• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,579 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 177: Forgotten Friendship

In this place, to find is to lose, and to lose is to find.

To lose and claim anew, or to claim anew only to lose.

Follow your memories. Trust what you remember and seek what you forget. Then you will find what you are looking for.

Our most precious memories lie so deep within our hearts that they’re out of reach.

Canterlot High was doing its usual thing as all the students of the school were hanging out with their buddies and pals as they were smiling and having fun. To think that in just one month or so, the senior class would receive their diploma and then that was that. Graduation and then they would be off into the world to start their lives. But for one person, one month meant that it would be all the time left for him as he would be gone from existence.

Isaac had told the girls that in one month the Board of Education would arrive with some representatives to see the results of his little program and then would determine the fate of the school. That being said, the girls all stopped Isaac as they each sat him down and told them that the students were going to do just fine and that they had nothing to worry about. Seems those talks worked as Isaac finally got to relax and not let himself get too stressed out. With that the kids along with their freshman class were going on a field trip for the next two weeks as their teachers wanted to reward the students for making it past their first year at CHS. So with that, it meant that girls could take a quick break from tutoring as they had some preparations that needed to be completed.

"Make sure you enjoy your trip, private."

"Yes captain." said Jack as he gave a salute to Rainbow.

"Do you have that list of what to do in any given scenario?" asked Twilight.

"Yes, Twilight. But I'm pretty sure a tornado is not gonna happen." said Jason.

"You can never be too prepared." responded the nerdy girl as she began to run down some more checklists with her student as Jason groaned.

"Take lots of pictures of animals."

"I will, Fluttershy." said Bryant to his tutor.

"Amber, darling. I made this for your little outing." said Rarity as she gave her student a small outfit for the girl. "Wear this and I'm sure nobody will treat you like a child."

"Appreciate it, Ms. Rarity." smiled Amber as she hugged the older teen.

"Have fun, Penny." said Sunset as she gave her student a fist bump.

"Totally." said the girl as she returned the gesture from the bacon haired girl.

"Take this, Lucky Star." said Applejack as she gave a small object to her student for good luck.

"I promise I won't lose this, Applejack."

"You sure you'll be okay, I can come with you." asked Pinkie as she was having a hard time of letting Shadow go on his own.

"I'm fine, Pinkie." said the boy as he tried to release himself from the party girl's hug, it wasn't a tight hug, but she wasn't letting go.

"Maybe I should I come as a chauffer, I'm sure that you..."

"Pinkie!" shouted Shadow.

"Right, sorry. Toning down my antics." said the girl as she finally let go of her student as she rubbed his head. "Here I made you these." said Pinkie as she handed the boy a box of treats.

"Thanks." said Shadow.

"What about us?!" asked the other students.

"Nope, only for Shadow. He's the best student I have." said the party girl.

"Yes." said Shadow as he smiled and did a small fist pump at getting some treats from his tutor and they were all for him.

With that the students boarded the bus to join their grade class as they were on their way towards their getaway trip.

Sometime later the girls were all in the Yearbook room as they were helping Sunset in putting together the yearbook. Seems they were determined on making it the best possible, especially given all their adventures they had, it seemed to fill up a lot of space. While Sunset was holding a stack of papers, she didn’t watch where she was going as she bumped into someone and both girls fell down.

“Excuse me.” said the girl. She had grayish tangelo eyes, moderate aquamarine, and light greenish gray skin as well as had freckles on her face.

“I'm sorry. I didn't see you come in.” apologized Sunset.

“I've been here for a while.” responded the girl.

“I didn't realize.”

“I've been trying to get your attention for, like, the past half hour.” added the girl.

“Ain't she a quiet one?” whispered Applejack to Rainbow as they all watched the interaction with their friend.

“Yeah. And we know some pretty shy people. Am I right?” exclaimed Dash as she looked at their buttercup friend.

“We do? Who?” asked Fluttershy as she didn’t know who Rainbow was referring to.

“I'm Sunset Shimmer. President of the Yearbook Committee and editor-in-chief. Do you want to join? We could always use extra help.”

“I'm Wallflower Blush.”

“Nice to meet you.” greeted the girl.

“I've been on the Yearbook Committee all year,” said Wallflower bluntly.

“Oh! Um…” said Sunset as her face started to light with red from embarrassment.

“We met in ninth-grade English.”

“And... I was... saying it was nice to meet you then. You didn't let me finish.” said Sunset as she tried to play it off cool to which Wallflower just rolled her eyes.

“Anyway, I counted up all the votes for the yearbook Superlatives.” said the girl as she handed the list to Sunset.

All the girls wanted to see the results as they surrounded Sunset and looked over her shoulder as they looked at the piece of paper as Sunset read the list off.

“‘Most Likely to Succeed’, ‘Best Smile’, ‘Class Clown’,” Sunset then let out a gasp at the next column, “Ooh! We won ‘Best Friends’! Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Isaac, and me!”

“I always knew I liked you all, but now it's official! In yearbook form! The people have spoken!” stated the party girl as she got on top of one of the tables.

“Oh, good for Micro Chips. ‘Most Likely to be a Card Designer’. Not a reason to be jealous. Pfft! I'm not!” said Twilight as she laughed nervously a bit at hearing that statement.

“Don't worry, Twilight. We know you're a genius.” said Fluttershy as she put her hand on her friend’s shoulder to get her to feel better about herself.

“Besides, it's just the yearbook.” said Rainbow nonchalantly as she leaned against the table. Seems her expression got all the girls, except Applejack, to let out a gasp.

“Just the yearbook?!” shouted Sunset.

“Now ya gone and done it!” groaned Aj to her chromatic haired friend.

“The student body has entrusted me with the responsibility of gathering their memories into the pages of this book. In thirty years, we might not remember everything, but we will remember what's in the yearbook.” said Sunset with a proud statement.

“Well, given all the battles we’ve had and all the time we had to deal with some evil magic in duels, I’m pretty sure we can’t ever forget about that. Also I'm entrusting you not to put us next to ‘Best Muscles’. Every time you close the book, it'll be like we're kissing Bulk Biceps!” said Rainbow as she opened and closed the book as the girls just let out a disgusting look.

“Oh. Uh, why don't we take our picture at the beach on Saturday? Everyone's bound to look adorable.” suggested Rarity.

“Beach day! I'll make my world-famous fun-in-the-sun cupcakes.” said Pinkie as she did a somersault off the table and landed on her feet. “The secret ingredient is edible sunscreen! It's SPF fun-hundred!” said the party girl to her shy companion.

“Yech.” said Fluttershy as she stuck her tongue out in disgust.

Just then the door opened as in came someone.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie demands to speak to the yearbook editor immediately!”

“Unfortunately for me, that's me. What do you want, Trixie?” asked Sunset.

“Ha! Just as I suspected! I was not voted ‘Greatest and Most Powerfullest’! Explain yourself!” said the girl as she looked at the list Sunset was holding.

“How should I put this? You didn't win ‘Greatest and Most Powerful’ because it wasn't one of the Superlatives.” informed the bacon-haired girl.

“Hmm. Neither was ‘Biggest Meanie’, but that didn't stop you from winning it our freshman year.” said Trixie as she pulled out an old yearbook on the table and showed it to the group as they saw the picture of when Sunset was still a bully. “Plus, Isaac got his own Superlative to be voted as the ‘Best Duelist in CHS'.” stated the girl.

“That's different. First of all, Isaac earned that rank and has more than earned that title/Superlative. You’ve seen how he is on the dueling field. And second, the whole school voted for her that time.” said Applejack as she offered some facts.

“She was soooooooo mean.” said Pinkie so that Sunset couldn’t hear her but she was standing right next to the party girl as Sunset just put her head down and began to think about her time as a bully.

“Of course, we all know you've earned the right not to be remembered that way.” said Twilight as she tossed the old yearbook away as a hand picked it up from the floor.

“Thanks,” said Sunset to her friends before addressing Trixie, “We're not having a ‘Greatest and Powerfullest’ Superlative. Sorry.”

“Oh, you're the one who'll be sorry, Sunset Shimmer! When you least expect it, I'll have my revenge, and then I'll disappear! Like this! Behold! The Magician's Exit!” said Trixie as she dropped a smoke bomb in front of her as it quickly expanded as everybody coughed as the door handle jiggled as Trixie was trying to complete her exit.

“Allow me. We were actually on our way out.” said Sunset as she took out some keys and opened the door while leaning on it with a smug smile.

“Hmph!” was all Trixie said while trying to hold some pride as the girls all laughed and exited out the door.

“I'll just finish up…” said Wallflower.

“Ooh. Forgot to turn off the lights.” said Sunset as she didn’t know Wallflower was still there as she flipped the switch.

“...in the dark.” said Wallflower as she let out a sigh.

Isaac was on the rooftop of the school building as he sat on the edge of it overlooking the town and the front lawn of the place. He wasn’t alone as both of his magicians stood beside their master as they all watched in silence taking in this view that all three of them had seen so many times. And yet, no matter how many times they came up, it still felt the same which was nice.

“You know, I sometimes I wish time could just stop right here. And I wouldn’t have to worry about anything cause I would be at peace.” said Isaac to himself and his magicians.

“Yes, it would be nice, master.” said Mahad.

“The sun setting really paints a beautiful picture,” said Mana.

The three of them all smiled while looking forward when a door opened up as Isaac turned his head to see the girls had all found him.

“Hey, guys.”

“So this is where you always go to, sugarcube?” asked Applejack as she and the majority of the girls had never been on the rooftop of CHS.

“I must admit, we’re high up.” said Rarity.

“The trick is not to look down,” said Isaac, “So what are you all doing here?”

“We just wanted to find you,” said Fluttershy.

“But now looking at this view, it’s beautiful.” said Sunset as she too sat down on the ledge.

Soon the others all sat down next to each other with Fluttershy at the far end, then Rarity, Pinkie, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Sunset, and then Applejack as Isaac sat on the far right. All of them now accompanied their male friend as they all took in the view of the town and the sun. To them this was a view that all of them would possibly see for the last time as not only students, but friends cause now that graduation was around the corner, it meant that their individual paths would soon cause them to split up. Particularly Isaac’s, because of his decision to be a pro and that meant saying goodbye forever.

“So, excited for the yearbook?” asked Rainbow to Isaac.

“Well, do you really need a book to remember all you’ve done?” asked Isaac as he addressed the girls sitting next to him.

“Darling, what do you mean? The yearbook is significant when looking back on one’s teens years. Ours especially.”

“I’m not saying it’s not important, Rarity. Quite the opposite. Not remembering something doesn’t really mean it’s gone.” said Isaac.

“What do you mean?” asked Fluttershy.

“When you remember one thing, that leads to remembering another- and then another and then another. Our memories are connected. Many pieces are linked together like they’re linked in a chain- that makes up each of us. And even if the chain of memories comes apart, the links will still be there, right? So the memory of our promises and time with each other, will always be inside of you somewhere. I’m sure of it. We might forget about where we’ve been or what things we’ve seen, but we won’t forget who our friends are. Forgotten- but not lost.” said Isaac as he said one of the most heartfelt things as the girls all resonated with what he said as they smiled and looked back at the sunset. Pinkie then pulled out some ice cream bars from her hair and gave one to everybody as they all sat and watched the horizon while eating some ice cream on the roof of their school.

After some time, the whole gang had all left when Sunset pulled her friend to the side and told him about their plan for the group photo.

“What?” said Isaac.

“Come on, Isaac. Don’t tell you’re gonna chicken out, what does the idea of me and the girls in beach outfits get your interest.” said Sunset as she put on some seductive eyes.

“No, it’s for a different reason.” said Isaac as he looked away from his friend.

“Tell me.” said the girl.

“No, cause I know of the fanart that will come of you girls in beach outfits.” said Isaac as he looked at the fourth wall.

“So you don’t want to see Twilight in a bikini?” said Sunset with a sly smile.

“Why are you asking me that question?” said Isaac as he still wasn’t directly addressing his friend.

“There’s no shame in fantasying Twilight in that picture.”

“For the record, I would never do that.” responded Isaac as he often didn’t have dirty thoughts about his friends.

“Then you got nothing to worry about. Come on.”

“Fine,” said Isaac as he shook Sunset’s hand. With that they all left for their separate paths, though it did mean that Isaac would need to buy some swim trunks.

Before Sunset fell asleep, she did make an effort to pull out the book that she used to talk with Princess Twilight as she wanted to send her a message.

Dear Princess Twilight, I thought you'd be happy to hear that the girls, Isaac, and I were voted "Best Friends" in the yearbook today. Crazy to think that not so long ago, I was the mean bully that people feared. But now, everybody loves me and has forgiven all the terrible things I’ve done. Of course, I can’t take all the credit, if Isaac didn’t stop me when he did, this place might not have existed. Equestria would have been in chaos since I had plans to invade using magic and Duel Monsters. But thankfully, Isaac put a stop to that and since then I made friends and memories that won’t ever be forgotten. He gave me the second chance I didn’t deserve, and I’ll never forget it. Isaac even said that our memories are like a chain and that since they’re linked together, we won’t ever forget them. Kind of a weird comparison to make, but that’s what I love about the guy making up stuff that is kinda over the top.

Your friend, Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset then turned off her lamp and put the book to the tableside as she prepared to fall asleep. Not too long after the entire town was asleep, something happened as it seemed strips of paper were fluttering in the wind as they all circled around the top of CHS and then gathered together as they disappeared into the garden behind the school and into some trees as a magical light went off.

The sun was high in the sky as it loomed over the bench. People were out and about as they were having fun both on land and in the water. As for Isaac, well he was still in the changing room as he received a call from someone.

“So the final preparations are all set,” said Isaac.

“Yup, just waiting till graduation is all that remains,” said the person who had met with Isaac during the whole incident with Pinkie and Shadow.

“Thank you, once I’m done with the Board of Education, I’ll contact you.” stated Isaac as he ended the call and put his phone in the side pocket of his backpack. He then stopped at the door as he had his backpack over his shoulder as it was full of things for the beach as he took a moment to compose himself.

“Come on, Isaac. So the girls are in beach outfits, not like it matters. So why do I feel nervous seeing them?” said Isaac to himself. “Get that thought out of your head. Get that thought out of your head! You wouldn’t picture the girls like that, they mean too much to me. Okay, here we go.” Isaac then stepped through the door as he was welcomed to the sun shining in his face as he still wore his cap and necklace. He then made his way to where the girls were as he saw the swimsuits that the girls were wearing as he admitted they looked cute in them. He then looked around when a voice was heard.

“Looking for me?” said a voice behind the boy as he turned around.

“Uhm…” was all Isaac could say as standing before him was Twilight as she stood in her beach outfit as he had to admit it did make her look sexy. Isaac was now sweating hard as he looked at his girlfriend standing before.

“Seems Rarity was right.” chuckled Twilight as the fashionista had helped her friend to pick an outfit that would catch Isaac's attention. She wrapped her arms around her boyfriend’s neck as she looked at him.

“Uhm, Twilight…” Isaac was still stunned by what his girlfriend was wearing.

“Is that a fish in your pants or are you just happy to see me?” asked Twilight as she hinted at something.

“Ha ha, very funny.” said Isaac sarcastically as he grabbed Twilight’s arms and took them off his neck as he finally got his composure back. “Any more dirty jokes you want to make?” asked the boy with a nonchalantly look.

“Just teasing you.” chuckled the lavender girl as she grabbed Isaac’s hand. “Come on, let’s have fun.” Twilight then dragged Isaac over to their spot as there were a couple of chairs set up.

Isaac put down his backpack as he reached into the side of it as he sat down and pulled out his deck. Soon the images of all his monsters in his deck appeared before him as he told them to go have fun on the beach. Safe to say all the female magicians of Isaac’s deck all were excited while most of the males weren’t. Thankfully, his Sorcerer Swordsman made his pirate ship appear as he decided to take his male allies on a voyage trip to get away from their female companions to which they all did. Of course, Mahad chose to stick by Isaac’s side as he wanted to keep his master safe, Isaac just shook his head at how loyal his Dark Magician was to his duty. Twilight then wrapped her arms from behind her boyfriend as he was bent down as she nuzzled her cheek against his and gave him a kiss.

“Hold this,” said Twilight as she handed him her book. Isaac raised an eyebrow as he saw his girlfriend walk a few feet away from him as she then turned around and did a pose as out of nowhere a sound was made as a small drone floated in front of her as it snapped her picture.

“Group picture, practice run #36-A, attempt seven — success! Oh, no!” said the nerdy girl as she saw her drone starting to fall it then started to fly out of control as Applejack and Isaac saw this. “Your eyes do not deceive you. I finally invented a selfie-sensing camera. It hovers into position whenever it detects a selfie opportunity.”

“I prefer to take selfies myself... ie.” stated the country girl.

“Twilight, why did you build that?” asked Isaac as the drone floated over to him as he just yanked it out of the air and put it on the chair as it powered down. “There.”

“Thanks.” said the girl as she sat down on the lounge chair next to her boyfriend as she began to work on it.

Isaac just smiled as he grabbed Twilight’s hand as she looked at him; Isaac just brought Twilight in as he gave her a deep kiss as the girl placed her hand on his cheek as they both closed their eyes. They broke apart as their foreheads were still touching as they rubbed their noses together.

“Still keeping that necklace on.” said the boy as he looked at the object hanging from Twilight’s neck.

“I told you, I’m never taking it off.” said the girl as she kissed Isaac once more. She then pulled apart as she went back to working on the drone.

“Which beach blanket should we use for the photograph?” said Rarity as she was kneeling down on the sand with several blankets out in front of her.

“You mean the white one? Or the white one?” said Rainbow as she was standing behind her friend as she offered her answer.

Rarity let out a gasp at Dash’s response, “This is toasted oat and linen lamb's wool. Eggshell, warm frost, pale nimbus, and... Well, that one is white, I suppose.” said the fashionista.

“Yeah. That's the one I was talking about.” said the chromatic girl as the wind picked up and breeze flew through the girls as it picked up one of the towels.

“Don't worry, Rarity! I got it!” said Spike as the dog was digging up some sand when he noticed the towel traveling in the air and chased after it.

“No, I got it! I got it!” shouted Pinkie as the two were now chasing the towel.

Both were trying to outrace each other as soon they both fell down on top of each other.

“I don't got it.” said the girl and the dog. Soon both looked up as the towel in the water now rose up as it was covered in seaweed.

“Ocean monster! Ocean monster!” shouted Pinkie as she and Spike ran for their lives as the seamonster stepped on the sand.

“Quincy the sea turtle says the tide's coming in. We should take the picture soon or risk having damp ankles. Oh, he's so thoughtful.” said Fluttershy as she was the person who was behind the seaweed as she handed the towel back to Rarity.

“Ick.” said Rarity as she looked at the towel.

The girls all began to talk as Isaac watched them as he couldn’t help but smile. Twilight and the others all started to stand in front of the ocean as they prepared to take the photo as she struggled to get her drone into position. The girls called the boy over to join them when he noticed someone approaching. Sunset had now arrived in her beach wear as she looked at the group with a smile as she made her way towards them. As the others were getting ready to have their photo taken, Twilight’s drone then saw Sunset as it stopped in front of her.

“Oh. Twilight, you got the Selfie Sensor working?” said Sunset as she posed for a photo only for the drone to hover away as it hid behind Twilight.

“O... kay. So, who's ready to take a ‘Best Friends’ picture?” asked Sunset as the girls were all looking at her with unease looks. “Uh-oh. What did I do?” said Sunset as she felt like the others were playing a joke but they weren’t. “Should we do it now, or... did you wanna swim first? How's the water?”

“Sunset Shimmer? Askin' to be in our ‘Best Friends’ picture? Heh. Now I've heard it all.” said Applejack.

“Am I missing the joke here?” said Sunset with a confused look.

“The only joke is whatever this is you're playing on us, acting all nice like you're our friend.” said Rarity.

“And it's not funny!” spoke Fluttershy from behind her friend.

“Because you aren't nice.” shouted Rainbow.

“And we ain't friends.” shouted Aj.

“Wait. What?!” said Sunset.

“You got applesauce in your ears? I said, we ain't friends!” said the country girl as she stepped forward.

“No that can’t be.” said Sunset as she was shaken by what she was hearing. “No, we are. Come on guys, don’t you remember all the duels we’ve had and the adventures we’ve had up to this point in our lives.”

“Yeah, you running roughshod and making everybody’s lives a living hell.” exclaimed Rainbow Dash. “I remember how you kept trying to pulverize me after our duel in the Fall Formal semi-final round. I saw the sick look on your face as you kept whaling on me after the duel ended as you enjoyed it!”

“No, that’s not what happened. I mean yes, I did that but I changed after that. This has to be a bad dream. Wake up, Sunset. Wake up!” said the girl to herself as she felt something pinch her. “Ow!”

“Nope. You're awake. Ow!” giggled Pinkie as she now pinched herself, “Me, too!”

“This can’t be. I know I changed, I’m not the same person you still think I am.” Sunset then reached into her bag as she pulled out her phone and looked at her pictures as she showed them to the group.

“This is right here, it’s the day after the Fall Formal where you all helped me to rebuild myself and get a new deck. This one, when we competed in the Friendship Games against Crystal Prep. The trip around the country we had during summer, how about that time we were trapped in cyberspace and had to deal with the Gamemaster or risk losing our minds. Any of this is ringing a bell to you all?” asked Sunset.

“Ever heard of photoshop?” said Rainbow Dash as she saw the photos.

“Why is she still talking to us?” asked Fluttershy as she felt extremely uncomfortable being near Sunset.

“Pinkie Pie, what about when I came to your place to plan Isaac’s birthday party."

“Ha! The closest you've ever come to a party of mine is freshman year, when you pretended to be Applejack and texted me, ‘Your party is lamer than a hungry duck in snow boots’.”

“Like I'd ever say that,” said the country gal.

“It really hurt my feelings.” stated the party girl.

“And it wasn't very nice to the ducks, either.”

“Come on, you know that was so long ago. And you know that I was there to help plan the party.” said Sunset as she turned to another one of the girls, “Twilight, you remember me, right? We've been through so much together. Please…”

“I only met you once, when you yelled at me at the Games in our duel.” said Twilight as she remembered the brutal attack that Sunset delivered to Twilight as it caused her glasses to crack.

“Come on, I’m not the same person!” pleaded Sunset as she addressed the girls. She then looked to the side as she saw Isaac, “Isaac? Please, tell them.”

Isaac just looked at her with a straight face, he then looked at the girls and then back Sunset as he did several takes. He then let out a sigh as he stood up and then approached the bacon-haired girl. He now stood in front of Sunset as she saw his face, Isaac had a smile on his face as it caused Sunset to have hope.

“Sunset, when I look into your eyes, I see you for who you truly are.” said the boy with a smile on his face. “A no good lying bitch!!!” shouted Isaac as it got Sunset’s face to drop as the boy now had a scowl on his face.

“No, not you too.” said Sunset as she took some steps back. “Please, Isaac. Remember. Remember what you’ve done for me, you gave me a second chance.”

“I gave you a chance and you turned it down.” said the boy as he still held a scowl.

“No, that can’t be.”

“Let me give you a refresher. Our battle at the Fall Formal, I defeated you. I extended my hand out to you to give you a second chance, and I thought that there was still good in you. I thought maybe you could atone for all the evil that you did. But the moment I extended my hand out, you swatted it away and then you vowed to get revenge. It was at the moment, I knew I was stupid to think that you could ever change.” said Isaac as he told the tale.

“No, that’s not what happened. I changed.” Sunset then pulled out her Red-Eyes card as she showed it to the boy. “You gave this to me, you did!”

“How the hell did you get that card?” asked Isaac as it was one of the cards he had collected over the years.

“You gave it to me! You gotta remember.” shouted Sunset.

“Like I would ever give you that card. You don’t deserve to hold it!” shouted Isaac.

“Doesn't anyone remember that I've changed?!” said Sunset as she still couldn’t believe what she saw in front of her eyes as the others just gave her some looks. She then thought of something, “Maybe not anyone. I'll be right back!” said the girl as she ran off.

“Good riddance,” said Isaac.

“Don't hurry back, darling!” said Rarity snootily.

Sunset was now under one of the lifeguard posts as she pulled out her book and began to write a message, “Dear Princess Twilight, this is gonna sound crazy, but... are we friends? Am I... nice? Please answer…” said the girl.

Soon something happened.

Of course we're friends!” said Twilight as she replied back as Sunset let out a sigh of relief, “Are you okay? What's going on?”

“Kinda hard to explain. Might be easier in person. Well, not "person", so to speak…” replied Sunset.

Sunset was now at the school building as she was walking towards the statue. She made to look around to see if anybody was around; once the coast was clear, she put her hand on the statue as her hand fizzled and she was sucked into the portal as she swirled around in it. On the other side, Princess Twilight was pacing back and forth as she was anticipating waiting for her as soon the mirror came online as out emerged the girl as she was in her pony form.



“Aah! Oops!” said the unicorn as she was standing on her hind legs before landing on all four. “I was trying to hug you.” said the unicorn before giving her friend a hug.

“So, what's been happening?” asked the princess as Sunset told her.

“This is bad, Sunset. It's way beyond anything I've ever heard of,” said the princess as she and the unicorn were walking out of the room, “Although…”

“What?” asked Sunset.

“I just had an idea.”

“I'll do anything to get my friends back, Twilight.”

“Well, then. We got a little trip to make to Canterlot.” said the alicorn princess.

“Why? … Oh.” said Sunset as she realized what her friend was saying.

Soon both ponies were on a train ride to Canterlot as they prepared to meet with the princess of the sun and the moon. They arrived at the castle as they made their presence known in the throne room. Both princesses were just wrapping up some official royal business as they saw the pair enter the room. Both were ecstatic to see Sunset as she told them her problem and they all got to talking.

“I am not familiar with the exact spell that could have erased your friends' memories. But it sounds like Equestrian magic is at work in your world.” said Princess Celestia as all four of them were walking down the castle hall.

“How convenient.” said Sunset with an unamused look as she was starting to see this get repetitive.

“Hmm. Indeed. The toilings of this nefarious enchantment could portend unimaginable catastrophe if left unchecked.” said Princess Luna in a serious tone as Sunset was trying to hold back a laugh to which Twilight used her wing to slap her friend from chuckling.

“Sorry. I'm just used to hearing you say no student parking in the faculty lot. Heh-heh.” chuckled Sunset.

“This ‘faculty lot’ you speak of sounds like a place of great power.” said the nighttime girl as both Twilight and Sunset let out a giggle.

“The answers you seek are in the Canterlot Library.” said the sun princess as she lead all of them to the place.

Soon all four of them were now at the Canterlot Library as they hoped to find the answer to Sunset’s problem.

“There's over a million books in here.” said Sunset as she entered the place and took it all in as she didn’t know where to begin.

“I wish! But don't worry. You're looking at somepony who knows this place like the back of her hoof,” said Twilight in an excited voice, “Where are you going, Princess Celestia?”

“To the restricted section,” said Celestia nonchalantly.

“There's a... a reh... a reh... a reh... “ said Twilight as she was starting to hyperventilate.

“Breathe, Twilight.” said Sunset smugly.

Both rulers then approached a shelf as there were two books next to each other as one had a sun on the side with the other having a moon on it. Both then used their magic to pull it as the shelf moved to the side to reveal a hidden passage. Twilight’s jaw dropped as Sunset just smiled and put her friend’s jaw back up. Soon all four of them descended down the flight of stairs as they came to a door as both Luna and Celestia pulled it opened with their magic as both girls looked at it in awe as Twilight had the biggest gasp and look on her face as her mouth dropped and her eyes widen.

“Oh-my-gosh-oh-my-gosh-oh-my-gosh-oh-my-gosh-oh-my-gosh! So many books all unread! Ancient historical artifacts! I just... I thought...! I can't...!” said Twilight as she was wheezing heavily.

“You sure you're up for helping me go through all this stuff?” said Sunset with a sly expression on her face at seeing how her friend was acting.

Don't take this away from me!” shouted Twilight as she said in an over dramatic voice.

“I should warn you, however. The archives' mechanical catalog has not been... well-maintained.” said Princess Celestia as Sunset approached it and pulled a lever only for smoke and dust to occur as the machine malfunctioned and fell apart as both girls coughed.

“Guess we'll have to read everything! C'mon!” said Twilight as she was excited with the biggest smile and eyes on her face as she couldn’t wait another moment as she flew up to the books. “No way! Can you believe they have Canterlot Cantabiles Volume Thirty-One? You heard me! Thirty-One! Sunset, that's when it gets goooooooood!” said the Princess as she let out a pleasure filled moan of sorts. “Over here! An original Windigo Weather Warning from the pre-Equestrian era! Oh, my goodness! I can't! I just can't!”

Sunset and Princess Celestia just let out a chuckle at how Twilight was acting as they let her be. Sometime later, Princess Twilight and Sunset were busy reading some books as the princesses had to leave to deal with some other royal affairs.

“Did you know Chancellor Puddinghead tried to pass a law mandating Earth ponies drink carrot juice at every meal? I do. Know that. Now.” said Sunset as she finished reading a book and let out a tired yawn.

“Awww. Sounds like you got to read all the fun books,” said the purple alicorn as she let out a yawn, “We should probably take a break from looking…”

Sunset agreed until…

“Because I found something! You're familiar with The Seven Trials of Clover the Clever?” asked Twilight as she put a chest on the table in front of them.

“Obviously. Why?” said the orange unicorn.

“Well, first of all, these date back to before the founding of Equestria. Look at this.” said Twilight as she pulled out a scroll.

“The Memory Stone. That sounds promising.” said Sunset as she listened to Twilight’s tale.

“It belonged to an evil sorceress who was practically invincible. With the Memory Stone, she could erase any memory from anypony. Even fragments of memories.”

“Fragments like... memories of me being nice?”

“Mm-hmm. Clover the Clever knew the sorceress had to be stopped and the Stone destroyed, so he chased her across land and sea. But every time he got close, the sorceress would erase his memory and escape. But he kept finding her.”

“How?” asked Sunset.

“These scraps of parchment. He secretly wrote everything down so he'd know what had happened and where to go next. Like a trail of breadcrumbs.”

“Clever! Ohhhh. Clover the— Yeah, got it.” said Sunset as she noticed the pun. “What happened on the other side of this portal?”

“The last page is missing. Clover must've hid it to keep anypony else from finding the Memory Stone. Sunset, what if the Memory Stone ended up in your world?” said Twilight.

“And someone is using it to make everyone hate me again?”

“But who?” said both girls in unison as they were thinking about it.

“Any idea?” asked the princess.

“Unfortunately, no.” said Sunset as she put her head down. She then thought back to something that Isaac mentioned the previous day.

“When you remember one thing, that leads to remembering another- and then another and then another. Our memories are connected. Many pieces are linked together like they’re linked in a chain- that makes up each of us. And even if the chain of memories comes apart, the links will still be there, right? So the memory of our promises and time with each other, will always be inside of you somewhere. I’m sure of it. We might forget about where we’ve been or what things we’ve seen, but we won’t forget who our friends are. Forgotten- but not lost.”

“Forgotten- but not lost.” said Sunset.

“Huh?” said Twilight.

“Just something Isaac said before his memory was wiped. He talked about how memories are like a chain and that if it ever breaks apart, the links that connect still exist.” explained Sunset. “I don’t fully know what he means, but I think he was trying to say something.”

Back on the beach the girls were still having their fun. Twilight was laying down on a beach towel soaking in some rays when she lifted up a captain’s hat she was wearing as Pinkie stood in front of her and the others.

“We’ve been out here a while. Time to reapply!” said the party girl as she splattered the cupcake icing all over her body and zoomed away as the others all had confused looks.

“I've been thinking... Should we be worried about Sunset Shimmer?” asked Twilight.

“Yeah! Worried she comes back! I think it's a shame the way she's treating you, pretending to be your friend. She's obviously up to something. Sunset thinks the whole school exists just to serve her.” said a voice as it belonged to Trixie who was also sitting next to them on the beach.

“Water, please!” snapped Trixie as Snips gave her a water bottle while Snails fanned her with a leaf.

The girls just looked at Trixie and then at each other as they listened to that statement.

“You know, seeing as how the yearbook president seems to be having a little identity crisis, I believe that means the vice president takes over. And, why…,” Trixie then let out a gasp, “That's you, Rarity!”

“If this is your way of asking to be made ‘The Greatest and Most Powerful’, the answer is no.” stated the fashionista. “And didn't we have this conversation yesterday? I can't quite remember.” The others all gave their friends looks as they shrugged.

“Maybe we did, maybe we didn't. Memory is such a fickle thing. You never know when you'll forget something important. Like how Great and Powerful I am, which is why I need to be in the yearbook!” demanded Trixie.

“I'll think about it.” answered the marshmallow girl with a groan.

“That's all I ask.” said Trixie as she returned back to her chair.

“Hmm. Follow your memories. Trust what you remember and seek what you forget. Then you will find what you are looking for.”

“What did you say, Twi?” asked Applejack as she overheard her friend mumbling.

“Nothing just, I have the strangest feeling about something. Like there was something that was said to us, yesterday.”

“Which was?” asked Fluttershy.

“Our most precious memories lie so deep within our hearts that they’re out of reach,” said Twilight.

“What does that mean?” asked Rarity.

“I… don’t know.” said Twilight as she was now confused on what she said. “I’m gonna go for a walk.” said the lavender girl as she excused herself.

Isaac was currently sitting on some rocks by the ocean as he was looking out at the sea. The wind was blowing in his face as his necklace blew in the breeze as he made sure his cap didn’t fly off. While he was looking outwards, he then pulled out his deck and looked at it. Ever since Sunset left, he kept looking at his cards and thinking about Sunset. Almost like there was something he was missing and then the words he spoke of yesterday regarding some "memories".

“To lose and claim anew, or to claim anew only to lose.” stated Isaac.

“Something troubling you, master?” asked Mahad as he appeared next to the boy.

“Just, thinking about something.”

“The incident regarding Ms. Sunset.” spoke Isaac’s magician.

“Yeah, for some reason she thinks we’re friends. Funny, she wasn’t acting like this when I offered her a chance. Must have really hitten rock bottom to be so desperate to have a friend. Guess what I said to her when we had our face to face was true; she's was nothing more than a fake-ass bitch.” said Isaac. He then continued to watch the waves with his monster as they crashed against the rocks he was sitting on.

“Well, better… ohh.” said Isaac as he fell down from his seat and landed on the sand below him.

“Are you okay, master?” asked Mahad.

“Yeah, I’m fine Mahad.” said Isaac as he lifted his head up as he felt something wrap around him.

Isaac looked and saw that someone was on top of him, more importantly it was Twilight as the boy could feel her breasts pushing against his chest as his girlfriend laid perfectly on top of him as she showed her face and smiled.

“Pardon me, master. But I shall leave you and Mistress Sparkle for some privacy.” said Mahad as he disappeared to allow his master to have some alone time with Twilight.

“Hey.” smiled Twilight.

“Hey.” responded Isaac as he lifted up Twilight’s hat to look at her face. “What…”

Twilight cut off Isaac as she pressed her lips to his as she cusped his face as Isaac wrapped his arms around his girlfriend’s body. They both closed their eyes as their mouths began to play with the other. Soon their hands began to move as Twilight explored and touched the body of her boyfriend to feel the parts of his muscles. Isaac then moved his hands downwards as he felt Twilight’s smooth legs as it got the lavender girl to let out a moan in her mouth as they were still kissing. He then continued until he made his way to her bottom as he could feel its firmness through her swimsuit as it really got the girl to squeak as she parted her mouth from his for a second to let out a noise. She then pressed it back as he continued and rubbed Twilight’s butt as the girl was in sexual heaven as her boyfriend was making her feel good. After a few moments, the pair pulled apart as they ran out of breath as they kept their foreheads connecting.

“I’m glad to have come with you here, today.” smiled Twilight.

“So am I.” responded Isaac as he captured her lips once more as they engaged in another make out session on the sand.


“I should be getting back to my world. Maybe I can convince my friends I'm telling the truth, now that I know what we're looking for.” said Sunset.

“The Memory Stone. I'll stay here and search the restricted section top to bottom until I find a way to get your friends' memories back.” informed Twilight as she gave Sunset a picture of it.

“If that's even possible.”

“Oh, it's possible. Even if I have to reorganize the whole library by subject. Or maybe chronologically! Oh! And fix the broken catalog machine…,” said Twilight as she cleared her throat as she realized she was going on a tangent, “I'll figure it out.”

“Thank you. Both of you.” said Sunset to the two alicorns.

“This is quite a contrast from the first time we parted ways. But you are not that way anymore. With every choice you make, you prove yourself to possess a kind heart.” said Princess Celestia.

“Well, I had help along the way.” smiled Sunset. With that she and Twilight began to leave as she needed to get back through the portal.

“It's been a grueling afternoon, but here we are: the final match! Next point wins! A hush falls over the crowd of ten thousand fans.” said Rainbow Dash in a sotto voice as she looked at Twilight’s drone which was recording the volleyball match about to take place.

“Go, sports!” said Twilight as she and Isaac had made their way back to their friends as she was sitting on her beach towel reading a book as Isaac sat next to her in a chair as he rolled his eyes at his girlfriend.

“I'm not holding back this time!” shouted Rainbow.

“That's what I'm afraid of.” squealed Fluttershy.

“Bring it on, Rainbow Dash! You and Rarity just bought your team a one-way ticket on the express train to You're Going Down!” said Pinkie with some attitude.

“Ooh. Nice game face, Pinkie Pie” complimented Rainbow.

“Thanks! I've been practicing all day.” stated the party girl as she waved at Isaac for those lessons as she looked at Twilight’s drone in front of her as she grabbed it, “Isn't that right, little baby camera?! You're in my house now!” said Pinkie as the drone flew away from and towards Twilight.

Spike then started to bark at the drone as he hopped out of her lap and then started to chase the floating device.

“Somebody's jealous.” said Rarity as she let out a small laugh as she came back to sit on her lounge chair.

“As if he could be jealous that someone else has Twilight all to themselves.” said Isaac as he hugged Twilight from behind and lifted her up as he sat her on his lap as he sat down on his chair as he booped her nose and gave her nibble on her ear as Twilight felt it to be ticklish.

“Please! Call me when the flying can opener learns how to fetch.” said Spike when the drone then placed an open can of dog food in front of the mutt. “You're the worst.” said the dog as he soon then began to munch on the food.

The game was then on as Rainbow was on a team by herself but she didn’t mind. She then jumped into the air as she served the ball with a hard hit as Fluttershy squealed in fright as she put her arms up to cover her head as the ball bounced off and it set up perfectly for Pinkie as she spiked it into the net for it to ricochet it to her face as it now went over the net and over Rainbow’s head as she tried to hit it back but trip over the sand and fell down as it landed just a few inches above her head.

“I think that’s game, set, match.” joked Isaac as Twilight and Rarity gave a small chuckle.

“Great news, guys! I figured it out. Someone's erased your memory with Equestrian magic! You don't remember, but we're still friends!” said Sunset as she returned from her trip as she addressed the group.

“She’s back again.” said Isaac as he got Twilight off his lap as he stood with the girls as they all had scowls on their faces.

“This is the Memory Stone. Do you recognize it?” asked Sunset to the group as all of them all still held their expressions, especially Isaac.

“Ugh. Right. Guess not. But look. See?” said Sunset as she pulled out her phone again to show some even more pictures of their time together, “This is proof! We are friends!”

“Ehh…” said the girls as they all mumbled.

“It’s not working, Sunset. So do us a favor, walk away, leave us be, and never show your face to us again.” stated Isaac as he took a step forward.

"Oh, please. This is the same girl who made people hand over their most valuable cards to her and she even tore them up in front of them.” said Trixie.

“Yeah, wait a minute! Is this supposed to be me making such a ridiculous face? Ha! I'd never fake a face like that!” said Pinkie as she held Sunset’s phone that had the picture of her making the face as she was currently doing it for a side-by-side comparison. “Preposterous! Fake, I say!”

“My work here is done. Trixie out!” cackled the girl as she threw a smoke bomb. As it disbursed as the girl was now at the top of the stairs as everybody looked at her with straight faces.

“And don't forget, Rarity! You promised to put me in the yearbook!” said Trixie.

“Wait! You did what?” said Sunset as she was surprised by that fact she took a step back as her foot stepped on the volleyball as it caused her to lose her footing and balance as her other foot on crushed Twilight’s drone as it caused the others to gasp as Twilight broke from Isaac’s arm as she raced over to check on her device.

“It was an accident! I can help fix it!” said Sunset.

“I think you've helped enough.” said Twilight.


“Take another step to her and you have to deal with me.” said Isaac as he now slid on his duel disk as it projected a gold card tray.

“Isaac?” said Sunset. “Please, just listen to me. I’m your friend; you saved me.” pleaded Sunset.

“Get away from her.” growled Isaac.

“Maybe this might be the only way.” Sunset then pulled out her duel disk from her saddle bag as she put it on and it projected a red card tray.

“Backup everybody, looks like we got a brawl on our hands.” said Rainbow as she and the girls all stepped back to let the two have space.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Sunset's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

"Isaac, please. Don't do this." pleaded the girl.

"Stop talking, take your turn!" shouted Isaac.

Turn 1: Sunset

"Fine, I draw." said Sunset in a low tone. "I'll start by summoning my Gearfried the Red-Eyes Iron Knight(1800/1600)." Sunset's monster then appeared as it stood front and center on her field.

"I'll then end my turn with one card facedown."

Turn 2: Isaac

"That's all, what a weak move. My draw!" shouted Isaac. "First thing is I'm activating the spell card, Joker's Straight! Now I discard one card from my hand so that I can special summon Queen's Knight(1500/1600) to the field from my deck while also adding King's Knight or Jack's Knight to my hand." Isaac now had his female monster on his field as his duel disk ejected his other knight card to his hand. "Then I can be able to immediately summon a monster after this effect, so I summon my King's Knight(1600/1400). And when King Knight's is on the field along with Queen's Knight, I can special summon Jack's Knight(1900/1000) from my deck. Rise up my knight!" shouted Isaac as he now had his trio of royal knights before him as they all touched their swords together.

"Next, I send my King's Knight to graveyard so that I can special summon my Arcana Triumph Joker(?/2000) from my hand!" shouted Isaac as he replaced his knight with a more powerful on as she swung her sword and lifted her shield as the sun shined off of it. "Now my Arcana Triumph Joker's ability, kicks in, now she gains 500 attack points for the combined total of cards in our hand. So since you're currently holding four and I hold 3 that means her attack right now is 3500!" said Isaac as his female knight boosted her stats.

"Now my knights time to attack, Arcana Triumph Joker attack her Gearfried!" shouted Isaac as his knight brought her sword down and took out Sunset's monster as she felt the attack.
Sunset's Life Points: 6300-

"Now Jack's and Queen's Knight give Sunset the royal treatment!" shouted the boy as his two other knights also unleashed their own attacks.

"AHH!!!" shouted Sunset as the attack was felt as she dropped to a knee as she had some scuffs on her attire and body.
Sunset's Life Points: 2900-

"With that I end my turn with a facedown. And now that we've reached the turn's end phase, my Joker's Straight spell card that I activated earlier now has the second effect resolves. Since it's in my graveyard, I can target one Light monster in my graveyard and shuffle it back into my deck, so I'll take my King's Knight." said Isaac as the card ejected for him to grab as he placed it on his deck as the autoshuffler kicked in. "But that's not all, cause now I get to add Joker's Straight back to my hand." Isaac's spell card now ejected out for him to grab.

Turn 3: Sunset

"My draw, and I'll summon my Black Stone of Legend(0/0) then I'll activate its effect, so I tribute it so that I can summon my Red-Eyes Black Dragon(2400/2000)!" said Sunset as she now had her star monster appear as it let out a roar. "Isaac, remember. You gave me this card, this is what symbolized our friendship, please remember."

"Your mind tricks is not gonna work, Sunset." said Isaac.

"Then maybe I need to blast you, Red-Eyes attack his Queen's Knight, Inferno Fire Blast!" shouted the girl as her dragon opened its mouth and then took out Isaac's monster.
Isaac's Life Points: 7100-

"With that I now place one card facedown and end my turn. Which means your Arcana Triumph Joker loses 500 attack points since there's one less card in my hand."

Turn 4: Isaac

"Like I give a damn!" shouted Isaac as he drew his card. "I now play The Warrior Returning Alive spell card to get back my Queen's Knight. Then from my hand I can special summon my Joker's Knight(2000/1000)." Out emerged another one of Isaac's new royal knights as this one wore a mask resembling the joker card in a poker deck. "By doing so it requires me to send one of my royal knights to the graveyard, so I'll send the King's Knight in my deck to the graveyard so that my Joker's Knight becomes its name. Then from my hand I summon Queen's Knight!" Once more Isaac had his knights on deck as Joker changed into King's Knight but still had the mask on his face.

"Even so, now your Arcana Triumph Joker is now very weak." said Sunset as Isaac's monster now only had 2500 attack points.

"Maybe so, but now I reveal my facedown, Joker's Wild! So by sending a spell card from my deck to my graveyard, that lists 'Queen's Knight, Jack's Knight, and King's Knight', my Joker's Wild takes on its effects. So I'll send my Face Card Fusion to the grave so that my trap copies its abilities. And with that done, it now activates so now I can fuse together my Queen's Knight's, Jack's Knight, and King's Knight!" Isaac's three monsters then appeared besides their master a vortex opened behind them as soon they were all sucked in a swirl of orange and purple colors as a new monster emerged. "I Fusion Summon, Arcana Knight Joker(3800/2800)!!" shouted Isaac as his new warrior appeared as he wielded a huge sword and had a shield on his right arm.

"Oh no." said Sunset as she looked at Isaac's new monster.

"I ain't done, cause now I play Pot of Greed so that I can draw two cards. Now Arcana Triumph Joker has a total of 3000 attack points. Attack Red-Eyes!" shouted the boy as his warrior leaped high into the air as it brought its sword down on the dragon as it sliced it in half clean and exploded.
Sunset's Life Points: 2300-

"Finish her!" shouted Isaac as he commanded his Arcana Knight Joker to deal the final blow.

"I reveal my facedown, Drowning Mirror Force! So now all your attack positions monsters are shuffled back into your deck." said Sunset.

"What a pathetic move!" shouted Isaac. "I activate Arcana Knight Joker's effect, so by sending a trap card in my hand to the graveyard, I can negate all other cards of the same type. So your facedowns don't mean shit!" yelled the boy as Sunset's cards were render useless.

"No, but..." Sunset then saw the monster in front of her as he delivered a downward slash. "AHHH!!!!" screamed Sunset as she fell to her knees.
Sunset's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

"I didn't even have to use my magicians to make you lose." stated Isaac with the scowl on his face.

"No..." said Sunset as she picked herself off of the sand, "No, I won't let it happen. Isaac, duel!" shouted the girl as she quickly reactivated her duel disk.

"You just don't know when to quit." chuckled Isaac. "Fine, I got no problem kicking your ass again." Isaac then reactivated his duel disk.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Sunset's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Isaac

"I'll start, draw!" shouted Isaac. "I summon Magician's Valkyria(1600/1800). Then I'll place one card facedown."

Turn 2: Sunset

"My draw, and now I'll play the ritual spell card Dark Dragon Ritual so I now send my Red-Eyes Retro Dragon so that I can ritual summon my Paladin of Dark Dragon(1900/1200)!" Sunset's new monster emerged as both rider and dragon were all black as they wore even darker armor. "Now Paladin attack his Magician's Valkyria!" shouted the girl as her monster flew into the sky and raised its lance as it took out Isaac's magician.
Isaac's Life Points: 7700-

"Next I'll activate my Paladin's special ability, so I tribute it to summon my Red-Eyes Black Dragon from my deck!" shouted the girl as her monster was now on the field.

"I then end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 3: Isaac

"My draw, and now I'll play Magician's Robes(700/2000) in defense mode."

Turn 4: Sunset

"My turn, and now I'll play my Black Stone of Legend and then tribute it so that I can special summon my Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon(2400/2000) from my deck." Sunset now had another dragon rise up as it let out a cry as it joined it fellow comrade. "Now Red-Eyes attack his Magician's Robes!" commanded Sunset as her dragon fired a fireball as it took out Isaac's monster.

"Before my Magician's Robes is destroyed, I'll activate its effect, so I send my Dark Magic Curtain to the graveyard so that I can special summon from my deck, my ever faithful companion, Dark Magician!" shouted Isaac as he now had his ultimate wizard appear.

"In that case, I'll lay a facedown and end my turn."

Turn 5: Isaac

"My draw, and I now summon my Magician's Rod(1600/100). And by doing so when its summoned, I get to add a 'Dark Magician' related spell or trap card to my hand." Isaac then used his duel disk screen as he selected the card he wanted as it slid out for him to grab. "Then since I control a Level 4 or below monster on my field, I can special summon my Mage Annette(1300/1700) in defense mode." One of Isaac's kid magicians rose up as she had her book in her hand and opened it up as inside was a card. "And when Mage Annette is summoned, I get one card from my deck."

"Is this the one you're looking for Isaac?" asked Mage Annette as she walked towards her master holding her book.

"It is, thanks Annette." said Isaac as he bent down to meet his magician at her level as he picked her up and gave her a loving hug as he gave the kid girl a kiss on her cheek as he put her down as she got back into position.

"With that, I end my turn with another facedown."

Turn 6: Sunset

"It's my turn," said Sunset but when she drew her card, her arm hurt a bit from their last duel a few moments ago, "Nevermind, I play the spell Advanced Ritual Art so now I can use it to ritual summon any monster simply by sending cards from my deck to my graveyard, so I'll send my Dark Blade and Gearfried the Red-Eyes Iron Knight so that I can ritual summon my Lord of the Red(2400/2100)!" Out emerged a humanoid dragon as it stood on his hind legs as he had flames coming from his claws.

"Now to attack, Red-Eyes B. Dragon attack his Mage Annette and my Lord of the Red will take out your Magician's Rod!" shouted Sunset as both of her monsters took out Isaac's two monsters.
Isaac's Life Points: 6500-

"With that I'll end my turn."

Turn 7: Isaac

"My turn and now I'll reveal my Magic Formula so that I can give my Dark Magician an extra 700 attack points."

"I now activate my Lord of the Red's special ability, since you activated a spell card, my monster can now destroy one card on the field and it can also take out one spell/trap so now both your Magic Formula and monster are gone." said Sunset.

"My Magic Formula yes, but not my magician. Cause since you targeted my Dark Magician with an effect, I can now special summon Palladium Oracle Mana(2000/1700) from my hand. And now Mana's effect means that my Level 7 or high spellcasters can't be destroyed by card effects." said Isaac as the spirits of his Dark Magician Girl appeared as she was in her old Egyptian attire.

"Maybe, but she isn't so I'll destroy her instead." said Sunset as she still took out Isaac's monster and his Magic Formula.
Isaac's Life Points: 7500-

"Since my Magic Formula was destroyed, I gain 1000 life points. And since Mana was destroyed, I can now summon Dark Magician Girl from my hand, deck, or graveyard." said Isaac as his female magician appeared next to her teacher and master as she did her usual thing of giving Isaac a kiss on the cheek to show her affection to the young teenager.

"I knew about your monster's effect which is why I baited it out so that I can do this, from my hand I play Dark Burning Attack so now I can nuke your entire field!" shouted Isaac as his two magicians took out Sunset's entire field as she was left with nothing. "Then I banish my Magician's Rod and Magician's Valkyria from my graveyard so that I can special summon my Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning(3000/2500)!" Isaac held his card up high as out came a warrior dressed in armor as he had a sword and shield by his side as he had a fierce look.

"This isn't good, I'm wide open." said Sunset as she had a worried look on her face.

"Oh, believe me, this isn't what I have planned for you." said Isaac in a menacing tone. "I now tribute all three of my monsters!" Isaac's monsters then transformed into orbs of light as they combined together and conversed into the card that their master was holding high up as he soon brought it down as he closed his eyes and chanted.

"No... Isaac... don't..." pleaded Sunset.

"Oh mighty protector of the Sun in the sky, I beg of thee, please hear my cry. Transform thyself from orb of light and bring me victory in this fight. I beseech thee, grace our humble game."

"Please don't finish that chant!" shouted Sunset as she was afraid at what was coming.

Isaac then opened his eyes as he finished the saying, "But first I shall, call out thy name! Winged Dragon of Ra!!!" Soon a bright yellow light enveloped the whole field as it caused everybody to shield their eyes. Soon a giant yellow orb appeared as it descended onto the battlefield. Then a yellow glow appeared as it started to unlock as The Winged Dragon of Ra emerged from its sphere and soon it was on the field as it let out a cry.

"An Egyptian God?!" said Sunset as she was legit scared for her life. She looked at Isaac as he raised his arm up as he prepared to give his monster its command. "Isaac, don't!"

"I activate the Winged Dragon of Ra's special ability!"

"No! Please!"

"I give up all but one of my life points and the rest get transferred over to Ra!" shouted the boy as his monster powered up.

"Please, I'm your friend!!" said Sunset as she dropped to her knees.

"No you're not!! Take her out!" shouted Isaac as his Egyptian God then opened its mouth and fired off a very powerful beam of energy as it hit Sunset square in the chest as she couldn't put her arms up to protect herself.

"AHHH!!!!" shouted Sunset as she tumbled onto the sand as her clothes were full of the material as she had some more scuffs along her body.
Sunset's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

"Remember what you said to me about bullies during our battle at the Fall Formal. That if you try to get back up and stand against them, that bully is going to make sure that you don't get up ever again. So for your own sake, Sunset. Stay down!" shouted Isaac.

"Never..." said Sunset as she struggled to get back on her feet as her body was aching a bit. "You... taught me... to never give up... to fight for friendship..." Sunset was now on one knee as she was taking deep breaths as she willed her body to stand up. "So... like you said... I... won't... give... up!" screamed Sunset as she activated her duel disk once again to project her card tray.

"You really are a dumb bitch." stated Isaac as he activated his duel disk once more as he was going to end this little dance once and for all. Time to end you, Sunset.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Sunset's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Sunset

"My... turn... draw!" shouted Sunset as she drew her card as it was surrounded in a red light as she was tapping into her magic. "I play Polymerization so fuse together my Red-Eyes Black Dragon and Summoned Skull!" Sunset held both of the monsters in her hand as they appeared beside their mistress' side as they entered a vortex of orange and purple as a new monster emerged. "I... Fusion Summon! Archfiend Black Skull Dragon(3200/2500)!" shouted Sunset as her new monster let out a roar.

"Then I play Fusion Recovery so that I can take back my Red-Eyes and Polymerization from my deck. Then I play Pot of Greed to draw 2 more cards. Now I play Polymerization once more so that I can fuse my Red-Eyes B. Dragon with my Meteor Dragon!" Once more Sunset was tapping into her magic as she was pulling out everything. "I Fusion Summon, Meteor B. Dragon(3500/2800)! Now I summon my Black Stone of Legend and then activate its ability to tribute is so that I can special summon my Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon. Lastly, I'll play Monster Reborn to bring back my Red-Eyes from the grave!" shouted Sunset as the magic flowed through the girl as she shined red as it infused with her soul.

"I... I..." Sunset couldn't continue with what she wanted to say.

Turn 2: Isaac

"You're done, Sunset." said Isaac in a menacing tone as he drew his card as now his magic activated in an instant as Sunset saw this and got scared. She saw the magic Isaac possessed as well as the demon inside of him as it merged with the boy to grant power. "Now I'll set the Pendulum Scale with my Scale 2 Sleight of Hand Magician and Scale 8 Mirage Magician, I'm taking control of this duel, starting now!!" shouted Isaac. Isaac's duel disk registered what he was doing as he placed the Pendulum cards on the far side of his card tray as the word 'Pendulum' in rainbow coloring spelled out to signal it worked. Isaac's two cards then appeared in columns of light as they stood still as the numbers showed in front of them.

"Then I activate my Cards of Sanctity so now we draw till we're holding six cards in our hand. Now let's get to it, I'm allowed to summon monsters from Level 3 through 7 all at the same time! Back and forth, to and fro, what's coming next? You'll all soon know! So swing far Pendulum and carve the arc that will lead me to victory! My monsters are ready to swing into action!" Isaac then thrusted his hand into the air as lights came out of the giant portal above him.

"Sing us a melodious song, Enchantress of Melody(900/1800). Get ready to have your fortune told, it's my Black Robe Mentalist(1700/1300, Scale 7, Level 4). Watch out, cause she's a bit of a jokester, meet my Black Arts Trickster(1200/2700, Scale 2, Level 3). Batten down the hatches and drop anchor, it's my Sorcerer Swordsman(1500/1500, Scale 1, Level 4). And lastly, the star monster of our show, Dark Magician!" said Isaac as his star monster was now on the field. For Isaac he was now channeling the inner power that was passed onto him by certain people.

"What... is..." started Sunset.

"To start, I'll activate my Black Robe Mentalist's special ability, since I have 5 monsters on my field, I can look at the top five cards of my deck and add one of them to my hand." said Isaac as his options appeared in front of him. He then touched the card he wanted as it appeared in front for him to grab. "Now my Sorcerer Swordsman's ability activates, since he was Pendulum summoned, I can now lower one of your monsters attack points to zero." said Isaac as he looked at his male teen magician as he lowered Archfiend Black Skull Dragon's attack. "Now I'll activate my Enchantress of Melody which allows me to roll a die and then I can either increase or decrease a monster's level by what number it lands on from 1-3." said Isaac as die appeared in his hand as he grabbed. Soon his Enchantress of Melody put her hand over her master's as she looked at him with a smile.

"Dice Roll!!" shouted Isaac and his monster as both of them tossed the die in the air. The die then rolled as it bounced a bit before it landed on a side. "With that number 1, I'll decrease my Enchantress' level so now she's Level 2." said Isaac as his monster used her musical instrument as she changed her own level. "Now time to activate my Sleight of Hand Magician's pendulum ability, twice per turn he can change the level of a monster on my field to match that of another. So Sleight of Hand, use your cards tricks and change my Sorcerer Swordsman and Black Robe Mentalist so that they match my Dark Magician!" shouted Isaac.

"No... way!" said Sunset in awe as she looked at Isaac's magic growing more powerful as it made hers pale in comparison.

"Now I'll overlay my now Level 7 Sorcerer Swordsman and Level 7 Black Robe Mentalist to build the Overlay Network!" shouted Isaac as both of his monsters then changed into dark orbs as they hovered in the air. Soon a portal opened up in front of him as the orbs disappeared inside as a pillar of light emerged. "I Xyz Summon, Ebon Illusion Magician(2500/2100, OLU: 2)!" Isaac's new monster appeared as he opened his eyes as he had his staff in his hands.

"Now I'll tune my Level 2 Enchantress of Melody with my Dark Magician. And since I'm using Dark Magician as synchro material, he counts as Level 6 instead of 7." Isaac's enchantress then played her harp once more as she turned into two giant green rings as they circled around his ace monster. "I Synchro Summon, Dark Sorcerer Magician(2500/2100)!" stated the boy as his monster that he was summoning wore a white magician's robes as he had a staff with bits of stardust floating around it.

"I activate my Black Arts Trickster's special ability which allows me to send one of your monsters to the graveyard, so that I can bring back a monster from my graveyard for one turn. So say goodbye to your Meteor B. Dragon!" Black Arts Trickster then twirled her wand as she made a magical box appear around Sunset's monster. She then approached it as she gave a sexy wink and pulled back the box and out came Isaac's Dark Magician.

"Mahad, let's take down Sunset once and for all!"

"Yes, master!" said Mahad as he took his stance.

"Now I'll play the spell card, Eye of Timaeus!" shouted Isaac as he held his card up high as a bright white light came from it. "I Fusion Summon! Dark Magician the Dragon Knight(3000/2500)!" Out emerged Isaac's monster as his magician rode on the back of Timaeus as he wielded a sword as it let out a roar.

"Pendulum, Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz?!" said Sunset in awe. "No... no... no!"

"Then I'll play the final card in my hand, Bond Between Teacher and Student. The great Dark Magician has a disciple who can more than hold her own. Say hello to Dark Magician Girl!" shouted Isaac as now he had his ace female spellcaster as she appeared along side her comrades. "Now my spell allows me to set my Dark Magic Twin Burst which I'll activate to give my Dark Magician the Dragon Knight a power boost, so it gains attack points equal to my Dark Magician Girl and since I currently have Dark Magician in my graveyard, she gets 300 extra attack points. So her total is 2300 and now my fusion monster has 5300 attack points.

All of Isaac's magicians stood beside their master as he glowed a rainbow coloring as Sunset's magic was now fading and being absorbed by Isaac's essence as he was using it as his own. Isaac then raised his arm out and he snapped his fingers as all of his monster raced forward as they were given their command as they combined their weapons together and shot a powerful attack that was covered in rainbow coloring as it headed towards Sunset who had nothing as her monster and her were hit.

"AAAHHH!!!!" shouted Sunset as she was thrown onto the sand hard as this time she was down for the count as her body hurt a bit but the magic that surrounded her made sure to protect her from suffering any serious damage.
Sunset's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac(OTK)

Isaac deactivated his duel disk as he knew that Sunset wasn't going to get up again. The girls were now heading back to their activities as they had seen enough; Isaac looked at Sunset as she lifted her head up and looked at the boy as she had tears falling down her cheeks from her eyes. Isaac still held a straight face as he looked at the girl, Sunset tried to stand up but this time her body told her no as she couldn't move. In front of her a few feet away was her Red-Eyes B. Dragon card as she extended her arm out to try to retrieve it as her dragon was calling out to its mistress. It was but fingertips away when Isaac bent down and picked up the card as he looked at it and then at Sunset as her face was begging him to give her the card.

"This... is mine." said Isaac as he pocketed the card that he gave Sunset long ago as he started to walk away.

"No... Isaac... please..." cried Sunset as she realized that she truly was all alone and had no friends.

Sunset then sat on the sand as she dusted her clothes of the mineral as she saw her friends having fun. All of it made her sad, she then turned to look at Trixie who was still watching from the steps as she had decided to watch the duels with Isaac. She then smiled smugly as she left, for Sunset she had an angry look at the girl, but it soon soften as the pain both physically and emotional came to her as she clutched her arm and left the beach as she had no one left.

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