• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,577 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 99: Summer Plans

Seems the thing plaguing on Isaac's mind was still there as the year-end evaluations were still going. Even so, Isaac was still at odds with Celestia and Luna as they still argued over what was the best path for him to take. Regardless, they made sure to keep it behind closed doors as they didn't want anybody to know about this private conversation. So they put their different point of views to the side as they had to still do evaluations. Seems they did a good job at hiding their disdain as it looked like they were back to acting like nothing had happened. However, there was still that disdain all three of them had.

Soon all the tests were done, as there was a stack of scores and results all in several piles as Celestia putted them in her folder where she would send them to the dueling community. She also explained to Isaac that she was to attend a conference meeting with the dueling community and that she demanded he be there to get some real-life experience with how business was done in an actual duel setting. Isaac was not at all pleased by this idea as he told Celestia that he didn't want to. Mostly, due to how he wanted to spend the summer with his friends and not waste it on some boring meeting. However, it seems Celestia was very strict about it that she wasn't taking no for an answer. Isaac just brushed off Celestia as he exited her office. Celestia knew that Isaac was still being rebellious about following the path she laid out for him, but she knew it was the only way to make sure that he was kept safe.

Even though Isaac was less than pleased that he was being forced against his will to attend. He found it more disheartening that almost all of his friends had their own summer plans. According to what he heard, it seemed that almost all of them would be gone for about the first half of summer vacation. Rainbow was going to attend a summer camp that dealt in both athletics and dueling as it was her dream to become a top star in both divisions. Rarity was going to Manehattan for a internship where she would get to work with tons of fashion designers and possibly have her design be featured in the top magazine that was spread to all over the country. Fluttershy was going to on a retreat with the Animal Club as they would be going to Whitetail Woods where they were going to help animals that were being hunted. She was going to have a chance to help create homes for these creatures and help them to survive in the wild.

Applejack was going to help her family on the farm, but first she and her family were going to visit some of their relatives for the annual family meeting which was going to take place in Coltifornia. They also wanted to meet with some people who wanted to do business with them as they looked to expand their connections so that their farm could flourish. Pinkie... well... let's just say that she had her own plans to do. And as for Twilight, it seemed that what Sombra said was true. Twilight was going to be doing an internship in card designing as she would look to get some hand-on experience. The thing that really made Isaac happy was that Twilight would get to be working with Mr. William at Industrial Illusions as he felt like it would allow Twilight to flourish. As for Sunset, well... to be honest, he didn't know what she was doing. In fact, she hadn't said a word to any of them as to what her plans were for summer. If that wasn't enough, it turned out that Mr. Johnson was going to visit his niece so he was going to be out of town for a while. That meant that not only would Isaac be out of a job temporarily, but that he wouldn't get to teach the little kids about Duel Monsters. It seemed that this summer was going to one that Isaac was not looking forward to, especially cause it would be the last one he would have as he would soon enter his finally year as a student.

Sunset was currently in her room as she had headset on and was playing some video games. Despite the girls all going to be away for a while, Sunset wasn't too worried as she had tons of things to keep her occupied. She knew that she would see them once they all got back from their personal things as they could enjoy the rest of their summer. While she was busying trying to get a killstreak, a book that was next to her started to emit a glow.

"Alright, 15 kill streak!!" shouted Sunset as the game had ended with her getting the most kills and the least amount of death. Even the game showed her the winning kill as it was her getting a double kill with a collateral. She was so impressed with her skills that she didn't notice the book starting to glow. "Well, better get myself som..." Sunset now looked at the book as it was glowing. She then picked it up as she opened to the page that was shiny as she began to read from it; she was currently reading the message that was being sent to her as her eyes widen.

It had been about a week since school ended and the start of summer vacation. During that time, all the girls had left Canterlot and were on their own little mini retreats. Twilight had said goodbye to Isaac as she was leaving with Mr. William. It was hard to imagine that he wouldn't see his girlfriend for quite sometime, but she assured Isaac that she would be back as their one-year anniversary was coming up. Regardless, Isaac wished Twilight a safe return as they gave one last kiss to say goodbye. After that it was nothing but quiet. The girls all left after Twilight in the coming days as the town seemed to be much more lonely despite having there still being people.

Sunset was busy reading something as she tried to figure things out, it seemed that the message she got from the book was no joke. She thought for sure she wouldn't need the thing, but it seemed to serve as a reminder of her past. Soon the door opened as in came somebody.

"So... have you figured out why this happening?" asked the voice.

"I don't know. When I first heard about this, I was surprised that it was happening. One thing I do know is that I can't handle all of this myself. I need some help." she said.

"Understood, just tell what you need and I'm inform the..."

"No." said Sunset as she cut the voice off. "I know who can help us. I just hope he wasn't too fond of going to that business meeting he had to attend." said Sunset.

Isaac was currently lying on his bedroom as he was staring at the ceiling while playing catch with a rubber ball with his right hand. He was thinking about what he could do as all of his friends were gone, not to mention that Celestia had this conference she was scheduled to take part in as she was going to drag him to. Still it pained Isaac that he had nothing to do, especially cause this could potentially be the last time he could ever get to spend with his friends before they all took the next step and went on with their own individual paths. Isaac just let out a sigh as he out his arm down and the ball bounced hitting the floor as it lightly traveled to where Tigre was sleeping. She just simply opened her eyes as she looked at the ball before going back to her nap.

"Man, this is the worst summer ever!" shouted Isaac. Soon his phone started to go off as he was receiving a call. Isaac looked at his contacts and he saw that it was from Sunset. "Hello?"

"Hey, Isaac."

"Hey, Sunset. How are you doing? I mean, since the girls all left, I assume you were busy doing whatever it was you had planned for the summer."

"Yeah, well... let's say that somethings came up that caused my summer plans to be thrown off. Look, I know you have this meeting you're suppose to attend with Principal Celestia, right?"

"Tell me about it. I still don't want to go, but it seems I'm not being given much choice. Celestia thinks this is suppose to help me when I become a pro duelist."

"Yeah, look... I... there's something that has come up that needs my attention."

"Is everything okay?" asked Isaac with some concern.

"Hard to say; don't worry, I'm fine. But it seems that I can't figure out this problem myself, look I need your assistance. Do you think you can lend me a hand?"

"Sunset, you know that I'm always willing to help my friends."

"I knew I could count on you, boy toy." giggled Sunset. "Okay, look everything will become clearer once we meet. I'll be in town in about a day, don't worry, I've already told your family and Principal Celestia about you helping me with a problem that it will require you to be away for awhile. So in sense you're welcome for not having to attend that stupid meeting."

"Thanks, I guess. Where are we going?"

"I'll explain everything in due time, just make sure to meet me by the statue in front of the school. Also make sure that you bring your duel disk and deck. You're gonna need them. See ya then." With that the call ended as Sunset hung up.

Isaac looked at his phone as he tried to process what Sunset had told him. From what he could tell from her voice it seemed to be something rather urgent. But also she seemed calm so knowing that, Isaac knew that Sunset was in no harm. However, that meant there was still a problem. Not to mention that she had asked Isaac to meet her by the school statue and to bring his deck. Isaac could only assume that it involved something big and to be honest, he was kind of glad that he had something to do other than listen to Celestia's request.

It was the next day as nighttime was about to be upon them, Isaac had received a message from Sunset that told him to meet her by the school statue. So Isaac did one final check as he put on his duel disk and grabbed his deck as he put it in his deck box on his belt. He then quietly made his way out of the house and began to walk towards the school. It was all quiet, seeing as there was nobody at all inside the building. Isaac had saw the statue that Sunset had told him to meet her by.

"Well, this is the place. But where is she?" asked Isaac. He was standing in front of the statue as he observed it.


"Hmm? Who's there?"

"Pss, Isaac." called out the voice. They soon stepped from the other side of the statue as it was none other than Sunset.


"Isaac, you made it."

"Of course I did, now what's going on? The way you sounded over the phone seems like there was something major happening. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just... let me ask you something. Are you sure you want to do this? You don't have to, if you don't want to? I only ask cause you're my friend. I don't want to get you involved if it doesn't concern you." said Sunset as she grabbed Isaac's hand.

"We're friends, Sunset. If something is bothering you, then it becomes my concern. Whatever you're going through, I'll be there to help you." said Isaac as he squeezed her hand tightly.

"Thanks, I knew you say that. Okay... follow me." Sunset then led Isaac to the back of the statue.

Isaac was confused on what or why there were here. Soon Sunset took a deep breath as she took a step forward and put her hand on the statue. Then the craziest thing happened as Isaac couldn't believe his eyes, Sunset then stepped through the statue and was gone. Isaac was left bewildered for a few seconds as he tried to wrap his head around what happened. He then put his hand on the same statue and his hand created a particle effect; he then pushed his arm in deeper and it disappeared, but more realistically it seemed to be some kind of portal. Whatever this was, Isaac knew that Sunset had gone through it and based on how concern she was. It seemed like this was going to be an adventure that was going to require a lot more time than usual. So with a heavy heart, Isaac took one last look at the school and the town of Canterlot as he had a feeling that he might be gone for quite a while. He adjusted his cap and took a deep breath as he stepped fully into the portal and disappeared. The inside of the portal was filled with lots of space as Isaac found himself spinning in swirl like pattern as he was being transported to where the portals was leading him. Soon a flash of magic and light appeared as out came Isaac as he landed facefirst on the floor with the portal disappearing.

"Well, that could have gone better." Isaac said as he rubbed his mouth, only to find that it felt squishy?

Isaac was still lying on the floor as he lifted his head to examine himself. It seemed that the portal did something to him as he was no longer a human, but rather an animal. It appeared that he now had fur which was brown, but one could say caramel even. He had a tail and a mane that was a darker shade, chocolate would probably be the closest similarity. He could see that he had a horn sticking out of his forehead; he still kept his signature look as they had been modified to fit his new body. He was wearing his jacket, he had a saddle bag that was in the shape of his deck box as it served as the placeholder for his deck. He even saw some kind of mark on his bottom as it appeared to be a Duel Monster card. Not to mention that he had his duel disk on his front left leg along with his watch. Finally to complete this ensemble, he sported the silver chain necklace he got for his birthday as it still had the shape of his Dark Magician as well as he still wore his cap on top of his head as it was position so that it wouldn't get in the way of his horn.

"Great, it seems that stepping through that portal has turned me into horse. Although, now upon closer inspection, it seems the correct term would be pony." said Isaac as he looked at himself as his tail swished.

"Halt, intruder!" shouted a voice.

Isaac looked up as saw that there was about 5 other ponies who had white fur as they all wore gold armor and helmets. They all had spears as they pointed at him as he was surrounding in a circle.

"Stay where you are, intruder! We have you surrounded, you can't escape!" shouted the head guard.

"Uh,... I come in peace?" said Isaac.

"Hold on!" shouted a voice as another pony came from behind the guard and stepped forward. "Isaac."

"Huh, yeah that's my name. But how do you know that, who are you?"

"It's me, Sunset."

"Sunset?" Isaac was confused by what this pony was saying. Eventually he started to examine her and true to her word, she was right. The mare standing before her had the same bacon-colored hair and had orange fur. Not to mention that she wore a duel disk on her arm. "Sunset, it really is you." said Isaac as he sat on his behind. "I was wondering where you went after you stepped through the portal."

"It's alright, guards. He's no threat." said Sunset as she dismissed the other ponies. Soon they all bowed to her as they left to continue their patrol.

"Well that was a different welcoming committee than I'm used to." said Isaac. He then looked at their surroundings as it was full of color and decorations. There were stained glass windows as well as some royal banners hanging along the columns and pillars. From what he could tell, it seemed that they were in some kind of castle. "So, mind telling where we are? More importantly, why we look like this?"

"It's a long story."

"Well, I'm not going anywhere." stated Isaac.

"So, let me see if I understand this? You're not a human, but rather a pony and this is where you're from. A place called Equestria. And you left here to go to our home after you ran away from your lessons with the princess. And more importantly, this place is like an alternative dimension from the one back home, in that majority of the population is ponies with a couple of other creatures, like dragons, griffons, yaks, etc... And you received a message from a book you haven't used in a long time and it told you that there was a problem that needed your help. But you couldn't do it yourself and so you asked me to come along and assist you." said Isaac as he summarized all that Sunset had told him. "Yeah, sure. I believe it."

"Weird how you're just quickly accepting it?" said Sunset.

"Hey, I've had lots of magical encounters and some Shadow Games. Compared to that, this is like the least strangest thing if you think about."

"Of course. Hmm." Sunset then looked at Isaac as she was taking a nice long look at him. Safe to say that she expected Isaac to be transformed into a pony, but she didn't expect him to be so attractive in his new form. Despite being a unicorn, Sunset could still see his slight muscles along his entire body as she started to turn red, especially when she was staring at his flank.

"Uhm, Sunset. You okay?" asked Isaac.

"Yeah." she said as she quickly got rid of her stare to avoid Isaac seeing her checking him out. She then stepped forward as she was in Isaac's face as she put her head under his chin and listen closely to his heartbeat.

"Uh, what are..."

"Shh." Sunset said as she was listening to Isaac's heart. She just simply wanted to enjoy this opportunity as she smiled. Sunset then pulled out as she gave him a wink.

"Okay?" said Isaac as he raised his eyebrow.

"Anyways, follow me. We have to meet with Princess Celestia about the issue." said Sunset as she started walking to the throne room.

"Princess Celestia? Ok-ay." Isaac at this point just chose to accept the fact and not ask anymore questions that might result in him having a headache.

Soon both of them were walking along the main hallway as they arrived at two huge doors in front of them with guards standing out front. Sunset then used her magic as she pushed open the doors as Isaac was impressed by what Sunset did. They both walked in as there was a long red carpet in the middle of the throne room as it led to a chair. Sitting on that chair was a much, much larger pony as she towered over them and everybody else. She also had a horn, but in addition to that, she also had wings on her back. She also had a tail and mane that matched the colors of rainbowish as they started to flow majestically. Isaac looked upon her flank for a second and saw the symbol of the sun; she also wore some gold shoes and regalia. They both stopped at the bottom of the stairs as they looked at the huge pony.

"You are now in the presence of the ruler of Equestria. The princess of the sun, Princess Celestia." said the guard standing next to her.

"Your highness." said Sunset as she bowed down.

"Princess, huh? Hey there." said Isaac as he greeted casually.

"Show some respect, intruder!" shouted the guard as he pointed his weapon at Isaac.

"Isaac!" shouted Sunset. "This is the princess, you don't say stuff like that."

"Sorry! The only experience I've had with royalty up to this point in my life is a Burger King drive-through." stated Isaac as Sunset just rolled her eyes.

"At ease." said Princess Celestia as she told her guard to lower his weapon. "So, you have returned Sunset. And you've brought someone."

"Yes, Princess Celestia. This here is Isaac and I believe he can help us with this problem." stated Sunset as she got up from bowing.

Isaac just simply waved with his hoof; Princess Celestia then stood up from her throne as she unfolded her wings as they made her seem that much more bigger and intimidating. She then started to walk down the steps as she got closer to the two of them. Sunset then took a few steps back as Princess Celestia was now standing in front of Isaac as she looked down on him. Isaac felt a bit scared at having the princess who was much taller than him look down almost like she was trying to scare him, it worked as Isaac was sweating a bit. Princess Celestia was taking a closer look at Isaac as she was inspecting him very closely; she was looking deep in Isaac's eyes as she was trying to see look into his heart. She then looked at his flank and saw his mark as she just let out a smile and light giggle.

"Seems he's the right one. Welcome, Isaac. I'm Princess Celestia and I rule this entire kingdom and watch over the ponies of all of Equestria." she said.

"Impressive, oh I mean, you're majesty." said Isaac as he tried to give the princess the proper respect.

"It's fine, you may just call me Celestia. No need for formalities, any friend of Sunset is a friend of mine." smiled Celestia as it helped to ease Isaac's nerves.

"Great. So, you mind telling me why I'm here? Or maybe what's going on?" asked Isaac.

"All will be explained shortly, follow me." Celestia then led Isaac and Sunset out of the throne room.

They were going to her room; along the way, Isaac got to see firsthand just how big this castle was as it served as a home for other members of the castle. They passed by the kitchen as Isaac saw tons of chefs working on the menu, while Princess Celestia was trying to smuggle some cake. Seems somethings never change, soon they passed by and looked out of the hallway windows as there were the royal gardeners at working taking care of the plants and animals of the garden. There were even a couple of butlers and maids who were at work when they saw the princess coming that they all bowed in respect. Soon they arrived at their destination as the door had a huge sun emblem on it as the princess opened it with her magic. She then used her magic to have a table appear as she began to explain the situation to Isaac.

"And that is what has been happening." finished Princess Celestia.

"Wow. I didn't expect Duel Monster cards to come to life and start to cause chaos in Equestria." stated Isaac.

"Believe me, I found it hard to understand when I first got the message. But now that I've seen it firsthand and have actually disposed of some of them, I dare say that Equestria is under some serious threat." stated Sunset.

"So why me? I mean, if you can barely contain them, what makes you think that I can make much of a difference?" asked Isaac.

"Well, you don't." said Sunset bluntly. "I'm sorry, it's just that this was getting too much for me to handle alone, so I wanted to get some help. But given that the girls all left before I got the message, I didn't have that much options. My only bet was to ask for your help seeing as how lonely you were getting and the fact that you were about to attend that conference."

"Oh trust, you caught me at the right time. Besides, this is much better than a conference. At least, I can't worry about my future or 'destiny' while I'm here. Thinking that being a pro is already set in stone, I'll show her." muttered Isaac that last part.

"You okay?" asked Sunset.

"Yeah, never better." said Isaac as he tried to play it off. "Just thinking about something, anyways, so what's the plan?" asked Isaac.

"Well, given the many reports that have happened in the past and where Sunset has confronted them, they've appeared just outside of a place called Ponyville." Celestia then showed the map to Isaac as she used her magic to point where it was located.

"See the princess thinks that the reason all these incidents are occurring around Ponyville is because they're drawn to a certain object. Or power." stated Sunset.

"Like?" asked Isaac.

"Ponyville is home to a small population of ponies, but also it's home to the bearers of the Elements of Harmony." stated Celestia.

"Elements of Harmony?" said Isaac.

"The elements are what have kept all of Equestria in peace and harmony since the beginning of time, it's also been used to defeat any evil force that has threaten the harm all of the citizens of this land. Over the years, me and my sister after we ascended to the throne, have watched over the land and kept the peace alive."

"Years? Just how old are you?" asked Isaac. Isaac then received a smack to the head by Sunset as she gave him a dirty glare. "Ow, what the hell Sunset?"

"You never ask a women her age? It's one of the sacred things you must never ask."

"Screw that ideology!" responded Isaac. "You can ask a guy that question and we're fine answering, but when it comes to girl, forget about it. I'm just wondering why can't women just answer the question and not get sensitive about it or make a big deal. It's not like it matters. Besides, I was just gonna say that she's not bad for someone who might be 'old'." stated Isaac.

Celestia then cleared her throat as she got the attention of the two ponies. "Yes, well, putting my age aside, there is still the matter at hand. Now then, as Sunset has pointed out it seems these 'Duel Monsters' are appearing and causing harm to all ponies. While my magic has some effect, it's still a lot for me to handle in addition to my duties as princess and ruler. So I've decided to have both you and Sunset journey to Ponyville to deal with any threats that may arise. Furthermore, I also expect that these creatures will be after the elements, so I expect you to keep the bearers safe by making sure nothing happens to them. Maybe we can finally solve this issue." stated Celestia.

"Count me in. I thought I was going to have a boring summer, but this is even better than I expected." said Isaac.

"We'll do what we can Princess Celestia, you have our word. We won't fail you." said Sunset.

"I know you won't. Now then I've made preparations for you to travel to Ponyville, now you best get ready as the train will leave Canterlot in an hour. Good luck, my little ponies." said Celestia.

"Why do I expect like a title drop or song to play when you said that line?" asked Isaac.

"Come along, boy toy. We've got work to do." said Sunset as she used her magic and dragged Isaac out of the room and closed the door, Celestia just smiled at the two of them.

"Okay. Can you let me go?" asked Isaac as Sunset released her magic. "How did you do that?"

"I'm a unicorn, my magic comes from my horn and I've spent years under the princess learning about magic." said Sunset very proudly.

"Huh?" said Isaac as he looked at his horn. He then touched it as if trying to turn it on; Sunset just smiled rolling her eyes and smiled at Isaac. Soon some aura began to surround his horn as it glowed, Isaac looked to the floor and saw a wrapper. He tried to see if he could pick it up; it proved to be difficult as Isaac was sweating.

"Try concentrating." stated Sunset.

"What do you think I've been doing?" shouted Isaac as he was still trying to pick it up as he let out some deep breaths.

"Also try to use your feelings, magic is tied to your emotions. The stronger you're feeling, the more powerful your magic will be."

Isaac took Sunset's words in as he closed his eyes and started to use his feelings to control his magic. It took a while, but Isaac could feel the connection being made as his mind and heart were becoming one. Soon the wrapper on the flow started to levitate as it was surrounded by his magic as Isaac opened his eyes and floated the object towards him. Isaac was sweating hard as he was happy to finally do it.

"Not bad, boy toy. Now come along, we'll practice a bit more on the train ride." said Sunset as Isaac just dropped the wrapper and followed her.

Soon both of them got onboard as their train departed for their destination. Isaac was sitting across from Sunset as he was trying to practice his magic while Sunset sat across from him as she read a book.

"So, Sunset. You've been here before, maybe you can answer some questions that I have?"


"Okay, like what exactly is Princess Celestia?"

"She's an alicorn."

"Alicorn?" asked Isaac.

"Basically, she's a combination of Pegasus and a Unicorn."

"Okaay. Well, she mentioned that she was a princess; are there any others?"

"Yes, see an alicorn is basically what happens when somepony does something worthy of gaining that status."

"And can only girls do that or what?"

"Well, so far it's only been a mare to gain wings. Not so sure about a male. In any case, there's currently 4 princess. There's Princess Celestia who is the princess of the sun and rules Canterlot and all of Equestria alongside her sister, Princess Luna who is the princess of the night. There's also Princess Cadance who is the princess of love and rules the Crystal Empire up north." stated Sunset.

"Interesting. But you said there's four princesses, so... who's the fourth?"

"Yeah... about that... the fourth princess is actually the latest to be crowned." said Sunset as she shifted her eyes slight to the right.

"And?" asked Isaac hoping for some clarification.

"Look, once we get to Ponyville, you'll understand."

"All right." said Isaac with a slow suspicious tone. "Well, what about these elements? Surely, you've met them seeing as how you've been dealing with some of these problems before you got me."

"Yeah, I have met the bearers of the Elements of Harmony." Sunset let out another deep breath as was having trouble on how to explain this to her friend. "Look, Isaac, all the questions you have will get answered once we reach Ponyville. I promise."

"Fine." said Isaac as he figured he drop the subject. He knew that if Sunset wasn't going to give him a straight answer, then it must be for a reason. He then looked back at his backside as he had one last question. "Can you at least tell me what this mark on my ass is? It's seems kind of like a tattoo." said Isaac as he looked down at it.

"That's actually called a Cutie Mark. It basically serves to show what a pony's special talents are. So for you, since you're so passionate and knowledgeable when it comes to Duel Monsters, you've got a Duel Monsters card on your flank." smiled Sunset.

"Interesting. Kind of cool." said Isaac as he took one last look at his mark.

"Well, we're about to arrive soon. One more thing, you're gonna have to change how you say certain things, like you're gonna have to say 'pony' after certain words like: somepony, everypony, etc... you get what I'm saying." stated Sunset as she put her book into her saddle bag.

"Yeah, I mean it's not that hard. Just might take a while to getting use to it." smiled Isaac.

"And one more thing." Sunset then switched over to sit next to Isaac as she brought her mouth up to Isaac's ear and nibble it before playfully yanking on it.

"Ow, what the hell?" screamed out Isaac as Sunset's actions hurt a bit. "What was that for?"

"Just something that I couldn't do normally when we were human." giggled Sunset. "It just means something between two ponies."

"What does it mean?" asked Isaac as he was afraid on what Sunset did.

Sunset just let out a small laugh as she looked at Isaac. She then brought herself and snuggled close to Isaac's body as she had her head under his chin. She then closed her eyes as she enjoyed this feeling; Isaac was surprised at what Sunset was doing, but seeing as they were both ponies meant that this was probably something normal. So he just closed his eyes as well as he rubbed the head of her with his cheek as he wrapped his right hoof around her as they enjoyed their little moment together.

Eventually the train arrived at their destination as both Isaac and Sunset had gotten off as they were the final two passengers. Isaac took in his surroundings as he noticed the small town of Ponyville.

"So, where do find these bearers or the princess for that matter?" asked Isaac. Sunset then turned Isaac's head in the direction of a giant castle that was sticking out as it looked like the only thing out of place in a town like this. "Ohh, well that kind of makes sense. A giant crystal castle in a place like this is like a sore thumb." said Isaac.

"Come on." said Sunset as she started to lead them both in the direction of the castle.

Along the way, Isaac could see what Sunset meant by this place having pony counterparts. He was seeing some ponies that resembled some people he knew from Canterlot High. It still amazed Isaac that a place like this existed. "Wow, you weren't kidding."

"Told you. Now you know how I felt when I came to Canterlot High for the first time." smiled Sunset.

"Yeah, it's..." Isaac stopped in his tracks as he turned around as if he saw something.

"Isaac, everything okay?"

"Yeah, just... I thought I saw something pink." said Isaac.

"That means we need to get to the castle, come on. We're almost there." said Sunset.

Strange, for a second it looked like... no... it couldn't be. Isaac quickly put that thought to the side as he followed Sunset.

Unbeknownst to Isaac, his eyes didn't betray him. He only caught a small glimpse of what he saw as it was something pink. But rather not something, but somepony. The pony was watching the two of them as she noticed Isaac, she then saw they heading in the direction of the castle as she had a smile on her face as she prepared her plan. Isaac and Sunset had made it to the front of the castle doors, as Isaac looked up to take in the giant building.

"Wow, can't believe there's a crystal castle in a town like this." said Isaac.

"Yeah, she didn't exactly get a say in where the castle appeared." said Sunset. She then knocked on the door as they waited for someone to answer the door.

They didn't wait too long as the door to the castle opened up as someone came to answer them. The person that answered the door really was shocking to Isaac as they seemed quite familiar but he couldn't figure out why. The person who had opened the door wasn't a pony per say, but rather a small dragon who looked to be a baby of sorts.

"Oh, hey Sunset. Are you back from your visit with Princess Celestia?"

"Yeah, Spike. And I brought somepony with me."

"Then come right in." said Spike as he opened the door and let Sunset in. He then saw Isaac enter behind her as the two looked eyes for a second as he entered. "So, who's the colt?"

"Spike, this is Isaac. He's someone who I believe can help us." stated Sunset.

"Oh, well pleasure to meet you. Name's Spike, Spike the dragon." smiled the little drake.

"Hey, kid. Name's Isaac." said Isaac as he extended his right hoof to shake his claw.

"Oh, you have one too." said Spike as he noticed the duel disk on Isaac's left hoof.

"You mean my duel disk?"

"That's what it's called. Cool name." Spike was fascinated by the device on Isaac's arm. He had managed to see it in action when Sunset used it, but to actually have an up-close look he was amazed by it.

"Anyways, mind taking us to her." asked Sunset.

"Oh, right. She's waiting in the map room. Follow me." said Spike as he led the two ponies.


"You'll get used to it." said Sunset as she knew what Isaac was thinking.

"Alright, we're here." said Spike as he pushed open the door. "Twilight, Sunset and her friend are here!" called out Spike.

"T-Twilight?" said Isaac as he was stunned by that answer. True to Isaac's word, he saw what looked to be purple mare sitting on a chair as she had both wings and a horn. Isaac was stunned by this as he couldn't believe the sight before him.

"Thanks, Spike." said Princess Twilight. "Hello, Sunset. Did you have a safe trip?"

"Yeah, Twilight. It was fine, anyways I brought somepony to help us. This here is Isaac." said Sunset as she introduced him and took a step back to allow the two ponies to meet.

Both ponies took a long look at each other almost like they were in a trance. For Isaac, he was trying to wrap his head around knowing that there was a pony version of his girlfriend, unlike her, this Twilight wasn't wearing glasses. It still served as a weird experience as he couldn't believe what was in front of him. Twilight on the other hand was amazed by Isaac, she had met plenty of colts in the past, but for some reason she was drawn to Isaac. She looked Isaac in the eyes as she was looking into his soul and then started to examine his physique. Eventually, she started to turn red as realized how long she was staring at him. Soon the silence was broken.

"Uhm, hey." said Isaac.

"Hey." said Twilight as she returned the same amount of shyness as Isaac.

"Isaac, this here is Twilight. She's the princess of friendship and is currently the newest princess to be crowned." said Sunset as she had a smirk on her face of watching the interaction between the two.

"P-princess?" said Isaac as he realized that he was staring at the face of royalty. "My bad, your highness." said Isaac as for some weird reason he decided to bow down for Twilight. He seemed to bend too far as he fell over forward as he landed on the ground.

Twilight just giggled at Isaac's display. "It's alright, no need to be formal. Just call me, Twilight." said Twilight as she extended her hoof to Isaac as he pulled him up to his feet. "I must say, it's an honor to meet you, Isaac." Twilight still had a bit of red on her cheeks.

"The pleasure is all mine, princess." said Isaac as he responded with some redness of his own. Now I know why Sunset didn't want to answer my questions. Oh boy, this is going to be a long adventure.

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