• Published 14th Aug 2020
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Interviews With Equestrians - Jmaster49

A look inside the hidden perspectives of the average pony by your average joe. Starting with the imprisonment of Cozy Glow, this pony sets out to expose the hidden problems of Equestria that its residents have a right to know.

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Subject 141: The Truth Behind The Bug

The plan was simple. The now-powerless Elytra would lead me to where her boss was located. However, I made the tactical decision to not alert everyone about her faked death. Why? Because if everyone knew about it right away, then it would be very likely that our enemies could find out about what our plans were before they were executed.

However, I did notify Flash Drive and Guttersnipe would watch over the proceeding situation. As I noted before, it would be foolish to go at it alone and unprepared.

As we trekked on hoof towards the secluded location--and with Drive and Guts in tow not far behind us--I decided to ask another question of massive importance.

“Before we get there, I need you to divulge every detail of what your plans were, how they came to be, what ponies you enslaved, and how you were defeated.”

“You’re lucky I have no power. Hmph…” The changeling sighed with a grotesque reverb. “...I suppose I have no choice. Allow me to explain...”

About a month ago…

Things went rather swimmingly for Elytra after she took control of pony slaves that had been sold for mere food outside of Equestria. It was simple. Almost too simple. The ponies she managed to acquire were all within relatively good health and had little to no injuries or outstanding conditions. They were all ripe for the picking.


At a remote location far from any traceable area of Equestria, Elytra made her base underground so the warm bodies could acclimate to the sickly green chrysalises they were placed in.

“I thought I had everything in the palm of my hoof,” Elytra explained as she recounted the events of how she created her dream, “To become stronger than Chrysalis and usurp the lovey-dovey ponies so that I could become the supreme ruler and make a new race of changelings that aren’t bogged down by petty emotions like kindness and generosity. But by using pony DNA with changeling DNA...it would’ve made the strongest creatures in existence. With magic that is unparalleled.”

I stared at her with another unimpressed expression. If my face were any flatter, it would’ve become two-dimensional. “Is that so? So you tried to force-breed your kind into the bodies of ponies? Disgusting.”

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Maybe to a regular pony like you.”

There was no way I was going to waste my time with a pointless debate. We needed to get back on track. “Anyway, just how were you defeated if you claim to be so strong?”

Elytra hissed, and turned her head to the side. Must’ve touched a nerve with that one. “Ssss...I wasn’t defeated. I was...decieved.”

Yeah right. I didn’t believe her for a second. But I wasn’t about to make a big deal out of it. There were far more important things to focus on. “Well? Go on, then,” I said to urge her to continue.

With an exasperated groan, she went on.

Ten Days Ago…

Elytra was approached. Despite her base being located underground, she wasn’t completely invulnerable. This individual slunk over to her. A regular earth pony mare by the looks of it.

“...Are you Elytra, perhaps?” the mare asked as she adjusted her reading glasses.

The bug of a pony turned around. “You’ve got a lot of nerve coming down to my new home. If you were able to figure out my location, then you can’t just be some ordinary pony. Despite what your outward appearance tells me.”

The mare simply stared at her, and scoffed lowly. “Hm. Maybe, maybe not. That is of little concern to me at the moment.” She trotted around the underground passage, and gazed at all of the ponies she had wrapped up in cocoons along the walls and ceiling. “I came here to make an offer.”

“An offer?” Elytra repeated with a hint of doubt, “Just what are you trying to pull?”

“Nothing,” said the mare, “I simply wish to team up with you.”

The new breed of changeling cackled. “HAHAHA! That’s hilarious. There’s no way in Tartarus’ seventh circle that I would work with somepony else. That’s the exact mistake that Chrysalis made and it’s what resulted in her imprisonment. Working with an idiot of a centaur and a child that can’t control herself. Biggest mistake she could’ve ever made.” Her eyes flashed a shade of bright, solid green. “And now, you’ve made your biggest mistake by coming down here. You will rue the day you decided to mess with Equestria’s next ruler!”

Despite the intimidation tactic, the mare wasn’t amused nor impressed. Her face remained neutral. “I see. So much for that plan. Do your worst.”

“YAAAA!” Elytra charged at the mare…

Interesting recollection of events. But part of it felt incomplete. “Wait a second, what happened next?” I asked.

The changeling refused to say anything further on the matter. “I’m going to face my death soon. You’re going to see just what happened to me. Even if I won’t rule over this world, at least somepony like her can wrestle it away from those softie princesses who pretend to know what they’re doing only to provide security theater to their foolish population of sheep.”

Everything she said irked me.

Because of how valid it was.

But I refused that reality. This was not going to be a world that fostered stagnation. No longer. Even if I had to incite that change myself. But a massive explanation would be lost on somepony like Elytra. All I chose to say was, “Just you watch. Things are going to change very soon.”

Eventually, she led us to a run-down stone structure in the middle of an open field. Flash Drive and Guttersnipe kept close by. The pegasus mare flew above us to ensure we weren’t followed while the unicorn stallion used his magic to generate a force field.

“Well, there it is,” she weakly pointed to the structure, “That’s where she’s stationed.”

“‘She’? Do you know who we’re dealing with?”

The changeling sighed. “I suppose you’re about to find out soon enough. Follow me. I’ll go first.” And she trudged onwards, then into the open face of the stone.

I followed. Slowly, carefully. Then Drive and Guts both slunk in after us to watch my back. We trotted down some steps and entered what felt like an old, abandoned cellar? In the middle of nowhere? Curious.

Elytra led us to a wooden door at the end of a narrow concrete hallway. “Okay...she’s behind this door.”

Drive looked at me and nodded.

Then I looked at the bug pony. “Knock. Get her attention.”

Another small sigh from her before she walked up, and tapped her hoof on the wood. After a moment or two, it violently swung open and we were greeted with the face of a crazy mare.


I couldn’t believe it. A comic book villain came to life and was right in front of us. And behind her...was that Luna in a cage?!

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