• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 126: Anniversary

It had been a few days after Isaac had returned from his trip to Equestria and already he was making some big changes in his life. One of them was that he was now the co-owner of Mr. Johnson's store, plus there was two other things he took care of that needed his attention. Regardless, as co-owner of the store, he was given a space in the back of the store as it was converted into a small workspace for Isaac to do his work. He was currently going over some paperwork as well as he was going over the orders that he and Mr. Johnson had placed for the new cards shipment.

"Let's see, 12 rares, 60 ultra rares, 15 super rares, 20 secret rares, 10 ghost rares, 7 starfoil rares, 3 mosaic rares, and one golden card." said Isaac as he was reviewing the paperwork he sent to the card company. He was busying going over the orders when he heard a knock on his door. "Come in." said Isaac as he didn't bother looking at who entered. "So, what's the complaint this time?" asked Isaac as he still had his head down at his desk as he turned his chair. Soon he felt himself moving as his chair twirled around. "What the?" was all Isaac said.

"Busy at work." said Twilight as she had been the one to enter Isaac's office and was now sitting in his lap. She knew how busy her boyfriend had been ever since getting the promotion that she wanted to give him a surprise, plus there was another reason. "Hope I didn't catch you at a bad time." stated Twilight as she put her hand to the side of his face.

"Not at all." said Isaac as he brought his girlfriend in for a kiss as Twilight let out a quick moan.

"Let me guess, more paperwork." asked Twilight.

"You know this job isn't just about selling stuff, it's also about dealing with inventory and making sure we don't run out of stuff. At least, that's what Mr. Johnson showed me after I became co-owner." stated Isaac.

"Well, don't work too hard. Especially, once school starts. Anyways, there is another reason why I came to see you. It has to do with something special." taunted Twilight as she batted her eyelashes.

"Really, now? What is it?" asked Isaac.

"Oh, you know, nothing important. Just something that has an importance in our lives." said Twilight softly.

"We're meeting with our friends?" said Isaac.

"Well, no. Something between the two of us; to celebrate something." said Twilight.

"Uh, we've got a date coming up?" Isaac had his eyebrow raised.

"Seriously? Do I have to spell it out?" Twilight then pulled out her phone as she pulled up a calendar date and showed it to her boyfriend. "This help?!"

"Is there something happening on that day?" responded Isaac.

"You're kidding me! Ughh!" groaned out Twilight. "How can you forget..."

"Ha, ha, ha. Oh, that was so worth it." said Isaac as he let out a chuckle. Twilight had to do a double take as she couldn't believe that her boyfriend was laughing. For Isaac he was dying on the inside as his little prank turned out better than he had imagined.

"You... you... god you're annoying." shouted Twilight as she couldn't believe what she saw.

"Yeah, I am. But you love me either way." stated Isaac as he wiped some tears from laughing.

"Let's see if you're still laughing after I get done with you!" shouted Twilight. She then raised her fist and tried to punch Isaac who caught her hand with his. He then pulled her in close as he planted his lips on her as Twilight fell under his spell and just enjoyed it.

"Did you really think that I would forget about our anniversary?" said Isaac as he retracted his lips from his girlfriend as he stroked her hair.

"Just the way you played dumb." said Twilight.

"That's just natural guy instincts, I played the part that every guy forgets their anniversary. Besides, with a girl like you, how could I ever forget our anniversary." smiled Isaac.

"I see your point." said Twilight as she smiled back. "Though it's not just our anniversary, keep in mind that we got together on the day of Shining Armor and Cadance's wedding day. So that means it's also their one-year anniversary."

"Funny how that turned out. It's our special day, but also your brother's. Speaking of which, does he have anything planned for Cadance. I ask cause that means we'll probably have to baby sit." said Isaac.

"Well, actually my brother isn't here. In fact, it seems that he's got a duel on the day of his wedding anniversary." said Twilight.

"You're kidding?" stated Isaac.

"And... it's for the world championship. My brother has a chance to become the world duel champion." Twilight was full of happiness. "To think, this has been a dream of his since he was a kid and now he has a chance to become the become the best duelist in the world. I can't express just how happy I am for him."

"I'm sure your brother understands. Still though... a world championship duel. He's been dominating the pro scene since he arrived, not to mention that Blue-Eyes deck of his is really tough to beat." said Isaac. "So does Cadance know?"

"She does, in fact, she asked me to come over to her house so that we could watch my brother and his match. Do you want to tag along, it would do wonders for Shining to know that one of his greatest rivals was there lending his support."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world. Plus, you know that I love watching duels."

"Great, so... do you have anything special planned for our date?" said Twilight in a seductive voice.

"That would spoil the surprise, besides, I'm sure to steal your heart one way or another."

"Just like a true master thief." chuckled Twilight as she gave one last quick kiss to Isaac as she left him to continue his work.

Isaac then got back to work as he continued to file away some more papers. Once he finished that, he then exited his office as he entered the store to see what was happening. Other than the standard stuff, Isaac saw tons of kids looking at the card display as they begged their parents to buy some. Isaac just smiled as it brought back memories of when he was their age; he then heard his duel disk beeping as a message was coming through. He then approached one of the tables that the customers could use as he pressed the button and the message popped up.

"Isaac, so glad I could contact you."

"What's up, Luna?"

"Yes, well I've finally got the details sorted out."

"Great, but which one, exactly?" asked Isaac as he needed some clarification from Luna about which details she got.

"My bad. The latter, of course." stated Luna.

"So when's the date?"

"According to the committee, they plan to hold the event in about 9 days."

"Any locations?" asked Isaac.

"The event will scheduled to be held in Manehattan."

"Alright, and what about the other request?"

"Me and my sister are halfway done with reviewing the applications, once we've finished accepting them. I'll then send them to you for the final decision." informed Luna.

"Thank you, Luna."

"My pleasure, Isaac. Talk to you later." With that the transmission was cut as the video ended.

"Well, I can put those things on the temporary back burner for the time being." said Isaac. "For now, it's time to make Twilight feel special." Isaac then pulled out his phone as he dialed a number as it began to ring.

"Hey, it's me."

"Ah, Isaac. I've been expecting your call." said the voice on the other side.

"Is everything ready?"

"Just about. We'll have all the necessary things implemented by tonight."

"Perfect. If anything happens, give me a call. Take care." said Isaac as he ended the call. "Hope everybody likes it."

The day rolled by as Isaac did some last minute inventory as he did the final count of sales as Mr. Johnson started to help the remaining customers with their purchases. Soon it was closing time, as the last bit of people exited the store. Once Isaac finished counting, he then gave his numbers to Mr. Johnson who did one last review as he thanked Isaac for his help and told him to leave. Isaac then exited the store as he got a call from the person he was talking as they said that everything was ready and they wanted him to see it. Isaac said he'd be over as he too wanted to see the final product.

A few days later, it was the day. The day that was to celebrated by most people, as it was the day of the Duel Monsters World Championship as tons of people were looking forward to seeing the match happen tonight. But for another pair, it meant something else as they had their own personal agenda. Twilight awoke to the sun hitting her eyes as she rubbed them, she saw Spike sleeping next to her as she gave him a quick pet to which he just rolled onto his back. Soon she heard her phone ring as she received a text message, she then opened it as she rushed to her window.

"Hey beautiful." said Isaac as he was standing outside of Twilight's house with a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

"Isn't it kind of early to be doing all this?" said Twilight from her window.

"Hey, your brother's duel is tonight. Which means if we want to spend time together and see his match, we need to get an early start. Plus, aren't you a stickler for 'on time'?" said Isaac with a smug smile.

"Give me a few minutes." said Twilight as she closed her window and prepared to get dressed. She made it out of her house in her normal attire as she wore the necklace Isaac had given her for Christmas.

"For you, my lady." said Isaac as he presented the flowers to Twilight as he took his cap off like a gentleman.

"Are you going to be like this, all day?" asked Twilight as she grabbed the flowers and sniffed them.

"Nothing but the best, for the most wonderful girl that I've ever laid eyes on." smiled Isaac as he grabbed Twilight's hand.

"So, what's the plan?"

"Again, a magician never reveals his secrets." stated Isaac.

"You really do have a love for spellcasters. Alright, just let me go put these in the water." Twilight then retreated back into her house as she put the flowers in a vase of water. She then grabbed her phone, sling bag and a few other things as she exited her house and met up with Isaac. "All set."

Twilight then grabbed Isaac's hand as she gave him a quick kiss as they began to walk. The first stop they made was the Sweet Shoppe as they entered the establishment and placed their orders. Soon they found a place to sit by the window as Twilight snuggled up next to Isaac as she enjoyed being with her boyfriend. After that they exited the place as Isaac showed Twilight some tickets to a museum as she was ecstatic. With that they made their way over to the Canterlot Museum as Isaac allowed Twilight to choose whatever she wanted to see. The first exhibit that she brought them to had to deal with astrology, Isaac couldn't help but smile at how excited Twilight was. Once they got done learning about the vast reaches of space, she then led the both of them to the dinosaur exhibit. One of the exhibits had them digging into the sand and seeing what they could dig up. Soon both picked a spot and using the mini shovels and buckets provided, they began to search away. Eventually they came across a velociraptor and its bones in the dirt as they began to uncover it. Once all the bones were dug up, they then began to put it together and when it was done, they had a mini sculpture of the dinosaur. Isaac paid a small fee so that they could keep the figurine as they put it on a little stand as he handed it to Twilight to hold.

After their trip to the museum, they exited the place as they decided to head to a nearby restaurant for lunch. The place was a casual dinner as it was filled with tons of people. Both of them entered the place as the waiter led the two to a table that was secluded from the others, but still had a view of the stage for the comedians that would be performing for the establishment. The waiter gave the two a menu as they left to give the couple sometime to think about their orders. Isaac's phone made a buzz as he quickly looked at it to see he had a message. He then opened it as it was from the women with whom he spoke the other day as she informed him that everything had been finished. Isaac just sent a quick message saying that he was grateful and that he would see it for himself later tonight. With that he sent the text and quickly looked back at Twilight who was still trying to figure out what she wanted. Soon they placed their orders as they began to talk.

"So, excited to watch your brother's duel tonight?" asked Isaac.

"To be honest, I'm a bit worried. I'm not doubting his skills, but I can't help but think of what may happen." said Twilight.

"Twi, have faith. Shining Armor is a tough and really good duelist. You said so yourself, while he was a student at Crystal Prep, he was undefeated. Nobody could match him in a duel, even I got to admit, there were times that Shining Armor had me on the ropes. He's that good and with a Blue-Eyes no less."

"True, still you know me, I just always think about every possibility. Even the ones that may not have a happy ending." stated Twilight. "But you're right, he'll be fine. As long as he knows his LSBFF is cheering him on, then he's already won. Plus, seeing as how he always had to bully me with his Blue-Eyes, it feels nice to know I can get my revenge through my boyfriend."

"I don't think that's a good thing." said Isaac as he was a bit worried. "Are you really going to force me to fight your brother whenever you have a sibling disagreement?"

"Yes." said Twilight with a smug smile.

"Please don't make me do that." said Isaac as he was begging Twilight.

"Are you saying that I can't see my boyfriend do the thing he loves the most while being dashing?" pouted Twilight. "I thought you would do anything for me?"

"Don't give me the puppy dog eyes. Besides, I don't want to become a punching bag for your brother. Not to mention that even I have some nightmares when I see Blue-Eyes." said Isaac.

"Oh well, as long as I can get back at my brother, I'll be happy." said Twilight. She then grabbed Isaac's hand as she looked at him. Twilight then leaned over as Isaac did the same as they captured each others lips.

Soon their food arrived as they began to dig in, which Twilight had no problem as she covered her cheeks with food and sauce in less than 30 seconds. Isaac just chuckled as his heart started to beat at how he just loved everything about his girlfriend, even her messy eating habits. He did reach over to her as he grabbed her cheek and used his napkin to wipe some sauce off of her, he also planted a couple of kisses along side her chin as Twilight let out a small moan. He then looked at her as he booped her noise to get giggle out of the nerdy girl. They got back to finishing their lunch as Isaac had a couple more things to do before Shining Armor's match. After leaving the restaurant, Isaac led Twilight to the amusement park. They started by playing some booth games, including one that really got Twilight all freaked out.

"Come on!" shouted Twilight as she was having trouble trying with a ring toss game.

"Twilight, you know these games are rigged?" asked Isaac.

"Do you know what's not rigged? The laws of physics. Assuming no air resistance and a vertical displacement of zero, horizontal displacement equals initial projectile velocity squared times the sine of twice the launch angle divided by the acceleration due to gravity." said Twilight as she looked at Isaac.

"Does that mean?" Isaac understood what Twilight said as he prepared himself for the worst. Twilight then gave another try as she applied her formula and tossed the ring only for it to fall short.

"Ahh!!" screamed Twilight as she started to pull some of her hair.

"Take it easy, Twilight. It's just a game." said Isaac as he tried to get his girlfriend to calm down.

"It's more than just a game!" shouted Twilight as she was now starting to go a bit crazy. She then looked at her notebook as she began to reexamine her formula and mathematics. "I got it! Guess who just mapped out a perfect projectile trajectory taking into account propulsion, gravity, and aerodynamic drag! This gal! Betcha thought I forgot about friction, air drag, and veering initial velocities. Well, guess what. I didn't!" said Twilight as he eye twitched a bit while she had an insane look on her face.

"Twi, take a deep breath." said Isaac as he tried to get her to calm down.

"I can't! Not till I win. I know this will work, I've mapped out all the..." Twilight was soon cut off as Isaac placed his lips to her as it got her to calm down as she wrapped her arms around him as she leaned into it.

"Now, let me try." said Isaac as he stepped to the booth.

"Okay, but I think that if you follow this formula..."

"And I win." said Isaac as he managed to land one of the rings on the bottle.

"What?!" said Twilight as she dropped her notebook and pen as Isaac was awarded his prize.

Isaac got his prize from the person as they handed him a soft plushie animal as he looked at it and then turned towards Twilight who still had her jaw drop. "Here you go."

"Uh... you... how... why... oh never mind. Thanks." said Twilight as she took the thing from Isaac as she gave up on trying to figure out the answer.

After a couple of rides and more booth games, they both left as Isaac led them both to the park as the sun was starting to go down. The stroll through the park allowed a sense of peace and quiet as the two just enjoyed the ducks and other small animals that called this place home. Soon they approached a tree as Isaac looked at it and pulled out some chalk as he started to make a heart into the bark of the tree, he then grabbed a rock that was nearby as he started to crave around the outline he made. Once he finished, he then took a step back as it had a heart and the words: Isaac + Twilight were inside the heart. Twilight just smiled as she gave Isaac a kiss on the cheek as she held his hand and leaned on his shoulder. They kept on walking as they sat on a hilltop overlooking a small pond as they enjoyed the cool breeze as the night sky was starting to arrive. The stars above them with the moonlight shining off in the water provided the perfect setting.

"The night sure is pretty." said Twilight as she leaned her head on Isaac's shoulder.

"But not as pretty as you." said Isaac as he looked at Twilight. "The stars, the sky, everything else pales in comparison to you. You're the only thing in my eyes that shines the brightest."

"Can you say anything without making me fall for you?" asked Twilight.

"It's not like I do it on purpose, it just comes natural." chuckled Isaac as he moved some of her hair out of her face as he looked at her and gave a quick peck. "To think that we've been together for one full year. I never been in a relationship and I've never ever thought about it. But I'm glad because I got to have the most wonderful girl to be by my side."

"I feel the same way. I wouldn't want anybody else except you." smiled Twilight.

Isaac wrapped his arm around Twilight as she leaned her head into Isaac's chest as she closed her eyes. Isaac reached into Twilight's hair as he undid her ponytail as Twilight's hair fell down majestically past her shoulders. Both teens just closed their eyes as they enjoyed each others presence as the sounds of the night provided them with some wonderful and soothing noises. Sometime had pasted as Isaac opened his eyes and saw Twilight had fallen asleep as she placed her head in his lap as his cap was on top of her head. He then looked at his phone and saw that Shining Armor's match was about to start, but more importantly, he had received a message from the women he texted earlier.

"Twilight, wake up." said Isaac as he tapped his girlfriend's shoulder as Twilight started to stir.

"Huh? What happened?" said Twilight as she let out a yawn.

"You fell asleep, not to mention that Shining Armor's duel is about to start."

"Oh my gosh, I almost forgot. We better hurry then if we're gonna see it." stated Twilight as she got back to her feet and placed Isaac's cap back on his head. "Are you coming?"

"You go on. I've got something I need to do. I promise, I'll catch up."

"Okay, I'll be waiting." said Twilight as she was suspicious on why Isaac didn't want to go with her. She just gave him one last look as she started to run towards Cadance's house.

Once Twilight was out of sight, Isaac pulled out his phone and dialed a number. "Yeah, it's me. I'm on my way." said Isaac as he ended the call and started towards his destination.

About 15 minutes later, Isaac had met with his contact as they began to go over the final inspection to see if it was up to Isaac's standards. Once Isaac had gotten a proper look and saw the interior of the design, he was pleased to say that he was satisfied as he gave the money to the women as she handed him some small objects. Soon Isaac's phone went off as it was Twilight was had called him as she started to yell at him to get over to Cadance's house as Shining Armor's duel was about to finish. Isaac thanked the women as he left out the door and rushed over to Cadance's home. It didn't take too long as he soon found himself on the doorsteps; Isaac was about to knock when the door opened and he was greeted to an unpleasant face.

"Where were you!?!" shouted Twilight.

"I told you, I had to take care of something." said Isaac as he put his hands up in defense.

"Well get in here, the duel is almost over." said Twilight as she yanked Isaac inside the house as she closed the door.

Other than Twilight, there was Cadance who was sitting on the couch with Flurry Heart in her lap as Spike was currently sitting next to them. Twilight then entered the living room as she took her seat at the end of the couch.

"Hey Isaac."

"Hey Cadance. How you doing, Flurry Heart?"

"Isac... (Baby noises)." said Flurry Heart as she let out a couple of baby spits.

"What's up, Spike?"

"Nothing much, man." stated the dog.

"Will you be quiet? This is tense." said Twilight as she turned her attention back to the TV.

"So mind filling me in on what's happened so far?" asked Isaac as he stood behind the couch the trio were sitting on.

"Well if you must know, Shining Armor has been holding his own. However, his opponent is no pushover. There's a reason why he's the current champion. Right the score is 1 to 1 as Shining Armor just managed to win the last round. Now it's down to the final duel to see who is the winner." said Twilight. "But it's not going to be a walk in the park, especially cause Shining's opponent is using a Wind-up deck."

"Oh, Wind-ups, very vicious. They can range from Special Summoning and swarm tactics to Level and Attack manipulation to obtain certain benefits. Not to mention, many cards that support them revolve around flipping down or otherwise recycling. It also is a great deck for Xyz Summoning." stated Isaac as he informed the group of his knowledge when it came to this certain archetype.

"Thanks for the info, geek." said Spike as he rolled his eyes.

"Also for this last duel, both of them will be playing with 4000 life points instead of the normal 8000 like the two previous rounds. They wanted to make sure they have a winner." said Twilight as the third round was about to get underway.

"Daddy?" asked Flurry Heart.

"Yes, sweetie. Daddy's going to win." stated Cadance as she looked at her daughter.

"Yeah, funny daddy." cheered Flurry Heart.

"Ladies and gentleman, what a thrilling duel this has been so far. The current champion, the Tinker is about to face the challenger, Shining Armor who is the representative of his dueling agency KaibaCorp, in one final duel. Hold onto your dueling hats folks, cause this match is about to be explosive." said the announcer.

"You lasted this long, but now it's time for you fall like the rest." said the Tinker.

"Please, today's an important day for me. And I plan on leaving here with the title as champion." said Shining Armor. Cady, Flurry. Don't worry, daddy's coming home real soon and he's bring home the rank as champ.

"If both duelist are ready, then let the final duel... begin!!!" shouted the announcer.

"Opponent detected. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

The Tinker's Life Points: 4000-

Shining Armor's Life Points: 4000-

Turn 1: Shining Armor

"I'll start things off," said Shining Armor as he drew his card, "I summon La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp(1800/1000)." Shining Armor now had a monster appear on his field as it was in fact a genie as it was colored green. "My genie will make my wishes come true when it sends you and your toys back to the playground, but for now I set one card before ending my turn."

Turn 2: The Tinker

"My turn, I activate this spell card, Wind-Up Factory. This factory makes even Santa jealous. While my Wind-Up Factory is on the field, I'll have a constant influx of brand new toys because everytime I activate the effect of one of my 'Wind-Up' monsters, I get to pull a new one from my deck." said the Tinker. "And abracadabra! I have the perfect 'Wind-Up' monster for matching your magical genie. I summon Wind-Up Magician(600/1800) in defense mode." Out came a small monster spellcaster as it had a key sticking out of its back.

"Your toy and your brain have a few screws loose if you think it stands a chance against my genie." taunted Shining Armor.

"Maybe not yet, but watch as I windup and let it go. We are about to witness a devasting chain reaction." Soon the key on the back of Wind-Up Magician was turned as the monster started to move. "After I summon Wind-Up Magician to my field, I can special summon Wind-Up Shark(1500/1300) from my hand. But that's not all, when my Wind-Up Shark's effect activates in my hand, my Wind-Up Magician's effect activates on the field allowing me to special summon another 'Wind-Up' monster from my deck and I think I'll special summon another Wind-Up Shark." The Tinker now had three monsters on his field as he looked to end this duel real soon. "It's going to be a feeding frenzy and thanks to the activation of my Wind-Up monsters effects, I'll also use the effect of my Wind-Up Factory to add a 'Wind-Up' monster from my deck to my hand."

"Classic amateur move. Quantity over quality." said Shining Armor. "You may have 3 monsters on the field, but none of them are as strong enough to destroy my La Jinn, That play was as pitiful as the monsters you just summoned."

"That's because I'm not done yet, Shining Armor." smiled the Tinker. "I still haven't played with my Wind-Up Sharks, by winding up each one of them up, I can raise each of their levels up to 5."

"Big deal." Shining Armor was unamused.

"Yes, it is a big deal. Because I'm doing this with my Level 5 Wind-Up Sharks, I Xyz Summon, Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon(2600/1700)." The Tinker's two monsters then transformed into two lights as a portal opened in the ground as both were sucked in. Soon out came a monster that was all black as it had a scary demeanor. "Now Adreus, attack Shining Armor's La Jinn!"

"You fool! I activate my Ancient Lamp. First, La Jinn retreats into its lamp, then my Ancient Lamp deflects all attacks aimed at my genie." Shining Armor's monster then disappeared as it was protected from the attack. "It looks like your Adreus' attack is heading straight for your Wind-Up Magician."

"I knew you were going to do that, but unfortunately for you, you didn't know about my Adreus' special ability. Now once per turn, by detaching one Xyz Material, I can destroy one face-up card on the field. Say goodbye to your Ancient Lamp." Soon Adreus shot out a beam from its weapon as Shining Armor's lamp was shattered and his genie was back in play. "La Jinn is once again vulnerable to all of my attacks and monster effects. I think I'll set 2 cards facedown before ending my turn."

Turn 3: Shining Armor

"It's my turn, first I activate my Enemy Controller." Soon a giant game controller appeared as Shining Armor started to input his cheat code. "Up, left, down, right, A, by giving up 1000 life points, I destroy your Adreus." said Shining Armor as he got rid of the monster.
Shining Armor's Life Points: 3000-

"Next I activate this spell card, Dragon Shrine! Dragon Shrine lets me send a dragon from my deck to my graveyard, then if that dragon is a normal monster, I can send another dragon from my deck to my graveyard. So first off, I'm saying bye-bye to my Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Next I'll send White Stone of Legend to my graveyard, when my White Stone of Legend is sent to the graveyard, I can add a Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my deck to my hand." Shining Armor then received the card he wanted as it slid out for him to grab. "Next, I'll activate Trade-In; this card lets me discard a Level 8 monster from my hand to draw 2 new cards." Shining Armor then sent away the Blue-Eyes he just received as he picked up some more cards. "Perfect. I activate Silver's Cry! This card lets me special summon a normal dragon from my graveyard. Come forth, Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" shouted Shining Armor as he now had one of his most powerful beast appear as it gave a loud roar and cry as it caused some of the fans in attendance to cover their ears as they were in awe of the beast that laid before their very eyes.

"I'm afraid your monster won't be sticking around for long." said the Tinker who had a sly smile on his face. "I activate my trap card, Bottomless Trap Hole." Soon a giant hole appeared underneath Blue-Eyes as it fell through never to be seen. "Now your dragon is banished from the duel, forced to fly into an abyss for all of eternity."

"You'll pay for that! La Jinn attack his life points directly." shouted Shining Armor as he felt a bit hurt seeing his favorite monster/pet be gone.

"Oh, I think not. Your genie is about to join your dragon, I activate Dimensional Prison. Now your La Jinn is banished just like your Blue-Eyes. Better luck next time." taunted the Tinker.

"My turn isn't over yet. I activate this spell card, Shard of Greed. Now during each of my Draw Phase, I get to add a Greed Counter to my shard, once it has 2 Greed Counters I can send it to the graveyard to draw 2 cards. I set two cards facedown before ending my turn."

Turn 4: The Tinker

"My turn," said the Tinker as he drew his card, "I summon Wind-Up Rabbit(1400/700) in attack mode. This cute and cuddly rabbit is my new favorite toy. We're gonna be best friends forever." mocked the Tinker in an annoying tone. "Wind-Up Rabbit, attack Shining Armor directly!"

"Silly rabbit, your tricks are for kids." taunted Shining Armor as he made a witty remark. "I activate my trap card, Shadow Spell! Wind-Up Rabbit loses 700 attack points and is no longer able to attack. My life points are perfectly safe."

"Did you know that my Wind-Up Rabbit has a special ability?"

"What? Like hiding Easter eggs?" mocked Shining Armor.

"Ha ha ha, no. I can wind up my rabbit to activate its effect and banish it until my next Standby Phase. Leap out of Shining Armor's shackles, Wind-Up Rabbit. Now that I've used my Wind-Up Rabbit's effect, I also get to grab a new toy from my deck with the effect of Wind-Up Factory." said the Tinker as his factory started to produce his next toy as he selected the card he wanted. "I set one card before ending my turn."

Turn 5: Shining Armor

"I draw, since I've drawn my first card for the turn, I'll add a Greed Counter to my Shard of Greed. But the greed doesn't stop there, I activate Pot of Greed. This card lets me draw 2 cards and my turn isn't even closed to finished. I summon Maiden with Eyes of Blue." Shining Armor then played his card as out came a female monster who was simply stunning; Shining Armor looked at his maiden as he could see Cadance as she was cheering on her special someone. "Don't be fooled by my maiden's zero attack and defense points, her true strengths are hidden from sight. Whenever she's targeted by an attack or card effect, I can special summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my hand, deck or graveyard. Next I activate my trap card, Castle of Dragon Souls. This card lets me banish a dragon from my graveyard to target a monster on my field and give it an additional 700 attack points. I banish White Stone of Legend from my graveyard to target my Maiden with Eyes of Blue." Shining Armor's maiden then felt the power surge as she too was releasing her own.

"And as you already know, so come forth Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" Shining Armor now had one of his best monsters as he looked to get some revenge. "Blue Eyes attack with White Lightning!" shouted Shining.

"I activate my trap card, Compulsory Evacuation Device. Now your Blue-Eyes is returned back to your hand and my life points are spared from its attack."

"Even still, that won't save you from my maiden's attack. Maiden with Eyes of Blue, attack him directly!" shouted Shining Armor as he gave his monster is command as they made contact. "Finally, I activate Graceful Charity. Now I draw 3 cards and discard 2, I'll draw three cards then discard the Blue-Eyes White Dragon you just returned to me along with my Luster Dragon #2. You're up, Tinker."
The Tinker's life points: 3300-

Turn 6: The Tinker

"Oh good. I draw a card and then my Wind-Up Rabbit leaps onto the field in my Standby Phase. Next I summon Wind-Up Rat(600/600)."

"How cheesy." said Shining Armor.

"Now Wind-Up Rabbit attack Shining Armor's Maiden with Eyes of Blue."

"I activate my maiden's second ability. Once per turn, when she's attack by a monster, I can negate that monster's attack and switch my maiden into defense mode. Then I can special summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my hand, deck, or graveyard. So I'll be negate your rabbit's attacks and them special summon the Blue-Eyes White Dragon I discarded on my last turn."

"My battle phase isn't over yet, Shining Armor. Wind-Up Rat attack and destroy his maiden." said the Tinker as his monster took out Shining's maiden. "Next I'll activate my Wind-Up Rat's effect, by winding it up I can special summon another 'Wind-Up' monster. I'll special summon my Wind-Up Shark back to the field. Don't forget about my Wind-Up Factory." smiled the Tinker with a sly smile. "Now I get to add another Wind-Up monster to my hand. Next, I'll use my Wind-Up Shark's effect but instead of winding it forward one level, I'll wind it back turning it into Level 3 monster."

"Why would you do that?" asked Shining Armor.

"Because it's time for another Xyz Summon. I combine my Level 3 Wind-Up Rat with my Level 3 Wind-Up Shark to Xyz Summon Wind-Up Zenmaines(1500/2100, OLU: 2) in defense mode." Once more both monsters transformed into light as they enter a portal in the ground as a pillar of light appeared which caused a new monster to be born.

Turn 7: Shining Armor

"I draw, now I can add a second Greed Counter to my Shard of Greed and you know what that means Tinker, I send it to the graveyard to draw 2 cards. Now I activate Monster Reborn to special summon the Luster Dragon #2 that I discarded earlier. But that's not all, I'll also activate another copy of Silver's Cry to special summon another Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my graveyard. Take flight, my pet!" shouted Shining Armor as he now had two of his mighty dragons as they let out a roar.

"Face it, Tinker this duel is over. I have 3 monsters on my field each with 2400 or more attack points while you only have a broken bunny and a rusted-out toy with 2100 defense points. Luster Dragon #2 recycle that rabbit!" shouted Shining Armor.

"Wind-Up Rabbit hops out of harm's way by banishing itself. Then I get to use my Wind-Up Factory's effect to add another 'Wind-Up' toy to my hand."

"It makes no difference." said Shining Armor. "Luster Dragon #2, attack and destroy Tinker's Wind-Up Zenmaines instead."

"Oops, I forgot to tell you about my Xyz monster's special ability. Whenever Wind-Up Zenmaines would be destroyed, I can detach one of its Overlay Units instead." Zenmaines then lost one of its materials it took the attack from Shining Armor's dragon head on while it survived. "Not only am I still in this duel, but my Zenmaines can still protect me from two more attacks."

"In that case, I'll keep pummeling it until it's in a scrap heap. Blue-Eyes White Dragon attack Zenmaines again." shouted Shining Armor.

"There goes another Xyz material." stated the Tinker as he used it once again to save his monster as it lost a few part and was start to malfunction.

"Now it's my last dragon's turn to attack. Blue-Eyes finish off his Zenmaines." Shining Armor's last dragon was successful as it took out the broken toy with ease. "You may have been able to survive the turn, but now your field is empty and you're staring down three of my strongest monsters. I'll set a card before ending my turn."

Turn 8: The Tinker

"Oh good it's my turn again, I'll draw a card and then return my rabbit to the field. But he won't be hopping around for long, I'll use my rabbit's effect to banish it until my next Standby Phase. That lets me add another 'Wind-Up' monster from my deck to my hand with my Wind-Up Factory. Now I activate Dark Hole." Soon the entire field was conceal in a black of darkness as all monsters on the field were destroyed. "Next I summon another Wind-Up Rabbit to the field. Wind-Up Rabbit attack Shining Armor directly!"

"I activate my spell card, Shrink. Now your rabbit loses half of its attack points!" said Shining Armor as he was able to minimize the amount of damage he took as it made contact as he put his duel disk to block the attack.
Shining Armor's Life Points: 2300-

"I set two cards before ending my turn."

Turn 9: Shining Armor

"I draw. I set a monster and place two cards facedown. That's all."

Turn 10: The Tinker

"Well that wasn't much of a turn. But now it's my turn again." smiled the Tinker. "And that means my second Wind-Up Rabbit returns to the field, now I have 2 little rabbit bunnies. But I won't risk losing them in my Battle Phase, that's why I'm summoning this card Wind-Up Warrior(1200/1800). This heroic warrior protects and serves my other toys; first I'll activate its effect to wind it up and give it an extra 600 attack, then I'll use both of my Wind-Up Rabbits effects to remove them from the duel until my next Standby Phase. And let's not forget about my Wind-Up Factory. I'll get another Wind-Up Warrior from my deck just in case." The Tinker then grabbed his card as he looked at Shining Armor as he had a mocking smile on his face. "Now Wind-Up warrior attack and destroy Shining Armor's facedown monster."

"You've attacked my Cyber Jar!" shouted Shining Armor as he was now smiling as his monster was destroyed. "Now all monsters on the field are destroyed, then we each flip the top 5 cards of our decks and summon any Level 4 or below monsters in attack mode or facedown in defense mode. While the others go to our hands." Both players then had their card projected for all to see.

"I was getting tired of my Wind-Up Warrior anyway. Let's see which new toys my deck has in store, shall we."

"I'll special summon my Hitotsu-Me Giant(1200/1000) in attack mode and add the rest of the cards to my hand." said Shining Armor.

"It looks like I got my third Wind-Up Rabbit, I'll special summon it to the field alongside my Wind-Up Dog(1200/900)."

"Next, I'll use the effect of my Castle of Dragon Souls to banish a Blue-Eyes from my graveyard and raise my Hitotsu-Me Giant attack points to 1900. Now it's stronger than both of your monsters."

"Your Hitotsu-Me Giant may be protecting you for now but it won't matter when I activate Smashing Ground. Smashing Ground destroys your monster so say bye-bye to your eye. I'll set one more card before ending my turn."

Turn 11: Shining Armor

"It's my turn, first I summon Slate Warrior(1900/400). Then I use my Castle of Dragon Souls to banish my last Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my graveyard and give my Slate Warrior an extra 700 attack points. Now I activate my trap card, Return from the Different Dimension! By giving up half of my life points, I can special summon all of my banished monsters. I give up 1150 life points and in exchange for those life points, I can special summon all 3 of my Blue-Eyes White Dragons and my La Jinn back to the field." Shining Armor now had his 3 great beasts as it caused everybody in the audience to gasp at seeing such legendary creatures.
Shining Armor's Life Points: 1150-

"Seems Shining Armor is more than living up to what he said when he signed with us." said one of his agents.

"Would you expect anything less?" stated the person in charge. "There's only been one other person to do what he's doing, not to mention those dragons of his would have definitely impressed our boss if he was here."

"Now your worst nightmare is about to come true, I activate Polymerization! To fuse my three Blue-Eyes White Dragons together, behold Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!" Once more Shining Armor was able to take things to the next level as he now had one of his best powerhouses of his deck as his monster appeared and landed with a thud as it let out a triple roar. "Leaving your Wind-Up Dog in attack mode was a big mistake, Tinker. My ultimate dragon has 4500 attack points, as soon as it wipes out your crusty canine, your life points will be reduced to zero. Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon attack Tinker's Wind-Up Dog with Neutron Blast attack and end this duel!" shouted Shining Armor.

"I don't think so, I activate my trap card Dimensional Prison. This card banishes any attacking monster from the duel, bid farewell to your Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon."

"If my ultimate dragon is going down, it's taking you down with it. I reveal my trap card, Ring of Destruction!" Shining Armor now had his ring attach to his monster as it was set to go off. "This card destroys any monster on the field and reduces both player's life points by that monster's attack points. By selecting my Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, I can destroy it and inflict 4500 points of damage to both of our life points."

"That means you'll lose too." stated the Tinker.

"Maybe, if I didn't have this. I activate Ring of Defense!" Soon another ring appeared as it was stationed in front of Shining Armor as it served to protect him. "My Ring of Defense nullifies the damage my Ring of Destruction deals to me. That means only you will lose 4500 life points, this duel is over."

"Well think again, I activate Book of Moon!" shouted the Tinker. "This card puts your Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon facedown, so your triple-headed terror lost all of its bite."

"Or so you think." Shining Armor now had a smug look on his face. "I chain De-Fusion! Now I split my Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon back into the 3 Blue-Eyes White Dragons I used to summon it. That means I have 5 monsters on my field, staring down your weak Wind-Ups. Blue-Eyes White Dragons, end this duel with Triple White Lightning attack!!" shouted Shining Armor.

"I love getting your hopes up high just so that I can crush them. Your moves are so predictable, I activate my last facedown, Mirror Force!" Soon a reflective wall appeared as it absorbed the attack and sent it back as it wiped out Shining Armor's entire field.

"My Blue-Eyes are gone!" shouted Shining Armor as he was in disarray and in disbelief.

"I just destroyed all five of your monsters with a single card." mocked the Tinker.

"This can't be happening. You just got lucky."

"Luck has nothing to do with it. You can buy all the cards in the world, but you can't buy skill." said the Tinker as that statement really got under Shining Armor's skin.

"I set my last card and end my turn." said Shining Armor as he was now starting to sweat.

Turn 12: The Tinker

"I draw a card for my turn and then return my rabbits in my Standby Phase. Now I summon Wind-Up Warrior to the field. Look at all of my monsters, I can't wait to play with them all. I'll wind up my dog and my warrior to raise their levels to 5. Then I'll combine them to Xyz Summon Tiras, Keeper of Genesis(2600/1700, OLU: 2)." Both monsters then transform into lights as a portal in the ground opened up and out came a warrior that had angelic wings and wielded a sword and shield. "Whenever Tiras successfully attacks, it gets to destroy a card on your field, furthermore, while it has any Xyz materials attached to it, it can't be destroyed. Now Wind-Up Rabbit attack Shining Armor directly!" said the Tinker as he thrusted his arm out.

"I activate Negate Attack!" shouted Shining Armor.

"You're only prolonging your defeat, I'll set one card facedown. It's your turn, Shining Armor. But before I end my turn, my Tiras must give up one of its Xyz materials. I don't know of any card you can draw to save you. You have no cards in your hand and only a crumbling castle on the field. This duel is as good as over, seems your wife is going to see her failure of a husband." mocked the Tinker.

Turn 13: Shining Armor

"First of all, don't ever mention my wife or my family for that matter. And second of all, I will win, cause the card I'm about to draw is going to help me win this duel." said Shining Armor as he had a sly smile.

"You're bluffing." said the Tinker.

"Well, then let's see if your right, I draw." Shining Armor drew his card and looked at it out of the corner of his eye as he knew what card he drew as his smile cracked a bit more. "Perfect, I banish La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp and Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my graveyard, come forth Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End!" Soon a bright light appeared as Shining Armor's new dragon descended as it carried with it a powerful presence.

"Impossible, you must be joking." said the Tinker as he looked at the dragon that appeared.

"It's not joke and neither is my Chaos Emperor Dragon's special ability, by paying 1000 life points, I send all cards in our hands and on our fields to the graveyard. Then you take 300 points of damage for each card sent to the graveyard. Chaos Emperor Dragon activate your effect!" Shining Armor gave his monster its command as it started to release a powerful aura.
Shining Armor's Life Points: 150-

"I'll use the effects of my Wind-Up Rabbits to let them dodge your Chaos Emperor Dragon. That leaves only 3 cards in my hand and 3 on my field for Chaos Emperor Dragon to send to the graveyard. Even after Chaos Emperor Dragon sends itself along with your trap card to the graveyard, I only lose 2400 life points. It looks like your Chaos Emperor Dragon wasn't strong enough to defeat me. On my next turn, all of my Wind-Up Rabbits will return to the field to finish you off. Oh good game, Shining Armor. I'm sure sleeping on the couch will help you get over this nightmare." mocked the Tinker.
The Tinker's Life Points: 900-

"Have you forgotten about my Castle of Dragon Souls?" said Shining Armor as he was still smiling. "When my castle was sent to the graveyard, I get to special summon one of my banished dragons. After my Chaos Emperor Dragon sends all of our cards to the graveyard, I special summon my Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" Shining Armor now had his most beloved pet as it rose once more and this time it was pissed.

"No! No!" said the Tinker as he realized that he had literally nothing to stop Shining Armor from declaring his attack and winning.

"You thought wrong when you said you were going to win this duel! Blue-Eyes White Dragon attack him directly and end this duel!!!" shouted Shining Armor as he put his arm out; Blue-Eyes then opened its mouth as it shot off its attack and made contact with its target.

"Oh no!!!!!" shouted the Tinker as he was thrown on his back as he was defeated.
The Tinker's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Shining Armor

The duel was over as Shining Armor was the last duelist standing as confetti and pyro went off.

"And we have a new world champion... Shining Armor!!!" shouted the announcer as the crowd went crazy.

Shining Armor just looked at his Blue-Eyes who let out a mighty victory cry as it stood side by side with its owner as their picture was taken for the many photographers that started to take several photos for the front page of thee newspaper. While Shining Armor waved to the crowd he looked at the main camera and winked at it to show his love for Cadance and Flurry Heart. Soon his agent team came out as they shook his hand and congratulated him on becoming world champion.

"He did it!" shouted Twilight as she jumped from the couch as she was happy for her big brother. "He's finally accomplished his dream."

"Right on, Shining Armor." said Spike as he let out a couple of barks.

"Daddy! Daddy won!" spitted out Flurry Heart.

"You make me so happy." said Cadance as he was proud of her husband that he become champion. She made sure to have something special planned for him when he would return home.

Isaac was watching the others as they were happy as he looked back at the TV and saw Shining Armor being celebrated. "Nice work, man. I hope that I can do what you just did." said Isaac to himself as he had a straight look on his face. Isaac then looked at Twilight as he got her attention by tapping her shoulder.

"Did you see that?" asked Twilight.

"I did and I'm proud your brother is now champion. But... there's one more thing I need to show you. Come with me." said Isaac as he grabbed Twilight's hand and led her out of Cadance's house as they began to walk.

"Where are we going?" asked Twilight.

"You'll see, just put this on." said Isaac as he gave Twilight a blindfold to which she looked at it for a second before putting it over her eyes.

Isaac then grabbed both of her hands as he guided her to his special surprise. Soon they arrived at the place as Isaac took Twilight's blindfold off. She did just that, but when she opened her eyes, she was surprised to see the others were there as Isaac was nowhere to be seen.

"So, what are you all doing here?" asked Twilight.

"Same thing as you." said Sunset. "Isaac texted all of us to be here. But where is he?"

"I'm right here." said Isaac as he was a few feet away from the girls.

"So is there a reason why you dragged us all the way out here?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Because I have a surprise for you. Something that you'll enjoy." Isaac then snapped his fingers as his magicians appeared before the others and with a little bit of magic they had a giant curtain appear as they pulled it back and reveal a massive building behind him. The others were shocked by what they said as they couldn't believe their eyes.

"Is that a house?" asked Rarity.

"Not just a house, it belongs to everyone." said Isaac as he tossed the girls all their own set of keys. "I made a purchase recently and decided to have a home for all of us to live in."

"But how can you afford this?" asked Fluttershy.

"Remember last year when we went to Las Pegasus and all the winnings I made playing Blackjack and being a dealer. Well, I put that money in the bank and got some interest added on top of it and well, I made the purchase of having a house for us. Now don't think that it means you have to live here, I just wanted you all to have a place to go incase you ever need to get away from some personal stuff or just want to hang out. Not to mention that I gave each of you, your own room and had it decorated to your likes." said Isaac.

"Then what are we waiting for, let me through!" shouted Rainbow as she ran inside of the house as she unlocked the door and raced upstairs to where her room was located. The sign on her door, was her lightning bolt mark. Once she opened it up, she saw tons of posters full of athletics and extreme sports. Not to mention their was an amp for her to practice her guitar playing as well as her own place to where she could play her video games. There was also some Daring Do books for her to read on a bookshelf as her room was colored sky blue with a few clouds painted on the ceiling along with some rainbows.

The others all came into the house as they too checked out their rooms to which then liked what they saw. Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie all had their rooms on the bottom floor, while Sunset, and Twilight had their room located at the top floor along with Rainbow. Safe to say they were impressed by what they saw as they couldn't express just how happy they were of their new home.

"So what do you all think?" asked Isaac from downstairs.

"I love it!" said Sunset as she leaned on the railing from up above.

"The décor is absolutely fabulous in my room." said Rarity. "Though I do have things I'll change."

"Hey, it's your room and you can do whatever you want with it." stated Isaac. "There are some ground rules to this place though, the big one is that you have to respect it. Which means cleaning up after yourselves and not trying to make a mess, you hear that Dash."

"Yeah, yeah. Don't have to call me out in front of the others."

"I have to! Another thing, don't stay up too late, try to respect everybody else when their sleeping. That means no complaining about not getting the proper 'beauty sleep', Rarity." said Isaac as he looked at the girl.

"Why I never." pouted Rarity as she looked away.

"And the big one is to make sure that we take turns in keeping this house running. I paid for this for all of us, so I expect everybody to pitch in so that we can keep this house from being worn down. So that means taking out the trash, doing the dishes, sweeping/cleaning, you know the drill." stated Isaac as all the girls nodded that they understood Isaac.

"Hey, where's yer room, Isaac?" asked Applejack.

"Mine's down the hall at the top, though I haven't had a chance to actually decorate it. It just contains a bed. I was busy making sure that all of your rooms were all set. But enough of that, what do we say we pop a bit of bubbly?" said Isaac as he pulled out a bottle of apple cider from the fridge and some cups as the girls all made their way to the living room as Isaac poured them each a drink as he handed to them.

"I think I'm going to enjoy this place." said Pinkie. "Thanks, big bro."

"Anything for my friends." said Isaac as he grabbed his own drink.

"Let's have a toast." said Twilight as she stood by Isaac's side as she grabbed his hand.

"Well alright, I know that soon school will start and then we'll enter our final year of high school. Then it'll soon be time for us to graduate and then we each become adults. We each are going to go our own separate paths. That's why I wanted to have a place where we can hang out and just relax from the day to day things we encounter. Money will come and go, you all know that. But the most important thing in life will always be the people here in this room. Right here, right now." said Isaac as he looked at each one of the girls as they all smiled. "Salute mi familia".

"Salute". responded all of the girls as they each lifted their drink up with Isaac's as they clinked together.

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