• Published 14th Aug 2020
  • 4,392 Views, 1,863 Comments

Interviews With Equestrians - Jmaster49

A look inside the hidden perspectives of the average pony by your average joe. Starting with the imprisonment of Cozy Glow, this pony sets out to expose the hidden problems of Equestria that its residents have a right to know.

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Subject 197: Zebra Lands

The boat ride was a bit uneventful. I was a tad seasick from the excessive motion of being on the water, but I slowly became used to it over time. The captain told me that it wouldn’t take too long. Most ponies traveled to Casabronco in order to get to Farasi, or Trotswana. Those were the more amicable and cooperative Zebra lands. I even knew a few folks from there.

But no...where we were headed was rife with more malice and contempt than you could shake a charm at. We were headed to Colt Town. The capital of South Zebrica. A land where Zebs were at the top, and half-breeds were not allowed to rise above. Everypony on mainland Equestria figured that the Zebras were funny and quirky creatures that were not too different from ponies.

While that was indeed the case, it wasn’t always so certain.

Just as there were always a select few distasteful ponies, there were unfortunately a select few distasteful zebras. Ones who take pride in themselves and their homeland so much to the point where they reject the ideals and values of others. It was sick, and if it were up to me, I would’ve started a revolution long ago.

But that’s not what I was headed there for. I simply needed to find the source of the zebra-based curses and/or hexes that were cast in order to recreate monsters of the before times. If I could do that much for Pale, we’d be one step closer to nabbing and putting an end to Grogar once and for all.

Would it be easy? Hell no. But that’s what life was like sometimes. A box of--ah, you get the idea.

“We’re here, sir,” the captain of the small ship came to let me know that we had arrived, “Now you be careful out there, alright? You wouldn’t want to be caught up with the wrong crowd, eh.”

I got up from the temporary bed I had lied in, and grabbed all of my belongings with magic. “Don’t worry about me. You should be more careful yourself,” I said to the young stallion who didn’t look any older than twenty--I was about a decade and a half above him, so I was concerned by nature. “Intercontinental transport isn’t something that can be done so casually without certain...unsavory individuals trying to latch on.”

The stallion shook his head with a dismissive grin. “Oh don’t worry aboot that, eh. I’ve got plenty of contacts that can help me whenever I need it. The various ports that I travel to are all protected under a universal trade clause. If any of us are ever hurt, the coastal squads will be there to help us out of a jam.” The earth pony grabbed a scroll with his teeth to show me, “It’s a...little long, so I won’t waste yer time with it, but you get the gist, eh?”

Indeed. It sounded as if they knew what they were talking about in regards to safety for their crew. That put me at ease just a bit. The last thing I needed was someone getting into hot water over something that they weren’t involved in. “Alright then, mate. I’m off. I appreciate your assistance thus far.”

“No problem, eh. Have a nice time!” he replied and waved as I stepped off the boat.

I trotted down that loading platform, and onto the pier. Zebrica was a bit more...modern than what I had last heard of. In the distance, I could see rows and rows of housing that were surrounded by the essence of nature. A far cry from the simple ‘village’ aesthetic my father used to speak of.

“Here we are, then. Time to see how things have evolved,” I mumbled, and took a deep breath. To be honest, I wasn’t exactly too thrilled considering I was a half-breed that actively walked into a trap. But it was indeed now or never.

With the boat having safely left the docks, I trotted onwards. The dirt path that led towards the large town was paved rather nicely with beautiful plants along each side and various branching paths that led into the controlled jungle environments that the zebs cultivated. They did try to put on a rather friendly face, but I knew deep down it was all buggered smoke and mirrors.

But I also had to admit, the sights and smells of Zebrica...they were a tad nostalgic. Many indingenous fruits and hot foods were being sold at stands near the market. Lots of books, trinkets and charms were available at many a store as well.

The residential areas were also somewhat modern. Not too different from the homes of Ponyville to be exact. But of course, unlike Ponyville, zebras were all one could see. Which wasn’t a problem of course. I had no issue with my kin on paper--not at all. But the way they shunned others...well, it was well-hidden, but eventually…

I overheard a zebra colt nearby. “Mama...is that a unicorn?”

“Looks like he’s...no...stay away from him,” the zebra mother said as she hastily dragged her child away.

Joyous. Things only started to escalate from there as other zebs that had been trotting around started to take note of my appearance. I started to get a few wayward glances, and heard a few unsavory comments under their breath.

“What is he doing here?” a zebra stallion muttered.

“Is he trying to start trouble?” a zebra mare replied.

“We should inform the guards,” another stallion mentioned, “This can’t be a coincidence.”

Oh? Now just what could that be related to? Regardless, it was my intent to speak with an official anyways. Then and only then could I make progress in regards to uncovering the source of all of this negative Zebra magic that has been used on Equestrian soil.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to take a single step further. I was suddenly approached by a zebra mare in a black suit with a red tie. Her coat was milk white with navy blue stripes all over, and a cutie mark that resembled a shield. She was also a few inches taller than me, and dare I say...it was a bit intimidating. “Halt. State your business,” she said to me with that deep Zebrican accent of hers, and leaned in close as if she wanted to sniff me for falsehood.

I did my best to remain composed. “Ahem...I’m here to investigate some suspicious spells that have been linked to dangerous acts on Equestrian land.” I even levitated my badge to show her that I was legitimate.

The zebra mare eyed me up, as if scanning veggies at one of the stands that I had passed earlier. “...Yeah, I’m gonna need you to come with me. Privately.”

Damn it all.

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