feet.

"I thought they were the same thing, they look the same. Sort of." said Berry Magician Girl as she had sad eyes.

Mahad snapped his fingers as he was able to undone the spell that his student did. Berry Magician Girl was thankfully that she was no longer an amphibian, but she did have a weird craving to catch some flies. Mahad then began his lesson as his students paid close attention to Mahad's strict lessons when it came to mastering magic. Soon Mahad dismissed his students as he gave them their assignment.

"Don't forget to do to the spells on Divination and Sorcery. And I expect a full report on all the incantations that you observed while perform the transfiguration project." said Mahad as his students left the classroom. Mahad then gather his things as he was about to take a seat when he noticed another croak. "MANA!!!!" shouted Mahad.

"You rang." smiled Mana as she appeared in front of her beloved teacher.

"Mana! That's the second time you've done this in two days." shouted Mahad.

"Oh, lighten up Mahad. I'm just having a bit of fun. Nothing than a harmless prank."

"Harmless prank?" Mahad then snapped his fingers as he now had a scroll of Mana's "pranks". "Let's see... according to this you've flooded the classroom of your teachers, revived all of the lizards used for ritual as it caused one student to suffer a hidden anxiety of reptiles, and you even unleashed the entire sanctuary of Droll Birds while also covering everybody in bird seed!" said Mahad sternly. "And all of this happened in the last hour."

"Okay, okay. Calm down." said Mana as she hated Mahad giving her a lecture.

"How can I can be calm, when everytime I get a report from the other magicians about my student causing mishap? Honestly, I don't know how our pharaoh and master put up with your antics." said Mahad as he let out a stressed sigh. "You should be studying and practicing your magic, it's become rather lackluster lately."

"Hey! My magic's becoming better!" shouted Mana. "Did you know that I froze all of the guards in the palace? It wasn't that hard." smiled Mana as she was proud of herself.

Mahad let out another disgruntled sigh. "Do not tell me you used your freezing spell? We need them to guard the palace!" said Mahad as he looked out the window with Mana.

"Oops, sorry. I release thee." Mana snapped her fingers as she felt like that would do the trick, but it didn't. "Uh-oh."

"Your magic's improving, is it?"

"Uh... let me try that again. Uh, uh." Mana then had her spellbook as she began to search for a way to reverse the spell. "It's in here somewhere." said Mana as she was sweating furiously.

"Just hurry up." said Mahad as he shook his head. It seemed that Mahad still had more training to do with his student.

"Uh, let's see. Turning humans into toad. Getting rid of bad breath. Ahh! The freeze spell." said Mana. She then had her wand appear as she read the spell. "Now I release thee." said Mana. However it still didn't work. "Uh, why didn't it work? Maybe I said the wrong thing." Mana was now reread the book as she was scared.

Mahad just snapped his fingers as he reversed the effects.

"How about this!?" said Mana as she pointed her wand. She saw that the guards were back to normal. "See, I did it." smiled Mana nervously.

"I don't have time to deal with this. We have a meeting to attend." said Mahad.

"Oh, road trip! Where are we going?" asked Mana as she floated next to her master.

"We're going to meet with Lady Priestess of Mistress Sparkle's deck. We have some very important things to discuss." stated Mahad.

"Oh, I see. Trying to sweet talk her, I knew you would finally grow out of your shell and meet a women who could put up with your mindset." giggled Mana.

"Mana, act mature. Nothing is going on between me and Lady Priestess, we're going to talk about our masters and their relationship with one another and how it affects all of us. Now come along." Both Mahad and Mana started to exit their place of residence as they stepped through a portal and were now traveling in space.

"Before we visit Lady Priestess in her realm, we need to make a quick stop." Mahad then led him and Mana into another portal as they touched down on the ground.

In front of them was a casino, as the sounds of coins machines and cards were going on. They both entered the place as they said hello to Dice Leveler who was the bouncer of the place. They made their way to the Blackjack section of the casino as they were looking for someone, they didn't have to look too far as the person who they found was making such a ruckus.

"Blackjack!" said Sleight of Hand Magician. "Looks like another for bust for you, Dicelops." Dicelops just paid a tip for Sleight of Hand Magician as he left the table. Sleight of Hand Magician then took the payment and slipped it into his vest as he noticed Mana and Mahad standing there.

"Friends. What brings you here? Care to try your luck?" said Sleight of Hand Magician as he pulled out a deck of cards and started to do some tricks and shuffling that was faster than the eye could see.

"We're not here to gamble. We're here to check up on you." said Mahad.

"Screw that. Deal me in." said Mana as she wanted to play.

"But of course." Sleight of Hand then began to shuffle the cards, "So what is that you wanted?"

"Well, it's been a while since our master took you and the other three as part of his deck. We just make sure that you're comfortable with your living arrangements that you chose.

"That all?" said Sleight of Hand Magician as he dealt the hands. "I'm having a ball, after Isaac took us in, I went exploring to see if I could find something to feel right at home. And well I came upon this realm and you know the rest. Nonstop gambling, people need their fortunes told, heck even just casual game of poker. I like it here."

"Hit me!" shouted Mana.

"21!" said Sleight of Hand Magician as he awarded Mana her winnings.

"Yes, now I can finally buy that wand I'm after." cheered Mana.

"You will not be doing anything of that sort." stated Mahad. He then used his magic to return the winnings back to Sleight of Hand Magician as Mana just pouted at what her teacher just did. "Not until you learn to properly use your magic and not pull pranks. Anyways, we must be going if we are to attend out meeting. Farewell, Sleight of Hand, glad to see you've become accustomed to your new home. Come along, Mana."

"See you Mahad, Mana. And hey, tell Lady Priestess she's smoking." stated Sleight of Hand Magician as he got back to dealing cards.

"Well that wraps the last person of our master's new cards. All of them seem to be content with where they chose to live." said Mahad. "Now then this way." Mahad and Mana then traveled for a bit more as they were arriving at their destination. They entered the portal and were soon welcomed to the sight of a magnificent castle.

"Man, does she have class." said Mana as she took in the sight.

"Follow me, and try to be on your best behavior." stated Mahad.

"It doesn't help that you have to remind me like every two seconds." argued Mana.

They both made their way to the castle gates as it was lowered down. They noticed someone guarding the entrance as they approached him.

"Halt! Who goes there!?" said the person.

"At ease, we mean no harm. We're allies." said Mahad.

"State your name and business."

"I am Mahad, spirit of the Dark Magician. And this is Mana, spirit of the Dark Magician Girl. We hail from Master Isaac's deck. We've come to see your Lady Priestess, who belongs to your Mistress Sparkle and is the beloved of our master."

"Ahh, yes. One moment. Lady Priestess, Master Mahad is here." said the person as he contacted her through his crystal ball.

"Good work, Defender. Send them in." responded Priestess.

"Raise the gates!" shouted Defender, the Magical Knight. "She's waiting for."

"Thank you. We'll give her your best regards."

"See ya, gatekeeper." smiled Mana.

"I'm more than just a gatekeeper, you know." shouted Defender as he went back to his position.

Mahad and Mana then entered the palace as they saw the interior of the building. The walls were white as they were lined with red cloth and banners. They were tons of chandeliers that sparkled beautifully due to the jewels that hung from it. The main hall was filled with tons of doors as they led to different parts of the castle. To the right was Twilight's Spellbook Magician of Prophecy as he was talking with Hermit of Prophecy. They noticed Mahad and Mana as they waved. Coming out of another door was Strength of Prophecy as she was carrying a portrait of Twilight as they were hanging it in the hall for all to see their beloved mistress. Both Emperor and Empress of Prophecy were seen walking arm in arm as they talked about their plans for the afternoon as they passed by Isaac's magicians and gave them a wave. Overall, almost all of Twilight's magicians in her deck were out and about.

"Damn, she really does have a big home." said Mana as she was in awe.

"Lady Priestess wanted to provide a safe place for all of Mistress Sparkle's comrades in her deck. So she transformed her palace into a place where all can come and live." informed Mahad. "Excuse us, do you know where we can meet your Lady Priestess?"

"Ah, you must be Mahad. She sent me to fetch you. Follow me." said Justice of Prophecy. With that she led Mahad and Mana in the direction of the throne room. Soon they pushed past a grand set of doors as they were now in a big open space with a long carpet that led to where the throne chair was. "Announcing Master Mahad and his student Lady Mana!" called out Justice of Prophecy. "You are now in the presence of the great High Priestess of Prophecy and her royal advisor Hierophant of Prophecy!"

"Your excellence." said Mahad and Mana as they bowed down in front of her.

"Master Mahad." said Priestess as she sat on her throne with her legs crossed. She then smiled as she looked at her allies, "To what due I owe this visit, other than you possibly just having an excuse to see me?"

"See told ya." said Mana to which Mahad just hit her on the head.

"Forgive my student's rather outburst. But I've come here to discuss some business, particularly our master and your mistress."

"Ah, yes. Your master Isaac as you call him, and my beloved Twilight. Very well." Priestess then got up from her throne as she began to walk down the stairs with Hierophant following behind her. "If you would accompany me." she said raising her hand.

"Of course." Mahad stood up as he took her hand and kissed the back of it. He then offered her his arm as she wrapped around it as they began to walk. Mana just smiled as she followed them along with Hierophant.

High Priestess of Prophecy led the three of them to the courtyard as they met up with Charioteer of Prophecy and Fool of Prophecy who were training with one another. They watched from afar as they saw the boys go at it.

"Getting sloppy on your counter." taunted Fool as he had his staff against Charioteer's sword.

"Please, if anything, you're the one who's getting sloppy. You left yourself wind open." replied back Charioteer.

"Yeah, watch this." Fool then kicked Charioteer in the side as it caused him to back off. This allowed him to raise his staff as he let out a powerful fire spell that started to surround Charioteer in a tornado.

Charioteer was able to break free as he stabbed his weapon in the ground as the flames disbursed. Then he raised his sword just in time as he was able to stop Fool from launching a sneak attack. "That all?" smirked Charioteer.

"That's enough!" shouted Hierophant.

"Lady Priestess!" shouted both of them as they bowed down to show their respect.

"Rise. You both were excellent out there." she said. "Allow me to introduce you to Master Mahad and his student Lady Mana. They are the Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl; they belong to the love of our dear Lady Sparkle, Sir Isaac."

"Greetings, gentleman." said Mahad.

"Wow. Let me say for the both of us, how honored we are to be your presence." said Fool.

"Yeah, the stuff you've done for the Spirit World and all your accomplishments. You're the real thing, man." exclaimed Charioteer.

"Let's not get carried away, Mahad isn't that famous." said Mana as she loved to irate her teacher which seemed to work.

"Mana! What have I told you?" Soon Mahad and Mana began to argue as Priestess and Hierophant watched.

"I now see what our Lady Sparkle means when she says that the two of them love to argue. I do wonder how their master deals with this on a regular basis." stated Hierophant.

"Well, he must do a good job of it. Seeing as he got our Lady Twilight to fall for him." smiled Priestess.

Both Mahad and Mana kept arguing for a couple more minutes; during that time, Hierophant took Fool and Charioteer of Prophecy away as he wanted to run some more combat exercises with them. The both of them waved goodbye to their Lady Priestess as they left. Once Mahad and Mana finished their discussion, she then led the both of them to the library so that they could discuss what Mahad came here for. The library was massive as it had thousands upon thousands of spellbooks, and pieces of literature that lined the many shelfs. There were even other magicians of Twilight's deck as they were reading the many Spellbooks; some of them were even floating about. Both Mahad and Priestess sat in two chairs facing each other as she requested that they be brought some tea. Meanwhile, Mana was just exploring around the library as she was intrigued by the many books she saw.

"So, what is that you want to discuss about our owners?" asked Priestess as she sat in her chair with her legs crossed.

"Well, for starters, you know what happens when two people get together?" asked Mahad.

"Yes. All the spirits of both decks come together and try to become allies. That way should one be in trouble they call upon the other for assistance. We'll all meet your allies of your master's deck. And we're impressed with what he chose to call his friends. Even more so to find that both Slifer and Ra put their trust in him. Sugar?" asked Priestess as the tea was brought.

"I'll pass." said Mahad as he used their magic to serve both of them. He also levitated a book for Priestess to read as she smiled at him.

"So tell me, what's your master like? I know for a fact that he can see you and Mana. And I know that you've had a chance to see my Lady Twilight and protect her when none of us could." said Priestess as she sipped her tea.

"Master Isaac is sort of like another person I knew."

"Your pharaoh." she said. "The person to have said to not only save mankind but also the entire Spirit World. We're gratefully for what he's done."

"Yes, my pharaoh was a kind soul who looked out for others rather then himself. It warmed my heart to see him realize his destiny. After he disappeared, it would be millennia before we would ever meet again. And once we did, he found a new friend to help him regain his past and allow his soul to rest in peace. But before he passed though, he allowed to go off on my own and pick new master to serve."

"That would be Isaac, am I right?" asked Priestess.

"Correct. Master Isaac resembles a lot like my king. Both are willing to help their friends and show a passion for the game that is unrivaled. They aren't afraid to do what's right and make sure that everybody has a happy result." smiled Mahad.

"Indeed, I wonder how our masters are doing." Priestess then used her magic as a crystal ball came in front of them. She then casted a spell on it as it projected out for both of them to see. "Let's find out." Priestess then used her magic to look in the human world as she saw her mistress currently sitting at a table with her deck and cards spread out as it looked like she was challenging Isaac to a practice match. From what it looked like, it seemed Twilight had the upper hand and it was Isaac's move.

"Make up your mind already!" shouted Twilight as she was getting impatient. "Come on! You've been staring at your hand for almost an hour now, Isaac!" Twilight was doing her best to tell Isaac that he should get on with his turn as she knew she was about to win. "You don't have any moves left to make! Face it. The duel's over! I've won! Just give up!"

"No way, Twilight!" responded Isaac. "That's one move I'll never make! I know I got something, I just know it!" Isaac was determined to prove Twilight wrong as he felt like he could turn things into his favor.

Twilight just let out a sigh, "Yeah, I know. And... that's one of my favorite things about you, Isaac." said Twilight as she had a blush on her face. "That no matter what, you never give up." Twilight then leaned over the table and planted a kiss on Isaac's cheek.

Back in the spirit world, both magicians were watching this interaction between their owners as it gave them both a smile.

"It warms my heart to my Lady Sparkle so happy. Your Master Isaac is truly someone who can make her feel special." said Priestess as she shut off her crystal ball and snapped it away. "Perhaps, I should have a portrait of him painted and hung next to my mistress, so that all can see him."

"Perhaps." said Mahad as he finished his tea.

"Hey Mahad, look what I found." Mana had managed to find a spellbook that really caught her attention as it was filled with new spells that she hadn't seen.

"Mana! You know not take things that aren't yours." shouted Mahad.

"Relax, Mahad. Keep it. I have plenty of copies in my library. Twilight loves her books after all." smiled Priestess as she used her magic to teleport the tea set away.

"I thank you for your generosity, Lady Priestess." said Mahad as he took off his hat and bowed in respect. He then kissed High Priestess' hand as she just let out a giggle at Mahad being a proper gentleman. "Now we must be off, we've still got a lot to do back home before nighttime arrives. Come along, Mana."

"Coming, Mahad." said Mana as she followed her teacher.

High Priestess then followed behind them as they levitated towards the castle entrance. Along the castle halls, all the other magicians of Twilight's deck were saying goodbye to Mahad and Mana as they waved. Even Red, Yellow, Green, Gold, and Silver Gadget were matching towards the invention room when they saw them passing by as they all waved. With that all the gadgets then continued to march in a straight line, but not before bowing down and offering their praises for Twilight as they saw her portrait hanging in the hallway. Soon all three of them arrived outside of the castle gate as Mahad and Mana were about to step through the portal.

"Well, this was a lovely visit. I hope we can do this again, Mahad. After all, should our masters decided to spend their lives together, then I dare all of us, including our individual comrades will be that much closer." smiled High Priestess.

"I wish nothing for the best for my master. And for Mistress Sparkle; they both deserve to have happy lives." smiled Mahad. "Now we must take our leave. Thank you once again, Lady Priestess." said Mahad as he entered the portal.

"See ya, girlfriend. And thanks for the book; can't wait to try some of these tricks on Mahad." snickered Mana as she waved goodbye and stepped through the portal.

"Their master is lucky to have those two as his most trusted allies. Just like me and everybody else is happy to have Twilight as our master." High Priestess of Prophecy then started to make her way back into her palace as she closed the door and went back to her reading.

It was just about sunset when Mahad and Mana had arrived back to their home. After they left High Priestess' home, both of them went to check up on the other realms of Isaac's friends. The first stop they made so happen to be the home of Sunset's deck as they arrived in a lava zone where Red-Eyes was flying high above. While Mana played around with the Red-Eyes hatchlings, Mahad was speaking with Red-Eyes and his tribe of dragons as he wanted to check how they were handling their home and Sunset being their new master. Red-Eyes didn't say much but a few roars as all the others joined in, but from what Mahad could translate with his spell, he saw that Red-Eyes was happy with being with Sunset as they enjoyed her red hot passion and desire.

After that they paid a visit to Applejack's deck as they arrived in the realm of Predaplants. After some minor mishaps with Mana and the other Predaplants, Mahad was able to talk with Starving Venom Fusion Dragon and Greedy Venom Fusion Dragon as they were contented with Applejack as their owner. One thing they did to show their appreciation for their master was they had a statue made of greenery of Applejack as it was centered in the middle of the garden for all of them to praise. Mahad was glad that they loved Applejack, so with that he wished them farewell, well right after he got Mana out of some vines.

The next place they stopped by was a forest full of dense trees; they levitated a bit as they came out to a grassland where they saw all the creatures of Fluttershy's deck just running around and frolicking. Despite there being predator and prey, they all got along as they knew it was something that their master would want. Mana went into overdrive as she saw how cute Fluttershy's monsters were that she started to hug the furry little creatures tightly as they struggled to break free from their grip. Mahad was left to communicate with Thunder Unicorn, Behemoth the King of Animals, and Ronin Racoon as they all adored Fluttershy as their master and hoped that one day she would visit them so that they could show her this place. With that Mahad gave them their best wishes, but not before Mana was tightly hugging Ronin Racoon who was just so cute and cuddly she couldn't resist petting him. Ronin Racoon was doing his best to escape her arms, seems all his training and fighting experience didn't prepare him for this.

Next up was a place of bizarre as they arrived in Toon World, as they changed into their toon forms. Seems Pinkie's deck was a rather crazy one as her realm had both her Toons and her newly added Madolche deck. Seems both set of monsters were pleased with one another as they all made a statue of Pinkie out of delicious sweets to show their appreciation. The toons even had a portrait of Pinkie all over the entire realm along side their original owner who so happened to be Mr. William's grandfather. After a bit of a hectic experience, both Mahad and Mana were pleased to see that both archetypes were happy to have someone like Pinkie as their owner and master. Both got out just in time before they suggested a party as they knew Pinkie's influence had rubbed off on them.

They then arrived in Rainbow Dash's realm as they had arrived in the middle of a game as her Ultra Athletics were out in the stadium. They even saw a couple of her newly added Speedroids sitting in the stands as they had a couple of flags and posters cheering on their favorite superstars. Mana soon found herself in a sporting outfit as she joined in with the crowd cheering on her friends; Mahad simply went to talk with U.A. Star Player who was cheering on his teammates from the sidelines. Despite them taking after Rainbow's radically coolness and speaking lingo, Mahad was able to get the gist of what he said as they all were pleased they had someone like Rainbow Dash as their boss and head coach. Soon it was time for the halftime show as everybody in the stands and on the field all stood up as they looked at the huge screen high above. Soon a picture of Rainbow Dash came on screen as they all began to sing a song dedicated to her as they saw her as the most awesome person ever, even Clear Wing Synchro Dragon was flying high above as he let out a roar to show its love for Rainbow.

The last stop they made was visiting Rarity's realm as they saw all her Crystal Beasts out and about. They were currently having dinner as they all sat properly on their behinds at a long table. Seems Rarity's attitude and sense to be a lady had a huge effect on her Crystal Beast, well... at least Amethyst Cat as she was the only female old enough to keep the rest of the boys in check. Despite not understanding why they had to do this, the other Crystal Beasts all understood that it was something that their owner would like as they had several portraits of Rarity hanging along their giant home and even a statue made up of priceless gems and even a piece of the jewel that was a part of each of them. So after talking with them for a few minutes, Mahad and Mana said their goodbyes as they apologized for interrupting their meal and wished them a safe night. Once they left, all the Crystal Beasts and Rainbow Dragon started to just eat away at their meals very messy while Amethyst Cat just let out a sigh as she couldn't believe that this was her team of companions.

Soon they made it back as Mahad and Mana returned back to their homes which were right next to each other. Along the way they passed by some of Isaac's other monsters in his deck as they gave them their best wishes. The other monsters of Isaac's deck knew that their master treasured Mahad and Mana so much, but both of them did their best to say that Isaac loved them all equally. The Magnet brothers were powering down for the night as they had a big day tomorrow; Kuriboh was just arriving back to his little home as he let out a sound. All the magicians in Isaac's Extra Deck, along with his ritual monster Magician of Chaos and Dark Magician of Chaos had just finished wrapping up their meeting when they saw Mahad arrived from his trip as they said their peace and teleported back to their homes. Breaker, Queen's, King's, and Jack's Knight had all returned from the palace as they had finished their daily shift. Even Timaeus was flying above in his dragon form as he did his usual night portal of keeping everybody safe. Soon Mahad and Mana said their goodbyes and goodnights to one another as they each retreated into separately into their homes.

Mana immediately got to reading the book she got from High Priestess as she wanted to try some of these spells out. Mahad still had some spells he had to finish so he got to work on completely them. Once he recorded their results, he then decided to call it a night as he prepared himself for bed. Mahad noticed a book on his table as when he picked it up out dropped a photo. He picked it up and saw that it was a photo from the past as it was when he was still alive in Ancient Egypt as he was next to Mana and their late, great pharaoh. Mahad just let a smile appeared on his face as it brought back some heartwarming memories; he then opened the book to the page that it fell out of and saw another photo. This time it was more modern as it had Isaac in the photo as he was in engaged in battle as both him and Mana were side by side with their master preparing for battle. There was even a picture of them all sitting next to each other on top of Canterlot High as they watched the sunset with smiles on their faces. Mahad was happy as he saw the photo as he slid the fallen picture in and closed the book as he put it on the shelf.

"Isaac. I'm happy to have met you and allowed me to call you my new master. I will always be there to protect you and your friends, so is my duty as your protector and servant. But most importantly, as your friend. Thank you, for being my friend, master." said Mahad as he blew out the candle and soon the room was covered in darkness.

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