• Published 14th Aug 2020
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Interviews With Equestrians - Jmaster49

A look inside the hidden perspectives of the average pony by your average joe. Starting with the imprisonment of Cozy Glow, this pony sets out to expose the hidden problems of Equestria that its residents have a right to know.

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Subject 298: Ceremony Part 5

The audience around us started to both cheer and even weep for us a little bit. The reunion of several high profile operatives and their families was practically a spectacle in and of itself. Why? I suppose it had everything to do with the fact that we often took certain things for granted.

The population often saw officers and agents as just one conglomerate figure that was ‘supposed’ to keep everyone safe. And yes, while that was true to a degree, it was far more than that. Because at the end of the day, we were all still regular people with our own lives and struggles that we have to deal with every day alongside our chaotic jobs. So…

I felt it. When the audience started to cheer for us. It didn’t feel like they were merely happy that they had been kept safe. Every individual cry and smile--it honest to god exuded the sense that everyone was happy because my crew and I were able to be happy for ourselves and our close family for once. I’d like to think that it was due to everyone joining us in that final battle and understanding our pain that they were able to comprehend just how important this moment was for us all.

Or maybe it was wishful thinking on my part. Who knows? Regardless, I was over the moon at that moment. Never before had I felt any happier.

“Alright, kiddo. We’ll have time to catch up later,” Miranda finally let me go, “For now, I think that Twilight wants to finish off this little ceremony with you and your friends.”

Oh right. In all of my tearful excitement, I managed to completely forget about that ceremony. It was honestly secondary to me at this point. However, I didn’t want to be rude. It was still a formal event, after all.

I nodded, and approached the stage once more. “...I’ll see you later, ma’am.”

Everyone else’s families separated to give their respective children--my crewmates--their space as we returned to the stage.

Even Twilight Sparkle herself wasn’t immune to the emotional throes of how our families treated us. To my left, I could clearly hear her sniffle and wipe her face with a handkerchief.

“...I need to make sure I hug my parents before the day is over,” she noted to herself as she made the cloth that was held aloft by her magic disappear into the aether. “That was beautiful, and it really shows just how important you all are. Not just to each other, but to your families, friends, and everypony in the world. You’re not just faceless miracle workers--you’re real ponies who have real lives. Both in and out of your offices.”

I was able to observe my crewmates and their reactions to Twilight’s final speech. Quick Draw’s cheeks turned rosy, Guttersnipe had a daring grin on her face, Corkscrew had the widest smile I could ever witness, Flash Drive did his best to play it cool with a wry smile as if he was fully aware of how great he was, and Neon stood boldly--proudly in front of a crowd for the first time in his entire life. It was a beautiful sight to behold.

And me? I was trying not to cry as I stood there.

Twilight trotted over to us, and stood in front of us as a group. One by one, she would address us and our deeds.

First was my bat friend.

“Neon Isotope,” the princess began, “You are a shining example that all batponies should follow. They’re not something that we need to fear or take for granted. And the idea that they’re all blood-sucking vampires has been disproven. It’s thanks to your efforts that relations with the species are now going much smoother than they ever have been, and we applaud you for rallying them during the final battle against Grogar. For overcoming all the prejudice and obstacles that have been in your way, your bravery is unparalleled.”

At her side, Spike was holding what appeared to be a set of medals on a purple pillow. Oh dear. This is where it really started.

Twilight levitated one of the medals onto Neon’s body, and hung it around his neck. It was solid gold with what looked like a shield emblem and a pair of bat wings in the middle engraved into it. “For that, I would like to present you with this Medal of Bravery.”

Neon did his best to hold back his tears as he accepted it, much to the praise of the audience. “...Thank you. I am honored, Princess.”

Next, she walked up to Flash Drive.

“Flash Drive--your story is a tad similar to your brother’s, isn’t it? And despite that, you fought just as hard. Like many zebras, you were a victim of many awkward looks, but it was even more unfortunate for you because you’re also half-unicorn. Yet, that didn’t stop you.” Twilight explained herself with a sense of passion that was unrivaled. The way her voice almost broke told me that she was genuinely proud of us. “Your mere existence is hard evidence of the fact that zebras and ponies can get along. But not only that, you took it a step further. You risked your own life to rebuild your home and make sure all zebras and ponies that live there would be treated equally...which is something all creatures--mixed race or not--should get behind. Diligence.”

Just as with Neon before, Twilight levitated a medal onto Flash Drive’s head until it hung around his neck. This medal was also gold and contained a unicorn horn that had stripes of alternating brass that represented his mixed heritage.

“That is why I offer you this Medal of Diligence.”

The stalwart unicorn-zebra sniffled and wiped a tear away from his eye. “...This is a dream come true, it is. Cheers very much, Princess.”

Next came Guttersnipe.

“You’re an interesting case aren’t you?” Twilight asked rhetorically, “Another user of our up-and-coming prosthetics, you--Guttersnipe Poinsettia--have proven that you are more than the sum of your parts. Even through your disability, you’ve found pride and managed to push through in many ways that others couldn’t. But thanks to you, they just might be able to. Always the first to stand up for her friends even in the toughest situations. Regardless if it was the Storm King, a giant sea monster, or a corrupted version of my old teacher--”

That last comment elicited a few chuckles from the crowd--everyone minus Celestia who simply scoffed it off, much to the delight of her younger sister.

“You were always there for your friends and never allowed the fact that you had something different about you hold you back, Guttersnipe. Your sense of honor is truly remarkable.”

Twilight presented a medal around her neck. This one had engraved shapes that looked like tiny missiles--not unlike the ones she would often shoot out of her wings.

“That is why you deserve this Medal of Integrity.”

“...Thank you so much,” the red pegasus replied with her metal wings fully expanded, “This is the best day of my life.”

From the crowd, I could see her old friends--UV Ray, Tsunami, and Vapor Trail--cheer alongside her parents.

Twilight looked at me and my closest childhood friends--Cork and Quick--next. “And then there were three. The heroes from Ponyville…”

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