• Published 14th Aug 2020
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Interviews With Equestrians - Jmaster49

A look inside the hidden perspectives of the average pony by your average joe. Starting with the imprisonment of Cozy Glow, this pony sets out to expose the hidden problems of Equestria that its residents have a right to know.

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Subject 71: I Take Care Of My Own

ā€œItā€™s your funeralā€¦ā€ the mare fled from the scene, and bolted out of the cellar doors.

Oh no. I wasnā€™t going to let a suspect get away in death again. Not this time. I immediately took off after her, and as soon as I got back to the surface, I snorted and huffed. She was gone. Hm. Thankfully, every single one of the senior ponies had been busy inside watching Tempestā€™s little performance. Because of that, the massive backyard of the retirement estate was free of anypony that could receive any collateral damage.

What I wasnā€™t prepared for, however, was the mareā€™s bluff that I thought I had called.

As soon as I took two steps, a (non-crystal) pony rose from behind every bush, every tree, every bench, the gazebo, and every other object in the yard. Each one held a different weapon. Swords, bows, axes, gauntlets, magical tomes, wyverns?! Mares and stallions alike, all wearing similar cloaks and masks that covered their faces but left their eyes exposed. Lord almighty what did anyone do to deserve this?

I turned around, only to come to realize that I was indeed surrounded on all angles. This...was absolutely not good in any sense of the word. Not only was I literally outnumbered and outponied, the retirement home was just a few feet away from us. A massive battle like this would almost surely cause damage to the building itself as well as everypony inside.

ā€œOhohoho,ā€ the mare I had met in the cellar re-appeared in a flash of green smoke. ā€œDid you think I was actually bluffing? I told you that youā€™d be on the receiving end of something that you couldnā€™t prepare for. This is what happens when you set free a pony who has made loads of enemies.ā€

Enemies? Wait a second, just who were they? What even was their objective? There was something going on here that I clearly wasnā€™t privy to just yet. But in order to find out more, I had no choice but to comply.

I scoffed, and rolled my eyes. ā€œGreat. Well, congrats. Youā€™ve won. I canā€™t reasonably fight my way out of this lest I cause unintentional damage to loads of elderly ponies. What do you want from me?ā€

ā€œSimple. We want Cozy Glow to understand true despair. The same despair she put the entire world through all of those years ago. So weā€™ll be taking the one thing that matters most to her,ā€ she trotted up to me, and tapped my nose with her hoof, ā€œyou.ā€

I smacked her hoof away. ā€œAre you serious? Just what kind of twisted operating are you pulling here? What are you really after?ā€

ā€œHeh, if it were up to me, Iā€™d explain as much as I want, but I canā€™t,ā€ she shut her eyes with no sense of remorse, ā€œnow whatā€™s it gonna be? You gonna come quietly? Or risk the lives of some precious seniors like you almost did twenty years ago?ā€

I grit my teeth, and hid my face beneath my hat. Such psychological warfare annoyed me to my very core. I felt my veins boil, and my neck twitch. There was nothing I could do. I was powerless in this situation. Stuck between a rock and a hard...well, you know. But the thing that upset me the most is that Cozy was going to lose the individual that cared about her more than anyone else.

But I swore to myself, that I would come back, even if I was in pieces and couldnā€™t walk.

ā€œGrrr...fine,ā€ I responded after a moment of deliberation. ā€œBut this isnā€™t over....ā€

ā€œMaybe, maybe not. Now do me a favor and bring out that weapon of yours. Make it snappy, because Iā€™m getting impatient. Plus, Iā€™ve been dying to see it in its full glory,ā€ she said with a condescending giggle.

Hmph. A mere weapon was easily replaced. Even though it was from the now-gone Miranda Rights, I could always make another. But Iā€™d be lying if I said it didnā€™t hurt to give it up. ā€œFineā€¦ā€ I took the blaster out of my coat, and tossed it over.

It clinked in the grass, and she picked it up with her hoof. ā€œOoh, itā€™s just as large and dense as I thought it would be. Iā€™ll be taking that. And now do me a favor. Hold your hooves up, and donā€™t dare resist.ā€

I stood on my hind legs, and shut my eyes. Thatā€™s when I felt something injected into my neck, and I blacked out. The last thing I could feel was being carried offā€¦

This is where it wouldā€™ve ended for me.

Later that eveningā€¦

As it turns out, Flurry Heart was really fun to be around. Even if she did tend to mouth off a bit. I couldnā€™t imagine saying half the words she said. Princess Cadance was actually more than willing to hear my whole story. I even cried to her a few times as she listened to me. And Prince Shining Armor was more than understanding of who I was now. I played a few rounds of chess with him in his workshop, and won every time. He even mentioned that I could probably be smarter than his younger sister, Twilight--given that he always managed to beat her.

They were all so...nice. It was uncanny, yet pleasant. I still felt extremely guilty for all the trouble I caused back then. But the very minute I was set free from that stone prison, I knew I had somepony that cared about me in this world. After being considered worthless for so long, it finally felt like I actually mattered. I didnā€™t need to shack up with the most powerful beings in the universe just to be noticed. I was...just like everyone else.

The Royal Empire Family even invited me to have dinner. They were so generous I thought I could cry. But Flurry Heart didnā€™t let me refuse. She knew that I needed to eat, and allowed me to all the same. It was very calming to know that they were so accommodating. It almost made me feel as if I could reverse time to fix everything that I did wrong. But...itā€™s as Sunset Shimmer once said:

My past does not define me. My past is not today.

I kept that mantra going to motivate myself to not only better myself, but make the world a better place for those around me. It was a nice feeling to know that I could make a difference if I tried.

So. We had dinner, but then something terrible happened.

Tempest burst through the doors with a note in her hoof. ā€œPrincess! Prince! We have a serious problem!ā€

The unicorn and alicorn looked at Tempest with confusion. They put their books down and got up from the dinner table. Flurry Heart and I were busy constructing an airplane model now.

ā€œWhatā€™s going on?ā€ Cadance asked, ā€œWhereā€™s Pale?ā€

Tempest ushered them out of the door, and into the hallway where they thought they could speak without us hearing. But Flurry had other plans.

ā€œCā€™mon, get up,ā€ she looked at me and rose to her hooves. Flurry teleported over to the door, and put her ear to it.

I flew over with an uncertain sort of frown. ā€œUm...isnā€™t it wrong to eavesdr--ā€

ā€œShhh! Listenā€¦.ā€

Whether or not it was wrong completely escaped me by this point I suppose. Both of Flurryā€™s parents did look pretty concerned when Tempest came in. So I guess it had to be pretty important if it warranted their leave.

It was muffled due to the door, but we could both just barely managed to make out some words that Tempest said.

ā€œ...captured....ransom...who knows where he is?!ā€

I bit back a gasp when I deduced what had happened. ā€œPaleā€™s been taken!ā€

Flurryā€™s face scrunched up into anger. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen her get that way. ā€œ...By Svengallopā€™s bastards. Looks like we have a problem.ā€

I felt my heart swell, my body trembled, and I felt a twitch in my neck. ā€œNo...we have to--no. I have to do something!ā€

My new alicorn friend tilted her head at me. Her face conveyed a look as if I just said I intended to jump in a volcano with that raised eyebrow of hers. ā€œAre you sure? You donā€™t even know where theyā€™re located. Besides, I supremely doubt that my dad would even let you go out like that, knowing your connection to him and how youā€¦ā€ she trailed off. Her face grew overly concerned as she tapped her hooves together in a nervous fashion.

I leaned forward with a fearful gaze. ā€œHow I...what?ā€

ā€œHow...crazy you can get. N-no offense. But...dad says youā€™re not stable enough to be on your own. Mom agrees. Hence why Pale has been assigned to watch you.ā€

I slumped against the door, and put my hooves over my eyes. ā€œAnd itā€™s because of me that heā€™s been taken to Twilight-knows-where! Ghh! I canā€™t just sit here and stand idle! I have to do something!ā€

It took a moment, but I could hear Flurry sigh. ā€œOkay. I think I have an idea.ā€

I moved my hooves down, and looked at her with newfound hope. ā€œWhaā€¦?ā€

ā€œI heard everything mom, dad, and Tempest were discussing. They said heā€™s been taken to somewhere at the edge of Equestria where they run...some kind of underground operations. I can only guess that itā€™s some pretty nasty stuff. Oh and in case youā€™re wondering, all of the senior ponies are safe. He defused the bomb.ā€

ā€œOh...whew.ā€ Well that was good. He managed to save all those cute old ponies, but what about him? Just what were they going to do to him and why? Golly, just look at me. I ruined everything and everypony I came into contact with. But now wasnā€™t the time for pity. I needed to suck it up, and save him. ā€œSo whatā€™s your plan, Flurry?ā€

ā€œFirst, Iā€™m gonna escort you home. My parents arenā€™t gonna want me to stick around while theyā€™re mobilizing a search party,ā€ she got up from her spot at the door, and walked back over to the couch. ā€œFrom there, Iā€™m gonna...have a few friends of mine help us out.ā€

I followed her back over, and sat down with her. The idea was sound, but I felt uneasy for some reason. Would somepony really be interested in working with someone like me? No...it couldnā€™t be. ā€œFriends? Um...are you sure theyā€™ll--ā€

She put her hoof up, and cut me off. ā€œHelp us out? Yes. In fact, you probably already know them. Now shh. Three...twoā€¦ā€

And just like clockwork, Flurryā€™s parents entered the room once more. The Princess was the first to speak. ā€œFlurry...thereā€™s...a bit of an incident that happened. Can you do us a favor and take Cozy Glow home?ā€

That plucky alicorn mare shot me a wink and replied to her mother. ā€œAw, okay. I wish we couldā€™ve done some cool things here, but I guess not.ā€

I could see her fatherā€™s optic nerves twitch with relief. As if he expected his daughter to debate him for a half-second. ā€œListen to your m--oh...you did. Good. Head out tomorrow morning, okay, guys?ā€

ā€œYes, dad,ā€ she responded in a tone that feigned disappointment.

Thatā€™s when I noticed Tempest was no longer here. I peeked around the Royal Rulerā€™s bodies. ā€œUm...whereā€™s Ms. Shadow?ā€ I asked.

ā€œGone home to deal with the incident,ā€ Shining Armor answered, ā€œYou just need to go on home for now while we...sort a few things out. Mr. Vestigeā€™s mission just got a whole lot harder and he needs our help. But donā€™t worry, heā€™ll be back soon.ā€ Before I could say anything else, the unicorn prince dashed off to another room.

Cadance cleared her throat. ā€œAhem. Well, off to bed you two. You leave early tomorrow morning to head back to Ponyville,ā€ she turned, but before she left the room, she shot her daughter a wink.

Flurry Heart snickered in response. Wait, was it possible that her mom knew what her daughter was planning? Golly, how insane. ā€œLetā€™s get some sleep, Coaster. Iā€™ll fill you in on my plan tomorrow morning.ā€

ā€œOh...okay.ā€ Admittedly, it had gotten pretty late by now, and it was pitch black outside due to the beautiful night sky. I needed some rest.

So Flurry teleported us both to her bedroom where we would rest for the night. She had a super mega huge bed with lots of expensive-looking magazines, posters, and even a TV! Wow. It was like living in a Hearthā€™s Warming Eve catalogue!

The next day, well...the next day was gonna be a doozy. Just who were these friends that Flurry had to help us? And did I really know them? Did they like me? When I narrowed it down, that only left a few optionsā€¦then it hit me.

Oh boy, this was either gonna be fun or worse than Tartarus.

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