• Published 14th Aug 2020
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Interviews With Equestrians - Jmaster49

A look inside the hidden perspectives of the average pony by your average joe. Starting with the imprisonment of Cozy Glow, this pony sets out to expose the hidden problems of Equestria that its residents have a right to know.

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Subject 27: The Ruler and The Sheltered

And at long last, my opportunity came. Once I got out of the hospital in Canterlot, I would go see Princess Twilight the next day. I had to admit, I felt a bit proud knowing that I had gotten her attention enough to warrant the desire to see me. Could this be my chance to change the world? Or at least the life of one kid?

I entered the throne room, and took a bow.

“Rise,” she said to me. When I did, she was in her normally-proportioned pony form. Thank goodness. I was used to the way Celestia looked, but those longer legs looked absolutely strange on the purple alicorn. “Pale Vestige, right?” she asked my name she was levitating some files in front of her face. I prayed she wouldn’t start talking about my exploits and praise them like they were some noble act. “Agent of Ponyville...stopped an attack on Neighkatomi Towers in Manehattan...busted an illegal Casino in the Manetenegro region near Bitaly...and most recently offered a generous donation to the Crystal Empire Orphanage.”

Holy buckballs, did she really have everything?

“Correct. I’ve actually wanted to see you for multiple reasons.”

She moved the files down so that I could see her face. “The same goes for you as well, sir. You can explain your position first.”

I told her everything. About Cozy Glow, the batponies, the griffons, and the Earth Pony lessons that Cheerilee wanted to teach for good measure. “...and so, that’s where I currently stand. I’d like there to be a trial.”

“Hm…” she thought it over for a second. Her eyes darted between myself and the file with my information on it. Then she put it down, and flew down to meet me. “Alright. First things first. I didn’t even realize that the batponies had an entire colony in Hollow Shades. I always thought they were a race that lived among us.”

I shook my head. “Nope. They’re there. All holed up due to feeling afraid of being outcasts. Is it possible that they could be accepted and Hollow Shades can be fully integrated into society?”

“The area around Hollow Shades is clouded with mystery and hidden secrets,” she explained as she showed me a holographic version of the hidden valley with her magic. “Nopony really knows what the batponies do, or eat, or if they’re even friendly. For all we know, they could suck blood!”

“I spoke to their leader--or at least a high-ranking member of them. She said they don’t suck blood. But if you want to be cautious, I understand. It is a rather...unfamiliar territory.”

“Hmm…” The hologram disappeared. “And the griffons are working with them?”

“Only a small portion of them. Ones who are unsatisfied with the way their lands are ravaged beyond repair. Grifftonstone isn’t the only place where they reside. But beyond that, they still face heavy losses and Lord Gruff is growing weak in his old age. They need a new successor. And fast.”

The purple alicorn gave it some more thought. “He has a grandson named Gallus, but he’s currently a member of the Royal Guard. I wouldn’t want to hurt him by asking him to return home after he finally achieved his dream.”

“Then maybe another griffon can become the leader?”

Her face lit up with a wide grin. I didn’t know whether to be scared or invested. “Aha! I have an idea! We should put them through a set of trials!”


A notebook appeared along with a pen she started to scribble in, all levitated and done by her magic. “Griffons are naturally greedy and territorial. Not to the same extent as dragons, though. Before Ember came along, dragons forced everyone to follow their leader out of fear since he was the strongest. With griffons, however, it’s a bit more complicated.” She tapped the pen against her chin before continuing to write.

“Makes sense. I know a bit about griffon culture since Manehattan is one of the closer cities to Griffonstone geographically. They’re solitary, and tend to avoid conflict, right?”

“Right. Griffons on average prefer to stay away from each other, rather than collaborate. This is what’s led to the downfall of the territory in recent years. But I never would’ve thought they would decide to consult batponies for help.”

“Well, when you’re down on your luck, you do crazy things to get back what you lost. I know from experience…”

The notebook disappeared, and Twilight would address me directly. “Alright. So, if it’s possible, I’d like you to meet with the griffons that intend to meet the batponies and circumvent their tactics. Try to get them to listen to my idea. If they’re willing to compromise and we help them find the best ruler, then there won’t be anymore biased bickering.”

I nodded. “Alright, I’ll--”

“Well, there’s one other thing. Make sure they know that Gallus is here.” She smirked to herself as if she came up with the greatest plan since...her last one. “Just in case they don’t listen to you, they’ll have the grandson of the current ruler to answer to. Who also just so happens to be a member of my Royal Guard. Great idea, isn’t it?”

I couldn’t deny that it was a very shrewd move on her part. If the grandson of their current leader was in play, then the rebellious gang of griffons would have no choice but to listen. “Indeed.”

“As far as the Earth Pony school lessons go, tell Cheerilee to go right ahead. Celestia’s already told me about it. But now, I would like to discuss the main thing you came here for.”

“That’s right…”

She walked off towards another room. “Follow me.”

I trotted after the mare as we left the main throne room. Were we headed to a more secretive place within the castle? No, we were going up some stairs now. A left, and we entered a small room with a tea table and bookshelves on either side. This must have been one of the rooms where she held meetings. I took a seat.

“Sorry, I just wanted to discuss this little tidbit in private,” she said as she closed the door behind me and took a seat with me. “Never know who could be listening. Now...you want to give Cozy Glow another chance?”

Made sense. Would be rather catastrophic if someone predicted my next move without my awareness. I had to think critically. “Yes. I was in her shoes at one point, and I feel as though she was dealt with...too swiftly. I would like to formally call for a trial.”

“...” Twilight looked as though she was going to say something. But when I mentioned the trial, she closed her mouth and started to think. “I see…” Was it possible that she was going to provide her personal feelings on the matter, only to retract the notion in a swift second? “Shining Armor already informed me of what you want to do. But I wanted to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth.”

“So will you do it? At least offer me the opportunity to hold a trial in her defense.”

She closed her eyes for a moment, and another notebook appeared. Her eyes opened. She looked into it, and started to mumble to herself. Must have been a schedule planner. “Hm...carry the one...okay. I can send out the Royal Summons, and have a trial ready for you by next week. Is that favorable to you?”

I still wanted to know Twilight’s own opinions on the matter. But I showed restraint for now. The time would come for her to state her stance eventually. So no big deal. “Okay then...it gives me an opportunity to take care of the other bits of business first.”

“Yup. Isn’t it great when things fall into place? So you will head to Hollow Shades tomorrow to hopefully stop the griffons from causing trouble. Once you both explain my idea, I will have Gallus meet up with them. Then we can get started on helping them find a ruler among them.”

I nodded. “And for the batponies?”

“Fluttershy used to be one--sort of. And she would be the most accepting of their bat-like features due to her love of animals. So I’ll send her out there along with….hm….” Yet again, the notebook would appear, pages flipped through as she studied it. “Starlight.”


“I’m sure you’re aware, but Starlight used to have a...tiny village of her own that was separated from society. But now it’s a wonderful little place. If anypony knows how to turn an isolated area around, it’s her.”

Once again, fairly sound logic. I wouldn’t refuse such a notion. Not to mention, this was my chance to prove that I could be trusted to the ruler of the land herself. Once I did that, my case for Cozy Glow would go over much more smoothly. “Understood. I’ll get everything set up.”

“Alrighty, then. And one more thing...I am personally assigning you to find out who caused the destruction of the Garden at the recent Gala. You have my express permission to bring them in on sight. Any questions?”

“None,” I responded with a bow, “Now I know what I need to do. Thank you, Princess Twilight.”

“You’re very welcome. Please. Feel free to come back whenever you like.”

Well. That was rather...unexpected. But still, I knew what must be done. My first move would be to alert Madam Sonar that her race could be accepted and that they would be having visitors. Second, would be to intercept the Griffons and tell them about Twilight’s idea so that they may find a true ruler among them.

But before that, I had to find Neon. Flash Drive and Guttersnipe should have taken him to our Canterlot base near the side of the mountain by now. I left the castle, and headed out of the main city of Canterlot. And surely enough, I saw a campsite set up on the nearby trail at the side of the mountain. I entered one of the llarge command central tents. It was big enough for a dozen people to sleep in at least. There, I found Flash Drive.

“Wassup, friend?” the black unicorn asked.

“Where’s your brother?”

With a hoof, he pointed at a nearby bed where the batpony rested. “The electric aura messed with his head a bit, but he’ll be fine. What didja learn from the Princess?”

“A host of things. But first, I need to go to the batponies and let them know that they will receive visitors in the next few days. Then, intercept the griffons who planned to attack and find a way to convince them to listen to Twilight and Gallus.”

Drive nodded, and levitated some sort of cord with his magic, and went to a workbench. “In that case, I’m goin’ with ya. My bruv is out of commission, and somepony needs to be there on his behalf.”

He started to reshape the wires into something. I couldn’t tell what, though. “...If you’re sure. I could really use the help,” I responded reluctantly.

“Glad you answered so quickly,” he put on some welding goggles, “If ya said no, I would’ve followed ya. And that just would’ve made things awkward later.”

I snickered. “Oh please. When there’s something related to Neon on the line, I know you’re not going to back down.”

“Damn straight.” Sparks started to fly as he worked his magic with the cables. Just what did this guy have in mind? Was he gearing up for a fight. “Gotta stay sharp, lest you wanna get bit. Gutter can take care of Neon the rest of the way.”

“Alright...then we head back there tonight. Don’t be late.”

At last, he showed me what he worked on. A set of chains that were controlled by a magnetic field. “Hah. I’m never late…not unless I’m dead.”

And so, I returned to the Hollow Shades entrance via train. I watched the sunset as I sat beneath a tree. The horizon was consumed by night once more, and the time of the reckoning for the griffons was sure to arrive.

I had a bit of time before I needed to go, so I rested beneath a tree. Though, it was sadly interrupted.

“Excuse me?”

I looked up, and found another hooded pony not unlike the one I faced at the Gala the other night. A pegasus. “...Hello?”

From the voice, I could tell it was a mare. “...you must know one of my friends that spoke to you about what Cozy Glow did to his life, right?”


“Well, I’m here to explain what her actions caused for me, as well. Are you willing to listen?”

I had to be fair, of course. “Absolutely. Please explain as much as you can.”

“When Cozy Glow stole all the magic of the world, I lost the ability to control the weather. I lost my job at the weather factory, and couldn’t work.”

“I see...but couldn’t you return once magic had been restored?”

The hooded mare shook her head. “It also messed with my ability to fly properly, and I broke my wings that day. Thankfully, it was only a few of us who had this problem, but I suffered hard. I couldn’t go back to work, and had to stay at some awful desk job for Celestia knows how long making minimum wage in some cubicle. All because that brat had to go and ruin my life!” she stomped her hoof.

“I...I understand. I realize now that her actions affected everyone on different levels. Trust me, the last thing I want is for her to do the same thing again.”

The mare snorted. “Hmph. If you say so. I’m aware that other villains were given second chances, but that filly damaged lives on a completely different level. You had better be ready to present a damn good case at that trial.”

“Fair enough…but I recall how Starlight caused similar damage by trying to force the world into different timelines. Consider that, at the trial.” I didn’t have much else to say except--wait. ‘That’ trial? Hold on, how was she aware of the private conversation I had with Twilight. “Wait...hold on a second--” but before I could properly address her, she had flown off into the darkness. “Gah...dammit all. She’s gone.”

“Are you feeling alright, chum?” Flash Drive called out to me as he got off the train. “You were shouting at someone. Did you make contact already?”

Even with context, it wouldn’t make much sense. I decided to spare him the details for now. “It was…nothing. Are you ready?”

“Anythin’ to help my bro. He’s always been there for me. Now it’s Drive-time.”

I snickered and started walking. “Did you get that catchphrase from one of those new-fangled adventure games the foals play?”

“Hey now, they’re damn good, man!” he followed. “But for real. If these guys are willin’ to be friendly, then it spells an easier time for Neon.”

Oh yeah, that reminded me. “I’ve always wanted to ask--just how are you two related?”

“He didn’t tell you?” We both kept to the path that led into the dark valley. “His parents are dead, mate. Gone not long after they were found in Trottingham. My folks and I took him in, raised him like he was our own. Now he’s well off.”

I tipped my hat to hide my sadness. “I...I see...I’ll make extra effort to take care of him.”

“Nah, don’t get like that,” he forced my hat back up with his magic. “He doesn’t need to be coddled like a pansy. He needs his companions. That’s where all of us come in,” he pointed at me, then himself. “Get it?”

Smart guy. I wouldn’t waste this chance. Not with Neon’s name on the line. “Indeed, my friend.”

“Right then. Let’s get on down there…”

I stopped him. “Hold on, we need to eat some of the fruit first.”

He groaned and hung his head, “Aw man...I hate sweet things.”

“Come now, don’t be shy. Fruit breath makes you less hostile. It’s either that or crickets.” I climbed up one of the trees.

“I’ll take the pears.”

Once I had gotten some pears from a nearby tree, we munched them as we trotted down to the dark, sheltered city of bat-kind.

“Well now...I wonder what sort of tech they got ‘ere. How’s anything powered down in a manky place?”

“Come to think of it, I didn’t venture any sort of guess towards it. But I’m sure Madam Sonar will be willing to explain.”

“Right, right…”

I led him to the small abode where I had met the batmare not long ago, and knocked on the door. “Ms. Sonar? Are you available?”

The door was answered in a hurry, the batmare had curlers in her mane, and she looked like she had only recently woken up. “Huh? Wha? Oh it’s you, sir…”

“Yes. We’re here to let you know that two ponies from the princesses’ close circle are going to arrive soon. With them, you can discuss how you can integrate back into pony society along with the others.”

“Oh...that sounds nice…” she yawned, “And what about the griffons?”

Flash Drive spoke up. “We’re gonna handle ‘em ourselves, madam. You just rest and let us deal with that, right Pale?”

“Indeed. We’ll take care of them. Just watch out for your kin.”

“Oh...okay…” The batmare was still not fully cognitive, but she gave her best response with a nod. “I’m gonna go back to bed and...stuff.” She closed the door.

“Well that was rather easy.”

“It ain’t over yet,” I started walking away from the door, and back to the entrance of the valley. “Those bird-cat-folk could show up at any second. We have to be ready to intercept.”

Instead of following close, Drive chose a brisk gallop instead. “You’re too stingy, Captain. Take in the sights while ya can.”

There was no time for that. Now that we’ve given the bats the warning, it was time to act. The griffons would be here any minute now. We returned to the edge of the valley where the fruit orchards were located.

“Alright...keep your wits about you, now,” I said with a steely gaze. “They could be anywhere.”

Flash Drive pointed, “Found ‘em.”


Apparently, he thought to bring along his binoculars, and used them to spot the griffons who were about 20 yards away as they flew in. “What should we do, boss?”

“Intercept, obviously,” I stepped out and started waving my hooves around. “Hoi! Over here!”

They landed. A familiar boss griffon stood before us alongside four others. Two on his left and two on his right. “What are you doing here? We’ve come for what we were promised.”

“The deal’s off, buddy,” I said with a tip of my hat. “But you’ll be happy to know that Princess Twilight herself offers a message.”

“Oh really? And what, pray tell, did she want you to say?”

I cleared my throat. “She wants you to meet with Gallus. They will both oversee a sort of...competition to determine who the best griffon ruler is.”

“Lord Gruff’s grandson, eh?” he raised an eyebrow, “And do you honestly think a griffon that lives among ponies will have the best understanding of griffon culture?”

Was he dense? Honestly. “Tch. He’s leading a more successful life than you are right about now, so I’d say so.”

Flash Drive jumped out in front of me and uttered what I can only describe as the single most confusing statement in history. “Ohhhh! Damn man you lot just got shagged harder than a scrubber mare in a public cottage on a red light evening!” he stood on his hind legs with his forelegs crossed in a pose that wouldn’t look out of place on the cover of a Rap CD.

I...I just...whaaa…?

I stared at him in confusion. Complete silence filled the air for at least thirty grueling seconds.

One of the griffons let out an awkward cough.

The boss griffon looked just as confused as I was. “Um...is your friend alright?”

“I have no idea,” I grabbed his tail with my teeth, and forcefully pulled him back next to me. I desperately wanted to smack him, but I would save that for later. “What in the absolute devil did you just--you know what, don’t tell me.”

“Sorry, boss. Just felt appropriate,” he replied with a rightfully embarrassed smile.

I sighed with a hoof over my nose. Then I looked at the griffons once more. “Once you speak with Gallus, the princess will make the details clearer. Is that agreeable?”

“Hm…” The boss griffon rubbed his claw against his chin as he thought about it.

His thoughts along with everyone else’s were interrupted when we heard threatening chitter noises from the trees nearby. In the darkness of the forest, we saw various sets of bat eyes which gazed threateningly at the griffons.

“Wait...what’s going on? Did you set us up?! If you aren’t willing to compromise, we’ll take the relic by force.”

I shook my head. “No! I didn’t...everyone go back to your homes!” I stood between the swarm of bat-ponies that just barely poked their heads out of the dark forest and the griffons, who looked ready to fight.

Just then, Flash Drive would slip next to me with a whisper. “Listen. I have a plan. The perfect plan. Possibly the greatest plan ever.”

I returned the whisper. “What could you possibly be planning?”


Luna end me now.

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