• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,579 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 190: Action Duel

It was another day at CHS as graduation was inching ever so closer for the upcoming senior class. And the date for the Board of Education that would arrive to judge the students was nearly upon them. For Celestia and Luna they were in their respective offices taking care of some paperwork. Soon Luna got a phone call as she answered it and the person that was on the other line was one that caused her to let out a gasp and bring a tear to her eye. She then barged into her sister's room as she handed the phone to her older sibling.

"Hello?" answered the older woman.

"Celestia, how's it hanging?" said the voice.

The next day was a rather strange one as the entire field in the back of the school had been filled out as nearly all the students were requested by both principals to be in attendance. Everybody was asking why, but all the two women said was that a special guest was arriving. They didn't say anything more than just asking their students to be present. Soon everybody had gathered their seat. Celestia and Luna were a bit nervous themselves as they tried to look presentable given who their special guest was. Soon they were given the cue as they were on the field itself as both had a pair of microphones as it got everybody to look at them.

"Students, we want to thank you all for coming. Now I'm sure you all are wondering why I asked you all to be here." said Principal Celestia. "Well, to be honest, our special guest asked for it."

"Yesterday, me and my sister got in touch with someone who we haven't seen in a while. It was a surprise nonetheless and he has decided to not only pay a visit to our beloved school but also wants to put on a show." said Luna as that moment all the lights in the stands went off as soon a single spotlight was shown. Soon as if something was happening, small platforms that were all spread out within distance began to form at different lengths and altitudes.

"So, without further ado, please welcome one of our friends from across the sea!" said both women as together as some music began to play.

"Hello, Canterlot High!" said the person.

The boy had crimson eyes, and dual-colored green and crimson hair of average length sticking out in downwards pointing spikes all around his head. He wore a pendant on a simple string around his neck, and a buckled choker, and a pair of golden goggles with orange lenses on his forehead, with a blue star obscuring the right lens. He had on a simple orange t-shirt with a thick, silver-buckled brown belt over it, green pants with what appear to be "Deck pockets" on each leg, and magenta shoes, as well as crimson wristbands. He also wore a gold and red lined white school jacket over his shoulders like a cape.

"Is that?!" said the girls as they were seeing the individual who was standing on one of the many platforms hovering in the air as he jumped in between each of them and did some flips and acrobatics.

"My name is Yuya Sakaki! And I'm a Dueltainer." said the boy as he was welcomed to a thunderous applause from the students of CHS.

"Ladies and gentleman, please give a warm applause to one of our great friends of me and my sister." said Celestia as both she and Luna had tears of happiness in their eyes at not only seeing one of their close companions from when they competed in the pro circuit, but also that he was entertaining their students like only he could.

"I wanted to make an entrance, hope it wasn't too grand. Cause I still have to put on a show for you all." said Yuya as he took a bow for the huge crowd as they kept the cheers going. The girls were the most stunned as standing in front of them with their own set of eyes was none other than one member of the Big 5.

Soon a second spotlight was turned on as it took the attention away from Yuya who simply got up from bowing as he turned to where the lights stopped. Standing on the field was someone who he had a familiar feeling. Isaac had walked onto the field as he looked at the boy who he met with this past summer when he got back from his trip to Equestria. He then began to hop on the platforms and began to move effortless between them as he displayed his own set of parkour skills as he soon reached the same platform that Yuya was standing on as the two stared at one another with a focus look. All around, the entire crowd was silent as standing in front was the master and pioneer of Pendulum Summoning from across the sea as he was staring face to face with the duelist who was the champion of their school. For all seeing this, this seemed like a moment in time, a once in a lifetime moment to see two different generations of duelist meeting.

"Hello, Yuya." said Isaac in a low tone.

"Hello, Isaac." responded the boy in the same tone while keeping his glare.

Once more silence was filling the air as even Celestia and Luna were shocked to see some that two of their closest friends were literally in the same spot at the same time.

"CHS is my territory. This is my yard, and you're trespassing on it."

"What are you going to do about it." taunted Yuya as he wasn't backing down from Isaac.

Isaac looked at the boy who was just slightly a year older than him as he clenched his fists. He then raised it up for all to see as they were shocked to see that Isaac was about to hit a living legend. Yuya then did the same as he clenched his fist and looked to hit Isaac back as both boys made contact.

"Good to see you, buddy." said Isaac as he pulled Yuya in for a quick bro hug.

"Right back at you, man." stated Yuya as both boys let out a laugh.

"Isaac really knows him?!" said the girls as they couldn't believe that their own male companion was buddy-buddy with a member of the Big 5.

"So what are you doing?" asked Isaac.

"Well..." Before Yuya could explain there was some slow clapping being heard as it cause both him and Isaac to look in the same direction. Everybody else in the stands heard this as they too were shocked by what they saw.

"My, oh my. Is that none other than the legendary master and pioneer of Pendulum Summoning from across the sea himself, Yuya Sakaki." said Starlight in a sick and twisted, evil tone. Behind her was Sunburst and Trixie, soon some of the moving platforms stopped in front of her as they made a staircase of sorts as she began to climb as the two stayed behind.

"I must say it's truly an honor to be in the presence of not only a true master duelist, but a relic of the bygone era." said Starlight with a sick smile as that was her way of introducing herself to Yuya as he and Isaac stood side by side looking at the girl with some scowls on their faces.

"I have always been fascinated with pride. It is my favorite sin. It has the power to blind even the strongest man even those who claimed to be immortal." said the girl as she pointed at Yuya. "Hey kids, take your vitamins and say your prayers. All praise be to the virtue of hustle, loyalty, and respect, as if they can do you any good. You are both liars and your foolish pride allows you to prey upon the weak and fill them up with all this hope. But hope is dead as will be your legacy, Isaac and Yuya." chuckled Starlight as she mocked the boys.

"I can see it in your eyes. You don't get it. And how could you possibly get something that you can't comprehend, but I'll lay it out for you, boys, right here, right now. If you look up at me, you will see a friend. If you look down at me, you will see an enemy. But if you look at me square in the eye, you will see a god!" said Starlight as she put her arms out and closed her eyes as she was relishing in like she was being blessed.

Yuya was about to respond to Starlight's comments when Isaac stopped him and he began to step forward as he spoke.

"Do you even listen to all the weird shit that comes out of your mouth?" said Isaac as it got Starlight to now opened her eyes as she had a furious look on her face. For Isaac he did get a few laughs with his response from the crowd watching them as well as Yuya let out a chuckle.

"You just said pride was the fall of man and then you follow up by saying when I look at you I should see a god." said Isaac as he repeated Starlight's own words. "When I look at you, I don't see a god. Excuse me, Yuya, I may not be able to make those dinner plans we had in mind... because right now I wanna make an open challenge live in front of everybody right now both here in the stands and everybody reading this story. And you say hope is dead, I hope, hope is not dead. I hope you accept this challenge because I want you in one more duel, Starlight. And I hope to hell you say, 'yes'! Because you'd gonna get the ass whipping of a lifetime!!" shouted Isaac as he was done waiting and laid down the challenge he'd been wanting with the girl since he got back.

"Here's a thought, Isaac, a little bit more empty promises, a little bit more hope. Well, I say, it's always fun and games with you, Isaac, until it's you caught in the spider's web." said Starlight. "So, as for your challenge... well... I accept."

Isaac and Starlight now looked at each other as it seemed the challenge was made. Celestia and Luna were worried that Isaac had laid down the challenge since he couldn't do that nor could they sanction it between Isaac and Starlight given certain rules. Starlight then was about to walk back down the platforms when Isaac called her out again.

"Hey, where you going Starlight? Don't you want to see Yuya duel? He came here to dueltain, so why not attend his show? In fact, I just thought of an idea. Yuya, you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Oh, I think I know you're thinking of Isaac, but I'll let you tell everybody here." said Yuya with a smile on his face.

"What I was thinking of, instead of regular duel, why don't we have a tag team duel? Me and Yuya vs you, Starlight and Sunburst? What about it?" said Isaac he played to the crowd with Yuya as they were hearing a responding 'Yes' chants.

"Like I'd play your games, Isaac. I already accepted a challenge from you. I won't accept another one, but... I'm a person of the people, so I'll grant them their wish. It'll be Sunburst and Trixie taking on you two boys." offered Starlight.

"In that case, we'll have our duel tomorrow night." stated Yuya. "But we'll spice things up even more, cause it'll be an Action Duel!"

"What's an Action Duel?!" said the girls and the students as they were all surprised by what was suggested.

"Celestia, Luna. Care to have a show for your students that'll have them on the edge of their seat?" suggested Yuya with a smile on his face as he looked at the two ladies.

While it wasn't the initial intention of Yuya coming here for a visit, the ladies knew how the boy loved to showcase his skills for all to see. So they both nodded as the entire school was now looking forward to tomorrow night's event that was sure to be a stellar duel. Cause for the first time, it would be Isaac teaming up with a legend in the Dueling world in Yuya Sakaki as they would be taking on Starlight's team. Isaac and Yuya, never before, never again.

The girls were all now walking through the hallway as they soon turned the corner and they all found their target. Standing at the end of the hall was Isaac as he was casually talking with Yuya who was leaning against the wall as they were laughing and hanging out. All of them were eager to meet with the boy who was slightly older than them as they all hoped Isaac could explain somethings. The moment they were about to call out to their friend, a huge sea of students all crowded around them and blocked them as they too wanted to see Yuya themselves. Both boys noticed the massive wave of students getting ready to stampede them until a whole batch of security men in black suits all stood in front of the two boys as they held back the horde of fans from tearing apart their client. All the security kept the students from harming the boy they were tasked with taking care of as both Isaac and Yuya stood there with beads of sweat rolling down their faces in a cartoonish effect. Soon both Celestia and Luna arrived as they led the two boys into Celestia's office as the whole crowd of students surrounded the door with security still holding them back.

"Calm down, students. Calm down. CAlM DOWN!!!!" said Luna as she used a boom voice that was only reserved for specific reasons. "GO HOME!!!" said the nighttime women as everybody disbursed to avoid getting in trouble with the Vice-Principal. Luna then thanked the security for doing their job as she entered the room as they all stood outside to guard it.

The girls all approached the door as they hoped to get a chance to speak with Yuya, but security turned them down and told them to shoo off as this was a private meeting. All the girls were upset, as they hoped they could meet a legend in Duel Monsters. Inside, both boys and the two ladies were all having a blast as they were talking with each other and discussing some stuff since they last met. For Yuya, he was still keeping up with his busy schedule back home and told Isaac how he called Celestia and Luna the day before and said he had some free time from his busy travels that he hopped on a plane to come over here and visit the two ladies as he wanted to hang out with them.

Sometime later, Isaac had managed to actually round up each of the girl's students and introduced the group to one of his companions and inspirations when it came to Duel Monsters. Isaac even let the kids in on a secret that during the whole tournament for the Fall Formal, it had been Yuya who he was talking on the phone with the whole time and how he lent him some cards that he had given to some of them. Isaac made sure to mention to Yuya that Bryant also had a Performapal deck as he explained to his student that it was Yuya himself who had given Isaac some copies of Odd-Eyes dragons to give to the boy to help improve his deck. Safe to say, Bryant was more than grateful for what both Isaac and Yuya did for him.

The pair was now at the front of the building as it was the end of the school day and all the students had went home. Isaac stood in front of Yuya as he stood with the door to the limo opened as they were having one final conversation.

"So, you ready for tomorrow?" asked Yuya.

"Yeah, to think that I'd be getting a chance to duel with a legend in you and one of the greatest duelists to ever grace the game of Duel Monsters. This is a dream come true." said Isaac.

"Well, we're giving the people what they want. A dream team between me and you. Doesn't get much bigger than that." chuckled Yuya as Isaac did also.

"Come by my house tomorrow. We can practice our strategy and action duel skills in the backyard before the event." suggested Isaac.

"Sure, but... what about your friends?" asked Yuya.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure they don't get in the way of our practice. Just be prepared in case they start to swarm you."

"It's a part of being a great duelist. See you tomorrow, Isaac." said Yuya as he stepped into the back of the limo as Isaac closed the door and the vehicle drove off to take Yuya to the hotel he was staying at.

Isaac had now made his way back to the house as he pulled out his keys from his backpack slung over his right shoulder as he opened the door. He was immediately met with some looks from the girls, Spike was currently in Twilight's arms as they looked at their male friend.


"So, when are you gonna introduce us to your 'friend'?" asked Rainbow.

"Who?" asked Isaac.

"Yuya." said Sunset.


"Darling, why would you keep a secret like that from us? We'd be honored to meet a legend like himself."

"In fact, it makes me wonder... the thing Starlight said before your first encounter with her. How you met other members of the Big 5? Is it true?" asked Twilight.

"What do you all think?" was Isaac's only response with a stern scowl on his face as he walked past them as he was climbing the stairs as he headed towards his room.

"So, is he coming over tomorrow?" asked Fluttershy.

"Excuse for a party!" said Pinkie.

"No party! And Yuya is coming over, but it's for us to practice before our duel. So I don't need any distractions from you all, Yuya has enough of that with his career. He doesn't need to be swarmed by you girls fangirling over him and his monsters." said Isaac as he continued climbing.

"So how do you know him personally?" asked Rainbow as all the girls looked at Isaac who was at the top of the stairs as he looked back at them.

"We dueled and... he gave me his phone number." said Isaac in a nonchalant tone as he entered his room.

"WHAT?!" shouted the girls.

They were stunned that their own friend just had the phone number of a duelist like Yuya in his contacts. It also got the girls to questions whether or not Isaac really had met the other members of the Big 5 and if he too had their phone numbers inside of his phone. To think that he could just call them whenever he wanted and have a chill conversation without freaking out made them stunned. Unbeknownst to the girls, Isaac really did have the phone numbers of Yuya, Yuma, Yusei, and Jaden in his phone, but he would never tell them that.

The next day arrived as it was the day of the scheduled tag team duel that would be taking part tonight at CHS. That being said, it was to be a private matter that only the students of CHS knew about. Yuya's agent team didn't want any reporters or photographers to be there as they heard the wishes from the boy himself as he wanted to have a night where he wasn't a big shot pro that people paid to see. He just wanted to be what he was to his core and that was both a duelist and a fan. The girls had decided to do some research on this so called, "Action Duel" that Yuya had proposed so they looked some videos online and to their surprise it seemed to be a way of life from where Yuya was from. They got to see the boy in his early stages from when he got his pendulum cards and was the first person to introduce them to listening to some interviews that had him talking about his adventure of traveling to different dimensions to save the world. Overall, the girls were now more excited than ever to not only meet the boy, but get to see him in action. Not to mention he would be teaming up with Isaac which meant tonight was sure to be a great duel.

Isaac stood outside of the house as he managed to slip past the girls when they were doing their research as he didn't want to attract any attention for Yuya. Soon the limo pulled up to the gate as Isaac went to go greet his friend. Yuya stepped out in his regular attire as usual as he gave a high five to Isaac. He told the driver and his security team that he wouldn't need them till tonight so he gave them the day off. While they were hesitant on leaving their client unattended, Yuya assured them that he would be fine as he put his arm around Isaac's shoulders as Isaac did the same. Eventually, the bodyguards respected the wishes of their client as they entered back into the limo as it zoomed away.

"Is this what I'm going to have to deal with when I go pro?" asked Isaac.

"Basically." said Yuya as he made him and Isaac laugh.

"Alright, follow me." said Isaac as he led Yuya through the side of the house to avoid the girls knowing that he was here. Soon they came to the backyard as it provided a ton of space for them to practice.

"Nice house." said Yuya.

"Thanks, so... ready to practice for tonight." said Isaac as he strapped on his rectangle device as it projected a gold card tray.

"Of course, a dueltainer always needs to be ready to put on a show." said Yuya as he put on his duel disk and projected a similar card tray color like Isaac.

"Generating Action Field. Crossover." said Yuya's duel disk as it began to work its magic of changing the environment around them into the proper setting for an action duel. Soon just like at the field at school, there was tons of platforms some moving about, as they were all spread out and scattered as it would serve as the battlefield for the two boys both physically and mental.

"Actions cards disbursed." said Yuya's duel disk as the boy snapped his fingers as a huge sphere of cards that had the letter "A" on the back of them were all scattered across the field that would allow the boys to pick them up and use it.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Isaac's Life Points: 4000-

Yuya's Life Points: 4000-

"Let's duel!" said both boys.

Turn 1: Isaac

"I'll kick this show off, Yuya." said Isaac as he drew his card. "And I'll start by placing my Black Arts Trickster in the pendulum zone." said Isaac as he placed one of his pendulum cards on the far right side of his card tray. "Now I activate my Black Arts Trickster's pendulum ability, now I can add a pendulum card from my deck and place it in the other pendulum zone. So I'll choose my Sleight of Hand Magician." said Isaac as he placed his other monster on the far left side of his card tray as his monster rose up in his column of light with his number in front of it. "Then Black Arts Trickster's other ability activates, so I can raise her scale from 3 to 10!" stated the boy as the number in front of his female spellcaster went up.

"Now that the scale is set, time for me to get rolling. So here we go, I'm allowed to summon monsters from Level 2 through 9 all at the same time! Back and forth, to and fro, what's coming next you'll soon know. So swing far pendulum and carve the arc that will lead me to victory. My monsters are ready, to swing into action!" shouted Isaac as he thrusted his hand into air as a portal opened up and lights came out. "Sing us a melodious song, Enchantress of Melody(900/1800). Get ready to have your fortune told, it's my Black Robe Mentalist(1700/1300, Scale 7, Level 4). Her inner beauty comes from within, meet my Mirage Magician(1600/1700, Scale 8, Level 6). Meet the keeper of the relics, my Rune-Eyes Illusionist(1800/2400, Scale 3, Level 5). And lastly, give a warm welcome to star monster of our show, Dark Magician!" said Isaac as his star magician was on the field.

"Now I'll activate my Black Robe Mentalist's ability so since I control 5 monsters, I can look at the top five cards of my deck and add one of them to my hand." Isaac made his choice as his card ejected for him to grab. "I'll then play the card I got, Card of Sanctity so now we draw till we're holding six cards. And with that done time to kick things up a notch, I activate my Enchantress' ability so now I roll a die and whatever number it lands on I can increase or decrease a monster's level. Go Dice Roll!" shouted Isaac. The die then rolled as it bounced a bit before it landed on a side. "With that number 1, I'll decrease my Enchantress' level so now she's Level 2." said Isaac as his monster used her musical instrument as she changed her own level.

"Now time to activate my Sleight of Hand Magician's pendulum ability, twice per turn he can change the level of a monster on my field to match that of another. So Sleight of Hand, use your cards tricks and change my Rune-Eyes Illusionist and Black Robe Mentalist so that they match my Dark Magician!" shouted Isaac. "Now I'll overlay my now Level 7 Rune-Eyes Illusionist and Level 7 Black Robe Mentalist to build the Overlay Network!" shouted Isaac as both of his monsters then changed into dark orbs as they hovered in the air. Soon a portal opened up in front of him as the orbs disappeared inside as a pillar of light emerged. "I Xyz Summon, Ebon Illusion Magician(2500/2100, OLU: 2)!" Isaac's new monster appeared as he opened his eyes as he had his staff in his hands.

"Now I'll tune my Level 2 Enchantress of Melody with my Dark Magician. And when I use Dark Magician as synchro material, he counts as Level 6 instead of 7." Isaac's enchantress then played her harp once more as she turned into two giant green rings as they circled around his monster. "I Synchro Summon, Dark Sorcerer Magician(2500/2100)!" stated the boy as his monster that he was summoning wore a white magician's robes as he had a staff with bits of stardust floating around it.

"Then I'll play my Monster Reborn to bring back my Dark Magician and then play Bond Between Teacher and Student, so that I can special summon my Dark Magician Girl!" Isaac's star monsters now rose up together. "Next I activate my Mirage Magician's special ability, with I can fusion summon without Polymerization and she can count as one the fusion materials for that summon. I Fusion Summon! Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight(2600/1700)!" Out emerged Isaac's monster as she magician rode on the back of Timaeus as she wielded a sword as it let out a roar. Isaac now had four different monsters and his pendulum cards, along with his star monsters all on the field.

"I end my turn with two facedowns.

Turn 2: Yuya

"Not bad, let's see if I can follow that act up." said Yuya as he drew his card. "First off I'm summoning Performapal Duck Dealer(100/1100, Level 4, Scale 4) from my hand. And since birds of a feather like to flock together, I can automatically summon Performapal Card Canard(800/1600, Level 4, Scale 5) to take the air!" said Yuya as he now had two of his famous pendulum monsters on the field. "Next Performapal Duck Dealer gives its special ability a whirl to deal me another card from my deck. I really do hope it's a good one!" said Yuya as he drew his card with some special effects. "Then right away I activate Pendulum Card Burst, by sending both of my birds south, I can use this spell to draw two cards." said the boy as he destroyed both of his monsters as he picked up some more cards.

"I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 3 Performapal Odd-Eyes Seer and my Scale 10 Performapal Ignition Eagle. I'm taking control of this duel, starting now!" shouted Yuya. Yuya's duel disk registered what he was doing as he placed the Pendulum cards on the far side of his card tray as the word 'Pendulum' in rainbow coloring spelled out to signal it worked. Yuya's two cards then appeared in columns of light as they stood still as the numbers showed in front of them. "I'm allowed to summon monsters from level 2 through 9, all at the same time. Swing far, pendulum! Carve the arc of victory! My monsters are ready to swing into action!" Yuya then thrusted his hand into the air as his monsters were summoned.

"Turn up the heat, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon(2500/2000, Level 7, Scale 4)! You can't solve it, dissolve it, Performapal Odd-Eyes Dissolver(2000/2600, Level 8, Scale 4)! Spin and win, Performapal Odd-Eyes Synchron(200/600, Level 2, Scale 6)! And migrating all the way back from my Extra Deck are Performapal Duck Dealer and Card Canard!" Yuya now had five pendulum monsters on his field. "This is just the opening act! I activate Performapal Odd-Eyes Dissolver's special ability, I fuse him with Performapal Odd-Eyes Seer in my Pendulum Zone to bring out a diabolical, botanical." said Yuya as his two monsters combined together. "I Fusion Summon, the vicious, voracious, and venomous. Starving Venom Fusion Dragon(2800/2000)!" Out came one of Yuya's famous dragons.

"But why stop at two dragons when I can summon a third. I use my Performapal Ignition Eagle and my Performapal Odd-Eyes Synchron to synchro summon." Odd-Eyes Synchron then changed into two green rings as Ignition Eagle flew in between them. "Beat your wings to whip up a whirlwind of destruction! I Synchro Summon, Clear-Wing Synchro Dragon(2500/2000)!" Now Yuya had his three dragon out as it let out a roar.

"Finally, I overlay Duck Dealer and Card Canard to build the Overlay Network!" Yuya's two monsters then transformed into dark orbs of light as they hovered in the air as a portal opened up in front of the boy. Soon both orbs entered the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "Cloaked in shadows and relentless in its objective, I call upon the most dangerous of dragons! I Xyz Summon, Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon(2500/2000, OLU: 2)!!" Yuya now summoned the last of his four dragons as they all let out a roar.

Both Isaac and Yuya looked at each other as for both duelists they just did all the summoning methods. Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, and Pendulum. And both had monsters from each summoning method as they stared down the other monster of similar summoning method and both had their star monsters looking at each other. Dragons staring down magicians and magicians getting ready to due battle with dragons. As both boys were about to have their monsters engage in battle...

"So cool!!!"

The girls as they all had been secretly watching the duel as they noticed a duel had engaged as all of them came out to the backyard. They both saw Isaac and Yuya showcase their dueling skills as they did all summoning methods in their first turn. For the girls, they had certainly see Yuya's skills on video, but in person it was a whole different experience.

"Oh, no! This is not happening!" said Isaac as he pulled out his deck from the deck slot as Yuya did the same as the entire duel was shut down and everything returned back to normal.

"Oh come on!!" shouted the girls as they booed Isaac for canceling the duel.

"Screw you, Isaac! We want to see!" said Rainbow.

"No, no, no, no, no. I told you to leave us to practice so that you don't distract us." said Isaac. "Look, under normal circumstances yes, but this is different guys. Come on, Yuya. Let's go up to my room." said Isaac as he began to lead his buddy past the girls and into the house.

"Nice to see you girls. Hope you all enjoyed what you saw, and don't worry that was just a preview. Tonight will be the real show." said Yuya as she gave the girls a smile as he followed Isaac into the house as the girls were now excited for tonight's performance.

Isaac now opened the door to his room as he let Yuya in as he closed it behind him.

"Sorry you had to see that... it's just... you've seen how Starlight gets under my skin. So I want nothing more than to send a message to her before our duel happens."

"I get it, Isaac. But don't you think you're letting your anger get the best of you?" asked Yuya as he sat down on Isaac's bed.

"What do you mean?" asked Isaac as he sat across from Yuya.

"Look, if anybody understands what it means to let their anger take control, it's me. Remember what I told you."

"Yeah, the evil being that took control over you and nearly destroyed all dimensions. But I'm not losing myself when I get angry, I got it under control. I just... Starlight... you've seen the kind of shit that she spits out. She thinks you and the others are a virus that is stopping Duel Monsters from evolving and she believes it needs a change that she sees fit. And me... well... I'm trying to stop her from messing up this game that I love. That you love. That everybody loves." said Isaac.

"And I see you have good intentions, but know that you can't stay angry at her. You have to..."

"Please don't give me your party line, Yuya. 'Dueling is suppose to bring people together and put smiles on their faces'." said Isaac as he repeated Yuya's purpose for dueling. "That may work for anybody else, but not Starlight. She's a totally different person than anybody you've experienced on your adventures. Besides, this is my fight, not yours."

"I was going to say that, but I was going to say it needs to be you to show Starlight the error of her ways. I've had my adventures, and this is something that only can do. Just control the demon that's inside of you, it gives you power, but it also can hurt you." said Yuya as he put his hand out.

"I'll remember. Thanks." said Isaac as he put his hand out as he grabbed Yuya's as both held it in an arm wrestling position as both smiled.

Soon they heard some meows, as Isaac approached the door as there was Tigre as she was clawing at her owner's door as she wanted to see the boy. Isaac grabbed his cat as he closed the door as he sat back down on his bed with Yuya; seems Tigre took a liking to Yuya as she then sat in his lap as he gave the cat a petting as she let out a purr.

"So, how about we start with your Pendulum cards. Take them out." said Yuya.

"Alright." said Isaac as he grabbed his deck and pulled out his six cards and spread them out between the two.

"Explain each of them to me again." demanded Yuya.

"Sure, my Black Robe Mentalist(1700/1300, Level 4, Scale 7). Her ability based on how many monsters I have on the field, I can look at that same amount of cards from the top of my deck and add one of them to my hand. The if she's destroyed I can place her in an empty pendulum zone. Her pendulum ability, I can take control of an opponent's monster. Second, my Sleight of Hand Magician(2100/1500, Level 6, Scale 2). By sending one card from my hand that's the same type, I can negate and destroy that same card on my opponent's side of the field. His pendulum ability, up to twice per turn, he can match the level of a monster with that of another on my field. Third, my Black Arts Trickster(1200/2700, Level 3, Scale 2). Her ability allows me to send one monster on my opponent's side to the graveyard so that I can get one back for one turn. Her pendulum ability as you saw, I can set her in the pendulum zone and then search for another pendulum card and place it in the other zone. And then if it's a spellcaster/magician, I can choose to raise her Scale from 3 to 10. Fourth, my Sorcerer Swordsman(1500/1500, Level 4, Scale 1). When he's pendulum summoned, he can lower the attack points of a monster on the field down to zero. His pendulum ability allows me to retrieve any monsters from my grave so long as their levels fall between the scale I've set. Fifth, is my Mirage Magician(1600/1700, Level 6, Scale 8). She can be able to fusion summon using any monsters on my field and/or in my pendulum zone. Her pendulum ability allows me to create a copy of my monster, but she gets destroyed at the end of the turn. And lastly, my Rune-Eyes Illusionist(1800/2400, Level 5, Scale 3). He can take the attack points of the monster he battles if it has higher attack points. His pendulum ability, I can either add one monster whose attack points are lower than his to my hand, or I can protect my monsters from being destroyed from card effects or battle." said Isaac as he finish telling his pendulum cards to Yuya.

"Not bad of a selection." said Yuya.

"Well, again I only have six in my deck. You have tons in yours."

"Indeed, and it looks like you could use just a bit more." stated Yuya. "You still have that small box I gave you after we met."

"Yeah." Isaac then went to his secret spot where he kept the box hidden as Yuya saw Isaac pull out the item. "You told me to not open it until the time is right. And I've kept to that promise."

"Good, then the time is now." said Yuya.

"You sure?" asked Isaac to which Yuya nodded as he petted Isaac's cat who let out a warming meow.

Isaac took a deep breath as he looked at the small box in the palm of his hand. He then undid the ribbon as he took the lid off of the box as he looked inside. For a second there was a golden light that shined until it died down as Isaac saw what it was as he looked at Yuya who nodded with a determined look.

It was now nighttime. The entire school of CHS had their field in the back all transformed a bit so that they could handle Yuya's style of dueling. Every single student was arriving as they entered the stands. Principal Celestia and Luna were strict in that the students still follow the rules given that technically they were on school grounds and had to obey the rules. Twilight had her drone up as she supped it up so that she could record the event and show it back home for all to see when it was done. Security stood around the perimeter to keep any unwanted media or new outlet from entering the place per orders of Yuya as he just wanted to have a normal duel without any press watching him. Both Celestia and Luna were given the word through their headset as they began to address the students in the stands.

"Ladies and gentleman, we hope you all are excited for tonight's duel!" said the older sister as the crowd went wild.

"Drone's online." said Twilight as she saw it through the small camera on her phone as it began to move on its own to get all the good angles during the duel.

"Tonight's duel promises to be a stellar one. For the first time every we have the champion of CHS teaming with one member of the Big 5 of Duel Monsters. Who would have thought this once in a lifetime event would happen? Isaac and the master/pioneer of Pendulum Summoning, Yuya Sakaki on the same team. Never before, never again." said Luna.

"And now let's get on with the duel. Presenting the team that will be taking them on tonight, the duo of Trixie and Sunburst." said Celestia as the pair was seen coming onto the field as they took one end.

"And the team facing them is CHS' own champion, Isaac. And his partner, Yuya Sakaki!!!" shouted Luna as both boys arrived as a spotlight shined on both of them as they waved to the crowd before doing a fist bump as they took their position.

"The battle is about to begin so... lets... get started!!" shouted Celestia.

Trixie and Sunburst activated their duel disks as they projected a pale light grayish cornflower blue card tray and a brilliant gamboge color tray. Isaac and Yuya then put on their duel disk as they both projected a card tray of similar color. Yuya then added the extra touch for their duel as he touched his duel screen.

"Generating Action Field: Crossover." said Yuya's duel disk as like before the entire environment was changing as all around the four of them were platforms being shown. He then snapped his fingers as up above him was a giant sphere of Action Cards that disbursed and scattered all over the environment and field.

"Action Cards Disbursed." said the A.I.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said all four duel disks.

"Let's duel!!" shouted all four individuals.

Sunburst's Life Points: 8000-

Trixie's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Yuya's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Trixie

"I'll start things off," said Trixie as she drew her card, "And since there's no monsters on the field, I can special summon my Performage Stilts Launcher(2200/0)." Out emerged a monster as it appeared to be standing on wooden poles. "Since I summoned my monster, I can't summon any more monsters this turn. So I'll end my turn with a facedown."

"Then I'll..."

"Wait, Yuya!" called out Isaac. "Let me go first, don't want to reveal all your secrets to them."

"Be my guest." stated Yuya.

Turn 2: Isaac

"I summon my Berry Magician Girl(400/400) and by doing so, I can now select a 'Magician Girl' from my deck to my hand. So I'll take my Kiwi Magician Girl." said Isaac as his duel disk ejected his card for him to grab. "Then since I control a Level 4 or lower monster, I can also summon my Mage Annette(1300/1700) in defense mode. And by summoning Mage Annette, I get to draw one card." said Isaac as his kid magician opened her book as out came a card as it floated towards the boy.

"I now end my turn."

Turn 3: Sunburst

"My draw, and I'll play the spell card, Gagaga Academy Emergency Network! Since you control a monster and I don't, I can special summon a 'Gagaga' monster from my deck. So I choose my Gagaga Caesar(1800/600)." said Sunburst as his monster emerged. "My spell prevents me from summoning any more monsters except Xyz monsters, so I'll end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 4: Yuya

"Then it's time I finally get on with the show!" said Yuya as he drew his card and looked at his hand. He then put on his googles as he then began to hop on some platforms as he kept jumping from each one to another as the crowd of students and Sunburst and Trixie were in awe at what their opponent was doing as Yuya landed on a platform and lifted up his goggles as a spotlight landed on him.

"Ladies and gentleman, we hope the show so far has been entertaining." said Yuya as the crowd gave a response. "Now then it's time to kick things up a notch. So to start off, I'm summoning my Performapal Skullcrobat Joker(1800/100, Level 4, Scale 8) to my field." stated Yuya as his monster appeared on his field. "My Skullcrobat Joker's effect lets me add a 'Performapal', 'Magician', or 'Odd-Eyes' monster from my deck to my hand. I'll activate its effect to do just that." Yuya's duel disk then ejected the card he desired as he was now set for his next move.

"Now it's time I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 3 Performapal Radish Horse and Scale 8 Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn. I'm taking control of this duel, starting now!" said Yuya. Yuya's duel disk registered what he was doing as he placed the Pendulum cards on the far side of his card tray as the word 'Pendulum' in rainbow coloring spelled out to signal it worked. Yuya's two cards then appeared in columns of light as they stood still as the numbers showed in front of them. "I'm allowed to summon monsters from level 4 through 7, all at the same time. Swing far, pendulum! Carve the arc of victory! My monster's ready to swing into action!" Yuya then thrusted his hand into the air as his monster was summoned.

"Turn up the heat, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon(2500/2000, Level 7, Scale 4)!" Yuya's signature dragon now appeared as it let out a roar as it landed with a thud onto the field. The whole crowd made a loud gasp as they saw the legendary dragon that Yuya consider his partner as it made them both famous. From the light appeared a dragon this one was large, bulky, with all of the leathery purply skin obscured by sharp, curved armored scales. The pronged horns were long, roughly triple their original span, added with an outward-curving crescent protruding from its back, one side bearing a red orb, the other a green orb. Its orange and teal eyes shone forth from underneath the protection of a great crest forming over its elongated snout. In a colorful glint from its eyes, it let loose a triumphant call.

"No way!" said the girls and their students as they saw the great monster with their own eyes.

"Figured he'd steal the show with his monster." chuckled Isaac as he expected Yuya to summon his ace.

"That dragon!" said Starlight as she watched the beast with pure hatred for Yuya and his signature monster.

"Now time to get underway." said Yuya as he put his goggles back on and hopped onto his dragon. "Now time to attack, Odd-Eyes attack Performage Stilts Launcher!" commanded Yuya as his dragon raced forward as it looked to take out its target.

"This attack won't mean anything." said Trixie.

"I now activate the effect of the Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn in the pendulum zone. Once per turn, while my Performapal Unicorn is in my pendulum zone, I can increase the attack points of an attacking 'Odd-Eyes' monster by the attack points of one of my 'Performapal' monsters. I'll increase the attack points of my Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon attack points by the attack points of my Performapal Skullcrobat Joker giving it a grand total of 4300 attack points." Odd-Eyes then let out a roar as it felt the power surge.

"What?!" said Trixie as she was stunned by how Yuya powered up his monster with ease.

"I got another one, I activate the effect of my Performapal Radish Horse in my pendulum zone. Now I can target one monster on your field and one monster on my field. Then your monster loses attack points equal to mine, so now Performage Stilts Launcher loses 1800 attack points thanks to my Skullcrobat Joker dropping it down to 400 points." stated Yuya as his dragon leaped high into the air.

"No way!!" shouted Trixie in awe.

"Spiral Flame Strike!!" shouted Yuya as his dragon let out an attack as it made contact with Trixie's monster.

"And there's more, when Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon battles a monster that's Level 5 or higher, you take damage. Double the damage!" stated Yuya. "Reaction Force!!" shouted Yuya as his dragon powered up its attack as it dealt a huge blow to Trixie's life points as she was thrown onto her back.

"Ahhh!" said Trixie as she landed.
Trixie's Life Points: 200-

"Holy Shit!!" said Isaac as he was surprised as everybody else that Yuya nearly took out Trixie in one turn.

"Did he just do that much damage?!" said the girls and their students as there was no words to describe what they saw and the power Yuya possess. There was no doubt that he truly earned the title of being a member of the Big 5.

"He's gotten better since the last time we saw him." said Celestia as even she was shocked by how Yuya would have ended this duel with ease if this was a normal duel.

"I'm glad we retired when we did. If we faced Yuya now, oh boy." said Luna as she too had to sit down at seeing what Yuya did to one of her students.

"Now I'll have my Performapal Skullcrobat Joker attack your Gagaga Caesar." said Yuya.

"Our monster have the same attack points, so they'll both be destroyed." stated Sunburst.

Yuya then got off his dragon as he landed on a platform as he lifted up his googles. He then jumped ahead a few platforms as he found what he was looking for as he grabbed it. "I activate the Action spell, Charge Recklessly! So now my monster gains 600 extra attack points this turn." said Yuya as his Skullcrobat Joker was now stronger and took out Sunburst's monster.
Sunburst's Life Points: 7400-

"How did he do that?" asked Sunburst as Trixie now sat up next to her teammate.

"You fools!!!!" shouted Starlight through both their duel disks. "This is an Action Duel! In this duel, you can pick up special cards called Action Cards. You can use these cards anytime during the duel!"

"Okay, and how do we get these cards?" asked Trixie.

"They're scattered across the field, you find one by moving about the field. Use the platforms and whatever moves you've got. That was a shit performance from the both of you!!!!" yelled out Starlight as she was anything but pleased with how a legend like Yuya was able to take both of them on and nearly took out one of them with ease on his first turn.

"Roger that, Starlight. It won't happen again." responded Sunburst.

"It better not! Keep in mind you only have a certain time limit to find an Action card and use it. You can only have one in your hand at a time and there are a few traps that will work against you and activate the second you touch it!" yelled Starlight.

"Copy that." said Trixie as Sunburst helped her up as the two now understood how to play this new game.

"With that done, I'll end my turn." said Yuya as his dragon returned back to its original stats as Yuya took a bow as the crowd cheered his performance.

"Off to a strong start, Yuya." said Isaac.

"Just giving the crowd something to get them invested in this duel." said the boy.

"Oh, believe me. With that move you pulled out, they are extremely invested." said Isaac.

Turn 5: Trixie

"My turn," said the girl as she drew her card, "I'll now set the Pendulum Scale of my own, using Scale 2 Performage Water Dancer and Scale 6 Performage Fire Dancer!" said Trixie as she showed her two cards and placed them on the far end of her duel disks as the word pendulum appeared in between them to show it worked. Trixie's monsters then appeared in separate pillars of light as they had their respective numbers in front of them. "Now I can summon as many monsters as I want from Levels 3 through 5." Trixie's pendulum heard her command as two lights came out. "Say hello, to Performage Ball Bouncer(1000/1800, Scale 3, Level 4), and Performage Wind Drainer(2100/0, Level 5, Scale 4)! And since I special summoned my Wind Drainer, it's loses a level." stated Trixie.

"This can't be good." said Yuya.

"I now overlay my two monster to build the Overlay Network!" shouted Trixie as her two monsters then changed into orbs of light as they hovered in the air for a bit as soon a portal opened up in front of the girl. Soon both lights entered the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "Direct your gaze to the skies above, as I present to you a swinging star performer! I Xyz Summon! Performage Trapeze Magician(2500/2000, OLU: 2)!" A purple pole with studded orange heads on either end spiraled over the field, when a comically thick white-gloved hand snatched it, thin golden beams of light shooting out from each end to the ceiling. Hoisting onto the pole that had turned into an on-the-spot trapeze was a predominately white, lanky humanoid: Its waist and neck adorned in a fluffy pink boa, while from its back billowed a wide, magenta cape. Its spindly legs ended in dark blue shoes curled at the toes, while affixed to its masked, ever smiling visage, sat a white conical hat.

"I have a funny feeling about that deck." said Yuya.

Trixie then began to do what Starlight suggested as she was looking for these so call "Action Cards" as she carefully and gently jumped from platform to platform as she got a few feet off the ground and because she had never done this kind of extreme dueling before. She soon found a card as she grabbed it and looked it over as she read its effects.

"I picked up the Action Spell, Energy Biscuits. So now I recover 500 life points." said Trixie as she played the spell as she restored some health back.
Trixie's Life Points: 700-

"Now, I'll activate Performage Water Dancer's pendulum ability, once per turn, I can target one attack position monster on your side of the field and then switch it to defense mode. So I choose Odd-Eyes Dragon!" said Trixie as Yuya's mighty beast changed modes. "Then I'll activate Performage Fire Dancer's pendulum ability, so now I can have my Trapeze Magician deal piercing damage. Now take it away, Trapeze Magician attack his Odd-Eyes!" shouted Trixie as her monster began to swing and looked to take out the dragon.

"Got find an Action card." said Yuya as he began to run and hop between platforms as he looked to get something that could safe his dragon. He soon found a card as he jumped off and played the spell in mid-air. "I play the Action spell, Miracle! Now my Odd-Eyes can't be destroyed and I take half the damage!" said the boy.

"Not this time!" shouted Sunburst as he too moved from his starting position and began to climb the platforms moving around as he too was searching for these cards. He noticed one on a nearby platform as he grabbed it while running and stopped in his tracks as he read it and played it. "I activate, No Action! So that little spell you picked doesn't work. So now your monster is still getting destroyed!"

Yuya's duel disk showed a red X as it meant his spell was useless. "I have to find another one."

"I got it!" said Isaac as he too was moving about the field moving effortless among the platforms using his own set of parkour skills as he jumped from his platform to reach a card that was on the edge of the platform above him as he grabbed it and then landed on another as he rolled through onto one knee. "I activate, Evasion! Now Yuya's Odd-Eyes can dodge the attack!" said Isaac as his spell made Odd-Eyes leap out of the way of the attack to avoid being destroyed.

"Whew, thanks Isaac." said Yuya as he was on a different platform that was lower than his teammate.

"I got your back, bud." smiled Isaac as he looked down at Yuya from his platform.

"The way Isaac reacted, it was like he's done this before." said Sunset.

"He did say he dueled against Yuya." said Twilight doing air quotes.

"So you think... Isaac actually dueled against Yuya and the other members of the Big 5 he mentioned?" asked Rainbow as neither them or their students knew what to believe.

"Fine then, I'll activate my facedown, Gift of the Mystical Elf! This allows me to recover life points for every monster on the field by 300. And right now there are four, so I'm gain 1200." said Trixie.
Trixie's Life Points: 2400-

"I now end with a facedown."

Turn 6: Isaac

"My turn, and now I'll sacrifice my two monsters so that I can summon my Dark Magician!" said Isaac as he now replaced his two smaller monsters with his star magician as it stood side by side with Yuya's beast.

"Hey, Isaac!" said Yuya as he got his teammate's attention. "Don't forget my cards are ours."

"You sure?"

"Go for it bud, we need to put on a show. And that means adding suspense." smiled the boy.

"Alright, then." said Isaac before turning back to his opponents. "Since Yuya set the pendulum scale already, that means I can now pendulum summon!" stated the boy as a portal opened up and out came two lights. "Prepare to have your fortune told, it's my Black Robe Mentalist(1700/1300, Level 4, Scale 7). Meet the keeper of the relics, it's my Rune-Eyes Illusionist(1800/2400, Level 5, Scale 3)!" Isaac now had his own pendulum monsters as the crowd was starting to love this team up. "Next up, I'm activating my Black Robe Mentalist's ability, so now since we control 5 monsters, I can look at the top 5 cards of my deck and then add one of them to my hand." Isaac's duel disk then showed his his options; Isaac looked at the given cards as he took a gasp at what one of them was as it was a card from the box Yuya had given him. Yuya could tell that Isaac was looking at one of the cards from the box as he hoped that Isaac could be able to use it. Isaac made his choice as it slid out for him to grab.

I got the card, now... I just have to use it.

"I'll now move in to attack, Rune-Eyes Illusionist, attack Trapeze Magician!" shouted Isaac. "Now Rune-Eyes' ability activates, if it battles a monster with higher attack points, it can absorb that monster's strength."

Trixie then began to jump to a another platform as she landed and lost her balance for a bit before regaining it and then grabbed a card. "I activate the Action spell, Damage Banish. So now any damage I would have taken becomes zero."

"But you still lose your monster!" shouted Isaac.

"No she won't!" replied Sunburst. "Cause I reveal my facedown, Gagagashield! Now I can target one spellcaster and it can't be destroyed by battle or card effects up to twice this turn! So Trixie's Trapeze Magician is safe and sound!" said the boy as he managed to protect his teammate as she kept her monster and life points intact.

"Very well, then I'll just attack you Sunburst. Dark Magician attack Sunburst directly!" shouted Isaac as his magician raised his wand and fired off a spell that hit the boy as he landed on a platform.
Sunburst's Life Points: 4900-

"Now Black Robe Mentalist, attack him also!"

"Since you declared a direct attack, I can special summon my Gagaga Gardna(1500/2000)!" said Sunburst as he now had a monster as it rose up in defense mode.

"Fine, I'll cancel my attack." said Isaac. "I end with a facedown."

Turn 7: Sunburst

"My turn," Sunburst then drew his card as he noticed something by his feet as it was an Action Card as he picked it up, "This will do nicely, I'll start by activating Twin Twisters, so I discard this Action card from my hand, so that I can take out two spells or traps on the field. And I choose your pendulum cards, Yuya!" said the boy as he got rid of the pendulum scale that Yuya had set.

"Like all my famous pendulum cards, they go to my Extra Deck instead of the graveyard." said Yuya as he grabbed his Performapal Radish Horse and Odd-Eyes Unicorn as he slid them into his Extra Deck compartment of his duel disk.

"Now, I'll summon Gagaga Sister(200/800). And by summoning her, I get to add a 'Gagaga' spell or trap card to my hand." said Sunburst as he was now moving about the different platforms as his tiny monster was summoned as she used her magic to make a card appear in her owner's hand. "Then I'll activate her effect, so now I can target another 'Gagaga' monster that I control and both her and that monster's level change to become the combined is now Level 6. Then I'll overlay both of them to build the Overlay Network!" shouted Sunburst as both of his monsters transformed into dark orbs of light as they hovered in the air for a bit as a portal opened up. Soon both orbs of light entered the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "I Xyz Summon, Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis(2600/3000, OLU: 2)!!" Soon a giant monster appeared on the field as it towered over the boy as it let out a cry.

Sunburst had now stopped on a platform as he now saw two Action cards close to the edge of the platform as he grabbed the left one. "I now activate the effect of Trixie's Performapal Water Dancer pendulum ability, so now Skullcrobat joker is switched into defense mode. And then activate Fire Dancer's pendulum ability to deal piercing damage." Yuya's other monster now joined its comrade as both changed modes and were vulnerable.

"Now Chronomaly Atlandis attack his Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!" shouted Sunburst.

"Need something." said Yuya as he began to jump looking for an Action Card. He hopped between platforms but couldn't find any, so he noticed one several platforms below him as he dropped down and was about to grab it, but the attack made contact with his dragon as the force of the impact pushed him away from the card as he landed on the ground below.
Yuya's Life Points: 7400-

"Yuya, you okay?" asked Isaac from an upper platform.

"Yeah, Isaac. Nothing I'm not used to." said Yuya as he stood up.

"Now I activate the Action spell, Wonder Chance! Now my Chronomaly Atlandis can attack a second time, and remember it can still deal piecing damage thanks to Performage Fire Dancer's pendulum ability. So now time to take out Performapal Skullcrobat Joker!" shouted Sunburst as his monster managed to take out Yuya's other monster as he lost some serious points.
Yuya's Life Points: 4900-

"Yuya!!" shouted Isaac.

"I'm fine. Both of my monsters are now sent to my Extra Deck!" said Yuya as he put both of his monsters back in his Extra Deck.

"All according to plan." said Sunburst.


"You two need to make an example of tonight's duel." stated Starlight as she pounded her fist on the table. "Yuya Sakaki like all the other great duelist of the past are a plague on this game. They have the whole masses in the palm of their hands, they control their minds with their dueling skills. And I can't have that in this new age I plan to build. So tonight in our duel, send a message by taking out Yuya Sakaki! He should have stayed across the sea, and now he's going to pay for trespassing here." said Starlight with a sick smile.

(End of Flashback)

Sunburst looked at Trixie as he gave a nod to her as she returned the gesture.


"Tonight both of you focus your attention on defeating Yuya Sakaki." said Starlight.

"But what about Isaac?" asked Trixie.

"Isaac will be relying on the star power of Yuya to pull the team together. He's not going to contribute much, since he'll let Yuya do most of the work. So take him out and then Isaac will have surely fall soon thereafter with no partner to lean on. Take Yuya out first, that is the main objective."

(End of Flashback)

"I now play Xyz Gift so that I can draw two more cards since there's two Xyz monsters on our side of the field." said Sunburst as he drew his cards and placed both of them facedown.

Turn 8: Yuya

"My turn," said Yuya as he drew his card. "Now I'll now play Pendulum Card Burst so I'll destroy both of Isaac's pendulum monsters so that I can draw two cards." Yuya then drew his cards as he looked at them and prepared to summon a mighty beast. "Now I'll set the Pendulum Scale with my Xiangke Magician and Xiangsheng Magician!" Yuya now placed his two new pendulum monsters on the far ends of his duel disk as the word pendulum in rainbow coloring as both of his monsters now rose up in columns of light with their number in front of them. "I can pendulum summon any monsters from Level 4 through 7. So time for an encore, Performapal Skullcrobat Joker, Performapal Horse Radish(500/2000, Level 4, Scale 3), and lastly, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!" Yuya now had his monsters back as well as his ace dragon.

"Now I'll overlay my Performapal Skullcrobat Joker and Horse Radish to build... the Overlay Network!!" shouted Yuya as both of his monsters transformed into orbs of light as they hovered while a portal opened in front of the boy. Soon both lights entered the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "Cloaked in shadows and relentless in its objective I call upon the most dangerous of dragons. I Xyz Summon, Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon(2500/2000, OLU: 2)!!" Yuya now had another one of his famous dragons as it let out a roar as everybody in the crowd was in awe at another one of the boy's famous monsters.

"I now activate my Xiangke Magician's pendulum ability, it lets me change Dark Rebellion's rank into a level." said Yuya.

"He can do what?!" shouted the whole crowd of students as this was something they didn't think was possible when it came to Duel Monsters. Soon Dark Rebellion changed from Rank 4 to Level 4.

"Now Xiangsheng Magician can have my Dark Rebellion match its level to my Odd-Eyes." said Yuya as once again he manipulated his monster's stats to where he wanted them.

"Amazing..." was all Twilight could say as she was seeing something truly groundbreaking with Yuya.

"He changed an Xyz monster's rank to a level and then change that level to match his other dragon. And now... he has two Level 7 monsters." said Sunset as she too had her jaw drop at how Yuya truly was a master and legend in Duel Monsters.

"With that done, I'll now overlay my Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon!" shouted Yuya as both of his monsters now transformed into orbs of light as they entered the portal that opened up as a brand new monster was emerging. "By joining together two of the strongest dragons in the universe, I'll create a dragon that's all the rage! I Xyz Summon Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon(3000/2500, Rank 7, Scale 1, OLU: 2)!!!" Yuya's new dragon let out a roar as it reigned over the battlefield as all were in awe once more at the monster that Yuya was able to create as it was a card that nobody knew existed.

"A pendulum Xyz monster?" said Isaac as this was something that Yuya never told him about.

"Now Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon's special ability activates, by using all of its overlay units, it can negate all faceup spells and traps on the field! So you're pendulum cards are destroyed and my dragon then destroys all other cards on the field and gains 200 points for each of them until the end phase." said Yuya.

"I activate the Action spell, Invisibility. So now my Chronomaly Atlandis can't be targeted or destroyed by card effects." said Sunburst as he saved his monster from being destroyed.

Yuya's dragon unleashed total destruction on the entire field as everybody looked away to avoid the blinding lights as Isaac had to jump on some platforms to avoid getting hit himself.

"A little bit extreme, Yuya." said Isaac through his duel disk to his friend.

"Hey, nothing wrong with a little destruction." joked Yuya as the boy let out a small chuckle.

"Now the total number of cards destroyed was 9, so Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon has 4800 attack points and now time finish this duel!" commanded Yuya as his dragon was now heading towards Trixie.

Sunburst then picked up the other action spell by his feet. "I play Illusion Dance! So now all attack position monsters are changed into defense mode until the end of the turn." said the boy as he managed to stop Yuya from taking out his partner.

"Not bad, I'll end my turn with a facedown and my dragon's attack points return to normal." said Yuya.

Turn 9: Trixie

"My draw, and now I'll play Card of Sanctity so that we draw till we're all holding six cards. Then I play Rank-Up Magic Magical Force! So I can use my Trapeze Magician in my graveyard to Xyz summon a monster that's one rank higher!" Trixie's monster then appeared as it turned into an orb of light as a portal opened up in front of the girl as it entered it and a brand new monster was emerging. "Go Rank-Up Xyz Evolution! I Xyz Summon, Performage Trapeze High Magician(2700/2200, OLU: 1)! But why stop there, cause now I play Polymerization so that I can fuse together 2 Performage monsters in my hand so that I can fusion summon my Performage Trapeze Witch(2400/1800)!" Trixie now had two powerful monsters on the field.

"Next, I'll activate the spell Xyz Retribution, so in exchange for drawing a card, an Xyz monster must be sent to the graveyard from our Extra Deck, but as an added bonus my Trapeze High Magician gets attack points added to the monster sent away. So I'll let Sunburst choose which one." said Trixie.

"I got the perfect one, Number 61: Volcasaurus." said Sunburst as he sent his monster away as Trixie's monster powered up by 2500 points.

"Now my Trapeze High Magician now has 5200 attack points. Now time to take out that dragon, Trapeze High Magician attack that Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon!" shouted Trixie. Her monster then leaped high up into the air as it had its hands glowing with power as it looked to take out Yuya's monster.

"I activate my facedown, Performapal Signal. Now I draw a card, and then I have to send it to my graveyard, but if the card I draw is a monster, then your attack is negated." Yuya then drew his card as he looked at it for a second as he sent it to his grave. He then to look around until he saw something.

"An Action card!" said Yuya as he noticed one way, way above.

"I can't reach that." said Isaac.

"Then how about this." said Yuya as touched a button on the boots he was wearing as soon some roller blades came out and he began to speed off.

"What the hell?!!" said Isaac as he was surprised to see that Yuya had come with a surprised.

Yuya was now using the roller blades to pick up speed as he hopped up and up towards the platform with the Action card. Trixie saw this and gave Sunburst a signal as he began to head to the same place where Yuya was going to cut him off and snatch the action card before him. Both boys were closing in on the card as it was a race to see who would get there first, the time limit was almost out as Yuya desperately needed that card to save his dragon. Soon both boys jumped as they reached their fingers out to grab, they were so close that it was anybody's game. Then it happened.

Yuya landed on a platform on a lower level as he looked at his hand to see there was nothing. He then looked up back at the platform, as there was Sunburst as he showed the card in his hand as he managed to just be a bit quicker in grabbing the card. Yuya had a scowl when he saw another card by his feet as he grabbed it and immediately regretted it.
Yuya's Life Points: 4100-

"Yuya!!" shouted Isaac as his duel disk saw that Yuya did pick up an Action card, but it was the trap, Shock Surprise as it dealt the person who picked it up 800 points of damage.

"Looks you failed to get a card." said Trixie as her monster now made contact with Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon as it was destroyed and Yuya was throw off the platform and onto the ground.

"AHH!!!" shouted Yuya as he hit the ground hard.
Yuya's Life Points: 1900-

"No, buddy!" shouted Isaac as he saw his friend on the ground.

"Oh, it gets worst. I activate the Action spell you tried to grab, Yuya. Wonder Chance, so now Trixie's monster can attack again, and this time it's aimed at your life points!" said Sunburst as Trapeze High Magician now powered up its hands and shot a powerful attack heading towards the boy's direction. Yuya sat up and saw the attack coming as he couldn't get out of the way in time.

"I discard Kuriboh from my hand, so that Yuya doesn't take any damage from this attack!" shouted Isaac as he sent his tiny monster to the grave as he came out and stood in front of the other boy as he stopped the attack head on. Soon it died down as it fell down with a bead of sweat as it was tired.

"Thanks little dude." said Yuya as he gave Kuriboh a petting as he let out a happy sound before disappearing. Yuya then gave a thumbs up to Isaac as he was on a platform.

"I thought you were a master?" mocked Isaac.

"Hey, even a master duelist can't survive everything." responded Yuya as he lightly laughed. "Like I said, every show needs some suspense. And I think the worst is over."

"YUYA!!!!" shouted a voice.

"Oh shit." said the boy as he turned to look behind him.

Isaac too looked behind his friend as he wanted to know why Yuya was scared. He then saw the reason why as even he too was scared. The girls heard the voice as they saw it was coming from behind the boy near the entrance of the field as it belonged to someone who they didn't noticed arrived. Standing there was a person who even security was afraid of. She had blue eyes and dark pink midback-length hair, which was tied up in pigtails, clipped down by blue, spherical hair clips. Her hair also featured two lighter pink bangs that fell to the side of her face. She had an outfit that consisted of a sleeveless light-blue and white shirt with a green musical note on the right collar, along with a pink tie, which she wore with a maroon skirt, dark stockings, and pink sneakers.

"Yuya Sakaki!!!" shouted the girl.

"Oh, Zuzu." said the boy as he heard the girl who was not only his childhood friend, but also his fiancé.

"You told me that you were going to use your break from your busy schedule as a pro to help plan our wedding! But I find you here goofing off with your pal!!" shouted the girl as she didn't appreciate that her fiancé lied to her so that he could get out of planning their wedding. She then shot a glance at Isaac as even he was a bit frighten by Yuya's fiancé.

"I can explain!" said the boy.

"Yuya, did you know Zuzu would be here?" asked Isaac as he was worried for his friend.

"I didn't tell her I was coming here. I just wanted to avoid talking with the wedding receptionist, those things are so boring that I didn't want to go. So I came here to get away." said Yuya.

"I heard that!!!" shouted Zuzu. "I'll deal with you when we get back home! For now, you better not lose this duel!!!"

"Yes, sweetie." nodded Yuya in fear as he began to hop on some platforms as he was now on one next to Isaac.

"That's your girl, huh?" asked Isaac.

"Yeah, that's my girl." said Yuya in a similar tone as Isaac as both boys didn't want to suffer Zuzu's wrath.

"I can see why you asked her to marry you." smiled Isaac as he did a small wave as Zuzu was steaming even more as it caused Isaac to quickly look away.

"If you're both done dealing with whatever, I'll end my turn. But once Sunburst takes his, it's the end for the two of you." stated Trixie.

Turn 10: Isaac

"Then it's my turn, and if I don't pull out something right now, then we're in trouble." said Isaac as he looked at his deck.

"You got this Isaac, just play the cards and they'll guide you." said Yuya as he knew that it was time for Isaac to finally up his game one last. And to do that, he needed to draw some certain cards.

"Right, put my trust in my deck and it will trust me." said Isaac as he put his hand on his deck and drew it. "I play Pot of Greed so that I can draw two more cards. Second chance to get it. Here we go." Isaac then drew his two cards as they had some effect to it as Yuya could already tell that Isaac got the cards he needed. He then snapped his fingers as he had the crew shine a spotlight on Isaac.

"Ladies and gentleman, we hope you've enjoyed the show so far. But now we've the end the our epic storytelling. So time for a grand finale, you won't soon forget." stated Isaac. "Now I'll play Magician Fusion Gate! This spell lets me fusion summon using monsters in my graveyard or Extra Deck, and I can also use this spell to substitute for a fusion material! So I'll use it with my Dark Magician!" Isaac's spell and his magician both turned into lights as they entered a vortex behind him as everybody was seeing what he was doing. "I Fusion Summon... Lychinus Enchanter(2800/2500, Level 8, Scale 1)!" Isaac now had a pendulum fusion monster on his field as out came a male adult magician who wore a bycocket(robin hood hat) on his head as he wore a black cape and a magician's robe with the sleeves cut off as in his left hand was a staff that was the same height as him and in his belt there was a small dagger as his outfit consisted of yellow, red, and black, with a hit of silver as he wore boots.

"Now I'll play the spell card, Magician Synchro Gate! Now I can synchro summon using monsters in my graveyard or Extra Deck and this spell then turns into a Level 2 tuner so I'll tune it with my Dark Magician!" Isaac's spell card then turned into two giant rings as they circled around Isaac's monster as another new monster was emerging as it was a pendulum synchro monster. "I Synchro Summon... Solis Witch(3000/2700, Level 9, Scale 10)!" The new monster was an adult female who had light blue hair and eyes, a slim figure with ample breasts, long legs, wide hips and blue waist-long hair that is partially tied into a loop with a spherical clip. She wore a sleeveless dark-blue feather dress with white trimmings, an extremely short dark blue miniskirt, a green bow around her chest with a blue gem in the middle, a translucent purple underskirt and detached white sleeves with blue and golden trimmings. She wore thigh-high blue heeled boots over white stockings with blue trimmings. Around her neck was a pendant as it was in the shape of a rune as used her magic and made an axe appear in her hand as it shined with relic symbols on it as elemental symbols appeared above her and infused her weapon.

"Lastly, I play the spell, Magician Xyz Gate! So I now I can summon monsters from my graveyard and/or Extra Deck. So I'll summon my Black Robe Mentalist and Rune-Eyes Illusionist and then my spell changes one of my monsters to have the same level as another monster so now my Rune-Eyes is Level 4 like my mentalist. And then I'll overlay them to build the Overlay Network!" Isaac's two monsters then turned into dark orbs of light as they hovered in the air as a portal opened up in front of him as the orbs entered and then a pillar of light emerged as it was a pendulum Xyz monster. "I Xyz Summon... Ventus Oraculum(3500/2900, Rank 4, Scale 3, OLU: 2)!!" The last of Isaac's trio was a kid who looked to be 13 years old as he held a javelin-like spear as it too was infused with magic, he then brought his fingers to mouth as he let out a whistle as his pet wyvern appeared from the sky as he jumped on it and raised his weapon as it let out a roar. The kid had a small red cape, wore a kid magician hat colored purple as he wore a magician outfit with shades of dark red with green outlines and shade as there was hints of yellow.

"You did it, Isaac." said Yuya as he watched his friend and his three new monsters as they all glowed with the same aura.

"Time to bring the finale, first when my Solis Witch is summoned, I can negate the effects of all special summoned monsters on my opponents and drop their attack opponents to zero!" said Isaac as his female magician raised her axe as the elemental symbols powered up as she did a slash attack as it hit both of Sunburst and Trixie's monsters as they all appeared weak.

"Our monsters!" said both.

"Now I activate Ventus Oraculum's ability, by using one overlay unit, you guys can't use any spells or traps during the battle phase!" said Isaac as his kid magician lifted his spear up high as he pointed it up high as he managed to neutralize the entire field full of Action Cards as they lost their effects. "Then I'll activate my Lychinus Enchanter's ability, now once per turn, I can deal you damage equal to a magician in my graveyard. So I'll choose my Dark Magician and target Sunburst!" said Isaac as his third magician pointed his staff and shot a powerful spell as it hit the boy who crashed into Trixie as went down.
Sunburst's Life Points: 2400-

"Now time to end this! Lychinus Enchanter attack Chronomaly Atlandis. Ventus Oraculum attack Trapeze Witch, and Solis Witch take our her Trapeze High Magician!" shouted Isaac as all three of his new monsters now began to move as they each raised their weapons and took out their respective targets as the force of their attacks made both Trixie and Sunburst to go flying as they landed on the ground. Trixie's deck went flying out of her duel disk as it landed on the ground.
Sunburst and Trixie's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac and Yuya

The duel ended as all the platforms disappeared as both Isaac and Yuya landed as the crowd were giving an applause for the two boys as they put on one hell of a show. Yuya then grabbed Isaac's arm as he lifted it up high as he pointed with his other arm at Isaac as he was giving his friend the proper respect and admiration he deserved. Isaac was shocked at what Yuya was doing as the boy just smiled to which Isaac did the same. Soon he approached Trixie's deck as he pulled out the pendulum cards and began to examine them.

"I had a funny feeling, now I know where these cards went." said the Yuya.

"They yours?" asked Isaac.

"Well, they belong to an old friend of mine. But apparently they went missing a few days ago, but now I know who took them." said Yuya as he got back his belongings and tossed Trixie back her deck. He then began to walk back with Isaac.

Starlight looked at the two of them with an angry look.

"Isaac, I will kill you in our duel. Very soon. When we fight one more time, you will die. And if I have to be sentenced to hell itself to pay for my crime of killing you. Then it is worth the price." said Starlight as she grabbed Sunburst and Trixie by their collars and began to drag her two disappointing partners away to prep for the final showdown with Isaac.

"You did it. You took your game up one final time." said Yuya as he looked at the new cards Isaac was holding in his hands. "Take care of them, bud. Time for you to raise the bar more than I could, it's your time."

"I will, Yuya." said Isaac as he looked at his new hybrid cards and could feel their spirits as they appeared before their new master as they vowed their loyalty.

"I look forward to seeing you, when you go pro." said Yuya as he gave one final pat on the back.

It was now late as everybody had already gone home. The only ones left in the field were Yuya and Isaac, but they weren't alone as they each had their respective partners with them. And it seemed that Yuya was in deep trouble as he got hit by his fiancé as she pulled out her trusty fan and delivered a hard smack to his head as Yuya had to rub his head as it hurt like hell.

"That's the last time you try to get out of planning our wedding!" shouted Zuzu.

"Alright, I promise, Zuzu." said the boy as he got up from the pain. He tried to smile but it seemed like Zuzu was having none of that as Yuya put his head down. Soon his head was brought up by his girl as she gave a quick peck and a forgiving hug.

"Well, guess it's time for you to leave." said Isaac as he approached his friend.

"Yeah, hey, it was nice to go abroad and perform here. I might need to talk with my agent team about doing some shows across the sea. Take care bud, and remember what I said." stated Yuya as he extended his hand out.

"I will. Hopefully, I can stop Starlight from doing something horrible." said Isaac as he shook hands with Yuya.

"I have faith you will. It's like my dad once told me, when things get tough try to smile." said Yuya as he passed on some wisdom to his friend as he was going to need it for his upcoming final fight.

"You're lucky to have someone like Isaac, Twilight." said Zuzu.

"I guess I am. But I think Yuya is the lucky one to have you." responded Twilight as both girls were starting to become fast friends as they saw their boyfriends laughing and joking with one another. Soon both girls got an idea as they approached the boys and each whisper in their ears of their idea.

Both Isaac and Yuya looked at each other as they could tell what the other was thinking. So they nodded as both pairs broke apart. Isaac and Twilight on one end while Yuya and Zuzu were on the other. Soon they all put on their duel disk as the field began to change.

"Generating Action Field. Crossover." said Yuya and Zuzu's duel disk as the platforms were being created all over the field.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Isaac's Life Points: 4000-

Twilight's Life Points: 4000-

Yuya's Life Points: 4000-

Zuzu's Life Points: 4000-

"Let's duel!" shouted all four of them.

Turn 1: Zuzu

"Girls first." as she drew her card. "I'll this performance off with my favorite piece, 1st Solo Movement. Since I control no monsters, I can special summon one Level 4 or lower 'Melodious' monster from my hand, so I summon Serenade the Melodious Diva(400/1900). And my Serenade counts as two monsters when I tribute summon. Now I'll tribute this duet and combine their melodies to summon a whole new monster! She'll blow you away with her musical talent - Mozarta the Melodious Maestra(2600/2000)!" said Zuzu as one of her ace monsters appeared as she had a conductor's baton in her hand as some wind blew. "Then I'll play the spell, Polymerization to fuse together my Aria the Melodious Diva and my Soprano the Melodious Songstress! Together, you'll sing a sensational duet that will form an even more Melodious monster! I Fusion Summon Bloom Diva the Melodious Choir(1000/2000)!" Zuzu was now showing off her skills of being a fusion summoner and being just as good of a duelist as Yuya.

"I end my turn."

Turn 2: Twilight

"Then it's my turn." said Twilight as she drew her card as she was excited on seeing how she could measure up with Zuzu herself. "Alright girlfriend, let's see how you like this. I reveal three Spellbooks in my hand, Spellbook of Secrets, Spellbook of Power, and Spellbook of Wisdom so that I can special summon my High Priestess of Prophecy(2500/2100)!" said Twilight as she had her special partner on her field. "Next, I'll play Spellbook of Secrets so that I can get any 'Spellbook' I want from my deck. Then I summon my Temperance of Prophecy(1000/1000) and activate her ability. Since I activated a 'Spellbook' before I summoned her, I can now tribute her to special summon one Level 5 or higher Light or Dark spellcaster from my deck, so I choose my Dark Red Enchanter(1700/2200)!" It was now Twilight's turn as she had her pair of ace monsters.

"Stellar move, Twilight." said Zuzu as she was giving the girl her praises.

"Thank you. Wow, it really does feel good to hear that from someone like you." smiled Twilight at her new friend. "I'll then end my turn with a facedown."

As soon as Twilight ended her turn, both her and Zuzu hopped onto the platform behind them as they prepared for what was about to happen. Both Isaac and Yuya got on the same platform as their girl as they gave them a meaningful kiss as the girls said good luck to their boys as they began to jump higher and higher as they were now looking at each other from different platforms.

"Well, Yuya. I think Twilight impressed well."

"Sure, she's good. But she's got nothing on my Zuzu." taunted Yuya.

"Oh really, cause I think that Twilight might just be if not better than Zuzu. No disrespect to your fiancé." taunted Isaac.

"Boys." said both girls as they rolled their eyes.

Turn 3: Yuya

"My turn and I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 1 Stargazer Magician and Scale 8 Timegazer Magician! I'm taking control of this duel, starting now!" shouted Yuya as he placed his pendulum cards on his card tray as the word pendulum was in between to show it worked as his monsters appeared in columns with their number in front of them. "I'm allowed to summon monsters from Levels 2 through 7 all at the same time! Swing far, pendulum! Carve the arc of victory! My monster's ready to swing into action!" shouted Yuya as a light came out. "Turn up the heat, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!" Yuya was now off to a strong start as he had his ace monster already to go on the field.

"Let's see if you can match that, Isaac." said Yuya as he placed two cards facedown.

Turn 4: Isaac

"You best believe I can, draw! Like you, I'm going to set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 1 Sorcerer Swordsman and Scale 8 Mirage Magician. I'm taking control of this duel, starting now!" shouted Isaac as he placed his pendulum cards on his card tray as the word pendulum in rainbow coloring was in between to show it worked. "I'm allowed to summon monsters from Levels 2 through 7 all at the same time! Back and forth, to and fro, what's coming next? You'll all soon know! So swing far pendulum and carve the arc that will lead me to victory. My monster's are ready to swing into action!" shouted Isaac as he had two lights come out. "Make way for the lady of the hour, Dark Magician Girl! And lastly, give a warm welcome for the star monster of our show, Dark Magician!" Now it was Isaac's turn as he had his ace monsters as they looked to due battle with Yuya.

"I'll then set two cards facedown. So, Yuya, Zuzu. You both ready?" asked the boy.

"Well, dear." said Yuya to his fiancé."

"Bring it!" said the girl.

"Twi?" asked Isaac to his girlfriend.

"Right behind you." smiled the bookworm.

"Then let's battle!" shouted Isaac as all monsters on the field raced forward as all four of them were hopping from platform to platform.

"Mozarta, Bloom Diva. Attack!!!" shouted Zuzu.

"Dark Red Enchanter, Priestess. Attack!!!" shouted Twilight.

"Odd-Eyes, Attack!!!" yelled Yuya.

"Dark Magician, Dark Magician Girl. Attack!!!" yelled out Isaac.

All four had a smile on their faces as they were enjoying this duel between friends as they were all having fun as their monsters all collided in the middle and were about to attack each other when everything froze and faded to black.

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