• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 34: The Winter Ball

Safe to say that the weather was starting to get a bit colder. It got to the point where Isaac had to put on a jacket on top of his hoodie to keep himself warm. It also started to snow a bit but it wasn't falling heavily as the students could still walk on the sidewalks without having to worry about trudging through the snow. The students were going over their final lessons as not only was the Winter Ball coming up at the end of the week, but the following week after that was the start of Finals Weeks. That made everybody at school fully nervous because they were all stressed with trying to get all the information crammed into their heads.

The one thing they weren't stressed about is the Winter Ball because it served as the breather that the students needed. Of course the only thing that they were glad to see was they got to witness the final duel of the semester before Winter Break. Now that it was made official of Rainbow Dash v. Isaac; many people were taking an interest in this match. The main reason being that this was the first time that both competitors would be facing each other; prior to the Winter Ball the only other chance these two were even in the same room was when they were competing in the Fall Formal, but unfortunately Sunset had managed to eliminate Dash and went on to the finals to where Isaac would defeat her and become champion. Since that, they haven't had a chance to actually duel one on one, even in a practice match, these two never faced each other.

Isaac was happy because it meant that he would have a new challenger to face, but more importantly he would be facing one of his friends. In the end, it didn't matter if he won or lost, Isaac was just looking forward to having a good time. It was the end of the day and Isaac was at his locker as he was getting ready to head home and do some more studying when he somebody tapped his shoulder. Isaac turned around and it was none other than Rainbow who was standing there with a smile on her face and a piece of paper in her hand.

"Guess what?"

"You came here to tell me that I'd better be afraid?"

"Clever, but no that's not the reason. Take a look at this." Rainbow then handed the piece of paper to Isaac.

"A B+, that's good." Isaac then handed the paper back to Dash.

"It's better than good. That's the highest I've ever scored on a math test. The teacher was so impressed that she said if I kept it up then I should pass the exam with at most an A-. I've never felt like this before it's like I feel incredible for doing something that I don't like."

"It's called being proud of putting in the work. Now you know how it feels, if you take the time to actually sit down and look at a problem instead of dozing off then you'll find it's not that complicated as you make it. Nevertheless, I'm proud of you Dash. You really showed that you were serious in wanting to study."

"Thanks but I couldn't do it without you. You actually put up with me and my attitude and were willing to give up your time to help me study, not a lot of people would do that. I'm grateful of that."

"Don't worry about that; as long as you do what you do and keep studying then I believe you've got nothing to worry about when it comes to the final." Isaac had just put on his coat and was getting ready to leave when he was stopped by Rainbow.

"Hey, look I know that you're more concerned with studying for your finals and for our match at the Winter Ball. But maybe if you're not busy, you wouldn't mind seeing a movie? I happen to have purchased some tickets for the new Daring Do movie that's being released next week and I have an extra ticket. I asked the girls if they wanted to go with me, but they're all busy with preparing for finals and the ball. So if you want, care to take the other ticket?"

"You're kidding, whatever happened to the whole not one for romantic things?"

"You idiot! I'm trying to be nice; look I just want to repay the favor that you did. If it's one thing that I hate, it's being in debt to someone. Plus I hate to see an extra ticket I bought go to waste, so are you going to take it or not!?" Rainbow tried her best to hide her face as it was a bit red.

"If it'll get you to calm down, then I'll gladly accept your idea of a date." said Isaac as he had a smug smile on his face and in his tone.

"It's not a date!!!" Rainbow was not getting furious with how Isaac was toying with her.

"Still, are you sure you want to do this? I mean the date of this ticket is the same as the Winter Ball; do you really want to be seen with me before our big duel in the evening?"

"I'm sure, if anything I'll say that it was your idea of trying to get a sneak peek at my strategy. Besides, you're the one paying for the food and drinks."

Isaac justed rolled his eyes at how Rainbow was insist on him for paying for their snacks. "Just one question: Who/What is Daring Do?". That was the worse answer Isaac could have said as Rainbow just stood there with her mouth hanging open as he began to explain to Isaac. After a long explanation, Isaac just simplified learned that Daring Do was a person who went on adventures to discover/recover ancient artifacts all while trying to save the day from the villian. In short, it was similar to another person that Isaac heard about someone called Indiana something. Regardless, Isaac agreed to going with Rainbow to see the movie.

The next week came by and went. Everybody was doing a lot of studying since the next day was not only the Winter Ball, but Celestia had decided to cancel school so that the students could prepare for the ball/duel. Right now Isaac and Dash were in the auditorium sitting at a table having a mini face to face as they were talking about facing each. There was even a crowd of students watching/listening in as Celestia and Luna were the moderators.

"Well then, I look forward to facing you tomorrow Rainbow. I hope that you'll give me a fight to remember."

"Same to you. You've had a pretty good title reign, but that all changes tomorrow when I beat you and take your spot as champ. So enjoy these last few moments because it will be your last. Everybody here knows I'm the best, and tomorrow I prove what I've always known, that I'm a winner and everybody else doesn't come close to keeping up with me."

Isaac just had a smile on his face as he heard Rainbow's attempt at trying to intimidate him. "Then do me a favor, try to not to lose so quickly. I mean Applejack certainly knew how to show me a good time; she clearly showed she's got enough stamina to go and then some." Isaac knew how serious Rainbow took her rivalry with Applejack and he knew she hated ever losing to Aj. He was trying to get under her skin and it was working.

"You want to do this? You really want this? Well guess what, after I'm done with you, you're going to completely forget about your wonderful time with Applejack. After our duel is done, the only thing you're going to have on your mind is me. Because I'm better than her and when it comes to showing people a good time, there's nobody who does it better than me. So get ready Isaac because I'm going to blow away your mind when it's just me and you."

"Then I look forward to what you have planned; just know that I'll be here in case you need a shoulder to cry on after you lose." With that Isaac stood up and offered his hand for Rainbow to shake to which she did and returned the same gaze as him as she prepared to face him tomorrow night. After that the gang all went to Rarity's place as she had to get the final preparations made for their dress code; of course the girls had a bit easier time as Rarity had to adjust the dresses to match the girls' expectations. As for Isaac, Rarity took a bit longer as she had to make sure that the suit fit Isaac. When he looked in the mirror, he found it odd he was wearing something so old fashioned but instead of a fancy suit, he was wearing a military uniform from that era as he felt it matched his personality more than being a stuck up noble. (If any of you have seen Hamilton, then just picture the clothes that he wore when he was fighting in the war and when he met his wife.) Soon they all dispersed as they left home.

The next day was the day of the Winter Ball and the last duel of the semester before Winter Break. In terms of what he had planned, Isaac and his family were actually going back to Chicoltgo to see the rest of their family. They wanted to see their relatives and inform them of how they liked living in their new place so far. That meant he wouldn't have time to hang out with the girls during the break, especially because once Isaac was done with his last final he and his family would be on their way. So ideally the Winter Ball was going to be the last time that everybody got to see him duel until the after the break. But before that, Isaac had some time to enjoy himself. In fact, he was about to do that when he met Rainbow Dash in front of the movie theatre; he saw her waiting for him and when he arrived they then went in. Rainbow went to find them some seats, while Isaac got them some snacks. Once he made the purchase, he then met up with Rainbow and they prepared themselves as the movie began to play. It was exciting to say the least as Isaac found himself invested in the film as well as Rainbow. After the film ended, they both made their way out into the lobby and couldn't stop smiling.

"That was awesome! Did you see the way Daring Do just swooped in and saved the day? It felt like I was the one doing it!"

"I know and the way she defeated that evil Dr. Caballeron. She was able to use his own plan to outsmart him. She's shown that not only is daring but also really cunning. Thanks for showing me that Dash, it felt good to take a breather from all this studying."

"Anytime, but don't think that this means I'll be going easy on you. I still plan on winning tonight, and sending you home empty handed for Christmas." Rainbow had a smug look on her face as she addressed Isaac.

Isaac looked at his phone to see the time and saw that it was getting kind of late. With that they both made their way to Rarity's place where they were going to meet up with the others; apparently she needed help bringing the costumes over to the school and didn't want to walk in the cold weather since it was beginning to snow. Once they got all the clothes loaded up they all drove to the school as nighttime began to take hold and they unloaded the racks of dresses/suits as they put them in the auditorium for the students to grab and change into. Once everybody was set, the Winter Ball had officially begun with everybody all gushed up. The girls all had mixed reaction with their dresses, Pinkie and Fluttershy both liked their dress. Applejack and Rainbow Dash both had a distaste as they didn't like the overpuffy dress; Sunset just had a face that said 'she didn't care'. Still they knew how hard Rarity put to make these dresses that they didn't want to upset her.

"Well, aren't you girls excited? This is the last time we'll get to hang out seeing as we'll all be busy after this."

"It's not like this will be the last time we'll see each other, Rares. Sure we'll have our own things to do with our kin during the holidays but we'll still be able to hang with each other."

"Applejack's right." Isaac had now made his way to the girls as he was wearing his outfit for the Winter Ball. "You all will be able to see and hang out with each other. I won't be here since I'll be leaving after my last final."

"It's a shame we won't get to see you, but we understand you and your family wanting to see your relatives. Especially after all that has happened since you first enrolled in CHS. You've changed all of our lives, including mine." said Sunset.

Isaac just gave them all a smile and a thumbs up. Just then the music started and some of the students began to make their way to the dance floor. Isaac then thought of an idea and then turned to face Rainbow; he then offered his hand to her as he asked her to dance. Rainbow was a bit embarrassed about what was happening especially since it was happening in front of the others. She didn't what to make it awkward so she just accepted Isaac's invitation as he lead them to the dance floor. The rest of the girls just had a smile/giggle as they watched Rainbow being uncomfortable.

"What are you trying to do? You got a death wish or something!"

"No, I just wanted to give you a dance as a way to say thanks for taking me to see a movie, plus there's still time before our duel, so technically we're still on our date." Isaac then placed his hand on Rainbow's hip and her hand in his. Rainbow then put her other hand on Isaac's arm as she looked at him. She felt a sense of happiness as she looked into Isaac's eyes; they then began to move in time with the music as their friends looked on. The rest of the night went by peacefully and soon it was time for the duel as both Isaac and Dash had to leave to get ready for their duel; before Isaac left to his own room to change he was stopped by Rainbow Dash.

"Well this is it, good luck Rainbow." Isaac then turned to leave.

"Wait, Isaac. Good luck to you too. And one more thing." With that Rainbow kissed Isaac on the lips which lasted a good solid few seconds. Thankfully, none of the others were around to see this as they would make fun of her. Rainbow put all she had into kissing Isaac as she didn't want to let him go, but she knew she had to. Once she ran out of breath, she removed her lips from Isaac and then left to prepare herself for their duel. Isaac was a bit dumbfounded for a few seconds but quickly regained his composure as he had to focus on his upcoming match.

Once everybody had received the signal they all moved to the side as both Rainbow and Isaac had made their way to the center and were facing each other. They had changed into their regular clothes and activated their duel disks as they waited for Luna to give the signal to start. They just stared at each other as they prepared for one final duel before everybody left for the holidays. Luna then made her way and addressed the two duelists from the stage.

"If both of you are ready, then let the final duel of this semester, begin!!"

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel" said the voices of their duel disks.

"Time to duel!" they both shouted.

Rainbow Dash's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Rainbow

"Time to kick this off, draw." This is it, time to show everybody what I can do and to see how far I can go with Isaac. I've been waiting for this moment for a long time. Now Isaac has seen the way I duel, so he knows my dueling style better than anyone, even me. Which means if I want to win, then I'll have to mix things up and do things he won't expect. "I'll start by playing U.A. Libero Spiker(1800/1800) and set a card facedown."

"This is it! Yeah, go Rainbow! Show everybody why you're awesome!" Scootaloo was cheering at the top of her lungs as she rooting on her idol.

"And that's all this turn." When Rainbow ended her turn, nearly everybody was confused. Normally, she would be constantly switching out her monsters to fit the current situation. This time she just simply played a single monster and facedown and passed her turn. Even Scootaloo and Isaac were confused on how Rainbow had chose to start out her turn.

Turn 2: Isaac

Strange, Rainbow didn't start out like she normally does? What could her reason be?

"Hey now, don't tell me that I've already got you stumped? Or have you come to realize that you won't be walking away the winner?"

"It'll take a lot more than that to throw me off my game, Rainbow. Draw. I'll play Breaker the Magical Warrior; then I'll play the spell card Dark Magical Circle. I'll now look at the top 3 cards, then I can reveal a 'Dark Magician' or 'Dark Magician' related spell/trap card. As for the other 2 cards, I can put them on top of my deck in any order I choose." Isaac's duel disk then brought up his next 3 cards and Isaac began to think which one he wanted. He tapped the screen and chose the one he wanted and rearranged the order of his other cards. The duel disk then slotted out the card as Isaac put it in his hand. "Now time for me to attack, Breaker take out Rainbow's U.A. Libero Spiker!" With that Isaac's warrior raised its sword and disposed of Dash's monster. "With that I'll set 2 cards facedown. Now then show me what else you have planned."
Rainbow Dash's Life Points: 7900-

Turn 3: Rainbow

"Right then, draw." I was expecting Isaac to pull off a heavy start, but it seems he's just feeling me out. Well I was getting tired of waiting. Time to kick things up a notch. "I summon my U.A. Midfielder, then I'll switch out Midfielder to special summon U.A. Mighty Slugger in attack. Now Slugger attacks your Breaker and due to his ability when he attacks, you can't activate any cards/effects until the end of the damage step." With that Rainbow's monster destroyed Isaac's Breaker as he lost some life points. "I'll then end my turn."
Isaac's Life Points: 7600-

Turn 4: Isaac

"Not bad, but I'm just getting started." Isaac drew his card and began to access the situation. "I'll play the spell card Pot of Greed." The duel disk then slotted out two cards for Isaac to grab. "I'll then play my Electromagnetic Turtle in defense mode, next I'll activate the spell card Dark Magic Veil, now by using my life points I'll bring out my ace monster, appear Dark Magician!" Out of the vortex, came Isaac's star monster as he took his place by his master. "Hope your ready, Rainbow. The effect of my Dark Magical Circle kicks in, since I summoned my Dark Magician I can banish 1 card on the field and I choose your U.A. Mighty Slugger." Isaac's circle then appeared on Dash's field as it removed her monster from play. "Now you're wide open, Dark Magician attack Rainbow directly!"
Rainbow Dash's Life Points: 5400-

"I'll then end my turn."
Isaac's Life Points: 6600-

Turn 5: Rainbow

"My turn." If I don't do something about that spell of Isaac's then he's just going to keep getting rid of my cards, especially since he has many ways of bringing back his Dark Magician. "I'll play the field spell U.A. Stadium, then I'll summon my U.A. Midfielder. Next I'll tag out my Midfielder to call out my U.A. Dreadnought Dunker. Now since I summoned my Midfielder, I can add 1 'U.A.' monster from my deck to my hand. Then my Dunker gains 500 more attack points. Now time your put your magician out of commission, Dunker take out Dark Magician!"

"I'll activate my facedown Negate Attack, now your battle phase comes to an end."

"Then it's a good thing I came prepared. I reveal my facedown, U.A. Genetics. With this trap I can pass on the ability of one of my U.A. monsters that was already on the field previously. Sure you may have banished my U.A. Slugger, but he was still on the field before he left. So with Slugger's effect, my Dunker now makes it to where when he attacks you can't activate cards/effects till the end of the damage step. So that means you can't use your trap this turn and it resolves. So my attack continues!" Dreadnought then took down Isaac's magician as it emerged victorious from the struggle.
Isaac's Life Points: 6100-

"Did I forget to mention Dreadnought Dunker's own effect? Whenever he deals damage, I can then destroy 1 card on the field. So say goodbye to your Dark Magical Circle!" With that Dash had managed to not only take out Isaac's signature monster but also his spell card. "That will make things easier for me, I'll then set a card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 6: Isaac

"Impressive, you managed to get rid of my magician as well as my spell. Not many people can do that; seems you really took the time to see all the angles and properly address the situation."

"Well, I had a good teacher and an even better friend."

"My turn. Hope you didn't think you were done with my magician just yet, Rainbow. Because I'm bringing him back with this spell Premature Burial. So by paying 800 life points, I can revive my Dark Magician." Just like that Isaac's Dark Magician was back and raring to go. Rainbow just had a disdain on her face as she thought for sure she got rid of it. "Next I'll play Magician's Copy. Now I select 1 monster on my side and I can bring out up to 2 magicians that are the same level but their effects are negated. So I'll play a pair of Magician of Dark Illusion from my deck." Now Isaac had 3 magicians staring Dash in the face. "Lastly, I'll overlay my two Magician of Dark Illusion. With these two monster, I construct the Overlay Network and Xyz summon Ebon High Magician(2300/2800) in defense mode."
Isaac's Life Points: 5300-

When Isaac completed his summoning method, out came a new magician for everybody to see. Their fellow peers were in awe and were clapping to show their appreciation for Isaac summoning a new monster to debut tonight. Dash took a moment to appreciate what she was seeing; Isaac kept finding some way to not only make this duel enjoyable but he was actually showing her a good time.

"I'll just end my turn there and pass it to you Dash."

Turn 7: Rainbow

So Isaac's got a new monster, no matter. I'll still win; so he can summon all the new creatures he want but at the end of the day it'll be me as the one who comes out the victor. "I'll summon out my U.A. Midfielder and then switch out to play U.A. Playmaker to the field. So now a couple of things happen, my field spell allows me to add another 'U.A.' monster from my deck to my hand. Then all my monsters gain 500 points; so my Dreadnought Dunker now has 4000 attack points and my Playmaker has 3100 attack. Now they've got enough points to take out most of your field, especially when I activate my facedown, U.A. Penalty Box. Now when a 'U.A.' monster battles an opponent's monster, I can banish it till your second end phase. So time to say goodbye to your Dark Magician and Ebon High Magician, attack my athletes!"

"Don't think so, Dash. I activate Ebon High Magician's special ability, now by using 1 overlay unit I can play a quick-play spell or trap from my hand during your turn."

"From your hand? You can't do that!"

"Can't I? Well I just did, and with that I use my magician's effect to play Magical Dimension, then I'll sacrifice my Electromagnetic Turtle and use his power to call on another spellcaster. Make way for the lady of the hour, appear Dark Magician Girl!" Isaac's spell then sucked in his turtle and out came the stunning magician girl who struck a pose as all the boys expressed their feelings for her when she made her appearance. "Now the other effect of my spell allows me to destroy a monster, so I choose U.A. Dreadnought Dunker!

Rainbow's Dreadnought Dunker was then hit with a powerful beam as it was destroyed by Isaac. She still pressed on with her attack. "You may have gotten rid of my Dunker, but I still have my Playmaker as well as my trap. So first I'll banish your Ebon High Magician till your the end of your 2nd turn. Then Playmaker take out his magician!"

"I reveal my facedown card, Magical Hats! Now Dash lets see if you can find where he's hiding." Isaac tapped his screen to activate his card and out came 4 hats that hid the magician and then began to shuffle before appearing in a row. Now it was up to Dash to see if she could guess right.

"I'm not scared of what you've got; time to erase your monster. Playmaker attack the first hat on the left!" Playmaker then raised its fists as it brought them down on the hat. It exploded into smoke as they waited to see if Rainbow had guessed right. Once it cleared, there were still three hats remaining on the field which meant that she had missed.

"Strike one." said Isaac with a cocky smile on his mouth.

"Arrr! You're really annoying, you know that!"

"True, but that's what you love about me, right?"

"I don't love you! I'll just end my turn with a facedown, now hurry up!" Rainbow was trying to hide her embarrassment as well as her blush on the comment that Isaac made about her being in love.

Turn 8: Isaac

"Lighten up, Dash. I'm just teasing you, plus this duel has been so much fun. Now time to shift gears." Isaac looked at his hand to see his options, even Mana was also looking with him at his hand. "What do suggest, Mana?"

"Whatever you decide, Isaac. Know that me and master Mahad put our full trust in you."

"Alright, I'll start by equipping my Dark Magic Girl with Magic Formula. Now she gains an extra 700 attack boost which raises her to 2700. Then I'll set one card facedown."

Turn 9: Rainbow

"Draw. I'll summon out Midfielder and then from my hand I can special summon my U.A. Player Manager(2000/2600) in defense mode. Now since I special summoned my Player Manager, I can activate of his effects. I'll choose his first one which allows me to target 1 card and destroy it. So time for hats to disappear! With that done, it means my monsters are free to attack, plus the effect of my field spell gives my monsters a 500 boost. Not to mention that my Penalty Box trap card is still in effect which means I can banish your monster when I declare an attack. So time to bid farewell to your Dark Magician, attack!" Rainbow's Playmaker then started to charge as it set its sight on Isaac's Dark Magician.

"I reveal my trap, Spellbinding Circle. Now your Playmaker's attack is called off, plus he loses 700 attack points and can't change battle positions. With that your trap is render useless." Isaac had managed to save his magician by stopping Rainbow's monster from attacking.

"God damn it!" Rainbow screamed at the top of her lungs as she was sick and tired of Isaac dodging her attempts at trying to destroy his magician. "I'll end my turn."

Turn 10: Isaac

"Talk about a close call. Alright, time to deal with Rainbow's cards." That field spell has certainly helped her in increasing her monsters' attack, which means I need to take it out now or else I won't have enough firepower to win this duel. Maybe this card can help me out. "I play the spell Card of Sanctity, now we each draw till we each hold 6 cards in our hand." Isaac drew his cards and were smiling at what he got. "Now I'll play the tuner monster Nitro Synchron, then get ready Dash because I'm about to do a little tune up. I tune my level 2 Nitro Synchron with my Dark Magician; when I use Dark Magician as a synchro material he counts as a level 6 instead of 7. So now I Synchro Summon, Dark Sorcerer Magician(2500/2100)!"

Once again Isaac had managed to summon out a new monster which got the attention of everybody in attendance. Rainbow was even surprised as Isaac's new spellcaster made his presence known. "How? Where did you get that card? As far as we know, you mostly used your Dark Magician to fusion summon and on the rare occasion an Xyz summon, but never once have you used him for a Synchro summon."

"Well this little card was given to me as a gift from out time at Everton. Granted other than right now, I've only played him once. Now to introduce him to you'll with a demonstration of his ability. When my Dark Sorcerer Magician is summoned, he can destroy 1 spell/trap on the field, so say goodbye to your U.A. Stadium." Isaac's spellcaster then pointed his wand at Dash's card and zapped it. "Now time to attack Playmaker, and now his other ability activates; my magician can cut your monster's strength in half and he gains half of those points as his own so his strength rises to 3950. So go my monsters take out Rainbow's allies."
Rainbow Dash's Life Points: 1600-

"I'll then end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 11: Rainbow

"My turn."

"Hope you didn't forget, Rainbow."

"About what!?" Just then Isaac's Ebon High Magician appeared on his field as the realization started to dawn upon Rainbow. "Oh, right. Well that won't change anything, watch. I play Speedroid Horse Stilts(1100/1100), now when I summon him to the field I can also bring out 1 level 4 or lower 'Speedroid' from my hand. So I choose the tuner Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice(100/100). Then Red-Eyed ability activates which lets me change the level of a 'Speedroid' monster on my field anywhere between 1 and 6. So I'll change my Speedroid Horse Stilts from level 4 to 6." The stage is set! "Now it's my turn, I turn my level 6 Speedroid Horse Stilts with my Speedroid Red-Eyed dice. I Synchro Summon Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!" Now it was Dash's turn to have a powerful monster out on her field as her dragon let out a mighty roar as it looked at Isaac.

"I'll then switch my U.A. Player Manager into attack mode. Then I'll equip him with the spell U.A. Powered Jersey which gives him 1000 attack/defense points. My U.A. Player Manager now has a total of 3500 attack points. In addition, whenever it battles an opponent's monster the damage is then doubled. Also he can conduct a second attack. So time to clear some of your field, now go my dragon and manager attack! My trap is still in effect which means one of your magicians is about to be banished."

"I reveal my facedown, Seven Tools of the Bandits, by paying 1000 life points I can negate and destroy your trap card." With that Isaac was finally able to get rid of Rainbow's trap card.
Isaac's Life Points: 4300-

"My trap may be out of commission, but my monsters are still going to wreck your life points. First my Playmaker will take out your Dark Sorcerer Magician since his ability weared off and he's back to his original 2500. Then I'll have him attack your Dark Magician Girl!" With that Rainbow's U.A. Player Manager had successful taken out Isaac's spellcasters.

"Thanks to Magic Formula, I managed to gain an extra 1000 life points."

"Well you're going to need them because from my hand, I'll activate the quick play spell Wings of Power with this I can give my dragon an extra 1000 attack and defense. In addition, this grants my dragon the power to deal piercing damage and double it! So now Clear Wing Synchro Dragon, take out Isaac's last monster!"

With that Rainbow's Dragon then soared high into the air as it descended with so much force and velocity. The attack really rocked the entire building as Isaac tried his best to stand his ground, but was soon taken off his feet from impact.

"Lastly, I'll reveal my final facedown, U.A. Man of the March. Now since my Player Manager was able to destroy a monster, I can now special summon any number of 'U.A.' monsters to the field from my hand and/or graveyard in defense position. So welcome back, U.A. Dreadnought Dunker, U.A. Playmaker and U.A. Blockbacker(1600/2700)." Standing before Isaac was a field full of Rainbow's most powerful monsters and they all aimed their sights at Isaac.
Isaac's Life Points: 2900-

Isaac was just getting up from taking Rainbow's attack when he noticed the sight in front of him. He had no monsters on his field and no cards in his spell/trap zone. Thankfully, Rainbow's turn had come to an end. But this was still a dire situation to be in; Isaac then willed himself as he looked at Rainbow who was just smiling as she knew victory was in sight.

"You've got nothing to protect you. No cards on your field to protect you from my monster's attacks. Hey, I'll admit this; you really had a good reign as champ. You were able to bring back honor and glory back to this game; I'm glad that you were somebody I could look forward to having a good time with." Rainbow gave Isaac a smile and a thumbs up.

Turn 12: Isaac

Isaac returned the gesture before addressing Dash's comment. "Thanks for the words of encouragement, but this duel is far from over. It's not over till the last card has been play, draw! First since my Dark Sorcerer Magician was destroyed I can bring back my Dark Magician from the grave." Once again, out came Isaac's ultimate creature as it gave a nod to its master. "Then I'll play the set a card facedown; then I'll play this spell Dedication through Light and Darkness. Now I can tribute my Dark Magician and special summon a different monster. Behold as I summon my Dark Magician of Chaos(2800/2500)!"

"Arhh, just how many of these magicians do you have!?" Rainbow was really getting pissed off with these new cards Isaac was showing off.

"Enough to keep you and everybody here on their toes." Isaac just had a smirk on his face as she heard Rainbow's comment. "Now when my magician is summoned, I can add 1 spell card in my graveyard and add it to my hand. Now whenever my monster destroys a monster I can banish it instead of sending it to the graveyard."

"Too bad that won't happen, I activate the effect of U.A. Blockbacker. Whenever you special summon a monster, I can change its battle positions and then have its effects negated. I'm not taking any chances with you, not when I'm so close to winning."

"Alright, then. I'll end my turn. Go on Dash, it's your move."

Turn 13: Rainbow

"Seems I'm finally going to do it! Alright, time for a new champ! Now go Playmaker and Clear Wing Synchro Dragon, time for an all out attack!"

"I'll activate the effect of my Electromagnetic Turtle from my grave. By removing him from play, I can immediately end your battle phase!"

"Fine! I'll just wait next turn."

Turn 14: Isaac

"Draw, first I'll switch my Dark Magician of Chaos into attack position. Then I'll activate my facedown Eternal Soul, now I'll use its effect to bring back my Dark Magician from the grave. Now time to strike, magicians attack Rainbow's U.A. Dreadnought Dunker and U.A. Playmaker! With that I'll set one card facedown."

Turn 15: Rainbow

"Now time to end this, go my monsters attack Isaac. My U.A. Player Manager still has Powered Jersey which means he can attack twice which is more than enough to wipe your field and your monsters. So Player Manager will take out your Dark Magician of Chaos and then my Clear Wing Synchro Dragon will attack you directly!" With that Isaac's magician's were destroyed and Clear Wing Synchro Dragon was heading straight for Isaac's life points to deliver the final blow as it raised its jaws above its head and was seconds away from declaring Dash the winner.
Isaac's Life Points: 2200-

Rainbow had the biggest grin on her face, as she was about to realize her dreams of being the best. Everybody around them all had their mouths open and the most intense stare as they were about to see if it would actually happen. Time started to slow down and each second that passes could be hear as it ticked down. While this was happening, Isaac just had a worried look but that changed on a dime as quickly looked at his hand and saw his way out.

"Now I'll send Kuriboh from my hand to the grave, so that I take no damage from your Clear Wing Synchro Dragon! Give me a hand, little buddy!" Isaac slotted Kuriboh in his graveyard and his tiny little monster jumped in front of him as it did its best to keep Isaac safe. Just like that, Isaac had managed to escape certain defeat. Everybody watching let out breath that they were holding in as Rainbow was just throwing a temper tantrum.

"AHHHH! God Damn It! Just how do you keep doing this!? I go for an all out attack and you manage to survive by using that little guy! Why!? Why!? No matter what I do, I just can't get you out of my head! Why do you have to constantly be on my mind all the time!? You're just so....."


"Annoying! Charming. As if." Rainbow hide her head in embarrassment as she said that last part quietly to herself.

"Well, you're learning first hand why I'm a fighting champion. Now since it's the end of your battle phase, I can discard my Kuribohrn to revive a monster that was destroyed this turn. So rise up, Dark Magician of Chaos! Now when he's summoned I can bring back a spell card and add it to my hand."

Turn 16: Isaac

"Alright, it time we end this." Isaac put his hand on his deck and let out a deep breath as he drew his card. "Now I'll play the spell card that I got back thanks to my Dark Magician of Chaos, Card of Sanctity." Isaac then started to draw till he 6 cards in his hand. "I'll play the other spell I retrieved from the grave, Pot of Greed. So I'll draw an additional 2 cards. Then I'll activate the effect of Eternal Soul and revive my Dark Magician once more!" Isaac's ultimate wizard now stood tall as he took his position in front of Isaac.

"Ready to see this duel to the end, Mahad?"

"I'll by your side till the very end, master."

"Good then I'll play the spell card Eye of Timaeus which I'll use to perform a fusion summon. Appear, Dark Magician the Dragon Knight! Time for these great beasts to clash!"

Rainbow saw Isaac's dragon as it descended down from the heavens as it led out a loud roar and a mighty cry. It had no problem as it got in the face of her Clear Wing Synchro Dragon and wasn't backing down from it. The stare from these two creatures was full of pride and fury, as each was looking to cement their dominance.

"Our beasts may want to fight, but in a head to head confrontation, my dragon would come out on top."

"Not for long. Next I'll play the spell card Ricochet, with this I can bounce one of your monsters back to your hand and I get to add 1 card to my hand. So I'll choose your Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!"

"Why do that?"

"Because Scootaloo, since Clear Wing Synchro Dragon is a synchro monster. Instead of going to Dash's hand, it will instead return to her extra deck. Which means if she wants to summon it, she'll have to meet the summoning requirements all over again." said Applejack.

"Like I'd let that happen, I'll activate the effect of my U.A. Perfect Ace from my hand. All I have to do is send a card from my hand and I can negate the effect of your spell card and destroy it. Looks like my dragon is not going anywhere!"

"That's exactly what I was hoping for. Now then I'll play my Dark Magic Twin Burst, with this I can raise my Dark Magician the Dragon Knight's attack by the points of my Dark Magician Girl in my graveyard. So now his attack is 5000! Then I'll activate the effect of my Magicians' Souls, when this card is in my hand I can then send one level 6 or higher spellcaster from my deck to activate one of its effects. So I'll send my Apprentice Illusion Magician to the grave in order to activate the second effect of my monster. I can send my Magicians' Souls to the grave to special summon Dark Magician Girl from my grave. Time to show her off one last time, appear Dark Magician Girl!"

Isaac then sent his 2 cards in the graveyard slot and in return he got his female magician and then played it on the duel energy board. She did one final pose and wink to the crowd as it would be the final time to see her until after the break. Isaac now had his trio of magicians as they all looked at their master and awaited his command to end this amazing battle; he gave them all an encouraging smile as he prepared to finish this duel.

"Now time to bring this semester to a close, I'll play the last card I set: Dark Spiral Force with that I can double the attack points of one of my monsters and I choose my Dark Magician Girl!" With that Mana powered up due to Isaac's card to which she floated near him and made sure to give him a kiss on the cheek as her way to say thanks. "Thanks for a great duel, Dash. I wouldn't want to end this semester without a bang; so now my magicians attack Rainbow's monster and bring this duel to an end! Here we go!"

"Triple Dark Magic Attack!" Both Isaac and his 3 monsters all shouted this as they combined their weapons together which began to manifest as a ball of dark energy began to grow and then it was unleashed as it decimated Rainbow's entire field and zapped away the last of her life points.
Rainbow Dash's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

The duel had ended and the battle was over. In one of the most amazing duels to have taken place at CHS these past months, this was definitely one people would remember. It was meet with a warm reception from their fellow classmates as they applauded both duelist for putting on one final show to close out the school term. Isaac looked at his magicians one final time before they disappeared. Isaac gave them a smile and high five to which they all returned, even Mahad let go of his serious demeanor and gave Isaac a high five before their spirits returned to his deck. Luna then walked to Isaac and raised his hand in victory as the last duel of the school term had just finished. Rainbow had gotten up from Isaac's attack and then made her way till she was in front of him. Isaac was expecting her to throw a fit or punch him, but instead she simply just put her hand out for him to shake. Isaac then shook Rainbow's hand.

"You've done it; you really are the best at CHS. You've shown that you deserve to be champion and that you have my full respect as a duelist and as my rival. This whole day and this duel have all been spectacular. Thanks for giving me a good time and for an even more awesome date." Rainbow did something that surprised everybody as she gave Isaac a quick kiss on his cheek; even her friends were shocked to see Dash acting like this but soon had smiles of their own. Just then confetti, balloons, and streamers came from the ceiling as Isaac was awarded a proper celebration for his victory. The sound of applause got louder as more students started cheering for Isaac's duel; Celestia made her way over to Isaac to where she had tears in her eyes and gave Isaac a motherly hug. She thanked him for being a fighting champion and always upholding the ideals of having honor/fun in a duel. With that the Winter Ball resumed well into the night.

The following Monday was the start of finals. Everybody had done all the studying they could do and were hoping to show off what they learned to their teachers. Soon it was time for Isaac to leave as he had just finished his last final and had to head home to finish some last minute packing. Before Isaac left the school, the girls had managed to catch him and they expressed how much fun he made their lives this past school term. They thanked him for everything he did and for making Canterlot High a better place than it was before. They said their final goodbyes and each gave him a hug as they saw him leave. Isaac promised that he'd be back and they would have even more adventures/memories to encounter. Isaac then got home and finished his packing; then his parents began to put their bags into the car. With a turn of a key, the car started and with that they were off. As they were driving, they all waved goodbye to their new home as they were looking forward to seeing the rest of their family. For Isaac, he had a tremendous school term and was really looking forward to seeing what the new year would bring. They then made it out of the city and began on the long snowy drive to Chicoltgo.

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