• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,577 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 51: Appleloosa Road Trip

"Now that you got no monsters left I'll play my Dark Magic Veil, with it I'll give up 1000 life points and summon out a spellcaster from my hand or graveyard. So give a warm welcome to Dark Magician Girl!" Isaac then played his most famous spellcaster as he slapped the card on his card tray. "Next I'll activate my Sage's Stone; since I control Dark Magician Girl, I can now summon my ultimate spellcaster. Appear Dark Magician!" Now Isaac's signature monster appeared as it took his place next to his master.

"Lastly, I'll play this spell Dark Magic Attack, with it my Dark Magician can wipe out the rest of your facedowns." Isaac snapped his fingers and his lead magician had no problem taking out his opponent's facedowns. "Now time to end this, go my loyal magicians. Finish this with Double Dark Magic Attack!" Once more Isaac snapped his fingers and his monsters took flight as they decimated Isaac's opponent as they took out the rest of their life points.

Isaac was getting ready for his Algebra class when he was approached by Applejack. "Hey Applejack."

"Howdy, Isaac. First off, that duel of yours from earlier really was something. You wiped the floor with your opponent; you barely gave them a chance to attack at all."

"Thanks for the praise, so what do you want?"

"Just want to make sure that you're ready for the trip tomorrow to Appleloosa? It will be a long drive, so we're leaving pretty early in the morning."

"Don't worry Aj, I'll make sure that I have everything packed." said Isaac.

"Oh by the way we'll be taking a second car this time around, hope you don't mind ridin' with Applebloom, her friends, and I?" mentioned Applejack.

"Wait, Applebloom's friends are coming too?" Isaac asked.

"Darn tootin'!" Applejack says. "They're all friends with ma cousin, Babs Seed. They're really excited ta see her."

"That's really cool," Isaac said. "I don't mind riding with you all."

"Great! We'll pick ya up tomorrow mornin'," replied Applejack. "See ya then!" Applejack then gave Isaac a punch in his arm as she left.

With that taken care of, Isaac made his way back home and began getting ready as he had a long night of packing ahead of him.

After a seven-hour car drive with Applejack, Applebloom, and her friends Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, you arrive at your final destination: Appleloosa. Applejack was out of the car in the blink of an eye, as well as Applebloom and her friends. Isaac was the last person to exit as he took in the sight and breathed in the air.

"Hmm, smells different than compared to Canterlot. Smells rather, earthy." said Isaac.

"Isn't it? Nothing like the country to fill your lungs full of energy." exclaimed Applejack.

“Babs Seed!” the three younger girls cry out. Isaac saw Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle running towards a girl whom he can only assume is Babs Seed.

“Girls!” Babs Seed exclaims. She meets the three girls in a big group hug. It was a heartwarming sight. Reunion of friends.

Isaac saw Big Macintosh helping out with some of the luggage and Granny Smith talking with some other Apple family relatives. Isaac never would have guessed how large the Apple family was. Compared to the first time, he attend their family gathering there was a lot. Now there was so many Apples, and they were all conversing with each other, greeting the most recently arrived members of the family. Isaac eventually spotted Applejack unloading some things from the back of the car, and he decided to join her. She was the only one who wasn't busy at the moment.

"I know I told you before about how big your family is, but damn even I wasn't expecting it to be this big!" shouted Isaac. "Your family is freaking huge!"

"Yeah... we're quite a bunch." said Applejack.

“Applejack!” a familiar voice called out to her. Both Applejack and Isaac turned their heads to see who was calling out to her. Approaching them was a taller guy with orange-and-yellow hair, and a cowboy hat.

“Braeburn!” Applejack says, giving him a hug. “Long time, no see!”

“Too long,” Braeburn says. “Good to see you.”

Braeburn's eyes then locked on Isaac. "I remember you, you're Isaac, right?"

"Yep, nice to see you again, Braeburn." Isaac extended his hand for Braeburn to shake.

"Howdy, man. Been a while since I've seen you; I still haven't forgotten about the last time we dueled. Although from what Aj told me, it sounds like you're now the top duelist at Canterlot High. Congrats on that."


Braeburn then turned back to address Applejack. "So tell me, cousin Aj. Have you made your move on making Isaac your beau? I mean he's the champ, you don't get a better catch than that." stated Braeburn.

That word, it's been so long that I forgot to look up what it meant. thought Isaac.

Applejack did her best to avoid showing some red on her face as she addressed her cousin. "Braeburn, he's not my boyfriend. Isaac is just a friend."

"Alright, if you say so. Now come one, everybody else will be staying at the inns nearby, but you'll get to stay with me,” Braeburn says. “Let’s get your stuff inside.” With that Isaac helped Braeburn carry the bags of luggage into the house.

Once everything was unloaded from the car, Isaac then took a look around at Braeburn’s apple orchard. It was enormous, probably as big as Applejack’s orchard. Rolling hills as far as the eye could see, dotted with dozens upon dozens of apple trees. Out in the distance, complemented by the fiery sun sky, was a little lonely hill. A single apple tree adorned the summit, overlooking the entire orchard. Quite a majestic sight. Isaac was so focused on the scenery that it took Applejack calling him to snap Isaac out of his trance.

“Y’all comin’?” Applejack calls out.

Isaac quickly snapped out of his trace and looked at Applejack. While Isaac wouldn't say this out loud, but the way the sun was shining on her so wonderfully, the light contouring her perfectly curvy figure, and making her golden hair shimmer. Caused Isaac to have a bit of red appear on his face, but he shock it off for thinking about his friend in such a manner.

“Um… y-yeah. Coming,” Isaac said, catching up with Applejack.

As outgoing as the Apple family seemed, they appeared to be somewhat divided socially. The older Apples, the younger Apples, and the kids were among the dominant pods. Isaac was unsure of what to do. Everyone was just hanging out with one another, either sewing, making cider, baking, or just messing around. Isaac was not sure who to talk to. All he was doing was standing around awkwardly as he watched everyone socialize. Isaac only know Applejack and her immediate family. Sure, Applejack introduced you to a lot of her relatives previously, but that was so long ago. Not to mention that a lot of things had happened since then.

What should I do? It’d be weird to go talk to Granny Smith and the rest of the older members of the family. As much as I love Apple Bloom, it’d be weird to talk to her and her friends as well. She seemed to be having a blast in her own little pod. Applejack was talking with some of her relatives, and it’d be rude to just cut in, right?

With a sigh, unsure of what else to do, Isaac decide to go outside and hang out on the porch. Maybe some fresh air would be nice to help clear his mind a bit. Isaac leaned on the column of the porch and gazed out into the orchard. The treeline was as far as the eye could see, not to mention that there was tons of apple trees every way you looked. Isaac did enjoy the cool breeze that hit his face as well as the peace and quiet that it offered him. It allowed Isaac to clear his mind and relax; he was about to take a walk into the orchard, when he was stopped by a familiar voice.

There ya are,” said Applejack.

“Oh, hey, Applejack.”

“Y’all alright?” she asks, walking up next to Isaac.

“Um… yeah,” he say. “I-I guess I just feel a little awkward.”

“Yeah…” Applejack says. “I’m sorry ‘bout that, sugarcube.”

“It’s fine,” Isaac said. “You want to catch up with your family, I understand.”

“I don’t want y’all ta feel left out, though,” Applejack says. "Applebloom invited you because she wanted you to have a good time. And if you're feelin' a bit homesick, then I ain't doing my job as your friend." Applejack then put her hand on Isaac's shoulder which caused Isaac to shudder a bit. “Let’s go for a walk,” Applejack says. “Braeburn’s got a beautiful orchard.”

"You know, that sounds like a good idea."

Applejack smiles, and gestures Isaac to follow her. He smiled and started walking with her through the orchard. They walked a decent amount as they passed the many trees full of bright juicy apples. It was then Applejack decided to break the silence.

“I’m sorry for makin’ ya feel left out, sugar,” Applejack says. “We don’t mean for that ta happen.”

“It’s fine, AJ. I know you don’t mean it.” stated Isaac.

"Still it feels wrong. After all that you've done for me and the girls; making our lives better. becoming a sort of role model/big brother to Applebloom, to finding time to lend us a hand when we need it. I just wish there was more that I could do to repay you. I feel like you haven't been paid in full for all your efforts."

"Applejack there's no need for that. I help you and the girls, out of the kindness of my heart. I do it because we're friends; I do it because if there's a problem I can't just sit back and not at least try to offer some assistance. That's just not the way I was raised; my parents told me that if I can help someone then maybe I can bring a little sunshine/happiness into someone's life." Isaac was now giving Applejack one of his heartwarming smiles as it caused her to blush for a few moments.

They continued to walk in silence for a few more minutes till Isaac noticed something in the distance. It was the small hill he saw from when they first arrived with the single apple tree. Just then an idea popped into Isaac's head as he looked at Applejack.

What?” she asks, raising an eyebrow.

Isaac extend his index finger out into the distance.

“That hill with the apple tree on it, I’ll race you there.” stated Isaac.

Her eyes go wide. “What?” she asks, stifling a laugh.

“You heard me,” Isaac said with a grin.

“Sugar, I don’t know. I’m still a little tired from the trip, an—” suddenly, she bolts in the direction of the hill, leaving Isaac in the dust.

“Hey!” Isaac shout. “No fair!”

Without a second thought, he start sprinting towards the hill, trying to catch up with Applejack. Isaac could hear Aj laughing as she races to the hill.

Applejack was halfway up the hill as Isaac had just barely reached the base. His energy started to fade as he climbed the hill, all of his energy was expended from sprinting. Isaac saw Applejack standing at the top, looking down on him with her arms folded.

"What took you so long?" Applejack said, giggling.

“No fair! You got a head start! That's bullshit!” Isaac retort, panting as he reached the top of the hill. Once he caught his breath, Isaac began to address Aj. "You call yourself the honest one of the group, yet you cheated to win. That's not very honorable now, is it? I want a rematch!”

Applejack just shakes her head, chuckling. Isaac declares the porch as the next destination, and he actually managed to fake her out this time and get a head start. He muster all the stamina and energy he had left to run as fast as he could to the porch. Isaac could hear Applejack yelling behind him, clearly frustrated from him getting a head start this time around. He heard her feet getting closer and closer to him as the porch was getting nearer. Isaac summoned all of his remaining energy to sprint to the porch. In an act of desperation, Isaac slide like a baseball player to reach the porch first.

"Yes!" Isaac fist pumped. "I win!"

"Hold on an apple pickin' minute." panted Applejack. "That ain't fair, you got ahead start. You cheated!"

"Turnabout is fair play! I was just doing what you did last time." said Isaac, panting just as hard as Aj. "I just made sure to give you a taste of your medicine; not so fun when the shoe is on the other end, huh." Both Isaac and Applejack lay on the ground in front of the porch steps, panting hard for breath.

“Land sakes,” Applejack says. “I haven’t felt a rush like that in a long time.”

"Me too, the last time I ran this much was when I was a little kid. Seems I'm starting to get old, even though I'm still young." said Isaac.

After a couple of minutes, both Isaac and Applejack have enough energy to sit up.

“I forgot how much fun that was,” she says. “Though, I don’t have as much energy as I did back then.”

“I definitely don’t,” said sarcastically Isaac, making Applejack laugh.

Eventually Isaac laughs as well, until something happens that makes his heart skip a beat. Both Isaac and Applejack make eye contact. Prolonged eye contact. Her hair is tattered and frayed from all the sweat, but somehow Isaac finds it oddly adorable. It reflects her hardworking, tomboyish personality. Her chest is still heaving, as is his. Her green eyes reflect the sunlight so beautifully. Isaac finds that he can’t take his eyes off her, and her gaze never wanes either. She’s just so… beautiful…

“Applejack!” a voice calls out, snapping both of them out of their trance. It’s in that moment Isaac realized how close his mouth was to Applejack’s. In some sort of spell, Isaac's mind was working on its own. They looked towards the house, and see Apple Bloom standing in the doorway with wide eyes.

“What are y’all doin’?” Apple Bloom asks teasingly.

Applejack quickly stands up and brushes the dirt off her skirt. She takes her hat off and shakes it to get the dirt off.

“N-Nothin’, Apple Bloom,” Applejack says. “What is it?”

“Braeburn need ya,” Apple Bloom says. “He needs help settin’ up the barn for the dance tonight.”

“Tell him I’ll be right there, sugarcube,” Applejack says.

Apple Bloom gives a smile and a nod before retreating back into the house.

Applejack looks back down at Isaac, and rubs her neck. She holds her hand out, and helps him up off the ground.

“Um… I need ta help Braeburn with some things,” Applejack says.

“Oh… okay,” you say. Is Applejack… blushing? "Wait, did you say dance?"

"Yeah, nothing fancy, just a little hoedown. You should come, it'll be a lot of fun."

"I mean, I didn't exactly pack something for an occasion like this, but I'll see what I got. I'll see you tonight."

"Alright, then." Applejack then turned to leave but not before giving Isaac one more hug before heading inside.

As Applejack was walking away, Isaac couldn't help but notice a subtle sashay in her hips as she walked away. Isaac quickly put that out of his mind for even thinking such thoughts about one of his friends, especially Applejack. Was she doing that on purpose? At that moment, Isaac thought back on what had just happened between the both of them. His mind was working on his own, he didn't even realize how close he was to her lips until Applebloom interrupted them. He... almost... kissed her. Soon Applebloom returned as it took him out of his thoughts.

"You coming, Isaac. I'm about to have a match."

"I'm coming Applebloom." Isaac then stood up as he followed Applebloom into the backyard.

Applebloom led them to where the other little kids of the Apple family were hanging out. Some of them were talking with each other, others were showing off their cards and some just wanted to get to dueling. Eventually Applebloom brought them to where Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were hanging out.

"Alright, guys I'm here."

"Finally, we were thinking that you weren't going to show up." said Scootaloo.

"I was just trying to find Isaac; I want him to be here, so that he can see how far I've come."

"Now let's get started." Sweetie Belle then lead the three of them to meet with Babs Seed who was going to be Applejack's opponent.

Both Applebloom and Scootaloo shuffled their deck and gave each other a hand shake. They then took their positions as they activated their duel disks. The rest of the kids and Isaac all stood on the side as they prepared to see the battle. Sweetie Belle then took position in the middle as the referee.

"If both of you girls are ready, then let's begin."

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said the voice of their duel disks.

Babs Seed's Life Points: 8000-

Applebloom Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Applebloom

Applebloom went first as she picked up her hand and drew her card. "I'll start by playing my Aromage Jasmine(100/1900) in defense mode. Then I'll play the field spell, Aroma Garden." Now the field around Applebloom started to change as there was a flower garden that appeared with tons of flowers. "Now my field spell allows me to gain 500 more life points and it grants all my monsters 500 extra attack and defense points till the end of your next turn. Next the effect of my Jasmine activates, since my life points are higher than yours, I can get an additional summon this turn. And I draw an extra card." Applebloom drew her card and looked at her hand to see which one she wanted. "I guess I'll take this one, and set it facedown. I'll then end my turn."
Applebloom's Life Points: 8500-

Turn 2: Babs Seed

"Not bad, cus." She then picked up her hand and began to look through her options. "My turn, to start I'll play my Fortune Lady Light(?/?) in defense mode. My Fortune Ladies' attack and defense are based on their levels. In the case, of my Fortune Lady Light, she gains 200 points time her level. Since right now she's only level 1, her attack/defense are 200 points each. Then I'll activate my spell card, Fortune Lady Calling. This lets me summon another 'Fortune Lady' from my deck. So come out my Fortune Lady Earth(?/?)!" Now Babs had two Fortune Ladies on her field. "My Fortune Lady is level 6 and it gets 400 attack for each level. So her true strength is 2400. Now take out her Aromage Jasmine!" Fortune Lady Earth then struck the ground which caused thorns to come up and destroy Applebloom's monster. "I'll end my turn and place a card facedown."

Turn 3: Applebloom

"Now thanks to field spell since an 'Amora' monster was destroyed by battle I gain another 1000 life points. I'll then flip up my monster, Aroma Jar(500/400). Now I gain another 500 life points."
Applebloom's Life Points: 10,000-

"Geez, Applebloom. Since when did you start dueling like this?" said Babs.

"Now since a Plant-type monster was destroyed in battle, I can summon my Aromage Marjoram(2000/1600) from my hand and gain another 500 life points." Applebloom then looked at her hand and began to put her plan into motion. "Now I'll play the tuner monster, Aromaseraphy Angelica(0/0). Next I'll tune my level 1 Angelica with my level 5 Marjoram, I Synchro Summon, my Aromaseraphy Sweet Marjoram(2200/2000)!" Applebloom was now showing off her relatives the new summoning technique that Isaac taught her. "My monster's effect allows me to add my Blessed Winds trap card to my hand from my deck."
Applebloom's Life Points: 10,500-

"Next I'll have my Sweet Marjoram take out your Fortune Lady Earth!" Applebloom then commanded her monster to take out Fortune Lady Earth which she was successful.
Babs' Life Points: 7700-

Once Babs recovered from Applebloom's attack, she took a glance at her and had a smile on her face. "Well now, that's something I wasn't expecting from you cuz. You never do something as advanced as that, so tell me what changed?"

"I just had a good teacher." Applebloom then looked over at Isaac who just had a smile on his face and gave her a thumbs up.

"Well then, seems I need to step up my game if I want to keep up with you."

After the dueled ended, Applebloom ran up to Isaac as she gave him a hug for helping to improve her skills. She was so happy that she won that she wanted to introduce Isaac to the rest of her smaller relatives. So Applebloom and the rest of the CMC all dragged Isaac to the other kids as she told him that he was the reason why learned so many cool new moves. This caused all the kids to surround Isaac as they began to whale him with tons of questions about dueling and if they could have assistance with their cards. Isaac did his best to answer whatever questions they had; he even showed them his deck and his ace monsters. The moment Isaac showed them his Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl, all the kids were happy. The CMC then pulled out their little magicians' hats they made to show their love for Isaac's card. Of course the kids asked for a demonstration, so Isaac entertained them by having some friendly duels with the kids. Soon it was getting late as it was time for the barn dance.

In Braeburn’s barn, the Apple family reunion barn dance was in full swing. Turns out part of the Apple family was a bluegrass band, and a rather good one at that. They played music as many Apples and friends danced and sang along. For Isaac, it was heartwarming to see a big family so close with one another. It sorted reminded him of his own kin. Apparently, he wasn't the only family friend to be invited, as he saw many people he didn’t recognize who clearly were not Apples. Nevertheless, they sure acted like family, dancing around and not giving a care in the world. It wasn’t a formal event by any means, but Isaac decided it would be wise to look a little nicer. So Isaac approached Braeburn for some help and he gave Isaac some clothes to wear. He told Isaac that he could keep them as it didn't fit him anymore. Braeburn had given Isaac a black button-down shirt, black pants, and black shoes on. Not much, but it was up to par with what everyone else was wearing.

So Isaac got dressed and looked himself in the mirror. Then he made his way to the barn as the music was swinging into full gear. Isaac looked around and saw tons of adults having fun by dancing and mingling with one another. Isaac kept scanning the room, but Applejack was nowhere to be seen. Where was she? He couldn’t wait to see if she’s dressed up or not too.

“Y’all always liked to wear black, huh?” a familiar voice said next to him.

Isaac glanced beside him and saw Applejack. He did a double-take when he saw that Applejack had indeed decided to dress up as well. And wow did she look beautiful. A red button-down shirt, opened up at the top to reveal a yellowish-green undershirt to bring out her gorgeous green eyes, and outlining her curvy figure. An orange skirt dotted with red apple graphics, complemented by her boots, dotted with similar graphics. And she still wore her regular boots and cowgirl hat. It wasn’t extravagant or anything, but dressing up just a little bit made Applejack look amazing.

"What can I say, it looks good on me?" said Isaac with confidence. "Wow... you look great, Applejack.”

Thankfully, Applejack just gave an adorable southern guffaw, complemented by a smile.

“Y’all are so sweet,” Applejack says. “Thank you! Y’all look pretty sharp yourself.”

Isaac felt his cheeks go immediately red.

“Th-Thanks,” he said, rubbing his neck.

“C’mon! Let’s go dance!” Applejack says, dragging Isaac out into the crowd with her, not waiting for an answer.

"Hey wait a min...."

It was a little awkward at first since Applejack dragged Isaac out so suddenly, but eventually he started dancing. It was amazing. Isaac usually was not one for dancing, but all the Apples were so encouraging and welcoming that he felt comfortable enough to not give a care in the world and just dance. He even started humming along to some of the music, despite not knowing most of the songs. But for most of the time, Isaac's attention was focused on Applejack. It was wonderful to see her so happy. She was always more outgoing than he was. She even took his hands and started to encourage him to dance more. Honestly, he never had more fun in his life. The energy in the room was amazing. Just a family and their friends having fun with one another. It was truly unique, and it’s still heartwarming to see how close this family is. After a while, Isaac decided to take a break. Chasing Applejack around the orchard earlier did a great job a sapping your energy. Not to mention the many duels he did to demonstrate for the little kids really took a lot out of him. Taking a seat on a hay bale, Isaac watched everyone dance. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Babs Seed looked like they were having a blast. Even Big Mac and Granny Smith were dancing. All the while, Isaac just had a giant smile on his hand.

“Sugarcube?” a familiar voice says in front of him.

Isaac looked up to see Applejack staring back at him.

“Y’all okay?” she asks.

"Of course, Applejack. I just wanted to take a moment to catch my breath. I've been moving ever since we arrived that I just wanted to sit down and relax a bit. Also thanks, I'm really glad that I decided to come."

"Of course, sugar. As long as you enjoy yourself, I'm happy." Applejack returned a smile back to Isaac.

Suddenly, the music in the room shifts to something more… slow. Isaac saw everyone on the floor either leave or pair up and begin to slow dance. He felt his face going bright red at the realization of his current situation. A slow song just began, and Applejack was right here in front of him.

“AJ?” Isaac said.

“Yeah?” she asked.

Isaac's mind was on autopilot, seizing the opportunity. He stand up and offer Applejack his hand.

“Do… um… d-do you want to have one last dance?” Isaac ask while rubbing his neck.

Applejack just smiled. Though Isaac could barely make out a slight shade of red on her freckled cheeks.

“I thought y’all would never ask,” she said.

Isaac smiled and blushed. A shudder rippled through his body at the feeling of Applejack accepting his hand. Out of his peripheral vision, Isaac could see Apple Bloom and her friends looking at him and Applejack as he took her to the dance floor. Are they giggling? They arrived at the dance floor, and Isaac feel his heart start to pound against his chest as Applejack was getting closer to him. She wrapped her arms around Isaac's neck, and he tried to keep himself calm as he rest his hands on her waist. Isaac's heart was on fire as he was sharing a dance with Applejack. She was so close to him. Her green eyes have never been so beautiful, and her smile has never been prettier. They moved in time with the rhythm of the song as they moved their body to the beat. Then Applejack broke the silence.

“Sugarcube?” Applejack said, snapping Isaac out of his trance.

“Huh?” Isaac said dumbly.

“There’s somethin’ I’ve been wantin’ ta tell you,” Applejack says.

“What’s that?” he asked.

Applejack tighten her grip on Isaac's neck. "It seems... that... I've caught... feelings... for you."

Isaac's eyes then went wide at Aj's confession.

"I know it sounds weird, but… it’s true. I-I like you, Isaac. I really, really like you. I just didn’t want to ruin the greatest friendship we’ve ever had. I-I didn’t want to scare you away. But you've really shown me that you're amazing not just in terms of Duel Monsters but in just always being there for me and the girls. You're phenomenal."

Isaac’s eyes were now the widest they had been. He was silent for a moment, but that moment felt like an eternity to him. “Wow… I… I…” Isaac was starting to stammer with his words. Before he could give his response, Applejack started to drag Isaac away.

“Here,” Applejack says, “Come with me.”

She starts walking away, and Isaac follows her, presumably to a more private area. Applejack leads them outside to the side of the barn to some hay bales. Nobody else was around. Isaac then began to speak.

"Aj, look before you say anything. I just..." Isaac stopped talking when he saw Applejack take her hat off. Before he can question it, she tosses it off to the side, cupped his face, and brought him in for her very first kiss.

Isaac was caught completely off guard. It’s the polar opposite of what he was expecting, but his doubt and shock both faded away in an instant at the feeling of Applejack’s lips. His heart began to melt in total bliss as he wrapped his arms around Applejack's toned, muscular body. She moaned into his mouth as she began to take over leading the kiss. Isaac stumbled backwards and sat down on the hay bales with Applejack in his arms as she continued to kiss him. Soon Isaac found himself lying back down on the hay bales, as Aj was really putting more effort into the kiss. He could feel her moan into his mouth as she straddled him. She smelled like fresh apple pie. Applejack's scent was starting to cloud Isaac's senses and it filled his mind with warmth. She was not letting up as Isaac just kept his arms wrapped around Aj as he held her tightly, while slowly exploring her well toned body. And just like that, it was over. Applejack pulled away, leaving the both of them panting for air. Isaac was left totally speechless, as his brain was trying to process what just transpired.

Applejack just giggled. “Y’all alright?”

Isaac shook his head to try and refocus himself. "Yeah... wow... that was something."

Applejack laughs and brushes Isaac's hair. “I just took y’all out here ta get us some privacy.” She then smiled and started to stroke Isaac's cheek.

"How long have you had these feelings?" asked Isaac as he looked up at Applejack's eyes.

Applejack just gave Isaac a soft smile and a kiss on the cheek, making his heart melt a bit. "To be honest, I guess I started to like you when we first faced each other in the Fall Formal. You showed just how tough you were and weren't afraid to hold back. I'd admire that about you. I just couldn't bear the thought of losing you as a friend, which is why I had a tough time confessing my feelings." Applejack smiles and gets off of Isaac. She sits beside him and takes his hand as he sits up.

“I understand. You're are important to me too,” Isaac said.

“Really?” she asked.

Isaac then squeezed her hand and smiled at Applejack. Applejack was blushing from Isaac holding her hand. He then did something bold and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Isaac then gazed into Applejack's eyes and they never looked so beautiful. He lift his hand to brush the hair out of her face, making her shudder.

"You have the prettiest green eyes,” Isaac said.

A big smile grows on Applejack’s face, and her cheeks go bright red.

“Y-Y’all really think so?” she asks.

Isaac don’t respond with words, but instead another kiss. It wasn’t a long kiss, just a peck, but it was enough to make Applejack’s face go completely red.

“I’ve always thought that,” he says.

Applejack begins playing with the end of her ponytail, blushing majorly. Isaac can’t help but chuckle. It was rare to see her act so shy, but when she did it was the most adorable thing ever. He leaned in and kissed her again. Isaac feel her hands rest on the nape of his neck as he curled his hand around her thigh. Her lips were so sweet and delicious. Isaac never felt such a wonderful sensation before in his life. They pulled away, and Applejack pulls Isaac into a big hug. But it wasn’t a hug that made him question if she knew her own strength. It was perhaps the warmest, most loving hug she’s ever given you. Isaac's heart melted yet again as he wrapped his arms around her in return. Isaac never felt closer to Applejack in his life than right now.

“Wanna go back inside?” Applejack asks.

Isaac looked around, and notice the sun going down, about halfway set. Silhouetted against the fiery background of the sky was a familiar hill with a single apple tree on top.

“Actually, I have a better idea,” he said.

“Huh?” Applejack asks.

“That hill we raced to earlier, let’s watch the sunset from there. Just you and me.”

Applejack smiles big, and her eyes seem to light up.

“What’re we still doin’ here?” she says, grinning. “Let’s get goin’!”

Isaac just let out a chuckle. “Wanna race there?”

Applejack looks down at her hand, and shakes her head.

“Actually, let’s just walk,” she says, interlacing your fingers. “Together.”

Isaac's heart was fluttering at the way she was looking at him. He give her another peck before getting up from the hay bale. Hand-in-hand, Isaac and Applejack walked to the hill. The sky slowly gets darker as they got closer to the hill, but they didn’t care. Isaac currently walking while holding Applejack’s hand. At this point, nothing else mattered but her. Eventually, Isaac and Applejack reached the summit of the hill, and the sight was nothing short of breathtaking. Dozens upon dozens of apple trees dotted the landscape, illuminated by the setting sun. The sky was aflame with an array of brilliant, vivid colors, and the sun was just low enough to allow the starry night sky to peek through. A truly majestic sight.

“Land sakes…” Applejack says, her eyes filled with wonder.

“Yeah…” says Isaac, bringing her to the apple tree.

Isaac sat down, leaning back on the trunk. He looked at Applejack and patted the spot in front of you, holding his arms out to her. Applejack smiles, and takes a seat in front of him. She takes her hat off, letting her long hair flow like a golden waterfall. She leans back on Isaac's chest, letting out a relaxed sigh. She looks up at him, and places her hat on his head, making Isaac chuckle. Applejack snuggles up with him as Isaac wrapped his arms around her, making her melt in his embrace. Isaac was now starting to brush Aj's hair, making her moan and lean into his hand. Her hair was so silky, seamlessly running through his fingers. Isaac then spotted a fallen apple next to him. A very tasty looking one, at that. He picked it up and dusted it off. Isaac noticed Applejack looking in the direction of his hand. She looks up at him, and he gave her a smile as he brought the apple closer to her mouth. She looks at the apple, then at Isaac, giving him a giggle before taking a bite out of the apple. Isaac chuckled at how cute Aj was looking right now. He then took a bite out of the apple himself, making her laugh again. He handed the apple to her and wrapped his arms around her again.

Isaac gave her a kiss on the cheek, making her giggle. He couldn't help but smile at how girly her giggle is. Perhaps the girliest giggle he'd ever heard from her, and it was the cutest thing ever. Isaac pulled away from Applejack's cheek, only for her to turn her head towards him and connect his lips in another kiss. He didn’t fight one bit. He could taste a bit of apple juice on her lips, making the kiss even better. Isaac pulled away, and Aj relaxed in his embrace. He squeezed her in his arms as they both gazed out into the distance. The setting sun ignites the sky with colors. The only sound came from the rustling leaves of the tree above them. So peaceful… so serene… and Isaac was sharing it all with Applejack. He brushed her hair as he admired the amazing vista. Isaac could hear her moan as he ran his fingers through Aj's golden hair. There’s no place he’d rather be than with his favorite farmgirl.

“Sure is gorgeous,” Applejack says.

“Almost as pretty as you,” Isaac said.

Applejack giggles and squeezed his hands. “Aw shucks, sugarcube…”

“I’m being honest,” he said. “Look at me. Does it look like I'm lying to you?”

“No… y’all ain’t lyin’,” Applejack says, her face going bright red. "I ain't that pretty, am I?”

Isaac squeezed her in his arms and gave her a peck. “Yes you are, AJ.”

She continues to blush, and chuckle nervously. It’s so cute.

“Wow… n-nobody’s ever said that to me before…” she said.

“Well I’m saying it right now,” he said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “You’re beautiful, Applejack.”

"You know, I'm glad Applebloom decided to invite you. I figured it be my chance to get some alone time with you. I'm never felt so happy than right now."

Applejack giggles again. She begins playing with her hair as she gazes up at Isaac. Her forest green eyes appear to sparkle as she looked up at him. Isaac gave her another tender kiss, feeling her melt in his arms as their lips touched. Isaac pulled away, and Applejack snuggled up in his embrace, gazing out into the distance. He continued to brush her hair, holding her tight as they watched the sun set together.

While Applejack and Isaac were hanging out on the hill top, there was one person who was looking where they were and smiling. Applebloom had saw her sister lead Isaac outside from their dance and it peaked her curiosity. So she followed them outside and peeked her head around the corner and saw Applejack kissing Isaac with everything she had. Once they discussed on heading to the hilltop, Applebloom pulled her head back to avoid getting in trouble for spying. She saw them leave and she couldn't help but to have a huge smile on her face. "Seems my plan worked." Applebloom was happy that her big sis finally got to spend some alone time with Isaac as she knew how happy Applejack was when she was with him. Applebloom just wished her sister good luck and hoped that sooner or later she could have someone else to call her big brother.

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