• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,577 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 65: The Sleepover

After an adventurous day of hanging out with Pinkie and Mr. William at Industrial Illusions, Isaac was now back going about his merry life. Things were as normal as they could get, Isaac would work with Mr. Johnson at the card shop. And on the days that he didn't work, Isaac would hang out with the girls. Sometimes they would all meet either in the park or at the mall. During that time, Celestia had actually contacted Isaac and the girls, she mentioned that within a month, she would need all of them for a special mission. All she mentioned is that they would be traveling to different places across the county and that it involved little kids. Ultimately, as the date got closer, she would give them more information. Regardless they were all excited for what Celestia and Luna had planned for both of them.

Isaac was now at home as he was trying to understand something. "So let get this straight, you're both leaving to Mexicolt."

"Correct, mijo. You're mother and I are going there for our anniversary. It's a sort of tradition that we've been doing since we first had you." mentioned Isaac's father.

"That would explain why you guys would always dump at abuelita's house. So, am I to prepare my stuff?" asked Isaac as he suspected that he would stay with his grandparents.

"Not at all," said Isaac's mother. "See we know you're pretty matured for someone your age, Isaac. So we feel comfortable on letting you be here by yourself." said Isaac's mother.

It wasn't too of a shock for Isaac as he was used to his parents not always being home, especially when they would work late. But this would be the first time that he would be by himself for quite a while. According to the trip his parents had planned, they would be gone for about 2 weeks. Of course, Isaac would have plenty of things to keep him occupied during that time. But it still would be weird to not see his parents for so long, especially since his heritage/background was so centered on the belief of family. With that his parents went over some guidelines; one thing they didn't have to worry about was Isaac throwing a party while they were away since he wasn't the party type of person. The only thing they asked was that if he did have friends over then not to make a huge mess of the place. Other than that, they had full trust in their son.

Soon the day arrived, as Isaac watched his parents put their bags into the car. They each gave their son a farewell hug and kiss; they all quickly said a prayer to grant protection. With that they waved at their son as they headed to the airport to catch their flight. Isaac then began to do things that would keep him occupied. The first thing he did was create a grocery list as he would need to buy some food to keep him from going hungry. That wasn't a problem as Isaac had plenty of money from his new job, in addition, he wasn't going to make something fancy as he knew how to cook simple dishes. Other than that, he needed to make sure that he cleaned the house as he didn't want his parents to come home to a mess.

The first few days went by without a hitch. Isaac would wake up and get ready for work; the one thing he did enjoy about not having his folks at home was that he could eat and watch TV without his mother lecturing him. Apart from that, Isaac was enjoying some peace and quiet as he had the house all to himself.

Mr. Johnson was currently running through this week's profits as he was running some numbers. That left Isaac to run the counter and help with the customers. The good thing about his job is that it kept him occupied with people, so it didn't make Isaac feel too lonely. Sometime close to 11 in the morning, Twilight had managed to stop by as she was looking to get make some new improvements to her deck and wanted Isaac's opinion. She opened the door and saw that Isaac was at the counter and he was playing with his cards.

"Hmm. What card should I play?" asked Isaac to himself.

"Might I suggest the card on the right." said Twilight. "It'll provide a solid defense and allow you to draw an extra card."

Isaac looked up and saw Twilight standing there waving at him. "Hey, Twilight." smiled Isaac. "So what you brings you by?"

"Well, seeing as how Celestia has something planned for us, I want to make sure that my deck is up to par. Apparently, she said to make sure that our decks were as good as they could be. So I wanted to check some more variety," Twilight then pulled out her deck as she leaned on the counter. "Mind taking a look, I want to have a second opinion."

Isaac then grabbed Twilight's deck as he began to examine it. Once he went through it, he then gave her his opinions and told her what she could improve on. This ultimately led to Isaac doing his job as he pulled out some cards for Twilight to take a look at. Soon it ended with Twilight making a couple of purchases, but thankfully, Isaac gave her a discount as one of his many perks for working here. Soon the both of them began to talk with each other.

"So, Isaac. Want to test out these new cards?" suggested Twilight as she knew how Isaac loved a good battle.

"I'm down, seeing as my parents are enjoying their get-away trip." stated Isaac.

"What? You didn't mention that you're parents were gone?" asked Twilight. "Are you okay being by yourself?"

"I'm fine, Twilight. I'm just not used to them being gone for so long. They're currently on trip in Mexicolt as a way to celebrate their anniversary." mentioned Isaac. "So basically, for the next two weeks, I've got the whole place to myself."

"Still, it must get lonely." Twilight then thought of an idea. "Say, how about I talk to our friends and we can have a sleepover at your house?"

"And that is where the conversation will end." Isaac said quickly as he began to walk away.

"Come on! I'm being serious?" said Twilight as she followed behind Isaac.

"So am I!" shouted Isaac. "Look it's not that I don't trust you girls. It's just that I've never had a sleepover in my life and isn't it more of a girl thing?" Twilight just rolled her eyes at Isaac's stereotypically comment. "Besides, there's another reason why I don't want it to happen."

"Which is?" Twilight rolled her hand for some further clarification.

"I'm not saying." said Isaac in a quick tone.

Twilight then grabbed Isaac's hand, "Please, we're your friends and we care about you. We just don't want you to be alone while your parents are gone. I promise that we won't cause any trouble or let things get out of hand." Twilight was now giving Isaac the pleading puppy eyes. Isaac tried his best to fight but given that it was Twilight, who wore glasses which seemed to make her cute when she did that, it proved to be a futile effort.

Eventually, Isaac let out a sigh. "Alright, I'll let you tell the girls." Twilight immediately perked up. "But no funny business! Got it?" Twilight gave Isaac her word and she quickly texted the girls, she soon got each of their responses as they all agreed they could come. With that she gave Isaac a hug and left. "Why do I have a feeling that I'll regret that decision?" Isaac then got back to work.

For the rest of the day, Isaac tried to distract his mind by working. It worked as he quickly forgot the plan of having a sleepover at his place filled with nothing but girls. During that time, Isaac had gotten a text message from Twilight saying that all the girls would meet up at his house at around 6pm. Thankfully, Isaac got out early as he would need the extra time to get prepared both his house and his mind. Soon it was closing time, as Isaac was putting the last bits of things away. Before he locked up for the night, Mr. Johnson gave Isaac a pamphlet of sorts. He said that he wanted to get some more ideas on how to attract customers, so he gave Isaac an encyclopedia full of Duel Monster cards and famous duelists throughout the history and how they changed the game overtime. With that Isaac closed the shop down and then headed home.

It didn't take long as Isaac soon arrived home. Looking at the clock on his wall, Isaac saw that he had about an hour or so till the girls arrived. With that he quickly took a shower and then got to work cleaning. Isaac made sure that the living room was tidy as he sweeped and vacuumed. He made sure that the dishes were washed and put away; he then folded his laundry and put it in his room. Once Isaac was in his room, he saw Tigre was napping on his bed.

"Hey, girl." Isaac then started to pet her as she woke up.


"Just so you know, we're having guests tonight. So behave, okay?" said Isaac.


Isaac then gave her one final rub behind the ear as she purred. Isaac then set down his deck and his duel disk at his table. He then made sure to hide his personal belongings as he didn't want the girls to get nosy and go into his room. With that he checked the time and began heading downstairs with Tigre by his side. He made sure to feed her and then went to watch some TV as a way to relax. The good thing was that today just so happened to be Friday which meant it was time for one of Isaac's favorite shows: Wrestling. So with that Isaac plopped down on the couch as he began to flip through the channels to find the program. At that time, Tigre had finished her food and jumped into Isaac's lap as she snuggled up next to her owner. About half an hour or so passed and Isaac was just watching his show while getting heavily invested in it. His mind was so much into the match that he didn't noticed the sound of knocking till his doorbell rang.

"Whoops, almost forgot about that." said Isaac as he looked at the clock on his wall. "Come on, Tigre. Time to meet the girls." said Isaac as he got up with his cat walking beside him. With that he looked out his window and saw that it was indeed the girls, well most of them. "Welcome, girls." said Isaac as he opened the door and stepped aside.

"My word, darling. I must say that your house is pretty colorful, love the decour." stated Rarity as she was looking at Isaac's interior decorating.

"Oh, why hello there, Tigre. How has been Isaac treating you?" asked Fluttershy as she bent down and gave her a good petting. Tigre just let out a calming purr and a meow as she loved what Fluttershy was doing.

"Ready to have fun, big bro?" exclaimed Pinkie as confetti shot of nowhere when she jumped in the air.

"You're the one that I'm most worried about, little sis." replied back Isaac with the same tone. " Just don't get confetti on my parent's furniture, it'll take me forever to clean up." With that Isaac closed the door after Pinkie enter. "So where are the others?"

"They'll be along shortly, darling. Rainbow is just wrapping up practice and Applejack is taking care of some last minute things on the farm." said Rarity.

Isaac nodded. "Right then, well make yourselves at home. Me casa es su casa." said Isaac in his spanish accent that seemed to cause Fluttershy and Rarity to blush a bit. They found it cute whenever Isaac spoke his other dialect. Isaac then turned to Pinkie and gave her a stern look to which she immediately understood what he was trying to tell her. Isaac then led the girls to his living room as he handed them the remote.

"Here you go. Feel free watch whatever you want; I'll put your stuff away." said Isaac.

"Are you sure, darling? We shouldn't want to intrude on whatever show you were currently watching." said Rarity with a concern look.

"It's fine. Trust me, I doubt you would like what I was watching before you all came." Isaac then grabbed whatever belongings each of them had and he put them in the hallway leading up to his room as they leaned nicely against the wall. Once he made his way back to the living room, he saw that the girls were all watching and laughing a show they came across. Tigre just couldn't get enough of Fluttershy as she snuggled up in her lap and purred the loudest she had. "Little traitor." said Isaac.

"Ohh, I love this show!" said Pinkie as she pulled out some popcorn from her hair and began to eat some of it.

Well, at least I don't have to worry about running out of snacks. "Hey, don't make a mess on the couch!" shouted Isaac as Pinkie was spilling some on the sofa and on the floor. Isaac then quickly cleaned up the pieces as the doorbell rang once again. He then made his way to the door and looked out the window to see who it was. "Welcome Dash, Aj."

"Howdy, sugarcube." Applejack tipped her hat at Isaac as she walked through the door. "Really like what ah see." Applejack was really impressed with the many photos of Isaac's family. It reminded her of how close she was to her own kin and it warmed her heart to see someone else who held those same values so highly.

"What's up, dude?" Rainbow Dash gave Isaac a fist bump as she entered his place.

"The others are in the living room, I'll take your stuff."

"Thanks, partner." said Applejack.

With that Applejack and Rainbow handed Isaac their sleeping bags as he went to put it with the others. Once that was taken care of, Isaac then saw all the girls were petting Tigre as they played with her. He then looked at the clock on the wall and figured that he should order some food for them. "So girls, hungry? Anybody in the mode for pizza?" said Isaac as he got their attention. They all nodded their heads. "Okay, any preferences?"

"Veggies." stated Rarity and Fluttershy.

"Pepperoni!" shouted Rainbow.

"Mushroom for me, sugar." Applejack replied.

"Cotton Candy!" exclaimed Pinkie.

"Ok, that's not happening!" said Isaac. "How the hell would that even work, little sis!? You know what, I'm not even gonna bother asking." Isaac then rubbed his temples as he regretted ever asking Pinkie for her opinion. "You getting cheese, no complaining." shouted Isaac as he acted like an older sibling; Pinkie just nodded her head. With that Isaac had finish writing the suggestions on a notepad, "Alright, I'm gonna phone it in now."

Isaac then pulled out his phone and he was about to dial the place, when the doorbell rang once again. Isaac took a quick peek and saw that it was Sunset and Twilight. "Just in time, girls. Come on in."

"Cool setting." said Sunset.

"See I told you it would make you feel better if you had some company." said Twilight.

"Hey, Isaac." barked Spike as he was in Twilight's arms.

"Hey Spike. Got to say, it still feels weird to seeing a talking dog." said Isaac as he addressed the little pup.

"You think that's bad, you wouldn't believe how freaked out Twilight's entire family was. After we got back from Camp Everfree, she was up all night asking every question she had about what life is like as a dog. I'll tell you it was starting to get boring." said Spike.

"Oh, I can believe that. Based on how she acts when we do our lessons, right Twilight?" Isaac had a sly smile on his face while Twilight was turning red from embarrassment.

"You're suppose to me my side, Spike. I'm your owner." pouted Twilight.

"Hey, Isaac's my man. I gotta back him up."

"Right back at cha, dog." Isaac then Spike a good old fashioned high five. "Now then, let me take your bags. The rest of the girls are in the living if you want to get comfy. Also Spike, Tigre is here for you to play with. Just try not to freak her out. And don't get drool on my parent's furniture like last time!"

"Got nothing to worry about, Isaac." With that Spike jumped out of Twilight's arms and then began to walk into the living room.

"Thanks for having us, Isaac." Sunset then handed her bags to Isaac. "And I prefer bacon on my pizza." Sunset then gave Isaac a peck on the cheek as she made her way to the others.

"Of course you do." smiled Isaac. "And you Twilight?" asked Isaac as he turned back to grab her bags.

"Don't worry about me. I'm fine with whatever you get." suggested Twilight.

"Alright, do you like sausage?" asked Isaac.

"My favorite, actually." giggled Twilight.

"Mine too, alright then go make yourself at home." With that Isaac grabbed Twilight's belongings as he went to put them away. Now that everybody had arrived, Isaac then began to call the pizzeria as he placed in his orders. Once that was taken care of, he then gave them his address and told him that they would call him once they arrived. Isaac then checked in on the girls; they all seemed to be enjoying themselves as Rainbow and Applejack were currently engaged in a video game.

"Yo, Isaac. You want in next round?" shouted Dash as she focused on the game.

"Sure why not." With that Isaac then pulled up a bean bag chair as he began to watch Aj and Dash beat the hell out of each other.

Meanwhile Tigre had managed to slip out of Fluttershy's grip as she was now walking upstairs with Spike following behind her. Once she caught a whiff of Spike's scent, which consisted of drool and dog food, she was immediately surprised with the fact that he could actually talk. Spike told her about what had happened during their trip to Camp Everfree and since then he gained the power to speak. They had just reached Isaac's door as she turned to address him.

"Now that's a crazy story." said Tigre.

"Tell me about it. People still think a talking dog is the weirdest thing they've seen; I mean we seen magic exist. And yet this the thing that people freak out about." Spike rolled his eyes at how weird people were when they saw a talking dog.

They both entered Isaac's room. Tigre then jumped up on Isaac's bed as she laid down on her back; Spike was just sniffing Isaac's belongings.

"Got to say, this looks a lot like Twilight's room." said Spike. "I mean, in terms of the many posters they each have."

"You don't the half of it." Tigre then jumped down. "Take a look at this." Tigre pulled out Isaac's card box from under his bed with her mouth. She then asked for Spike's help as they took off the lid and inside was Isaac's personal collection of cards.

"Ohh, shiny." said Spike as he started to drool from his mouth. Tigre then smacked Spike on his ear with her paw. "Ow, what the heck?" said Spike as he rubbed his ear.

"Mind the drool!" meowed Tigre. "I told Isaac, I would keep you in check. And if you mess up his cards, then I'll make sure that you have a permanent reminder to never do that again." said Tigre as she showed her claws.

"Alright, I get it." said Spike as he put his paws up in defense. He then saw a photo on Isaac's night stand as he jumped on his bed. "That his family?" asked Spike.

Tigre then jumped up as she sat next to Spike. "Yep, that's his mom and dad. They're currently on vacation as they're celebrating an anniversary. So they left Isaac by himself as they have full trust that he can manage."

"That explains why Twilight wanted to have a sleepover. She wanted to make sure that Isaac didn't get too lonely." mentioned Spike.

"Seems she too cares deeply for him. I can tell based on her scent; it matches similarly to Isaac." smiled Tigre.

"What scent? Twilight's just smells like books, not to mention the many treats she gives me when I'm hungry." Spike then licked her lips as he began to dream of dog treats.

"Do you ever think of anything other than food and sniffing other dog's butts?" meowed Tigre as she couldn't believe some of Spike's instincts. "Come on, mutt. Let's go check on the others." With that both pets left to join Isaac and the girls downstairs.

Isaac was currently engaged in a brutal battle as he was doing his best to defeat Dash. Right now they both were equal in terms of stocks, not to mention that their fighters were at high percentages. So it would only take one good hit to declare the victor; both Isaac and Dash's brains were cranking as they kept anticipating each other's moves. Back and forth this mental game of chess kept going until eventually, Dash had her character drop shield as it gave Isaac the spilt second he needed as he initiated a short hop into an attack that declared him the winner.

"Hell yeah!" screamed Isaac as he pumped his fists.

"Shit!" screamed Dash that she threw the controller on the ground due to her rage. "Come on! Really!?"

"Hey, when you get your ass handed to you by Sunset over and over again. You pick up on a few things, like how to not get your ass kicked." said Isaac as Sunset just had a sly smile on her face. "Alright, switch out. Who wants in?"

"Ohh, me. Me!" screamed Pinkie as Isaac passed the controller to her.

Isaac then got up as he stretched himself. Tigre and Spike just had arrived down the stairs. Isaac then walked over to them as he gave her a good scratch behind the ears. Then Isaac's phone began to ring as he walked into the kitchen to answer it. It turned out to be none other than his parents as they were calling to check in on him. Isaac just told them that he was hanging out with the girls as they wanted to keep him company. They were happy that their son had his friends to keep him occupied, they just warned him not to do anything that may result in some discipline. With that they wished him to be safe and ended the call. Just then doorbell rang, as the pizza delivery man had arrived. Isaac answered the front door as he paid for the food and gave a nice tip, working for Mr. Johnson paid well as Isaac had made tons of cash.

With that Isaac put the pizzas and drinks on the kitchen counter as got some plastic plates. "Alright, girls. Pizza's here!" shouted Isaac as they all came into the kitchen. While the girls began to grab, Isaac then stepped into the living room as he began to browse the library of DVDs that he had.

"Are you gonna want some pizza?" asked Pinkie as she had some pizza in her mouth.

"In a moment, Pinkie." said Isaac as he was scanning the many movies to chose from. Just then all the girls came into the living room.

"What are you doing, Isaac?" asked Fluttershy.

"Just picking a movie for us to watch. Here's a classic." Isaac pulled out the DVD case as he blew on it to get rid of some dust.

He then opened the case and popped in the film as the girls all got comfy while Isaac went to get some food. For the next hour or two, everybody including the pets, all watched the film. After the film ended, Isaac then got to cleaning up as they had finished all the pizzas. Once that was taken care of, the girls all wanted to have a mini tournament with their deck as they wanted to take a crack at Isaac. Sometime later, the girls were all conversing with each other. They were mingling while some pulled up their phones to see what the latest news was. Suddenly the lights went off as the room.

"Ahh!" all of them screamed as it was pitch black with the only light coming from the street lights outside and from seeing each other's eyes.

"What happened?" said Fluttershy as she was scared.

"Seems the power went out." said Twilight.

"But how?" asked Rarity.

"Sorry!" shouted Isaac. "I trip the breaker, give me a second!" Isaac was currently down in the basement as he was looking for something.

"It's alright, everybody. Isaac will have this fixed in no time." Sunset did her best to assure everybody. Soon Dash pulled out some glow in the dark nightsticks as it served to produce some form of light.

Thankfully, Isaac had his phone out as he used the flashlight on it to guide his way through the darkness. "Where is that... ow." Isaac had managed to trip over a toolbox as he fell. He soon got back up as he realized the switch in front of him "Alright, now how did it go again? Was it the red wire or the black wire?" Isaac was currently figuring out how to turn the power back on. "Oh, I remember now. It was positive to positive, negative to ground." With that Isaac connected the wire and flipped the switch and viola the power was restored as the basement lights came back on. "Let there be light. Well better go check on the others." Isaac then started to climb up the stairs as he closed the basement doors and walked back to the living room. He saw that the girls were now positioned in some form of circle as they all faced each other.

"Uhm, what are you girls doing?" asked Isaac.

"Big bro, you're just in time. Take a seat, we're about to start a game." said Pinkie as she gestured Isaac to join them.

"What game are we playing?" said Isaac as he took a seat.

"Truth or Dare, silly." giggled Pinkie. "The one game that you must absolutely do at every sleepover."

"Okay, that's it. I'm out." said Isaac as he quickly got up and started walking up to his room.

The girls were confused on Isaac's sudden action; Twilight then excused herself as she chased after Isaac. She managed to make it upstairs as Isaac was about to enter his room. "Hold on, Isaac. Why won't you take part?"

"Oh no, Twilight. I've seen how this goes, I've watched movies and TV shows. This is exactly the type of thing that happens, and everybody reading this knows what I'm talking about. There's some drama or personal/private thing that gets exposed. Which in turn causes certain individuals to act differently. Not to mention that there's 7 of you and only one of me; so you'll gonna pick on." said Isaac as he explained his justification. "Plus I'll like to maintain our friendships, so I'm not gonna risk it."

With that Isaac entered his room as Twilight just stood there with a confused look on her face. She didn't know what to make of Isaac's response as it sound both logical and weird at the same time. A few moments passed and she just simply shrugged as she made her way back to the group.

Isaac was now laying down on his bed as he let out a sigh. He knew how intense and crazy Truth or Dare could get, so he wanted to avoid doing something like that. Soon Isaac's Dark Magician then appeared as he noticed his master looking a bit distressed.

"What's the matter, master?" asked Mahad.

"Hey, Mahad."

"Is everything okay? I thought you were spending the evening with the girls."

Isaac then sat up. "I was and I'm having a blast that they're here. Believe me, I thought I was going to regret this decision, but I'm not. The thing is that I refuse to participate in a game like Truth or Dare."

"What is this 'Truth or Dare'? Is this another Shadow Game?" Mahad was now worried about what his master was talking about.

"It's just a silly little game that people play for fun. Sometimes it forces people to reveal a secret like, a guilty pleasure, doing something out of their comfort zone, somebody having a crush on someone, etc... That last part is what I'm really not looking forward to, for obvious reasons but that's a conversation for another day." said Isaac. He then looked at his desk at his deck as he saw the object Mr. Johnson gave him. "I almost forgot, Mr. Johnson wanted me to look at this book to see if I can be inspired on how to draw more customers." Isaac then got up from his bed and sat at his desk as he began looking through the book; Mahad even stood by Isaac's side as he too was looking at the piece of parchment.

While browsing through the book, Isaac was able to see the big 4 duelist that each introduced the different summoning methods. The first picture was based on Xyz summon since it was the most recent one to be added; the book explained about a person who introduced it while showing the card that he used as his signature monster. Apparently it told about how he helped a lost soul with restoring their memory, but Isaac just thought they added that part in for hype. The next section talked about Synchro Summon and the person who ushered it in was known as Satellite's Shooting Star; it also explained how he became famous through turbo duels along with his trusting companion which happen to be a dragon. After that there was the section on Fusion Summon as it talked about the person who took it to new heights with an Elemental Hero deck; apparently, he was so skilled with fusion summoning that he created a new type of fusing without the use of Polymerization. The book didn't explain much other than it was called "Contact Fusion" or something like that. The final section was talking about the very first duelists to ever play the game, eventually Isaac came across a picture who was his idol which caused Mahad to do a double take as he saw the picture.

"My king?" said Mahad in a low tone.

Isaac could hear that as he looked at his magician. "Let me guess, your original owner." said Isaac to which Mahad nodded.

"Yes. It's been a while since I've seen his portrait. Takes me back to the times I shared with him from when I was mortal and watching over him as a spirit." mentioned Mahad.

"Do you miss him? If you had the chance to see him again, would you take it?" asked Isaac as he looked at the picture.

"And abandon you, master?"

"But he's your king or rather pharaoh. Surely, my life isn't as important as his." said Isaac as he slightly put his head down.

Mahad then put his hand on Isaac's shoulder as he gave him a smile. "I already served my purpose to him. He gave me the choice to choose a new owner and I've lived to my word. I choose you; to stand by your side in the face of danger and to always be faithful to you with my own life. I'm honored to have you as my new master, Isaac."

Isaac had a smile as he heard Mahad's response that it nearly brought a tear to his eye. "And I'm honored to have not only a faithful monster in you, but a dear friend. Thank you, Mahad."

"Your welcome, my king." said Mahad as he let that last word slip out as a force of habit.

"I don't know about king." chuckled Isaac as he and Mahad let out a laugh. Soon both had a genuine smile on their faces. Soon Isaac looked at his alarm clock on his nightstand, "Well it's getting late, time to let the girls know."

"Very well then. Have a safe slumber, master." With that Mahad disappeared as Isaac got up from his seat and began to leave his room as he headed down stairs. Isaac saw that they were still playing their silly little game.

"Alright, who's next?" said Pinkie.

"Dare!" shouted a voice.

"Ohh, nice one. So what's the dare?" asked Pinkie to whoever said it.

"I dare you to get some sleep!" said Isaac in a loud tone that got all the girls attention. "My parents may be gone, but it's still my house. Which means you follow my rules, and I say that we get some sleep."

The girls all nodded as they let out a couple of yawns. Soon Isaac began to hand them their bags as he let them change into their pajamas in the bathroom. While they were getting ready for bed, Isaac was currently working on sleeping arrangements. Once the girls had finished changing, Isaac had pulled out a couple of air mattress from the living room closet. He even pulled out some extra pillows and blankets for his friends, it seems having tons of family members visit and sleepover prepared Isaac for just such an occasion.

"Alright girls, so in terms of sleeping arrangements, I've got a couple of options. I've got four air mattress and one of you girls can sleep on the couch. I've also got my parents room in which two of you can share a bed. So decide amongst yourselves." said Isaac. It didn't take long as Rarity had chosen to share a bed with Fluttershy. Meanwhile, Pinkie would take the couch, while the rest of the girls would sleep on the air mattress. With that, everybody got ready for bed as Isaac grabbed Tigre and wished the girls good night as the two of them headed upstairs. Isaac entered his room and he too got changed as he was ready for a good night sleep.

The morning came as the sun's rays entered Isaac's room as it hit his face. Isaac let out a yawn as he awoke; he looked at his alarm clock and saw that it was about 30 minutes past eight. With that Isaac decided to take a quick shower, soon he got changed as he left his room with Tigre by his side. Isaac then opened the door to his parents' room as he checked on Rarity and Fluttershy to which they were still sound asleep. He then quietly closed the door as he made his way downstairs; it was the same scene as upstairs as all the girls were fast asleep with Spike sleeping in Twilight's arms. Isaac made his way to the kitchen as he began to work on making some breakfast for the girls. Nothing too fancy but eggs and ham, along with some toast. While Isaac was prepping the food, he was startled by a pink puffy hair.

"Mmm, smells good." said Pinkie.

"Ahh, Pinkie. I told you to never to do that!" said Isaac in a voice that wasn't loud enough to wake everybody up.

"Sorry, but once I smelt the sizzle of food, I just had to see who was doing it." Pinkie then licked her lips as she tried to dip her finger in the egg batter.

"Don't touch." said Isaac as he swatted away her hand with the spatula. "This is for everybody, Pinkie. Not just my little sister. Now if you want, you can help make breakfast for everybody." As if on cue, Pinkie immediately was dressed in a chef's apron and in a matter of minutes had managed to make pancakes which surprised even Isaac. Soon the delicious smell of food started to make its way to the girls' nose as they were starting to stir. Isaac and Pinkie had just put the food on the dining table as the girls woke up.

"You're all awake, good. Wash up, breakfast is ready." With a flash all the girls left as they headed to the bathroom to change. Isaac then made his way upstairs as he knocked on the door to which Fluttershy opened as she was rubbing her eyes. Isaac told them that breakfast was ready as he told them they could use the upstairs bathroom to get changed. With that he made his way downstairs as the girls were already starting to fill their plates full of food, Applejack even made the effort to bring some bottles of apple juice to serve as the morning beverage.

"Oh my word, darling. Everything looks divine." said Rarity as she took in the scent.

"You really outdid yourself, Pinkie." said Fluttershy.

"Thanks, but this was mostly, Isaac. I just helped." said Pinkie.

The girls were surprised that most of it was made by Isaac. "Yeah, it's not much. I don't know how to make some fancy meals just simple stuff, hope you all like it." said Isaac as he was preparing Tigre's breakfast. She gave a welcoming purr to her owner as Isaac bent down to pet her.

"Don't think I forgot about you Spike." Isaac then gave him a cup of peanut butter to go along with the food that Twilight gave him.

"Thanks dude." Spike then gave Isaac paw fist as he began to eat his meal alongside Tigre.

"Please this is more than enough." said Sunset as she was shoving bits of bacon into her mouth.

"I got to say you really now how to make some killer eggs." said Dash as she began to pile on her plate.

"Thanks for the compliment girls." Isaac then stood up from petting Tigre.

"Here you go, partner. You earned it." Applejack tossed Isaac a bottle of apple juice as he caught it in his hand.

Soon the girls all sat down at the table as they prepared to eat while Isaac headed upstairs to grab the encyclopedia that Mr. Johnson gave him. He then returned downstairs as the girls were all waiting for him. "You know you guys could have eaten, you didn't have to wait for me." said Isaac as he sat down at the head of the table.

"We know, but we thought it wouldn't be right if we didn't show you our thanks for doing all this for us." said Twilight who was sitting on Isaac's left. "Plus not to mention for being a good host to all of us, we all had a wonderful time. This is definitely been one of the best sleepovers." The girls all agreed with Twilight's statement.

"Well then, I'm glad this was fun for all of us." Isaac then grabbed his bottle of apple juice as he did a little toast. "To family and even better friends."

"Here, here." all the girls said as they raised their own glasses.



With that our group of friends enjoyed themselves as they ate a loving breakfast and talked among themselves. Overall, for Isaac's first sleepover, it went pretty well. He got to spend time with his friends and to him that was worth more than he could ever ask for.

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