• Published 14th Aug 2020
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Interviews With Equestrians - Jmaster49

A look inside the hidden perspectives of the average pony by your average joe. Starting with the imprisonment of Cozy Glow, this pony sets out to expose the hidden problems of Equestria that its residents have a right to know.

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Subject 274: Comprehending The Ram

As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t just outright ignore something so significant. The fact that Grogar would desire the idea of chasing the perfect world seemed rather out of place at first, but the more I thought about it, the more it stood to reason.

However, I still refused to let up in my efforts towards keeping the kid safe.

“Alright, I’ll hear you out,” I said, “But first, answer me this: Where is Cozy right now?”

“Your child is just ahead, listening to the same words that I am relaying to you right now,” the ram went on as he looked up at us. “May I continue?”

I glanced at my friends beside me. They were all equally as suspicious of him as I was. But given how strong he was, we didn’t want to set him off and run the risk of losing everything we had fought for up until this point.

So we decided to humor him.

“Proceed,” Neon said.

Once he was given permission, Grogar went on. “I’m sure that you all know of my story. And how I was considered to be one of the most deadly beings in existence, yes?”

“...Yeah,” Guts spoke up, “That’s generally the most agreeable stance. But it’s our job to hear all sides of any given argument. I’d assume that’s what you wanna give us, yeah? Your side?”

Grogar nodded, and spoke with a tense tone--as if he was afraid to recount the events. “...I was just a normal ram when I was younger….”

...All of the sudden, time itself froze around us. Only my crew, myself, and (hopefully) Cozy were spared from this as we were teleported to an ancient landscape.

We were about to experience the uprising of Grogar first-hoof.

During the genesis of what would later become Equestria, nothing but farmland stretched across the entire continent. Ponies were the only ones that lived in the region at the time, and spent most of their days tending to their crops and gathering resources. Everything was peaceful. No monsters. No princesses. No crazy magic of any kind. Simply ponies living their lives...with no one to rule them.

Grogar recounted his experiences and explained to us his perspective. “One day...I simply came into existence. With no knowledge of who my parents or family were. Almost like I was created for a purpose of some sort…”

The young ram ventured forth. From one end of the continent to the other, he would spend his days among the ponies. However, he noticed something wrong with them…

“This is my land! Vacate yourself before I force you!”

“Are you challenging my honor?!”

“Dost thou have a problem?!”

“Come hither, and I’ll show you!”

...Violence. While the ponies did their best to live their lives in peace, conflict was almost inevitable. A day wouldn’t go by in which at least two or more of them would get into a scuffle with each other before going off about their own business as if nothing mattered.

“Watching them fight so much...disturbed me,” he said, “I knew this race wouldn’t last very long without some sort of intervention. So I decided to take it upon myself to take charge...but that fell through completely.”

And the very next time he found some ponies fighting, Grogar would try to intervene only to be met with hostile responses.

“Hey...why don’t we try and get along?” the blue ram tried to reason with some of the pony farmers.

Unfortunately for him, they didn’t have any of it.

“Get out of here! Who asked you, cretin?!”

“Thy heart is impure and not of this land!”

“Return, and we shall burn thee at the stake!”

“They didn’t listen. Figures, since they had been so content with squabbling amongst each other that they decided to go ahead and throw me under the proverbial cart also...and this went on for months…”

My crew and I watched as time moved forward a little.

Fast-forward about nine months. Grogar continued to roam the lands and tried to desperately figure out how to get the ponies to stop fighting each other. Their negativity imposed such a stark impact on his mental state, that at one point, it was all he could think about. No matter how much he tried or whatever he said, the ponies refused to speak with him or allow him ot help with their problems.

Slowly but surely, this caused Grogar to isolate himself. But out of desperation for someone to share his thoughts with…

“...Monsters--or rather, I didn’t know what they were at the time, but various creatures started to come into existence around me.” Grogar explained further as we watched his younger self become surrounded by amorphous shadows of various colors and sizes. “I don’t exactly remember what they looked, or sounded like. It was that long ago. All I remember was their voices...their voices telling me that they thought I was right. And if the ponies refused to listen...then I should make them listen. They needed authority to guide them in the right direction. And I took it upon myself to serve that purpose…”

From behind the young ram, a massive set of shadows appeared. Now fully under his control, the ram would set out to prove everypony else wrong. That they can take advice from someone different. Whether they wanted to or not…

The Father of All Monsters had been born.

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