• Published 14th Aug 2020
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Interviews With Equestrians - Jmaster49

A look inside the hidden perspectives of the average pony by your average joe. Starting with the imprisonment of Cozy Glow, this pony sets out to expose the hidden problems of Equestria that its residents have a right to know.

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Subject 139: Cozy's Knowledge

Why did I go back to Cozy? Simple. She had the greatest understanding of hidden, and deceptive practices over anyone else. Yes, it was a risk to bring all of it back up to her, but I wanted to at least let her know what I had been involved in so the investigation could go much smoother without her worrying over my well-being.

Also, because I essentially considered her my daughter at this point. In fact...well, let’s just say she was in for a surprise.

I knocked on her door, and was greeted with her smiling face. “Pale-pops? What’s going on?”

“Well...a few things,” I said with an uneasy smile, “Mind if I come in?”

“No problem.” She let me in, and I followed her to take a seat on the couch. “So what’s going on?”

I took a quick exhale, and went on. I knew she wouldn’t like this topic, but at that time, I had no choice to but to question her for what she knew. “...When you obtained the Bewitching Bell...did it occur to you that there could be other forms of power that are sealed off in the world?”

To my surprise, she didn’t seem choked up or nervous about the inquiry at all. In fact, she was more than willing to divulge what she knew. “Well...yes. Chrysalis, Tirek, and I all worked together to try and find that thing for ‘Grogar’ who was eventually revealed to be Discord.” She sat down with me and poured some tea. “The idea that other relics of power existing did interest me, but I was too...locked within my tunnel vision to think about it.”

That made sense. She was young and extremely impressionable at the time. I’d imagine that it’d be nearly impossible to sway somepony like her away from her path once she had her sights set on it. I just hoped that determination carried over into the present now that she was older and had a better grip of herself.

“I see...then that very well could be applicable here too.”

“Um…’here’?” she tilted her head after she sipped her tea, “I’m not sure I follow.”

There was no need to hold back at this point. It was time to explain my stance. “To make a long story short, I believe a similar pattern is in play here. Individuals such as Neighsay and Elytra being killed off as soon as they complete a certain objective? Somepony else has to be behind it all, don’t you agree?”

She paused, and nodded a second later. “I see...but what made you come to me about this? What can I offer you?”

“That’s just it. Do you know of anypony out there so evil and vile that could do such a thing?” I asked with a concerned frown.

She shook her head. “I have no idea. For the most part, Twilight and her friends have purged most of the evil from the world. It has to be someone--or something new in play here…”

And there it was. Now that she was aware of the situation, I could count on her to be ready if things got any worse. “Exactly,” I said with a nod, “You need to be ready. If something ever happens to me, then...I want you to stick with Cheerilee no matter what.”

Cozy tapped her hoof against my chest. “Hey now, don’t say things like that. I know you’re gonna make it through no matter what. Because you’re easily the strongest pony I know.” She shot a sly grin at me. “Heck, I bet you could find a way to trounce this criminal six ways to Sunday if you needed to. You beat a freaking demonic alicorn princess for pony’s sake! Isn’t that like...the ultimate power level?”

Her enthusiasm made me chuckle. I could always count on the kid to be positive and keep my spirits up. Nothing got past her, no sir. “Hehe. I suppose you have a point. But I’m only being realistic. If I could thwart every threat that came my way, I honestly wouldn’t have a job. Life would be too easy.”

“Yeah...too easy…” she looked down in her teacup at her reflection. If I had to take a stab at what she thought, she likely recollected the situation she herself was in. And honestly, I couldn’t blame her. If it wasn’t for the Elements of Harmony, then this world would have succumbed endless to hatred and sorrow long ago.

But that was something that I refused to allow. Not now, not ever. Maybe I should hold off on the surprise until her birthday, though.

“Anyway, that’s pretty much all I came to say. Just to let you know about the situation as it's developing, and to gain some knowledge from you regarding hidden power.”

“Oh, gotcha. So whatcha gonna do now?”

Indeed, there were multiple ways I could go. But ultimately? I decided to make things simple. “I’m gonna go question Celestia. See if she can shed some light on all this. By the time I’m done, I should have an answer and the individual behind all of this will be dealt with accordingly.”

“...you’re not gonna flip out when faced with this cretin, are you?” she asked with a worried gaze.

“No way. This particular case is too important to lose myself over. It could very well determine the outcome of the very livelihood of everypony that we know and love. If I were to waste this chance...then I could never call myself an officer.”

Her concern faded in exchange for a hopeful smile. “Alright, Pale. I believe you. After all, I’m working just as hard as you are to prove that I’m worth keeping around. If I can’t do that, then all your hard work would’ve been for nothing.”

While I didn’t entirely agree with that statement, I chose to go along with it in favor of her happiness. I pat her on the head with my hoof. “You’re the best, Cozy. And someday, I think everypony else will know it too.”

Her eyes lit up. “Really? You think so?”

I nodded. “Oh, for sure. You’re not the type to hesitate when your fellow guy or gal is down and out. You’re willing to take charge, and turn things around for the sake of everyone around you. That is something that no one else can match.”

She blushed, and swatted my hoof away. Cozy would attempt to play it off with a scoff, but I knew she enjoyed the sentiment. “Yeah well...whatever.”

Adorable. I chuckled, and got up. “Well, I appreciate you taking the time to listen to me. I’m off to go see Celestia,” I said as I headed for the front door to leave.

“Okay then,” she said as I exited, “Bye, Pale!”

If Cozy knew there were other artifacts and spells lying about, then Celestia had to as well. If this was going to be my biggest challenge, then I would need all the help I could get from any and all sources.

It was time to get dirty.

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