• Published 14th Aug 2020
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Interviews With Equestrians - Jmaster49

A look inside the hidden perspectives of the average pony by your average joe. Starting with the imprisonment of Cozy Glow, this pony sets out to expose the hidden problems of Equestria that its residents have a right to know.

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Subject 140: Confrontation

And so, I returned to Silver Shoals later that day. Though, it was more like Snowy Shoals from just how much snow there was. Hm. My main objective was to find Celestia. Why? I needed to know if it was possible to pull a fictional being out of a book and give them enough power to rival the strongest creatures in existence. If I could hear it straight from the mare’s mouth, then it would confirm all of the suspicions that I had, and I could move forward with the investigation.

All I had to do was find her.

Somehow, the universe was on my side for once. It didn’t take long for me to find the tall mare at the local skating rink. Nopony else was there so she was able to practice in secret. To be honest, she wasn’t half-bad. Though I wasn’t much of a skater myself so I couldn’t exactly comment.

I went inside, and trotted up to the gate that separated the ice rink from the spectators. Celestia had just completed a lap, and stopped on a bit with a spin. She must have noticed me arrive.

“Pale? Now that’s an unexpected sight. What brings you down here today?” she asked, which confirmed my notion.

“Well, it’s a long story. And it starts with a photograph that Luna gave me…”

The alicorn slid up to the side of the rink, and leaned upon the support wall to speak to me. “Ah, so that’s why she left so early this morning…”

Oh? Well I guess that made sense. But I wonder why she didn’t tell her sister where she went so early. “Has she made it back yet?”

“No. But I’m sure she’ll return soon,” she answered, and returned the conversation to its start point, “So--what did you want to speak with me about?”

“Oh yes…”

I gave her the explanation of what happened after I had made the discovery of what was in the photographic evidence that Luna gave me. Then I asked the million-bit question.

“...so what I want to know is whether or not it’s possible to take something out of a fictional work, make it real, and make it just as strong if not stronger than its original counterpart.”

The alicorn’s pupils shrank, then she closed her eyes with a sigh. “...So it’s come to this, hasn’t it?”

I tilted my head. “Come to what? Celestia, now isn’t the time for cryptic blather. I need a straightforward answer: Is it possible?”

“Yes,” she opened her eyes once more, “But most ponies simply aren’t able to rip whatever they want out of a book. If they could, all of Equestria--nay, the world would be overrun with demonic Tartarusian creatures.”

Very valid. This couldn’t just be an ability that anypony could access. It would present a series of conflicts far too large for even the Elements of Harmony to handle. That is why this situation unnerved me so. This sort of magic was simply too rare to be taken lightly.

“Exactly,” I replied, “So in essence, this pretty much confirms what I knew from before.”

In return, Celestia would press me next. “If you don’t mind--what exactly are you theorizing here, Pale?”

“...We’re about to deal with an infamous comic book supervillain that nopony is ready to face. One that has the powers and abilities of some of the strongest enemies in recent memory combined. And since this individual is working on their own, there’s no chance to turn them against somepony else.” I gazed up at her with cold fury, “So allow me to bring this creature down.”

Celestia looked down at the icy floor beneath her hooves, and then up at the ceiling. “...Do whatever necessary to protect those close to you. I have a feeling that the world is going to change drastically after this...”

Really now? What could she mean by that, I wonder? Blech. No time to focus on that. I had an objective. But for the moment, I needed to gather all of my apples in the figurative basket before I made my next move. One wrong step could spell the end of my life and countless others as we know it.

I was about to say something, but we were interrupted.

A brown earth pony mare stepped into the ice skating facility, “Found you!” She removed the hood of her thick coat, and looked at us. It was Babs! “Yo, Pale. Look, uh--we got a problem.”

I turned around to get a better look at her. “What kinda problem?”

“All the hair gel from the local stores got stolen!” she shouted and pointed outside, “Nopony can style their manes with a lack of gel!”

I rubbed my hoof against my chin. “Hair gel...hm…” This essentially confirmed my suspicion. I didn’t want this to be the case, but it looked like it was unavoidable. For now, all I could do was keep things secure. “Celestia. Go get Luna and make sure you both can keep watch over this town. We have no idea where our...case subject will strike next, so ponies of your caliber need to be on standby.”

She nodded, and removed her skates as she stepped off the rink. “Sounds reasonable enough to me. Luna has been absent for quite a while now, so with what’s going on, now’s not the time for her to be slacking off.”

Seriously? Did she think so lowly of her sister to imagine that she lazed about? Then again, it was a much better theory than Luna being in the hooves of the enemy. For her sake, I hoped that Celestia was correct.

“Alright, then. Now Babs,” I looked at the earth pony mare, “Take me to the scene of the crimes that were committed. Hair gel is a strange, yet dubious item to steal en masse. Let’s go.”

And so, I left with Babs and Celestia went off on her own. But something was wrong and I could feel it the moment Babs and I took off together. The way she spoke a minute ago….wait a second…

From her perspective, she must have sensed my gaze as it bore through her body. “What’s wrong? Are you feeling okay?”

Hell no I wasn’t. But I wasn’t going to let her know that so readily. “Nothing’s wrong. Take me to the first store that was robbed.”

“If you’re sure, friend. Come on,” she ran ahead of me, and took a back turn behind one of the stores near the plaza. A secluded area that nopony could see us at.

That’s when I knew.

Her form changed to that of a changeling. But not just any changeling. It was Elytra herself. She attempted to lunge at me with her fangs out. “HISSSS--!”

But I quickly subdued her when I shoved an icicle between her jaw which prevented her from being able to close it. Then, I delivered a swift punch to her jaw which knocked her into the wall nearby. Lastly, I followed up and tackled her against the hard brick to lock her in place. One thing I noticed was that Elytra had lost all significant signs of her power. She was weakened, drained by some...outside source.

The dull green bug pony turned her head and coughed. “Ack! Gah...so you realized who I was, hm?”

“Babs doesn’t speak like the rest of us,” I snarled as I held her against the wall, “So you faked your death then? And for what? So you can pretend to kill us all? Or is there somepony else behind all of this?”

Her solid navy-blue eyes darted left, then right. With no other option, she finally relented. “Okay...I’ll tell you. In truth, yes. There is somepony else. I thought I was on top of the world--ready to make all of you ponies my slaves. But then he comes along and messes everything up.”

I would’ve asked who ‘he’ was, but this location would be reckless to let loose such important information. I kept the next question vague for that reason. “I see...so someone else was behind it all. Hmph. It’s your own fault for desiring such things and it’s why you’re in the state you’re currently in. I have no sympathy for someone like you.”

In a pitiful display, the bug mare saw fit to beg. “Wait, wait, wait! Please don’t kill me! I-I...I’ll show you where Babs is! I can take you right to her.”

With a flat, unimpressed stare, I raised a brow. “Seriously?”

She nodded feverishly. “Yes! I swear! I’ll do anything you want! Anything! I just don’t wanna end up like Chrysalis!”

Yeesh. What a pain. Though this does mean that Babs had been captured by her, and that the news of her death was in fact fake. But just who was behind all of this? Regardless, I knew better than to go at it alone. Backup was mandatory for something like this.

And I knew just who to call.

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