• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 86: Valentine's Day

Love. The concept that everybody struggles to find and understand. Love has several meanings, for some it represents caring either to something or someone. To some it's a way of life, others see it as just an emotion that the human race can't fully comprehend. But one thing that is true about love is that it's powerful and it can create a bond between two individuals that could stand the test of time. However, love also works in mysterious ways and that it can be unpredictable. So it's on this day that everybody tries to express some sort of love towards the people they care about. And not just romantic love, it's also about the love between friends, family, and the community around you.

The town of Canterlot was full of the color of red and pink as a very special day was upon them. This day could either be good or bad depending on one thing: your relationship. To those who were a couple, this day allowed them to explore the wonders of Valentine's Day and allowed you to spend time with your special someone. For those that were single, it could either make you sad or drive you towards finding someone who you have a special connection with. However, this day everybody was showing their love towards each other. Friends and family exchanging little acts of love towards one another. The couples of Canterlot were getting ready for the holiday as the men bought flowers and chocolates for their ladies. Some even went so far as to buy some jewelry to show their commitment towards their women.

At school, Twilight was currently looking from a far as she watched her boyfriend who was at his locker. She had a notepad out as she was writing somethings down that could help her. She was so busy that she didn't notice someone calling out to her until they touched her shoulder.

"Hey Twilight! Whatcha doin'?"

"Ahh! Sunset, shush!" Twilight covered Sunset's mouth with her hand as she pulled them behind the corner. She peaked her head out to see if Isaac had noticed and to her delight he didn't, "Phew. He didn't see."

"Okay. What's going on?" asked Sunset as she removed Twilight's hand.

"Valentine's Day is almost here. And I've been following Isaac around, trying to figure when would be a good time to try out Plan A."

Sunset blinked, "Plan... A?" she asked, then shook her head, "Wait, you've been followin'-?"

"Plan A!" Twilight interrupted her, a book and rolled up piece of parchment flying out of her backpack, before the parchment unrolled, allowing Sunset to read the contents.

"Step one: Locate target and proceed to examine their general mood and temperament for the day. Step two: Determine best method to approach the target. Step thr-," she paused, and glanced up at Twilight, "So... you're just gonna walk up and talk to him?" she asked.

Twilight's eyes narrowed for a moment, before she smiled and nodded, "I suppose that's one way of putting it!" she chirped. "It's just that Isaac has done so much for me and he's always the one to plan our dates, so I'd figured maybe this time it's the girl who should do something special for the boy. That makes sense right?"

"Sure?" said Sunset.

Twilight rolled up the parchment in one motion, before the book opened and allowed Sunset to see it, "This book has plenty of ideas and scenarios I can reference for ideas, but I'm sure Plan A will more than suffice!" she said.

Sunset blinked, glancing at the title, "Matters of the-" was as far as she got when the book slammed shut and vanished into Twilight's backpack, the mare in question now red as a beet.

"Uh-hehe-you-uh-you don't need to read that!" Twilight said, laughing nervously.

Sunset just rolled her eyes at how her friend was acting, "Look, Twilight. Isaac probably doesn't want anything fancy. I'm sure he's just content with hanging out. You don't have to do anything over the top, he doesn't seem like that kind of guy, if anything a duel is probably the best thing you can give him."

"I know all that, it's just... well look at all the stuff he's done for me. He's given me happiness and some wonderful gifts." Twilight was now looking at her necklace that Isaac gave her for Christmas. It was the most meaningful thing to her that she never once took it off as she it held a special place in her heart. "I just want him to know that he doesn't always need to be the one to do romantic things."

"I get it. But sometimes simplicity is the best thing." stated Sunset as she put her hand on Twilight's shoulder. "Why don't you just ask him to the Hearts and Hooves dance for next week? I'm sure he's fine with that."

While the girls were talking, Isaac was currently at his locker as he was looking for his materials for his next class. "I know it's here, where is it?" It took a while, but Isaac was able to find what he was looking for as he pulled it out. However, a piece of paper fell out from his locker as it landed by his feet. "Thought I lost... what's this?" Isaac then picked up the paper.

He looked at it as it was folded, it didn't have any name or identification. He knew that Valentine's Day was drawing near, but he doubt Twilight or any of the girls would send him a note. He looked around to see if the owner of the note was around, but there was nobody there. So he did the most logically thing and unfolded the piece of paper as he hoped it could give him a clue. He then began to read it to himself.

"To Isaac,

For a while, I've been watching you from a far. You seem like a nice guy and I was hoping that you could meet with me afterschool today. I've got something that I want to get off my chest."

Signed, Anonymous.

Isaac flipped it over to see if there was more to the note but there wasn't, so he just reread it and tried to wrap his brain around the mysterious note. As far as love letters go, it wasn't the most extraneous. Regardless, the way it was written seemed to indicate something else other than a love letter. Safe to say it caught his attention, so he put it in his back pocket as he made the decision to meet with the mysterious person.

It was now the end of the school day as Isaac was in the back of the building as he was hoping to meet the person of the note in his locker. "Well, this is where they told me to meet them?" Isaac looked around to see the person who wrote him the note, but he saw no one. He decided to wait to see if anybody showed up, about 10 minutes had passed as there was still no sign. "Guess I must have been pranked." Isaac was about to leave when he heard someone.

"Is that you?" said a voice.

Isaac turned around to see someone come out of the bushes.

"Wasn't expecting this." said Isaac.

The CMC were in the library as they were discussing something. Valentine's Day was fast approaching and the school had decided to put on a dance and called it Hearts and Hooves. But that wasn't the top priority, they had their mind focused on another issue. One that involved a certain pink-skinned teacher.

"Come on girls, we got to have a plan?" suggested Applebloom.

"We've tried everything, but nothing works." said Sweetie Belle in a sad tone.

"How are we going to find a special someone for Miss Cheerilee?" said Scootaloo.

The girls were trying to figure out a plan to give their beloved teacher someone special to spend Valentine's Day with. They thought back to what had happened earlier in the day.


"Hmm... ah just don't feel like it's quite finished." said Applebloom as she had her hand on her chin.

"I know what you mean. If it's for Miss Cheerilee, it needs to be perfect. Valentine's Day only comes once a year, after all." stated Sweetie Belle.

"I say we add a little more ribbon!" Scootaloo then grabbed the material as she put it on the Valentine's Day card.

"Mm-hmm, yeah, yeah. And just a tiny bit more lace." added Sweetie Belle.

"A few more hand-prints." said Applebloom.

"Glitter! It could definitely use just a little more glitter!" exclaimed Scootaloo who rushed to grab a bottle of the stuff. She then shook it really fast as it exploded in front of them creating a cloud that caused them to cough a bit.

"Now that'll show Miss Cheerilee how much we care about her. Just have to get it to the Valentine's party at school." said Applebloom as she put her arms around her best friends.

"I think we're gonna need a bigger envelope." said Scootaloo as she looked at the project the three of them made.

Soon they arrived at school as it took all three of them to literally drag the giant Valentine's Day card into the building. Some of the other students were shocked at what they saw, even some of the girls looked at their boyfriends hoping they could do something like that for them. Eventually they were able to get their giant present into their classroom as they presented it to their teacher. Ms. Cheerilee was thankfully for the girls on giving her such a lovely gift. The real surprise was seeing Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon's faces as they couldn't believe that the CMC had one-upped them.

"It's lovely. And so... big!" Ms. Cheerilee was in awe at what she saw.

Applebloom then began to talk, "We just wanted to let you know that we think yer the best teacher in the whole wide world! And we think yer super! And that we love you so so much! And we want you to have the best Valentine's Day–"

"Ever!" said all the girls.

"Thank you so much, girls. I love it. I really do." said Ms. Cheerilee as she adorned all the hard work the girls put into this gift.

"Thanks, Miss Cheerilee. But I'm sure it's nothing compared to the gifts you've gotten from your... very special somebody." Sweetie Belle said with a lovestruck smile.

"Oh, I don't have a very special somebody at the moment." said Cheerilee in a calm tone.

"Really?" Applebloom was in shock by that statement.

"How could someone as amazing as you not have a very special somebody on Valentine's Day?"

"It's alright, Sweetie Belle. I have lots of good friends and wonderful students who care about me very much. I'm gonna have an absolutely terrific Valentine's Day. Alright, everybody, who's ready to play 'Pin the Heart on the Pony'?" asked Cheerilee as all of the other kids cheered excitedly.

(End of Flashback)

"If anyone deserves a very special someone, it's her." stated Applebloom.

"But how? We're tired everything, we asked all of the male staff and teachers and none of them are interested." said Scootaloo.

While the girls were thinking about what to do next, Sweetie Belle then thought of something as she let out a gasp.

"Uh, you all right?" said Applebloom as she was interested by her friend's reaction.

"I'm more than all right. I've just come up with the best idea ever." she said. "We've been thinking to narrow minded, if we want help in getting Miss Cheerilee a special someone then we need to ask someone with experience. Someone who could offer insight from a boy's perspective." she said as she smirk.

Applebloom and Scootaloo just looked at as they hadn't the foggiest idea on what their friend was saying.

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes, "I'm talking about Isaac."

"Why?" said Scootaloo.

"Duh, he's a boy. So he's bound to know some advice on how to get someone for Miss Cheerilee. Plus, you've seen how madly in love he's with Twilight. Way I see it, he's our ticket to getting Miss Cheerilee a special date for Valentine's Day." said Sweetie Belle. The girls were still unsure about the idea, but it seemed to be worth a shot.

The next day, the CMC spent all their time trying to find Isaac. They knew that being champion meant that he was constantly busying with his schedule, especially if he was challenged to a duel. Not to mention that Valentine's Day was just about a few days away, so they knew he probably had something planned for Twilight as they wanted to talk with him to not interfere too much with his planning. All day they searched the entire building, at lunchtime they saw him with Twilight and the girls but before they could ask him, he was immediately challenged to a duel. Isaac couldn't resist as he put on his duel disk and slotted in his deck, so they had nothing to do but wait till the battle ended which took up all of the lunch period. After that they tried to catch him in the hallways, but he quickly disappeared either into his next class or out of sight.

Soon school had ended for the day as the girls began to search for their mentor. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle asked their sisters if they knew where Isaac was to which they didn't. Even Twilight didn't know where Isaac was as she was looking to also talk to him about something entirely different. Eventually they stumbled upon Sunset who told them that Isaac was currently in the school library when she left. With that the CMC all left towards their destination. They arrived at the place as they were about to enter when the door opened up and almost hit Applebloom in the face as someone came rushing out.

"Got to hurry! Oh, hey girls." said Isaac as he quickly passed them.

"Wait up, Isaac!" shouted Sweetie Belle. "We have something we want to talk about."

"Look girls, I would really love to chat with you'll. But I have an important meeting with someone right now, so can we take a rain check and discuss this some other time?" asked Isaac.

"But it's urgent." said Applebloom.

"Sorry girls, but I gotta go." With that Isaac then rushed down the hall as he turned the corner; the girls just watched him disappear till he was out of their sights.

"Well that plan seemed to have worked." said Scootaloo sarcastically.

"Ahh! Now what are we gonna do?" pouted Sweetie Belle.

"At this rate, we'll never find someone for Miss Cheerilee." stated Applebloom.

Isaac was rushing down the hall as he made his way out to the back of the school. He then arrived at the same spot where the owner of his mysterious note told him to meet. Soon he saw the person coming out of the bushed just like the first time they met. The person who sent him the note was a small boy who had the same hair and skin color as Scootaloo but his hair was a bit darker purple; he had purple eyes, wore dark pants and a white button shirt that had a top hat and a spotlight on his pocket shirt.

"Is it just you?" the boy asked.

"Don't worry, Tender Taps. Nobody else followed me." said Isaac. "Now come on, let's get to today's lesson."

The note that Tender Taps had sent Isaac was cause he needed his help with a few things, but being the shy boy he was and due to how busy Isaac was from school meetings, to duel challenges, to even his private tutoring lessons with Celestia and Luna about understanding the business side of dueling and the pro leagues. He didn't know how to gain his attention, so he wrote him a note hoping that he could at least get a few minutes of his time and it worked. Isaac showed up and he was glad his idea worked; Isaac was no stranger to Tender Tap, in fact, he was one of the students who he taught with Twilight in their beginner class of Duel Monsters. Isaac also knew that Tender Taps was a decent duelist due to how hard he worked; in fact, prior to attending his class, Tender Taps never once played or knew about Duel Monsters. So it made Isaac happy to see someone who didn't know a single thing about the game be able to understand it and pick up the steps really quick. It made him happy to know he had a student who was willing to put in the hard work and be blessed with stellar results.

So with all that much praise, it made you wonder why Tender Taps had requested to speak with Isaac one on one. Well one of those reasons was that he wanted to get a few private lessons from the champion himself as he wanted to take his game to the next level. So Isaac granted the boy's request and he gave the kid some extra help. There was also another reason why he wanted Isaac's help. With that Isaac then got to work on helping out Tender Taps and his dueling. They did a couple of practice drills that lasted for a good solid 20 minutes as Tender Taps was bent over with his hands on his knees as he was breathing heavily.

"Good work, Tender Taps." applauded Isaac. "You actually lasted longer this time."

"Heh... thanks... though... I still lost." said Tender Taps as he finally caught his breath. "Plus you're not using your real deck, you're using one of the ones that you and Miss Sparkle use to teach us in class."

"So? You did good and that's what counts." Isaac then made his way towards Tender Taps as he looked at the small boy. "You came from not even knowing what Duel Monsters was to already mastering the basics and then some. You even constructed your own deck and now all you need to do is figure out which method of summoning you want to excel in, but we can worry about that later, right now just focus on what I've taught you. Remember losing is just as important as winning, even I've suffered a couple of losses in the past before I became the great duelist you see standing before you. Sure I may have some powerful cards, but in a duel it comes down to a person's skill, confidence and their ability to react in a scenario. So take losing as a learning experience and apply it to future situations."

"Right." nodded Tender Taps.

"Now then, let's take break." suggested Isaac.

He then pulled out some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and bottles of water as they began to nimble on their snack. While they were talking, Tender Taps asked Isaac more about his deck as well as his backstory on how he got into dueling. Isaac enlighten the young boy by telling him about his role model and how he always had a passion for dueling at a young age. Eventually while they talked the topic of Tender Tap's other issue arose.

"So, have you told her?"

"What!?! No." said Tender Taps as he put his head down. "I mean I know I should do it, but I just get so nervous and shy."

"It's naturally, but how else are you gonna get Applebloom to notice you?"

"I'd figured that with the Valentine's Day dance coming up, that maybe it would allow me the perfect opportunity to possible get to know her a bit better." said Tender Taps. "I mean you certainly know what you're doing in your relationship."

"Not really." said Isaac as he took a sip of his water. "I mean I never asked to be a relationship, it just sorted of happened. Don't get me wrong, I have no regrets with my special someone, but I never went with the intent of her and I getting together. It started out just like any normal friendship, hanging out and getting to know each other. And from there it just blossomed as I saw that everytime I spent with her it made me happy."

"Well my situation is a bit different in that I'm dealing with a crush."

"Tender, the only advice I can give you is to just be yourself. It worked for me and I believe it can too. Just take the chance and ask Applebloom to be your date for the Hearts and Hooves school dance, the worst she can say is no. And at the event you can wow her with those sick dance moves."

"You really think so?" asked Tender Taps as he looked at Isaac.

"Absolutely. Plus you still got to teach me, remember I agreed to these lessons so that in return you can teach me how to tap dance. Can't wait to show Twilight some new moves." chuckled Isaac.

"Alright, a deal's a deal." said Tender Taps as Isaac just patted him on the head. "I'll ask her tomorrow after Miss Cheerilee's class."

"Sounds like a plan." said Isaac.

"Now then, hope you're rested up cause we got a long way before you can master the basics of tap dancing." stated Tender Taps as he pulled out his tap dancing shoes and did a little routine for Isaac.

The next day at school the kids in Ms. Cheerilee's class were going over their daily lesson. Tender Taps sat at his desk as he practiced what he was going to say to Applebloom. Meanwhile the CMC were trying to figure out their plan to find someone to be Cheerilee's special someone. Safe to say that all signs lead to a dead end, still they were determined to find someone to be Cheerilee's valentine. The school bell rang as Cheerilee dismissed her class, Tender Taps then stood up as he took some deep breaths. He then began walking towards Applebloom, but soon found himself feeling nervous which eventually led to him hyperventilating. His actions didn't go unnoticed.

"Um... can we help you with something?" said Sweetie Belle.

Tender Taps snapped out of his little mental state and realized that he'd been staring at them, particularly Applebloom the whole time in plain sight. He immediately felt his face go completely red and his brain was sent into panic mode. And it didn't help that Applebloom was looking at him.

"Um... uh... I... well..." he stammered.

"Uh... are you alright?" asked Scootaloo.

"Um... s-sorry!" Tender Taps said before running for it. He zipped past them as he exited the classroom leaving the three girls with confused looks.

"Well... that was weird." said Applebloom.

"Indeed, thought from the looks of it. It seemed he was staring at you, Applebloom." said Scootaloo with a sly smile.

"Girls, can we focus back on our objective? We need to find someone for Miss Cheerilee. Now come on." With that Sweetie Belle led the group onto their little crusade.

The next couple of days flew by as it was now the day before the Hearts and Hooves school dance. The girls spent tireless time trying to find someone for their teacher but their search came up to no result. Eventually they were now in the front of the school steps as they were disappointed.

"I can't believe we failed." said Applebloom.

"I guess Miss Cheerilee will spend Valentine's day all alone." stated Scootaloo.

"We just wanted her to be happy." said Sweetie Belle in a sad tone.

Not far was Isaac and Tender Taps who saw the girls. Tender Taps had told Isaac about how he let his nerves get the better of him and ever since his unusual stare a few days ago, he had been avoid Applebloom. He didn't want her to think that he was some weird creeper. So Isaac was now with the boy as he wanted to provide some moral support.

"I don't know, Isaac. Maybe I should forget about this and just stay home? I mean it's a weekend." suggested Tender Taps.

"Okay, then I hope you don't mind a test on all those new lessons as well as an essay. And I want it in class by Monday." said Isaac with a smug smile.

"Point taken, alright." Tender Taps took a deep breath.

"Your damn straight." said Isaac. "Besides I'm making sure that I get my money's worth on those tap dancing lessons." With that Isaac gave Tender Taps a shove as he started making his way toward the girls with Isaac following a few steps behind.

"Now what are we gonna do?" said all the girls.

"What's with all the sad faces?" said Isaac as he got the girl's attention. "Seems like you're in need of some cheering up."

"Isaac?" said all of them.

"Where have you been?" stated Sweetie Belle. "We've been trying to find and ask you about something for days now!"

"Calm down, Sweetie Belle." stated Isaac.

While Isaac was arguing with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, Tender Taps looked at Applebloom who just waved at him to which he returned.


"Hey." said Tender Taps.

"You're Tender Taps, right? I see you sitting behind me in Miss Cheerilee's class."

"Oh, you know me?" Applebloom's response caught Tender Taps off guard as he wasn't expecting this.

"Ah'd figured. Ah hear that you have a talent for dancin'?"

"Tap dancing, actually. It's been something that I've loved since I was very little." said Tender Taps as he rubbed the back of his neck while Applebloom giggled a bit. "Say, mind if I... ask you something?"


"Well... Applebloom... I... I-I was wondering if you would like to go to the Heart and Hooves school dance with me?" Tender Taps then looked away as he prepared for the worst.

"Sure." Applebloom said nonchalantly.

"You will?"

"Sure. Me and mah friends are goin' as a group, I don't think they'll mind another person taggin' along."

"Right. As friends, well then, I'll see then."

"See ya." Applebloom then playfully punched him in the shoulder as it caused Tender Taps to blush a bit. With that he left as it Applebloom made her way towards the other.

"What was that about?" asked Scootaloo.

"It was just Tender Taps who asked if he could tag along with us for the school dance. I told him it was alright, hope you girls don't mind."

The two of them shook their heads as they saw no problem with it, while Isaac had a different expression on his face. Seems the plan kinda of worked, but thankfully Isaac had a backup plan. Seems those tap dancing lessons were really going to come in handy after all. Eventually the girls vented out their frustrations to Isaac about finding someone for Cheerilee which led Isaac to giving them a lesson about how no matter how good their intentions were, they shouldn't mess in the affairs/relationship of others.

It was now the night of the Hearts and Hooves school dance, thankfully the dress code for this event was casual. Everybody was showing up as the entire auditorium was covered in Valentine decorations. The party was in full swing as everybody was enjoying themselves. Twilight however showed up and she was a bit upset, she had hoped to plan something elaborate for her and Isaac for Valentine's day. However, ever since that day she talked with Sunset, she hadn't even seen him. He didn't even return her calls which really bugged. So she gave up on her plan and attended the dance with the rest of the girls; meanwhile the CMC were talking with each other while they danced on the dance floor in the sea of people.

"Hey Applebloom, didn't you say Tender Taps would be joining us?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Yeah, where is the guy?" said Scootaloo.

"Don't know, maybe he decided to cancel." said Applebloom as she didn't give much thought.

Soon they heard a voice over the microphone as Celestia made an announcement. "Students, I hope you're all enjoying tonight. Now it gives me great pleasure to provide you with some entertainment, so please give a warm welcome to both Tender Taps and Isaac.

"What?" said the CMC and Twilight.

"Are this is a good idea?" said Tender Taps from behind the curtain.

"Trust me it's gonna work." said Isaac as the curtain lifted up and they were standing in front of the crowd of people.

They were both dressed in tap dancer outfits. Soon Isaac started to stamp his foot as he the music began to play. With that Tender Taps got rid of his nervous and meek persona as he began to be full of confidence as he took the lead. Both of the boys began to perform some slow perididdles. For a moment, Applebloom felt somewhat underwhelmed. However, both began to increase in speed. Soon they were both moving with speed that no-one had ever seen. In fact, the crowd was now cheering on the two of them with Isaac being able to direction the attention towards Tender Taps. The taps, clicks, and clacks, began to blend together as they began to move onto other steps. Soon they were both tapping all over the stage as they ended their routine with a slide as they tipped their top hats to the crowd. They received a standing ovation as their peers gave a thunderous applause. While Tender Taps was taking this in, he looked at Applebloom who was also impressed by the boy's talent.

Throughout the performance, Applebloom was paying attention to Tender Taps. When she first met the boy, she could tell that he was very nervous and had some anxiety about performance in front of others. But now she could see his confidence when he was dancing. As the routine continued on, she began to blush a bit; she initially thought the boy was "cute", but after that performance she now saw him as "very handsome." Once they finished, she saw Tender Taps looking at her and was now blushing even harder. Tender Taps noticed Applebloom had been blushing and, to her surprise, began to blush back. She realized this wasn't the kind of blush one did simply because one was embarrassed, but from being around someone you liked but didn't quite know why.

After that killer performance, Isaac looked at Tender Taps and gave him a smile. His plan to not only show off his moves and get Applebloom to notice him proved to be a success. He tried to give the boy a high-five, but he just gave Isaac a hug as he wrapped his arms around Isaac's lower body. Isaac just patted his head as he ruffled the boy's hair. A few moments later, Isaac had changed back into his regular outfit when noticed Twilight by the punch bowl as she had her arms crossed and looked at him.

"I've been looking for you for days! Where were you?" she shouted. "Do you know how hard I've-"

Isaac just shut Twilight up by grabbing her by the waist and gave her a kiss as he brought his right hand up to cusp her face. Twilight was shocked but eventually closed her eyes as she returned the same effort of the kiss as she wrapped her arms around Isaac's neck. It seemed to work as Twilight immediately forgot about her plan to surprise Isaac; they broke away as Isaac looked at her and gave her a smile.

"So did you like my performance?"

"Yeah. Though you've done it again, just once can you let me plan something for the two of us?" said Twilight as she gave a pouting face.

"Maybe." said Isaac as he bopped her nose. He then looked over to Tender Taps who was currently with Applebloom as he could see the blush on both of their faces.

Applebloom had approached Tender Taps as both of them were both blushing and nervous. "Hey."

"Hey." replied Tender Taps.

"Gotta say ah found yer performance to be great." she said. "Not to mention you were kind cute up there."

Tender Taps went stiff when he heard Applebloom call him cute. "Heh, thanks. You really like my performance?"

"Ehh-yup." said Applebloom as she did her best Big Mac impression.

Soon a slow jazz song began to play from the Dj as Tender Taps saw people either get off the dance floor or pair up. He noticed that Isaac was leading Twilight to the dance floor as he gave him one final nod to show that he got this. So Tender Taps took a deep breath as he made the leap of faith and took his chance. "Applebloom, would you mind if you share a dance with me?"

"Yeah." said Applebloom as they got close to each other.

Tender Taps held his hands around her; one around her waist as he held another in his hand. He then gave Applebloom a gentle smile as he looked at her with both of them blushing. Applebloom felt her heart soar a bit, as the orange boy spoke, "So, I hope you know how to dance like this."

"Ah'm not too familiar with this kind of dancin'," Applebloom replied. She then wrapped her free arm around Tender Taps' waist as, with her face now almost entirely red, she replied, "But ah'm a fast learner, and ah think you might be a wonderful teacher."

Smiling, Tender Taps took the lead, and soon, the two kids were dancing hand in hand. While Applebloom was internally giggling since she could hear the sounds of his tap shoes gently touching the floor, she was far more focused on her partner. He was even more handsome than she remembered, and his face gave the sense of warmth and acceptance. When Tender Taps began to lift the hand that held hers, Applebloom caught on to what he was implying and twirled gracefully. Once she was facing him again, the two teens began to move slightly faster, swaying to the music.

Tender Taps then began to raise their hands again. Applebloom, smiling like a dumb idiot, twirled again, feeling lighter than air. And when he finished her twirl, she did something she didn't think she'd have done that day. Applebloom stepped up to Tender Taps and closing her eyes kissed him right on the cheek as she placed her head on his chest. Tender Taps was absolutely dumbfounded at what had happened that he let out a happy noise that sounded like a horse neighing. He looked at Applebloom who he was still holding in his arms as he looked at Isaac; Isaac was doing the same as Twilight was in his arms as she closed her eyes and he had his chin onto of her head. Isaac saw the little scene of the two kids as he gave Tender Taps a thumbs up which really made the young boy smile. He was glad this day turned out well as he at least let Applebloom know that he was interested in her; Isaac just watched the young boy as he was proud that Tender Taps was able to get over his fear and confront his crush. With that Isaac got back to enjoying the night as he had his special somebody in his arms.

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