• Published 14th Aug 2020
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Interviews With Equestrians - Jmaster49

A look inside the hidden perspectives of the average pony by your average joe. Starting with the imprisonment of Cozy Glow, this pony sets out to expose the hidden problems of Equestria that its residents have a right to know.

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Subject 45: Ye Old Captain

“Where are we going?” the young mare asked as we trotted along a path towards a hot air balloon.

I tipped my face beneath my hat. “Well, kid….this ain’t gonna be easy so I may as well tell you now so that it stings less later.”


I pointed up to the clouds. “First order of business is gonna be to apologize to the ponies at the weather factory. When you got rid of all magic, you caused a lot of ponies to get hurt as a result of gross negligence.” I explained it to her how it was. Of course I didn’t like being harsh on the kid, but in my line of work, it was important to remain impartial as much as possible. “Are you ready for it?”

I could see the doubts that plagued her mind as she looked at the ground with uncertainty. There were definitely conflicting thoughts that she had, but she knew as well as I that the first step towards redemption is not only identifying your problems, but coming to terms with them as well. “I’ll do it...if you answer a few questions.”

“Sure, kid. I’m all ears.” Nobody else was looking to use the hot air balloon so there was no rush. I sat down on a bench so I could listen to her. “What’s up?”

“First off...why did you do any of this? So many years have passed since then, that I didn’t think anypony cared about me. I thought I was just scum of the earth that got what it deserved.”

That level of self-deprecation was dangerous. I knew exactly what that felt like. “Listen...Cozy, you may have caused lots of problems, but back then, you were a child. A foolish, brazen child who thought their actions had no consequence, right?”

“Well...yeah,” the young mare rubbed her left hoof against her right in a sheepish fashion, “I just wanted to feel...powerful.”


“I...I felt weak my entire life,” she explained with a sigh, “You’ve seen what I’ve been through as a child. That’s why I devoted myself to manipulation and snide tactics. I wasn’t the strongest, or fastest. No, I wasn’t even the smartest. Even so, I made use of my childish charms and wits to overcome whoever stood in my way. And now here we are...so many years later.”

So she did learn a thing or two from being imprisoned for so long. Can’t say I’m surprised. That much time in solitude would likely yield some sort of amount of self-reflection. So my next inquiry was obvious. “Okay, and how do you want to move forward? What sort of goal do you wish to strive for now that you know what you did wrong in the past?”

She looked down with a worried expression. “I...I’m not sure. To start, I would like to fully comprehend the extent of the damage I caused. I’m older now, so my conscience is fully formed and I can think clearly. What I did was...complete shit.”

That was unexpected. I nearly choked up, and coughed once. “Ack! Ahem...language, young lady. And...it’s good that you’ve started to understand what you’ve done wrong on your own. But full comprehension won’t arrive until you witness the results for yourself,” I explained and got off the bench. I went over to the hot air balloon. “Come now. We haven’t a moment to spare.”

With a sharp exhale, Cozy agreed to the terms I had set. “Alright,” she said, and joined me in the balloon basket.

I drank one of the cloud-walk potions that were stationed near the balloon itself, since I wasn’t a pegasus. After that, we were off. Up in the air we went. Cozy stayed silent as we rose into the sky. The kid was nervous, I could tell that much. But I could also tell that she was willing to face the conflict she herself had created. I had nothing but the utmost respect for the mare.

We landed on the docking cloud above us. Cloudsdale wasn’t too far from Ponyville, after all. We got out, and trotted around on the cloudy roads. The place was actually very spacious and wide open with loads of buildings made of clouds. I always wondered how things functioned up here.

But no. No time for that. What I had in mind was something entirely different. “Cozy, you know about the Weather Factory, yeah?”

She nodded as we made a turn towards the facility. “Yeah. Everypony knows that’s where the clouds are made for the different types of weather we get for the seasons.”

“Well, you remember when you stole all of the world’s magic? Well, that caused the weather factory to shut down. As a result, no clouds could be made, and it was...rather unpleasantly hot for several days on end.”

“Oh…” she mumbled under her breath. When I saw her face break from the sheer amount of guilt that weighed her down, my heart sank. This was only the first of many problems she had caused for the world at large. But she needed to acknowledge her flaws of the past so that she could improve herself for the future. “Take me inside.”

“Are you sure about that?” I asked cautiously.

The young pegasus mare took a deep breath, and held her head high. “You said it yourself, sir. If I want to change, I need to come face to face with myself. Let’s go.”

I wouldn’t stop her. If she was willing to reconcile, I would give her that opportunity. So, we both went into the factory. All around on various conveyor belts were various clouds and weather types sealed within jars and prepared to be shipped out.

The worker Pegasi stopped to take a look at us before their boss ordered them to continue. Who was their boss? Well, the answer surprised me just as much in that moment as it did for anything else.

“Get back to work, ponies! I want new clouds generated hours ago!” Spitfire. Aged somewhat due to her time in the Wonderbolts. I could only assume she was retired since Rainbow Dash was now leading the Pegasus organization. Dropping down to managing the weather like Dash herself used to was a very...amusing thought. Just as amusing as seeing her in a regular Weather Factory uniform and construction helmet. “Hey there. What’s going on?” she walked up to us, and took a step back as soon as she saw the mare next to me. “Oh…”

I spoke up first. “Afternoon, Spitfire. I’m here with Cozy Glow--as her...handler more or less. She wants to say a few things.” I nudged her, “Go on, kid. I’m right here.”

She nodded once, and took a step forward. “I...would like to know the extent of the damages that I caused on the day I got rid of all magic.”

The former Wonderbolt looked at us with a curious expression, and trotted past us towards her office. “Follow me.”

I looked at Cozy, and shrugged. Guess this was our ticket to finding out just what happened. We both followed the older mare into her office. We sat down, and noticed some of her old Wonderbolt memorabilia. A medal or two here, a trophy there, a picture of her and her mother? How sweet.

Spitfire grabbed a book from a shelf between her teeth, and flopped it down in front of us on her desk. She took a seat behind the desk, and opened it up. “Let’s see...how many years ago was that, ah.” After she flipped through a bunch of pages, she came upon the page in question. “Here we are...damages that racked up bits in the hundred-thousands. The weather was forced to a screeching halt, and several ponies were injured due to the cloudwalk spell malfunctioning.”

Cozy Glow looked down at the floor. I suppose now, the reality of what damage she caused had just begun to sink in. “Oh...I...I really helped cause all of that, huh?”

Spitfire shrugged. “Don’t start cryin’ on me, kid. This wasn’t our first showdown with somepony that wanted to destroy the world.”

She looked up with a fearful frown. “It...wasn’t?”

The old Wonderbolt sighed, and leaned back in her seat. “Truth is...it’s kind of our own fault. Looking back, we’ve been attacked time and time again, and haven’t set up any sort of safety precautions. Even the Wonderbolts...nowadays they just put on shows. They’re far from the elite military squad they used to be.”

Ouch. I knew that for a while now. The Wonderbolts weren’t actually very...imposing, let’s say. They had gotten soft over the years, and yet nobody really complained about it or cared. It was a shame. For all their work as showponies, they could’ve put more time into being capable fighters.

Though, it was nice to know that Spitfire was aware of that.

“I see...even still, I’m really sorry for how I acted. If I can do anything to help pay off my--”

The yellow pegasus held up a hoof. “I’m gonna stop you right there. If I’m being honest, I can’t say I hold much of a grudge against you. I barely know you,” she said as she leaned back again. “If you want everypony to accept you for what you really are now, then I recommend you show it through your actions. Don’t just go around and grovel at everypony’s hooves.”

I was impressed to hear something like that from the former Captain. My curiosity was piqued when I heard such sentiment. “What makes you offer that suggestion, ma’am?”

“Ugh, don’t say ma’am. I’ve heard that so many times throughout my career. Makes me feel old. I’m Spitfire to you. And everyone else.” She turned her head to something she had on a shelf, a ‘Participation’ Award she received when she was little. “When you spend time begging for forgiveness instead of working on fixing your mistakes, you get nothing. The only way anypony is gonna trust you is if you start making a better life for yourself, understand?”

Cozy had also looked at the award, and nodded. “Oh um, yes m--I mean...yes Spitfire. I think I know what I should do now.”

“Alright, then kid. Go for it. Show me that you’re more than a Participant.”

Before we would leave, I got up and spoke with the mare. “Spitfire, are you aware of Princess Flurry Heart’s intentions to increase our combat prowess?”

“I say she should have at it. The next generation of Wonderbolts needs to be strong. Hopefully Rainbow Dash agrees. The last thing we need is more Pegasus ponies turning out weak and useless like myself, hehe,” she said with a deprecating giggle.

Normally this is the part where I’d disagree for the sake of making the other individual feel better. But… “Um...well, I agree with you on that.”

She leaned in close to me with a mean glare. “Which part, brother?”

I leaned back. “Uh…”

Spitfire laughed it off. “Ha! I’m joking. I know I’m pretty bad. But Dash has the power to teach those new kids.”

I gave a nervous chuckle, and relaxed. “Heh…” and exhaled with relief. “Glad to hear that.” That’s when I suddenly heard a voice from outside the room.

“Hey get outta here, you!!”

My eyes shot open and I made a horse-like bray. I quickly left the room to find a group of pegasus ponies talking to Cozy.

“You were the one that caused my daughter to fall and hurt herself!” one cried.

“As a fellow pegasus, how could you?!” another shouted.

“She better not stay here too long or else we’ll have to call you-know-who.”

I opened my mouth to say something, but the kid stopped me. She put a hoof in front of me, and shook her head. “I earned this. Let’s go.”

“...Are you sure?”

We both left the place with our heads held high despite the interruption. Behind us, I heard Spitfire urging everyone to get back to work. Cozy took another breath. “You heard what she said. Spending time begging for forgiveness won’t get me anywhere. I need to move forward and let my actions speak for me.”

I respect that notion. Turns out she wasn’t simple-minded despite having lived in stone for so long. To be honest, a small part of me feared that she was falsifying her feelings to skate by. Though, I knew she was smarter than that. She wouldn’t be so gullible to try the same thing twice. “Alrighty. Where to next, kid?”

“Hm…” she put a hoof to her chin, and a small electrical cloud buzzed above her head. “Ah. I know. The hospital down in Ponyville.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“They keep track of all the injuries that take place within various cities. I need to know the further extent of the damage I caused, so that’s where I’m going next.”

I nodded. “I’m with ya, kid. Let’s roll.” Cozy flew ahead of me with an uncertain expression. The doubt in her heart was thick enough to cut through. But if she wanted to face her conflicts head-on, I would oblige.

But before I left, I was interrupted by a mailpony mare. She had a...rather iconic pair of eyes. “Letter for Mr. Pale!”

“Derpy?” I looked left, then right, then whispered. “What’s going on?”

The mare also took a look around herself, and leaned in closer to me. “I have an update regarding the Neighsay situation. It turns out he never forced any of the ponies he used in his experiments to join in.”

None? Whatsoever? That’s...better, I suppose? But that brings up a new question. Why would they join and for what purpose?”

The mailmare shrugged. “You got me, mister. But Doc and I will do our best to figure out whatever we can!”

I couldn’t help but smile at the cross-eyed mare. The way she acted boldly was so...refreshing to be around. “Thank you. Keep your eyes open, and don’t do anything reckless.”

“Aye-ayr, sir!” she said with a salute, and flew off to deliver more mail...and other messages.

I followed Cozy back to the hot air balloon. I noticed she had been sobbing to herself, but didn’t want to make noise out of fear of causing a scene.

I sighed. The kid was brave, that much was certain. I don’t know if I could ever return home and face the ponies I used to beat up as a foal. Who knew if they were even alive?

Maybe I should consider that for my bucket list once this is all over.

Anyway, next stop: Ponyville Hospital.

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