• Published 14th Aug 2020
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Interviews With Equestrians - Jmaster49

A look inside the hidden perspectives of the average pony by your average joe. Starting with the imprisonment of Cozy Glow, this pony sets out to expose the hidden problems of Equestria that its residents have a right to know.

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Subject 48: Silver and Gold

“You father? Wait a second...what?”

Silver Spoon nodded once. “It’s true. I remember it like it was yesterday. But...if you want this info, I’d like to at least request that you try and get me an audience with Cozy.”

“Hold on, now,” I held up a hoof. “There’s no need for this exchange nonsense. I’ll do my best to see if she’ll speak with you regardless. But I ask that you please divulge whatever you can.”

She sighed, and nodded. “Alright. I’ll tell you what I can. Would it be better if we went inside?”

Obviously. We didn’t want anyone to overhear confidential information. “Sure, come on in.” I invited her inside, and shut the door tightly once she was in. We both sat on the couch, and I let her have the floor to speak. “Okay, what do you know, Ms. Spoon?”

“Well, I don’t remember many details. All I know is that my dad left the family when I was still a filly. It was just my mother and I who were around the house. She always told me that he was off doing work--which I suppose technically wasn’t wrong but…”

To think, Diamond Tiara’s closest friend had issues of her own. It never occurred to me until now. But it made sense. I also never recalled witnessing her parents around her. So this would be an interesting tale to listen to. “I see...please continue?”

She leaned forward, and put her hooves together. “I distinctly remember him saying that he wants to become stronger to protect mom and I. So he decided to join an offshoot branch of the Canterlot Military. Beyond that...I don’t know much else.”

I see. So Neighsay disguised the purpose of his cause as a military faction of sorts? Of course that would draw in loads of young ponies that wanted to prove themselves in the art of combat as well as being able to defend their home. A noble sentiment, yes. But I needed more information beyond conjecture.

“Do you happen to have any...proof? Any sort of documentation that states what your father signed up for?”

With a sigh, she shook her head. “None. Though if I do come across anything at all, I’ll be sure to let you know.”

“Alright, because you can’t have a proper case without evidence. I hope you’re aware of that. A trial against Neighsay is being held soon, so I appreciate whatever you’re able to tell me.”

She nodded. “It’s no problem, sir. The last thing we need is somepony who thinks complete and total control of the world is how things should be handled.”

“Yup, I agree. Is there anything else you wanted to say?”

“No, that’s all. Thanks for listening.”

An unexpected but not unwelcome development in the process. Just what sort of operation has Neighsay and his crew been running this whole time? It was too curious to simply leave it idle. But today was fairly stressful. Once Silver Spoon left, I made sure to take time for myself. Some time away from work.

I rested, cleaned up around my house, and made sure everything was in order. I hadn’t forgotten that Cheerilee did express the desire to return to me this evening. So I couldn’t afford to leave anything just lying around. “Huh.”

When your house was clean, it was a refreshing feeling. This old dump of mine had always been littered with the occasional piece of paper or note that I took. But with that gone, it was easier for me to think. Now I actually felt embarrassed that Cheerilee had visited me earlier with my place in this state. Dammit, Pale.

Oh well, that was neither here nor there. When the purple earth pony returned that evening, she was actually surprised to see the house in a much better state.

“Oh wow,” she said upon entry, “I never expected a stallion to know how to clean!”

I couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah...me neither, heh.”

A very pinpointed joke. In truth, yes. Many stallions were rather messy and didn’t take time to clean up after themselves. Admittedly? Myself included. Many stallions worked hard for the good of this world. It left us tired, ragged. As a result, we often forget the little things--namely how to relax.

Thankfully, Cheerilee was no stranger to relaxation. She stayed with me the entire night in order to help me with it. She joined me on the couch once more for a close hug.

“All you have to do is empty your mind...and you’ll feel fine. After dealing with bratty demons--I mean children for so many years, you sort of develop skills that keep your sanity in check.”

“Tell me about it,” I responded, “Working through all of these cases gave me a new perspective on life. And with you...well, I think things are gonna be even better.”

She giggled. “Hehe! Oh, that reminds me. Are you aware of the upcoming Running of the Leaves?”

How could I not? “Yeah, I know. What’s up?”

“Well...I might be participating this year. I was hoping you would come watch. If...you’re not too busy.”

Was there some sort of otherworldly force in play here? Or was this just a coincidence? Regardless, I happily obliged, “Of course. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

“Are you sure?” Cheerilee tilted her head with uncertainty. Did she really expect me to deny her outright? “What about watching over Cozy Glow?”

“I think...she’ll be just fine. She’s...going to be involved in the event one way or another.”

“Oh my…” I couldn’t tell if she was afraid or excited by what I had said. “Well, I sincerely hope you both know what you’re doing. I know that any child can turn themselves around and become a respectable adult, no matter how demonic they may seem. Just look at Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon!”

“Haha! Yeah…”

We both laughed it off. Such a funny thought. I knew that there were loads of children out there who were misbehaved by nature--after all I was one of them. But maybe...just maybe Cozy Glow can set a proper example for the rest of them.

It was a relaxing night Cheerilee and I shared. We even slept together upstairs. Though, somehow by all defiance of logic, Tree Hugger had snuck back in to make brownies yet again. You know what? I wasn’t going to complain. I loved spending time with them both.

Days past, and I let the kid have some space. The Running of the Leaves was set to begin today. I got up early, and checked in with Corkscrew on the way towards the path through Ponyville where the marathon was set to begin.


“Sir! We have reports that a number of surprise guest entries have decided to attend the Running this year.”

I tilted my head. “Who?”

Cork flipped through a list. “Countess Coloratura, Luna, Cadance, and Gabby.”

I raised an eyebrow. Just how did a griffon intend to keep up with the ponies in a running competition when they normally flew? Beyond that, just how did this catch the attention of royalty and a famous musician? What did Cozy do? “I see...any sign of Cozy today?”

“None. Last I checked, she was still at home. She should be here soon, boss. I wouldn’t worry.”

I brushed a hoof against his mane. “Gotcha, bud. Gimme a bird’s eye view from above, alright? Flash Drive’s communication devices should keep us connected even while you’re in the air.”

He pushed my hoof away, and straightened his mane back. Hehe. Always loved messing with him that way. “Yeah, yeah, boss. I’m not gonna go and die on ya,” he flashed me a smirk, and flew into the air.

With that established, now I had other things to worry about. Just where was Cozy? Did she get cold hooves or something?”

Nope, she appeared naught but a few moments after Cork left. “Okay...everything’s ready. I hope it worked,” she said with a loss of breath. Her mane was all tattered and lost its curls, and she had wrinkles under her eyes that represented a lack of sleep. “How are you today, sir?”

“...Kid, you alright? You look half-beaten.”

She gasped, and panted. “I’ve been...up all night...for the past three days...getting the word out. But it’ll all...be worth it...once that race stars, ughhh…”

She was about to fall over, but I caught her. “Kid...you’re not well. Let’s take a seat. The race isn’t set to begin for another two hours.”

“I haven’t eaten in those three days either,” she said with a hoarse groan.


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