• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 139: Popularity

"Then I suggest you get it up before Friday. Work hard, listen to the girls, but most importantly, practice. I'll be spending all this week checking in with the others to tell me of your progress, I'll also be working on the brackets. So, get ready you guys. Cause if you're serious about your skills and want to learn the 'advanced' tactics, then you all need to bust your ass!" With that Isaac dismissed the group as they all headed in separate directions to meet with their mentors.

Once the kids all left, Isaac then left the room. Thankfully, he only had one more class to for the rest of the school day as he made it in time for his AP Calculus class. He rushed over to his table as there was Sunset already sitting down as she was currently reading a magazine with her feet on top of the desk.

"Made it." stated Isaac as he sat across from Sunset at their table.

"Let me guess, you were talking with the kids about the upcoming tournament that starts on Friday." stated Sunset as she closed her magazine and put her feet down.

"What can I say? It's been about a month or so, since I first assigned them to you girls. I want to see if they've been actually listening to you all, as well as to see if you guys are actually taking this seriously." said Isaac as he looked at his bacon-haired friend. "Speaking of which, how are your sessions going?" asked Isaac.

"That's a secret." said Sunset with a sly smile on her face.

"Oh come on! You know it's my responsibility to see how they're behaving when they're suppose to be learning from you girls."

"Well... I might reconsider. In exchange for something." Sunset wiggled her eyebrows as she looked at Isaac.

"I know where this is going. What's the new game you want to buy?" asked Isaac as he pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil as he prepared himself.

"Well, I was thinking of something else." Sunset then stood up from her seat and walked over to Isaac's side. She then sat in his lap as he caught the young boy off guard as she captured his lips with his.

Isaac was caught off guard by Sunset doing this, especially since they were about to start class. Eventually he wrapped his arms around her as Sunset was putting a lot of effort into the kiss. Isaac then placed his hands on Sunset's waist and then started to move them till he touched her upper legs/thighs. Eventually he started to move them upward underneath her skirt and soon felt her butt. Since Sunset had changed her outfit, she no longer wore pants that were able to highlight her curves, but at least now Isaac could touch her skin as he got the girl to evoke a moan of pleasure into his mouth. She then pulled away as she gave a wink at Isaac.

"Maybe now I'll tell you." said Sunset as she looked at Isaac with some seductiveness in her eyes. "Though that new game ain't bad."

"Okay, now you're pushing your luck." said Isaac as he got Sunset to get off of his lap.

Sunset just laughed as she returned back to her seat just as the teacher entered the class and it served as the signal to start class. The class started out like normal, each day the teacher would have a quick mini quiz on the lesson they had covered the previous day as well the homework. This was done so that the professor could actually monitor to see which students actually paid attention and who did the homework instead of slacking off given that they were seniors. Since Isaac, Sunset, and Twilight were the only ones out of their group that had AP Calculus, the three of them often study together after school as it allowed them to get a firm grasp on the concepts they were learning. Especially, for Isaac, cause as smart as he was. Sunset and Twilight were that much smarter than he was when it came to complex math problems, so really he used their study group as a way to practice his comprehension on the many topics and to have the girls clarify him with any issues he ran into. Sometime had passed, as both Sunset and Isaac were at their table as they were working on some problems.

"Now let's see... if I plug this in then I should get this." stated Isaac as he was trying to solve problem from one of the math packets. "Got it, now onto the next one... No that's not it... No... No... Ahh!" said Isaac as he put his hand to his head.

"Something wrong, boy toy?" asked Sunset.

"It's this problem that I'm trying to figure out. I've done all the proper steps, but somehow it's not working."

"Did you check all your steps? Maybe you forget something, or did a slight miscalculation." suggested Sunset.

"I did and it's still not adding up. No pun intended." stated Isaac. "What the hell did I do wrong?" Isaac was now starting to punch his head as he was trying to get his brain to function. "If I can't solve this math, then how the hell did I learn how to play Duel Monsters?"

"Cause it's a game that just requires basic math. Not freaking equations." chuckled Sunset as she began to help her frustrated friend. "I see what you did, mind if I show you?" said Sunset as she began to scribble on a piece of paper. After a while, Sunset was able to help Isaac with the problem. "So after that, it just becomes a simple limit question."

"Of course! Then you just insert 3 as the x for the difference quotient and after simplifying, you find that the limit f'(3) as h approaches 0 is equal to... 6." said Isaac as he wrote down his answer on his notebook and showed it to Sunset.

"You got it. Seems like you can learn." snickered Sunset.

"Yeah, yeah. Shut up." replied Isaac with some sass as he stuck his tongue out at her.

"Then how about this problem?" asked Sunset as she wanted to test Isaac's knowledge.

"Easy, so here you would use integration by parts." said Isaac as he began to work on the problem in front of Sunset. "First you set this part of the integral equal to u, and then take its derivative..."

And so it went for the rest of the class until the school bell rang. With that class was dismissed as both Isaac and Sunset began to walk out of they had finished with all of their classes for the day.

"Not too bad, am I right?" asked Sunset.

"Other than a few hiccups, it wasn't bad. Trust me, when it comes to smarts in the field of academic, you and Twilight are way above me. You girls know enough to get A+ in all your classes; me, I'm more like an honor roll student. Mix of A's and B's, but overall still know enough to pass. Heck the highest I could get is an A or A-. Which is why I'm glad we have those study sessions to help me understand stuff better." stated Isaac.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean you can't try to get an A+." said Sunset.

"Still, my knowledge level is still going to be the same. So I'm fine with where I'm at. It just shows that there are people who have better talents than me. No need to feel down about as long as I'm happy where my skills are at." stated Isaac with a smile.

"I guess." said Sunset as she just smiled back at her friend.

"So anyways, I got somewhere to be. What about you?"

"Well, I texted my student that I had one more class for the day. So I told her to meet me at the house so that we could go over our lesson for the day. Speaking of which, she's probably already there." stated Sunset as she looked at her phone.

"Well you better not keep her waiting. I'll see you back at the house." said Isaac.

"See ya, boy toy." stated Sunset as she grabbed Isaac by his hoodie and gently pushed him against the wall as she gave him one final deep passionate kiss.

"Please tell me, you're gonna tell Twilight about this." said Isaac as he needed to remind Sunset about Twilight's sacred rule.

"You know that I never do that, especially cause I let you tell her for me." said Sunset with a sly smile as this was her way to get some excitement with Isaac.

"Yeah, then she starts to rant at me." stated Isaac.

"Exactly." Sunset then gave a pat on Isaac's cheek as she was on her way but not before swaying her hips in front of Isaac as she continued to tease him.

Isaac just prepared himself for what Twilight would say as he left in a different direction.

After parting from the others, Penny had texted Sunset about their scheduled meeting. Sunset replied that she still had one more class and told her that they would continue their lesson afterschool. So she texted her student the address of Isaac's house. Safe to say that Penny was surprised that Isaac was able to afford a house given that he was still basically in high school and there's no way he could have saved up all that money from his job. So it got her to thinking just how was the person who was considered the champion of CHS in terms of Duel Monsters was able to afford such a place and have the girls live there.

"Clearly, there's something a mist. I get the feeling that Isaac isn't all that he claims to be." stated Penny as she was thinking. "He works at a card shop and is now the co-owner of the place. Even with that promotion and if he saved all of his earnings, there's no way he could be able to buy and pay off all the expenses that came with the house. So how did he earn that much money? Did he steal it, or maybe he did something illegal?" Soon Penny found herself at the address as she took in the place where Isaac and their tutors lived.

"Not bad."

"You made it." shouted Sunset as she had ran from school. "Hope you didn't wait too long."

"I just got here a few moments ago." stated Penny. "So how the hell do you all afford to live here?"

"Well, Isaac actually paid for the house. He just allows us to live here whenever we want." stated Sunset. She then opened the front gate, soon they made their way to the front door as Sunset pulled out her set of keys and unlocked the front door as both of them entered inside of the building.

"Okay, the inside of the house is much bigger than I thought it would be." stated Penny as she was surprised by how much space was inside of the building.

"Doesn't seem like anybody else is home right now. Which means we won't have to worry about anybody interrupting our lessons." stated Sunset as she made her way to the living room area where there was a huge couch and a couple of couch chairs that were position nicely as they all faced the TV. Next to it was another TV that was hooked up to many gaming systems that Isaac had implemented.

"You have two TVs next to each other?" asked Penny.

"Isaac had that installed so in case one of us wanted to watch TV, they could take one screen while the ones who wanted to play video games could have their own set up and not cause any arguments with the others. Or if you want to watch TV while playing video games." informed Sunset.

"Damn, talking about flexing." said Penny as she found that rather impressive.

"Anyways, take a seat." stated Sunset as she pointed to one of the sofa chairs. "Want anything to drink?"

"What do you got?" asked Penny.

"Let's see. Rainbow Dash should have the grocery shopping this week." stated Sunset as she made her way to the fridge in the kitchen. "Guess she actually did it." Sunset was surprised that she had actually managed to the shopping for them instead of backing out of it. Though she probably did it, cause Isaac was holding her apple cider hostage.

He did manage to find her secret stash of the stuff and whenever Rainbow didn't do her part, he threaten to drink the gold liquid in front of her. Rainbow didn't believe Isaac as he demonstrated that he was serious as he opened up a bottle and in 15 seconds flat he down the whole thing which caused Rainbow's jaw to drop. He then wiped his mouth as he grabbed another bottle and was about to pop open the cap when she threw herself onto her knees and at Isaac's feet as she was now begging him to stop this cruel and unusual punishment as she tugged at his shirt. With that Isaac was able to find Rainbow's weak point and whenever she didn't contribute, he did this as it got her off of her ass.

"So you want grape juice or fruit punch?" asked Sunset.

"Grape is fine. So how the hell did Isaac afford this place?" asked Penny.

"Blackjack!" shouted Sunset as she pulled out the drink from the fridge and grabbed some cups from the cupboards as she poured the liquid.

"Blackjack?!" said Penny as she raised an eyebrow.

"Long story short, about roughly a year or so ago, me and the others all took a trip to Las Pegasus. Isaac had to cover for a dealer so he did just that and won some money. After that we had some laughs, some fun, and one big great adventure that resulted in a duel." said Sunset as she returned back to the living room with the drinks in her hand as she gave one of them to her student.

"Fascinating." said Penny as she grabbed her drink and took a sip. "So, mind if I ask you some questions?"

"Shoot." said Sunset as she sat down in a couch chair facing her with her legs crossed.

"How does a girl like you get in with Isaac?"


"Let me phrase it like this. Why do you hang out with Isaac? A girl of your stature doesn't seem right with a boy like Isaac. Compare the both of you; you're hot, cute, beautiful, you have boys falling head over heels when they see you. Heck even just your name is enough to make everybody have a crush on you. You're an ideal girl that anybody would love to have as their girlfriend." said Penny.

"Thank you?" Sunset wasn't sure if Penny was complimenting her or running her down.

"Now lets talk about Isaac. A boy. Just an ordinary boy, sure he's got his smarts, he's decent looking, he's got a passion for Duel Monsters that has allowed him to rise above the ranks of everybody else."

"You saying all that makes it more believable for a girl like me to want to hang out with Isaac." replied Sunset.

"You're probably not listening to what I'm saying. You're a popular girl, and Isaac is well... Isaac. Not to disrespect him, he's got skills in Duel Monsters, but that's all. You are a well-rounded individual that would have any success with whatever she wants to do with her life. You could be a successful business women, you can create your own artwork, heck you probably could land a husband with tons of cash. You're popular, but Isaac is only good for one thing." stated Penny. "So why do spend your time around him? For one thing, you're not his girlfriend! Unless, you and him are having a secret affair behind Ms. Sparkle's back. Not to mention that you're probably doing it, behind closed doors."

"Woah there, TMI." said Sunset as she wanted to clear some things up. "First of all, Isaac is not a cheater. He's devoted to his relationship with Twilight. I just like to have fun with him and tease/flirt with him."

"Isn't that illegal? I mean, what does Twilight think of you putting your hands on her boyfriend?"

"She knows this is how I get my excitement. Besides, if I really wanted to, I could take him all for myself. I still can, but don't tell Twilight that." said Sunset as she gave a playful wink at her student. "Next thing, is that we're still high schoolers, so sex isn't something that either of us are planning to do for a long time. Then you say I'm popular, well that part is true. But you saying that Isaac is just an ordinary boy and that as the 'well-rounded' individual that I am, I shouldn't associate myself with the likes of him. Man, looks I'll need Isaac to whip your ass again in a duel." said Sunset as she didn't even bother on sugarcoating her explanation.

"Didn't expect a blunt answer?" said Penny.

"You don't know anything about me, girl. So word of advice, check your resources before you make an ass of yourself." said Sunset.

"Sorry." Penny put her head down as she felt guilty that she jumped to conclusions.

"Now for a little reality check. I'm not the popular girl that I stand before you as; I don't if they ever told you about this at orientation, but I used to be the biggest bitch on campus." said Sunset as stated bluntly.

"Gees, you really tell it like it is." said Penny as she was surprised that this was how Sunset talked. Though she did like it having her tutor have this kind of attitude.

"Everybody wanted me to disappear, they hated my damn guts. Some even went further and thought I should kill myself. But then again, I did invoke fear into them. So really, I had an iron hand when it came to running the place. Especially in Duel Monsters, I just invoked my power into making everybody bow down before me." said Sunset.

"So what changed?" asked Penny.

"Isaac arrived. For years, I was the top villain of the school. Then out of nowhere, he comes along and just seemed harmless to me. But soon he started to catch my attention, in more ways then one, I might add." said Sunset with a wink. "Anyways, fast forward to when the Fall Formal came about and it was me vs Isaac as he was the hope that the others carried. So in the end, Isaac beat me and gave me a second chance. After that the rest is history and now everybody has given me a chance and I've atoned for my sins. So as far as my popularity goes, I think it rose in stock."

"Okay, but about your advances towards, Isaac?"

"Isaac doesn't mind when I do it to him. Especially our hands-on experience."

"Okay, TMI. I'm still younger than you." claimed Penny.

"What I'm saying is that a person's popularity isn't just something that you should just care about? You need to take time and understand why somebody choose to hang out with the people they decide. It's not because of their popularity, but rather the relationships and friendships they have with certain individuals." stated Sunset. "But enough of that, cause we have something more important." Sunset then uncrossed her legs as she pulled out her deck with a smirk on her face.

"Exactly." Penny then reached into her backpack as she pull out her deck and then began to shuffle it with Sunset as they placed their cards on the table in front of them.

"Since popularity is all we're talking about, then I'll go first. Especially, since my deck revolves around a certain popular card." stated Sunset as she wrote down their life total on a piece of paper.

Sunset's Life Points: 4000-

Penny's Life Points: 4000-

Turn 1: Sunset

"To begin, I'll summon my Red-Eyes Baby Dragon(1200/700) in attack mode. Then I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Penny

"It's my turn." said Penny as she drew her top card of her deck. "Since I don't have any monsters on my field, I can summon Blackwing, Gust the Backblast(900/1400), in attack mode! Gust the Backblast lets me summon another Blackwing-- the tuner monster, Oroshi the Squall(400/600)!" Penny now had summoned 2 monsters on her first turn with ease. "It's time to ruffle his feathers! Oroshi the Squall tunes Gust the Backblast! I Synchro Summon! Fly forth, Assault Blackwing - Kuniyoshi the White Rainbow!" stated Penny as she put both of her two monsters in the graveyard pile and grabbed a new monster from the Extra Deck as she placed it in attack mode.

"Not much." stated Sunset as she looked at the stats of Penny's monster.

"Just wait, I send a 'Blackwing' from my hand to the graveyard so that Kuniyoshi can blow away 300 of your life points." stated Penny as the monster she discarded was Jetstream the Blue Sky.
Sunset's Life Points: 3700-

"Next, I'm gonna play the tuner monster Blackwing-- Blizzard the Far North(1300/0)!" stated Penny as she played one of her favorite cards in her deck. "This'll speed my victory along. Once Blizzard the Far North is on my field, it can also bring out another Blackwing from my graveyard! I'm choosing my Blackwing, Jetstream the Blue Sky(100/800) in defense mode! I then tune Level 2 Blizzard the Far North with Level 1 Jetstream the Blue Sky! I Synchro Summon Assault Blackwing - Kunisada the White Rainbow!" said Penny.

"A pair of birds, huh?" stated Sunset as she looked at the playing field in front of her. She still saw that they were still relatively weak. "Still, I ain't scared of no chickens." taunted Sunset.

"Don't bite off more than you can chew! Kunisada lets me bring a Blackwing in my graveyard back to my hand, and then I can add its attack points to both my Synchro Monsters, so my two Blackwings will be flying high!" stated Penny as she looked through her discard pile and selected her Blizzard the Far North to add to her hand. "Unfortunately, I can't attack on the turn I use this effect. But I did get what I needed. It's your move."

Turn 3: Sunset

"My draw, first I'll play the spell Cards of the Red Stone, so I send a Level 7 'Red-Eyes' from my hand so that I can draw 2 cards. Then I send another 'Red-Eyes' Level 7 monster from my deck to the graveyard." Sunset then put her Red-Eyes Toon Dragons in the discard pile as she shuffled her deck and then drew her cards. "Now I'm going to play my Back Stone of Legend(0/0), then I'll activate it's special ability, so I tribute it so that I can summon a Level 7 'Red-Eyes' monster from my deck. And I think you know which one." said Sunset with a smile as she picked up her card and flipped over one of them as she showed it to Penny. "Say hello to my Red-Eyes B. Dragon(2400/2000)."

"Impressive. To think you have a such rare card." stated Penny as she looked at Sunset's dragon on the table.

"Now how about a taste of its power, my Red-Eyes B. Dragon will attack your Kunisada the White Rainbow." stated Sunset.
Penny's Life Points: 2600-

"Now I'll place one card facedown and then end my turn."

Turn 4: Penny

"My draw, to start I'll play Pot of Greed so that I can draw two cards. Next, I play Monster Reborn so that I can revive my Kunisada the White Rainbow." Penny then reached over to her graveyard as she grabbed her monster.

Interesting choice. Sunset raised her eyebrow at why Penny did that move so early in the duel.

"Now by sending Blackwing, Harmattan the Dust to the graveyard, I can activate Kuniyoshi's special ability and deal you 300 points of damage!" stated Penny as she deposited her monster in the discard pile.
Sunset's Life Points: 3400-

"Next, I summon a familiar bird of prey, Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North! Then with the help of Blizzard's special ability, I can summon Harmattan the Dust(800/800) from my graveyard!" Penny then grabbed the monster she discarded just a few moments ago and placed it back in her field as she prepared for the next part of her plan. "I'm taking my game to the next level... literally. Thanks to Harmattan's special ability, when he's summoned, I can target another 'Blackwing' that I control and increase its level by that monster. So since my Kuniyoshi is Level 3, it means I can increase Harmattan's level from 2 to 5! All right. Time to seal the deal! I tune my Level 2 Blizzard the Far North with my Level 5 Harmattan the Dust. I Synchro Summon! Spread your wings, Assault Blackwing - Raikiri the Rain Shower(2600/2000)!" stated Penny as she had one of her most powerful monsters of her deck appeared on the field.

"Now that's a monster." said Sunset as she looked at the card in front of her.

"I've got a whole battalion now, and Raikiri can use that to its advantage, cause for each 'Blackwing' on my field, it can destroy one of your cards on your side of the field!"

"Wait, then that means..."

"Yup, your facedown on the left as well as all of your monsters are now gone." stated Penny as she had managed to wipe out Sunset's entire field.

"Okay, kid. You managed to wipe out my entire field and leave me almost defenseless."

"Got that right, and now you have nothing left to protect your life points. So now time for me to win. Raikiri, how about you make it rain with pain! So now I attack you directly with my Raikiri." said Penny as she also managed to deal a huge amount of damage to Sunset and looked to finish her off.
Sunset's Life Points: 800-

"With just 800 life points, this duel is about over. So now all I need to do is attack you with one of my other monsters and I win. So I'll do just that."

"Normally you're right that would be the end of the duel, if I didn't have this card." Sunset then flipped her facedown over. "I activate the spell card, Resonator Command. So I'll discard a Red Resonator from my hand so that I can special summon Dark Resonator(1300/300) from my deck in defense mode." Sunset then put her card in the discard pile as she grabbed her deck and looked for the card she wanted as she placed it on the table in defense mode as she shuffled her deck.

"Crafty." said Penny as she looked at her tutor.

"Of course." said Sunset as she flipped her hair.

"Well, I'll still attack." said Penny.

"Dark Resonator has a unique ability in that once per turn it can't be destroyed in battle." stated Sunset.

"Fine, cause I'll have my other monster attack it. With that I'll end my turn."

Turn 5: Sunset

"My turn, and it's time I show you my powerful monsters. See my Black Stone of Legend has another effect, in that I can bring it along with a Level 7 or lower 'Red-Eyes' monster and my stone returns to my hand while my other monster is shuffled back into my deck." said Sunset as she grabbed her two cards. She added her stone back to her hand, while Red-Eyes B. Dragon was shuffled back into her deck.

"So that's how you manage to keep summoning your Red-Eyes." stated Penny. "For something that is weak in points, it makes up for it in its special ability. Not to mention that you probably have more than just one Black Stone of Legend; that coupled with your other cards makes it so that you can keep calling on your dragon and busting out your powerful monsters."

"Remind you of anybody else?" asked Sunset with a sly smile.

"Can I just say, I'm happy you're my tutor." said Penny as she couldn't contain her excitement anymore as she loved the fact that she was Sunset's student.

"Really now, I thought you were judging me cause of my popularity?"

"Well, maybe. Truth is I have two older sisters who are models, so as you can tell their jobs revolve around getting people's attention and the more popular you are, the more people recognize you. And because I'm so much younger than they are, all my life I've been given their hand me downs. Just once, I wanted to have something that didn't belong to them." said Penny as she looked down for a bit.

"Let me guess, that's where your deck comes into play." informed Sunset.

"Sort of, see they never cared or were interested about Duel Monsters. Hell, I was the same way. The only reason why I have this deck or even play the game is because I was in a room by myself. Being the youngest meant that I had to listen to my sisters and obey them whenever they had to do shoots, so that meant taking their kid sister along with them. Which they thought was a hassle at times, so I just waited in their dressing room until they or someone from their team came to get me. I had nothing to do, so I just sat with a bored look on my face. Then one time, I noticed a stack of cards that were on the table; whether someone forget them or they were just there, I didn't know. But it was better than just sitting in silence; so I got to looking at the cards and then began to read their effects. There was even a dueling guide on how to play Duel Monsters and some basic strategies that was included in a note that was with the deck. So I entertained myself for a couple of hours." said Penny.

"Eventually, my sisters managed to finish as they came to get me. Since I didn't want to lose these cards, I slipped them into my jacket and took them with me. After that, whenever my sisters were too occupied with their fashions shoots and photo ops, I kept myself busy by playing with the cards. For the first time, it felt like I had something that I could truly call 'my own'. Eventually, they found out and were not interested in it, especially cause they were birds and dressed in black. Apparently, it reminded them of a terrible incident that resulted in them getting overrun by turkeys during a commercial shoot that left them covered in feathers."

"Turkeys?" said Sunset as she couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"Trust me, I had the same reaction." giggled Penny. "Anyways, they didn't do much about it. Though at times they did say that I should stop wasting my time trying to play a 'boy's game' as the idea of a girl/women playing Duel Monsters was so farfetched. They said that I should follow in their footsteps and try to become a model like them so that I could gain popularity."

"That's why you asked me." said Sunset.

"Now you know. They still try to persuade me to give it up as nobody would ever take a girl serious if they continued to play this type of game. Not to mention they seriously don't like how my monsters look."

"Then I guess I should quit Duel Monsters as well. I mean a girl like me with my natural looks and popularity shouldn't waste her time with a 'boy's game'." said Sunset.

"You're different. I mean from the way you look to how you're dressed." said Penny as she pointed at Sunset's appearance and her new look. "Nobody would ever tell you what you can and can't do. You don't need to listen to anybody's suggestions."

"Then the same could be said for you, right?" Sunset had a smug smile on her face as she said that statement to Penny who had to take a moment to register what she was trying to say. "Anyways, back to my move. I play the spell Red-Eyes Fusion, so now I can conduct a fusion summon using monsters from my hand, deck, or my side of the field. So from my deck, I'll fuse together my Red-Eyes Black Dragon with my Meteor Dragon. I Fusion Summon, Meteor B. Dragon(3500/2000)." stated Sunset as she placed her two monsters in the discard pile and replaced them with a more powerful looking card.

"Now then it's time I fire back. So I'll have my Meteor Black Dragon attack and take out your Assault Blackwing, Raikiri the Rain Shower." stated Sunset as she blew Penny's card off the field.
Penny's Life Points: 1700-

"With that I'll end my turn. So had enough." smirked Sunset.

Turn 5: Penny

"I may be down, but I'm not out! Watch." said Penny as she drew her card. "The spell Back Against the Wind should get me back in the game! With this, I can retrieve Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North from my graveyard by taking damage equal to its attack points." Penny then grabbed her monster from the graveyard as she added it to her hand.
Penny's Life Points: 400-

"That move was bold but risky." informed Sunset.

"I summon Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North! And now I'll activate Blizzard's special ability, to also summon Jetstream the Blue Sky from my graveyard." said Penny as she grabbed another one of her fallen birds as she place it on the field and now had all she need to bring the duel to a close. "Next, Jetstream the Blue Sky tunes with Blizzard the Far North! This the first step towards finishing this duel! I Synchro Summon, Assault Blackwing - Kunifusa the White Rainbow!"

"Your monster still is weak." stated Sunset.

"Yeah, I know, but since I used a 'Blackwing' to synchro summon Kunifusa, it turns into a tuner monster, so that gives me some interesting options!" said Penny with a smug smile of her own.

"Tuner?" said Sunset as she didn't expect that.

"Oh yeah! Level 3 Kunifusa tunes both my Level 3 Kuniyoshi and Level 3 Kunisada the White Rainbows!" stated Penny as she combining her monsters together. "Assault Blackwings, combine your strengths to call forth the harbinger of disaster! I Synchro Summon! Here comes Assault Blackwing - Kusanagi the Gathering Storm!" said Penny as she grabbed a card from her Extra Deck and placed a new monster on the field that had 3000 attack points.

"Even with that new monster, my dragon is still stronger." said Sunset.

"I'm not done, are you ready, Sunset!? Cause Kusanagi is about to become more powerful than you ever thought possible! It gains the attack points of all three White Rainbows I used to summon it!"

"6000 attack points!" shouted Sunset as she realized what the end result was going to be.

"Kusanagi the Gathering Storm, bring the thunder and lightning and attack Sunset's Meteor B. Dragon!" yelled out Penny as she made her attack and was declared the winner.
Sunset's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Penny

"Good game. You should be proud." said Sunset as she shook her student's hand.

"Thanks, but you made me work for that win. Now, I just got to do the same and then I can settle the score with Isaac." said Penny as she thought back to her duel with Isaac and how he put her down with ease.

"I put this red X on my chest because I know I am the target. So a little piece of advice to whoever wants to come at me next and to everybody reading this right now, remember one thing. They stop manufacturing the cloth that I'm cut from!!"

"Well, if you play like you did today, then I know you stand a chance against Isaac. But keep in mind, that it's not just me in the tournament, there's going to be a whole lot of tough people who all want a shot at Isaac for the title. Also, I won't be holding back." said Sunset. She then looked up at the clock hanging on the wall as it was getting late. "Well, that's it. You better head home."

"Right. Thanks, Sunset." said Penny as she grabbed her cards and place them in her backpack as she put on her shoes and started to head out the door as Sunset accompanied her. They were about to reach for the door, when it opened and standing there was Isaac and Rarity as they had come from Rarity's boutique.

"Oh, hello Penny." greeted Rarity.

"Hello, Ms. Rarity. Isaac." said the girl as she looked at the pair standing before her.

"Training?" asked Isaac.

"Of course, and just a little spoiler warning for you and everybody reading this story. I'm going to win this tournament and I'm taking your title." said Penny as she wasn't backing down and looked at Isaac with a determined look on her face.

"A lot of people want to face the champ, so get in line." said Isaac as he let out a small chuckle as he patted the girl's head. "Now, go home."

"I'll see you in school tomorrow, Sunset." stated Penny as she made her way out of the door and started on her way home as Isaac and Rarity entered the house.

"Well, today's been an eventful day. Thanks for carrying my backpack, Isaac." said Rarity as she took her bag from Isaac.

"No problem, Rarity." said Isaac as he was taking off his shoes and place them next to Sunset's boots in the closet.

"Well, I'll be in my room if you two need anything. I've got some homework to do as well as some new designs to work on."

"We got it, we'll try not to disturb you. And we'll fetch you when dinner is ready." informed Sunset as she laid down on the sofa.

"Thanks, darlings." said Rarity as she headed towards her room.

"So, were you able to help Penny?" asked Isaac as he sat on the armrest of the sofa that Sunset was lying down on.

"Yes, I did. Are you going to constantly check in on all of us for updates?" asked Sunset with some sass in her voice.

"I'm just doing my job as headmaster. By the way, Twilight had an activity to do afterschool and is gonna be arriving a little late for our AP Chemistry study session."

"Well, if you're going to constantly keep an eye on me. Then at least make it something worth while." said Sunset as she sat up on her knees.

"Huh?" said Isaac as he raised an eyebrow.

Sunset then started to slowly crawl towards Isaac as she had the look of a predator in her eyes. "I think that everytime you ask me for any updates, you can let me have a hands-on experience."

"S-Sunset, wait a minute. Wait." said Isaac as he got up and started to slowly back away from the orange girl as he put his hands out. He didn't pay attention to where he was walking as he fell back and landed in one of the sofa chairs as Sunset had now tackled Isaac as she straddled his lap. "Hold on!" stated the boy.

"I need to give you a quick preview of what to expect." said Sunset with a smug smile. She then grabbed Isaac's face and pulled him into a kiss as she started to passionately kiss the boy as she moved her hands and explored his body as she touched his muscles.

"Okay, okay. I get it." said Isaac as he tried to get up from his position only for him to be thrown back into the chair as he was now sweating.

"We're not done." said Sunset as she grabbed Isaac's cap from his head and tossed it to the side as she took off her leather jacket. "I think you still want more. Besides, Twilight isn't going to be home for quite awhile."

"Somebody help me!!" shouted Isaac before he was pulled into another kiss by Sunset that soon turned into another one of their make out sessions.

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