• Published 14th Aug 2020
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Interviews With Equestrians - Jmaster49

A look inside the hidden perspectives of the average pony by your average joe. Starting with the imprisonment of Cozy Glow, this pony sets out to expose the hidden problems of Equestria that its residents have a right to know.

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Subject 208: Zebra War Begins

Every day our choices and actions shaped us into a better pony--or other individual creature--than we were tomorrow. This was my--no, our chance to finally put an end to a long-standing regime that sought to stomp out everything that remotely stood against it. Combine that with the fact that they were the ones behind numerous instances of abuse of power on mainland soil, this was my calling.

I stood atop a nearby hill that overlooked the main town. Alongside me was not only Zecora, but the rest of her troops from Farasi who also wanted to make things right and set a better example for the zebras of tomorrow. Couldn’t agree more with them really.

But before we got started, I felt a hoof on my shoulder. It was Lady Z herself who looked to console me one last time before we began. “Are you prepared, Flash Drive? There is a chance that we may not make it out alive.”

I scoffed, and shook my head. I was no stranger to the risks involved. But dying? That was not in the cards. “Lady Z. If I intended to die, then I wouldn’t have come all the way out here to stop this. There is absolutely no chance of that happening. I swear it on my life. My brother, these halfbreeds, Cozy’s safety...all of it is something I will live to witness.” I shot her a confident grin. “Now with that being said, are you prepared to work with me?”

There was the briefest bit of hesitation in Zecora’s eyes before she worked up a smile. “Absolutely, my dear. I will keep you safe as long as we’re here. If you can fight as well as your tongue can talk, then you will have more than earned the respect of myself and my flock.”

“Thanks but…” I shook my head. “That ain’t what I’m concerned about. Anyway, it’s time.” I turned to face the Farasi soldiers. They were all geared up with various weapons and armor. Helmets, pads, potions, brews, strange powders--the works. I felt really good about this. “Everypony...well, I’m not one for dramatic speeches. Let’s just take these buggers down and rid the world of their horrid, backwards ways. Who’s with me?!”

Zecora’s mates all shouted at the top of their lungs. “YAAAH!”

It was so loud that I had to cover my ears for a second. “Youch...well--guess that answers my query. In which case...LET’S GO!”

...And we were off.

There was about a hundred of us in total. All of us raced down the hills that overlooked the town with Zecora and I at the front of the charge. Just as I expected. The South Zebrican Militia had already taken point near the flank from which we assaulted.

And right before both factions clashed, I heard Zecora shout, “Moto kwa mapenzi!”

I knew a bit of the Farasi language. It meant “fire!” What exactly?

I saw dozens of glass bottles fly through the sky and shatter in midair. The result was a tan-colored cloud of dust that formed above the enemy’s head. What effect did it have?

It sent the Southern Zebs into a trance. Their eyes flooded with the same tan color which caused them to burn. It was like a...gas of sorts? No. I could sense it. It was more along the lines of a nightmare powder that revealed their deepest fears for a split-second.

This gave everyone on our side a proper opening for an advantage. Visceral blows landed and were exchanged between both sides as the battle officially began.

But here’s the thing. While they may have been trying to fight with the intent to kill. We weren’t. Why? Well...if there was a chance to subdue and rehabilitate these zebs away from such a destructive ideology, then we’d take it. If things didn’t work out, then...then we’d have to do what we’d have to do.

I came into contact with a soldier and made swift work of him. A headbutt followed by a flash of my horn to create chains around his hooves. Bam. One down. But that was far from all of it.

With my zebra abilities, I was able to keep track of the natural order of living and non-living things. Somewhat akin to an earth pony, but only for specific situations such as this: An enemy tried to strike me from behind, so I used my magic to generate a small barrier to block their kick. The bloke was too slow. I flung them into the nearest pile of hay with another set of chains applied to his limbs. He wouldn’t be going anywhere anytime soon.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed Zecora. She had taken on multiple enemy zebras at once. Three to be exact! How? None of them were able to hit her. Every punch, every swipe of a weapon--all avoided flawlessly by her. Then, with a quick chop to the neck, she sent one out cold to the floor. For the second, she blew a white powder in his face that put him in a temporary trance-like state until he tripped over a rock and fell flat on his face.

But the third zebra soldier managed to come from behind, and put her in a chokehold. But unbeknownst to that fool, Lady Z was much stronger than that. She flipped that soldier off her body, and into a nearby tree.

“Hmph. That takes care of that. Flash Drive--watch your back!”

“!” I gasped, and narrowly caught wind of her warning. A horde of arrows were about to rain down on my position, so I used what bit of levitation magic I had to redirect them completely. “Artillery?! This is more ridiculous than I imagined…”

“Find the source and take it out!” Zecora shouted as she dodged out of the way of another attack from an enemy zebra, “You’ll be fine. I have no doubt!”

At the Town Hall…

“...that halfbreed is fairly skilled. Are we in trouble if others like him show up?”

“Relax. There’s only one of him. He is not special.”

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