• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 110: The Dragon Lands

"Uhh, microscope. Antenna. Books. Books about... about... language." said Spike as he was trying to guess Twilight's movements.

"How the hell is that what you're coming up with?" asked Isaac. He was currently playing a game of charades with Twilight and Spike as both he and the little drake were trying to figure out what Twilight was trying to say.

"I give up." said Spike. "Any ideas, Isaac?"

Isaac just looked at Twilight's movements as he tried to make the most of them. "Uh, is it a telescope?"

"Yes!" cheered Twilight as she was happy that Isaac got the answer.

"Wow, dude. How'd you know?" asked Spike.

"I didn't. I just took a wild guess." said Isaac. Just then Sunset came into the library.

"Any news?" asked Isaac.

"All is quiet." said Sunset as she took a seat. "Are you guys playing charades?"

"Not anymore we're not!" shouted Isaac. "Next game!"

With that the group all moved on to some board games as they found it to be more enjoyable. There was even a pony version of Monopoly as it seemed Twilight was a master at it as she managed to clean out everybody. With that they all retreated for the night as they were all tired. The morning came as Twilight and Sunset were in the map room as they had received a message from Princess Celestia about a problem that was arising.

"So, what's on the agenda today?" asked Spike as he walked into the room carrying some documents.

"Well, Princess Celestia sent me a message today talking about how there's been a disturbance recently." stated Twilight.

"Really, where?" asked the little drake as he placed the papers on the table and hopped into his seat.

"The Dragon Lands."

"What! The Dragon Lands? As in the same Dragon Lands that I took a trip to to find out that they were just mean bullies." said Spike as he remembered all of his previous encounters to the place. "What would Princess Celestia want with a place like that?"

"Well more so for me and Isaac." said Sunset. "According to the princess' spies, they've located one of the five head leaders. Seems they've also been causing some trouble for some dragons."

"Normally, dragons aren't too fond of help. But I doubt they can handle what's going on." stated Twilight. "According to the Princess' report, there seems to be a large force gathering and they're moving fast. Based on their pattern, they seemed to be heading towards the Dragon Lord's kingdom. Apparently, they plan to take over the place. I'm not doubting the dragon's fierceness, but I think it be best if we took care of it."

"And by 'we', you mean?" asked Spike.

"Isaac and Sunset, of course. They're the only ones who can stop this." said the purple mare.

"Though given that none of us have been to the Dragon Lands, we don't know the landscape." said Sunset.

"Not to worry, Spike will serve as your guide."

"Wait, what!?!" said the little dragon as he was surprised by Twilight's request.

"I mean, you remember the landscape from during your little migration. Plus, the place where the army is gathering is just outside of the dragon kingdom. So you won't have to worry about Garble and his gang messing with you. Plus, even if they did, I'm pretty sure Isaac or Sunset could take care of them." said Twilight.

"Well, if you say so." Spike then looked at the note Princess Celestia had sent Twilight as he began to read through it. "Well, based on where she's pin pointed their location, I think I know a safe route to get there."

"Good, then you both better prepare. Cause the sooner you get there, the closer we are to riding Equestria of these Duel Monster problems." said the princess. Both Spike and Sunset nodded as they left to get ready for their trip. "Now, where's that colt?" asked Twilight as she was wondering where Isaac was.

Isaac was currently in his room as he was concentrating on something. The experience he had with meeting the Big 4 and the advice each one had to offer gave him some things to think about. Safe to say he had a bit of clarity about what his future could hold, but he was still hesitant on what was to come.

I'm grateful that I got see the Big 4, well at least most of them. They all showed me something that I've been having trouble with. I know that when this mission is over, me and Sunset have to return back home. And then I'll be entering my senior year of CHS, and from there I'll then have to figure out what I'm going to do with the rest of my life. I knowing dueling is the one thing that my whole life depends on, but does that mean becoming a pro? I want to say yes, but at the same time, I can't help but think that I'll be nothing more than a slave. Someone who won't get to see his friends and will become a different person.

Soon there was a knock on the door as it caused Isaac to snap out of his thoughts.

"Isaac? You in there?" said Twilight from the other side of the door.

"Yeah, give me a minute." said Isaac as he got up and walked to the door. He opened it up and was welcomed to the sight of the beloved princess.

"Good to see you, just letting you know that Princess Celestia has found the location of another leader. It's in a place called the Dragon Lands, as you can guess you'll be running into some scaly beasts." stated Twilight. "Anyways, I've notified Spike as he'll serve as your guide while you trek through the wasteland."

"Thanks, Twilight."

"Don't mention. Just... promise me you'll come back safe and sound." Twilight then nuzzled her neck against Isaac's, "I couldn't bear the thought of losing you or worse."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. You're talking to the guy who suffered broken bones and got back up to finish a duel." chuckled Isaac as he looked at Twilight's face. "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, right?"

"Just... don't do anything reckless?" said Twilight as she gave Isaac a peck on his cheek as she left.

Isaac then began to prepare himself for the trip ahead. He then exited his room as he made his way to the main hall as he saw Sunset and Spike all set. Twilight had taken the liberty of packing an extra bag for Isaac as she filled it with tons of supplies. Isaac slipped the saddle bags on his back as he was ready to venture out. With that, all three of them headed towards the train station as Twilight waved goodbye. The trio arrived at the train station as they purchased tickets to the Dragon Lands station. Soon the train arrived as the three hopped on and off they went.

"So, do we have any idea what we're dealing with?" asked Isaac.

"Let's see," said Spike as he pulled out the scroll that Princess Celestia had sent Twilight. "Well, she didn't fully explain the creatures that we're dealing with. But from what I can guess, seeing as how the Dragon Lands has tons of lava pools and is incredibly hot. So I guess that sort of narrows down what our opponents might be, seeing as they have to be monsters that can withstand the environment."

"So, like fire-types monsters." stated Sunset.

"Or dragons." said Isaac as he got a look from both mare and the little drake. "What? We're going to the land of dragons, so it wouldn't it make sense that the spirits causing trouble would also be dragons."

"Moving on." said Spike. "Like I said, we don't know much about what we're dealing with. Nor do we know what the leader looks like, I mean the only drawing we have is in crayon. Who's idea was it to draw the leaders in crayon?" shouted Spike as he showed the picture of the leader.

"Probably someone with a talent." said Isaac as both of them gave him a look. "What? I'm trying to liven the situation."

"Look, whatever is happening, we'll take care of it." said Sunset. "Besides, we've been doing that anyways."

"Let's just hope that by taking down this leader, we'll be that much closer to ending this problem." stated Isaac.

The rest of the time was spent with the three of them paying card games as Isaac's Sleight of Hand Magician decided to provide the entertainment by playing Blackjack. Isaac was able to teach the young dragon on how to play as he told him to not let Twilight know about his gambling. Eventually, their train ride came to an end as their destination was in sight. In fact, they were the only ones who were aboard the train. With that the train pulled into the station as all three got off; they then began to follow Spike as he knew the terrain. Seems the heat was no joke as Isaac could feel the intense heat and the lava pools that surrounded him. Thankfully, Twilight had taught Sunset a spell that would allow her and Isaac to keep themselves from overheating.

Along the way, Spike was able to avoid any death traps as he guided the two ponies. They did manage to see a couple of dragons as Isaac was amazed to see ones that weren't Duel Monsters. They were able to move around them as they climbed up a mountain. They entered a cave as they decided to catch a break. Isaac then opened up his saddle bags as he looked to see what Twilight had packed for them; after making a fire and pouring some water, the gang decided to sleep as nighttime had already fallen across the land.

"I'll take the first shift." said Isaac as he offered to do guard duty.

"You sure?" asked Spike.

"Positive. You guys get some rest." stated Isaac as Spike just nodded and drifted to sleep.

"I can stay up with you." offered Sunset.

"It's fine, get some rest. No telling how long we'll be here, or what we're going to face. We'll need all our strength to take down this leader." stated Isaac.

"Alright." smiled Sunset as she gave Isaac a kiss on his cheek. "Just don't stay up too late." With that Sunset then laid down her sleeping mat as she snuggled up and closed her eyes.

Isaac then began to take a few steps out of the cave as he did a perimeter sweep. The cool night brought a chilling breeze as Isaac could feel it despite wearing his signature hoodie. The one thing that did give him comfort was the stars and the moon high in the sky as he knew Luna was doing her work. A couple of hours had past as Isaac returned back to the cave as his search turned up empty. He let out a yawn as he felt his eyes become tiring.

"You should get some rest, master. You still have a long day ahead of you."

"It's... fine... Mahad." said Isaac as he let out a yawn. "Besides, I need to make sure that nothing happens."

"Do not worry about that. Mana and I can watch over for the rest of the night. Now you need to get some rest, if anything happens, we'll alert you."

"Alright, you win." said Isaac as he let out one last yawn. "I'll just close my eyes for a little bit." said Isaac he laid down next to Sunset who felt Isaac as she leaned even closer to his body. "Thank you... Mahad... I'm glad... you're... my... faithful... servant." said Isaac as he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"My pleasure, master. Now get some rest." said Mahad as he bowed to Isaac and did a quick pet through his mane as he began to do his duty and watch over his master.

The morning came as Isaac awoke with a yawn as he smacked his lips. He shook his neck as his vision was begin to come into view. Isaac looked down at his side as he noticed Sunset snuggled up next to him. Isaac just let a smile as he planted a quick peck to Sunset's cheek as it caused her to smile and then woke her up.

"Morning, Sunny." said Isaac.

"Morning, boy toy." yawned Sunset. "So... anything happen last night?"

"All quiet on my end." stated Isaac.

"I knew we'd be safe with you around." smiled Sunset as she gave him another kiss and then nibbled/pulled on Isaac's ear with her mouth but gently this time.

"Still don't know what that means?" asked Isaac.

"Somethings are best kept unknown." smiled Sunset smugly as she stood up.

With that they both woke up Spike as they prepared to have some breakfast. Once they got their fill, they all headed out as they began to explore more of the mountain. They climbed some more as they came across even more caves. But this time, they could hear the faint sound of metal being struck almost like a blacksmith. The trio then slowly entered the cave with Isaac in front and Sunset being in the rear as Spike was between the two if them. They kept walking till they came to an entrance way as the sound of metal was the loudest it had been. The trio hid behind some rocks as they took in the sight before them.

They saw a couple of monsters working the forge, but not any Duel Monster spirit. It was Kayenn, the Master Magma Blacksmith as they were all at work on creating something. Spike tapped Isaac's shoulder as he pointed them to another cave as they walked in some more. On the other side was a massive area where the metal was being used to create some drill machines.

"So now we know what they're doing?" said Spike.

"Indeed, the only question is, who's in charge of this operation?"

"Three... two... one..." said Isaac as he counted down.

"Hurry up!!" shouted a voice.

"Right on cue." snickered Isaac as he knew how this worked.

"We're going as fast as we can boss." said one of the Kayenns.

"Then work faster. We have a land to take over. Now that word has spread that Battleguard King and his army have been defeated, this makes it that much easier for us to win this race. But we can't do that, if you'll don't pick up the pace!!" shouted the commander as it was the Duel Monster Fire Kraken.

Soon two other officers arrived as they bowed before their commander.

"What's the report?" commanded Fire Kraken.

"Our forces are ready to move." said one of the officers who was Brushfire Knight.

"Indeed, everyone is ready. Once we have our drills, we'll destroy the creatures that inhabit this place and then we'll take over the other territories from the other leaders." said the other officer which was a female than none other than Fire Princess.

"Excellent. Make sure the troops are on standby, we move the moment the drills are finished." stated Fire Kraken.

"At once!" said both Fire Princess and Brushfire Knight. With that they both left as they through the entrance and into the main room where all the troops were ready.

"We need to stop them." said Spike as all of three of them ducked behind the rocks.

"So what's the plan?" asked Sunset.

"Simple. They need those drills, so we take them out."

"And what of the commander?" asked Spike.

"We do the same thing." said Isaac.

"You make it sound like it's easy." stated Sunset.

"Look, we take out the commander, the others fall. It's as simple as that." stated Isaac.

"Okay, but keep in mind, we're dealing an army here. Last time, there was three of us and we had our monsters to help out. And no offense, but Spike doesn't have a duel disk. So between me and you, we can hold out position but not for long." said Sunset.

"I think I have an idea." said Isaac as he looked at the entrance where the two officers exited. "Spike, take this."

"What is it?" asked the little dragon as Isaac gave him a Duel Monster card.

"Just something in case you might be in trouble." said the colt. "You stay here and keep watch. Sunset on my mark, you rush over to those drills and take them out."

"Wait. What about you?" asked the orange unicorn.

"I'm going to have some fun." said Isaac as he slide down the rocks as he landed softly on the ground. He then sneaked into the cave.

Spike and Sunset then moved from their position as there was another opening near them. The room was filled with troops, some of them were Fire Repears, a few Fire Ant Ascator, and the majority of the forces were Fire Troopers. Both of them saw from up above as Isaac had made it in undetected and began to sneak around. They were wondering what the colt was doing as he got dangerously close to grand cave opening as it would serve as the route to which they would leave.

"Okay, showtime. Hope you guys are ready." said Isaac as he looked at his deck and slotted it into his duel disk. "Hey!" shouted Isaac as he got all the attention of the troops. "I think I took wrong turn at that last rock, could any of you give me some directions?"

"Intruder!" shouted the troops as they all began to charge towards the stallion.

"I guess they really don't like giving out directions." said Isaac as he pulled out some cards. Soon he called out his Gazelle and Beta the Magnet Warrior as they appeared before them and they started to take the troops head on. Some of them went straight for Isaac as he started to blast them with his magic as he and his monsters were providing the distraction.

"Slay him!" shouted Brushfire Knight.

"Such a cute little creature, too bad you have to die!" shouted Fire Sorcerer as she shot fireballs from her hands.

"Guess that's the signal." said Spike.

"Let's hurry, Isaac can't hold them off forever." stated Spike as the two entered the other room.

Seems Isaac's distraction worked as a couple of guards that were watching over the drills all heard the commotion in the other room as a couple of them went to check it out. Sunset then told Spike to provide reconnaissance as she slowly made her way to the drills. She activated her duel disk as she managed to sneak behind the remaining guards. She then called on her Gearfried as she performed a couple of silent takedowns as the guards fell and turned into particles. She then called on her Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon as it appeared before the blacksmiths and gave out a cry that caused all of them to run away.

"Easy. Now to destroy these machineries." said Sunset as she was about to get to work. Soon her Gearfried raised its arm as it blocked an attack that was meant for Sunset. The tentacle flicked Sunset's monster away as Sunset teleported out of another tentacle attack. She appeared next to her monster as she saw the tentacle belonged to none other than Fire Kraken.

"I knew there was something wrong." shouted Fire Kraken. "Though I didn't expect two puny ponies to cause this much trouble."

"Well, we appreciate it if you all just left my home alone." said Sunset.

"I'm afraid I can't do that."

"Well, I can't stand by and watch it get destroyed." said Sunset as she turned activated her duel disk and projected a red card tray. "So it looks like only one of us is gonna walk away from this."

"You grave error challenging me." said Fire Kraken as a duel disk appeared on their arm. "Once, I get rid of you, I'll then move to my next phase of the plan and then soon... This world shall be mine for the taken!!!!"

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Fire Kraken's Life Points: 8000-

Sunset Shimmer's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Fire Kraken

"I'll make the first move, and I'll start by playing the spell Molten Conduction Field. Now I send 2 'Laval' monster to the graveyard." said Fire Kraken as he sent a pair of Laval Miller to his grave. "Next, I'll summon my Laval Phlogis(1700/800)." Out came a monster that was made up of molten rock as it had a large flaming log over its right shoulder and a sword in the other hand. "Then I'll play one card facedown. That's all."

Turn 2: Sunset

"Then that means, I'm up. So watch out!" shouted Sunset as she drew her card. Okay, so all he did was play a monster and single facedown. Nothing massive, but he did play a spell that forced him to send 2 monsters to his graveyard. The question is: why? "To start, I'll play an old friend who's dying to meet you. Gearfried the Red-Eyes Iron Knight." said Sunset as she had her monster appear. "Next, I'll move to attack your Laval Phlogis with my Gearfried." Gearfried heard Sunset's command as it brought its weapon down and took out his target with ease.
Fire Kraken's Life Points: 7900-

"Next, I'll play one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 3: Fire Kraken

"Now, I'll summon my Laval Warrior(1800/500)." Out came a monster as it was made of rock and had a fire axe in his other hand. "Next, I'll reveal my facedown, Molten Whirlwind Wall. Now all my 'Laval' monsters gain an extra 100 attack points for each 'Laval' monster in my graveyard. And right there are currently 3, so my warrior gains 300 attack points. Now cut down her Gearfried to size!" shouted Fire Kraken as his warrior raised it axe and brought it down in a diagonal slash as Sunset's monster was defeated.
Sunset's Life Points: 7700-

"I'll then end my turn."

Turn 4: Sunset

"My turn, I'll play my Red-Eyes Baby Dragon in defense mode. Then, I'll just end my turn."

Turn 5: Fire Kraken

"What a waste of a move, now then. I'll play the tuner monster, Laval Forest Sprite(300/200). Then I'll tune my Level 2 Laval Forest Sprite with my Leve 4 Laval Warrior." Laval Forest Sprite then transformed into two green rings as Laval Warrior jumped in between them. "I Synchro Summon, Laval Dragun(2500/1200)!" Out came a monster that looked like a dinosaur as it let out a cry. "Now my trap is still in play, which means my Laval Dragun gains 100 extra attack points for each Larval monster in my graveyard and right now the total is 5. So my Dragun now has 3000 attack points!" Dragun let out a roar as it powered up.

"Now, since I have at least 3 'Laval' monsters with different names, I can special summon my Laval Burner(2100/1000) and Laval Coatl(1300/700)." Fire Kraken now had a pair of monsters on his field with one of them wearing gloves that was on fire and the other that looked like a mini version of his Laval Dragun. "But don't worry, they won't stick around cause I'm going to Synchro Summon once again." Laval Coatl then transformed into two rings as Laval Burner jumped into as a new monster was being summoned. "I Synchro Summon, Laval Stennon(2700/1800)!" Out came a giant monster made up of rock as its right arm was a flamethrower.

"Since I synchro summoned Laval Stennon, I must sent a card to my graveyard." said Fire Kraken as he got rid of a spell card. "Now don't forget about my Molten Whirlwind Wall continuous trap card, all my Laval monsters gain an extra 100 attack points for each 'Laval' monster in my graveyard, so right now I have 7 which means both of my monsters get some more power. And I forgot to mention that since my Laval Forest Sprite was sent to the graveyard, all my faceup monsters get an additional 300 attack point boost till the end of the turn!" With all that power, Laval Dragun now had 3500 attack points while Laval Stennon had 3700. "Now time to strike, Laval Dragun attack her puny monster!" shouted Fire Kraken.

"Now, my monster's effect activates. When Red-Eyes Baby Dragon is destroyed and sent to the graveyard, I can special summon 1 Level 7 or lower 'Red-Eyes' monster from my deck. So I choose to play my Red-Eyes B. Chick in defense mode. And that's not all, next I can equip my Red-Eyes Baby Dragon onto my chick to give it 300 more attack points." Sunset now had an egg appear on her field as it cracked open and the head of the hatchling came out.

"Doesn't matter, cause your monster is still going to be destroyed." said Fire Kraken as his monster took out Sunset's other monster. "Now then, I'll lay one card facedown and end my turn. So now both of my monsters lose 300 attack points." stated Fire Kraken as Dragun now had 3200 while Stennon had 3400 points.

Turn 6: Sunset

"My turn, here we go." said Sunset as she drew her card and looked at the field. "Now, I'll play Polymerization and with I'll fuse together my Red-Eyes B. Dragon with my Summoned Skull in order to fusion summon, my Archfiend Black Skull Dragon!" said Sunset as one of her most powerful monsters was on the field. "Next, I'll equip my Black Metal Dragon to my Black Skull Dragon and give it an extra 600 attack points!" Sunset's monster felt the power surge as it let out a roar.

"Now my monster is the strongest in play, so now attack his Laval Stennon! And thanks to my monster's ability, you can't activate any card effects till the end of the damage step." shouted Sunset as her monster fire an attack that took out Laval Stennon.
Fire Kraken's Life Points: 7500-

"Next, I'll activate the other effect of my Archfiend Black Skull Dragon. Since my monster was able to deal damage, I can now shuffle back my Red-Eyes B. Dragon back into my deck. And then you get slammed with damage equal to its attack points." stated Sunset as the spirit of Red-Eyes burned away some even more life points.
Fire Kraken's Life Points: 5100-

"Then, I'll play my spell Cards of the Red Stone. So now by sending 1 Level 7 'Red-Eyes' from my hand and deck to the graveyard, I can now draw 2 cards." Sunset then sent her cards to the graveyard with one of them being her Red-Eyes B. Dragon. "I'll then end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 7: Fire Kraken

"My turn, and since you destroyed my Laval Stennon that means my Laval Dragun now gains another 100 attack points which rises up to 3300. Next, I'll play Graceful Charity so now I'll draw 3 cards and send 2 to the graveyard. And the two cards, that I'm discarding is my Kayenn, the Master Magma Blacksmith. Then I'll banish both of them so that my Laval monsters can gain 400 attack points, so now my Laval Dragun has 4100. With that done, I'll now play Laval Lakeside Lady(200/200) in defense mode. But I'm far from done, cause now I'll activate my Laval Dragun's special ability, so I can add a 'Laval' monster to my hand and send one to the grave, so now my Dragun gets 100 points stronger."

"Oh, no. Sunset's in trouble." said Spike as he watched from above. He then looked over to the other side of the cave and Isaac was still holding his ground but it was starting to take a toll on the colt as he summoned some more monsters to replace the ones he lost. "And Isaac can't hold out for much longer. If you have a plan, Sunset. You better do it now." stated the little drake.

"Now, I'll play Card of Sanctity so that both of us draw 6 cards. Then play Double Summon so I can summon another Laval Miller(300/400) to my field. And now that I have 2 Level 3 monsters, I can perform an Xyz Summon!"

"Uh oh!" said Sunset as she was afraid of what was coming.

"I Xyz Summon, Lavalval Ignis(1800/1400, OLU: 2)!" shouted Fire Kraken as a new monster came out that had a flame for a head and its fist were on fire. "Now time to attack, Laval Dragun attack her Archfiend Black Skull Dragon!"

"I reveal my facedown, Gravity Bind. Thanks to this, your monster's attack is put on hold." stated Sunset.

"Not quite, I reveal my facedown, Dark Bribe. So now your trap is negated and destroyed. However, you get to draw one card. Now without your trap, my monster continues its attacks. So get rid of her monster!" said Fire Kraken as it pointed its tentacles to Sunset. Sunset's dragon was then destroyed as she covered herself up.
Sunset's Life Points: 7300-

"Now the effect of my Black Metal Dragon activates, so now I can add a 'Red-Eyes' monster to my hand." said Sunset.

"Next, I'll have my Lavalval Ignis attack you directly. And by attacking, it activate my Ignis' ability. So by using one overlay unit, I can raise his attack points by 500 till the end of the turn." stated Fire Kraken as it raised its fist as they burned hotter than ever as he slammed it in front of Sunset who was thrown onto the ground.
Sunset's Life Points: 5000-

"With that, I'll end my turn. And since I sent another Laval monster to the grave to activate Ignis' effect, both he and my Dragun now gain another 100 attack points thanks to my trap card."

Isaac was busying dealing with the forces as he kept blasting them with his magic and his monsters. While he was able to take out a huge portion, they were still coming. He managed to dodge another attack as he tumbled to the ground. Isaac looked up and saw his monsters were destroyed.

"Man, they just keep coming." said Isaac as he wiped his mouth with his hoof. "But I can't give up, I need to buy Sunset time."

"I thought you ponies where suppose to be cute, not annoying." said Fire Sorcerer.

"Well, I get that alot from girls." said Isaac.

"I'll admit your desire to fit in honorable, but know this is a losing battle. Stand down and I'll see to it that you're spared." said Brushfire Knight.

"Yeah, don't know if your boss will keep his word like you. Besides, I could this all day." said Isaac as he played some more cards. "Rune-Eyes Illusionist, Black Robe Mentalist, and Dark Magician of Chaos!" Isaac now had called on three more of his monsters to fight.

"Honorable." said Brushfire Knight as he looked at Isaac with his sword pointing at the colt. "Finish him!"

"Go get 'em, guys." said Isaac as his magicians and him prepared for another fight.


Turn 8: Sunset

"My turn, now I'll play the Black Stone of Legend. And then activate its effect so that I can summon Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon from my deck." said Sunset as she summoned another one of her dragons. "Now, I'll play the spell, Red-Eyes Insight. Now I'll send a 'Red-Eyes' from my deck to the graveyard, so I can add 'Red-Eyes' spell/trap card to my hand." Sunset then sent touched her screen as she sent Red-Eyes Toon Dragon to the grave as she picked the card she wanted as it slotted out for her to grab.

"Next, I'll lay a facedown and then have my dragon attack your Lavalval Ignis." said Sunset.

"I can attack my Ignis' effect whenever he attacks, so by using the last overlay unit. I can increase his attack points by 500 points. Which means both of our monsters now have the same attack which means they'll both be destroyed." said Fire Kraken.

Both monsters collided as they were equal in strength and both resulted in an explosion.

"I was hoping you do that, cause now my dragon's effect activates. So now I can special summon 1 Level 7 or lower 'Red-Eyes' monster from my graveyard and I choose my Red-Eyes B. Dragon!" shouted Sunset as she had her ace monster back on her side. "And since he was special summoned in the middle of the battle, he can attack."

"My Laval Dragun is way stronger than your monster and with my Ignis and the last of its overlay unit sent to the graveyard. My Laval Dragun now has a total of 4500 attack points." stated Fire Kraken.

"Guess, I should have told you, since Red-Eyes B. Dragon was the monster I chose to bring back its attack points are doubled. Meaning that it has 4800 points which is more than enough to take down your monster. Red-Eyes, take out that monster!" shouted Sunset. Red-Eyes heard its mistress' command and took out the creature as it went down in flames.
Fire Kraken's Life Points: 4800-

"Now then, I'll end my turn."

Turn 9: Fire Kraken

"You'll pay for destroying my monster. Now time for me time for me to end this! Now, I'll play Pot of Greed and pick up two more cards. Next, up is the spell card Hammer Shot. And with it I can destroy your Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" shouted Fire Kraken as a giant hammer came down on Sunset's monster as it let out a cry.

"I activate my facedown, Red-Eyes Spirit. So now my Red-Eyes B. Dragon returns to me." said Sunset as her monster appeared once again.

"Very well, but he won't be around for long. Cause next I play Monster Reborn and resurrect my Laval Dragun! And then I'll summon to the field my Soaring Eagle Above the Searing Land(100/0)." Fire Kraken now had his dino monster on the field as another bird of prey soared down. "Now I tune my Level 1 Soaring Eagle with my Level 6 Laval Dragun, I Synchro Summon, Laval Stennon! As you know, when Laval Stennon is Synchro Summoned, I send a card to the graveyard. And my trap is still in play, and so my Laval Stennon now gains 100 extra attack points for each 'Laval' monster in my graveyard. And I count 14, which means Laval Stennon's attack rises to 4100!" shouted Fire Kraken.

"This is bad." said Sunset.

"Now since, I have 3 'Laval' monsters with different names in my graveyard, I can revive my Soaring Eagle. Now Laval Stennon, take out her Red-Eyes Black Dragon! And Soaring Eagle will attack you directly." Laval Stennon then pointed its flamethrower at Red-Eyes as it burned the dragon to a crisp as it let out a cry of pain.

"Red-Eyes, no!!" shouted Sunset as she saw her most trusted monster be destroyed. The attack was still sent towards her as she could feel the heat of the attack. She then saw the firebird heading towards her as she stood her ground.
Sunset's Life Points: 3200-

"Next, I'll lay a facedown and end my turn. This duel is all but over, so make your final move." snickered Fire Kraken.

Turn 10: Sunset

"Alright, my move." said Sunset as she drew card. "Now I'll play the ritual spell card, Red-Eyes Transmigrations so now by sending the required monsters from my hand, I can Ritual Summon my Lord of the Red!" shouted Sunset as she had managed to summon a powerful monster. "Then I'll activate the effect of my Black Stone of Legend from my grave, so by returning it to my hand, I can also shuffle back a Level 7 or lower 'Red-Eyes' monster back into my deck." Sunset then retrieved her card as her duel disk confirmed her selection and place the card on top of her deck and shuffled it.

"And now my Lord of the Red effect activates, which means I can destroy one monster on the field. So say goodbye to Laval Stennon!"

"Don't think so, I activate my Laval Stennon's ability, when it becomes the target of a card effect I can simply remove a 'Laval' monster from my graveyard to protect it. It may be small price to pay, but well worth the cost. Especially, cause I negate your effect and destroy it all together." stated Fire Kraken.

"Well, before my monster is gone, he has another effect. And this one allows him to destroy one spell/trap card on the field. So say goodbye to your Molten Whirlwind Wall!" said Sunset. Lord of the Red then raised its arms as it took out Fire Kraken's trap in a pillar of fire before it was gone too. "Well, I just lay a facedown and end my turn. And since I didn't normal summon or set a monster this turn, I can banish my Red-Eyes Wyvern to special summon 1 'Red-Eyes' from my graveyard. So rise up once more, Red-Eyes B. Dragon!" said Sunset as her monster appeared in defense mode.

Turn 11: Fire Kraken

"My turn, you may have taken out my trap card, but my monster still has enough attack points to take out your Red-Eyes." said Fire Kraken as Laval Stennon took out Sunset's monster with ease.

"I reveal my trap, Red-Eyes Burn. Since you destroyed a Red-Eyes, we both take damage equal to its attack points."

"Not gonna happen, I reveal my facedown, Burgeoning Whirlflame! So now I send a 'Laval' monster to my graveyard to negate and destroy your trap card." said Fire Kraken as he took nullified Sunset's card. " Next, Soaring Eagle will attack you once again."
Sunset's Life Points: 3100-

"Now you have nothing left to protect you. So take your turn." said Fire Kraken as he end his turn.

Turn 12: Sunset

Alright, I need something. That monster still is the strongest in play even with his trap card gone. "Now, I'll play my Black Stone of Legend and then tribute it so that I can summon my Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning! Then I'll have my Archfiend of Lightning take out your Soaring Eagle." commanded Sunset as her monster struck the ground and lightning came down and fried the bird to glass.
Fire Kraken's Life Points: 2400-

"With that, I'll lay a facedown and end my turn."

Turn 13: Fire Kraken

"My turn, perfect. Now, I'll play Megamorph and equip it onto my Laval Stennon, since my life points are lower than yours, my Laval Stennon now shoots up to 8000 attack points. Now prepare to lose, Laval Stennon take her out!" shouted Fire Kraken.

"I reveal my facedown, Half Unbreak. So now my monster is safe and the damage I take is cut in half!" shouted Sunset as a huge bubble formed around her and her monster as the attack still caused her to fall down.
Sunset's Life Points: 350-

"You're just delaying the inevitable." said Fire Kraken as its monster's stats dropped down to 6650 attack points."

Turn 14: Sunset

"Come on, Sunset!" said Spike as he had been watching the battle and keeping an eye on Isaac in the other room.

"Hold it right there!" shouted one of the guards who came out behind him.

"Uh-oh." said Spike as he tried to run only for one of the Fire Troopers to grab him as he tried to escape. Then they flung the dragon onto the ground as he looked at them. He saw their weapons pointed at them as he slowly back away.

"Say goodbye." threatened one of the troops.

Spike closed his eyes as he prepared to meet his fate. Soon the card that Isaac gave Spike started to glow as the monster Flame Swordsman came out to protect the little drake. The Fire Troopers were stunned by what they saw as they started to target Flame Swordsman who was quick to take action as he began to strike down the foes with his sword. Spike opened his eyes and was shocked to see himself unharmed as he saw the monster before him who looked at the baby dragon with a stern face. He then sheathed his sword as he helped the little thing up.

"Thanks." said Spike. Flame Swordsman just simply gave a nod to Spike as he returned back to his card that Spike was holding.

"Now then, time for me to take you down." said Sunset as she drew her card. "Now I'll play Pot of Greed and draw two more cards. Next up is my Monster Reborn, so rise up Red-Eyes B. Dragon. Then I'll play this card, Claw of Hermos! So now I'll combine it with my Red-Eyes B. Dragon in order to form Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword(2400/2100)!" Out on Sunset's field came a sword that was in the shape of Red-Eyes.

"A sword!?! Not much it will do!"

"Perhaps not on its own, but watch. Red-Eyes Archfiend, pick up that sword." Sunset's monster heard her command as it grabbed the sword and raised it up high. "Now that my sword is equipped to my monster, I can now activate its effect. First off, my Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning gains 1000 attack points and then it gains 500 additionally attack and defense points for every dragon on the field and in the graveyard. Time for a roll call!" shouted Sunset as all the spirit of her dragons appeared next to her as they gave a cry to their mistress. "Looks like I'm counting 10 dragons in my graveyard, so do the math and my Archfiend has..."

"8500 attack points!" said Fire Kraken in a state of fear.

"Next, I'll reveal my final facedown, Double Attack. Now I'll discard my Red-Eyes Toon Dragon so that my monster can now attack a second time." said Sunset as she gave her monster its command as Archfiend of Lightning brought the sword down and cut Laval Stennon in half as it erupted into flames.
Fire Kraken's Life Points: 550-

"Looks like this duel... is over." said Sunset as she gave her monster its final command to finish Fire Kraken off. With that Archfiend of Lightning then slash the sword as it left a mark on Fire Kraken.

"No! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" shouted Fire Kraken as he felt himself be defeated and then erupted into flames as he disappeared for good.
Fire Kraken's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Sunset

"Awesome job, Sunset." shouted Spike as he slide down the wall and appeared next to the orange unicorn.

"Thanks, but we still have a job to do." said Sunset as she looked at her monster. "Archfiend, take out those drills!" commanded Sunset as he got to work on tearing apart the machines as they blew up. "Good job, buddy. Now we need to check up on Isaac." said Sunset as she and Spike heading into the other room.

Isaac was on his last legs as he still was holding his ground as he was still dealing with the massive army. He was down to his last few cards of his deck as the forces were getting closer to the stallion. With their command, all of them charged forward and Isaac closed his eyes; soon a pillar of fire shot up from the ground as it burned away some more soldiers. Isaac looked to the cave and saw Sunset with her Archfiend of Lightning by her side as it swung into action taking care of some more enemies. They both raced to Isaac's side as they helped the colt to his legs.

"Did you take care of it?" asked Isaac.

"Yup, Sunset beat the boss and destroyed those weapons." stated Spike.

"Good. Look out!" shouted Isaac as he saw a soldier heading towards Spike.

Soon Flame Swordsman came out as it blocked the attack and took out the enemy. He then looked at the trio as he too also engaged with Isaac and Sunset's monster.

"Man, am I glad he's on our side." said Spike as he had a smile on his face.

"Let's finish this." said Sunset as she called out some more monsters.

With that Isaac called on his two magicians as they came out and began to get to work. Soon all the forces were dwindling fast, Mana had managed to locate Fire Sorcerer and she was in an unhappy mood. She didn't appreciate someone hurting Isaac as she just started to fire off all her spells in a cartoonish way as she took out her enemy. Meanwhile Mahad was engaged with Brushfire Knight as they traded blows. Isaac had used his Knight's Title to transform Mahad so that he could go in hand to hand combat against the warrior. Both traded blows as they stared at each other. They both rushed forward as they looked to hit one final critical strike. Both were fast, but Mahad proved to be much faster as he was able to make contact first.

"I... have been defeated." said Brushfire Knight as he exploded into particles.

"You are a worthy opponent." said Mahad as he gave him enemy some praise. With that he transformed back and began to finish off the remaining forces.

Soon all the enemies had been defeated as the cave was empty and starting to collapse. The three of them called back their monsters after saying thanks as they all grabbed their bags and exited out of the cave just as the entrance was blocked.

"We... did... it." said Isaac as he was out of breath and fell on the floor.

"Yeah... we... did." said Spike as he too laid on the floor.

"So... can... we... take a break?" asked Sunset as she was breathing heavily.

"Yeah... just... wake us... for the next chapter." said Isaac as he fainted on the floor.

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