• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,577 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 5: The Greatest Showman

Author's Note:

I mentioned in a previous author's notes that Isaac's next opponent would be against a more powerful opponent. Well the time has come; this time he'll be going up against someone who is beloved in the community. So get ready because his opponent isn't who you think it is. I got to be honest this was one of my favorite chapters/duels to write because of what happens in the climax of this chapter. Also expect a surprise to pop up for longtime fans of both the show and the card game. Not then without further ado lets get on with the story. Ladies and Gents, this is the moment you've been waiting for.

Today was the day. Today was the day where Isaac not only got to duel but he got to duel against someone who was his friend. Isaac would be lying if he said that he was afraid. Afraid that this duel could possibly end the friendship that he made with Fluttershy. Isaac know that would be a silly thing to say but it has happened before. He had seen a lot of people break up their relationships with others over a duel. The end result was that they often were bitter enemies always trying to one up another to prove they were the better duelist. All morning Isaac kept this thought on his mind, hoping/praying that this would be the same result between him and Fluttershy. Isaac then got ready and departed his home for school.

School started as usually with him attending his classes. Isaac tried to take his mind off of the duel by listening to what the teacher was talking, but he still drifted to the thought that plagued on his mind all morning. Once the bell rang to signal lunch, Isaac then gathered his stuff and began walking out of the class where he saw Fluttershy waiting for him.

"Hey Isaac, I've been waiting for you, how was class?"

"Hey Fluttershy, other than the boring lecture about literature and 'Proper English', I think I'll survive. I mean what's the point of learning it if we never get to use it in real life. I mean no one uses that kind of language not even the rich/elite people speak it. English is hard enough as it is without learning about the old ways."

Fluttershy gave a little chuckle. "Anyways I was hoping we could sit together in lunch before we have our duel. If you don't mind?"

Isaac gave a confident smile. "Sure, that's fine. Let me just get something from my locker and I'll meet you in the café."

"Alright then." Fluttershy then made her way to the lunch room while Isaac headed to his locker.

Once Isaac retrieved what he needed from his locker, he then made his way to the café to have lunch with Fluttershy. Along the way, Isaac heard voice behind.

"Make way everybody, the greatest magician in CHS, no the world is coming through."

Isaac turned his head to see who was talking and saw that it was girl. Not just any girl. She had a pale, light grayish cornflower blue skin that was matched by her hair that contained blue streaks. She also had a hairpiece that was in the shape of a star in her ear. The thing that really drew Isaac's attention about this girl was her boastful attitude as well as how she kept referencing herself in the third person. Eventually she made her way towards him and confirmed his suspicions.

"Excuse me, but you seem to be blocking my path, me, the Great and Powerful Trixie."

Seems I was right about this girl Isaac said in his mind.

"If you don't mind, Trixie needs to get food in her stomach so could you get out of my way." She said with a bit of pride/arrogance in her voice.

Isaac moved to the side and let her pass.

"Honestly, the nerve of some people. Everyone knows that when Trixie is in the room all eyes are on moi. Besides nobody can stand up to me because I've got all the talent when it comes to magic and dueling. Especially when I've got a powerful card like my magician, no one stands a chance against us when we appear on the battlefield. Trixie is unbeatable"

Isaac merely chuckled a bit at this girl's statement. "Is that right?"

Trixie then turned around to see who made that comment. "Trixie is without a doubt the most fearsome, the craftiest, the greatest and most powerfulest in this school. Besides Trixie doesn't have time to waste on the likes of you; she's far too busy trying to find the person who's been making a mockery of her by playing a cheap rip off of my card. As far as I'm concerned, Trixie is the only worthy of holding the Dark Magician. Now I must find this idiot and teach them a lesson about copying greatest."

"Well you won't have to look too far."

"Why's that?"

"Because I'm the one who holds the Dark Magician" Isaac pulled out his deck and showed her his card.

Trixie just laughed "You think you can fool Trixie, that obviously is a fake. If you want to see a real Dark Magician then take a gander at this." Trixie pulled out her magician which resembled like Isaac's, but instead of it wearing purple garments it wore blue.

Isaac knew that nothing he could say would change Trixie's mind, so he did his best to let this situation go. "Look I get that your pride, as well as, your ego won't make you acknowledge that someone else holds the same card as you so why don't we agree to disagree?"

"Absolutely not! The only one who is worthy of that card is Trixie and I plan to remind everybody why I'm the greatest in the entire world. So kid, about we settle this dispute with a duel? In fact, lets make a wager in which the loser not only acknowledges the other as the better duelist but they shall hand over their Dark Magician as well."

When Trixie said that Isaac was scared to say the least. Not only didn't she take my peace offering but instead she wanted to prove that the Dark Magician only belonged to one person. She was basically forcing him to potential give up the card that has been with him his whole life. This really messed with his ideals because on one hand Isaac wasn't afraid from any sort of challenge, but on the other side if he lost it meant he would have to say goodbye to not just a powerful card but an even better ally. Isaac knew the best thing would be to walk away and live to fight another day, but at the same time it would also cause people to question his confidence. If there's one thing that more precious to a duelist other than their deck/cards it's their confidence. Isaac know firsthand how much confidence plays a key role in someone's dueling ability. With that in mind he knew he couldn't back down from this challenge, not just for his sake but for his magician's sake as well.

So with a heavy heart Isaac looked at Trixie with a stern look and accepted her challenge. Trixie smiled and said that they would meet each other in the gymnasium after lunch. With that she left and Isaac was left to ponder his thoughts.

Eventually Isaac wound up eating his food with a bit of sadness. He knew what he was getting myself into and it frightened me. Isaac was so overwhelmed with emotions that he failed to notice a tear start to form in eyes as it dripped down the side of his face. It wasn't until Fluttershy had arrived that she noticed Isaac was crying.

"Isaac, is everything ok? You seem to be crying a bit."

Isaac wiped the tear from his eyes and said that it was nothing. Fluttershy didn't seem to buy it so she asked why he was sad and Isaac told her about his run in with Trixie. Once Isaac told her the whole story about how Trixie wanted her to be the sole owner of the Dark Magician and challenged him to a duel where he could potential lose his best card she felt his pain.

"That's awful Isaac. I can't imagine what must be going on through your mind" Fluttershy was concerned for her friend.

Isaac couldn't blame her, this was a card that he's had for most of his life. Isaac was so conflicted he thought back on his previous memories that involved his Dark Magician. Isaac's first introduction to the Dark Magician was also his introduction to Duel Monsters. At a young age he'd seen images of the card used on posters, billboards, TV, etc...; Isaac always wondered why the card was such a fan favorite among the community. Everyone he asked, they would all say the same thing it was because of one person. One person who had risen up in the dueling world who was beloved by everybody and did it all with the help of his most loyal monster. Isaac didn't know the exact identity of the person, but most people called him by his nickname; something like the 'King of Games' or something. Anyways the point was that the Dark Magician was his inspiration into the world of dueling, so when Isaac finally got his hands on the card he felt like it wasn't him choosing the card but rather the card chose him. Isaac then pulled out his deck and shuffled it a couple of times; when Isaac flipped the top card over it was none other than the Dark Magician. At that moment it felt like he could hear what his magician was saying and they both knew what to do. If this was to be the last time they would get to fight alongside each other then it would be an honor to have known a worthy ally and a better friend. With that both Isaac and Fluttershy made their way to the gym as the lunch bell rang signaling the end and the start of his most important duel to date.

With each step Isaac took matched the heartbeat inside of him. Fluttershy was walking beside as she felt scared knowing full well what he was about to do. Once Isaac got in front of the doors, he put his hand on it as he let out a deep breath. Fluttershy noticed this and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Whatever happens Isaac, know that I'll always be here for you."

"Thanks Fluttershy. But I don't plan on losing today." Isaac then pushed past the door and they entered the room.

Compared to his previous duel the place was filled with even more students than last time. In fact there were spotlights hanging above in the rafters; the students were getting up out of their seats cheering as loud as they can. They knew that both Isaac and Trixie possessed the same card and the time had come. Time to find out the answer to the question: Who is truly the master of the Dark Magician? The room was also filled with speakers so that everybody could hear what would happen during the duel. Fluttershy wished Isaac luck and went to find a seat to watch. Just as he waved to her, Isaac heard music start to play through the speaker.

Once the music faded, everyone started to shout as Isaac saw Celestia walk on the stage with a microphone in her hand.

"Ladies and gentleman, I want to thank you for all being here. Today's duel promises to be an extraordinary because we have two duelists who both possess the same card; we've seen what they can do now it's time to find out which is the better one when it comes to magic. Everybody give a warm welcome for our entertainers for this duel, Isaac and Trixie."

Once Celestia finished her speech, Isaac and Trixie both made their way to the field. He noticed that Trixie had a different outfit than before. She was now wearing a magician's outfit. Isaac could tell that magic really was her passion if she was willing to go all out for this duel.

"Everybody get ready as the Great and Powerful Trixie, not only disposes of this phony but reminds you all why I'm the master of the Dark Magician. Now don't forget Isaac, if you lose this duel you have to give your magician to me." Trixie said with a boastful voice that everybody heard what she said as it was projected through the speakers.

"Don't worry, I remember what's at stake in this duel. That's why I plan to fight with everything I've got." Isaac readied his duel disk and slotted in his deck.

Celestia confirmed with both Trixie and Isaac, "If both are ready then let the duel begin."

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." Said the mechanical voice from our duel disks.

"Let's duel!".

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Trixie's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Isaac

"I draw. I set 1 card facedown and then I'll summon Alpha the Magnet Warrior(1400/1700) in defense mode. I'll end my turn."

Turn 2: Trixie

"The spotlight is on us it's showtime. Trixie draws." Trixie drew her card and looked at her hand. There it is as expected, my Dark Magician. Won't Isaac be surprised that I drew it. Trixie had a smug smile on her face as she said this to herself. Now Isaac will learn how dangerous it is to play games with a magician especially when the stakes are high. Trixie let out a laugh. "Brace yourself. Trixie summons her Legion the Fiend Jester(1300/1500) also in defense mode. I'll end my turn." Once I have another monster on the field, Trixie can sacrifice them both to summon my all-powerful Dark Magician smiled Trixie as she looked at Isaac.

Turn 3: Isaac

"You won't be smiling for long! I draw." Isaac looked at his hand and an idea popped into his head. To defeat this trickster, I'll have to think like a trickster. Here goes. "Since I don't trust your hand, I'll play this magic card. "

Trixie was greatly appalled. "Don't trust my hand."

"Take this! I play Card Destruction!"

Trixie was shocked, "Not that! Anything but that! No, my precious hand."

"Both players must now discard their hands now. That means you Trixie."

No, my plan is ruined. I was ready to summon my Dark Magician and destroy him. "You'll pay for that Isaac, once Trixie defeats you and takes away your Dark Magician.

"I wouldn't count on that yet, Trixie. Reveal my facedown card, Brain Control. Now by paying 800 life points I can control 1 of your monsters till the end of the turn like your Fiend Jester." Isaac's card then snatched Trixie's monsters as there was nothing she could do to stop it.
Isaac's Life Points: 7200-

"My monster!"

"Now I'll sacrifice your Fiend with my Magnet Warrior, which allows me to summon my ultimate monster. Fear the power of my Dark Magician!" Once Isaac's magician had manifested, he looked at Trixie with a glare that caused her to be afraid.

I'm wide open to an attack by his Dark Magician! Trixie was sweating as she being stared by the monster on Isaac's side.

"Dark Magician, show Trixie some real magic with a direct attack on her life points! The duel just started and you've already lost more than 2000 points, Trixie. Now I'm still waiting for this grand magic show you promised me. I end my turn."
Trixie's Life Points: 5500-

Everybody in the crowd lost their mind not only was Isaac able to outthink Trixie, but he had also managed to summon his magician and deal some serious damage to her. Fluttershy was surprised; she knew Isaac was a good duelist but she didn't think he was that good. Even Celestia and Luna were impressed with what had transpired that they couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear at what they just witnessed. Soon everybody started to chant Isaac's name.

Turn 4: Trixie

"Listen, Isaac, I promised you a spectacle and I never disappoint. Not only will I win, but I'll also take your precious Dark Magician away from you." Isaac obviously doesn't know a master magician's first rule: always save the best trick for the finale! "You should stop worrying about Trixie and take care of yourself, Isaac! It's my show, remember, I can't lose. I draw." Hmmm. I've got to defend myself from another direct attack by Isaac's Dark Magician or it'll be curtains for me. This'll do. "I play Mystic Tomato(1400/1100) in defense mode. And I'll place 1 card facedown. Let's get on with the show!"

Turn 5: Isaac

Trixie's Mystic Tomato is a weak defense. If I summon another monster and destroy it, I can mount and attack on her life points and get one step closer to winning this duel.

Take the bait, Isaac! I know you want to summon another monster, and when you do, I'll have a surprise waiting for you. Trixie had a sneaking grin on her face.

"I draw and summon Beta the Magnet Warrior(1700/1600). Attack now."

"Not so fast, Isaac!"

"What are you up to?"

"You've activated my trap! Dark Renewal. It takes a monster from each player and sends them to the graveyard. But in return it brings back one monster that's been lost by the cardholder. In this case, that means me! Welcome back, my Dark Magician!" Out of the coffin appeared a magician that resembled like the one on Isaac's field, but it dawned blue clothing and it stared a hole through Isaac and his monster."

"You have your wish Trixie. It's Dark Magician versus Dark Magician. Let's find out who the real master is."

"Our monsters' points are identical. So merely attacking won't be enough. You'll have to think more strategically. And only a true illusionist like myself can master the power of a Dark Magician! Prepare to lose your card."

Turn 6: Isaac

"Think again Trixie. I draw. Now I'll place these 2 cards on the field facedown and end my turn."

Turn 7: Trixie

This show will have more twists than Isaac expects. I'll match him move for move! "Two can play that game. Trixie will also place 2 cards facedown. So what's next?"

Turn 8: Isaac

"I'll show you, I draw. I'll place 1 more card facedown."

Turn 9: Trixie

"Brilliant move, Isaac. So I'll place 1 more card facedown as well."

Turn 10: Isaac

"I draw and I'll place my last facedown card."

Turn 11: Trixie

"Trixie draws and so will moi. Ha! Now we each have 4 cards facedown and 1 Dark Magician. And now, let's see who picked the best dueling strategy!

The tension in the air was noticeable. Everybody watched on with intrigue in their eyes. Both duelist had spent their last couple of turns fortify their defenses. Each was coming up with a plan to out think the other. Celestia and Luna were shown biting their bottom lip as they didn't know what to expect between the 2 competitors. Fluttershy was seen biting her nails, despite Isaac having an early lead Trixie managed to catch up to Isaac and both were glaring at each other's eyes waiting to see what would happen. Silence filled the air, it was so silent that you could practically hear a fly land on the wall. Both Trixie and Isaac were confident in their plan that they were waiting to see who would make the first move and how they would react to it. Fortunately it didn't take long.

"I'll play a magic card The Mystical Guillotine. Say good-bye to your Dark Magician, Isaac!"

"I won't let you destroy him, Trixie!"

"As if you had a choice?" Chains then lunged at Isaac's magician and trapped him while laying him down on the cutting table.

"My Dark Magician! No!" Isaac shouted.

Trixie smiled. "I'm afraid it's true. Your Dark Magician's about to be cut from the show. It's time for the grand finale."

"Not yet, Trixie!"

"Sorry but the show's over and the curtain must now fall! Right on your Dark Magician!"

"I'm afraid that you'll have to find him first. Go, Magical Hats!" Thankfully Isaac was able to activate his card in time to save his magician, but lost a hat in the process. "Now you'll have to guess which hat he's under to attack him!"

"Don't be so sure of that. I reveal, A Thousand Knives! These magic daggers will detect and destroy your Dark Magician! It's all over!"

"Hold on Trixie" Isaac said with a sly smile on my face. "I'll rescue him with Cursebreaker! It cancels out all other magic cards!" With that both Trixie's knives and Isaac's hats were gone. "Destroying my Dark Magician won't be easy, Trixie."

"Well we'll just see about that!"

Both Isaac and Trixie commanded their monsters to attack.

"Dark Magician attack with Dark Magic now!/Dark Magician attack with Dark Magic now!" shouted both.

"They'll destroy each other!" said Trixie as their monsters collided and destroyed one another.

"And now my Dark Magician will return!/And now my Dark Magician will return! Monster Reborn!/Monster Reborn!". They both shouted. And just like that both monsters returned.

"Looks like, we're back to where we started huh Isaac."

"Yes, a stalemate."

The amount of people who were watching the duel also were having a tough time breathing. It seemed like no matter what happened each person had a way to counter the other person's strategy. If you could see the heartbeat of all students then you would see it beating fast as they were on the edge of their seat to see what occurred next. Fluttershy was a nervous wreck, not only was she cheering for Isaac, but she was also worried about how much Trixie was pushing him to the limit. Even the smallest gust of wind could change the flow of this battle. Apart from the students, Celestia and Luna were in tears that they were able to see 2 duelist of the highest caliber be able to put a wonderful show and then some.

Turn 12: Isaac
"I draw." Looking at the field and his hand Isaac didn't have much options to deal with Trixie's spellcaster, not too mention that he was a bit winded from that exchange with Trixie. For the time being, he passed his turn.

Turn 13: Trixie

"Trixie draws and I'll set 1 card facedown. Your move."

Turn 14: Isaac

"I draw and place 2 cards facedown. Your move Trixs."

Turn 15: Trixie

"Time to spice up this show! Ha! Ready, Isaac? I draw. I reveal a magic card: Beckon to the Dark!"

"No, my Dark Magician!" Isaac sounded a bit scared.

"That's right, Isaac, you should be scared. With its gruesome claw, this magic card snatches up any opponent's monster and transports it directly to the graveyard! So you can say goodbye to your Dark Magician."

"Oh really, afraid not. You didn't count on this! Mystical Ref-Panel. This trap card will counter the darkness of your magic card and spare my monster!"

"Ha, but not for long! Beckon to the Dark was just a decoy to get you to waste your trap card! I knew that you would fall for that trick! Now it's my turn to play a trap card, Isaac. Nightmare's Chains! These chains will bind your Dark Magician, putting him out of play and leaving you open to a direct attack!"

"My Dark Magician is trapped!"

"With your monster hung up for the moment all he can do is look on helplessly while Trixie destroys his master! Of course, you won't be his master for much longer, so it doesn't really matter, I suppose. Now prepare yourself! It's... showtime! Dark Magician attack Isaac's life points directly! This is turning into quite the performance!"
Isaac's Life Points: 4700

Turn 16: Isaac

"I draw." If I can't free my Dark Magician, Trixie's got me! "Now, I'll summon my Big Shield Gardna(100/2600) in defense mode." I've got to protect my life points!.

"Look at you, cowering behind your monster, desperately trying to put off your inevitable defeat at the hands of my mighty Dark Magician. I'm afraid that defense won't help you. Now if your done with your turn, it's time for my next move."

Turn 17: Trixie

"Trixie draws and I will also summon a monster. Say hello to the Doll of Demise(1600/1700)! And now, Isaac, behold the magic card that will annihilate you! I play Ectoplasmer! Confused, Isaac? Allow me to explain it for you. Ectoplasmer is a magic card that drains the very soul of one of my monsters creating a pure concentrated form of energy known as ectoplasm which is then fired directly at you! Say goodbye, Isaac. I'm about to drain your life points by draining one of my monster's souls away! Extract ectoplasm and attack now!"

The attack passed through Isaac's monster and scored a direct hit to his life points that it caused him to fall to onto his knees.
Isaac's Life Points: 3900

"You played well, Isaac, Trixie will give you that. But do you know why you and your beloved Dark Magician couldn't beat moi? You're too soft. In battle, monsters respond best to fear. You have to make certain that they're afraid of you. You'll never command their respect with kindness and trust. Just look at what happened to your favorite card, the Dark Magician. You're the master. They're the servants, and they should ensure victory for you even if it means you have to destroy them to get there!"

What Trixie was saying about how monsters were nothing more than servants not only made Isaac angry, in fact, it made him pissed off. Nobody should ever look at their monsters just as a means to secure a win. That's not only despicable but not very honorable. "You're a sick person for believing in that ideal, Trixie."

"Hmm. It's my show, and my Dark Magician knows that I'm his master. He's nothing more than my pawn." While Trixie was saying this, her Dark Magician was starting to look at her with betrayed eyes. To think that its own master didn't care about it really hurt his feelings. "Activate Ectoplasmer! Extract the soul of my Dark Magician! Fire the Ectoplasm!

Just as Trixie had launched her ectoplasm at Isaac and was about to connect with his life points. A bright light started to shine from his own Dark Magician. They both witnessed as the very soul of Isaac's Dark Magician was not only extracted but it canceled out Trixie's attack by shielding him from harm. Isaac was eternally grateful that his own monster had sacrificed himself to protect him.

"It seems your plan to destroy me backfired! You're so busy disrespecting your cards, Trixie, that you failed to learn on how to properly use them. While it's true your Ectoplasmer drains your monster's soul and fires that energy at your opponent, what you obviously didn't realize is that when there's more than 1 of the same monster on the field, they're all affected in the same way. So my Dark Magician was drained of his soul also. Canceling out your attack, Trixie!" Trixie was just left with a huge stun on her face after what had occurred.

"Now Trixie will place 1 card facedown and end her turn. Isaac. Remember this is my show and the grand finale is so close that I can practically taste it! Don't forget that I'm a master of magic, the queen of all Dark Magicians!

"Your not even close Trixie! What kind of queen would extract the soul of her very own Dark Magician? You disrespect your cards, but I'll make sure you lose and teach you that lesson myself."

"This duel is over, Isaac. Now watch closely while I pull a stunning victory out of my hat!"

"Sorry Trixie, but your tricks will have to wait since your turn's over!

Turn 18: Isaac

"It's time for me to take control of this duel. I draw."

"Oh really?" said Trixie with a sarcastic tone in her voice.

"Yes, especially since you have no monsters left on the field to defend you!"

"Well, my life points are higher than yours!"

"Not for long, Trixie! Now I summon Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts(1500/1200)!"

He fell right into my trap!! "Thanks, Isaac, I activate Shadow Balance! This trap card makes the number of monsters you have on the field equal to the number I have. And since I don't have any monsters on the field at the moment that means you don't either!"

Isaac was surprised that he fell right into Trixie's trap without realizing it. "That can't be that removes my only defense against an attack which means..."

"When their gone I can wipe out your life points!" Trixie was proud of herself for ridding the field of all of Isaac's monsters. "Now what are you going to do? Your Dark Magician is destroyed, and you've got no monsters on the field. Nothing can save you now! It's over!

Turn 19: Trixie

The crowd was in a state of disbelief. Nearly everybody saw that there was nothing Isaac could do to escape Trixie's wrath. They knew it was but a matter of time before Isaac was defeated and he would be forced to give up his best card. Some of the students started to put their heads down as they couldn't bear the sight of Isaac losing. Celestia and Luna both had sad faces as they hoped that they could have been able to see more from both you and your monster. Everyone was starting to feel sad except for Fluttershy. It may have looked grim but out of everybody there, Fluttershy was the one person who was still rooting for you. So she let out a shout to remind you and everybody else that she still had your support.

Fluttershy screamed at the top of her lungs. "Isaac remember never give up. Sure you may be in a tough spot but don't forget your friends are here supporting and we've got your back. No matter how bad things might be all it takes is 1 card to turn the tide of battle." Everybody was inspired by what Fluttershy had said that they started to chant your name alongside her.

Isaac felt the rush of energy flow through his veins and into heart. He knew this wasn't the end and that he still had a chance to turn things around. So Isaac put on his determination face and gave a thumbs up to the crowd and Fluttershy to let them know that he got their message.This is my duel and I'm going to see through to the end no matter what.

Trixie merely ignored the crowd as she drew her card. She knew they would be cheering for her very soon once she defeated Isaac and took his most prized card. "It's over!" Exactly what I needed! "Trixie holds in her hand the winning card that will defeat you once and for all! I told you I was the true master of the Dark Magician. And what kind of master would have only 1 Dark Magician in their deck... hmmm? Trixie's first one may be gone but I have another Dark Magician, and he's waiting to destroy you, Isaac! Plus I can summon him without sacrificing a weaker monster. Thanks to this! Trixie plays The Dark Magic Curtain. Watch this performance! The Dark Magic Curtain allows me to summon a high-level monster like the Dark Magician without a sacrifice in exchange for one half of my total life points! You're on Dark Magician! If you thought the show was good before, you don't want to miss the ending, Isaac!
Trixie's Life Points: 2750-

"This is it! The final performance of Isaac! Your life points are almost gone and you have no monsters to hide behind! But first just in case you're counting on your 2 facedown cards to save you. Trixie will take the liberty of wiping them out! And I'll take care of the job with my Anti-Magic Arrows! Say goodbye to your last hope! Seek and destroy, my arrows! Looks like I've got you completely pinned down now, Isaac. The show is over! Dark Magician attack his life points directly."

Before Trixie's monster could land it's attack, her curtain appeared on Isaac's side of the field. "Not so fast, Trixie."

Trixie had a surprised look on her face. "What's going on? My Dark Magic Curtain is working for you now!?"

"Yes! You should really read the rules more closely. It's magic summoning power is available to both sides of the dueling field. So that means I can trade half of my life points for a monster, too. And just like you did, I'll play another Dark Magician!"
Isaac's Life Points: 1950-

As soon as Isaac said that statement everybody in the crowd was confused. Not even Celestia and Luna knew what he meant by that. Up to this point most people who had saw him duel knew that Isaac only possessed 1 copy of the Dark Magician and for him to suddenly say he had another one baffled everybody. There was so much confusion that people were starting to ask among themselves what exactly did Isaac mean by my statement. In his head, he thought to himself as it was time. Time to introduce a monster that he'd been saving for a special occasion.

Trixie was the most confused out of everyone in the room. "But wait! I was told you only had 1 Dark Magician in your deck! What kind of sorcery is this?"

"Well, you're partially right, but mostly misinformed!"

"Stop speaking in riddles to Trixie!"

"The card that I now hold in my hand is a different variety of Dark Magician, Trixie! And it's even more powerful than yours is!"

"You lie! I'd know if another Dark Magician card existed! It can't be!"

"It is! Say hello to Dark Magician Girl(2000/1700)!"

Isaac then played the card and out came a spellcaster that looked similar to the outfit of his Dark Magician. But instead of purple, it mainly consisted of blue and pink with a few touches of yellow. Out appeared a female who wore a skirt, had blond hair, green eyes, and wielded a wand that matched her outfit. She gave a quick kiss and a wink before landing on Isaac's side of the field. The eruption that arose from when he played that card was like no other, but I guess he should have expected that. Most of the noise came from the boys in attendance who were glad they came to watch this duel. While the boys were definitely excited, the girls seem ready to hurt a couple of them.

"Yo, bro did you see that girl? She's cute."

"What I wouldn't give to have a hottie like that on my arm?"

"Marry me, Dark Magician Girl!"

Isaac focused his mind back to Trixie while trying to ignore all the threats he got from the guys. Trixie was still trying to understand what just happened.

"It's true! A female Dark Magician! But you're wrong about one thing! Your girlfriend's attack points are less than my Dark Magician's. In a head-to-head battle my monster will wipe her out!"

Seemed when Trixie mentioned the word 'girlfriend' about Isaac's magician girl all the boys started to make a ruckus.

"Hey Isaac, what the hell man, what's wrong with?"

"Are you trying to keep her all to yourself man, is that why you never played her before? That's just selfish."

"What's she doing with you when she could be with a guy like me?"

Eventually the girls had enough and nearly all of them punched any boys that were around them. They seemed generally angry and Isaac was glad he wasn't in their shoes.

"If you say one more thing about that card I swear it's the last thing you will ever see with your eyes open, am I understood?" The boys merely stayed quiet as they didn't want a horde of angry girls attacking them.

Back to the duel Trixie was ordering her Dark Magician to destroy Isaac's Magician girl. "Dark Magician, attack Dark Magician Girl!"

The 2 monsters collided as a trail of smoke appeared from the attacks.

Trixie had a satisfying laugh, "Finally, Isaac's defeated!"

Isaac too had a sly look on his face, "I don't think so. Take another look, Trixie!" Appearing from the smoke Isaac's monster was unfazed and still standing while Trixie's monster was starting to disappear as it had lost the encounter.

"No, my Dark Magician's been beaten! But how!? This was supposed to be my grand finale! It can't be! He had 500 more attack points than she did!"
Trixie's Life Points: 2650-

"Wrong again! Dark Magician Girl gains 300 extra attack points for every Dark Magician that's inside the card graveyard, Trixie. Making herself strong enough to defeat your Dark Magician."

"It still doesn't add up! There's only 1 Dark Magician in your graveyard! Even with the extra 300 points, her total is only 2300. That means my Dark Magician still outranks her by 200 points!"

"Open your eyes Trixie! If you were the master of the Dark Magician, you would have seen the answer right in front of you."

"What?" After a moment Trixie was able to figure out what Isaac meant. "No. It can't be! My first Dark Magician's there, too! B-But why? Why would the power of my Dark Magician be reborn in your monster?!!?"

"The Dark Magician Girl inherits points from every Dark Magician no matter whose graveyard it's in. So when you destroyed your first magician you helped give my Dark Magician Girl the power she needed to defeat your second one! And now, Trixie prepare for my grand finale. As I wipe out the rest of your life points! Dark Magician Girl attack her life points directly!" And with that Isaac's magician girl dealt the final blow to Trixie's life points. "When you mistreat your cards, you pay a high price. You lose."
Trixie's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

"You call yourself a Dark Magician master? It was your disrespect and your misuse of your own Dark Magicians that caused you to lose this duel, Trixie!"

The duel had ended and not only did Isaac win, but he also was able to keep my best card. Isaac then made his way to Trixie and looked at her while she was trying to get up. They looked at each other and their eyes told the whole story. Anybody in his position would be angry to think that someone they challenged was willing to take your best card if they lost. Isaac merely looked at Trixie and instead of frowning her, he instead extended his hand towards her to help her up. Isaac wasn't one to hold a grudge, besides he remembered the lesson he wanted to teach Trixie and he couldn't do that if he was mad at her. Eventually, Trixie looked at what Isaac was doing and reached for his hand as he helped her to her feet.

"Why? Why did you still offer to help me even after all the pain I put you through?" she asked.

"Because that's what friends do." Isaac's words seemed to have awoken something in Trixie. "Look around Trixie these people came here to see a duel and we gave them that. I may not be master magician like you, but I do know that an magician's most important rule is to make sure the crowd is entertained and I say we accomplished that." Isaac pointed to the crowd where everybody was cheering as loud as they could.

The crowd of students were standing on their feet applauding the both of them. They both came here to put on a show for our fellow classmates and they definitely delivered. They both took a bow as the applause got louder. Trixie saw what was happening and she felt something; something that she had forgotten about in a long time about being a magician. And that was to remember to have fun when you put on a performance for others. Eventually she cracked a genuine smile and tapped on Isaac's shoulder to get his attention.

"Well a deal is a deal. Here take my Dark Magician."

"Trixie, I don't want your magician. I wanted this duel to happen because I wanted to teach you a lesson about respecting your cards instead of casting them aside. Plus, I wanted to have fun. You keep it, it suits you."

"You're right, I was blinded that I failed to see I was hurting my monsters when I should have been relying on them. I'll keep this card but I won't use it. Instead I'll keep it as a reminded that I need to put my trust in my cards. Until, I've earned the trust of my Dark Magician I'll kept working on myself and my deck. Thanks Isaac. You truly are an amazing duelist; I'm glad the Dark Magician chose a master that he's proud of and willing to serve by his side. See you around, Isaac."

"I'll be seeing you, oh Great and Powerful Trixie" Isaac said doing his best impression of her. With that Trixie left the gymnasium, Isaac knew their paths would cross again and he would be looking forward to it. Just then Isaac felt a pair of arms wrap around him.

"That was an amazing duel, Isaac. I knew you could do it. You kept your cool even when you were backed into a corner and trusted your deck to help you secure the victory. I'm really happy for you." Tears of joy started to manifest from Fluttershy's eyes.

"Thanks Fluttershy. To be honest I have you to thank, you gave me the confidence boost that I needed to beat Trixie. I'm really grateful."

While they were talking with each other, they didn't notice a girl approaching them till she got their attention. It wasn't just any random girl, but the same girl who had witnessed Isaac's previous 2 duels. She was observing him from the sidelines seeing what skills he possessed as a duelist and now that she saw all that she needed to see. She wanted to make her presence known.

"That was an awesome duel, man" said the girl.

Isaac looked at the girl to get a better view of her. He noticed she had light cerulean-ish gray skin color and wore a t-shirt that bore a storm cloud with a lighting bolt coming out of it. The things that really caught his attention was based on her physique Isaac could see she was an athlete, but her major attention grabber was her rainbow colored hair. She apparently was a friend of Fluttershy as she gave her a quick hug. "Thanks. I've seen you before I think. Rainbow..."

"Dash. Rainbow Dash" she said with such conviction in her voice. "I've been watching you for a while now; I've liked what I've seen so far. That's why we need to talk!"

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