• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 135: Family

"Then I suggest you get it up before Friday. Work hard, listen to the girls, but most importantly, practice. I'll be spending all this week checking in with the others to tell me of your progress, I'll also be working on the brackets. So, get ready you guys. Cause if you're serious about your skills and want to learn the 'advanced' tactics, then you all need to bust your ass!" With that Isaac dismissed the group as they all headed in separate directions to meet with their mentors.

Lucky Star was currently walking down the hall as she was heading to her meeting with her mentor, Applejack. She had made her way to the gym when she entered the place and saw her mentor as she was talking with her sister.

"So now ah play Predaplant Spinodionaea and attack yer Aromage Cananga. Looks like it's over, sugarcube." said Applejack.

"Aw man!" shouted Applebloom as she had lost. "Ah thought I had you."

"Applebloom, I'm not the big sister for nothin'." said Applejack with pride in her voice. She then turned her head as she saw Lucky Star standing there as she watched this interaction with Applebloom. "Howdy, Lucky Star."

"Hey." responded Lucky Star.

"This here is mah little sis, Applebloom."

"Pleasure to meet you." said Applebloom as she extended her hand.

"Likewise, kid." said Lucky Star as she shook the younger girl's hand.

"Alright, Applebloom. Run along now. Me and Lucky Star need to prep for the tournament on Friday. Don't wait up for me, okay."

"Ah hear you, Applejack." said Applebloom as she grabbed her cards and backpack.

"Also, don't try anythin' funny with Tender Taps." stated Applejack with a smug smile.

"He's just a friend, Applejack." said Applebloom while turning her head away as she tried to hide the blush on her face. Applebloom then rushed out of the room as she wanted to avoid anymore embarrassing moments from her big sis.

"Nice to see she's taken an interest in a boy. Even if she tries to deny her little crush." smiled Applejack.

"Yeah, well then... I'm here. So that we can get this over with." stated Lucky Star as she pulled out her deck.

"Woah there, Sally."

"Name's Lucky Star."

"Ah know, I'm just sayin' to hold yer horses. No sense in jumpin' in to our lesson so soon. Take a seat." suggested Applejack as she made her way patted the spot her to her. Lucky Star just rolled her eyes as she did what she was told as she took a seat next to Applejack on the bleachers.

"So, what?"

"Easy there, bucko."

"I told you, my name is Lucky Star." Seems Lucky was starting to be annoyed by how Applejack kept referring her by these weird countryisms names. "Look, this whole mentor-student relationship just isn't working."

"And how do you know that?" asked Applejack.

"Look, I'm focused on winning this tournament and taking Isaac's title."

"Is that right, sugar?" asked Applejack. "Cause if ah member correctly, seems Isaac wiped the floor with you faster than slippery floor covered with suds."

"How do you know that?"

"Told me, himself, the city slicker."

"Snitch." responded Lucky Star.

"Isaac ain't no snitch. He's honest with his friends, like me." said Applejack.

"Yeah, yeah. Look I've tried to work with this whole program, I really am. But we just don't click. So just teach me today's lesson so that I can go home." stated Lucky Star as she stood up and began to walk.

"You mean go home to an empty house." said Applejack as that got Lucky Star to stop in her tracks. "Go home, without no one there. All by yourself, no ma or pa."

"Watch what the hell you say!" said Lucky Star. "You don't know anything about my life or my parents."

"You're right, ah don't. So it's wrong of me to assume, but based on yer behavior and the kind of attitude you're throwin' mah way. Ah can tell that bein' by yerself for so long has made you depressed." said Applejack.

"My life is none of your business, so just stay out of it! How would you like it if I talked about your parents?" said Lucky Star with an angry tone.

"Go ahead!" responded Applejack with the same tone. "Go on, say what you want about mah ma and pa. Go on, I'm sure they can take it from their graves."

"What?" Seems Applejack's response had taken Lucky Star aback.

"Mah ma and pa are long gone, so go ahead, run yer mouth and say what you want about them." Applejack was now in the face of Lucky Star as she looked down as the girl in front of her. She then cracked her knuckles as she prepared herself to get physically.

"I... I... I didn't know." said Lucky Star as she put her head down. "What happened..."

"They disappeared. When ah was little they just left, and ever since that day. We never heard from them since." said Applejack as she pointed her head upwards. "Applebloom was just a tiny baby, and Big Mac was just a bit older than me when our parents up and left. Granny did her best to comfort us and say that we would get through it. And we did, but ah think we all suffered from that loss. Everyday we did our best to carry on with our lives, but there was still that feelin' that maybe, one day, just one day. They could come home and we be a family once again. We still think of that to this day." Applejack had a few tears in her eyes as she let out a sniffle and wiped her eyes.

"Mah parents left some things for us before they were gone. One of them was a deck, they had left a note sayin' that they hoped one day their children would be mighty fine duelists. Big Mac was the first one to hold the deck, but he soon found out that he didn't want it, so ah took the mantle. And from there, ah did everything ah could to learn about Duel Monsters and how to play mah deck. Eventually, I began to understand it and well ah started competin' against other duelists and winnin'. Granny Smith saw mah potential and declared me the best duelist of our family, even mah other relatives some mah skills as they too were impressed." said Applejack. "Then ah enrolled at CHS when I was young and from there, ah meet some fine folks and got mah game to be even better. Especially cause I found a group of friends to call family."

"Friends? Family?" asked Lucky Star. "Look I get your sob story, okay. But the idea that you say friends are like family, just is weird to me. Family is about people who are connected with you by blood and they will always support you. Friends, just are friends. They're people who you just meet on a everyday basis and eventually will fizz out as you grow up. They're not gonna stick around like family does."

"Then ah guess, Isaac will forget 'bout us." said Applejack.

"Hardly, based on how much he hangs out with you, it seems he treats you all like..."

"Family." said Applejack as she finished Lucky Star's sentence for her as she had a smug smile on her face. "Tell me 'bout yer folks?"

"Fine." Lucky Star then took a deep breath as she began to recount her tale to Applejack. "I was born to a loving family, my dad was a doctor and he met my mom when she was still in law school. One day while my father was performing an operation on someone who had been in a violent struggle, the door opened and in came the person's attorney. That attorney was none other than my mother who had come to see her client she had been assigned to. So you could say that was the first time they met and it certainly wouldn't be the last time. So while my father performed the surgery, my mother began to explain the details of the case to him; eventually, they began talking about each other and soon became friends. Once the patient had been treated properly, my mother began to explain the situation of the case as they began to prepare for the trial. Before leaving the hospital, my mother thanked my father for helping to treat her client and gave him his number in case they ever wanted to go out for coffee."

"So what happened after that?" asked Applejack.

"Well, my dad kept in contact with my mom and would often times hang out with her when they both weren't busy. But the most times they ever hung out was when my dad had a new patient to work on and it so happen to be the same person my mother was assigned to. I guess you could say it was their ideas of a date." chuckled Lucky Star.

"How romantic." smiled Applejack.

"Well, anyways they grew closer to each other and then one day my father took the initiative and proposed to my mother, right in the emergency room. Of course my mom said yes, but only after he saved a person from a failing heart. It took a while, but my father was able to save a life as he was hailed as a hero in front of his coworkers. My mom especially, as she congratulated him and gave him a kiss as he slid the ring on her finger and they were engaged. Soon they had a wedding as both of their family members were proud to have seen them find love. For their honeymoon, they went on a trip all around the world. Eventually they settled down and then I was born. My parents say it was the happiest day of their lives, but it would soon be over and I found them to be lying." Lucky Star's tone then sadden as she had her head down.

"For the first few years, my parents did their best to spend as much time with me as they could. They even hired a nanny so that they could have someone to watch over me when they were both away, which was almost all the time. Even when I started school, I didn't have my parents to see me off. So when I saw all the kids talking and laughing with their parents, I guess I was jealous that I couldn't do that with folks. Though the nanny that my parents hired did her best to make me feel happy, so I guess you could say she was like my parents. But I still longed for that love from my actual parents. So when my 5th birthday rolled around, my nanny put together a small party for me and a few friends I had at the time. She had received a message saying that my folks would be arriving to celebrate my birthday, but they never did. I fell asleep waiting for them, but they never showed up. In the morning, my nanny gave me a box as it was a gift that my parents had sent."

"Your duelin' deck." stated Applejack.

"Yup, there was a note that said they had been called in to work. So to apologize for missing my birthday, they got me something that was popular for kids. It was nothing much, but I had barely understood the idea of Duel Monsters. So I took it under myself as I looked over the cards and was fascinated by them. I guess, they served as some sort of comfort for being all alone. Granted I wasn't the best when I started and compared to where I am now, I'm decent enough. But I will admit, there was an upside to having that deck. It seems a famous celebrity was currently hiding from the paparazzi as she wanted to avoid the attention. So I happen to bump into her and she begged me to find a place to hide her. So I did what any kid would do, I take something I found on the streets home. Safe to say she was ecstatic as she craved attention but even she needed some alone time. Turns out she was famous duelist by the name of Mai Valentine; now I didn't know at the time given that I didn't follow current trends of Duel Monsters and their celebrities, so I thought nothing of it." stated Lucky Star.

"Eventually, I told her she could lay low at my house for awhile. So she did just that and when I pulled out my deck to practice, it caught her eye. Seems she too had a Harpies deck, in fact, she's the reason why it's reached new heights because she the first one to use the deck in the pro scene. Again, I didn't think of it as I wasn't that big of a fan. The crazy part was that she actually challenged me to friendly game as she wanted to see what I could do. Again, I wasn't good and I just accepted the challenge. Safe to say that it opened my eyes, from the way she used her cards and was able to come up with good strategies, I realized there was more to this game than just a simple 'play a card and see what happens.' Eventually her publicist was able to track her down and made sure there was no fans that followed them. So with that she thanked me for helping her, but not before she said something."

"Just remember kid, Duel Monsters isn't about just playing whatever card you feel like. You actually need to think and not just let things happen; keep in mind that you can make the duel flow the way you want it to go." said Mai.

"Yeah, yeah." said Lucky Star in a disinterested tone.

"I mean it, are you just gonna let the boys rule of over this game? It needs women who can be able to keep these men in line and show we're just as good as they are, if not better. Look I get it, being alone is something that's affecting you."

"How did you..." asked Lucky Star.

"Call it a hunch, kiddo. Look you have a chance to turn this sad soap opera into something wonderful; believe me if you think life is hard now, you don't know what awaits you when you grow up. Take my word kid, I too was like you. I too felt like I was all alone, I felt like all the self esteem I had and pride not only as duelist but as individual, I felt it all just leave and I had nobody there to guide me. But then I met this dumb boy, sure he wasn't the brightest bulb in the woodshed, but he had a big heart. And even I turned my back on him and his friends and helped an evil force nearly take over the world, he never once stopped trying to get through to me. In the end, he was able to remind me that my friends are always around me even when they're not present. That I'm not alone and that there are others out there who are willing to be your friends and help you, you just gotta give them a chance." said Mai as she bent down and put her hand on Lucky Star's shoulder.

"Ms. Valentine, we really must go." said her driver.

"Yeesh, don't you know that I don't pay you to butt in to my conversation!" said Mai as she was annoyed.

"Sorry, Ms. Valentine." apologized her driver to avoid getting fired.

"Chin up, kiddo. Things will work out, you'll see." smiled Mai as she stood up and was starting to head for the door when she stopped and turned her head to look back at the little girl. "And by the way, top notch deck. Couldn't pick a better than yours truly. Keep it up, and I hope to cross paths with you on the dueling field. See you later, sweetie." said Mai as she hopped into the back seat of the car as the driver thanked Lucky Star for her hospitality as he got in the front and drove off.

"After that meeting, I took a step back and tried to see what she meant. Turns out she was right, she had similar childhood like me. So I guess we were two peas in a pod." said Lucky Star. "And so I took another look at my cards and began to the take the game a bit more seriously, granted I still wasn't the biggest fan, not like Isaac. I just an average girl who knew how to handle herself if things got rough. Eventually I learned the name of the duelist that was at my house as she was one of the dominate females to take the dueling scene by storm. So I started watching her duels whenever I could, learned a few things from her and tried to implement them myself. So I guess, in a weird twist of fate, she became a sort of role model to me in a time when I really didn't have any."

"And yer parents, what about them?" asked Applejack.

"Now a days, they're called in less and less to work as they got assistants to cover for them. So they've made an effort to try to cover up for all the lost time they missed seeing their daughter grow up. But... the pain is still there. Nothing can change the fact that they weren't around for much of my childhood, and to be honest they know. Which is why they're suffering as well." Lucky Star then had a few tears drop from her eyes as she wiped them.

"Hey, ah understand. And I know the past can't be changed, believe me, I've tried. I spent so many nights thinkin' if ah could, just have a few moments to see mah ma and pa again. But that ain't how life works, the best we can do is just prepare ourselves for whatever hand we're dealt with. And make the most of it." smiled Applejack. "Take mah little sis, she thinks she needs to follow in mah footsteps just so that she can be recognized as a duelist instead of just simply 'Applejack's kid sister'. But me and Isaac have told her that she doesn't need to live up to that expectation; she needs to find her own path, especially once I graduate at the end of this year."

"Well, I'll admit this. She's lucky to have a sister like you." smiled Lucky Star.

"Thanks for that, partner." said Applejack as she placed her hand on Lucky Star's shoulder. "Now then, you ready for a good old fashion rodeo?" said Applejack as she stood up and slide on her duel disk as he it changed and activated to project a green card tray.

"I'm gonna have you and your puny plants for a salad, country girl." snickered Lucky Star as she put on a duel disk and slid in her cards as her duel disk combined together.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Applejack's Life Points: 4000-

Lucky Star's Life Points: 4000-

Turn 1: Applejack

"I'll start, so stand back!" said Applejack as she drew her card. "Ah summon mah Predaplant Moray Nepenthes(1600/1000). Then ah play the spell card, Predapractice. With this ah can summon another one of mah plants from mah hand, so ah choose Predaplant Drosophyllum Hydra(800/2300) in defense mode." Applejack now had two plants monsters on her field as one of them resembled a hydra while the other had its stem and vines like a body. "Mah spell then allows me to add 'Predap' card from mah deck to mah hand. And then lay it facedown, your move." said Applejack as she selected the card she wanted as her duel disk slotted out for her to grab and then set it facedown.

Turn 2: Lucky Star

"Time for me to uproot you, so stand back!" shouted Lucky Star as she drew her card. "I'll start by playing Harpie Lady(1300/1400). Then I'll play Elegant Egotist, since I control 'Harpie Lady', I can now summon Harpie Lady #2(1300/1400) from my deck." Lucky Star now had a pair of monsters.

"Now time to activate one of my favorite cards, it's a little spell called Harpie Lady Phoenix Formation!!" shouted Lucky Star as she held her card up high. Soon both of her monsters then soared up into the sky as they dove together as they created a phoenix as it was in a blue flame and came crashing down on Applejack's field as it caused the country girl to look away for a bit.

"Mah monsters, they're gone?" asked Applejack as she was stunned.

"My Harpie Lady Phoenix Formation allows me to destroy your monsters up the number of 'Harpie Lady' monsters that I control. So since I had two that meant I can destroy both of your plants and here's the best part, you take damage equal to the combined total of their attack points."

"Say what?!" shouted Applejack as she was surprised. "That's a mighty powerful card!"
Applejack's Life Points: 1600-

"Granted the draw back is that since I played that card, my monsters can't attack this turn. But I think I did enough damage and then some for this turn, so I'll just lay this facedown. You're up." said Lucky Star.

Turn 3: Applejack

"Mah turn, so to start I summon mah Predaplant Spinodionaea(1800/0). And when this little critter is summoned, ah can place a 'Predaplant' counter on one of yer monsters and lowers its Level to 1." Applejack now had another one of her plant-like monsters appear as it looked to be some sort of dinosaur. It then opened its jaws on its back as it shot out a seed as it landed on Harpie Lady. "Now it's feedin' time, so go Spinodionaea devour that bird." said Applejack as her monster did just that. Soon it was crawling real fast as it leaped into the air as the set of jaws on its back grew bigger and bigger until it closed them around Harpie Lady as she was destroyed.
Lucky Star's Life Points: 3500-

"Now mah Spinodionaea's other effect activates, since it destroyed a monster that was a lower level, it allows me to special summon a 'Predaplant' from mah deck. So take root, Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra(1000/1500) in defense mode. Now mah Cobra's effect activates since it was special summon by way of another 'Predaplant', ah can add Polymerization to mah hand." Applejack then had a snake-like plant appeared as it started to slither up her body as it wrapped around her arms as the bud on its tail end opened up and inside of it was the Polymerization card. "Mighty thanks, little bud." said Applejack as she gave a quick pet to her monster before it slithered off her body and took position.

"I'll then end mah turn."

Turn 4: Lucky Star

"My turn, to start I play the field spell, Harpies' Hunting Ground." Lucky Star then caused the entire field to change as they were now in a sort of jungle as they were in a giant clearing with tons of bird flying up above. "Thanks to this, now all my Winged Beast-type monsters gain 200 attack and defense points. Then I'll reveal my continuous spell, Alluring Mirror Split. Then I summon my Birdface(1600/1600). With that, I'll now strike. Harpie Lady #2 take out her Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra." ordered Lucky Star as she gave her monster her command.

"Ah activate my facedown, Predaprime Fusion." said Applejack as her card flipped up. "Now ah can fusion summon." Applejack's monsters then had their spirits absorbed as a vortex appeared behind Applejack as her monsters were combining together as their energy was being used to call an even greater monster. "Now, the luscious leaves and succulent stems of these two precious plants will give birth to a vicious, vengeful, diabolical botanical! Ah Fusion Summon! Starving Venom Fusion Dragon(2800/2000)!" The ground shook as a massive plant bud grew behind Applejack and rose into the air. It shone purple and burst apart, a dragon flying out of it and circling the field. Its body was lithe and green, armored in hardened purple growths with thorns emerging from them. Orbs of orange light lit up on its claws, shoulders, and wings, pulsing with energy. The dragon stopped its flight above Applejack, a vine-like tail lashing the air, and roared.

"That's one big plant!!" shouted Lucky Star as she looked at Applejack's monster. Safe to say she was now having a second option on how she viewed plants based on Applejack's dragon.

"Indeed, and he's bout to get even more bigger. Cause now my Starving Venom Fusion Dragon allows him to suck away all the attack points of all of your special summoned monsters till the end of the turn." Starving Venom Fusion Dragon then then had it vine-like tail attach to Harpie Lady Sisters as he let out a growl and sucked the strength from Lucky Star's monsters as it let out a roar. "Now mah dragon has a total of 4100 attack points." stated Applejack.

"Harpie Lady #2, stop your attack." shouted Lucky Star as her monster stopped mid flight and appeared back on her field. "I'm not taking a chance with that dragon of yours. So I'll end my turn."

"Smart move, now my dragon loses its power boost." Starving Venom Fusion Dragon then reduced back to his original size as he lost his strength.

Turn 5: Applejack

"Mah turn, now ah play Pot of Greed so now I draw two more cards. Next, ah summon mah Predaplant Flytrap(400/800) in attack mode. When this little guy is summoned, ah can place a 'Predaplant' counter on one of yer monsters." The ground in front of Applejack cracked open. A small spindly vine with hand-like leaves and a pair of jaws formed from two large leaves grew up from the crack. Flytrap then opened it jaws as it launched a seed at Harpie Lady #2 as it landed on each of their wings. "Now it reduces yer monster to Level 1, now attack Flytrap!" shouted Applejack.

"You're kidding? My Harpie Lady is gonna turn your puny petunia into lettuce." shouted Lucky Star.

"Nope. Flytrap’s got a special ability. See, any time it battles a monster with a lower level, that monster gets destroyed instantly.”

Lucky Star’s eyes widened. “Wait, what?!"

Flytrap stopped in front of Harpie Lady #2, raised up, and opened its jaws. The Predator Counter on Harpie Lady #2 glowed brighter and exploded in a cloud of green spores. The spores fell around Flytrap and it took on the same glow as the counter. Before Lucky Star’s eyes, Flytrap grew taller and bigger, until it towered over her monster and its jaws were as large as a person. It dove down and snapped its jaws over Harpie Lady #2 as they had a scared look on their faces. The girl convulsed and exploded in a spray of purple and green spores.

"When Flytrap destroys a monster with that effect, its level increases by its level. So now mah Flytrap gains 4 levels which makes him become level 6.” Flytrap slunk back to Applejack’s field, still glowing. "But the fun don't stop there, cause now Venom Fusion Dragon take out her Birdface." Aj's dragon then unleashed its tail as it gave it a whip and took out Lucky Star's other monster.

"Ahh!" shouted Lucky Star as she was tossed onto her back from Applejack's attack.
Lucky Star's Life Points: 3000-

"Can you keep goin', partner?" asked Applejack.

"Yeah, it'll take more than that to keep me down. Especially, cause I activate the special ability of my Birdface. When it's destroyed in battle, I'm allowed to add a 'Harpie Lady' from my deck to my hand. Then I shuffle my deck." Lucky Star then had her duel disk eject her card as she pulled out her deck and manually shuffled it before putting it back. "Can't wait to get one of those duel disks that our tutors use, it'll make things so much easier." said Lucky Star to herself.

"Not bad, so ah end mah turn with a facedown."

Turn 6: Lucky Star

"My turn, I'll start by reveal my facedown, Call of the Haunted. So I'll revive my Harpy Lady #2. Then I'll play Monster Reborn and also bring back my Harpy Lady. Lastly, I'll summon my Harpy Lady #3(1300/1400)" Lucky Star now had three of her most ferocious monsters on her field. "Now that I have three Level 4 monsters, I build the Overlay Network!" Lucky's 3 monsters then turned into dark orbs of as they were sucked into a portal that opened up in the ground as a pillar of light emerged. "I Xyz Summon, Harpie's Pet Phantasmal Dragon(2000/2500, OLU: 3)." Lucky Star then had one of her ace monsters on the field as she looked to bring this duel to a close.

"Not bad, but mah dragon has yer outbeat." stated Applejack.

"That may be true, but dragon has a special you should know about. While it has Xyz materials attached to it, not only can't you target any my 'Harpie' monsters with attacks or effects. But as long as it has those overlay units, my dragon can attack you directly!"

"It can what?!" shouted Applejack as she didn't expect that.

"And since you only have 1600 life points left, one attack and you're done. So go Phantasmal Dragon, attack Applejack directly!" shouted Lucky Star.

"Ah reveal mah facedown, Defense Draw. Now all the damage ah would have taken is reduced to 0 and ah draw a card." said Applejack as a wall of cards appeared before her as it saved her from losing the duel.

"Lucky break. I'll end my turn. And with it, I remove one Xyz material from my dragon. Either way, I'm ending this duel, next turn."

Turn 7: Applejack

"Mah turn." said Applejack. As long as that dragon has them overlay unit, I can't attack it. Mah best bet is to hold out. If ah can. "Ah switch Flytrap to defense mode, then ah end mah turn with a facedown."

Turn 8: Lucky Star

"My turn, and now I activate my dragon's effect, so now it attack you directly!"

"Ain't goin' be that easy, sugarcube. Ah activate my facedown Counter Gate. So now your attack is negated and ah draw a card and if it's a monster then ah can summon it in attack position." Applejack picked up her card and saw it wasn't a monster card.

"Very well, I'll end my turn. And so my dragon loses another Xyz material." said Lucky Star.

Turn 9: Applejack

"Mah draw, now ah play Dragon Treasure and give mah Starving Venom Fusion Dragon an extra 300 attack and defense points. And lay one card facedown and end mah turn." said Applejack as that was all she could do.

Turn 10: Lucky Star

"My turn, and to make sure that I hit my mark, I play Harpie's Feather Duster." Soon a giant wind started to blow as it got rid of Aj's facedown. "With nothing to protect you, this duel is as good as gone. Harpie's Pet Phantasmal Dragon, attack Applejack directly and end this duel!!" shouted Lucky Star as she thrusted her hand out. Her dragon heard its command as it flew high into the air as it prepared to strike the final blow against Applejack.

"Not bad, partner. But... ah was hopin' you get rid of mah facedown." smiled Applejack.


"Cause ah can activate it from mah graveyard, ah play Harvestation Fertilization!" Applejack's card then appeared as it came from the ground as it shined a bright light that mirrored the power of the sun.

"What's happening?" asked Lucky Star.

"First, I need to sacrifice mah own monster. So Predaplant Flytrap, I release you." said Applejack as her monster absorbed the sunlight and then turned into petals as it blew with the wind picking up as it blew in the face of Phantasmal Dragon. "Now with the power of this spell, whenever you declare an attack, it automatically ends the battle phase." With that Applejack had managed to survive Harpie Pet Phantasmal Dragon's final assaults as her wall of petals attached to the giant dragon and caused the great beast to be repelled.

"Incredible, you managed to survive my dragon's final attack." said Lucky Star as she realized the situation she was in.

"Well, not really. Seem there's a drawback for havin' this card, one monster on mah side of the field slams us both with damage equal to its attack points. And since the only other monster ah have is mah Starving Venom Fusion Dragon..."

"... then that means we both get hit with 3100 points of damage." stated Lucky Star.

Starving Venom Fusion Dragon then felt itself started to detonate as it let out a roar as soon it bursted into particles and plant juices as it caused both duelists to put their arms up as they did their best to take the attack head on. Soon they felt their feet move as the force was too strong as both were flung onto their back as their life points dropped.
Applejack's Life Points: 0-

Lucky Star's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Draw

Both girls were lying on their backs, as they were breathing heavily. Soon that breathing turned into laughter as both girls just chuckled.

"You know, for a country girl, you ain't half bad." stated Lucky Star.

"Right back at ya, partner." smiled Applejack.

Both girls then sat up as they were still laughing. Soon the looked at each other with a smile on their faces.

"I look forward to facing you in this tournament, Applejack."

"That's assumin' we're paired in the openin' round. But if it does happen, then watch out. Cause I ain't holdin' back, wouldn't be mah style. Plus, ah mean it when I say this, I want to takedown Isaac."

"Then may the best girl win." said Lucky Star as she extended her hand out to which Applejack did the same before spitting in her and shook her student's hand. "Well, I better get going." stated Lucky Star as she grabbed her backpack and was starting to head out of the gymnasium when a voice called out to her.

"Hey, hold up. Ah know you still have a lot on yer mind concernin' yer folks. And ah wish nothin' for the best, but how you would like to come over for dinner at Sweet Apple Acres?" asked Applejack. "Maybe so you can at least get a feelin' of havin' folks be there to dine with. If you want?"

"You know, that sounds nice." smiled Lucky Star.

"Then let's get goin'." stated Applejack as she grabbed her duel disk and put it in her backpack as she slung it over her shoulder and the two girls began to exit.

While the girls were talking to each other and made their way out of the school through the main entrance, there was another person who had been watching from a far as he had been spying on the students and the girls as he wanted to see how they were preparing themselves for the tournament.

"I knew Applejack could help Lucky Star come out of her shell. Hope this at least helps her to understand that she's not alone. She has people who care about her and will always be there to make sure that she doesn't have to worry about not being loved." smiled Isaac.

After that. the following days leading up to the tournament were filled with hard days of training from the girls and the students as they all were putting in the extra time and devotion to be as ready as they could be. Soon it was upon them as everybody was looking to prove themselves.

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