• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 60: Gaea Everfree

Another day came as it was another day at Camp Everfree. Which meant that it was another day as the students were working on repairing and improving the dock. Isaac was currently going over the blueprints as he tackled a section of the docks. Safe to say that it was coming along quite nicely; everybody was putting in their efforts to make it look nice.

"Well now, at the rate we're going, we should get this done faster than expected."

Just then there was a sudden crash as it caught the attention of everybody.

"I knew I shouldn't have said anything." said Isaac with disdain in his voice. "What the hell was that!?" He then went to see what the issue was as several students started to gather round.

Apparently, a sailboat had crashed into the dock as bits and pieces were now drifting in the water. There were a few students who were on the boat as it collided into the dock, but thankfully they were okay. Once Isaac got there he let out a stressed sigh.

"Oh come on, I just repaired that this morning!" shouted Isaac.

"What happened?" said Dash as she quickly arrived on the scene.

"What do you think happened!?" said Isaac.

Soon they started to help out the students who were floating in the water.

"Are you okay?" asked Sunset.

"Yeah. It was so weird. We were stuck in a middle of the lake with no wind, then all of a sudden, bam! The wind picked up, and we were pushed right into the dock." said Sandalwood as he was walking with Timber to the infirmary cabin.

"Well that makes no sense. According to what Twilight told me, we aren't supposed to experience any wind in today's forecast." said Isaac as he was looking over the damage.

"You don't think it was the spirit, do you?!" gasped Pinkie.

"Now that's just stupid." said Isaac.

"Spirit, show yourself! The Great and Powerful Trixie commands it!" said Trixie as she put on an act to call out the spirit.

"I doubt you could summon a spirit, Trixie." Isaac was unimpressed with what she was doing. "I know for a fact, that even your greatness is not enough to summon some evil spirit. And wait a minute, why the hell am I talking about it? There's no way it's some evil spirit."

"What's that?!" said Rarity as she pointed to something shiny in the lake.

Everybody all looked at what Rarity was pointing to. Isaac then bent down and touched the stuff; he rubbed it between his fingers and saw that it left a particle dust trail. He quickly rubbed it against his shirt as it disappeared. Isaac saw that it also emitted from the boat which got him to thinking. Some of the students were concern as they began to talk among themselves.

"Oh, man! All our hard work! Ruined!" said Dash.

"At least the fishies are eating well." suggested Fluttershy.

"Yeah, cause that the was problem that was giving us a hard time." said Isaac with a sarcastic tone.

Sunset just rolled her eyes at Isaac. "Let's salvage what we can out of the water. Maybe we can still fix this."

"We have to try! Camp Everfree needs a runway!" said Rarity as she put on her dramatic voice.

"Dock." Applejack said bluntly while also getting a dirty look from Isaac.

"Dock. Yes. That's what I meant." clarified Rarity.

Soon everybody then got to work cleaning up, Isaac had decided to step back and continue with his thinking. Sunset noticed this and went to check on him. "Hey, is everything ok?" asked Sunset.

"I'm just thinking about what might have caused this? No wind, and then there was the sudden crystal trail that flowed from the sailboat. I don't know how, but I feel like they're connected. Unfortunately, I haven't the slightest clue. " Isaac then began to walk.

"Where are you going?" asked Sunset.

"I'm going to find Twilight. Maybe she has some answers that can help us solve this mystery."

"I'll come with you. Besides, she's not at our tent. I think she told me that she was going for a little walk in the forest." With that both Sunset and Isaac then began to head into the woods, as they searched for their friend.

Meanwhile Twilight was currently taking a little nature walk, however she seemed to have strayed from the path a bit too far and was now lost.

"Great, Twilight. The one time you choose to go out for a little walk and now you got yourself lost. I just hope Sunset remembers my last location." Just then Twilight heard a noise behind her, she turned around and prepared herself for what was to come. A person had come out of the bushes as it was none other than Timber who gave both him and Twilight a scare.

"Oh, hi." chuckled Twilight. "What are you doing here?"

"Uh... Looking for you." said Timber as he tried to play it cool.

"Oh, I just went on a nature walk and got a little lost." said Twilight.

"Let me show you the way. I'm kind of an expert at these woods. I've lived here my whole life." With that Timber started to led Twilight the way back to camp.

Soon they began to walk as they struck a conversation.

"That must have been nice. Growing up at a camp."

"Yeah, though it has its downsides. When I was younger, I wished we'd sell this place so we could live in a town like normal people."

"Really?" said Twilight as she was in disbelief by his answer.

"I was ten. I really wanted to hang out at the mall." Timber's comment seemed to have caused a chuckle to emerge from both of them as they got close to each other. "I've never told that to anyone. You must be special." Both then got a bit red as they saw each other's faces. "And not just because you have tree branch in your hair." said Timber as he tried to lighten the mood.

"Ugh. How long has that been in there?" said Twilight as she was surprised that such a thing would happen.

"Not long. Just the whole time we were talking." said Timber.

Twilight let out a chuckle, "Well, why didn't you say something?" Soon they continued on the path back to camp as they talked some more. Meanwhile, in some nearby bushes, Sunset and Isaac were watching and listening in on Twilight's conversation with Timber.

"I guess we can talk to Twilight about the mysterious thing a bit later?" Sunset had a smug look on her face.

"You really think that's a good idea?" said Isaac. "Plus isn't this an invasion of privacy, I feel like we need to talk to Twilight now?" Isaac then stepped out of the bushes and was about to walk in the direction of Twilight, till Sunset pulled him back in.

"Easy there boy toy, you need to know when a girl just needs to be alone with someone. Now come on, lets get back to camp before you get any more jealous." Sunset said with a sly smile.

"Again, why do I have to be jealous!?" Isaac shouted towards Sunset as he couldn't figure out what people were saying. "I still think we need to talk to her about this!?"

Soon things just went from bad to worse. Isaac could feel himself getting stressed based on how he was rubbing his forehead with his fingers. Not to mention that he had seven girls screaming in his face. "Okay! Just so that I understand this, can you please explain it to me one more time!? And no distractions this time, Pinkie!"

Soon the girls began to explain one by one; apparently the magic mystery only seemed to have gotten worse/better. After Isaac and Sunset had made their way back to camp, they discovered another trail of gem dust that was on the ground. To make matters worse, it seemed that almost all the girls had each gained some sort of new power. Applejack now had super strength, which wasn't a shock, given how strong she was to begin with. Rainbow Dash had gained the power of super speed which was again no surprise there. Fluttershy could apparently talk/communicate with animals and actually understand what they were saying; though Isaac felt like she could do that anyways, just not to the level of actually knowing what they said. The rest were somewhat shocking/unexpected. Rarity could create some sort of diamonds that she could use as shields, Pinkie Pie had gained the power of explosions by throwing some sprinkles. That alone made Isaac scared of being in the kitchen with his little sis now; Sunset apparently gained the ability to look at people's minds and could see/read their thoughts. Lastly, Twilight had gained the power to levitate objects by using her magic from her hands. Once Isaac had taken the time to take all this in, safe to say that he was both happy and mad at the same time.

"You know what this means, guys!?" Pinkie let out a gasp. "Being at camp is giving us all new magical abilities!" She then started to bounce up and down.

"Not all of us have gotten new powers, Isaac certainly hasn't." Sunset then looked at Isaac. "Do you have a power, Isaac?"

"How the hell would I know? I've been so busy trying repair the dock and figure out this mystery that I've barely noticed." said Isaac. "Now we got to worry about some new magic that you girls have got!?"

"Don't worry, big bro. I'm sure you'll get a power; what's one that you always wanted?" asked Pinkie as she sat next to him.

"I don't know, when I was a kid, I always did like... wait a minute. Why am I talking about this!?" screamed Isaac.

Applejack just let out a sigh. "So much for my theory that leavin' CHS would mean leavin' any new magic business behind."

"Something at the camp must be making this happen." stated Sunset.

Fluttershy then offered her voice, "Um, Gaea Everfree?"

Before anybody could say anything, they heard the P.A. system go off. "Attention, campers! Anyone who's interested in making floating paper lanterns, please meet us by the picnic tables." said Celestia.

"I don't know about the rest of y'all, but I've been lookin' forward to comin' here for a month. Maybe we forget about this 'new magic' for a bit and just try to focus on enjoyin' our time at camp?" suggested Applejack as she tried to look on the positive side of things.

"I was oh, so excited about designs I've come up with for the camp fashion show." stated Rarity.

"And I've barely gotten to whoop anybody in tetherball." Rainbow was just focused on showing off her skills in front of everybody.

Sunset was still unsure on what to do, "I think we should try to figure it out. But if letting it go for now is what the rest of you want..." The other girls all agreed.

"Abso-tootly-lutely!" said Pinkie.

Sunset then looked at Isaac who was still trying to wrap his head around all this. "What about you, Isaac? What do you think we should do?"

Isaac then let out a big stressed sigh. "You know what, I'm done. Forget, I came here to enjoy myself and that's what I'm going to do. I knew it was too good to be true; I need something to take my mind off of all this. Mana, Mahad!" Just then both of Isaac's magicians then appeared as if on cue. "Lets go!" They soon followed their master as he made his way out of his tent and towards the picnic tables. Isaac needed to relax from all that was happening. The rest of the girls were stunned by what they saw.

"Did he just call his magicians?" said Sunset.

Soon everybody decided to take their mind off of things by enjoying the evening by creating floating paper lanterns. It worked as they quickly forgot about the magical incidents, even Isaac had calmed down as he was working on his lantern. Once it was done, he showed it off to Mana and Mahad who gave him thumbs up as they appreciated that he decided to add their picture to his lantern. The girls were also having fun creating their own versions of their lanterns.

"Um, Pinkie Pie, what are you doing?" Rarity was confused by Pinkie's antics in designing her lantern.

"Putting marshmallows in my lantern. Then when we light them, mine will be beautiful and delicious!" said Pinkie as she put a couple of marshmallows in her mouth.

"Good luck getting that off the ground, little sis." mentioned Isaac. "And I'm not cleaning up after you."

With that they then let their lanterns go and watched them float up high into the sky. With that each student then retreated for the night, Isaac was just looking forward to getting some rest to take his mind off of things. It worked until more crazy things occurred. Apparently there was some more magical incidents as there were even more trails of gem dust. Not to mention that in the night, both Sunset and Twilight had gone for a walk. They had run into Timber who was apparently out late to chop some firewood, which made Isaac raise an eyebrow at that reasoning. Sunset did tell him that when he was leading them back to camp, she noticed some gem dust fall out of his pockets. However, she choose to only tell him as she didn't want to break Twilight's feelings and tell her that the person she liked was the reason behind the strange magical mishaps.

Isaac still found it hard to believe that Timber was the reason for what was happening. Even given his explanation about how when he was younger that he wished his parents sold the place. It contradicted the pictures that Isaac saw when they first arrived on the device he saw.

"So what do you make of it, Isaac?" asked Sunset.

"Honestly, I have no idea. I've been working my brain these past few days trying to figure things out, not to mention repairing the dock. I'm starting to grow gray hairs just by stressing about this topic. Still I feel like we're close to finding our answers." Isaac then put his hands behind his head as he closed his eyes to concentrate.

"From what he said, his reason was that it was all related to Gaea Everfree?" suggested Sunset.

"But that's just a story that he made up?" said Isaac as he opened his eyes. "Why would someone go through all that trouble to make it a reality, there's just so many things that don't add up. One thing I do know: is that if Timber is behind all this and he's toying with Twilight's emotions. Well then, you better stop me Sunset, cause I'm probably going to end up in prison for animal cruelty."

"Animal cruelty? Why's that?" asked Sunset as she raised an eyebrow.

"Cause I'm going to beat him like a bitch!" said Isaac with fury in his voice.

With that both of them started to make their way to the counselor's office as they wanted to have a talk with Timber. They made a quick stop as they wanted to check up on the docks. It seemed that after all the magical mishaps, they had somehow managed to fix the dock and it was better than ever. Isaac did one final routine check by testing out its sturdiness and its design; safe to say it turned out good and Isaac thanked everybody for their help. Rarity couldn't wait to get her fashion show underway, so Isaac gave her the okay and she immediately got to work on running a dress rehearsal ahead of tonight's preview. With that Isaac and Sunset continued on their way towards their destination while their friends go to work helping out Rarity. They had just made and were about to enter when they heard something.

"I just wish you didn't tell them that ridiculous story!" said a female voice that was muffled.

"Ah, this is all too much for you! You have to let it go!" said another voice that was also muffled.

Both Isaac and Sunset had chosen to hide behind the wall as they listened.

"I knew it! He wants her to get rid of the camp!" said Sunset.

Just then the door opened and out came Gloriosa who was fuming; soon Timber emerged as he too had an angry look on his face. Both Isaac and Sunset still remained hidden as they waited to see what would happen. Soon Timber then turned his head and headed into the woods.

"Let's follow him." said Sunset.

"Right." nodded Isaac.

Into the woods they followed Timber as he was going somewhere they didn't notice. Isaac quickly realized that they were in a place that they were told was forbidden. Eventually they made sure to keep out of sight as they trailed Timber. He then disappeared between bushels of shrubs; Isaac and Sunset then followed, but soon saw that he was nowhere to be seen. This caused them to quickly looked around to find any clue as to where he disappeared until they heard a rumbling. Sunset almost lost her balance, but thankfully, Isaac had manage to catch her in his arms.

"Gotcha." Isaac then released Sunset as they continued forward. They soon pulled back some trees limbs and saw a cave that was covered by two huge boulders. "This is the rock quarry that they told us not come near." said Isaac.

Just then some magic appeared as it shown behind the boulders as both Sunset and Isaac saw this. "Ah, shoot! He's definitely up to something! Better contact Twilight." Sunset then pulled out her phone as she began to send her friend a text. Isaac was preparing himself as he put his duel disk on his arm.

Twilight was currently in her tent as she was reading a book on her bed with Spike to keep her company. She was so ingrained in her literature, that she was in full focus mode. Thankfully, her phone got her attention as she read the message. "It's Sunset. She says to meet her by the rock quarry. She say it's important." Twilight then thought of something. "Strange though, why would she want to meet in a place that's off limits? Well guess I'll find out." With that Twilight then made her way towards her destination.

She was currently jogging to her location as she was accompanied by Spike. Not to long, she noticed some magical glow in the distance as it caused her to slow down. "What is that?" Twilight wasn't paying attention as her face made contact with a spider web as she let out a shriek. Thankfully, a hand came over her mouth to make sure that they weren't heard. She then dragged her over to where they could see the entrance.

"Sunset? Isaac? What's going on down there?" asked Twilight.

Sunset then explained, " I think it's Gaea Everfree. Or rather, someone who wants us to think she's back. C'mon!"

"Stay close by me girls, if things turn south, make a break for it and get help." Isaac then took out his deck from his belt as he slotted it in and turned on his duel disk as he was ready for danger. He then led the way as they moved in between the boulders and stepped in the cave. Isaac then pushed a button on his duel disk as a light turned on and it helped them to navigate their way through the darkness. Isaac's flashlight was able to show thousands of shiny little minerals as they glowed beautiful.

"Whoa... This place is beautiful." Twilight was in awe at how marvelous the cave was.

"There's Equestrian magic here. I can... I can feel it." Sunset was sensing a powerful force.

"Yes, it's as if someone has been here recently." said Isaac as he took a good look at his surroundings. "Wait. I thought you said that Timber was just faking there was a magical nature creature. Are you saying it's real?" asked Isaac as he addressed Sunset.

Twilight was surprised about this, "Timber? What does he have to do with any of this? What's going on!?" Twilight was starting to get angry with her friends keeping secrets.

"Well you see Twilight..." Before Isaac could finish his thought, another voice then spoke up as they all turned to their heads.

"Nothing. It's all me." said the voice softly.

"Who's there!? Show yourself!" Isaac then pointed his flashlight as it revealed the person who was hiding in the shadow.

"Gloriosa? But... Timber. I was sure he was the one trying to make it seem like Gaea Everfree was back. It was you who was trying to scare everyone away?" Sunset was confused as she didn't know what was happening.

"I would never try to scare anyone away from Camp Everfree." said Gloriosa in a creepy voice as she was in some sort of trance.

Sunset then grabbed her arm as her power activated.

"Sunset, wait!" shouted Isaac.

Sunset was now seeing things that had happened in the past as she was now in Gloriosa's mind. The first scene that she saw was between Filthy Rich and Gloriosa as they were talking about something.

"My, oh, my. You fell behind on your payments, Gloriosa. I own the land now." said Filthy Rich.

"Please. My great grandparents founded this place. It's been in our family for generations! You have to let the camp stay!" pleaded Gloriosa.

Filthy Rich just ignored her plead, "Instead of turning it into a spa resort that will line my pockets with more money than this camp ever could?" He then let out an evil chuckle. "I don't think so."

"Please! I-I-I-I just need a little more time!" Gloriosa looked like she was about to cry.

"Fine. I'll give you 'til the end of the month. Hmph." With that Filthy Rich was gone, and Gloriosa broke down in tears as she let her emotions out.

The scene then changed as it depicted how one day, Gloriosa was in the woods crying and thinking about how to make her payments on time. She then noticed some magic passed her by as it landed near her in the cave. She traveled in there and and found a couple of magical geodes that started to glow brightly as if they called out to her. She touched them which sent out an initial shock as she was flown back but didn't land on the ground as a vine appeared out of the ground and caught her. She then looked at the geodes in her hand and made the connection that she could use them to control nature to her very will.

The scene then changed as it showed her now talking with her brother.

"You don't know what those things are!" yelled Timber.

"But I know what they can do! I've been practicing! I can control their power now!" Gloriosa showed her brother an example of her new power by making the plants hanging above them grow vines as they picked things up.

"You don't know that for sure!" said Timber as he was about to walk out on his sister.

Gloriosa then grabbed her brother by the arm as she addressed him, "This is our camp, and it's being taken away! If this has to be our last week here, I'm going to use whatever it takes to make it count!"

Another scene changed and this time it showed the multiple times that Gloriosa had used her magic for good intentions but it ended up horribly. It showed the incident with the sailboat and how it crashed into the docks; all in all, each incident was seen with Gloriosa trying to make everybody happy but it ended up failing miserably. There was even a trail of the magical dust that was left behind by Gloriosa's magic.

The scene changed for the final time as it was telling the events of what Timber and her were discussing while Isaac and Sunset were listening.

"You were using magic all over the place! I had to tell them something to cover for you! What did you want me to do?!" said Timber.

"I just wish you didn't tell them that ridiculous story!" shouted Gloriosa at her brother.

"Ah, this is all too much for you! You have to let it go!" shouted back at his sister. With that the scene/memory ended.

Sunset let go of Gloriosa as she put her hand to her head.

"You okay, Sunset?" asked Isaac.

Sunset nodded her head and then began to explain. "Timber wasn't talking about letting go of the camp. He was talking about you letting go of the magical geodes! All those things you were doing to make this week the best week ever. Every time you used magic to do them, you caused another problem somewhere else! Timber was... covering for you!"

Gloriosa was surprised by Sunset's comment. "How do you know what I was doing with the geodes? How do you know about the magic?"

"I can see things. Feel things. Because I have magic, too. And so does she. And so do our friends." stated Sunset.

"Gloriosa, Timber wasn't wrong. Maybe you should stop using magic. Too much of it can be dangerous if you can't control it." Twilight was doing her best to also reason with her.

Isaac then spoke up, "Don't do something that you'll regret later."

"Oh, I got this. And I'm going to use it to save my camp. I just need more power!" Gloriosa then reached up to grab the remaining geodes.

"No!" they all shouted.

Gloriosa then raised her other hand as she fired a powerful beam at them. Twilight had managed to push Isaac out the way as he tumbled through the ground. Isaac had recovered and looked up to see both girls being wrapped by vines as it binded them. Meanwhile Gloriosa was undergoing a transformation as she had gotten more power. Her eyes started to change as they were now blue violetish black with light brilliant harlequin pupils; her skin was now ceriseish gray. Her body was now wrapped in plant like clothing as her hair had now become moderate cyan and light brilliant turquoise.

"Sorry, everybody. I know what I need to do. But I feel like we're not on the same page. So..." Gloriosa then hovered past them as she used her magic to seal them in the cave with boulders. She also managed to manifest a creature made up of vines as it turn its attention towards Isaac.

"Gloriosa! No!" Sunset and Twilight said as they struggled to break free from their frenzy grip. Meanwhile, Isaac was doing his best to dodge the strange plant creature's attack.

Meanwhile back at camp, the students were trying on the designs that Rarity had made as they prepared for a quick practice run.

"Where are Twilight and Sunset? And Isaac, for that matter?" Rarity let out a sigh. "They're missing our dress rehearsal."

"Uh-uh." said Pinkie.

"I suppose we can get started without them. Whenever you're ready!" Rarity then signal for the music to start; she then turned to Aj who was taking a liking to her outfit. "Hmm. Told you, you'd like it." said Rarity as she had a smug smile.

"It's alright... I guess. I do get to keep it after camp though, right?" asked Applejack who did her best to swallow her pride.

Soon several people began to walk the runway. "This is only a preview. I've got another entire line I'll debut at the real thing." Rarity then began to take her turn to walk down the runway when the music was suddenly stopped. "Why did you stop the—?" Rarity then let out a gasp. "Oh, my goodness!"

"Attention, campers!" stated Gloriosa as she had made her presence known.

"It's Gaea Everfree!" shouted Trixie.

"She's real!" yelled Flash.

"Aah! We're doomed!" screamed Bulk who was acting like a little girl.

"Gloriosa?! What are you doing?!" asked Timber as he was shocked to see his sister in such a state.

"That's Gloriosa? Am I goin' crazy, or are her feet not touchin' the ground?"

"Freaky-deaky!" stated Pinkie.

"I have an announcement to make! Filthy Rich wants this to be the last session of Camp Everfree. But don't worry, I've got this!" shouted Gloriosa as she unleashed her powers which caused thorns to appear and wreck the dock as the girls just barely managed to get out of the way.

"Oh, Isaac is going to be pissed when he finds out." said Pinkie.

"Oh, come on! We literally just finished building that!" shouted Dash as they looked at the sight of the dock before them.

Gloriosa then used her magic as she caused the landscape around them to grow at a alarming rate. Flowers and other forms of plants began to grow as vines started to bind and hold the campers/students. Soon the vines grew high up as Gloriosa was begin to seal the camp in a dome of vines.

"Oh, why do these kinds of things always happen to us?" said Fluttershy as she finally saw Isaac's point.

"What are we going to do?" asked Rarity.

"Dud! What we always do! Save the day!" Rainbow then stood up as she put her hand out. The girls all agreed with her as they put their hand over hers and did their team cheer.
"Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy! This is gonna be so much fun! I only wish we had time to make superhero capes!" Pinkie was really feeling the power flowing through her.

"Oh, me, too!" agreed Rarity.

Rainbow just let out a sigh. "Enough about our wardrobe! We've got to stop Gloriosa from trapping everybody in here!" With that all the girls got to working on saving the day as they activated their new found powers.

Back in the cave, Sunset and Twilight were still being held by the vines. Spike did his best to free them as he was biting the vines with all of his grip. Isaac was still trying to dodge and trying to outmaneuver the creature.

"Isaac, mind giving us a hand!?" shouted Sunset.

"I'm a little busy, at moment." Isaac was doing dodge rolls left and right as he was avoid getting hit by the creature. Soon he found himself with his back against the wall; the creature then tried to slash at him, but Isaac was able to use the wall to kick off and roll through between its legs. "Alright, that's enough. Mahad give me hand!" Isaac then played his Dark Magician card on his duel disk and out came his most loyal monster. "Now Mahad, blast that thing!" Mahad then raised its weapon as it shot a powerful attack that caused the creature to explode into tiny pieces of vines. Then the vines holding the girls was broken free as they dropped to the ground.

"Thanks, Mahad." Mahad then disappeared.

"Nice work, Isaac!" said Sunset.

The three of them then made their way to the entrance as they tried to push the boulders out the way but it useless. Sunset then came up with an idea. "Twilight, you have to use your magic!" said Sunset.

"I don't think I can lift something that big."

"It's our only chance of getting out of here and helping our friends!" Sunset was trying to explain the situation to her friend.

Isaac's deck then started to glow as there was a light coming from it. Isaac took it out and saw that his Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl were lighting up. "Mana? Mahad?" Isaac then realized what was happening and had a smile on his face. He then turned back to the girls, "How about some help then, Twi?" Isaac then held up his two magician cards as they now appeared. However, they weren't spirits this time, they were actually alive and moving.

"No way!?" said the girls as they were shocked to see Isaac's monsters alive and in the flesh.

"Now guys, give Twilight a hand in moving those boulders." commanded Isaac.

"As you wish, master."

"You've got it, Isaac."

Twilight then got into position with Isaac's magicians behind her as they floated. Twilight then raised her hands as she focused on her magic; Mana and Mahad both pointed their wands at the boulders as they used their magic to help Twilight out. It took a while, but soon all three of them were able to move the rocks as they now had a clear opening.

"Good job, Twilight." cheered Isaac.

"Thanks, Isaac." Twilight then gave Isaac a quick hug, as his magicians looked on.

"Come on you two, we have to help the others!" stated Sunset as she began to run. Soon Twilight and Isaac did the same.

"Mana, Mahad! Return!" Isaac then called back his monsters as their spirits were drawn back into his cards as he put them back into his deck. "Let's hope that we're not too late."

Meanwhile the girls were doing their best to sustain and keep the damage to a minimum. They were just barely surviving as they did their best to stop Gloriosa. Gloriosa was unhappy at the efforts that the girls were trying to do.

"Why are you fighting me?! I'm doing this to save our camp! I'm doing this for you!" shouted Gloriosa.

Rarity tried her best to reason with her while chuckling nervously, "Gloriosa, let's just think about this for a moment, shall we? I mean, I think Camp Everfree is absolutely delightful, but I just don't know that I'm quite ready to give up my weekly trips to the spa."

That was the worst thing Rarity could have said as it ticked off Gloriosa. "To the spa...?" she said softly. "To the spa?!" Gloriosa now had fury in her voice. She tried to crush Rarity, but thankfully, Rainbow was able to move her out of danger.

"Gloriosa, this isn't the way!" said Timber as he desperately tried to talk some sense to her sister.

Gloriosa then turned towards her brother. "I appreciate your concern, Timber, but I got this!" she said with a deep, booming voice.

"Agh! No, you don't!" said Timber as he was pushed back by his sister.

Just then Isaac and the girls had arrived as they took in the sight before them. They spotted their friends as they check on them to make sure they were okay. They were relieved to see their friends weren't hurt. Isaac, Sunset, and Twilight then turned back to face Gloriosa.

"Please, Gloriosa! What you're doing is crazy! You have to listen to me!" said Timber.

"That isn't your sister. It's someone who's been consumed by magic." stated Sunset.

Timber then let a tear fall from his face. "Whoever you are, you have to let my sister go! Please, Gloriosa, come back! I need you! Gloriosa!"

A piece of energy then started to head there way as it was infused with magic. It was aimed at Twilight as it was about to struck her but Spike jumped in front of it to take the hit; however, it was so powerful that Spike was sent flying into Twilight's arms and caused her to fly back.

"Twilight!" shouted Isaac as he caught her in his arms and used his own body to shield her from taking some massive damage as he hit the ground hard. Isaac opened his eyes and saw that he was lying on the ground as Twilight was on top of him and she was perfectly safe.

Twilight saw that Isaac had protected her and smiled. "Thanks for saving me, Isaac." she then gave him a quick hug as she got off of him.

"No problem." Isaac then sat back up. "How's Spike, is he okay?"

"I don't know, are you okay buddy?" asked Twilight.

"Uhh, I think so." spoke Spike as he was now talking. It took a moment but both Twilight and Spike had their mouths open at what they were hearing.

"Okay. Now that's freaky like friday." said Isaac as he too was a bit in disbelief that Spike was actually talking. He then helped Twilight up as they turned back to the problem at hand. "If we don't do something, then Gloriosa is just going to keep us all trapped here."

"We tried everything, sugarcube. But nothing seems to work."

Just then Gloriosa started to make more of the same creatures that she created to keep Isaac and the girls trapped in the cave. Soon they started to close in on the remaining campers and our heroes. Isaac then activated his duel disk and pulled out his ace monsters. "Mahad, Mana. Give us a hand will you." Isaac's two magicians then appeared as they took their positions and prepared for battle.

"We'll protect you and your friends, master."

"Count on it!"

"Woah!" said the girls minus Sunset and Twilight.

"Yo, Isaac? Since when can your monsters talk?" asked Rainbow.

"Must be the magic that's surrounding us that allows them to appear as if they are real." stated Applejack.

"I'll play the spell card, Dark Burning Magic! Now my magicians, clear them out!" Isaac then thrust his arm out as both of his magicians received their orders.

"Ready, Mana?"

"All set, Mahad!"

"Dark Burning Magic!" they both said as they combined their weapons together and casted a huge spell that got rid of the woodland creatures. Soon there was nothing but tons of little vines left on the ground. Isaac had a smile on his face, while the girls were impressed with what they saw Isaac and his magicians do.

Soon Gloriosa then struck the ground once more, as more woodland creatures began to emerge. This time more than the last wave. Isaac and his monsters then turned back to the fight. "This isn't working, we need to stop it at the source." shouted Isaac to the girls.

"How do we do that?" asked Fluttershy as she cowered in fear.

Isaac then looked at Gloriosa and he knew exactly what he had to do. "I know how to end this." Isaac then turned to Timber as he had something to say. "Timber, look after Twilight for me. I've got something to do. Sunset, you and the girls help the remaining campers to try to escape and see if you can get through those vines."

"Leave it to us!" Sunset then pulled out her duel disk which was followed by the rest of their friends as they all slotted in their decks and activated their duel disk. "What about you, what will you do?"

"Same thing I always do. Save the fucking day." said Isaac as he ran off to confront Gloriosa.

Sunset then turned to face the many woodland creatures that were heading in their direction. "Alright, girls. You heard Isaac. We can summon out our monsters and they'll help us." Sunset then picked up a card. "Appear Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" Sunset now had her ace monster by her side as it let out a growl before firing fireballs at the creatures.

"Appear, Rainbow Dragon!"

"Greedy Venom Fusion Dragon!"

"Thunder Unicorn and Behemoth the King of all Animals!"

"Take center stage, U.A. Star Player and Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!"

"Come on out my toons!"

"High Priestess of Prophecy, lend us your assistance!"

The girls had managed to summon out some monsters as they took the field and stood before each of their respective owners. They then charged forward as they engaged with the woodland creatures while their owners helped to get the remaining students to safety.

Isaac was able to have a clear path to Gloriosa as he now stood in front of her. "Stop this Gloriosa, can't you see that you're hurting people instead of protecting them. Do you really think this will help save your camp, your home!?" screamed Isaac. "I know Filthy Rich wants to turn this place into a spa, but maybe there's a way we can stop that. Just stop all of this!"

"Sorry, Isaac. But I must do what needs to be done, so that this camp is remembered through the ages!" shouted Gloriosa.

"Well I tried, seems the only way I'll get through to you and save everybody is to duel you." Isaac then activated his duel disk as his card tray project and he prepared himself.

"So it's a duel you want, then I'll gladly get rid of you along with Filthy Rich!" Gloriosa then made a duel disk appeared from her vines as it was attached to her arm; it shot a dark green card tray. "Let's do this!"

"It's time to duel!" shouted Isaac.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said the voice of their duel disks.

Gloriosa's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Isaac

"I'll kick things off," Isaac drew his card. "I'll summon Beta the Magnet Warrior in defense mode, then I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Gloriosa

"My turn," Gloriosa drew her card. "Lets see how you like this, I'll play my Native Plant(500/300) in attack mode." Gloriosa played her card and out came a small plant that had big eyes and a set of jaws.

"Only 500 attack points, which means it must have some special effect." said Isaac.

"Precisely, like this, as long as my Native Plant stays on the field, I can add a different nature-type monster from my deck to my hand." Native then shot a seed from its jaws as it landed near Gloriosa's feet which created a flower to bloom as its petals were closed. "So I'll add my Noxious Weed to my hand." The flower then opened up as Gloriosa then grabbed her card. "Now I'll special summon my Noxious Weed since I control another monster on my field that's the same type as my other monster. So here comes my Noxious Weed(1800/1500)!" Now Gloriosa now had a large weed-like creature as it stared at Isaac and his monster. "Now my Noxious Weed, take out his Beta and then my Native Plant will attack you directly." Gloriosa's plants then leaped out of the ground as they took out Isaac's monster and struck him.
Isaac's Life Points: 7500-

"I'll end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 3: Isaac

Isaac shook on the attack and focused, "Now then, my draw. Alright, I'll now play my Apprentice Illusion Magician, so by sending one card to the grave, I can special summon it to the field. Since it was special summoned, I can now add a 'Dark Magician' from my deck to my hand." Isaac then summoned his monsters and then touched his duel screen as he selected the card he wanted. "Now my magician take out her Native Plant."

"Not gonna happen, reveal my facedown, Nature's Protection. Now as long as this card is on the field, my monsters remain unharmed and you can't attack them!" shouted Gloriosa.

"What!?" said Isaac as his magician then stopped in its tracks. "Not good, I'll just set another card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 4: Gloriosa

"Now time to get rid of you," Gloriosa drew her card. "I'll activate the effect of my Native Plant and add another monster to my hand from my deck." Another flower bloomed at it opened up to reveal Gloriosa's card as she grabbed it. "Now I'll summon my Cellulose Warrior(1700/1600), now her effect kicks in. Now she gains 200 more attack points for every nature-type monster on my field, so now she gains 400 attack points making her have 2100. Now my monsters take out his magicians and the rest of his life points!" Gloriosa gave her command and her monsters then charged forward; Cellulose Warrior took out Apprentice Illusion Magician with one swipe of her sword. Then her other monsters set their sights on Isaac.
Isaac's Life Points: 7400-

"I reveal Magician Replacement, as the name suggest when a magician on my side of the field is destroyed, I can summon another to take its place. So come on out, Apple Magician Girl!" An apple appeared in Isaac's hand as he tossed it high into the air as light started to surround it and out came his monster of choice. "Now Apple Magician Girl's effect kicks in, so with I'll summon one of her friends, please welcome Lemon Magician Girl. Now your attack is diverted to her and she cuts the strength of yours in half." Lemon Magician Girl then pointed her wand as it zapped away Noxious Weed's power. "But it doesn't stop there, Lemon Magician Girl uses her effect as she can call upon another spellcaster from my hand and summon it, so time to meet their mentor, Dark Magician. And now the attack is diverted to him. Dark Magician, Counterattack!" Dark Magician then appeared in front of Isaac's other magicians as he pointed his wand and got rid of Noxious Weed of more points and then blasted him to pieces.
Gloriosa's Life Points: 5950-

Gloriosa was angry that Isaac had managed to outsmart her and fill his field out at the same time. "You're starting to annoy me, I'll end my turn."

Turn 5: Isaac

"Back to me, perfect." Isaac then quickly looked through his hand. "To start, I'll play the spell Pot of Greed and draw two more cards." Isaac then picked up his cards. "Now I'll play the spell Dark Magic Attack, now my Dark Magician now has to destroy all your spell/trap cards. Show her, Mahad." shouted Isaac. Mahad then lifted his wand as he pointed it and got rid of Gloriosa's back row. "Now that your trap is gone, I'm free to attack your monsters. So Dark Magician take out her Cellulose Warrior, Lemon Magician Girl take out Native Plant, and Apple Magician Girl will attack you directly!" With their command Isaac's magicians then charged forward as they disposed of Gloriosa's monsters and her life points.
Gloriosa's Life Points: 4050-

"I'll then end my turn."

Turn 6: Gloriosa

"Ha, ha." Gloriosa was chuckling as she drew her card. "If you only knew what you just did, you would cover in fear." Gloriosa then channeled her magic as more vines began to grow around them, "Now thanks to you, I now have three monsters in my graveyard. So I'll banish them to summon out my Rosette Dragon(3000/2900)!" Out came a creature that was green all over its body, it had flowers and other pieces of plants sprouting out. It's claws were vines that looked razor sharp and it let out a loud roar. "Now watch as I activate my Dragon's ability, so once per turn, I can destroy one of your monsters. So take out his Dark Magician!" Gloriosa then snapped her fingers and Isaac's monster was wrapped in vines as it was pulled into the ground. "But my monster also has the ability to create as well as destroy, so now I create a plant copy of your Dark Magician." Now there was a plant like monster that resembled Isaac's Dark Magician. "Time to feel the wrath of your own monster, take out his Lemon Magician Girl!" With that Isaac's other magician was take out as he put his arm up to cover himself.
Isaac's Life Points: 5700-

"Unfortunately, when my dragon uses its effect, he can't attack. So I'll just place a card facedown."

Turn 7: Isaac

"My turn," Isaac drew his card. "For now I'll switch my Apple Magician Girl into defense mode, and then I'll summon Big Shield Gardna in defense position." All I can do right now is protect my life points. But hopefully, I can figure out a way to take down her dragon. "I'll end my turn."

Turn 8: Gloriosa

"Pathetic, hiding behind your monster? You'll have to do better than that." Gloriosa then drew her card. "Now then time to rid you of your defense, go my monsters take out his remaining field." Gloriosa's monsters then unleashed their attacks as they had no trouble clearing Isaac's field. "Now you have nothing to defend yourself, so before I end my turn, I'll play my Biennial Plant(1400/1300) in defense mode." Now Gloriosa had three monsters on her field while Isaac had none.

Turn 9: Isaac

"Time to see what I got, here goes something." Isaac drew his card. "I'll play my Graceful Charity, so I'll draw three cards and discard two. One of the cards, I drew was Watapon, so I'll summon it to the field." Isaac then sent two cards to the graveyard. "Next I'll play my King's Knight in defense mode and..."

"I reveal my facedown, Alternate Leaf Arrangement. Now I can create a copy of one of your monsters on your field, so I'll choose to create a plant version of your King's Knight." With that Gloriosa now had a copy of Isaac's monster on her field.

"Great, now I got more to worry about, I'll just end my turn."

Turn 10: Gloriosa

"Now the stage is set," Gloriosa then used her magic as it infused her next card. "I play the spell Rays of Everfree, with this card, I'll sacrifice my plant version of your monsters and my Biennial Plant. With it I'll call a upon a creature that will rid this place of anybody who stands in my way, I play Gaea Everfree(4000/4000)!" Gloriosa had managed to summon out the creature that was depicted in Timber's story as it dark black eyes stared a hole at Isaac. "Now my Gaea Everfree's effect activates, once per turn, she can banish a monster on your side of the field, so say goodbye to your Watapon!" Gloriosa's monster then raised its hands as it got rid of Isaac's monster as it dragged it into the ground. "With that I'll go straight for your life points, now my Rosette Dragon take out his monster and then Gaea Everfree will attack you directly!" Both monsters then fired off their powerful attacks as they combined it to take out Isaac's monster and then hit him as he was thrown on his back.
Isaac's Life Points: 1700-

"The time draws near, feel free to take your last turn. Once I properly dispose of you, I'll then take care of that greedy wolf." Gloriosa then placed one card facedown as she ended her turn.

Turn 11: Isaac

Isaac then got up as he felt that pain of the attack course through him, "Before I take my turn, I'll play my facedown that I set at the beginning, Dark Horizon. So now I can summon a dark spellcaster whose attack is equal to or less than the amount of damage I took. So I choose to bring out my Dark Magician Girl!" Isaac now had his favorite female spellcaster as she took her position and prepared to defend her master.

"A lot good that she'll do, she doesn't come close to the attack points of my monsters. Face it, Isaac. It's over!" shouted Gloriosa.

"It's now over till the last card is played, Gloriosa. I may be down a bit of life points, but I still have some. Which means that I've still got a chance to turn this duel around." Isaac then drew his card, "Like this for example, I play the spell Card of Sanctity. Now we each draw till we have six cards in our hands." With that Isaac then put his hand over his deck as he let out a deep breath and focused his mind. This is it. If I don't draw the right cards, then I'll lose this duel for sure. Got to put my faith in my cards. Soon Isaac's magic then started to glow as he felt it flow through his body; Isaac then drew his cards as his entire hand now started to glow with rainbow colors. "Now I'll play the spell Harmonious Friendship!" Isaac held his card up and it began to shine very bright; the girls each felt some of their aura leave their body as they watched it traveled toward Isaac.

"Now with this card, I'll combine using monsters in my deck and with, I'll call upon my Chromatic Paladin!" Isaac had managed to summon out one of his most powerful monsters as it dawned upon the field and struck an intimidating pose. "My monster's ability activates, when he's summoned, he gains the attack points of all your monsters on your field. So do the math, Gloriosa. My Paladin now has 10,000 attack points!" Isaac's monster then raised its sword as it absorbed Gloriosa's monsters.

"Impressive, but not good enough! I reveal my facedown, Rays of Judgement! Now my monsters on the field gain the attack points of your Chromatic Paladin!" Gloriosa's monsters then started to grow bigger as they absorbed the power of Isaac's Paladin. "Now my monsters are the more powerful and they enough attack points to wipe you out! You failed!!!" shouted Gloriosa.

Isaac just had a smile on his face while Gloriosa just rambled on. "Well the thing is Gloriosa, I'm not done." Isaac's expression then changed as two of his cards began to shine as he held them up. "Now I'll set the Pendulum Scale using the Scale 1 Sorcerer Swordsman and Scale 8 Mirage Magician. I'm taking control of this duel, starting now." Isaac then placed his pendulum cards on his duel disk as the word "pendulum" appeared to show that it worked. Now Isaac's monsters then appeared in columns of light as the number in front of them showed in front of them. "Now I'll activate my Sorcerer Swordsman's Pendulum ability, so now I'll add any number of monsters from my graveyard into my hand, so long as they fall into the scale." Isaac's duel disk then slotted out three cards for Isaac to grab. "With that done, the stage is set. I'm allowed to summon monsters from level 2 through 7 all at the same time. Swing far Pendulum, carve the arc that will lead me to victory! My monsters are ready, to swing into action!" Isaac then thrusted his hand into the air as his monsters were summoned. "Making his grand debut, front and center, it's my Magician Boy! Next up to wow the crowd is my Dark Magician of Chaos! And lastly, please give a warm welcome to the star monster of the show, Dark Magician!" Isaac now had three more monsters on the field.

Gloriosa was now worried as Isaac had a field full of monsters. "This can't be, your monsters pale in comparison to mine. I still have the strongest on the field!"

"Not after this you won't, now behold as I combine the power of all my magicians on the field!" The five monsters rose up, floating level with Isaac’s Pendulum monsters. Strands of light in seven colors whirled around each of them, the seven glowing brighter and brighter. "I harmonize the spirits of my monsters, and open the dimensional gates to call upon a shining spirit of hope.” Isaac’s magic burst into a spectacle of colors. “Unitatis Summon! Ascend, Harmony Magician Warlock!” Out came Isaac's new monster as he started to light up with his aura starting to shine brighter than ever. "Harmony Magician Warlock can be summoned by tributing any number of spellcasters on my side of the field, be they in the Monster or Pendulum Zones. For each card tributed from a Monster Zone, he gains that monster’s original attack points, and for each card tributed from a Pendulum Zone, he gains an additional attack this turn.”

Gloriosa gasped, "No!!! This can't be happening!!!"

"My Harmony Warlock Magician now has a total of 18,800 attack points! And thanks to my Pendulum monsters, my monster can attack a total of three times! So now Harmony Magician Warlock, attack Gloriosa's monster and end this duel!!!" Isaac's entire body started to shine bright as he was covered in a gold aura, he then fused his spirit with his magician as together they delivered the final blow. Gloriosa felt her power starting to fade as Isaac's attack drained her of her magic and the geodes that she was wearing started to lose their color and then broke into tiny pieces. Soon there was a huge light that covered the entire camp as the many vines that surrounded the camp then started to wilter and fell apart.
Gloriosa's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

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