• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 52: The Encounter

After the trip to Appleloosa, things were now back normal. Isaac had a rowdy good time with Applejack and her relatives. Not to mention that after their intimate moment, it gave him a lot to think about. Applejack knew it was affecting Isaac's mental health, so she told him to not think about it too much and just carry on like things were okay. She told him he didn't have to make a decision so soon, but just that she was happy to finally express her feelings toward him.

True to her word, things did return to normal. Whenever Isaac saw Applejack passing by, she just acted like her normal self. At first it proved weird given what had occurred between the two of them, but Isaac eventually warmed up and still maintained his strong friendship with AJ. The only difference was that whenever it was just the two of them and their friends weren't around, then Applejack would sneak in a quick kiss before leaving.

Now Isaac was watching from the sidelines as a duel was taking place. However, the person competing was the reason his intentions were caught.

"I'll start by summoning my Gold Gadget. Know the thing I love about gadgets, is that not only are they helpful but they come with a cool feature. I activate my Gold Gadget's ability and with it I'll summon Silver Gadget as well. Then finally, I'll reveal the trap card that I set previous, Metalhold the Moving Blockade!" Twilight's facedown reveal a giant metal robot that started to shake the ground around them as it took its first few steps. "Now I can target any number of level 4 Machine-type monsters and equip it onto my Metalhold. Then it gains attack points equal to the combined total of my monsters and you best believe it can hold some metal. Like my two gadgets for instance, so now Metalhold now has 3200 attack points. Now Metalhold, load and fire your cannons! Attack!" At Twilight's command, her metal giant pointed its cannons at her opponent and fired two powerful beams of energy that decimated the field and gave Twilight the win.

The duel was over as the field returned back to normal and both duelist deactivated their duel disks. Twilight's opponent shook her hand and congratulated Twilight on her victory. She then noticed Isaac was watching from the side and then made her way to her. Twilight had even gotten a new duel disk since she transferred to CHS; it wasn't much as it was basically similar to the ones that students of Canterlot High used. Twilight's duel disk was purple as its base with a streak of pink running around it, she even had her initials as well as the sparkle that was on her dress. She also had a tiny portrait of Dark Magician Girl as she wanted to have something similar to Isaac's design as it would serve as a reminder of all that he did to save her.

"So you watched my duel? How was it?"

"Simple, overall not bad."

"I was hoping you say that, those lessons you've been given me are really paying off. That's my fifth win in row in just two days. I feel so ecstatic, like I could take on anybody." Twilight was starting to giddy.

"Slow your horses, Twi. It's one thing to get a victory and feel good about yourself, it's another to get over confident and make careless mistakes."

"Oh, right." Twilight quickly realized what Isaac meant as she dialed it down a bit.

"Anyways, any news from your fellow acquaintances at Crystal Prep. How's your brother handling you not being there?" asked Isaac.

"Things have been going well. The rest of the Shadowbolts are still trying to take down my brother to see how they stack up. But from what they told me, they said that none of them come even close to what you did. As for my brother, well he's just happy that I've found a place where I'm surrounded by friends and people who care about me. Honestly, he was ecstatic that I chose to come here because he felt like I was finally finding something that I've been missing my whole life."

Isaac just smiled at Twilight after she finished speaking. "Well he's not wrong." Just then the first bell of the morning rang to signal the start of the school day. "Well we better get to class if we want to avoid being late." With that both Isaac and Twilight walked to their class.

Somewhere far away in a secluded area, nighttime had fallen as the only light that was shown was the light from the moon above. This proved useful for a certain individual who had a goal in mind; he then started jumping through the trees as he closed in on his destination. He was able to gain enough height as he leaped over the security gate with ease. He then snuck back into the shadows as two guards passed by on patrol. Once they left, he quickly made his way through a small vent and followed it to the room that he wanted. He then saw the room he was looking for and there it was hidden behind a thick glass. He then used a small device as it sprayed and revealed tons of little lasers that surrounded the object inside the case.

"At long last, I've finally found it. With this card, there'll be nothing to stop me." The stranger then smashed the glass as the alarms went off and the guards started making their way to his position. "Never was one for stealth."

"Hold it right there!" shouted a guard.

"Sorry boys, but I'm taking something that was taken away from me. Tell the boss that I've sent him my regards." He then throw a smoke bomb as it distracted the guards and bought him the time he needed to slip away. By the time the guards figured out what had occurred the thief was long gone. They then did a perimeter sweep to see if he was still here; just then the head guard came in as he saw a few of his fellow comrades talking with each other. Then the lieutenant then approached him and explained the situation and asked him what they should do.

"Inform HQ, the boss will want to hear this."

"At once sir."

Principal Sombra was in his office taking care of some paperwork. After the Friendship Games, he was currently going over the final results of the event as he kept his mind on Canterlot High, specifically Isaac. He was watching the duel between him and Shining Armor and he couldn't help but let his mind wander.

"To think that someone of Isaac's caliber is currently attending a school like CHS. If he chose to enroll here at Crystal Prep, there's no doubt that he would be at the top of this division. Still the skills he possess might be enough for him if he decided to go pro. Maybe I could put in a good word for him." Before Sombra could finish his train of thought, he was interrupted by Cadance barging in.

"Excuse me, Principal Sombra. But you have an important call."

"Thank you, Cadance. Put it through." Candace then transferred the call to Sombra.


"It's been too long Sombra." said a voice that Sombra hadn't heard in years. "I've got something rather urgent to inform you about."

Sombra's eyes widen. He then told Cadance that he needed some privacy to which she obliged and left Sombra to conduct his business. Once she left, Sombra then spoke with the person who was on the phone.

"What is it?"

"It seems we've encountered someone who stole something from the card vault. They took it." said the man.

Once Sombra heard that his eyes grew big. "Tell me everything."

A couple of days later, Isaac was currently watching a duel happen between Rainbow Dash and Applejack as they were trying to settle an argument. He was accompanied by the other girls, as they all just sat on the bleachers waiting to see what the final result was going to be.

"So does this always happen?" asked Twilight.

"In short, yes." said Sunset. "Usually it revolves around who's the better duelist, or trying to figure out who should get the next shot at facing Isaac."

"On the bright side, it does help me make some quick cash." said Isaac with a sly smile. "Thanks for the extra money, Sunset. Just tell me when you want to stop."

Sunset just shot her tongue at Isaac for mocking her and for hustling her so hard. Eventually the contest ended with Aj getting the most of by Dash by beating her by one point. Overall, Isaac had made some good cash as he was rolling in dough from Sunset. Isaac cheered her up by saying that he would buy her and the rest of their friends some milkshakes from the Sweet Shoppe afterschool. Then the next bell rang as they all went to their respective class.

Everything was peaceful until everybody heard the sound of a chopper flew overhead. It floated above until it descended down on the lawn of Canterlot High. Celestia had noticed this and saw that the chopper had a logo on the tail as she knew who was causing such a ruckless on her property. Just then a good group of men in black suits and wearing dark shades all stepped out as they made sure that there wasn't any danger; once everything was clear a man dressed in a bright red suit then stepped out as he made his way through the school doors and was making his way to the Principal's office. The students all watched from their respective windows as they saw the mysterious man enter their school.

"Now that's how you make an entrance." said Isaac.

"Still that seems rather unusual. Besides I feel like I've seen that person before, but where?" Twilight thought real hard on trying to figure out who was the person that suddenly interrupted their education.

Meanwhile, the mysterious person had just reached the door to Principal Celestia's office when he adjusted his tie to make him presentable. Then he opened the door and entered. He saw both Celestia sitting in her chair with Vice-Principal Luna standing by her side.

"Ahh, Celestia it's been too long. My you look lovely with every second. And Luna, your complexion really brings out your eyes." The man then grabbed both of their hands and shook them as well as kissing the back part of it.

"It's been too long, William. Still it's nice to see you, how is your business handling?"

"Oh the usual, you know me always trying to make some brand new cards and spreading smiles on people's faces. But I wish my visit was on better terms. There's an urgent matter that needs to be addressed."

"Indeed, Luna if you please."

"Yes sister." Luna then locked the door and closed the blind to make sure that no one saw or heard what they were about to discuss.

William then sat down as he began to inform Celestia and Luna about the recent break in that occurred. once he finished the story, both Luna and Celestia had full worry on their faces as they knew this could result in trouble.

"What have your people found out?" asked Luna.

"Well all that I can figure out is the mysterious person had managed to evade our intense security measures and was able to steal the card with ease. We've also learned that he seeks the whereabouts of the other cards. In fact, I believe he may be closer to obtaining them as we speak." Informed William.

"What about Sombra, does he know of this incident?" asked Celestia.

"Yes, I spoke with him yesterday and relayed the message to him. He's taking the necessary precautions and is also on the lookout for the person who broke in. I know it's sudden, but I was hoping you could do the same with you and your students."

"You know that I value the student's safety above all else, William. I will not put my students in danger, but given the circumstances, I doubt we'll have much of a choice. Luna inform the students that any dueling that should occur is to take place in the auditorium until further notice. I doubt any of them will like this sudden change, but it's best to stay safe."

"At once, sister." With that Luna then left as she went to institute her sister's orders.

Now it was just Celestia and William who were left speaking with each other. "You have my word, Celestia. That as long as my men are here, we will not let any harm come to the students. I have a couple of men also helping with Sombra should the person choose to strike Crystal Prep. We will catch this theft."

"I hope your right, William." Just then a thought appeared in Celestia's mind. "Perhaps we could enlist the help of someone."

"Who did you have in mind, Celestia?"

The students at Crystal Prep were trying their best to deal with the new security measures implemented by Principal Sombra and Dean Cadance. There was tons of bodyguards that were watching the entrances to the school and constantly on the lookout for any strange activity. Of course, Sombra had had said that until further notice, no dueling would be held. This caused most of the students to be displeased as they really wanted to duel. A part of that group were the Shadowbolt girls.

"Can you believe this!?" shouted Indigo Zap. "It's so not cool that Principal Sombra is having to suspend duels. I mean what's the reason."

"Perhaps it has something to do with the man that appeared about a day ago and talked with him." said Sugarcoat.

"Still what could the reason be?"

"Dude, lighten up. Here listen to some music to calm your sense." Lemon Zest then put her headphones on Indigo's ears which blasted really loud punk rock music that it nearly caused her to go deaf.

"Not helping!" She then passed the back to Lemon Zest who just simplified shrugged and went back to rocking out. The three of them then kept walking till they were joined by Sour Sweet and Sunny Flare.

"So did you girls found anything out? Like why we aren't allowed to duel."

"Nothing on our end, Indigo." said Sunny Flare.

"Well... I wouldn't say nothing." The girls all looked at Sour Sweet as she had a bit of juicy info. "Alright, but you didn't hear it from me. I was listening outside of Sombra's door and I overheard him talking with someone. I couldn't make out much, but from what I could it sounds like there was a recent theft that took place and somehow Sombra is linked to it. In what way, I don't know. However, that would explain the recent appear with that man yesterday and why we've suddenly been forbidden from dueling."

"So we can't battle because someone stole a card, seriously!?" Indigo was now really pissed off. "If they're so scared about someone running around with a stolen card, then let them come. I'll take them down so fast that they won't know what hit them, plus it's the only way things will get back to normal around here." The Shadowbolts all then started to exit the school through the back entrance as it was a nice day.

"Honestly, based on your performance at the Friendship Games. I doubt you could bring in the culprit." Sugarcoat then pushed her glasses up. "I on the other hand, would have no problem taking them on."

"You think you're so full of yourself. Well why don't we settle this right now?" Indigo was getting ready to throw down.

"Please, unlike you I'm one to follow the rules. Cause I actually have a brain among us." Sugarcoat's comment caused the other girls to give her some dirty looks.

While they were arguing, unbeknownst to them the mysterious stranger was just a few feet away from them as he was scanning Crystal Prep. He then pulled up his goggles as he looked on. "So this is the place of the second card. You really should have picked a better place, Mr. William." Just then the girls noticed him.

"Hey, who the hell are you!?" shouted Indigo Zap.

"That's none of your concern, now step aside. I have no business with you." The mysterious person then began walking past them as his face was still covered. He didn't get far when Indigo stop to confront him.

"I think I know who you are. Your the reason why dueling at Crystal Prep has come to a halt. Girls check it out, that's our man!" Indigo then did something bold as she pulled out her duel disk and activated it. "If there's one thing I don't like bud, it's not being able to duel. So it stands to reason that if I take you down, then everything at Crystal Prep goes back to normal and everybody will hail me a hero. So come on masked man, let's duel."

The rest of the Shadowbolts then rushed to her side. "Are you crazy, there's no way you can do this? Besides, I'm a girl of my word and if anybody is going to turn in this masked vigilante, then it'll be me." Sugarcoat then activated her duel disk and slotted in her deck.

"Like hell I'm going to let you take all the glory. This guy is mine!"

"Here I thought there was going to be any fun." The mysterious man then chuckled. "Seems I found plenty of entertainment right here. I'll make you a deal, I take on all five of you and if I lose then I'll gladly turn myself." The mysterious man said with such conviction.

The girls all took a second to register what he said. "He's not serious is he?" asked Lemon Zest.

"Well if he thinks that he can beat the best of the best, then who are we to deny such a request." Sour Sweet was starting to form a sly smile.

"This is will be easy; I won't even break a nail." stated Sunny Flare.

"Then let's get on with it." shouted Indigo Zap.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said all of their duel disk. "Request accepted. Initiating handicap duel."

Shadowbolts' Life Points: 8000-

???'s Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Indigo Zap

"I'll start things off." Indigo picked up her hand and then drew her card. "And I'll open with a show stopping move. I'll play the field spell F.A. City Grand Prix, now all my F.A. monsters gain 2 more levels. Then I'll summon my F.A. Hang On Mach. Then I'll activate the effect of my F.A. Auto Navigator and summon it since I control another F.A. monster." Now Indigo Zap had two monsters and was getting ready to do a big move. "So my Mach loses two levels and my Auto Navigator becomes level 2, then it'll gain two more levels due to my field spell. The I'll play the spell Tune-up and with I'll give my Navigator another level. Then I'll tune my Auto Navigator with my F.A. Hang On Mach. I Synchro Summon, F.A. Motorhome Transport!" Indigo Zap had managed to summon out one of her ace monsters in just her first turn. My Motorhome Transport's attack points are equal to its level by 300, so since it's level 11 it has 3300 attack points. I'll then set one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Sugarcoat

"The one mistake you made was letting us go first." Sugarcoat then drew her card. "I'll start by sending my Alpha, Beta, and Gamma the Electromagnet Warriors to Special Summon my Berserkion The Electromagna Warrior." Now Sugarcoat had one of her most powerful monsters on her field as she had a smile on her face. "I'll end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 3: Sour Sweet

"Stand back ladies, let me show you how it's done." Sour Sweet drew her card. "I'll play Polymerization and with it I'll fuse my Amazoness Chain Master and my Amazoness Queen. I Fusion Summon, Amazoness Empress! Then I'll throw a card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 4: Lemon Zest

"My turn, dude." Lemon Zest drew her card and was preparing something big. "I activate the spell card, One for One. This lets me discard a monster card from my hand, and then I can summon a Level 1 monster from my deck.” Lemon twirled a card in her hand and slotted it into her duel disk, then tapped a prompt on her screen. “I’ll get rid of Morphtronic Cameran and summon Morphtronic Celfon. I activate Celfon’s ability. Once per turn I can roll a die, and whatever the result is, I can reveal that many cards on the top of my deck and summon a Level 4 or lower Morphtronic monster among them.” Lemon snapped her fingers. “Go, Morphtronic Speed Dial!” Celfon thrust out its chest, made up of the top half of the phone form’s dial pad. The numbers lit up in rapid sequence before stopping on 2. “I’ll bring out Morphtronic Remoten. Next I’ll use Remoten’s ability. By banishing a Morphtronic monster in the graveyard, a Morphtronic with the same Level can be added from my deck to my hand. I’ll get rid of Cameran and get a second one out, and then I’ll summon him." The card ejected from her duel disk and she swiftly slotted it on the card tray.

Lemon held her hand up. "I tune my Level 3 Morphtronic Remoten with my Level 2 Morphtronic Cameran! Synchro Summon! Come on out, T.G. Hyper Librarian." Lemon lifted a card in her hand. “Next, I’ll banish Morphtronic Remoten from my graveyard, to Special Summon Morphtronic Smartfon. I’ll tune my Morphtronic Celfon with my Morphtronic Smartfon. Synchro Summon! Rolling out, Formula Synchron(200/1500)!” Lemon’s new monster was shaped like a race car, with legs emerging from below it and arms from the sides between the wheels. "But why stop there, cause I'll tune up my monsters for a third time. I tune my Hyper Librarian with my Formula Synchron! Synchro Summon! Take flight, Power Tool Dragon." The metal shell shattered, revealing a large, gold, mechanical dragon with silver plates of metal running down its back to its tail. "I'll then end my turn."

Turn 5: Sunny Flare

"My turn, dearies." Sunny Flare looked through her hand and began to formulate her plan. "I activate the continuous spell card Hazy Pillar.” The ground behind Sunny split apart. “As long as this card is in play, any Hazy Flame monster I may summon requires one less tribute for their summoning.” She flipped another card out of her hand and swung it onto her card tray. “Since I now need no tributes for it, I’ll summon the Level 6 Hazy Flame Sphynx in attack mode.” “I now activate the spell card, Card Advance. This allows me to look at the top five cards of my deck and place them back on top of the deck in any order I wish, and I’m also afforded an extra Tribute Summon this turn.” Sunny’s cards ejected from her duel disk, and she picked them up and fanned them out. “I activate the effect of Hazy Flame Sphynx. Once per turn I can guess if the top card of my deck is a spell, trap, or monster card. I then reveal and discard that card, and if I guessed correctly, I can summon a Fire monster from my hand or Graveyard. I guess a monster card." Sunny drew and held up the card. "It is a monster, Hazy Flame Hydra. Hydra now gets discarded, and I can summon a monster.” I use the effect of Hazy Flame Sphynx to revive my Hazy Flame Hydra!” Hazy Flame Sphynx turned its head and opened its mouth to shoot a column of fire at the ground.

"Like before the effect of my Card Advance allows me to conduct an additional summon this turn. I summon Hazy Flame Mantikor, and by the effect of my Hazy Pillar, I shall do so without needing a Tribute.” A swarm of fireballs floated out of the pillar of fire and congregated, growing into a quadrupedal form and dispersing. She sneered and held a hand into the air. “I overlay my Hazy Flame Hydra and my Hazy Flame Mantikor! Using my two Level 6 monsters, I construct the overlay network! Xyz Summon.” She swung her card out and onto her duel disk with one swift motion. “Take flight, Hazy Flame Basiltrice!" The Hazy Pillar behind Sunny blazed hotter as a shadowed form appeared within it. With a loud screech, a massive avian monster flew out of the flames and circled the field, two balls of orange light orbiting it. "I'll then end my turn."

Now all of the girls had manage to summon their most powerful monsters on their first turn. Each of their creatures now stared a hole at the mysterious man. The girls all had smiles on their face as they knew the this duel was all but theirs.

"Still regretting on taking us all on?" shouted Indigo Zap who had a smug look her face that was matched by the others.

The mysterious man just had his head down and then when he put it back up, he pulled down his coat to reveal he had a smile on his face.

Turn 6: ???

"On contrary, you've girls have forced me to play a creature that I didn't think I would use. I can't thank you enough." Just then the sky started to get cloudy as the sky turned dark. Thunderclouds began to form with mass bolts of lighting appearing every second. "Seems I get to test this card's power out quite a bit early. Now then, draw." The mysterious man drew his card and then a flash of lighting struck behind him as he held its card up high.

"What's going on!?" shouted Indigo as she and the rest of the girls all looked up at the sky and saw a creature that brought them fear.

It was massive and the clouds were covering its body. All they could see was the glowing red eyes as it peaked from behind the clouds. There was a loud roar they caused the heavens themselves to open up. The mysterious man then pointed his finger at the Shadowbolts. "Now my monster, make them suffer. Show no mercy!" With that the creature in the sky then descend and fired off a powerful attack that decimated the entire field. Soon everything was covered in a blanket of white light and when it was over there was nothing left.

Isaac was currently making his way to the principal's office. Well more like running; he had got a message from Vice-Principal Luna this morning about how Celestia had met with the man who arrived at their school the day before and wanted to speak with him. Isaac then arrived at his destination as he knocked on the door and entered.

"I got here as quick as I can Principal Celestia." Isaac saw that both her and the man from yesterday were there.

"Who do we have here?" asked William.

"Why, this is none other than Canterlot High's duel champion. Mr. Isaac." said Celestia.

"Ah, so this is Isaac boy. The kid that I've heard so much about from you." William then got up from his seat and made his way to Isaac to shake his hand. "Charmed. Why Celestia here thinks you're the cat's pajamas!"

"The what?" asked Isaac, who was confused by who the person in front of him was and what he was say.

Celestia noticed this and decided to clear some things up. "Isaac. Meet Mr. William. He famous for creating Duel Monsters cards and is the current owner of Industrial Illusions."

Isaac's eyes widen at what Celestia told him. "Wait, did you say Industrial Illusions? As in the Industrial Illusions; the one that created the game Duel Monsters?"

"Yes, you see Mr. Williams here is actually the grandson of the original founder and creator of Duel Monsters and Industrial Illusions. He's been working hard to carry on his grandfather's legacy and take the game of Duel Monsters to new heights." explained Celestia.

"Of course, hi. It's such an honor. But, uh, why is he here?" asked Isaac.

Celestia then cleared her throat. "Ahem! Yes, about that..." She then began to explain the situation to him.

"What? Someone stole the Slifer the Sky Dragon card? No way! That's one of the most famous card in all of Duel Monsters!" exclaimed Isaac.

Mr. William then addressed Isaac. "Yes, and it's quite a powerful and dangerous card. See when my grandfather developed such a card, he did so with the spirit of the ancient beast which once existed nearly millennia ago."

"I remember growing up and hearing such tales about a card that possessed such tremendous power. In fact, there was even a duelist I remember watching that wielded the card. According to rumors, they say that man disappeared and when he did he took that Slifer card and two other god cards with him. Since then, everybody just mentions the Egyptian God cards as myths, if not legends, seeing as how nobody as see them since that man vanished. But wait, I thought the original cards were gone. How does it suddenly show up?" asked Isaac.

"Your right about the God Cards being gone. However, my grandfather had developed a copy of each one so that they could study for research purposes with nearly identical powers. Of course, he never let the public know and since then he kept them all safe and hidden away in secure locations." said Mr. Williams.

"So what happened?" said Isaac.

"Like I said, my men discovered that someone broke into the vault and stole the card."

"We have reason to believe that this mysterious man is here and is on the lookout for the rest of the replicas of these God cards. In fact, we believe him to be close by. I received a report from Principal Sombra this morning and in it he mentioned about the girls that we faced at the Friendship Games. Apparently they reported having suffer some major injuries that were Slifer-related!"

"Oh!" Isaac's eyes grew big at the thought of someone hurting others for fun. Even if the Shadowbolt girls were his enemies during the Friendship Games, he still didn't like the fact that they were hurt to please someone's taste of amusement.

"Sombra said that all five of the girls were discovered with bruises and scratches all over their body and they couldn't move a muscle. Thankfully it seems like they'll make a full recovering but it will take time. Sombra has taken even more extreme measures as he has one final plan to stop this person should he attempt to enter Crystal Prep again. As for us I believe that this person will strike again and when he does, we'll be ready."

"Great, so what do you want me to do, Celestia?"

"You aren't going to do anything?" said Celestia with a stern voice.


"It's far too dangerous for someone like you to handle this. I brought you here to inform you of the situation and to tell the others that they shouldn't engage the person should he show up. I can't allow the safety of everybody here to be put at risk while a madman is on the loose. Plus if anything were to happen to you Isaac, I don't know what I would do. You're an incredible duelist, but this is something that's best left to Mr. William here and the authorities."

"But Celestia, I know I can help. If you just..."

"That's enough! I've given you an order as your principal and I expect it to be followed! Am I understood!" shouted Celestia which caused Isaac to jump back a bit.

Isaac then put his head down. "I understand."

"Good, now you're free to leave. Mr. William and I have somethings to prepare when the intruder shows up." Celestia then dismissed Isaac.

"That boy really is determined, Celestia."

"That's what I'm afraid of William. I feel as if Isaac will one day find himself in a situation that won't be pretty. I just want to make sure he knows that."

"Great. Not once was Celestia concerned with my safety when I was facing Sunset or any other worldly magical problem. Now that they're someone on the loose, she doesn't even let me help. I can't just stand by and not do nothing; it's just not how I roll." Isaac then kicked the wall as he let out his anger.

Twilight then happened to be nearby as she witnessed Isaac being mad. "Isaac, is everything okay?"

Isaac saw Twilight and his anger started to die down as he regained himself. "I'm fine, Twilight. Just letting out some steam."

"Care to talk about it?"

Isaac then told Twilight about his meeting with Celestia a few moments ago and how he had managed to meet Mr. William of Industrial Illusions. He told Isaac about how someone had managed to steal a replica of the God card Slifer and was running rampage all over the place. He even told Twilight about the incident that occurred with her former classmates as it appeared they had a run-in with the man; and witness a first-hand experience of its power. Twilight let out a gasp as she thought of the Shadowbolt girls. Sure they didn't have the most friendly relationship, but they still kept in touch. So when Twilight heard that they suffered some heavy injuries, she couldn't help but let out a concern. Especially if she knew how her brother would get.

"Celestia told you not to interfere?"

"Yeah, but I can't help but think that I can make a difference. I'm not afraid; but I just can't sit by and do nothing. If I see a problem, I can't just wait around for someone to do something about it. If I can help in anyway, then I have to at least try. If I didn't help free you from the magic controlling you, then I would be kicking myself for not giving it a shot."

Twilight then put her hand on Isaac's shoulder and looked at him. "And I'm grateful you didn't give up on me, even if it seemed like I did." She then gave Isaac a hug as a way to cheer him up which was working. They then broke apart as they saw Mr. William out on the front lawn. Isaac then started to make his way to Mr. William with Twilight following behind him.

The rest of the Canterlot group was out front as they were talking amongst themselves. They were trying to figure out what was happening with that man appearing when he did.

"So anybody got a clue on what's going on?" asked Sunset.

"Not a clue, sugarcube."

"I hope that whatever it is we'll all be okay. I don't want any of the animals to get hurt." squealed Fluttershy.

"I agree, darling. Principal Celestia really seems to be on edge, since that man showed up and talked with her."

"Maybe they're just friends and want to have a party after not seeing each other for so long." said Pinkie as she let out a smile.

"Whatever is going on, we've got nothing to worry about. There's nothing that me and my deck can't handle; we'll take on anybody who dares cause harm to CHS!" exclaimed Dash.

"Is that so?" said an unfamiliar voice.

The girls turned to see who was speaking and it was none other than the masked individual who had attacked the Shadowbolts. He then made his presence know as he stepped out of the shadows. His presence made the girls all uncomfortable as they stared at him. Fluttershy was extremely creeped out by the individual that she hid behind her friends.

"So you think that you can beat anyone? Well then, let's see how you fare against me." The mysterious man then took off his disguise and revealed his true self. He wore a lab coat and had glasses on his face; he was a man in his early 30s and he had a sly smile on his face. The most prominent thing was that he was wearing a duel disk on his arm. "Time to put your money where your mouth is little girl."

"Little girl? Please, I'll wipe the floor with you in just a few turns." Rainbow then activated her duel disk.

"Wait, Rainbow. We should get Celestia or Luna to know about this." said Applejack.

"Don't sweat it, Aj. This duel will be over before this guy knows what hits him."

"On the contrary, my dear. It will be you who will cower in fear!" said the man as the shadow of Slifer appeared behind him.

Meanwhile, Mr. William was walking around the schools grounds. He was near the soccer field when he was approached by both Isaac and Twilight.

"Wait up, uh, Mr. William?" said Isaac as he was trying to catch up him.

Mr. William turned to see who was speaking. "Oh, Isaac boy. And who is this lovely lady? Is she your girlfriend?"

"No, it's not like that. This here is Twilight Sparkle; she's my friend and is a fan of your work." Isaac then presented Twilight to Mr. William.

"A pleasure to meet you sir, let me be the first to say that I've been a big fan of your work since I was little. In fact, you're grandfather and you were one of the main reasons why I got interest in wanting to become a card designer." Twilight was doing her best to not fangirl over meeting one of her idols.

"The pleasure is all mine, Ms. Sparkle. I must say it gives me warmth to know that my family legacy has inspired you. I dare say Isaac boy is one lucky person to have you as his friend."

"So what are you doing out here? Are you looking for the mysterious person?" asked Isaac.

"Correct, I figured that maybe I could find him before he hurt anybody else. You see, this isn't the first time that someone's tried to use a counterfeit god card."

"Really?" said both Isaac and Twilight.

"You see when my grandfather was president of the company, there was an incident that occurred. However the Egyptian Gods saw the copies as an insult! And as a result they unleashed their anger and sent anybody who tried to use them to someplace they could never return from! My grandfather told me they were sent to a place called the 'Shadow Realm'." said Mr. Williams with regret in his voice.

"That's why we have to stop whoever is causing all this chaos and bring them to justice." said Isaac as he raised his fists.

"But Isaac, didn't Celestia tell you that you shouldn't interfere? If she finds out, you'll be in big trouble."

"We'll be in bigger trouble if I don't do anything, Twi. I told you before, I just can't sit around and do nothing when a problem arises. That's just not my style."

Soon Twilight and Isaac started to argue back and forth while Mr. William just watched. Despite Isaac telling him they were just friends, he could tell that both individuals deeply cared about one another even if they had a funny way of showing it. Isaac then ignored Twilight as she tried to use facts to reason with him. Isaac then approached Mr. William.

"So what do you say, Mr. President? Can we lend a hand in kidnapping this person?" asked Isaac while Twilight was still worried about him getting in trouble.

"Seems Celestia was right about you, Isaac boy. You're too stubborn when it comes to helping others out. Very well then."

Just before they shook hands, they all heard a scream. They were able to pinpoint the direction it came from as Twilight pointed to the front of the school and all of them left to see what it was. Once they got there, it was a sight that was unpretty to them. There were the rest of the girls as they all gather around Rainbow who was on the ground and had a couple of bruises and scratches all over her body. The three of them then rushed over to check on Dash and see if she was okay.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" snickered the man.

"Francis! Have you lost your mind!? Cease this insolence at once!" Mr. William then looked at the individual who simply smiled and help up the card.

"Sorry, but remember I don't work for you anymore, Mr. William. Besides I'm having way too much fun." chuckled Francis.

"Hey, that's the card!" said Twilight as she adjusted her glasses to get a better look.

"Return it at once!" shouted Mr. William. "Don't do something that you'll regret later, Francis!"

"If you really want this card back, then you'll have to earn it." Francis then began to shuffle the card back into his deck. "So as we used to say, it's your move, my friend."

"So it's a duel you want?" Mr. Williams was about to activate his duel disk when Isaac jumped in front of him.

"You got it! Let's throw down!" shouted Isaac as the girls just looked at his with disbelief in their eyes.

Rainbow was then starting to gain conscious. "Isaac you don't know what you're dealing with. That card is a powerful monster." Dash was doing her best to warn Isaac.

"It's okay, Dash. I'll be fine." Isaac then turned his attention back to his opponent. "Stealing cards and making counterfeit copies is just not cool, bro? And so is hurting innocent people! Who do you think you are?"

Just then Mahad appeared beside Isaac as he tried to warn his master about the dangers that await him. "Please, master. Don't make any rash decision."

"Don't worry. It's all good, Mahad!" said Isaac as he gave a smile and a thumbs up to his monster.

Mr. William was shocked that Isaac was able to talk with the spirits of his deck. He heard it from Celestia that Isaac was always talking to his deck as if they were alive, but now that he was able to see it firsthand proved that Isaac possessed a special gift. Interesting! Isaac boy can see monster spirits! And now he's taking on an Egyptian God card. It's just like my grandfather always talked about; how he meet someone who wielded a strong connection with Duel Monsters and was considered the spirit of an ancient pharaoh. That last part I didn't believe him when I was younger, but now I'm starting to see what he was talking about.

Twilight was just looking on as she was worried that Isaac would get hurt. Please, don't get hurt, Isaac. I couldn't bear the thought of losing you.

"So kid, do they teach you about the God cards in this school?" asked Francis. "Let me give you brief lecture. First, there's Obelisk the Tormentor! Then you have the card that I hold, Slifer the Sky Dragon. That card is incredibly vicious. And finally, you have the most powerful one of the trio, The Winged Dragon of Ra!"

"Everyone knows about the Egyptian God Cards! That's like basic Dueling 101. So don't think you can scare me, cause I've faced even scaring opponents in my life." said Isaac.

"Very well then, Mr. Isaac. If you're such an expert, let's get this show on the road." Francis then activated his duel disk to which Isaac did the same. "But I should warn you, you've never faced anything like what you're about to see. This will be the last time you ever duel. Now then."

"Game on!" they both shouted.

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