• Published 14th Aug 2020
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Interviews With Equestrians - Jmaster49

A look inside the hidden perspectives of the average pony by your average joe. Starting with the imprisonment of Cozy Glow, this pony sets out to expose the hidden problems of Equestria that its residents have a right to know.

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Subject 23: Bats...

The plan was laid out, simple enough. Flash Drive would watch my back from the ground while Guttersnipe would do so from the air. Everything was already in place. However, two days before the griffons were meant to be at Hollow Shades, I ran into Neon once more.

“There you are, mate. Been lookin’ all over for ya,” he said with a huff.

I was seated outside at a Crystal Cafe sipping a latte of sorts. It was quite the explosion of flavors. Much different from the regular stuff we had in Ponyville. “Oh, what’s up Neon?”

“I was sent ‘ere by your two pals back home. They wanted me to join ya. If that’s okay.”

I nodded. “I’d be great to have you. Did Flash and Gutter fill you in on the details?”

“Yeah…I felt it’d be best if I attended with you personally. If we can meet with the other batponies before the griffons do, we can find out just why they wanna bring Sombra back.”

“I have a theory. But from...certain research that may be outdated. Not all of them seek to bring him back. Only certain ones.”

Neon took a seat with me, “Even still, I wonder why? I figured they’d want to establish a better relationship with the other races instead of burning it. I know cuz I certainly don’t want him back.”

I took a deep breath. “Listen, Neon. There’s something I need to explain to you…” In a hushed whisper, I explained to him the true origin of the Bat Pony race and how they came to be.

“No...are you serious?”

“I’ve seen the hidden archives beneath the Empire...there’s no doubt in my mind that that is the reason why certain bat types want to bring him back.”

Neon looked like he didn’t believe me at first. I couldn’t blame him. I just dropped quite the bombshell on him. “...I dunno, mate. I’d like to get it straight from a horse’s mouth if ya don’t mind.”

I nodded. It was always encouraging to see someone desire to find out information for themselves rather than simply believing what others told them. “I respect that. There’s a lot of hidden things about Equestria that you can’t learn from the books. Moreover, there could be a host of topics that the scholars simply won’t allow to be taught. Such as dark magic…”

“I see...the pursuit of knowledge limited only by what the leaders want you to ‘ear. Crazy…”

I was curious about what he had dealt with in his youth. Maybe now was the time to ask. “Is...Trottingham similar perchance?”

Neon rubbed his fake leg, and shut his eyes. “If anyone had acceptance problems, it was those folks. Remember when I told ya I’d explain my problems to ya one day? Well, I wasn’t allowed to hear anything.”

I looked down. “That’s right…”

Years ago…

In a Trottingham schoolhouse.

“What are ya? Some kinda ugly bat creatcha?”

“Ya right, munter! Go suck on a lemon!”

“Me mum caught ill from folks like you! Don’t touch me, ya git!”

“I dare ya to bite me ya gobshite!”

“This was back when I had all of my legs. They could never accept me...thought I was some sort of scary bat monster. Just because I enjoyed partaking in the consumption of insects and had strange eyes,” Neon explained as he recounted the events. “Things looked like they would never turn up, until…”

The blue bat-colt hid away from the other students to avoid upsetting them. His mere existence scored him hatred among the other schoolmates. But he didn’t let that hold him back. Through his best efforts, he became one of the top players of cricket at his school, and even won the heart of one of his fellow schoolmates. A relatively poor filly who had been equally mocked for her lack of wealth.

“I felt like I was on top of the world. I finally earned the respect of the other foals. But then things turned for the worse when the school dance arrived. I’ll never forget that day…”

Neon and his date both attended the dance and managed to score the title of Dance King and Queen. But when they both arrived on stage, a bucket of blue insect blood was dumped on the bat colt. Everyone including his ‘date’ began to laugh at his expense.

“Ahahaha! You honestly thought I was poor? You must be off ya nut!”

The colt began to cry, and amidst his sadness, he gave in to rage. His bat instincts took over, and he flew around the room, hissing at, and scaring everyone with his fangs on full display. “I’ll suck your blood until I feel bone!” His first victim was his so-called date--Holly Waterwheel. He swooped in as she cackled, and his fangs sank deep into her leg, which caused her to cry out.


“Turns out it was all a prat. A jest. A hoax. I was conned into believing someone like her could be interested in a hideous being like me. So I showed them how hideous I could be...I still remember the fear on Holly’s face as I showed her her own blood on my teeth.”

I leaned forward as he told the story. “Ouch, man...but that still doesn’t explain how you lost your right foreleg.”

He nodded. “I’m getting to that. In order to spare you the nastier details, I’ll skip right to the cut of the jib.”

The young Neon fled and was chased by his former students as they had decided to fight back. To the ends of the streets and down an alley by the river, they all attacked. One after another, they punched, bucked, and tackled him.

“This is for Holly, you knob!”

“Go back to a cave and stay there!”

He finally opened his slitted, yellow eyes again, “I was...outmatched and outnumbered. Nobody came to save me or see what had led up to this. I was deemed a monster from then on. And in the ensuing battle...I lost me leg.”

I was shellshocked. My jaw quivered as I reached out to him, “...Neon. They really broke your entire leg?”

“Clean off. Luckily, I was given swift medical treatment once the bobbies arrived. But it was too late...they had to get rid of it…”

“I understand...now how did you get the replacement?”

As he was stationed in the hospital, a bat mare would come to see him, and offer him a procedure. An abnormal one.

“Her name was Olive Batling. Heir to the Batling family,” he explained with a smile that returned to his face, “it hurt like the dickens. But I gained a friend, and the ability to walk properly again.”

“Amazing...and that arm serves multiple purposes doesn’t it? Including shooting projectiles?”

I could tell that the topic change made him happy due to the fact that his smile turned into a more proud grin. “Too right. They were the ones who developed the Batling weapons as a means of defense. But in the end, that’s how I got this arm. It’s a part of me now.”

I reached over and gave him a hug. “I never knew...I’m sorry about that, Neon.”

“S’alright, mate. But know that this is why I have a personal investment in this conflict. And I’ll do everything I can to figure out why my kind is trying to bring back that demon…”

“So your idea is that we should try and meet with the batponies early. Before things begin to shake down, yes?”

He nodded, “That’s right. If we find out just what they’re planning, we potentially stop them from making a horrible mistake. And maybe...maybe even…”

“Even what?”

It was something sensitive he tried to hide. “Nothing. A folly of an idea that nopony sane would get behind,” he played it off with a false laugh.

I thought about it a bit longer. Was it possible that his past trauma that occurred to him during that night is what caused the slight shift in his demeanor as a result of the events he suffered so long ago? And just what did he have in mind that he didn’t wish to share? That Neon was troublesome. But I liked that about him.

So just as planned, we would set off for Hollow Shades a day in advance. Or rather, a night in advance. Flash Drive and Guttersnipe would back us up from a distance. Oh? I suppose I haven’t thought about them very much.

Well Flash Drive was a mechanical genius. Mostly on the fixing side, but every now and again, he would develop something actually decent that we could use. For one, the earpieces we used to communicate with were all connected by a closed line through his magic. Sadly, this pony only had one trick up his sleeve, but it was a damn good one. He was a jet black unicorn with a messy gray mane and tail and his cutie mark was a simple electrical cord. Much more laid-back than his strict brother Neon.

Guttersnipe was crazy. Our resident assassin with a fixation for loud and obnoxious ways to destroy the enemy. Though she was a pegasus, her wings were damaged in an accident. Probably one that she herself caused. So she had them enhanced with mechanical augments to allow her to fly properly. This gave her the ability to store things within the metal tubes along the wings such as little bombs to use for later. Her coat was a fiery red color and her mane had streaks of orange and black with a skull for a cutie mark.

Those two were more reliable than they looked at first glance, which is why I was happy to have their assistance.

“Anythin’ for my brotha,” Flash Drive responded to my query about backup. He too sported that smooth Trottingham accent. But I wondered if Drive’s family adopted Neon or if they were somehow biologically related. Curious, but no time for that.

“Thanks, Drive,” Neon put his good hoof around his brother’s neck, “I can always depend on ya.”

Guttersnipe was more than enthused, her wings already loaded. “Let’s get a move on, boogers and gents!”

“Right you are!” Neon replied.

And so we headed out. It wasn’t that long of a train ride to Hollow Shades, but it was rather uncommon since nopony ever actually went there very often. Regardless, we set off and took in the sight of the massive forest. As in, much wider, larger, and thicker than Everfree Forest. The perfect setup to surround and protect a steep valley.

We exited the train. Neon and I took front point while Flash Drive hung back. Our speakers were ready. Guttersnipe had taken shelter upon one of the clouds in the sky as overwatch.

The sun had begun to set, and the evening started to fade into the night. Neon’s personality would change as usual.

“Alright, mate. You ready?” he asked.

I nodded as we crept through the wilderness, “As I’ll ever be. This way, we can begin to understand just what’s going on out here.”

“You sure this isn’t distracting you from your main objective?” he questioned what I was dealing with, “Cozy Glow’s freedom slips further out of reach with each passing glance, you know.”

I chuckled, “Heh. Relax. If I--nay--we all solve a peaceful movement between two quarreling races, they’ll have no reason not to trust me and allow me to have a fair trial to discuss Cozy Glow’s case...”

“I hope so, friend. As long as you know what you’re doin’.”

It was about twenty or so more steps before we stopped. Neon’s batty ears twitched like satellite dishes in order to pick up sounds that only he could hear. “...Hm. They’re here. I know it. About fifty yards out. Loads of families.”

My eyes narrowed so I could get a better look. The ground beneath our hooves would shift to a steady path that hit a downward incline into the very valley we knew of. This was it Hollow Shades was upon us.

Now the question was: How do we approach?

“Alright, what do you recommend?”

“I’ll head in first,” he suggested, “They’ll trust a fellow member of their kin much sooner.”

“Very well,” I said with a nod. It did make sense for Neon to make first contact given that he was one of them. Hopefully they wouldn’t denounce him for being friends with non-bats, though.

And so, he was off. And I waited patiently on the outskirts of the bat-folk’s village. Their architecture wasn’t all that different from ours in Ponyville. From what I could tell, the overarching alleys allowed them to hide away from excess light and live as if they were in caves like their ancestors did. How quaint. It was a very interesting style they had going on.

It didn’t take five minutes for him to make progress.


“Ah!” I yelped and fell backwards. Neon had returned already, and dropped down from a tree branch to greet me. It gave me quite the scare, I’ll admit. “Ahem...you’re back already?”

He nodded, “Righto. The leader of the group who wants to bring Sombra back has agreed to speak to us.”

“Alright then, let’s--”

But before we could enter, he stopped me, “Hold on.” Neon grabbed a few mangos and tossed them at me, “Eat these. You won’t be as suspicious with fruit on your breath.”

Made sense, I suppose. I gladly consumed the fruits as we trotted down into Hollow Shades itself. And let me be frank, it was quite different than simply observing it. The monolith of the valleys blocked out all moonlight which bathed the bat pony colony in crisp darkness. Thankfully, I was able to see just enough to navigate alongside Neon.

We both kept going until we entered a small wooden building on the very edge of the community. This must have been where the leader of the pro-King faction was stationed.

“Madam Sonar. We are here.”

The room was painted in complete pitch-black, save for the dimly lit table and the bat mare that sat on one end. “Enter.” She was a dark shade of purple with blue eyes and a flowing, green mane and tail.

We both sat down, and the door closed behind us. I spoke up first, “Hello, miss. I came to inquire just why you wish to bring about King Sombra’s return.”

“Isn’t it obvious?” she replied, “The race of bats have been driven out all because the Equestrians don’t accept us. The only one who did was Sombra--the pony that brought about our entire existence.”

Neon would follow up next, “Madam. I understand your plight, but listen. Sombra was a no-good cobble of a stallion who fell into darkness.”

She didn’t accept that answer, “Nonsense! He was driven away for being different too. Because of the fact that he was an Umbrum, nopony could trust him, and that’s why he turned to the darkness. Don’t you know your history?”

My bat friend looked at me. “Did you know this, mate?”

I looked down with a sigh. “...Yes, she’s right. Sombra wasn’t given a fair chance due to the prejudices he faced, and because of that, he tried harder and harder to embrace who he was, only to kill the mare he loved.”

The bat mare blinked in surprise, “...yes. I didn’t expect a non-bat to know that.”

Neon was also just as surprised. “Yeah, how do you know this, mate?”

Would it be easier to just tell them that Sombra’s ghost came into my head a few nights ago? Probably not. Yeah, no. It would be simpler to make something else up, actually. “Call it...my investigative intuition. Hard to explain, but yeah. I’m sure you know that well, Neon…”

He didn’t say anything in response. All he could do was idly rub his fake leg.

I turned to face the bat leader, “And listen...I believe that the batponies can be accepted among the rest of ponykind. Just look at my buddy Neon.” I put a hoof around him and huddled the guy, “We’re like partners.”

“Uh-huh. Can you prove it? Can you prove to them that we are not some bloodsucking race of animals?”

Well now, that was a shock to hear. Then again, these rumors were almost always perpetuated. “You don’t suck blood, eh?”

She shook her head. “No way! That’s utterly gross. We eat fruit and insects...maybe the occasional bird. But pony blood? Nah. That’s an utter myth based on vampire bat behavior.”

Wow. Guess some things were just not true. Made me sad knowing that everypony had such awful preconceived notions. “I see...well in that case, allow me to make a case for your kind. I can convince the other ponies that you are not to be feared despite your origin.”

Sonar had no confidence, and simply shrugged. “Pff. I suppose we have no choice. We’d do it ourselves, but if you think you can somehow convince those ponies up there that we mean no harm, then by all means. We’ll even call off the deal with the griffons.”

Ah yes, the griffons. They wanted to bring their own King back and restore peace to their barren, destroyed landscape. That in itself was another problem entirely.

The bat mare leaned back to put her hooves on the table. “So fine. If you do that, then I suppose everything will be just fine. But I’m not counting on it.”

“Oh don’t worry,” I said with a smirk, “We know just how to handle these types of things.” Then it hit me. I remembered what Flurry Heart said about the upcoming Gala. That event was going to be held tomorrow night in Canterlot. This would be the perfect opportunity to speak with Twilight in a more casual manner. “Neon...I have a plan.”

My bat friend turned to look at me, as stoic as ever, “What’s the sitrep, boss?”

I got up and got ready to leave, “Thank you for being reasonable, Ms. Sonar. We will take our leave now.” I beckoned for Neon to follow. He did, but not before he spoke to his fellow bat mare with a few squeaks I couldn’t quite understand.

In a brisk gallop, we both left the entrance of the valley. “What are you thinking, old chap?”

“Okay, hear me out. The Gala is tomorrow evening, yes?”

His ears dropped immediately at the mention of a public dance. “...I had no idea. What are you getting at?”

“If I met with Twilight there, I could kill multiple birds with one stone.”

I could see it in his eyes. He loathed the idea of heading to another dance. Once again, he rubbed his metal leg. “...You’re not going to make me come along to some silly occasion, are ya?”

I shook my head, and gave him a quick hug. “No way, friend. I can do this on my own. Besides, you’ve done more than enough for me as it is.”

But something about my response unnerved him. I could tell with the uncertain look in his eyes that he did indeed want to help me out. But given his past traumas, there was no way I was about to force him to follow me to such an event. “...Alright, mate. Let’s just get on home so we can regroup and make our next decision.”

“Indeed,” I smiled as we walked out of the forest and back to the train station. Flash Drive and Guttersnipe weren’t too far behind us. It was a crazy idea that I had, but maybe, just maybe it would work.

Hopefully I didn’t have to dance, though.

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