• Published 14th Aug 2020
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Interviews With Equestrians - Jmaster49

A look inside the hidden perspectives of the average pony by your average joe. Starting with the imprisonment of Cozy Glow, this pony sets out to expose the hidden problems of Equestria that its residents have a right to know.

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Subject 201: Great Escape

With a quick puff of that blue powder, the bars surrounding my cell disappeared. I was able to bypass through them freely. Remarkable! But there was still a concern to be had.

“Thank you, Lady Z. But uh...won’t I be labeled as some sort of international criminal now that I’ve escaped?” I asked with a nervous chatter of my teeth. I could also feel my knees wobble a little. That is, until Zecora eased my tensions with a small tour of the rest of the cells.

“Flash Drive...do me a favor, and focus hard,” she said as she shut her eyes, “the truth you seek lies beyond these bars.”

What was she referring to? Was this another zebra thing? I...did I have abilities that I wasn’t exactly privy to just yet? I had so many questions. “...Wot? I don’t quite under--mmph!”

The older zebra put a hoof over my lips to silence me. “Shh,” she whispered, “Empty your mind, and you will be surprised by what you find.”

She let go of me, and I did as she requested. I shut my eyes, and put myself into a somewhat meditative state of sorts. I almost broke a damn sweat in my attempts to follow her example. But then...it became clear.

“...Ach!” I gasped. I had none on my body, but I could have sworn that my stripes would have started glowing? Why? Because I felt as if I had...unlocked some sort of new power.

I could...see everything beneath us. Through the thick layers of tile below our hooves lied another area entirely. More bars...cells...chains...restraints...and piles upon piles of skeletons.

It was just as I suspected. A more sinister, decrepit prison was right below me the entire time. And those bones...they looked to be...the bones of ponies. Could those be...more half-breeds?

“Wha...no...this can’t be. Do they just...leave them there to die?!”

“It is as you fear,” Zecora chimed in with our thoughts entwined, “Anyone who disagrees with them are left to rot here. If their track record is true indeed, then these are more than likely to be half-breeds. Part zebras and part ponies of who this tribe has deemed as slaves. But it sickens me to the core to witness this...horrid mess of a place be their graves.”

Her speech was slow, almost hesitant. As if there was a steaming sense of hatred behind her voice. Something that I had never heard before. Admittedly, it kind of shook me to hear. Beyond that, I just had to know why this was the case. What were the zebras of this land trying to accomplish? And were they really in league with Grogar to alter the world? My head spun like a rundown water wheel…

“...but why?” I asked, “Why is this being done? Why do they take joy in forcing half-breeds to be beneath them? And what about regular ponies? Do they hate them as well? Gah…”

Zecora went on. “Now is not the time to be consumed by emotion. We need to set our plan in motion. There are many others who are currently alive, but forced into the system. Do you have what it takes to assist them?”

“Of course!” I snapped back, “I just...I just need to know this connects to what my friends have dealt with. If my kin have involved themselves with Grogar, then...I won’t forgive them.”

In an instant, we were brought back to reality. The upper level of the prison with the holding cells to be precise. I was in disarray from what I had seen. Such...disgusting methods of torture were inflicted upon anypony that didn’t follow along with what they put forth. Did that mean I was to suffer the same fate if I stood idle for too long?

“...I’ve seen the truth now,” I muttered as I looked at Zecora, “What’s our next move?”

The older zeb shook her head. “While I am here to help you out, you are the leader, young sprout. I am putting my entire faith on your shoulders. So tell me, Flash Drive, can you take the risk and prove that you are bolder?”

It took me a second, but I understood quite well. This was ultimately my operation. And as such, it was my right to take control and prove that my father’s homeland had good to be found in it.

Even it meant tearing it down and rebuilding it myself.

I nodded. “You’re right, Zecora. I can’t let them treat anymore half-zebs like this. If this mess continues, they may try to invade other lands with their own powers and enforce the rules there.” That’s when something dawned on me. “...How are the state of affairs in Farasi?”

“My homeland? It’s...mostly fine,” she replied hesitantly, “But there are rumors that could hurt old friends of mine.”

Now that caught my attention. Could it have anything to do with what I had just mentioned? “Would you mind ‘elaboratin’?”

“A certain individual has been rumored to be speaking with my town’s elders as they invade. What is their name you ask? It’s--”

But before she could answer that question, we heard rows and rows of hoofsteps clatter down the halls with haste!

“Dammit, there’s no time,” I turned and looked at the entrance to the room, “If we don’t get out of here now, we’ll be caught and have to start from scratch here!”

“Don’t you worry, my friend. We’ll be out of here in a hurry,” Zecora replied as she dug into her pouch for another item--this time, a potion.


When it hit the floor, we were suddenly teleported outside of the prison, and the town hall. We landed in some bushes that were near the outer area of the city. Under the dead of night, it was unlikely that we’d be found anytime soon.

“...Amazing. You’ll have to teach me that later,” I complimented her quick thinking.

“A bonus effect of that little potion, is that they will not realize you have left thanks to the commotion. A mirage of yourself will be in place just long enough for us to make haste.” She brushed off some of the leaves with a flick of her tail. “So tell me, young man. From here, what is our plan?”

I looked around, and laid eyes on a nearby bell tower that stood high above the rest of the town. That would be the perfect place to launch a frequency from.

That’s when I let off a cocksure grin. “I got one. Follow me.”

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