• Published 14th Aug 2020
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Interviews With Equestrians - Jmaster49

A look inside the hidden perspectives of the average pony by your average joe. Starting with the imprisonment of Cozy Glow, this pony sets out to expose the hidden problems of Equestria that its residents have a right to know.

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Subject 214: Zebra Report

“Okay, okay, okay, run that by me again?” Twilight asked us as she paced the floor, “I know that the Mayor of Ponyville sent you out to follow them, Zecora. I also sent Moondancer to make sure everything went well. But it turns out that he’s still on his way but he’s weakened because the zebra cult has been thwarted...and if he gets to Cozy Glow, he’ll become super powerful and unstoppable.” She took a deep breath once she finished her rant. “...Phew. Does that about cover it?”

I glanced at Zecora and we exchanged a nod. “That’s right,” I responded to the princess, “We have reason to believe that this will be very soon. Old Grog’s gonna be right miffed once he realizes his potential was squandered. It’s only a matter of time before things get deadlier.”

“As if they weren’t deadly enough,” Zecora weighed in, “I believe that Flash Drive and his friends are most qualified to handle this bluff.”

Twilight denied this with a shake of her head. “This is no bluff, Zecora. Even if he’s been weakened somehow, the real Grogar isn’t something we should take lightly. I need to get in contact with Pale Vestige and let him know what he should do.”

Now normally, I didn’t enjoy to pry on someone else’s business. But this concerned one of my mates and his adoptive kid. No way was I gonna allow it to slip. “And just what might that be, Princess? If you don’t mind me askin’.”

She let out a sigh. “Agh. I wished it wouldn’t come to this. But it would appear that we’re out of options.” After a moment of hesitation, she finally replied, “...He and Cozy Glow need to relocate. Preferably to a remote area. If what we’re predicting is certain, then they’ll be in constant danger here.”

Yeah nah. That wasn’t gonna happen, mate. I could already hear Pale deny every aspect of this plan. But it wasn’t my place to speak on his behalf. I’d let the princess find out for herself. In the meantime, I’d make a proposal of my own.

“While you do that, I’d like it if Zecora could continue to work with us,” I requested, “She and I--us--we all worked well together and I’d hope she’d be allowed to do so. If she has no other work ahead of her that is.”

Twilight had organized some notes in front of her face with magic the entire time. But somehow she must have heard me because her response was rather detailed. “Huh? Oh yeah, if Zecora agrees, then sure.”

Zecora turned to look at me with a concerned set of eyes. “You really think it will turn out well? Will your brother and friends be able to help me out of my shell?”

“Of course,” I replied with a friendly nudge of my hoof, “I know the doubts that plague ya, ma’am. And if I can help you through ‘em, then we may just get somewhere yet. You feel me?”

“Well...if you are sure,” her worried face soon contorted into a smile, “Then I’d be delighted to erm...hang out, with that team of yours.”

Glad that was settled. Even Neon shot me a friendly glance from across the room. Though I couldn’t help but wonder what exact role Moondancer had there. But that wasn’t exactly in my cards. Twilight had been busy with her notes even still, so the situation was a tad awkward.

“...Yeah, let’s head out, brotha,” Neon called out from the doorway, “Our job is done and we need to wait for further orders.”

“Too right,” I replied while I walked out, Zecora followed close behind. “Though the idea of Pale and Cozy bein’ forced to move out of the way...that just don’t sit well with me, lads.”

My brother, the charmer he was, put a hoof around my shoulder. “Don’t sweat yourself, bruv. Do you honestly believe our old friend will back down so easily? You know damn well he’s going to stay and fight. He’s been through too much to throw in the towel now. Feel me?”

His confidence always did put me at ease. “Yeah, yeah...I suppose. What do you think, Lady Z? Should Pale and Cozy be forced to just pack it all up and leave?”

“Tis a tough question--one that we can’t answer ourselves,” she replied, “After all that we have dealt with in that horrid zebra country, I believe everypony has the right to choose what they want to do food themselves. If not, then we would be no better than those leaders that forced halfbreeds into slavery. It is up to us all to show our own level of bravery.”

Yet again, she made a profound point even through her rhymes. Gotta love that wonderful zebra.

Then I felt a tap on my shoulder from my bat brother. “Bruv, what did she mean by that?” Neon asked.

I let out a small sigh. “Gah...I’ll explain it on the way back to the Empire. Gutsy is gonna be right thrilled when we get back.”

A Few Days Later…

Alright. Alright. Everything had fallen into place. I had taken more time off to spend time with Cheerilee and Cozy. Things went well, and I even received a report that Flash Drive’s operation in South Zebrica went swimmingly.

But then I heard a knock at my door.


“Argh!” I fell out of my bed and hit the floor like a sack of rocks. “Dammit all. Stupid daylight saving hour…coming!” I shouted.

I made sure I was presentable when I got to the door, and found the princess there.

“Pale Vestige...we need to talk.”

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