• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,577 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 63: Meeting a Superstar

Sometime after Isaac's new job, business had picked up. Now the place was gaining traction as everyday there was a decent amount of people who visited the shop. Not to mention that the little kids sometimes dragged their parents to the place, just so they could have a chance to listen to Isaac's teachings. This was good as Mr. Johnson was bringing in more revenue than he did prior and he couldn't be more happy that it was due to Isaac being able to connect with the younger audience. Even Twilight had told their friends about Isaac's new job and the girls all went out their way to advertise about the place as a way to attract more attention towards them. So when both Mr. Johnson and Isaac opened up their shop one day and saw a massive line that wrapped around the block, safe to say that they were both happy and shocked. So they each got to work with helping the shoppers to pick out the things/items they wanted, to Isaac entertaining the kids, and to even showing off his dueling skills.

The girls even stopped by to check out Isaac's new jig and safe to say that it was the perfect fit for him. They got to see Isaac in action as he was running all over the place from entertaining the kids to helping out the adults with their purchase. Isaac was a regular superman as he was running all over the place and he wasn't even showing an hint of exhaustion, in fact, it seemed to give him more energy than ever. Once noon hit, the girls made their presence known as Isaac introduced his boss to the rest of this friends. They told the both of them about how they helped to spread the word about this establishment; both Isaac and Mr. Johnson were thankful for the girls for helping them out.

A few days passed by as there was a fairly medium amount of people looking through the store. Mr. Johnson was taking care of some customers at the counter, while Isaac was cleaning up by putting away the card boxes/sets. He then made his way past the counter and into the back as he put the cards safely away. He then came back as to check on the customers to see if they needed any assistance. Isaac then turned the corner and saw what look to be a women browsing through the different card packs; at least, he thought it was seeing as the only thing he had to go off was the fact that they were wearing heels. Other than that, the person wore a big thick trench coat and had a sunhat that was on their head. Isaac then approached the person.

"Uh, excuse me, sir/madam." said Isaac.

"Oh." The person turned around and saw Isaac.

Isaac saw the person's face and now he could confirm it was indeed a female as she was wearing some earrings and had some makeup on her face. "Pardon, me for interrupting you, but I was just wondering if you had any questions or concerns."

"Oh, you work here?" said the women. Isaac simply nodded his head. "Oh well, I'm just simply looking."

"Alright then, if you need anything just let me know." Isaac then started to walk but the women got his attention once more.

"Uhm, before you leave. Could you answer a question; is this something that normal people get?" said the women as she held up a card pack.

Isaac turned around and raised an eyebrow. "Normal people?" said Isaac as he was confused by what she was referring to. "Uh.. yeah. Let me guess, you're interested in Duel Monsters."

"Actually, I was hoping to get some new cards for my deck. So when I arrived in town, I heard that this was the place to go if you wanted to get some cards." said the women.

"Well I don't know if all that is true, but yeah, if you need some cards then this is the place to be. So what deck do you use?" asked Isaac.

The women then looked to her left and right to check is anybody was listening/watching. "I'd like to keep that piece of information private. Lets say that if I show it then I'll be in trouble."

"Okay..." said Isaac as he was getting really suspicious about this women. "Well if I don't know what type of deck, then I could just recommend some basic cards that would work in almost any deck. Come with me." With that Isaac led the women to the card display.

Once they got there, Isaac began to pull out some cards and put them on top of the glass so that she could see them. He then told her their many abilities/functions on how they would work and he even offered her a suggestion by pulling out a certain card. "Here this may help you, it's call Rainbow Kuriboh. It may seem small but it has a powerful ability." suggested Isaac.

The women took the card from Isaac's hand and got a good look at it. She thought the little guy was cute. "I'll say this guy could prove useful. Thanks, uhm.."

"Oh right, sorry for not introducing myself. I'm Isaac. And you are?" asked Isaac.

The women looked around once more before saying to Isaac, "Seems like you're someone I can trust my name with. My name is..." Just then a couple of kids were running by as they were playing with some plastic swords; they didn't see where they were going that they bumped into the women as she started to fall forward and would have fallen had Isaac not caught her in his arms.

"You okay?" said Isaac as he was concern for the women.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." The bump from the kids had knocked off the women's hat and Isaac could see that the women was actually a girl who seemed to be around his age. He got a good look at her and to be honest, Isaac thought she was rather cute. He wasn't able to make out much of her features other than that her skin was light gray and she had dark hair. Then then made their way to the register as the girl had made her purchases.

"Well I hope that you found everything to your liking." said Isaac as he handed the girl her new found cards.

"Believe me, I too am happy with the service I received. Thanks for the assistance, Isaac." She gave a respectfully bow as Isaac just stood there rubbing his neck. "Farewell." The girl then left through the door as he put her hat back on.

"Interesting girl." said Isaac as he went back to working. Not too long after, the doorbell rang once more and the people who walked in were none other than Rarity and Sweetie Belle who were looking for Isaac.

"Isaac!? Isaac!?" shouted both girls.

"I'm right here!" shouted back Isaac. Then the girls made their way to where Isaac was washing the windows. "Hey Rarity, Sweetie Belle? What's up?"

"Ohh, do we have news for you!" said Sweetie Belle as she couldn't contain her excitement.

"What is it?" said Isaac as he climbed down the ladder.

"We just got tickets to a Countess Coloratura concert in the park this Saturday. Isn't that exciting?" shouted the small girl.

"That's great, just one question: Who's Countess Coloratura?" asked Isaac.

Both Rarity and Sweetie Belle had the biggest gasp. Rarity then reestablished herself as she began to explain. "Why darling, how have you never heard of her? Well let me educate you then, she's only one of the prettiest and talented singers in all of Canterlot! She became one of the fastest/youngest stars to make it big in the musical world." Rarity then pulled out her phone and showed a picture of the person to Isaac.

Isaac took a good look at the picture and couldn't help but to notice that she looked strangely familiar. "Well it's nice to know that you girls got tickets, but why tell me?" asked Isaac as he put the ladder away.

"Well you see we initially invited Sweetie Belle's friends, so seeing as they're still young they need some chaperones to watch them. However, Rainbow has a sports event that she needs to attend Saturday. So as you can see Scootaloo really wants to go but her parents can't take her, so we wanted to see if you could take her and act as her chaperone. Plus seeing as how you haven't heard of Coloratura, this could be a wonderful introduction to her." suggested Rarity.

"It's not that I'm against attending a concert, Rarity. Back in my hometown, there was a lot of famous celebrities that would come to town and perform for thousands of people in arenas/stadiums. Just wondering how this fits me." asked Isaac.

"Well that's what I wanted talk about." interrupted Sweetie Belle. "Recently, Countess Coloratura had incorporated dueling into her concerts. After she finishes her musical showcases, she typically has a duel between either someone she selects or someone from the crowd. And let me say that she's been undefeated recently. Not to mention that she uses a Melodious deck!" shouted Sweetie Belle who couldn't hold back her inner fangirl.

"Ahh, so that's the reason. Also I now know where you got the idea to have a Melodious deck, Sweetie Belle." said Isaac which caused Sweetie Belle to turn red from embarrassment.

"Indeed, so darling. What do you think, Applejack and Applebloom are also invited?" said Rarity as she had the extra ticket in front of her.

Isaac took the ticket and looked at it; he looked at the time of when the concert would start. "Well given that it starts about half an hour after I get out of work, I think I can attend."

"Excellent, darling. Now we just have to make sure that you're presentable for the concert." said Rarity as she pulled out her notebook.

"Yeah, I think I'll go in my regular outfit." said Isaac as he pointed to what he was always wearing. "It's my signature look and I wouldn't want to mess with it, plus this is a concert. I'm pretty sure casual wear is fine, but if you girls want to dress up, be my guest. Besides, now that I know she's also a duelist, I'm looking forward to seeing how she handles her deck."

"Oh trust me, it's simply amazing." said Sweetie Belle as she was jumping up and down. "If you thought you were impressed with my skills, then you'll be blown away by what she can with the same deck."

"I'll be the judge of that, Sweetie Belle. Well thanks girls, anyways I've gotta get back to work. But I'll make sure to be there Saturday." said Isaac as he gave the Belle sisters a thumbs up.

"Thanks for doing this darling, you have no idea how blessed Scootaloo will be." With that Sweetie Belle then hugged Isaac's lower body while he just patted her head. Rarity then expressed her gratitude by giving Isaac a quick peck on his lips; then the girls left as Isaac waved back and returned to his job.

Soon it was Saturday and business was booming as usual. Isaac and Mr. Johnson had placed their order for the new cards that were expected to release soon and they both wanted to get their hands on them. Aside from that, they went about their normal duties as they helped customers with their shopping. Soon evening was beginning to show as the sun was just starting to dip down, thankfully it was summer so that meant more daylight. With that Mr. Johnson decided to close up shop as he had to head upstairs. He gave Isaac spare set of keys and told him to lock the place up when he was finished. Isaac told him not to worry and he quickly got to work. Soon everything was put back in its place and Isaac was getting ready to lock up.

He noticed the Applejack, Rarity and the CMC were all waiting for him outside as he stepped through the door. Upon first glance, both Rarity and Sweetie Belle decided to wear something nice, while Applejack and Applebloom just wore their normal clothes.

"Hey sugarcube, ready to go."

"Just give me a second, Applejack." Isaac then pulled out the spare keys and with it locked the door. "Alright, now I'm ready."

"Then lets go!" shouted Rarity and Sweetie Belle who couldn't wait to see the performance of a lifetime.

The group all made it to the park where there was thousands of people all lining up who couldn't wait to see Countess Coloratura. They then all made it to the gate, where the security guard scanned their tickets and allowed them in. The CMC were ecstatic as they couldn't believe they were attending their first ever live concert. Isaac and the girls just gave them all smiles at how they were acting.

"So Applejack, how do you know about this Countess Coloratura?" asked Isaac.

"To be honest, ah don't. See when Rarity mentioned the name, ah had no clue to who she was referrin' to. So when she showed me some pictures, it still didn't help. But then ah got to rememberin' about a girl that ah met when I just a younglin'. Her name too was Coloratura, ultimately ah gave up on callin' her that so I just shorten it too 'Rara'. Anyways we grew up and well became fast friends, we even performed a little song at camp when we were little. After that well, we lost touch. She always did want to go to Manehattan to make it big. Then Rarity mentioned the same thing about this Countess startin' out in Manehattan that ah assumed that it was probably the same person." said Applejack.

"Well is it?" asked Isaac.

"Hard to say, sugarcube. But for now, lets just have a good time." Applejack then snuck in a kiss from Isaac while Rarity was busy with the girls.

Soon they all were in position as they watched the concert begin as the CMC were screaming at the top of their lungs. Then the curtain opened up as the agent of Countess Coloratura came up with the hype man next to him. The agent then got on the microphone as he had something to save.

"Good evening ladies and gentleman, we hope that you're all doing great. We will begin very shortly and let me speak on behalf of Countess Coloratura, it's truly an amazing place to be here right now. Now all the revenue that's generated from this concert will go to a decent charity as Countess Coloratura is always thinking of the community." The crowd cheered for that statement; then started chanting "Countess" as it started to get louder and louder.

The hype man then took over as that was his cue. "And now, the moment you have all been waiting for. She's one of the fastest and youngest stars to ever make it in the musical industry. She's also a formable duelist who been undefeated ever since she started dueling after her shows. It may been a while, but she's finally here. So then, let ask a question: Are you ready?" The crowd gave a mild response. "No, no! I said: Are You Ready!!!" said the hype man with much more vigor in his voice to which the crowd responded at the top of their lungs to show their excitement. "Very well then, now give a warm welcome to the mistress of songstress, the sexy diva, she is Countess Coloratura!!" With that the music started to play as many backup dancers were in position and then began to move in time with the beat. Then coming down the stairway on the stage was a girl who started to sing.

Safe to say everybody was enjoying themselves. Isaac just looked on he was taking in the show; he found it enjoyable as he could see the girls having fun by moving to the beat of the music. Soon the song ended and girl on stage began to sing another song. The crowd couldn't get enough as they were cheering louder than when they first started. Countess Coloratura then snapped her fingers as the stage went dark and when they came back on, she was now wearing a different outfit as the next song started to play.

As the final song winded down, Countess Coloratura then did one final pose as pyro and fireworks went off. The crowd expressed their admiration for her by cheering and whistling at the top of their lungs. Countess Coloratura then got back on the mic as she had a announcement to make. "Thank you all, you've all been a wonderful audience. Now in a few moments, I'll be partaking in a duel. But before that I want to say that you all needed a ticket to enter this place. Well let me say that out of everybody here, there was a special ticket because when revealed under a certain light not only does it shine brightly but it serves as who will be my opponent for tomorrow's performance. So would everybody raise your tickets up high as the special spotlight will shine over all of them. And whichever shines the brightest will be the person who has the honor of competing with me in tomorrow's duel."

With that everybody raised their tickets high into the air as the spotlight shined on them all. At first they was a lot of bright lights to come off of the tickets, eventually some died down. However, there was one that was shining the brightest and it still kept on burning even after all the others faded. Eventually it was the only single light as shined with all the colors of the rainbow in a sea of people. The spotlight then landed on the person who was holding it and the crowd around them part, now Countess Coloratura had a visual of who it was though she could barely make the person out. The person holding the ticket was none other than Isaac. It was then at that moment that the duel between the Countess Coloratura and her opponent began.

After the crowd turned their attention to the duel that was about to start, Applejack, Rarity, and the CMC were all in shock. They couldn't believe that out of all the tickets, Isaac's was the one to shine the brightest and that would mean he would get a chance to compete against the pop idol.

"Land sakes, talk about luck."

"My word, darling. It's crazy to think that somehow you got the special ticket."

"I guess." said Isaac.

"I can't believe it." shouted Sweetie Belle. "Do you know how many people are lucky just to have duel with someone as her? Why it's practically impossible, and you're the person to face tomorrow night. Oh I can't wait!"

After Sweetie Belle's freak-out, they all turned their attention back to the duel that was taking place. The battle was interesting to say the least at Countess Coloratura showed that not only did she slay on the music, but that she had some skills when it came to welding a deck. Right now her opponent had a powerful monster on their field and they called it to attack the Countess' monster, but she did a move that really captured everybody's attention.

"I'll activate the effect of my Rainbow Kuriboh from my hand, whenever your monster declares an attack. I can then attach this monster to it and as a result it can't attack." Out came a tiny monster that looked similar to Isaac's Kuriboh as it flew from its master's hand and collided with the opponent's monster and halted its assault. Everybody was amazed how Countess Coloratura had managed to pull off such a powerful move.

Isaac on the other hand was surprised when Coloratura had pulled out Rainbow Kuriboh. "Rainbow Kuriboh? Could it be... nah, there's no way?" said Isaac as he was suspicious about a couple of things.

Soon the duel ended as Countess Coloratura had emerged the victor. The crowd cheered her name as she waved to the crowd. She then gave one final bow as the curtain closed and the concert was over. The audience then started to head out, Isaac and the rest of the girls were also getting ready to leave when they were approached by someone. It was none other that the agent of Countess Coloratura.

"I'm here under the authority of the Countess Coloratura. You were the person who had the special ticket, so I'm here to escort you to meet the Countess to discuss your duel with her tomorrow. Come with me." said the man.

"Is it alright, if I bring my friends with me? They're a huge fan of Countess Coloratura, besides if it wasn't for them giving me the ticket then I wouldn't be the one to battle her tomorrow." said Isaac.

The agent took a quick glance at the girls behind Isaac and thought about it. "Alright, they can come. Just don't cause any trouble." said the man with a stern voice. With that the agent then led Isaac and the girls to the backstage area.

The bodyguard that was position near the door gave a quick nod to Coloratura's agent and opened the door for them to enter. They were now inside the dressing room of Countess Coloratura, inside there was a conch as well as table filled with tons of different tasty foods. There was a mirror and racks full of different outfits, there was even a panel room divider that was in the room. The thing was that it showed the silhouette/outline of a women changing to which Isaac quickly covered his eyes with his hand. He knew it was inappropriate to look at a women who was naked without their consent, or at least that was what his mother told him. Eventually, the agent spoke up.

"Excuse me, Countess. I've brought the person."

"Goody then," Countess Coloratura then stepped out as she saw the people in front of her, she even saw Isaac who was still covering his eyes. She couldn't help but giggle at how Isaac was trying to show proper manners. "It's okay you can look."

Isaac then took off his hand and slowly took in the sight before him. Standing in front of him was the same girl he had met this morning, she had the same a light grey skin and dark hair. However, compared to when Isaac first saw her, she was now wearing a beautiful dark violet sleeveless shirt with blue trims. She also had a matching skirt that reached down to her knees, not to mention that she had beautiful baby blue eyes that shinned like the night sky.

Countess Coloratura then quickly saw Applejack and she let out a gasp, "Applejack, is that you?"

"Rara?" said Applejack. "Ha, ah knew it was you. Nobody can sing like you." Applejack then gave Rara a quick hug as they couldn't believe they had managed to see each other in such a long time.

"It's been too long. How have you been?" asked Rara.

"Been doin' fine, still makin' sure the farm is in tip top shape. What bout you? Last ah heard from you was you goin' to Manehattan to live yer dream." stated Applejack.

"Well I did and well lets say that my career took off smoothly. I got to entertain people and do the thing I love the most and that was to sing for my adoring fans." Rara then looked behind her friend. "Mind introducing me to your friends, Applejack?"

"Oh, right. Rara, I'd like you to meet my pals. This is here is my friend Rarity and her little sister, Sweetie Belle. They're big fans of yours. This little trickster is my sister Applebloom; this here is Scootaloo. And this lovely gentleman is..." Applejack was about to say when Rara interrupted her.

"Isaac. I know." Everybody except Isaac was confused on how Rara knew his name.

"Rara, how do you know Isaac?" asked Aj.

"Because of this," Rara then pulled out a card to which was none other than Rainbow Kuriboh. "He gave this to me."

"I figured it was you." Isaac then looked at the girls who still had their jaws dropped. "What!?"

"Darling! Why didn't you tell us that you met Countess Coloratura" shouted Rarity.

"How the hell was I supposed to know it was her? She was in disguise and was shopping for stuff, so I did my duty and helped pick out some cards. Besides, I didn't know who she was till you mentioned her." pointed Isaac at Rarity.

"Yes, well I just wanted to say thank you. With all the cards that you suggested to me, my deck really has improved since I last played it. I must say you really know your stuff." complemented Rara.

"Thanks for the kind words, Countess Coloratura." said Isaac with a bow.

Rara just let out a giggle at how Isaac was acting like a proper gentleman. "Just call me, Rara." She then leaned over so that Applejack could only hear her, "So tell me, Applejack. Is Isaac the lucky man to sweep you off your feet?"

Applejack immediately blushed at the comment made by her friend. Rara just giggled at how her friend was acting. "It's nothin' like that, Isaac is just here because he's the lucky person with the ticket."

Rara then turned her attention back to Isaac. "So, you're the lucky person with the special ticket. Well then, lets have a look." Rara then started to examine Isaac as she started to walk around him. Isaac was confused by what Rara was doing that before he could speak up, she grabbed a hold of his chin and looked deep into his eyes. Rara was staring deep into Isaac's brown eyes as she was looking into his soul. She then gave a light hearted laugh as she surprised everybody by giving Isaac a quick peck on the cheek. "Yep, he'll do."

"That was odd." said Isaac as he touched his cheek.

Rara then sat down on her couch as she invited Isaac to sit down next to her. Isaac did just that and she began to ask him some questions. "So, tell me? What did think of my performance?"

"Despite not ever hearing of you, no offense. I'll say that you really rocked the house, not to mention that you were totally in control of that duel." said Isaac.

"I see you're also quite the charmer." giggled Rara. "So in terms of dueling, just how skilled are you?"

"Heck, Isaac is one tough city slicker. In fact, he's currently ranked as the champ of our school." said Applejack.

"Indeed, our darling Isaac here is a phenomenal duelist. Perhaps you can show her your deck?" suggested Rarity.

"I guess it couldn't hurt." Isaac then reached into the side of his belt as he opened the deck box as he pulled out his deck. He then gave it to Rara as she began to examine his every card.

Suffice to say that she believed Rarity's word on Isaac being a strong duelist. Every card she came across caught her attention; she also saw that Isaac had a few Kuriboh cards himself. Then she saw the cards that she knew right away were Isaac's most prized possessions. She took a good long look at his Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl. Rara just let out a small smile as she gave Isaac back his cards.

"Well let me say, Isaac. Your cards are lucky to have you as their owner."

"Thanks, that means a lot coming from a pop star." said Isaac. Isaac then gestured Sweetie Belle to join them. "Hey, Sweetie Belle. Don't you want to show Rara your deck?"

Sweetie Belle was a bit shy that she was hiding behind her sister. She was hesitant on stepping forward; but the way Isaac and Rara were giving her a warm smile it kind of gave her the confidence to step forward.

"Hello, Ms. Rara." said Sweetie Belle in a shy voice.

"Hello, Sweetie Belle." returned Rara.

"You know, Rara. Sweetie Belle here is a big fan of yours, and not just your music. In fact, she's such a huge fan of yours that she has her own Melodious deck. Show her." Isaac gestured Sweetie Belle to show Rara her deck; Sweetie Belle was hesitant but she eventually pulled it out.

Sweetie Belle looked at her deck before she handed it to Rara. "Here, it's not much. At least, not compared to yours."

Rara took Sweetie Belle's deck and began to examine it. She was impressed that someone as young as her was so inspired by her that it made her heart melt. She saw that Sweetie Belle had the basic cards of a Melodious deck, but she also had her own take on it. She had cards that Rara didn't have in her own deck; overall, Rara was impressed with how Sweetie Belle had constructed her own deck to match her style.

"Well, I must say, your deck is certainly a top notch. I'm so happy that I've inspired you to create a deck that's similar to mine." said Rara as she gave the little girl a warming smile and a hug.

"It means so much to me to hear that from you." squealed Sweetie Belle. "However, my deck wouldn't be where it is now, if it wasn't for Isaac. He actually made many improvements to it."

"He did now?" Rara then turned back to Isaac who was rubbing his neck while laughing embarrassingly. "So you created this deck?"

"I didn't do much, all I did was add a few cards and gave a few pointers. Ultimately, it was Sweetie Belle who morphed that deck into her own. I just offered my assistance." said Isaac.

Rara just let out a giggle. "Well you certainly are helpful. Next to helping those around you, that really is an attractive quality in person." Rara gave Isaac flirty eyes as she gave him her praises. "Now then, why don't you show me what you can do, Sweetie Belle?" With that Sweetie Belle began to show Rara what she could do as they all watched her enjoy herself by talking with her idol about her deck.

The next day, Isaac was back to work as he was helping out some customers. Mr. Johnson was currently in the back going over some inventory, so that left Isaac to help with the customers and run the counter. Isaac had his cards out on the counter as he was going over some strategies. Just then the doorbell rang as in came a person; Isaac looked up and saw that it was Rara, but she wasn't wearing any disguise, nor was she wearing any fancy makeup. Thankfully, nobody knew she was Countess Coloratura as she always wore fancy attires and had tons of makeup to conceal her real features. Rara looked around till she saw who she was looking for.

"There you are, Isaac. So has it been busy?" asked Rara as she leaned on the counter.

"Hey, Rara. To answer your question, well everything's been okay. Not too many customers, but enough to make some profits." replied Isaac.

"That's good to hear." Rara then looked down on the counter and saw Isaac's cards spread out. "Let me guess, you're preparing for our duel tonight."

"Yes and no." said Isaac as he picked up some of his cards. "Generally, when it's not that busy, I tend to play with myself and my cards. Helps us to relax and keep our skills sharpen."

"I can see that my assumption on you being passionate about Duel Monsters was spot on." giggled Rara. "Anyways, I came by to give you this." Rara then pulled out a backstage pass as she gave it to Isaac. "This is for you to have; all you need to do is show to the guard and he'll let you in. Then you'll just wait until it's time for our duel to start. Ohh, I can't wait to see what you can do."

"Well, I've been known to give a girl a good time. So believe me, I'll give you a duel that you'll never forget." winked Isaac as he let out a smile.

"I look forward to it." smiled Rara. "I'll see you tonight." Rara then gave Isaac a quick peck on the cheek as she left the store and headed back to the park to rehearse her performance and her dueling skills.

After Rara left, Isaac grabbed the backstage pass and looked at it. He then put it in his back pocket as he got back to work. Soon it was closing time, as Isaac had done one final check of everything in the store. He then grabbed his duel disk as he locked the store and then headed over to his destination. He arrived at the park and saw even more people than yesterday's performance. Earlier in the day, Isaac received a text from Rarity saying that she, Applejack, and the CMC would be watching from the crowd. Thankfully, Rara was nice enough to give Isaac's friends front row seats so that they could witness both of them dueling. Isaac got to the gate entrance, where he pulled out the backstage pass to which the guard let him pass and told him where to go.

Isaac followed the instructions and he soon found himself near the back entrance of the stage. He then arrived at the room where he would be staying until they called him; he noticed the big bodyguard that was standing next to the door. The guard stopped him as Isaac pulled out the backstage pass, the guard checked it properly to make sure that it was real. He then opened the door as Isaac gave him a hearty 'thank you'. Isaac stepped through and found himself in corridor that at one end led to the stage, while there was a door at the other end. Isaac then walked through the door and opened it, once he stepped in he saw that Rara was already waiting for him. She gave Isaac a hug as she welcomed him; she told them that this is where he would stay until they called him. Soon Rara's agent came to get her, so she then changed into a simple attire as tonight she wanted to just be herself without any smoke and mirrors to cover her true reflection. So she gave Isaac one last goodbye as she went out to perform.

Isaac was left to make himself comfortable, so he grabbed some food and drinks as he sat on the couch. He was able to watch Rara's performance thanks to a monitor that was broadcasting her concert for all the world to see. Safe to say that compared to her performance from yesterday, Rara was more into it. That wasn't to say that her performance from the other night was bad, but tonight she felt like she was being true to herself, like she was showing the world who 'Rara' truly was. It definitely brought a tear to Isaac's eyes as he listened to Rara's final performance. Everybody started pull out their phones and lighting them up.

When Rara finished her last song, the crowd was so moved by it that they all stood up and gave a thunderous applause that even Isaac could hear. Rara just stood up from playing the piano and gave one final bow as she waved to her adoring fans. Rara's agent then came into the room as he signaled Isaac that they were about to start, so Isaac grabbed his duel disk and slotted in his deck. Rara was still on stage as she got a microphone to say a few things.

"Thank you everyone. I couldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for all of my supporting fans. Not to mention that I got to see an old friend who reminded me that if I was true to myself, I couldn't go wrong." Rara was now looking at Applejack who just gave her friend a smile. "I've also been blessed to entertain you all with my dueling skills, which I'm sure that you've all noticed how amazing it's been lately." The crowd all agreed as they were impressed with Rara's dueling ability. "Well let me be the first to say that I wouldn't have that kind of skill if it wasn't for a new friend that I made recently. He's shown that not only does he help his friends, but that he's willing to put others before him to put smiles on their faces. This person did just that for me and more, in fact, he's my opponent this evening." Rara then looked off to the side as she gestured for Isaac to walk out. "Please give a warm welcome to Isaac."

Isaac made his way out as he covered his eyes from the bright lights in his face. He then heard some audience members clapping while others were murmuring amongst themselves. Rara then spoke again.

"Isaac here is not just my opponent, but he's also the reason why my dueling has been top notch. A few days ago, I met this young boy and well he helped me to wow you all by giving some improvements to my deck." The moment Rara said that, the crowd really started to talk as they couldn't believe that someone like Isaac had the privilege/honor of making edits to someone as popular as Rara. "So without further ado, lets get started."

Both Isaac and Rara looked at each other as they exchanged handshakes, then they got a good distance from each other as they activated their duel disks. Rara turned hers on which shot out a white card tray, while Isaac's projected a gold tray. Rara's agent then came up on stage as he would act as the official referee for this match. "Ladies and gentleman, we will now begin the duel. Countess Coloratura or Rara, who's been undefeated these past few performance will take on the opponent she's hand selected, Isaac! If both duelist are ready, then let the duel... commence!"

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said the voice of their duel disks.

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Rara's Life Points: 8000-

"It's time to duel, Rara." said Isaac. "Seeing as how my parents raised me to be a gentleman and treat a women with respect, you can have the first move." Offered Isaac as he gave a quick bow.

Turn 1: Rara

"Quite the charmer." giggled Rara. "Oh if I wasn't a traveling musical superstar, I would have fallen for you in a heartbeat." Rara then drew her opening hand. "Now then, draw. I'll start this musical off with my favorite piece, First Solo Movement. Now since I control no monsters, I can special summon one level 4 or below 'Melodious' monster from my hand or deck. So I chose this one, Serenade the Melodious Diva(400/1900) in defense mode." Rara now had a monster who had a harp wing coming out of her shoulder. "Now time to take things up a notch, hope you're ready Isaac. Cause now I'll tribute my Serenade and bring out Mozarta the Melodious Maestra(2600/2000). Serenade's ability allows me to treat it as 2 tributes." Now Rara had one of her powerful monsters on her field as she waved her hands.

"Mozarta's effect allows me to special summon a fairy-type monster from my hand, so come on out Tamtam the Melodious Diva(1000/2000) in defense mode. Now whenever Tamtam was special summoned while I control a 'Melodious' monster, I can add a 'Polymerization' to my hand." Rara then touched her duel screen as it ejected her the card she wanted. "Now my final move will be to summon Aria the Melodious Diva(1600/1200); in case you're wondering, Serenade's other effect allows me to have an addition summon this turn. With that I'll place a single facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Isaac

"Woah, what a turn. Time to see how I follow up that number." said Isaac as he drew his card. "To start, I'll special summon my Apprentice Illusion Magician. So by sending one card to the graveyard, I can summon her. Next, my magician's other effect allows me to add a 'Dark Magician' to my hand." Isaac then touched his duel screen, as Apprentice Illusion Magician appeared and then casted a spell as a card manifest in front of Isaac for him to grab. "Next I'll play my Ancient Rules spell card and with it I'll play my most loyal servant, Dark Magician!" Dark Magician then descended on the stage as it caused everybody in the crowd to have big eyes. Rara was just in awe of seeing such a monster as it joined Isaac's side.

"I'll say your Dark Magician is much more handsome now that I've got to see him up close." said Rara.

"Hear that, Mahad. Seems you got an admirer." said Isaac with a smug smile.

"Yes, well..." Mahad cleared his voice at what Isaac said. "Unfortunately, my first and only admiration is my duty to serve you, master."

"Such a shame," said Isaac. Now then, Rara has a field full of monsters and she was able to add Polymerization to her hand last turn. Which means she plans on summoning out that card which will make things that much harder. "I'll then play my Magic Formula and give my Dark Magician 700 more attack points. Now Dark Magician attack Aria!"

"Thanks to my Aria's effect, all my monsters can't be targeted by card effects or destroyed by battle!" shouted Rara. At that moment, Dark Magician had landed a blow as it fired a powerful spell that caused Aria to stumble and fall down.

"That may be, but I can deal damage to your life points. Next I'll play Big Shield Gardna in defense mode and then place one card facedown and end my turn."
Rara's Life Points: 6400-

The moment Isaac had managed to land some damage to Rara, the crowd then started to boo him. Especially her fanboys who were jeering Isaac for harming their 'girl'. Isaac could see that the crowd was getting hostile, so he turned to Rara for some assistance. "Mind telling your fans to cool off, Rara?"

Turn 3: Rara

"They're just expressing how they feel." said Rara with a smug smile. She was enjoying Isaac being scared of her fans, but she knew she wouldn't ever let them harm him. "Now then, my turn. I'll play my spell Polymerization and with I'll fuse Mozarta with my Tamtam." Rara's monsters then changed into lights as they were combined and sucked into a vortex; she did a quick twirl and flipped her hair while giving Isaac a wink. "I Fusion Summon, Bloom Diva the Melodious Choir(1000/2000)!"

"That's what I was afraid of." said Isaac as Rara's new monster appeared.

"Now time to attack, since you know about my monster's ability, you know what comes next. But before that I'll play the spell card Fortissimo, now my Bloom Diva gains 800 more attack points until my next Standby phase. Now Bloom Diva take out his Dark Magician!" Rara thrusted her hand out as her monster then charged head on for Isaac's monster.

"If you want to destroy my magician, Rara. You'll have to find him first, reveal Magical Hats." Isaac activated his trap and four hats came out as they concealed his magician and then shuffled before appearing in a row. "So Rara, do you think you can guess which one my Dark Magician is hiding under?"

Rara was sweating as she wasn't expecting Isaac to do a move like this. Nevertheless she kept her cool and thought about her decision. "I choose the second hat on the right." Bloom Diva then received her command and struck the second hat on the far right. The attack made contact as the hat exploded in smoke; it took awhile but after the smoke cleared there were three hats remaining as that was the dead give away that she missed.

"Better luck next time." said Isaac with a smug smile.

"I thought for sure, oh well. In that case I'll just end my turn." Rara was really struggling; she knew Isaac was a talented duelist based on how Applejack told her about his skills. But she was witnessing firsthand that Isaac was every word that Applejack said he was. He was always keeping her guessing and it made her think twice on what moves she wanted to do. Nevertheless, she had to admit that she was having fun as she couldn't stop smiling.

Turn 4: Isaac

"Back to me," Isaac drew his card and looked at the field. "To start, I'll play the spell card, Graceful Charity. So I'll draw three cards and discard two." Isaac picked up his cards and saw a certain card he picked up. "I've drawn my Watapon, since I drew him from an effect, I can special summon him to the field." Isaac then played his monster as it appeared in defense mode. Rara and all the other girls in the crowd let out a big 'Aww' as they clutched their heart from melting at how cute Isaac's monster was.

"Tell me, how are do you have such cute monsters as well as having some tremendous skills?" asked Rara.

"I don't know, guess I turned out that way." said Isaac as he didn't know how to answer that question.

"Well, like I said if I wasn't such a popular star, I would definitely spend all my time to be with you." said Rara with some flirtiness in her voice.

"Yeah, lets focus back on the duel." Isaac was doing his best to try to get Rara's attention away from him to avoid the many boy he would piss off. "Now I'll sacrifice, my Watapon to summon out my Dark Magician Girl!" Isaac was trying to avoid the boys getting mad at him and playing his Dark Magician Girl seemed to do the trick as they now started making lovey dovey eyes at Isaac's magician. He even heard some of them say that she was much prettier than Rara to which he hoped that she wouldn't get mad at him.

I have to deal with that Aria, and I think I have just the card to do it. "Now I'll play two cards facedown while I hide one of them under my Magical Hats." Isaac then threw his facedowns; he then tapped his duel disk as he selected the card that he wanted to hide. So the hats covered that card and then shuffled once more as they spread out in a line. "I'll end my turn."

Turn 5: Rara

"Right then," Rara looked at her field and then at what Isaac had. I'll have no problem taking out his other monsters, but the major thing is getting rid of that Dark Magician. He's Isaac star monster which means he'll be relying on him to win the duel. I have to deal with him first. "Now Bloom Diva attack the middle hat." Bloom Diva then charged forward as it fired off a powerful beam that struck the middle hat and caused smoke to appear; the hat disappeared and there was nothing but a powerful seal that levitated and then was sent in the direction of Bloom Diva.

"What's that?" asked Rara.

"If you remember Rara, I hid a facedown under one of my hats. And you just triggered it, my Spellbinding Circle. Now your Bloom Diva is confined by its magical properties and it can't change battle positions or attack. Furthermore it loses 700 attack points." said Isaac.

"Did you forget about the ability of Aria, as long as she's out on the field, my monsters can't be targeted by card effects."

"That's why I also placed this facedown, I reveal my Ricochet spell card. Now I can bounce back one monster on your side of the field to your hand and I get to add one card to my hand." Isaac then selected the card he wanted as it popped up for him to grab, then he shot it out as it was surrounded in a streak of light and collided with Aria as it was sent back to Rara's hand while the card returned back to Isaac who caught it with a single hand. "Now that your Aria is gone, your Bloom Diva is susceptible to my Spellbinding Circle." Isaac's trap then surrounded Bloom Diva as it couldn't move.

"My Bloom Diva may be weaken, but I'll save her thanks to my facedown. I reveal my trap Melodious Illusion. Now I can target a 'Melodious' monster and this turn it becomes unaffected by your spells/traps. In addition, it can attack a second time." Bloom Diva then broke free from Isaac's trap, "Now Bloom Diva, attack the hat on the left."

"You guessed right." said Isaac with disdain in his voice.

Bloom Diva then took out the hat as Isaac's magician was destroyed and he lost some serious life points. Rara was ecstatic as she had managed to take out Isaac's ace monster, "I'll then end my turn."

"Since my Magic Formula was sent to the grave, I gain 1000 life points." said Isaac.
Isaac's Life Points: 6800-

Turn 6: Isaac

"Alright," Isaac drew his card. "I've drawn my Palladium Oracle Mahad, so I'll reveal him so that I can special summon him to the field. Next I'll play the spell, Card of Sanctity. Now Rara, hope you like my offering, cause we each draw till we're holding six cards in our hands."

"Oh my, are really trying to get to fall for you even more?" giggled Rara.

Both duelist then drew their cards; Isaac then began to see his options. "Now I'll sacrifice my Big Shield Gardna and Apprentice Illusion Magician to summon my Gaia The Fierce Knight(2300/2100)." Isaac now had a warrior who rode on a horse and wielded dual lances. "I'll then set two cards facedown and end my turn."

Turn 7: Rara

"Thanks for the cards, sweetie. You really know how to treat a girl." said Rara.

"Your welcome?" said Isaac.

Rara then drew her card and she was shocked to see that the card was none other than the one Isaac gave her. She had draw Rainbow Kuriboh out of all things; she couldn't help but have a smile on her face. "Now I'll activate my Fortissimo spell card to increase my Bloom Diva's attack by 800 till my next Standby phase. Next I'll resummon my Aria the Melodious Diva."

"Hold on, I reveal my facedown, my Dark Renewal. Now when you normal summon a monster, I can target one monster of yours and one spellcaster that I control. Then I'll send both monsters to the graveyard, and I can special summon 1 Dark spellcaster monster from my deck or graveyard. So I choose to sacrifice your Aria with my Palladium Oracle Mahad to bring back my Apprentice Illusion Magician." Isaac's trap then sucked in the two monsters as it closed and when it opened up it reveal Isaac's chosen magician.

"You may have gotten your magician back, but it still won't mean nothing. My Bloom Diva can't be destroyed by battle or card effects. Not to mention that I don't take any battle damage involving it and I can destroy your monsters." said Rara.

"In that case, you shouldn't have a problem." said Isaac with a smug look.

"Huh?" Rara now had a confused look. What's going on? Does Isaac want me to attack, by why would he do that? "Now Bloom Diva attack his Apprentice Illusion Magician." commanded Rara.

"Thanks for that, Rara. I reveal my facedown, Magic Cylinder. So now the damage is redirected right back at your life points and your attack is negated." Two cylinders then came out as one absorbed the attack and then fired back at Rara's life points.
Rara's Life Points: 5300-

"Not bad, I can't believe I actually fell for that." said Rara.

"You be surprised how often that happens." replied Isaac.

"Very well, then I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 8: Isaac

"My turn," Isaac looked at the field. "Now I'll play Monster Reincarnation, so I discard a card and I can add one monster back to my hand." Isaac then got his Dark Magician back. "Then I'll play Double Spell, so I'll discard another card and I can be able to use a spell in your graveyard. And I choose is Polymerization, so now I'll fuse together my Gaia and Dark Magician" Isaac's monsters then combined together as they fused into a vortex. "I Fusion Summon, Dark Calvary(2800/2300)!" Out came a paladin monster who rode on a horse as both were covered in armor and it wielded a huge lance. "My Dark Calvary has neat effect, it gains 100 attack points for every spell/trap on the field and in our graveyards, so that means he gains 1600 extra points for a grand total of 4400!" Isaac's new monster raised its lance up as it felt the power. "Next I'll play the spell Book of Effect and with it I'll not only increase my monster by another 100 points but I can remove your Bloom Diva's special ability."

Isaac's book then opened up as it landed in Dark Magician's hands and she began to read from it. A magical energy then started to form as it surrounded Rara's monster and striped away its power. "Now with your monster no longer having its ability, time to end this duel. Dark Calvary take out her Bloom Diva, and then my other monsters will attack her directly."

"I activate my facedown Melodious Spirit, with it I can negate your attack and then I can bring back a Melodious monster from my graveyard." shouted Rara.

"Then I'll activate my Dark Calvary's other effect, so I'll send one card from my hand to negate your facedown and destroy it." said Isaac.

"No!" said Rara as she was now left defenseless.

"So continue your attack my monsters."

"Time to play the card you gave me, I activate the effect of my Rainbow Kuriboh from my hand. So now I'll attach it to your Dark Calvary and with it cancel its attack and it can't attack." Rainbow Kuriboh then flew from Rara's hand as it nuzzled against her before collided head on with Isaac's monster.

"My Dark Calvary may not attack, but my Dark Magician Girl can still destroy your Bloom Diva. And I'll give her a power boost of 2000 points by sending my Apprentice Illusion Magician to the grave, so now she has 4300 attack points! Go Dark Magician Girl, Dark Burning Attack!" Dark Magician Girl then pointed her wand as it took out Rara's monster with ease.
Rara's Life Points: 2100-

"With that I'll end my turn."

Turn 9: Rara

I made it through that but barely. Oh, Applejack. You don't know how lucky you are to have Isaac in your life. This duel really has been a fun one; Isaac's been my toughest opponent and I can't help but smile. Oh if only I wasn't so invested in my music career, then I would waste no time in making him my boyfriend. "I may be down to my last life points, but I've still got a chance to turn things around." Rara then drew her card, "Now I'll play the spell Lightning Vortex, so I'll send one card to the grave and destroy all your monsters."

Lightning bolts came from the sky as it decimated Isaac's entire field. "Oh no! My monsters are all gone."

"Next I'll play the spell card, Ostinato. Since I control no monsters, I can fusion summon using monsters from my hand or deck. So I'll fuse another Mozarta and Aria from my deck; I Fusion Summon, Bloom Prima the Melodious Choir(1900/2000)!" Rara now had another small fairy monster as it luminate the stage. "Next I'll activate the effect of my Sonata the Melodious Diva(1200/1000) from my hand, since I control a 'Melodious' monster, I can special summon her. Now I'll play my Opera the Melodious Diva(2300/1000). Opera can't attack the turn it's summoned but that fine cause I'll use my other monsters to attack you. Divas lets sing Isaac a merry duet, attack him directly!" Rara's monster then opened their mouths as musical notes collided with Isaac as he put his arm up to cover himself.
Isaac's Life Points: 3700-

"I'll then set one card facedown and end my turn. Now the effect of my Ostinato resolves which means my Bloom Prima is sent to the graveyard. However, if the monsters I used to summon it were already in my grave then I can summon them to the field. So welcome back Mozarta and Aria." Rara now had nearly a full field of monsters that were ready to finish off Isaac next around.

Turn 10: Isaac

"My turn," Isaac closed his eyes as he drew his card. "Now I'll one card facedown and then play the spell Pot of Greed. So now I'll draw two more cards. With that I'll then end my turn."

Turn 11: Rara

"A single facedown, that's all? Don't tell me that now you're starting to get all sweet on me? Could it be that you also have feelings for me as well?" said Rara.

"What!? Don't get the wrong idea, I mean your beautiful but I think I want to live another day." said Isaac as he could feel the death stares of every single male watching as they were going to hurt him for even thinking about answering that question.

"Well then, time to end this duel. Now I'll reveal my facedown Monster Reborn and bring back my Bloom Diva the Melodious Choir." Rara now had a field full of monsters as they were ready to defeat Isaac. "Well Isaac, I'll definitely say that this is the most fun I've had. You really know how to show a girl a good time, but I'm afraid this is the end. Now my divas, sing Isaac a farewell performance!"

"Don't think that this concert is over yet, Rara." Isaac now had a smile on his face. "Just like you, I've also got a special card and I'll play it right now. I'll activate the effect of Electromagnetic Turtle from my graveyard. So by banishing it, I can immediately end the battle phase! " A small turtle came out as it created a wall of electricity that stopped all of Rara's monsters in their tracks as they felt the shock.

"How cute, using that little guy to save you. Makes my heart melt. " smiled Rara. "Well then I'll end my turn. Your move, Isaac."

Turn 12: Isaac

"Very well, I draw." Isaac looked at his card and knew what he had to do. "Now I'll reveal my facedown, Eternal Soul. So I'll use it to revive my Dark Magician. Next I'll play the spell Bond Between Teacher and Student, so now I can special summon Dark Magician Girl from my graveyard. Appear my loyal spellcasters!" Isaac now had his two most trusted magicians on his field. "Now I'll set my Dark Magic Twin Burst, but it won't stay down for long cause I'll then activate it. So now my Dark Magician gains attack points equal to Dark Magician Girl, so now he has 4500 points."

"So how do you plan to win? My Bloom Diva can't be destroyed and even if you get rid of my monsters, I'll end this duel on my next turn." stated Rara.

"That's why I'll play this final card, Diffusion Wave-Motion. Now by paying 1000 life points, I can select one level 7 or higher spellcaster to attack all your monsters. Furthermore, any monsters destroyed can't activate their effects, so if do the math Rara then that means you lose the duel. Now Dark Magician attack with Dark Magic Attack!" Dark Magician then raised its wand as it unleashed a powerful spell that decimated Rara's entire field and took out the rest of her life points.
Rara's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

The duel ended and everything was silent. The only one who was cheering was Isaac as he managed to win against a pop star. He then turned towards the crowd who were silent as they were all processing what just happened, this scared Isaac as he was afraid they would storm the stage and assault him for taking down their idol. Soon it turned into the sound of applause as they showed their appreciation for a wonderful duel. Isaac then took a quick bow as he soaked in the attention. He then saw Rara approaching him.

"Sorry about you losing, hope that doesn't piss off your management." chuckled sheepishly Isaac.

"Not at all, in fact, I'm glad I lost. It reminded me that I don't have to live up to certain expectations." Rara then grabbed Isaac's hand as she lifted it in victory. The crowd then got louder as they showed their appreciation for the both of them. "Thanks for everything, I'll never forget all that you've done for me. Not to mention all the new cards you gave me to help out my deck. Thank you." Rara then gave Isaac a quick kiss on his lips which lasted for about 5 seconds; thankfully, every male let that go or else Isaac would be in serious danger. With that the concert was brought to an end as Isaac's friends decided to join them on stage as they congratulated their friend on his victory. Safe to say that everybody had a wonderful time.

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