• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 13: Off to a Great Start

Author's Note:

So I couldn't decide which song to use as the official anthem for the tournament. So I decided why not use all of them. Instead of incorporating 1 song why not let people pick and choose what they want to listen to and see when exactly they got into the show based on the song they chose. For me I watched all of the ones I've posted down below. Anyways, the tournament is about to start, so let's get on with the story.

The day had finally arrived. The moment that everybody was looking forward to had come. All the students of CHS awoke with a desire in their eyes, they knew that this was a chance to become a breakout star and show the world why they are the best. As the sun began to rise on a new day, it also signaled that time was fast approaching and the grand event was about to start.

Isaac awoke as if it was another day. Despite their being no school for the next couple of days, due to the tournament, Celestia still asked the students to arrive early to watch the opening ceremonies as it was tradition. Once Isaac had gotten up, he got himself ready by taking a shower and putting on a set of new clothes. He then began to make his way downstairs where his parents were waiting for him as they had made some breakfast for their son. Isaac was surprised to say the least.

"What's all this?"

"Hey mijo, your father and I wanted to make sure that you got a good source of energy seeing as you've got a big day ahead of you."

"Thanks, I'll be sure to be full of energy for today." With that, Isaac took a bite out of his mother's cooking and was full of happiness. He couldn't get enough as he stuffed everything on his plate and into his mouth; Isaac was careful to not choke on the food. Once he had finished the food, Isaac thanked his parents as he grabbed his deck and duel disk and prepared to head out the door.

"Well, thanks for the food, mami and papi. I best be off."

"Isaac, you get back here!"

Isaac knew that whatever his mother had to say was serious due to her tone of voice. So he then turned around and walked towards his mother.

"Yes, mami?"

"Sit down!"

Isaac took a seat at one of the kitchen chairs and his mother took a seat across from the boy with his father standing behind her.

"Now I know about your tournament that your school is holding and I just wanted to wish you luck."


"Let me explain, when you were young I taught you that you should focus on your academics as it would help you to find a good job so that you can understand how this world works. This world isn't one that's nice, it contains people who're are willing to do whatever it takes to get ahead for their own selfish desires. I need you to understand that; which leads to you as a duelist. I'll admit as your mother I thought it was just something you enjoyed since you were just a kid. I expected you to grow out of it, but that wasn't the case. You would always talk about it, even when I didn't know what the hell any of it meant. But the way it made you happy showed that it wasn't just a phase, but rather a part of you."

"What your mother is trying to say is that while we don't understand Duel Monsters, and probably never will, we do know that it's something that makes you happy and that's what we want for our son."

"You say you want to do something that makes us proud of you, well mijo you're already doing that. You've been able to create some great memories and some wonderful friends. I don't want that to end for you, so go out there and show the world what we already know. That you're our son and that no matter what anybody says, you're the greatest duelist in our eyes. Now go out there and give it your very best, know that we will be supporting you all the way."

Isaac couldn't hold it in anymore as he made his way to his mother and gave her a great big hug. The feeling the boy got from her was sense of warmth and comfort. He knew that his mom wasn't fully happy with him spending most of his time studying Duel Monsters, but she did understand that it brought him joy. After a couple of moments, Isaac let go and looked at her face to see her expression. There was nothing but pure joy on the face of the women. So Isaac gave her a kiss on the cheek and then went to give his dad a hug. Once he properly thanked both of them, he then began to leave out the door and looked at them one final time. Isaac told them that he would do hid best and gave them a thumbs up. They responded back with one of their owns and with that he closed the door and began his walk to school.

After that emotional moment with his parents, Isaac had to refocus as he couldn't let it get to him. So when the boy arrived at the front of the school there was thousands of students standing in front of the building. The amount of duelists competing was just a sea of human heads. Eventually, he decided to look for the girls which shouldn't be a problem seeing as he was looking for a girl having rainbow colors in her hair. After a couple of minutes, Isaac saw Rainbow and the others as he called out to them to get their attention.

"Hey Rainbow, girls!"

"Hey Isaac. What took you so long?"

"Well had a little moment with my parents. They just wanted to wish me luck in this tournament."

"Well you're gonna need it. Cause there is no way you're beating me, I've pretty much got this competition in the bag." Rainbow was expressing her ego/pride as all her friends just rolled their eyes. Soon they all heard a noise as everybody turned to the podium that was standing on top of the stairs. There standing was Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna as they had a microphone to speak into.

Luna was the first to speak. "Good day, students. I'm sure all of you are excited to begin today's festivities. I think I speak for both my sister and me when I say we look forward to seeing what you all will do and hope you bring some exciting duels for us to watch". Luna then let her sister have her time to speak into the mic.

"Thank you Luna, as you know the Fall Formal is the chance for you to showcase your talents and show everybody why you deserve to be #1. This event is held to not only enjoy the wonders of Duel Monsters but to also honor the belief of friendship/unity that Canterlot High exemplifies. It's also to honor the great duelists that have paved the way for Duel Monsters throughout the ages. With that said, here are the rules. The field of play is the entire school grounds and the first phase of this tournament will last three days. During these three days, if you're challenged to a duel, you must accept that challenge. Now please rise and listen to the official theme as we begin the opening moments of the tournament."

After the song had ended, fireworks then went off along with huge confetti cannons. Celestia even flipped a switch to signify the start of the tournament. With that everybody began to disperse in search of contenders.

Rainbow was too excited that she left in a hurry. "Well now that we've taken care of the introductions, it's high time I leave. See you guys, I'm off to scout some competition. Be sure to watch me in the finals." With that Rainbow then dispersed into the crowd and was gone.

"Well, I don't know about y'all, but I ain't gonna make the finals just lazing around here. I'm off as well, see you guys later." Applejack then began to turn and went in the opposite direction of the group and disappeared among the sea of students.

"Well, that was fast." said Fluttershy.

"Indeed, I knew that they wanted to win, but I didn't expect them to ditch us at the start. The nerve of both of them." Rarity was less than displeased with how Aj and Dash had abandoned them.

"Ahh, don't worry about. We'll be together again and then I'll throw a reunion party!"

"My question is how things are gonna play out and who the lucky sucker is to compete in the first duel." said Isaac.

"Out of my way, people!"

Just then a person was rushing among the crowd as they began to move out of his way. He was carry an object in his hand.

Since winning this tournament is the same as my other goal, I'll let my football choose my opponent.

The person said to himself as he threw the object into the air as hard/fast as possible till it landed on someone.

Unfortunately, that football was thrown with so much force and velocity that it clocked Isaac in the side of his face and down he went.

"Isaac! You okay?" said the rest of the girls.

It took awhile but he managed to get up and checked to see if there was any significant damage to his face. Once that was done he let the girls know he was okay. "Yeah, I'm okay. It takes a lot more than that to keep me from competing. Hey, what the hell man? Don't you know this a duel tournament and not a football field?"

"To me they're one in the same, now get up ball boy cause we're dueling."

Isaac was surprised with how the challenge was issued and remembered his earlier statement about who would be the first duelist to start things off.

"What, so I'm first?"

"What's the matter, too much in pain to accept my challenge or perhaps you enjoy being my field goal?"

"Well I never back down from a challenge and I'm not starting now. I wanted to kick off this tournament anyways so let's go. First, mind telling your name stranger?"

"It's Touchdown and I plan win this tournament to help me realize my dreams." he said with a smile on his face.

The rest of the girls were concerned with Isaac's safety. After taking a shot to the head and then accepting a duel could prove catastrophic to his brain and his dueling.

"Isaac, are you sure you want to do this? You just took a big bump to the head, darling? You should rest and let one of us take care of you. Mainly me. Please reconsider."

"It's fine Rarity besides the pain is already gone that I can barely feel it due to me being excited. Alright then Touchdown, I accept your challenge. So let's duel!"

Everybody around them then began to give them space as they watched with interest. Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rarity were just a few meters behind Isaac in case something terrible happened to him. With that, the first duel of the Fall Formal tournament was about to get underway.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel Mode Set. Initiating. Commence Duel" said both of the duel disks.

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-
Touchdown's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Isaac

"Since you challenged me, I get to make the first move. So here go, I draw." Isaac looked at his hand and skimmed through the different options that he could potential do.

Not bad. "To start, I'll summon to the field my Noble Knight Artorigus(1800/1800). Then I'll place one card facedown and pass it over to you."

Turn 2: Touchdown

"Finally, I draw. And I think I'll just place a card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 3: Isaac

Isaac was confused with how Touchdown had handled his first turn. "That's it? I was expecting for a much bigger opener from you. Oh well, I guess sometimes you get a bad hand."

"Trust me, I'm fine. I would be more worried about you and what I have waiting for you." Touchdown had a smirk on his face when he said that.

"We'll see about that, I draw. I summon to field Magician's Valkyria(1600/1800) in attack mode." Once his monster appeared on the field, Isaac then began to think about what his next move was.

Seeing as how Touchdown doesn't have any monsters to defend himself, the logical choice would be to go on the offensive and deal some major damage to his life points. But then again, I'm worried that his facedown is something that can stop my attack or do something worse. Well the only way to find out what he's planning is to attack.

"Now I'll have both of my monsters attack you directly, this is payback for hitting me in the head with the football, go my monsters."

Isaac's monsters then made their way to Touchdown's side of the field, all the while Isaac was expecting him to have a trick up his sleeve. Touchdown just simply had a smile on his face as both monsters connected with their attacks and took out a huge chunk of his life points.
Touchdown's Life Points: 4600-

He was surprised that Touchdown didn't do anything to block his attack, but he wasn't complaining. "Next time you'll think twice before hitting me in the head, I end my turn."

Everybody was surprised to say the least, the crowd around them was amazed at how Isaac was able to nearly knock Touchdown's health to almost half. The girls were impressed that Isaac was able to pull off an amazing turn despite taking a shot to the head prior. They began to cheer and lend him their support.

"My word, it seems Isaac is capable of taking care of himself."

Fluttershy then chimed in, "I agree he's having really enjoying himself out there."

"Go Isaac! Go Team Friendship." said Pinkie who was jumping up and down while wearing a cheerleader outfit. Wait what, when did she have time to get that on?

Turn 4: Touchdown

"Playtime is now over, time for the real game. I draw. Then I think I'll activate my facedown the trap known as Defensive Lineup. Now I get to summon a little football token who's attack is equal to the amount of damage I took, so since I took 3600 points of damage my token gains that much attack." Out on the field appeared a monster like football that resembled like the one that his Isaac in the face, however it had a helmet on its top and had a serious face.

"Well that answers my question about his facedown."

"Next, I'll the field spell card Superbowl Stadium." Touchdown played his card and the entire field started to change. The whole scenery was changed with the crowd sitting in the stands and watching the duel on the titrations. Both Isaac and Touchdown had their outfits changed as their clothes morphed into football jerseys, even their monsters were dressed with the male monsters wearing a jersey and Isaac's magician dawning a cheerleader outfit. Speaking of outfits, both Fluttershy and Rarity were affected by the field spell as their clothes had been changed to match that of Pinkie's outfit. When that happened, both were surprised.

"I'll admit despite me being a bit uncomfortable wearing something like this in front of others, I'll say that the color does much my hair. Plus seeing as how we're Isaac's cheer squad, I don't mind wearing this in front of him." said Rarity as she was coming to terms with what had occurred. Fluttershy, on the other hand, was a bit scared with the transformation as she tried to hid behind her pom poms while cowering behind Pinkie.

Pinkie tried to make her feel better. "Oh come on Fluttershy, it's not so bad. As long we cheer on Isaac, you won't think about the thousands of eyes staring at us. Come on girls, let's make sure Isaac hears our cheers."

Fluttershy then moved out of her hiding spot and began to cheer with her friends as the pressure of people watching her began to fade away.

Going back to what was happening with the duel, Isaac was still in shock with how the entire landscape had changed. "I can't believe this, everything seems so real." he said while feeling his jersey which consisted of black and gold.

"Believe me, it's about to get a whole lot more real." said Touchdown who was wearing a jersey made up of the colors brown and green while having a stripe pattern down the middle. "Especially when I summon to the field my Linebacker(1700/1500), now thanks his special ability I can bring out another one of his teammates and I choose Wide Receiver(1900/100). Now time to play ball, cause I'll have Linebacker and Wide Receiver clear your field." Touchdown then gave his orders to his team of monsters as they began to tackle the monsters on Isaac's side of the field as they destroyed them. "Next I'll have my little token attack you directly, go my buddy and give him another walloping." Just like before, the little football launched itself at Isaac as it collided with him in the stomach as he was thrown back onto the grass and into the end zone. When that happened, everybody in the stands saw the screens light up with the words 'Touchdown' as they let out a cheer as a point was awarded to Touchdown himself.
Isaac's Life Points: 4200

Isaac then got back up from the attack and brushed off the dirt he got on his outfit. "It's good thing that I don't play football, all this rough housing is enough to give me a concussion." Isaac then looked at Touchdown who was waving to crowd until he noticed Isaac got back up. "Now I'll activate my trap Damage Syphon, whenever a monster of mine is destroyed and I take damage I can bring a monster in my grave as long as it doesn't exceed the amount that I took, so I choose to revive my knight in attack mode." Just like that Isaac's monster was brought back from the grave.

"Very well, now my Linebacker's ability resolves and Wide Receiver goes back to my hand. Then I'll end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 5: Isaac

"It's my move and I draw. First, I'll activate the spell card Ricochet now I can bounce one of your monsters back to your hands and it lets me add a card from my deck to my hand." My card then fired a beam of energy as it returned Touchdown's monster to his hand, meanwhile I took my deck out of the slot and began to select the card that I wanted. "Next up, I'll summon a new monster for everyone to see, I play Gogogo Golem(1800/1500) in defense mode. I'll then end my turn."

My best bet is to defend myself until I can figure out a way to turn things around.

Turn 6: Touchdown

"Getting nervous already? Then allow me to give these people some entertainment. I draw, and first I'll sacrifice my token to summon out my Running Back(1200/1100) in attack mode. I can only summon this monster by tributing another but the plus side of doing this is that it allows me to raise my Running Back by one level, so now he's level 5. Now I'll have him attack your monster."

"With only 1200 points your monster won't leave a scratch on my golem."

"That's why I'm activating the spell card Perfect Throw, now my monster's attack points double until the end of my turn." Touchdown's monster then split into two as one of them was charging up ahead ready to tackle Isaac's monster while the other one was waiting to throw the ball to his counterpart.

"That won't do much because my monster's go a sweet ability that lets him from being destroyed once per turn. Looks like your double team play isn't going to work."

"Oh didn't I mention that my Perfect Throw card allow me to negate your monster's ability" smirked Touchdown.


Touchdown's monster then tackled Isaac's golem as it was destroyed and it's counterpart tossed the ball. It was caught, then it slammed it on the ground near Isaac which bounced and hit him causing him to fall on his back as he received damage. The screen then plastered the words 'Touchdown' again and the crowd let out a roar.
Isaac's Life Points: 3300-

Fluttershy was worried about Isaac getting tossed around. "Oh I hope he's alright."

"Wait a minute, Isaac's monster was in defense mode right? So why did he take damage?" asked Pinkie to which her question was soon answered right then and there.

"Due to my Running Back's ability when his points are more than the defense points the difference is dealt to you as damage."

"Oh, okay." Pinkie then went back to cheering for Isaac as if everything was normal.

"Hang in there, Isaac." screamed Rarity.

"Not to worry Rarity, I'm fine. What I really love is to last one more round with this guy."

"I'll end my turn with a facedown. Your turn Isaac, if you dare."

Turn 7: Isaac

"Fight on, Isaac," shouted Rarity doing a quick cheer in her outfit. "After all you've got us to cheer you on, right girls?" They all nodded and let out a big 'rah rah'. Isaac looked at the girls and a smile formed on his face.

"If they believe in me, then so do I. Alright, I draw. Nice, I summon King's Knight(1600/1400) in attack mode." Just like before the monster's outfit was morphed into a jersey as it lost all of it's equipment. "Now my king time to take out his Running Back, your monster's points return to normal which means it's weaker than mine. Let him have it." Isaac's monster then grabbed the football and began to charge at Touchdown's monster looking to score a point. As they collided Isaac's king pushed its target out of the way destroying it in the process and then spiked the ball near Touchdown's feet.

"Alright, good play, Isaac!" shouted Rarity who was soon backed by the others giving a rowdy cheer.

Just then a whistle blew as a referee tossed a flag and put a cross with his arms. This confused everybody except Touchdown.

"Hey what's going on?"

"That last score is negated."

"Negated? How come?" asked Fluttershy.

"Tough luck Isaac, but as you can see I've activated my trap card Interception."

"I see now."

"And you're about to see my monster return to because with this card my Running Back isn't destroyed and I also take no damage plus your turn comes to an end."

"What? So my turns over already? Talk about rotten luck."

"No way" said Fluttershy in a state of shock.

"Talk about a real party pooper; that's one powerful card" said Pinkie who began to form a sad smile on her face.

Turn 8: Touchdown

"It's my turn and I draw. Next, I summon to the field my Level 5 Center Player(2000/100)."

"Wait, how can he summon that kind of monster without tributing for it? It makes no sense."

"Pinkie's right, you're not allowed to do that."

"On the contrary, Isaac. I can thanks to my field spell Superbowl Stadium. It allows me to summon my Center Player without tributing another monster."

"Not cool," Isaac said with disdain in his voice.

"Now go ahead and striker away my player, attack his King's Knight." Touchdown's monster then tackled Isaac's monster to ground destroying it and causing Isaac to take damage. "And with your defense now in disarray, I'll take shot number #2. Now Running Back, attack." The creature then grabbed the ball as it charged past Isaac knocking him to the ground and scoring a point. The screen then said the words 'touchdown' as another point was awarded.
Isaac's Life Points: 2100-

"Isaac?" Rarity let out a concerning tone in her voice as she was worried about the punishment Isaac was taking.

"I can't watch anymore." Shouted Fluttershy as she put her hands to her face to avoid seeing Isaac from suffering more attacks.

"Guess what Isaac, I'm not done. Now I activate the spell card Hand-Eye Coordination, don't blink because now Interception returns to my hand. Next I'll play onw card face down and end my turn."

"This some game plan that Touchdown has come up with. If that facedown he just threw was another Interception trap, it will stop any attack and then my turn will be over."

"Oh yes, you know that it's over. My sick skills have you completely outmatched. And there's not a thing you can do about it, Isaac."

Turn 9: Isaac

"Well time to put on my rally cap, my turn. Draw! And now I summon X-Head Cannon(1800/1500) in attack mode. Next up I'm activating the spell card Monster Reborn and I'll use it to bring back Gogogo Golem in defense mode."

Touchdown interjected at Isaac's move. "Fine by me because nothing you bring out can't possibly beat my Interception trap card."

"Don't worry, I activate the spell card Cross Attack. Now since I have 2 monsters on my side of the field with the same number of attack points one of them is allowed to attack you directly." Isaac's golem passed the ball to his cannon who did some fancy moves to evade Touchdown's monster and spike the ball in Touchdown's stomach to score a point. The screen registered it and awarded a point to Isaac.
Touchdown's Life Points: 2800-

"I can't believe it, he scored a touchdown on me."

Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie were all ecstatic about Isaac finally scoring a point that they jumped up and down and did a cheer. "Go Isaac go. Go Isaac go. Yeah."

"Alright, so you found out my Interception trap can't activate against direct attacks, big deal."

"It's a big deal, Touchdown. Especially once I play this card Weak Point. Sure it causes my cannon to lose 800 points and a level, but in return, I can destroy the lowest monster on your side of the field. So say goodbye to your Running Back."

Touchdown was left speechless as he witnessed another one of his cards get destroyed.

"There's another card I'm going to activate and I play it now, I play the spell Extra Shot now since a monster on your side of the field was destroyed you take an additional 1200 points of damage."

Once again Touchdown was flung onto his back as the titration registered Isaac's attack as another point.
Touchdown's Life Points: 1600-

"Now I'll end my turn by throwing this facedown. You're up, Touchdown."

Turn 10: Touchdown

"It's my turn now, I draw. Perfect! Straight from my hand I summoning out Wide Receiver, when Superbowl Stadium is out on the field it gains 1 additionally level. Now he's level 5. But I'm not done yet, cause I activate the spell All For One. Now since there are 2 monsters on my side of the field with the same type and level, I can summon an additionally monster from my grave so long as it's the same type as my other monsters. So suit up Running Back, you're back in play."

Touchdown's monster was brought back on his master's field. They then looked at each other and gave a quick nod signaling what to do next.

"Not only does All For One bring my monster back but it also lets him gain one more level. And you know what that means."

"I wish I didn't."

"That means I can overlay my level 5 Running Back, Wide Receiver, and Center Player. And now that the Overlay Network has been created, I can Xyz summon, come on out Quarterback(2600/2000, OLU: 3)." Out came a monster that was considered the leader in Touchdown's deck. It stood tall and proud as it looked across the field at it's opponents. "Now Quarterback take out X-Head Cannon."

"I activate Half-Unbreak, go. Now my cannon can't be destroyed so do your worst. And you know what the best part about it is the damage I take is cut in half."
Isaac's Life Points: 1300-

"Well more damage is coming your way, I activate my Quarterback's ability. Now by using one overlay unit, he's allowed to attack again. And this time it's going to take out your strongest monster."

"Go right ahead, my strongest monster is my Gogogo Golem and like I told you before it can withstand one attack per turn."

"I'll just attack it again."

This time Touchdown's monster was able to defeat Isaac's golem as it evaporated when Quarterback tackled it to the ground.

"And I think I'll using final overlay unit for one more attack. Your X-Head Cannon is the only one left, so attack it Quarterback."

"I don't think so Touchdown because Half-Unbreak is still in play."

While the card may have saved Isaac's monster from being destroyed it still meant that he was going to take damage and the force of the impact was enough sending Isaac flying onto his back.
Isaac's Life Points: 500-

"I then end my turn."

Turn 11: Isaac

"Isaac, no!" shouted all the girls.

"It's alright girls, I'm fine. Actually I'm more than fine, I'm great. You know why Touchdown because I'm winning!" I had a big smile on my face when I made that statement.

"What are you talking about you're winning? I just blasted your monsters and you only have 500 life points left."

"Yeah that may be true, but when you believe in your deck you're always winning. Now then my turn, draw. I'm summoning my Marshmallon(300/500)". Out came a little cute blob which was also wearing a small jersey.

Touchdown was not impressed with Isaac's choice. "Only 300 attack points, how on earth is that gonna help you? Oh, wait a minute." Now Isaac has two level 3 monsters out.

"That's right now I can summon an Xyz monster, so go now. I overlay level 3 X-Head Cannon and Marshmallon and now with the Overlay Network in full effect, I'm gonna Xyz summon. And as you're about to see, this monster really hits the right cord. Behold MuzuRhythm the String Djinn(1500/1000, OLU: 2)." Out came a tiny cute musician who played a banjo and was soon wearing a stylist jersey to math his hat. "Next I activate the equip spell: Giant Hunter. And equip it to MuzuRhythm, talk about a tune up. Now Touchdown, you can't use any spells or trap cards until the battle is over this turn."

"Wait, but that means I'm not allowed to use my Interception trap card." shouted Touchdown.

"That's right and when a monster equipped with Giant Hunter attacks, if I have fewer life points than you, your monster's points are cut in half."

"Uhh, there goes my offense."

"Next I activate Muzurhythm the String Djinn's ability, by using one overlay unit when Muzurhythm battles your Xyz his attack points are doubled. Talk about strumming up a storm. Finish him Muzurhythm!" Isaac's little musician was then empowered with the effect of the card and spun around really fast creating a mini tornado. It then sucked up the football and launched it straight at Touchdown's face. The impact of that attack sent Touchdown crashing into the field goal post that it left a dent in them as the announcer shouted the final score of the game and declared Isaac the victor.
Touchdown's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

Everybody was ecstatic, including Pinkie Pie. "Touchdown, Isaac comes from behind with an unbelievable finish. Alright, Isaac way to go!"

Rarity then joined in on the celebration. "Three cheers for Isaac!"

Soon thereafter everything returned back to normal as everybody was back to where they were before the field spell activated. Even their clothes had returned back to normal.

"It's a shame rather, while I would like a bit of warning before a wardrobe change. I'll admit I did look fabulous in my outfit, don't you agree Isaac? What did you think about my appearance?" suggested Rarity.

Isaac was a bit flustered when Rarity was asking about how she looked at it was hard to give a straight answer. "Oh, you're asking me what I think? Well seeing as it's normal for Pinkie, I didn't mind. But I'll say that both you and Fluttershy were kinda cute in that outfit." Isaac was letting out a bit of a small blush which didn't go unnoticed by Rarity.

Rarity put her hand a bit over her mouth as she let out a small laugh. "Well now, quite the charmer are you? Now I see what your preferences are." giggled Rarity as she was teasing Isaac and was throwing a bit of flirtation in his direction.

Isaac was left stunned with Rarity's response that when Touchdown began to get up it caught his attention. He then made his way to Isaac and the girls

"I gotta say that was a fun duel Isaac, I'll glad I chose you to be my opponent."

"Same here Touchdown. I wanted to kick off this tournament with style and I say I've acquired that."

"Indeed we did, well I wish you the best of luck."

"You too, I have no doubt in my mind that someday you'll be a football champion."

"And you a duel champion." Touchdown then gave Isaac a respectful handshake and then went on his way.

After his duel with Touchdown, Isaac felt a ton of emotions in him as he let out a shout. "Oh yeah, I won my first duel. But to reach the finals I'll need more than that, look out everybody cause nothing is going to stop me from reaching the top." Isaac jumped up, throwing a fist bump in the air.

The girls were proud of their friend winning that they just had big smiles on their faces, Fluttershy even gave Isaac a hug.

"I'm so happy for you Isaac, if you keep at it I know you'll make it to finals with ease."

"Thanks, Flutters. Well, what about you girls?"

"While it was nice for us to spend a little bit more time with each other, I think it's best we go our separate ways at least for the time being. We're all here to defeat Sunset and to do that we need to be the last ones standing. The only way to do that is to rack up some wins." said Rarity.

"Rarity is right, I wish we could spend time together but we have a mission to keep. So let's all go out there and do our best." Isaac assured them with such conviction in his voice.

"Then what are we waiting for? Look out everybody because this fun express isn't stopping till we say so. Then we'll throw the biggest party this school has ever seen." exclaimed Pinkie.

"Then farewell girls, until we meet again." said the boy.

With that, each said their goodbyes and promised that they would all meet up very soon. Once they disappeared, Isaac turned his head to the clouds and began to express his thoughts.

I'm going to defeat you Sunset, count on it.

With that, Isaac headed in search of his next duel and vanished among the sea of people.

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