• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 179: Substitute Teacher

“So what happened after that?” asked Isaac.

“What else, I beat the guy with my Blue-Eyes. Expect anything else.” said Shining Armor as he picked up his glass of wine and drank from it.

“Like I said, it’s practically his own personal pet at this point.” said Twilight as she sat next to her boyfriend.

“Well, if my pet was alive then he would make sure that both my queen and my princess are safe.” said Shining Armor as he pulled Cadance closer to him as the pair shared a passionate kiss.

Shining Armor was currently back in Canterlot for a few days as he was taking a break from his busy schedule as World Champion, so he decided to take Cadance out for a date to which she agreed. Though she had the idea of making it a double date so she invited Twilight and Isaac along. Eventually the married couple picked up the two teens as they went to one of the places that recognized the World Champion and his friends. While Cadance and Shining Armor had dressed up, Isaac was in his casual wear as Twilight wore a semi-formal purple short dress to not only match her boyfriend but also make up for him deciding not wanting to dress up. Of course, Isaac thought Twilight was a bit mental in thinking along that line of logic but he didn’t want to say anything.

So the four all arrived at the restaurant as their waiter arrived; it wasn’t a full fancy restaurant as there were several "common" foods that the menu had labeled. Eventually the pair made their decisions as the waiter took their orders and gave them some glasses of water for the two teens while giving wine for the two older adults. While the cooks were making their food, the two pairs began to listen to Shining Armor’s latest tale about his most recent challenger for his title.

“Sometimes I just wish there was someone who could give me a decent challenge for my title,” said Shining Armor.

“Like Isaac, dear.” said Cadance in her dress as she leaned on her husband’s arm.

“Well, maybe.” smiled the older male. “Can’t believe that you two are about to graduate and then I’ll see you on the pro circuit, kid.”


“By the way, have you?” asked Shining Armor as he took a sip of his wine.

“Well… not yet…” said Isaac as he knew what Shining Armor was referring to. “I can’t say yes, but I can’t say no. I appreciate you sticking your neck out for me, Shining Armor. But I just don’t know if I’m gonna sign with your agency.”

“I understand, but you're nearly there. Now Roland was generous in letting you have till you graduate to make your decision. Not a lot of agencies do that, especially KaibaCorp. But the fact that Roland was able to let you have that much time to think, shows that he and everybody else at the company and agency see something special in you. And of course having two duelists of our caliber under their umbrella would be good for their image. But it’s not about that, it’s about you.” said the older boy.

“And I get it, but... I’m still uncertain.” answered Isaac.

“And your relationship?” asked Cadance.

“That’s something we haven’t discussed,” said Twilight, “For obvious reasons.”

“And even more obvious reasons why it won’t work.” added Isaac.

“Really now?” asked Cadance as she could sense the love each teen had as it was strong but also starting to feel a bit of doubt inside of their hearts.

“Anyways, how’s your little program?” asked Shining Armor.

“Well, Twilight and the girls are doing the best they can.” said Isaac as he took a zip from his glass of water. “And the students have definitely grown from when they first started.”

“Especially after the gauntlet match when they tried to take you on at once.” chuckled Twilight as she told Shining Armor and Cadance about how the students thought it was a good idea to take Isaac head on.

“Well, they learned the hard way of taking on a challenge that’s way above their current level.” stated Isaac.

Eventually the waiter returned as he delivered the food to the table. While Shining Armor and Cadance might have sprung for some finer meals, Isaac was content with a regular old burger while Twilight had a salad and pasta.

“You know this will be the type of food you can expect to eat when you’re a pro, Isaac.” said Shining Armor as he cut a piece of his highly paid steak.

“Yeah, I think when it comes to spending my money on restaurants, a simple fast food chain is enough for me.” said Isaac as he took a bite of his meal. “Besides, even if people see me as a celebrity, I still want to be a normal person and eat at a normal place.”

“Nothing wrong with that.” said Cadance as she took a bit of her meal and drank her wine glass.

“Well, hope you make your decision soon.” said Shining Armor as he clinked his glass with his wife’s as he planted a kiss on Candance’s lips.

Twilight saw this and she just simply gave her boyfriend a peck on his cheek as she smiled and placed her head on his shoulder as Isaac just stroked her hair and undid her bun as her hair fell down. For the rest of the evening, the two couples enjoyed their meal and had a fun time with the other.

The next day of school was filled to the brim as the students were preparing for the final few weeks of school. But for the graduating class, in a few weeks, they would soon be officially graduating and then be free to make their own lives. The marching band was working hard to make sure that they got the graduation song memorized and practiced their movements. As for how graduation was going to take place, it was simply going to be all the students gathered on the field and would listen to a few people make some speeches as they would then each receive their diploma when their name was called. There was also going to be a special device that would be on stage that when the students came up to collect the piece of paper, they could put their deck into the device as it would scan and produce a portrait so that it could be hung in the archives section of the school for future generations to see. The best part about graduation was that there was no dress code was needed so most of the students could wear whatever they wanted as they seemed to be happy about that.

It was now the end of another school session as the students were preparing to leave. For one person, he was in a rather dilemma.

“Are you sure?” asked Isaac.

“I’m positive. If we don’t discuss this plan, then this could jeopardize everything we’ve worked for. Besides, we still need to talk about marketing and logo ideas if we want to spread the word.” said the person on the other end of the call.

“I understand, can you meet with me today?” asked the boy.

“Already on it, by the way, same meal as last time.” said the voice.

“You know me well.” chuckled Isaac.

“I’ll be at the place in ten minutes, don’t keep me waiting.” said the person on the other line as they had some pep in their voice when they told Isaac and then ended the call.

“Best to start heading over there.” smiled the boy as he grabbed his bag and was about to leave when he stopped himself by placing his hand on the classroom door.

“Wait, I’m supposed to meet with the CMC to go over our weekly lesson. I can’t just cancel on the kids since they look forward to this day of the week. Shit, what do I do? I want to stay and teach them, but… I have more important matters that need my attention.” said Isaac. “What to do?”

“Excuse me, Professor Isaac?”

“Huh? Oh, hey Amber.”

“Greetings, I was just wondering if everything was okay. You seem to be lost in thought, so I’d deducted that you must have something on your mind. Or perhaps you were contemplating on what decision you should make.” said the young teen girl.

“Wow, you knew me well, Amber.” chuckled Isaac.

“It’s actually reading people’s body language. Not to mention it also helps when you read a lot of books to keep your academia up and to get people to take notice that you’re not a child.” spoke the younger teen.

“No wonder you’re the studious one of the group.” stated Isaac.

“Well, I have a knack when it comes to academia and studying. But I also want to thank you as well, Professor.” complimented Amber.

“Anytime.” smiled the older teen.

“I'd love to do this again, if possible. Your advice is always so useful. Everyone thinks you're a wonderful teacher. You account for people's weaknesses while capitalizing on their strengths. Initially I wasn't sure you paid too much attention to your students. Clearly, I was wrong. After all, were that the case, you wouldn't be capable of providing such useful feedback. I'll continue to learn and grow from your instruction, Professor. I just know it!” exclaimed the girl.

“Just doing my job, Amber. Plus, you're quite determined.”

“You think I'm determined?”

“Yes. You're always pushing yourself.”

“Professor, I... Thank you! You're the only one who's ever praised me like that. I mean, people are always telling me I've got a knack for wielding a deck.”

“I’m just stating what’s true, Amber.” smiled Isaac, “But if I may ask: Why do you work yourself so hard?”

“Well, you see... I... It is because I am the only child of my parents. I must do all I can for them. I'm determined to someday be of real value to them, and that day must come soon. I can't waste any time.” said Amber.

“I understand, but I think they know you’ll never let them down.” smiled Isaac as he looked at the girl. “Trust me, I used to think the same way. That I would need to do everything I can to make my parents proud of me, but they told me the moment I was born not only was I destined for great things, but they were proud of me.”

“I see. Well then, I’ll leave you be, Professor.” said Amber as she began to walk.

“Hey, wait. Amber!” called out Isaac.

“Yes?” said the girl.

The CMC were waiting in their classroom as they had their decks out and were looking over their cards as they were excited. For them, their weekly lessons and one-on-one sessions with Isaac really was one of the best days of their lives that they looked forward to every week. Ever since Isaac first met the three kids, they had been taking private lessons from the boy so that their skills and game could improve. Right now the trio were currently waiting for their tutor to show up.

“Everybody excited?” asked Scootaloo with a hyper voice.

“I reckon, this week, I’ll be the one to walk away with the most wins.” said Applebloom with a smug smile.

“Wonder how Tender Taps will feel seeing you like this?” answered Sweetie Belle with a smug smile of her own.

“He’s just a friend, nothing more.” said the small country girl as she turned her head as it was starting to become red from thinking about her crush.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo just laughed and shared a high five at making fun of their best friend. Soon the door opened as the girls all looked at it expecting Isaac to walk in. What they got was something they didn’t expect.

“Well, this seems to be the correct room.” said Amber as she held a small piece of paper in her hand.

“Uh, Sweetie Belle? Ain’t that yer sister’s student she teaches?” asked Applebloom to her friend.

“Hello, children.” said Amber as she stood in front of the three younger kids as they sat at their desks.

“I know she may be a bit older than us, but we ain’t children.” whispered Scootaloo to her friends.

“As you can see Professor Isaac is unable to attend today’s session due to some urgent matters that need his attention,” said Amber.

“What?!” shouted all three kids.

“Fear not, he found a substitute to take his place for today.” said the older girl.

“You?” said Applebloom with an eyebrow raised.

“Is there a problem with me? What, have you seen me as a child due to me being younger than the other students in the program?” asked Amber with a bit of sass in her voice as she placed a hand on her hip.

“No, it’s not that.” stated Sweetie Belle as she knew from the time she spied on Rarity and Amber’s lessons, she knew how the young teen hated everybody referring to her as a child due to her age.

“Sweetie Belle, correct?” asked Amber.


“I’d figured, Rarity always mentions you when we have our lessons.” said the girl.

“She mentions me?” said Sweetie Belle in awe.

“Says she looks forward to seeing what kind of duelist you’ll grow up to be when she leaves CHS.” stated Amber. “Now then, you three learn from Professor Isaac.”

“Yeah, but we don’t call him professor. Why do you?” asked Scootaloo.

“You have your way of addressing him and I have mine. Let’s leave it at that.” stated Amber. “Now he tells me that you all used to be beginners and by that I mean, you all were barely getting into the game. And now you’ve all at least improved.”

“That what he said, or you’re just makin’ assumptions.” stated Applebloom with some sass.

“Both, but leaning more towards one of those statements.” replied the girl. “Now then, let’s see what you girls got. So who wants to go first?”

“I’ll do it. I've been itching for a duel all day.” stated Scootaloo.

“Very well.”

"Remember girls. We're a team, and when one of us wins, we all win." said Applebloom as the two girls nodded. The each put their hands in as they did their little group huddle.

"CMC! CMC! CMC!" chanted the girls as they did their little pow-wow.

Amber then pulled out another desk as she placed it in front of Scootaloo’s as they faced each other. She then reached into her backpack and pulled out a deck box and flipped it open as she grabbed her cards. She then pulled out some paper and a pencil as she was following Isaac’s orders on what she should do with the CMC. Both girls gave a quick handshake as they began to shuffle their decks and placed them on the desk as they drew their starting hand.

Scootaloo's Life Points: 4000-

Amber's Life Points: 4000-

"You can start, Scootaloo."

Turn 1: Scootaloo

"Don't say I didn't warn you. I draw." said the younger girl. "I'll start by summoning my Jetroid(1200/1800) in defense mode. And then place one card facedown."

Turn 2: Amber

"Then it's my turn," stated Amber as she drew her card and began to formulate her plan, "Well, no sense in waiting, I play Polymerization. So now I'll fuse together my Lunalight Blue Cat and Lunalight Purple Butterfly. By combining the reflexes of a fierce feline with the fluttering fury of a night time huntress, I can create a new lunar legend! I Fusion Summon! Lunalight Cat Dancer(2400/2000)!" Amber then put her cards in the discard pile as she grabbed a monster from her Extra Deck as she placed it on the field for all to see.

"Woah!" said all three girls as they were looking at Amber's new fusion monster with wonder.

"Don't be too distracted from the duel," stated the girl, "Now Cat Dancer will attack that machine of yours."

"Not fast, see you triggered Jetroid's special ability, when it becomes the target of an attack, I can activate trap cards from my hand."

"From your hand, but you need to set them first before you can activate them." said Amber as this was something she never heard of or was told by Isaac or Rarity.

"You can learn something new at any age." chuckled Scootaloo. "So from my hand, I'm activating Cyber Repairer. With this, you draw one card but in return, all my Machine-type monsters can't be destroyed in battle."

"Clever move, and optical strategy." stated Amber as she gave the kid her dues. Seems Professor Isaac really has taught them a thing or two. "Well then, I'll just place one card facedown."

Turn 3: Scootaloo

"My turn and first I'll flip over my set card, Cyber Summon Blaster. So now everytime I special summon a Machine-type monster, you take 300 points of damage. Then I'll play Submarineroid(800/1800) and then its special ability allows it to attack you directly." informed Scootaloo.
Amber's Life Points: 3200-

"Then when it does that, it switches into defense mode." Scootaloo then switched her card sideways, "I'll then end my turn with another facedown."

Turn 4: Amber

"My draw," said Amber as she picked up her card and looked at it. Normally Lunalight White Rabbit would be useful in helping me to clear an opponent's backrow. But since Scootaloo's monster makes it so that when it's attacked, she can just outright play it from her hand without any consequences. So best to hold off until I get rid of that monster.

"I'll play Lunalight Yellow Marten(800/2000) in defense mode." stated Amber as she played her monster sideways.

"That's all."

Turn 5: Scootaloo

"My turn, I draw. Perfect, I play the spell card, Vehicroid Connection Zone. So now I'll combine my Rescueroid and my Amublanceroid so that I can fusion summon my Ambulance Rescueroid(2300/1800)!" Scootaloo then put all of her cards she selected in the discard pile as she grabbed a monster from her Extra deck and placed it on the field. "And thanks to my trap, you take 300 points of damage."
Amber's Life Points: 2900-

"Now I'll switch my Submarineroid into attack mode. Then to start off, I'll have my Ambulance Rescueroid take out your Lunalight Yellow Marten. And then Submarineroid's special ability allows it to attack your directly." informed Scootaloo.
Amber's Life Points: 2100-

"Now I'll flip over my facedown, Lunalight Reincarnation Dance. Since my Yellow Marten was destroyed, I can now add 2 'Lunalight' monsters from my deck to my hand." informed Amber as she put her monster in the grave as she grabbed her deck and picked out the cards she wanted as she added them to her hand and then shuffled her deck.

Turn 6: Amber

"My turn, and now I'll play the spell card, Lunalight Perfume. So now I can bring back my Lunalight Blue Cat(1600/1200). from my graveyard. Then when Lunalight Blue Cat is special summoned, I can select a monster on my field and double its attack points. So I select my Cat Dancer." informed Amber as her monster now had 4800 attack points. "Then I'll summon my Lunalight Crimson Fox(1800/600). Now I'll activate Lunalight Cat Dancer's special ability, so now by tributing my Blue Cat it allows my monster to each of your monsters twice."

"Attack each of them twice?" said Scootaloo as she was shocked to hear Amber's monster could do that.

"So first up is taking care of your two monsters in defense mode." said Amber as Scootaloo's monsters were gone.

"Well, my Amublanceroid's special ability allows me to revive one of my monsters in defense mode during the battle phase. So I'll bring back my Submarineroid." informed Scootaloo.

"Well either way, it once again destroyed. And now to attack your Amublanceroid, not granted the first attack won't destroy your monster, but you still take damage, so you'll take 2500 points of damage and then the second attack will take you out." informed Amber.

"True, but I got one last card to play," said Scootaloo as she flipped her card facedown. "I activate my Life Force trap card, so now instead of taking any sort of damage, I can pay 400 life points instead."
Scootaloo's Life Points: 3600-

"Not bad, but I'll activate my Space Typhoon from my hand. So while your card may still activate, it won't stop my second attack." stated Amber. "So now that my monster has battled the first time, it attacks again and this time you lose points and your monster."
Scootaloo's Life Points: 1100-

"Aw man." said the girl as she put her monster in the graveyard as she now had no monsters on her field.

"And so with no monsters left, I'll attack you with my Lunalight Crimson Fox to win." stated Amber.
Scootaloo's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Amber

"Good job, Scootaloo." said Applebloom as she put her hand on her friend's shoulder.

"No kidding." said Amber, "Professor Isaac has taught you well, I can see why he loves to tutor you three."

"Thanks, but you're Rarity's student, so I think that means you have a bit more experience than us."

"Not by much, that shows we're basically at an equal level when it comes to playing the game." informed Amber. "I enjoyed battle you, Scootaloo. Now, who's next?"

"Ah guess I'm up." stated Applebloom as she sat in the deck and pulled out her deck as both girls prepared for the next duel.

Amber's Life Points: 4000-

Applebloom's Life Points: 4000-

Turn 1: Amber

"I'll start off, and I'll discard my Lunalight Black Sheep from my hand."

"Huh?" said Applebloom.

"Let me explain, by doing so, it activates Lunalight Black Sheep's special ability, so I can add Polymerization to my hand." informed Amber as she grabbed her deck and searched for her card as she shuffled her deck.

"Let me guess, you're goin' play."

"Not yet, best to let you guess when I'll play it. For now I'll summon Lunalight Blue Cat to my field in attack mode." stated Amber as she ended her turn.

Turn 2: Applebloom

"All right then, I draw. And I'll play mah Terraforming spell card, so now ah can add a field spell to mah hand." Applebloom then selected the card she wanted as she shuffled her deck. "Then ah play, Aroma Garden. Then I'll play Aroma Gardening, so with this, whenever ah summon an 'Aroma' monster, ah gain 1000 life points. So I'll set this critter in defense mode."

Turn 3: Amber

"Interesting turn, well then. I'll summon Lunalight White Rabbit(800/800) in defense mode. Then since I summoned my White Rabbit, I can target one 'Lunalight' monster in my graveyard and summon it in defense mode. So my Lunalight Black Sheep(100/600) is back in play. Then I activate Lunalight White Rabbit's special ability, which means I can return the same number of spells/traps as the number of 'Lunalight' monsters on my field other than White Rabbit, so since I control two other, that means both of your spells are going back to your hand." informed Amber as Applebloom picked up her cards.

"Now I'll attack your monster with my Lunalight Blue Cat."

"Well, the critter that I set was mah Aroma Jar(500/400). And since it was flipped up, it can't be destroyed in battle while on the field." informed the small country girl. "And since it was flipped up, now at the end of each of our turns, ah gain 500 life points."

"Crafty." complimented Amber. "Well, then I'll just end my turn."
Applebloom's Life Points: 4500-

Turn 4: Applebloom

"My draw, and I'll set mah field spell again and mah Aroma Gardening spell." stated Applebloom as she played her cards. "Then ah summon mah Aromage Jasmine(200/1900) in defense mode. Now a few things happen, I activate Aromage Jasmine's special ability, so now I can have additional normal summon this turn for a Plant-type monster. Then mah Aroma Gardening grants me 1000 life points since I summoned mah monster, and mah field spell gives me another 500 points so ah gain 1500 life points. And then since ah gained life points, Jasmine allows me to draw a card." informed Applebloom as she picked up her card. "Also all mah monsters gain 500 attack and defense points."
Applebloom's Life Points: 6000-

"That's a lot of effects for your turn. Isaac taught you well." stated Amber at how much of a move Applebloom was able to do given her age.

"Well, he was patient with me. And appreciate that." smiled Applebloom as she loved spending time with the boy as she got to learn new tricks.

"And the results show." said Amber.

"I now summon my Aromage Cananga(1400/1000). Cananga's ability activates, since mah life points are higher than yers, all yer faceup monsters lose 500 attack and defense points. So now I'll attack yer Blue Cat with mah Aromage Cananga." stated the girl.
Amber's Life Points: 3200-

"Since my monster was destroyed, Blue Cat allows me to special summon one 'Lunalight' monster from my deck, so I choose my Lunalight Emerald Bird(1200/1000)." stated Amber as she picked up her deck and then placed her monster on the field as she shuffled it.

"Well, ah end mah turn and ah gain more life points due to mah Aroma Jar."
Applebloom's Life Points: 6500-

Turn 5: Amber

"My turn, and now I think you know what happens. But first, I activate Lunalight White Rabbit's special ability so I'll return both of your spell cards once again. And then I'll play Polymerization so now I can combine both my White Rabbit and Black Sheep; by combining the cunning covertness of a stealthy beast, with the lively white rabbit illuminated by the moonlight, I can create a new lunar legend! I Fusion Summon, Lunalight Cat Dancer!" Amber then grabbed both of her cards as she placed them in the discard pile as she grabbed her new monster from the Extra Deck pile for all to see.

"Now since I used Black Sheep as fusion material, I can add a 'Lunalight' monster from my graveyard back to my hand, so I choose my Lunalight White Rabbit. And as you know, I can sacrifice my Lunalight Crimson Fox to activate Cat Dancer's ability, so I'll do just that. Which means my Cat Dancer can attack all of your monsters twice this round. Then I play the spell card, Rush Recklessly to give Cat Dancer an extra 700 attack points. So of course your two Aromage monsters will protect your life points due to them being in defense mode and that your Aroma Jar can't be destroyed. But as for Aromage Cananga, the first attack won't destroy it but you take damage." informed Amber.
Applebloom's Life Points: 5300-

"And here comes attack #2." stated the girl as Applebloom lost her monster.
Applebloom's Life Points: 4100-

"Well guess what, the effect of field spell still activates despite not being on the field. So since an 'Aroma' monster was destroyed, I gain 1000 life points." stated the country girl.
Applebloom's Life Points: 5100-

"With that done, I'll lay a card facedown."

"Now my Aroma Jar grants me 500 life points at the end of yer turn." said Applebloom.
Applebloom's Life Points: 5600-

Turn 6: Applebloom

"Looks like yer attack barely made a dent in mah life points." said Applebloom as she drew her card. "I'll then place my two spells once again. Then since once again mah life points are higher than yers, I can special summon mah Aromage Laurel(800/0). And then like before with my two spells I gain a total of 1500 more life points." informed the small girl.
Applebloom's Life Points: 7100-

"Then Laurel's effect activates since ah gained life points, I can treat one non-tuner plant monster and change it to a tuner until the end of the turn. So I choose my Aroma Jar. I then summon mah Aromage Rosemary(1800/700). And now since I have a tuner monster on mah field, I can do this. I tune mah Level 1 Aroma Jar with my Level 1 Aromage Laurel and Level 4 Aromage Rosemary. I Synchro Summon, Aromaseraphy Sweet Marjoram(2200/2000)!" Applebloom put all three of her monsters in the discard pile as she managed to take a monster from her Extra Deck as she placed it on the field.

"Impressive, to think that Isaac taught you how to synchro summon. You're lucky to have him teach you." said Amber.

"Thanks, partner. Now my field spell gives mah new monster an extra 500 attack and defense points. And now to attack, Aromaseraphy will attack your Lunalight Cat Dancer!" shouted Applebloom.
Amber's Life Points: 2900-

"With that ah end mah turn with a facedown."

Turn 7: Amber

"My turn and to start I play Pot of Greed to draw two more cards. Now I'll play the spell Cat's Lives, with this I can discard a card from my hand and then draw one card. Now if the card I draw is the same type as the card that I sent then I can use it otherwise I have to sent it also to the graveyard. So from my hand, I'll send my Lunalight Blue Cat to my graveyard. I then draw." Amber then picked up her card as she looked at it. "The card I drew was also a monster card, so I can now special summon it, so I summon my Lunalight Purple Butterfly(1000/1000). Then I'll play my Lunalight White Rabbit and by summoning my White Rabbit, I can resurrect another Lunalight monster from my grave, so Cat Dancer is back. Next, up is the spell Lunalight Perfume so that I can bring back Blue Cat." Amber now had a total of four monsters on her field.

"And since Lunalight Blue Cat was special summoned, I can select a Lunalight monster on my field and double its attack points. So I choose my Lunalight Cat Dancer, then I activate Lunalight Purple Butterfly's special ability, so by sending it to the grave, I can give Cat Dancer another 1000 life points. So now she had 5800 attack points." stated Amber as she put her monster in the discard pile. "Then I'll sacrifice my Blue Cat so that I can give my Cat Dancer the ability to attack your monster twice this round. So time to deal some serious damage. I'll attack your monster with mine." stated Amber.
Applebloom's Life Points: 4000-

"Like before the first attack doesn't destroy your monster, but it still dealt you damage. So time for the second attack." stated Amber as she managed to fully get rid of Applebloom's monster as she had no more monsters on her field.
Applebloom's Life Points: 900-

"Then I'll reveal my facedown, Feline Cunningness! So by sending one card from my deck to the graveyard, my spell allows me to copy its effects. So the card I choose to send is my Cat-titude Subjection."

"What's that card do?" asked Applebloom.

"Simple it lets me fusion summon but the monsters I use to summon are banished, a fair trade especially cause the monster I fusion summon gets a 500 attack point boost. So now I can use its effect and I'll combine my Cat Dancer with my White Rabbit. By combining the reflexes of a fierce feline with the lively white rabbit illuminated by the moonlight, I can create a new lunar legend! I Fusion Summon! Now appear, sleek creature of the night, and ready those razor-sharp claws! Lunalight Panther Dancer(2800/2500) is on the prowl!" Amber then put her two monsters in the discard pile as she grabbed a new monster from her Extra Deck as she placed it on the field.

"This ain't good." said Applebloom.

"Remember the effect of my Cat-titude Subjection gives my new fusion monster an extra 500 attack and since I summoned my Panther Dancer in the middle of battle, it can attack and since you have no monsters, it means I can attack you directly and you lose." stated Amber as she called out her attack.

"Well, Isaac told me to go down fightin'. And I'll do just that, cause I reveal mah facedown, Aromage Bloom!" shouted Applebloom as she flipped over her set card. "With this, if I take any sort of damage, ah can banish a Plant-type monster from mah graveyard so that you also take the damage as ah do." stated Applebloom as she removed her Synchro monster from her graveyard.

"But my Panther Dancer has 3300 attack points so..."

"So, we draw." confirmed Applebloom.
Applebloom's Life Points: 0-

Amber's Life Points: 0-


"Great job, Applebloom." said Scootaloo as she gave her friend some dues.

"Thanks, Scoots." said the country girl.

"Wow, you... you... managed for a tie." said Amber as she couldn't believe what the result of the duel was. "You girls are no pushovers, both you and Scootaloo really have taken Isaac's lessons to heart.

"You should seen us when we first began to play this game. We didn't even know what we were doing." chuckled Applebloom.

"Well, only one person left." said Amber as she looked at Sweetie Belle as it was her turn to duel.

Sweetie Belle's Life Points: 4000-

Amber's Life Points: 4000-

"This is gonna be good." said Applebloom as she and Scootaloo got comfy for the battle that was about to take place.

"Yeah, Rarity's little sister vs. her apprentice." stated Scootaloo.

Turn 1: Amber

"I'll start, and now I'll use the spell card Lunalight Fusion so that I can combine my Lunalight Blue Cat and Lunalight Purple Butterfly. By combining the reflexes of a fierce feline with the fluttering fury of a nighttime huntress, I can create a new lunar legend! I Fusion Summon! Lunalight Cat Dancer!" stated Amber as she already had her fusion monster out.

"Woah, Amber ain't wasting anytime." said Scootaloo.

"You think maybe cause Sweetie Belle is Rarity's sister and thinks she taught her some tricks." asked Applebloom.

"I'll end my turn."

Turn 2: Sweetie Belle

"Then it's my turn, and I'll start of this musical number with my favorite piece of music, First Solo Movement. Since I control no monsters, I can special summon one Level 4 or below 'Melodious' monster from my hand or deck. So I summon Serenade the Melodious Diva(400/1900) in defense mode." said Sweetie Belle as she grabbed her deck and then picked out the card she wanted as she shuffled her deck. "With Serenade out, her effect allows me an additional summon this turn. So since I control a 'Melodious' monster, I can special summon Tamtam the Melodious Diva(1000/2000). And since Tamtam was special summoned, I can add Polymerization to my hand." stated the girl as she now searched her deck for the card as she added it to her hand. "And I'm not done, cause now I'll tribute this duet and combine their melodies to summon a whole new monster! She'll blow you away with her musical talent - Mozarta the Melodious Maestra(2600/2000). And I'm also special summoning my Sonata the Melodious Diva(1200/1000) and since it was special summoned all my monsters gain 500 more attack points as long as she remains on the field."

"Anymore effects you're gonna play?" asked Amber as she was surprised by the sheer swarm of monsters on Sweetie Belle's field.

"Not right now, but I'll attack your Cat Dancer with my Mozarta!" stated Sweetie Belle as she gave her command to her monster.
Amber's Life Points: 3300-

"And then Sonata will take her turn and attack you." said Sweetie Belle as she dealt another attack to Amber.
Amber's Life Points: 1600-

"Woah!" said both girls as they saw their friend take out over half of Amber's life total all in her first turn.

"I now end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 3: Amber

"Alright, girl. No more playing it safe, my turn." said Amber as she drew her card. "I now play the spell card, Lunalight Perfume so that I can resurrect my Lunalight Cat Dancer. Then I'll discard my Lunalight Black Sheep so that I can add a Polymerization to my hand." said the girl as she put her monster in the graveyard pile as she picked up and added the card to her hand and shuffled her deck. "Then I'll summon my Lunalight White Rabbit and when my White Rabbit is summoned, it can bring back a monster of mine in defense mode. So I'll bring back my Black Sheep in defense mode. Next, I'll play Polymerization so that I can combine my Black Sheep and Cat Dancer! By combining the reflexes of a fierce feline with the cunning covertness of a stealthy beast, I can create a new lunar legend! I Fusion Summon! Now appear, sleek creature of the night, and ready those razor-sharp claws! Lunalight Panther Dancer(2800/2500) is on the prowl!" Amber then put her two monsters in the discard pile as she grabbed a new monster from her Extra Deck as she placed it on the field.

"Now since I used Black Sheep as fusion material, I can add one 'Lunalight' monster from my graveyard to my hand. So I'll take back my Lunalight Purple Butterfly." informed Amber. "Now to strike, like my Cat Dancer, Panther Dancer can attack each of your monsters twice and when it destroys one of your monsters it gains 200 more attack points for the next target. So to start off, I'll attack your Tamtam which means you don't lose life points but it does raise my Panther Dancer's attack to now 3000. And then I'll have it target your Sonata and like before the first attack doesn't destroy your monster."
Sweetie Belle's Life Points: 2700-

"And now attack #2 gets rid of it and raise my Panther Dancer by another 200 points for a total of 3200. Also without Sonata on the field all your monsters lose the extra 500 attack points." stated Amber.
Sweetie Belle's Life Points: 1400-

"So like before the first attack doesn't destroy your Mozarta."
Sweetie Belle's Life Points: 900-

"And now attack number 2 gets rid of your monster."
Sweetie Belle's Life Points: 400-

"Ohh, talk about a hit." said Scootaloo as she watched Sweetie Belle's life points drop from 4000 to 400 in one attack.

"No kidding, Amber really is talented. No wonder she was selected to be a part of the program by Isaac." said Applebloom as the two other girls were munching on some chips as they watched this duel.

"I end my turn and now Panther Dancer's attack points return to normal."

Turn 4: Sweetie Belle

"My turn, and to start, I'll play Monster Reborn so that I can bring back my Tamtam the Melodious Diva. Then I'll summon Crystal Rose(500/500)." stated the girl.

"Crystal Rose? That's not a Melodious monster." informed Amber.

"You're correct, but as long as my Crystal Rose is on the field, I can use it as a substitute for a fusion material for a fusion monster. So now I'll play Polymerization so that I can combine my Crystal Rose and Tamtam the Melodious Diva. Together, you'll sing a sensational duet that will form an even more Melodious monster! I Fusion Summon, Bloom Diva the Melodious Choir(1000/2000)!" said Sweetie Belle as she put both of her cards in the discard pile and then summoned a new monster from her Extra Deck. "Now since I used Tamtam to fusion summon, my Bloom Diva loses 500 attack points and then you take 500 points of damage." informed Sweetie Belle.
Amber's Life Points: 1100-

"Now time to sing a farewell performance. Bloom Diva will attack your Panther Dancer."

"Why? My monster is so much stronger than your Bloom Diva." stated Amber.

"That's why I'm activating my Bloom Diva's special ability, it can't be destroyed in battle and any damage that I would have taken you take instead." said Sweetie Belle.

"What?" shouted Amber as that fact shocked her.

"So the damage I would have have taken was 2300, but thanks to my monster's effect you take it instead and since you only have 1100 life points, that means..."

"You lose." said Applebloom and Scootaloo with smiles on their faces as their friend picked up the win.
Amber's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Sweetie Belle

"Nice job." shouted Scootaloo as she put her arm around Sweetie Belle's neck.

"CMC! CMC! CMC!" chanted the small girls as they celebrated the victory Sweetie Belle got as she managed to defeat Rarity's student. To them it was a team effort and a win for all.

"All for one..." said Sweetie Belle.

"... And one for all!" finished Applebloom and Scootaloo as they all had smiles on their faces.

"Impressive." said Amber as she was amazed by not only Sweetie Belle's skills but also the duels she had with each of the other two girls. "You all managed to give me a fight, and I'm not joking. You all are talented girls."

"Ehh, we try." said Scootaloo.

"Course, we still have a lot to learn." stated Sweetie Belle.

"I mean, out of our class. We're the best duelists, hands down." said Applebloom.

"I can tell, Isaac really has taught you all some tricks. And the fact that you were able to defeat me with his teachings, I can only look forward to what you three will do." said Amber.

"Well, since our sisters are graduating this year, we're trying our best to pick up the mantle and carry on what they started." said Applebloom.

"In that case, I hope you three continue to impress." smiled Amber as she the small girls returned the gesture and brought the slightly older teen in for a group hug as Amber just let the girls do their thing. For the rest of the day, all four of them began to practice their skills and have fun with one another. For Amber, she could see why Isaac loved to spend time with the younger girls.

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