• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 129: Third Year

It was a glorious day as the sun was high in the sky as it provided both warmth and light for the people of Canterlot. And on this day there was something happening; in fact the school building of Canterlot High was abuzz with tons of people walking around the school and looking in the school itself. The reason being was it was the date of the Freshman Fair; the Freshman Fair was something that the school had for students that were now going to transition into the highschool part of CHS and for any new students who would be enrolling. It was a event that was held a month before school started as a way for the new class of students to actually see their new environment. Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna had the entire building opened for the family and the students so they could ask either them or any of the other faculty members some questions they had.

The entire outdoor field of Canterlot High had been transformed into an activities fair as all the clubs and their members were setting up and trying to see if any new students were interested in joining. There was a even a small section of the field reserved where a couple of duels were taking place as it allowed new students to see what kind of people they might face at CHS. Overall, this was one of the most important and fun events that almost everybody at CHS was looking for.

Sunset was currently walking through the activities fair as she waved to a couple of her fellow students. To think that in less than a month she and her class would enter their final year at CHS. Then it would soon be time for graduation as it would mean that everybody would go on their separate lives. Sunset found it hard to believe that her time at CHS was starting to come to a close; she had been applying to several art places as an internship in which she could hopefully get access to an actually job. She had managed to find a place that accepted her application as they wanted a personal demonstration to see what she could do. They were interested in Sunset's skills as they mentioned there was room for improvement, so they gave her a chance for the internship. Seems it worked out well as she quickly got a call from an art school out of state and told her that after she graduated high school she could attend the institution with them covering the full tuition. Sunset was ecstatic as it brought tears of happiness. So it seemed that Sunset now had a path ready for her once she graduated as did most of her friends.

She then entered the school building as she waved to a couple of the new freshman that she would be seeing as well as their families. Sunset then found herself standing in front of a door as she let out a deep breath before knocking.

"Come in." said the voice on the other side.

"You called for me, Principal Celestia?" said Sunset as she entered the office.

"Yes, Sunset. Don't worry, you're not in trouble. I just wanted to ask, how are things?"

"Everything's been fine, me and the girls are all looking forward to our last year here. Not to mention what awaits all of us after graduation."

"Yes, graduation. Well, that's still a ways off. Best to enjoy the time you have left at this place. Don't want it to go too fast, now." smiled Celestia. "Now then, I was hoping you could give a group a tour of our school. Me and Luna are busy with the final paperwork before the semester starts."

"Sure thing, Principal Celestia." Sunset then left Celestia's office as she made her way to the front of the school. She got to the entrance of the school as there was a group of people waiting for her as it consisted of a few students along with their parents. "Welcome everybody, my name is Sunset Shimmer and I'll be your tour guide for today. I'm currently a student here at CHS. In fact, I'll be a senior here once school starts up. Now let's begin." Sunset then began to lead the group throughout the building.

"And this here is our music room where we have class. If you ever want to reserve it, just let Principal Celestia know ahead of time. Next up is our café which is open to all kinds of requests on what to serve and if you have any allergies, then you just tell the staff and they make a mental note." Sunset continued this pattern as she began to explain CHS while answering any questions that people had. Soon they reached the end of the tour as they ended up in the main entrance way.

"And that about covers it." stated Sunset. "So... any last questions?"

"Uh, just one?" asked a girl. "What's dueling like here?"

"Excuse me?" said Sunset.

"Well, the brochure says that this place is popular for dueling." said another girl.

"Yeah, something like how this place has experience extreme forms of dueling." said a boy.

"Well now, remind me to talk with Principal Celestia about what she promotes." said Sunset to herself before turning back to the group. "CHS is popular for its dueling, though most students here have to figure out on their own due to CHS not having the proper funds to teach Duel Monsters. So most of the students here created their deck and playstyle all by themselves."

"It says here there's also a champion that has helped this school. Any idea on who they are?" asked a parent.

"Well, the champion is someone who really does have a passion for Duel Monsters. In fact, when he enrolled in CHS, he quickly rose up the ranks of the division and became the champion." informed Sunset.

"How did it start?" asked another person.


"So Isaac, I know you're new here but I wanted to get your thoughts on the Fall Formal tournament coming up? Interested?" Rainbow was hoping Isaac was excited just as she was.

"Actually, I've never heard of that. To be honest I don't even know what that is?". It seemed his answer was not what Dash was looking for.

Rainbow was a bit embarrassed. "Oh right. Anyways it's a big tournament that CHS holds to determine who will be crowned the Fall Formal duel champion. Everybody at CHS enters hoping they can win to not only to take their game to the next level, but possibly be scouted by the pro leagues. To many people this tournament is a chance for them to break out and separate themselves from the pack. Of course being the champion helps because it shows everybody that you're the best, but it also puts a huge target on your back as everyone is gunning for you and that top spot. This year promises to be the biggest it's ever been. That's why I called you here; me and the girls are going to be entering. With your help we could have a chance to win this and take her down once and for all."

"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Sunset Shimmer. Pleased to meet you.” She extended her hand to Isaac which he gladly refused. “Left speechless, I tend to have that effect on people, especially boys. Listen I’m here because my lackeys have been trying to inform me about a certain someone who holds a rare card... No matter I know all about that card and how powerful it is. That’s why I’ve come with a proposition. It seems you’ve become friends with a certain group of individuals, if you’re wondering how I know about them let’s just say I’ve had some run-ins with them in the past. To put it plainly I want you to forget them; those girls are just dead weight to you. I’ve seen what you can do and you are capable of so much more. If you continue to hang with those girls all there going to do is keep holding you back; as a duelist we always strive to be the best to push ourselves beyond our limits. The CHS tournament is an event that is a once in a lifetime that could elevate someone to stardom; take it from me the best way to improve is to not be carrying any more dead weight. Don’t you want to be the best?”

“Of course, who doesn’t want to be at the top?” said Isaac.

“Then heed my advice, ditch the girls so you tune all of your focus on surviving in the tournament. Or don’t it’s up to you. Still know that this is my place and I run it; meaning I decide who lives and who suffers my wrath. If you play your cards right kid, I might let you slide. Are we clear?”

Isaac answered with a bit of bitterness. “Crystal.”

“If she's such a bully, why haven’t Celestia or Luna done anything to stop her?”

Fluttershy then answered Isaac's question. “Almost everyone is scared of her demeanor that they don’t say anything. Instead they try to avoid her at all cost to ensure that they don’t get picked on. Everyday at school, the students do their best to survive because they know that once Sunset Shimmer has her sights set on you, you better pray you live.”

"What the hell is wrong with you!? The duel is over and yet you still batter around Dash. I know what you want, well Sunset I'm right here. You want to throwdown, then I say we don't have to wait till Friday lets settle this here and now!" Isaac prepared to activate his duel disk till Luna stopped him.

"Calm yourself Isaac, you'll get your hands on Sunset. Right now, Dash is the one you should worry about!" Luna tried to get Isaac to calm down and not let his angry get the best of him.

"Listen to what Vice-principal Luna is saying, it's for your own good. As for you Isaac that was just a preview of what I'm going to do to you and everybody else when I beat you and take my rightful place among the gods as the new face of fear! So enjoy your last moments while you can, because once our duel starts there will be no salivation to save you from hell that is coming!" Sunset then left as she made her way out of the room and disappeared.

(Brief pause)

"So what happened at the Fall Formal?" asked a student.


"Oh, we talking now, huh Sunset! You hearing me now, ain't acha! You're nothing more than a big bad meanie!"

"You're about to see how mean I can get!"

"Then do something about it!"

Isaac and Sunset then jumped out of their seats and began to get in each other's faces. Their foreheads were pressed against each other as they started to bad mouth each other with curses and slang. It looked like their was about to be a fight as their fellow students started to chant 'fight'. Celestia and Luna then got up and tried to separate the two of them by pulling each other back. It proved difficult as they started to throw hands at each other trying to take a swing at each other.

Sunset tried to get at Isaac but was stopped by Celestia holding her back. "I'm going to kill you, you son of a bitch!"

"Hey, Sunset! If you're feeling froggy, jump cause I say lets dance!" Isaac rebutted back as Luna tried to hold him back.

"Bravo, bravo Isaac. They should really give you an award for inspiration speaking because that story almost made my heart break. The keyword being: almost. See just hearing your sob story is enough to make me throw up. I'm going to tell you something, that little fairytale ending that you have planned it would make for a very good tale if this wasn't reality. You want to shoot from the hip, fine then lets shoot. Just like I told your friend, I'm tell you the same damn thing. People call you the underdog in this match, when in reality it's just code for them feeling sorry for you. And they will feel even more sorry for you when I beat you and destroy their hopes and dreams. The reason is because I know how to play this system, so you can play whatever character you want but the fact remains. You could put a mask on a pig, but it's still a pig."

Isaac then cut off Sunset. "You of all people, waltz down here and use the same pathetic excuse that every single other person before you has done. You, with all your gifts and all of your opportunities! You have the gull to blame me. That's fine, that's fine Sunset. Congrats it took you awhile to figure that out but I'm about to shrink you done to size, fam. You want to blame me that's fine, I've been hearing that mine entire life and I'm still not sick of it. I've been called a lot worse by a lot tougher. You blame me fine, then I blame you! I'm still here because you can't do your job!"

"Everybody that I've faced has cowered before my power and come Friday you will join that list, Isaac. Come tomorrow, there will be no room for excuses, they'll be no room for luck, and there will certainly be no room for jokes! I've been proving myself ever since I stepped foot in this place."

"This place? Oh big whoop, I've be proving myself in this game my whole damn life. What's another day or two? I feel like everytime I walk into this building its been 'this is the biggest duel of my life'. 'Guys, next week, it's the biggest match of my career'." said Isaac with a mocking tone. "This Friday, it's not just the biggest duel of my career, it's the biggest moment of my life, Sunset."

Sunset had a smirk on her face. "The whoop is understanding the difference between a main event that last for one night. And a main event that's life altering."

Fast forward to the duel...

Stay down!! Just stay down!!! Everytime I've beaten you to a pulp, you still find some way to get back up! I kick your ass and you get back up. I kick your ass again and you still try to get back up!! Maybe your parents told you that if you face a bully and they're beating you down then you should just get back up. Well let me tell you, the next time that bully is not going to let you get up. They're going to keep beating you till they make sure that your don't get up! I said that you were going to be in for the beating of a lifetime but you still are trying to fight. So tell me!! What do I have to do!? What do I have to do to get you out of my life!? Tell me!!! Sunset now had the evil look in her eyes as the evil magic surrounding her was starting to take control as her hair was now floating.

"Now you know, Sunset. You said it yourself, that I'm going to be in the beating of a lifetime. Well that's like saying that the sun will come up tomorrow. Of course I know that, I know that. But I also know what it takes to beat you! You see that's the difference between us. You have no passion for anyone but yourself! You're tough, you're powerful, and you're damn good. But what separates me from you Sunset is heart. And when the chips are down, you may beat the hell out of me but you're going to have beat every last breath out of this body!!" The magic that had entered Isaac's deck was started to surround Isaac, but only Sunset noticed this.

"That's why I dislike you!!! You come out here and do your little song and dance and people actually think that you're some kind of noble hero! It sickens me to my stomach that you actually believe what these sheep think is true about you! You don't belong here with me and you're no more than a fraud! I! HATE! YOU!!!!" Sunset screamed that her voice echoed around the room that everybody in the room and at home watching on their TV heard her.

"Why am I still here? Well right now, I here to shut your mouth! Why am I still here, that's an easy answer because I've finally found the answer to a question I've been asking my whole life!" Isaac looked at Celestia for a second to which she knew what he was talking about. "They keep telling me, what do I duel for? Well I duel out of love!"

Sunset had a disgusted look on her face like that was most stupidest answer she ever heard from someone.

"Oh no, don't get me wrong I see you, I see the look on your face. Because we don't use/say the word love around here, especially if you're a guy because when we say that we don't look tough. Please I'm a grown ass man, I could do/say whatever the hell I want and I don't give a damn on what anybody else thinks! I love this game, I love the fact that I can make people happy, I love every little aspect that Duel Monsters brings to me and my life! I love the look on these people's faces; I love the smiles that I put on for the people not just in here but also for the fine folks at home watching and to the readers who're reading this story. It warms my heart when I'm pulled to the side and people say 'thank you'. I am here out of love, what the hell are you doing here!! Cause I'm not just fighting for me, Sunset. I'm fighting for everybody whose dream was to be here, whose dream was to stand here on the grandest stage of them and say they've made it. Know that because this is my life! This is my passion! This is all that I got!!!" Now it was Isaac's voice that was heard by everybody.

"Say hello to my Chromatic Paladin(3000/3000). My paladin has a unique ability because when he's summoned he gains the attack points of your monster, so now my Paladin's attack points rise up to 10,000!"

"10,000 attack points! That's impossible!!"

"Nothing is impossible, Sunset! Now Chromatic Paladin, attack Sunset's Demon Inferno. Rainbow Slash!!"

(End of Flashback)

"And well that's what happened." said Sunset as she finished recounting her tale.

"Howdy, Sunset!" called out Applejack as she waved to her friend. "Givin' these folks a tour."

"Hey, Applejack. Yeah, Principal Celestia asked me to."

"She also telling us about what happen with the person who became the champ." said a boy.

"Is she now, well as good as that sounds, how 'bout we all get something to eat. The school is serving some mighty fine food out back." suggested Applejack as everybody all started to head out to the back of the school where the activities fair was set up as they began to eat.

Sunset just stood on top of the stairs as she looked at what laid before her. Applejack noticed this as she came to check on her friend.

"You okay, Sunset?"

"I'm fine, Aj. Just taking it all in, we are now officially upperclassman, and soon we'll graduate. Which means our individual lives are about to take off. Just trying to enjoy these last moments as much as I can."

"Ah hear you, sugarcube. Goin' to be hard when we leave this place. Really goin' to miss it, not to mention all the adventures we've had." said Applejack as she began to reminisce about the past.


"Crystal Prep? Never heard of it." said Isaac.

“Canterlot’s rival school,” Applejack explained. “A bunch of upper-class snobs with more money than talent.”

"No doubt it was them! Why else would they be snooping around here but to try to get a closer look at our decks just before the Friendship Games."

"Ok, I'm extremely loss. Someone mind explaining. Friendship Games? Rival School?" asked Isaac.

"Allow me sugar, see every four years there's a competition held between CHS and Crystal Prep as a way to uphold the ideals of our two schools getting along. In short, it's suppose to remind us about the ideal of friendship while we win and compete in some friendly competitions."

"And they always win! In fact, they beat us in everything- soccer, tennis, even golf and they still have to gloat at us!" Rainbow was started to get angry as she thought of all the times Crystal Prep had beaten them.

"I understand, but it's still a bit exaggerated. I mean, if the whole idea of the Friendship Games is too celebrate the relationship of the two schools. Then how badly is that CHS really wants to win."

"Well seein' as how they squash at everything, kind hard to get along with them, sugarcube."

"I want you to be a part of the team to represent CHS, in fact, I want you to be the team captain." Celestia then extend her hand to Isaac.

"Look, Celestia. I'd appreciate the offer. I really do, but I just can't. I know about the rivalry between our two schools; not to mention the disdain that the students have for Crystal Prep. But I just can't bring myself to take part in a competition if it's not going to be fun for me. I duel because I love this game, not to extract some revenge or be bitter about losing to someone. To me that's not what Duel Monsters is all about; if I can't experience the joy that the game brings me, then I don't want to be a part of it."

Celestia then bent down on her knees and looked at Isaac while placing her hand on his shoulders. "Isaac, I wouldn't be asking you to do this if I didn't think it was in your best interest. Everybody here is grateful for all you've done; you've helped to elevate the level of competition here and have raised the bar on what it means to have a good duel. There was torch sitting here and you took the damn thing and ran with it; I couldn't be more proud of you as an individual and as student who I can say, it's been an honor to be your principal."

"I'll do it. I'll assume the role of team captain."

Fast forward to the Friendship Games...

"So you had the balls to show up? I can respect that." snickered Shining Armor.

Isaac snickered back with his own comment. "Just promise me one thing, Shining Armor. Before you step on the dueling field with me, that you retrieve your balls from Cadance's purse."

Luna then spoke into the microphone. "Ladies and gentleman, your winner of the first round in the Friendship Games: Sour Sweet! With that Crystal Prep takes the lead." The scoreboard then changed to show 1-0 for all too see.

Luna's voice was then heard. "The winner of the second duel in The Friendship Games is Sugarcoat. Crystal Prep now gains another point as they massively take the lead." The scoreboard updated as it was 2-0.

"Students of Crystal Prep and Canterlot High.... the third duel... has ended in a tie." said Luna as she was out of breath.

Up in the sky box, Candace covered the microphone and cleared her throat, then took her hand back. “The winner of the final duel of the day is Canterlot High’s Sunset Shimmer!”

On the display board, Sunny’s portrait turned grey and Rarity’s grew to fill the screen. “The winner of the fifth duel of the Friendship Cup is Rarity Belle for Canterlot High!”. The Canterlot stands erupted into cheers, applauding wildly.

"Lemon Zest has defeated Pinkie Pie in the 6th round." spoke Cadance.

"The winner of the seventh duel is Canterlot High's Rainbow Dash!!" said Luna. "After 7 rounds of dueling, the score is now tied with 3-3 for both schools. Therefore we'll have one final duel; each team will select one duelist they want to compete. The selections will be kept secret until the duel actually starts, then the winner of those two will be declared the victor."

"This is it! Now time for an all out attack!" Isaac then fused his spirit with his Dark Magician as he and Mahad had formed their bond synchronicity. Now Isaac could see and feel everything his Dark Magician was seeing as well as vice versa. "Let's do this guys, Ultimate Dark Magic Attack!!!" Then all the monsters on Isaac's field raised their weapons as they manifest a powerful energy ball and then shot it towards Midnight. Isaac's spirit was shot in with the attack as it struck through Twilight and pierced the darkness in her heart. "Come back to us, Twilight!!"

"Sombra needs to pay for what he has done, endangering the lives of his own students, corrupting them with magic, willing to sacrifice innocents just to fulfill his own selfish desires. I can't let someone like that continue to run rampant. Plus, I'm not going to risk losing either you or Twilight. My friends have already suffered enough." Isaac then stepped forward as he activated his duel disk and out shot a gold light tray. "If it's fight you want, then it's fight you'll get. You'll be dueling me, Sombra."

Sunset looked at the clouds around her, and her gaze fell on Twilight. She snapped her head back to glare at Sombra. "Too bad that's not gonna happen." She walked a few steps away from Twilight and raised her duel disk. She pressed a button on her duel disk, and her cards in the other slots retracted and emerged on her deck, which reshuffled. Then her duel disk ejected a red card tray. “You want to see what my magic can do? I’ll show you more than you ever wanted to know.”

“No…” Twilight raised her arms in front of her, folded up her cards, and slid them into her duel disk. “We’re ready.”

Sombra crossed his arms. “Nothing on the field, nothing in your hands. And no teammates or friends to back you up. Face it, Isaac. You're all alone! There's nothing you can do! Take your final turn before this duel ends.”

"No!" Isaac then stared at Sombra. "It's like you said my magic is strong. Well I believe that my magic is stronger than yours and I'm going to prove it now!... I harmonize the spirits of my monsters, and open the dimensional gates to call upon a shining spirit of hope.” Isaac’s magic burst into a spectacle of colors. “Unitatis Summon! Ascend, Harmony Magician Warlock!”

(End of Flashback)

"You're telling me." said Sunset as she listened to Applejack as she finished remembering. "And that was just the tip of the iceberg."

"I'll say!" stated Rainbow Dash as she was next to Fluttershy. "CHS has had tons of great adventures when it comes to Duel Monsters."

"Especially cause of you know who." said Fluttershy. "Remember the Spring Fling."

"Of course, that was sort of my full-circle moment in that everybody got to see just how far I came since the Fall Formal." mentioned Sunset.

"And then shortly after that, was the graduation duel with Shining Armor at Crystal Prep Academy." added Fluttershy.

"Then we went on our camping trip to Camp Everfree." said Rainbow as the two began to remember that trip.


"Attention, students, we're almost there. But before we arrive, we just want to say how proud we are of all of you. You've all done such a good job that we thought you'll deserved a reward. A way for everybody to not only start summer on the right foot, but to create some special memories." said Celestia.

Luna the spoke up, "When we were your age, we made some of our favorite memories in these woods, we're sure you will, too."

"From what he said, his reason was that it was all related to Gaea Everfree?" suggested Sunset.

"But that's just a story that he made up?" said Isaac as he opened his eyes. "Why would someone go through all that trouble to make it a reality, there's just so many things that don't add up. One thing I do know: is that if Timber is behind all this and he's toying with Twilight's emotions. Well then, you better stop me Sunset, cause I'm probably going to end up in prison for animal cruelty."

"Animal cruelty? Why's that?" asked Sunset as she raised an eyebrow.

"Cause I'm going to beat him like a bitch!" said Isaac with fury in his voice.

"Oh, I got this. And I'm going to use it to save my camp. I just need more power!" Gloriosa then reached up to grab the remaining geodes.

Soon Gloriosa then struck the ground once more, as more woodland creatures began to emerge. This time more than the last wave. Isaac and his monsters then turned back to the fight. "This isn't working, we need to stop it at the source." shouted Isaac to the girls.

"How do we do that?" asked Fluttershy as she cowered in fear.

Isaac then looked at Gloriosa and he knew exactly what he had to do. "I know how to end this." Isaac then turned to Timber as he had something to say. "Timber, look after Twilight for me. I've got something to do. Sunset, you and the girls help the remaining campers to try to escape and see if you can get through those vines."

"Leave it to us!" Sunset then pulled out her duel disk which was followed by the rest of their friends as they all slotted in their decks and activated their duel disk. "What about you, what will you do?"

"Same thing I always do. Save the fucking day." said Isaac as he ran off to confront Gloriosa.

"So now Harmony Magician Warlock, attack Gloriosa's monster and end this duel!!!" Isaac's entire body started to shine bright as he was covered in a gold aura, he then fused his spirit with his magician as together they delivered the final blow. Gloriosa felt her power starting to fade as Isaac's attack drained her of her magic and the geodes that she was wearing started to lose their color and then broke into tiny pieces.

(End of Flashback)

"Trust me, that was one camping trip that I never want to relive." said Rainbow as the others 3 girls just laughed.

Soon all three decided to take a walk as they made their way to the bleachers. They then began to talk with one another about some even more memories before they were interrupted.

"My gift was way better than yours, Applejack!" shouted Rainbow.

"Well ah made mines with mah two hands. You bought yer gift, where's the heart and love in just buyin' a gift." shouted Applejack as both girls pressed their foreheads together as they looked to go at it.

"Even something as little as gift giving is enough to cause an argument between those two." said Sunset as Fluttershy just nodded as they were seated.

"Darlings, please. Are you two seriously fighting over who gave him the better gift? You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Besides, nothing could top the necklace that I gave him, my did I do a fabulous job on making it." stated Rarity.

"Seriously?!" shouted Applejack and Rainbow.

"Yeah, sillies." said Pinkie as she emerged between the two as they let out a scream.

"Pinkie! Don't do that." shouted Rainbow as she fell down.

"Sorry, hehehe." giggled Pinkie. "But come on, it's our last year. We're suppose to have fun, not fight. It's just like when we went on that trip across the country." Pinkie then began to tell the tale of the summer trip that all of them took as they performed for tons of kids and helped their school to get the necessary resources to be up to par with Duel Monsters.

"I remember." said Fluttershy. "The heist in Las Pegasus."

"The battle simulation in Horsolulu." added Sunset.

"Even the duel in his hometown." stated Rainbow Dash.

"Exactly, and don't forget when he and Twilight won the Duos Cup." said Pinkie.

"Then a... less than pleasant event happened right after that." said Rarity as the others knew what she meant as they too began to painful recall.


Celestia then cleared her throat as she continued to speak. "This undoubtedly is a highlight of my career. A magical weekend that will come. And there's only one thing, there's only one thing that can make that weekend more magical, only one thing in the world that could make Celestia's career even bigger, and that would be to duel against the man whose name is synonymous with Duel Monsters. I'm talking about 'The Showstopper', Isaac."

"Celestia, you know, how I feel about you. You know what I say about you, I mean every word of it, but you also know that several years ago, Superintendent Discord made whatever it's called an edict. Whatever that means, but I know that it means this, the first duel that you lose, you're done. You have to retire. But I told you before there are things that I'm proud to have done so far in my life, but I cannot ever in my life imagine a day in this industry without you, Celestia." Isaac was trying to do his best to decline. "I'm willing to take on just about anything, but I am not gonna be known as the guy that ended Celestia's career. I can't take that and I don't want it."

"All the respect that you paid me, every word that has ever come out of your mouth about me and what I've been and who I am means nothing if you don't give me an opportunity to have the greatest duel of my career on the grandest stage of all." Celestia was really staring down at Isaac.

"First of all, Celestia, I'm sorry to hear that you've lost respect for me. More importantly, though, I'm sorry to hear that you think that I've lost faith in you. You need to understand something. That could never happen. I didn't come out to each one of your duels to disobey your orders or do anything. I was doing what I thought you would do. Cause Celestia whether you win or lose, you'll always be 'The Queen', you'll always be a role model to me, you'll always be the principal..."

"SHUT UP!!!!!!" screamed Celestia as it caused everybody to tuck in their cheeks. "This is the Yugioh World Class trophy. I won it when I was 25 years old!!! This is an accomplishment that very few duelists can ever hope to get in their career. This is an accomplishment that is only awarded to an individual not just based on their success, but on character, on heart, on passion!!!" yelled Celestia as a few spits were coming out of her mouth. "Only a select few have ever gotten the opportunity to ever get one in their life because this trophy shows that you can hang with the best. All the greats of the past have held this trophy at one point in their career!!! This is what you grew up admiring, wanting to know what made a machine like me go!!!" Celestia's response was met with some cheers as the students could feel her passion.

"This is the gal that dueled against some of the very best that this game had to offer, from people across the sea. Against people who thought that the gal couldn't hang, against people who also were inducted into the Hall of Fame!!! The list goes on and on, I even faced against the Big 4. Including your idol." That last part cut deep with Isaac. "And if you were 20 years older, you would have been on the dueling field with me back then!!!"

"You know, before I go, just so there's no doubt in your mind that you're gonna get everything you need and more, I wanna remind you of a little story." Isaac was now up close to Celestia as he told his tale. "Remember the story of Old Yeller? They loved that dog. But when it was time, they had to take that dog out back and finish him. Come Friday, the Showstopper is gonna take you, Old Yeller, behind the woodshed and put you out of your misery." Isaac used his fingers to make the shape of a gun as he pointed it at Celestia's head and pretended to fire it off.

"Old Yeller, are you kidding me!!!" Celestia then slapped Isaac in the face with so much force that it knocked his cap off of his head as his head turned from the impact. Twilight and their friends immediately gasped at what Celestia just did. "Old Yeller!!! I said I got you, Old Yeller!!!" Celestia then gave Isaac another slap to the face as he just took it while staring at her. "What are you gonna do about that?" shouted Celestia as she gave Isaac a third slap that was more powerful than the previous two that it unchained his necklace. "Come on!! Why don't you take Old Yeller behind the woodshed right now!!!! Come on!!! Come on!! Come on!! I'm begging you!!! Do it now!!!"

Isaac simply raised the microphone to his mouth and said his final word. "Like I said, I'm putting you out of your misery."

Fast forward to the duel...

"It's time." said Celestia. She then dropped to her knees as she looked at Isaac. "Do it."

Isaac was now trembling as he was struggling to give his monster its command.

"Do it. I accept what's to come." Celestia even had her arms out to the side as she closed her eyes. She looked like she was waiting to be sacrificed.

"I... I.. I can't!" said Isaac as he started to have a few tears form in his eyes. He knew that he wanted to put Celestia down, but now that he was at that moment. He found it much more difficult to do the task. His hands were actually shaking. "I... I..."

"Do it!!! Come on!!!" shouted Celestia as everybody was watching this interaction between the two. "Now!!! If you have the balls, you'll do what I ask!!! Do it, you son of a bitch!!!" Silence had overcome everybody as they were shocked on what Celestia had said.

Isaac then looked at Celestia with tears in his eyes, soon he muttered the final words to her so that only she could hear what he said. "I'm sorry, I love you." He then thrusted his hand out, "Winged Dragon of Ra, attack Celestia and end this duel!!!!" said Isaac as he broke down in tears. With that Ra took out Celestia's final monster as it made its way to Celestia who was still on her knees.

Thank you, Isaac. I can now find some peace. Celestia was then on her back as her life points dropped.

"Celestia's career... is over."
(End of Flashback)

"I think that was an experience that all of us had a sour taste in our mouths." said Sunset as the girls nodded.

"Still, it had to be done. Celestia wanted to go out on her terms and she did just that." said Rainbow.

"Even after all this time, still hurts just thinkin' about it." mentioned Applejack.

"Let's move on, shall we." asked Rarity.

"I think it's for the best that we do." said another voice as it belonged to Twilight.

"Twilight, been wondering where you were?" asked Fluttershy.

"Well, I had to help several clubs set up, not to mention answer some questions from some students/parents and help Principal Celestia organize all this." explained Twilight.

"And you're sure he's fine without having you constantly kissing him at every second?" smirked Dash as she made fun of her geeky friend.

"Kissing him isn't my only function in life, Dash. I have other interests too you know." stated Twilight. "You're just jealous that he chose me to his girlfriend instead of you." smirked Twilight back.

"I'm not jealous!" shouted Rainbow as she had a bit of blush on her cheeks.

"Be lucky that I let you kiss him, Dash." said Twilight. "Though I still haven't forgotten when you broke my rule. And that goes for all of you! He's mine, and don't you forget it!" Twilight's anger caused all the girls to nodded their head while Sunset just had a look on her face to show she didn't care.

"Please, I rather be stuck in cyberspace than suffer your wrath." spoke Rainbow.

"Not that whole debacle." said Twilight as it caused everybody to start remembering. "Trust me, we were literally playing Russian Roulette with our minds. That was as dangerous as it got, I almost lost Spike."

"Hey, I'm still here." spoke the mutt as he was near Twilight. "Besides it allowed me the chance to duel, something that I had to constantly listen to you throughout the years growing up."

"Be lucky that you had someone there to help and guide you. Otherwise who knows what the Gamemaster might have done." stated Twilight. "There also the time when he gained his pendulum cards and started to show off the new summoning method. And apparently when you two went with him to learn about Turbo dueling." said Twilight as she remembered him telling her about that experience. "And then you're most recent adventure when you two took a trip. Where did you guys go?"

"That's a secret." said Sunset as she gave Twilight a wink.

"Well what matters is that through all these adventures, we're still all friends. And we'll continue to be friends, even when we go our separate ways." said Applejack.

"Agreed, I'm looking forward to seeing what this final year has planned for us." said Rarity.

"One thing is for sure, some form of crazy magic is gonna happen." said Pinkie.

"We'll just do what we normally do, save the day or just him take care of it for us." mentioned Rainbow.

"Not to mention the brand new house that he bought us." said Fluttershy. "Can't believe he did all that just for us."

"Guess, we're all thankfully for what he's done. Not to mention fine tuning our decks." said Twilight as she and the others all pulled out their decks and looked at them as they could feel their connection.

Celestia and Isaac were watching from her office as they looked out the window.

"Seems this year promises to be a big one." said Celestia.

"Things are shaping out to be that way." spoke Isaac. "Things are changing and we need to adopt to it."

"Indeed." said Luna as she was looking over some papers. "By the way, Celestia and I have finished the request you asked for. I do hope that this works out." Luna then had several portfolios in her hand.

"It will, I have full faith." said Isaac as he took the items from Luna as he began to look them over. "Everything is in place. The first step is done, now the hard part begins."

"Then I look forward to the final result." said Celestia as she dismissed Isaac.

Isaac tipped his cap to his principals as he took the portfolios with him as he exited out of the office. He then started to make his way to the rooftop as it was his place to think. Isaac looked down and he could see the massive amount of people that were still out and about. He then sat down as he looked at the horizon as his magicians appeared.

"This is it, our final year is upon us. Are you guys ready?" asked Isaac as he was still staring straight forward.

"By your side till the bitter end." said Mahad as he took a seat on Isaac's right.

"Together till the end of time." said Mana as she sat on Isaac's left.

"Then let's do this." said Isaac as he prepared himself for all the things that were about to happen.

Author's Note:

It begins. For those that know, you know. And for those that don't. Well, you'll see soon enough.

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