• Published 14th Aug 2020
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Interviews With Equestrians - Jmaster49

A look inside the hidden perspectives of the average pony by your average joe. Starting with the imprisonment of Cozy Glow, this pony sets out to expose the hidden problems of Equestria that its residents have a right to know.

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Subject 145: Monster Of Truth

After a while, Nurse Redheart came to let me know that Cozy was awake and able to talk with us. Good thing, too. I had gotten a bit restless since this entire scenario started. So being able to actually see her would ease my concerns and my pain.

Guttersnipe chose to stay behind in the waiting room for the time being as to not cause any issues, which I respected.

So I went off on my own to the hospital room that Cozy was stationed in. Redheart opened the door, and there she was. The pink pegasus mare lied there with a few bandages on her head, but her EKG read a steady, but slow heartbeat.

Her eyes were opened ever so slightly as she greeted me. โ€œHey uh...Pale. Sorry for getting roughed up. I shouldโ€™ve fought harder.โ€

I shook my head. โ€œNo. Those evil dastards shouldnโ€™t have been there in the first place. As much as I hate to admit, I shouldโ€™ve known something like this would happen when my back was turned. If only I couldโ€™veโ€ฆโ€

Cozy denied my point with one of her own. โ€œNo...Iโ€™m a grown mare. I should be able to take care of myself. In any case, Iโ€™m fine...so donโ€™t worry yourself too much, okay?โ€

Easier said than done. I wasnโ€™t simply going to stop caring about her state of being. But for her sake, and my own, I kept my internal emotions to a minimum. We--I needed to focus on the topic at hoof. That being just who attacked her and whyโ€ฆ

โ€œOkay, I can do that. But tell me, Cozy--just who...did this?โ€

โ€œ...Donโ€™t hate me for this,โ€ she replied slowly with a shaky voice, โ€œbut I donโ€™t exactly remember. A-All I can recall is being knocked out and dragged up the stairs. Who exactly did it is something Iโ€™m not sure about. Iโ€™m sorry....โ€

Alright, while that did suck a little, it was understandable. Flash Drive was still at the scene to dissect any possible evidence along with the rest of my crew, so I wasnโ€™t worried about her not knowing who attacked her. However, what I was curious about was the reason behind it.

โ€œOkay then, can you think of a plausible explanation for why you mightโ€™ve been attacked?โ€

She sighed, and leaned back in the hospital bed. โ€œ...If I had to venture a guess, I think itโ€™d have to do with the copious amounts of information I know regarding old types of magic and artifacts. That and, it could just as easily be somepony that dislikes the fact that I was released, so they decided to send you a warning by hurting meโ€ฆโ€

Strange. If it was the latter, why would they attack her now of all times? She had more than proven herself to be a well-adjusted member of society that could easily live among everyone else. To attack her now would just make others look foolish. Unless...this move was calculated on the off-chance that Iโ€™d lose my marbles in pursuit of revenge. Hmโ€ฆ

โ€œIf that is indeed the case, then Iโ€™ll need to re-evaluate what my plans are.โ€

She tilted her head. โ€œWhat do you mean by that?โ€

โ€œWell, if it gets any worse than this, I may move you to a location where--โ€

Cozy interrupted me with a shaky tone of voice. โ€œ...N-no! Please. I...I donโ€™t wanna leave all of my friends behind and live in solitude in some remote area!โ€ she glared at me with her eyes ready to bulge out of their sockets. โ€œPlease, Pale. Arenโ€™t we safer in the company of our capable friends and family?โ€

Yes, that was a valid point. Honestly, I had no idea what I was thinking. The sheer idea of forcing her to move away was ludicrous. Would it have helped? Maybe. Would it help her? That was debatable. For the moment, I shelved that idea in favor of something else.

โ€œAlright then. Iโ€™m going to keep watch over you and make sure nothing else happens,โ€ I proclaimed, โ€œAnd once we figure out who was behind all of this, weโ€™ll take them down to make sure youโ€™re never hurt again. But is there anything else you have knowledge of that could have caused you to be attacked? Something dangerous that could jeopardize the plans of someone else?โ€

She stopped to think for a moment. โ€œ...Well, there is one thing.โ€

I leaned forward, eager to finally know the truth. โ€œYes?โ€

โ€œWell, you know about Grogar, right? And the fact that twenty years ago, Discord pretended to be him the entire time?โ€


โ€œWell...I think heโ€™s still alive.โ€

A shock to be sure, but not unexpected. Someone as devious as him would realistically think up an extremely convoluted way to gain all of his power back. โ€œI see. Knowledge of the real Grogar is extremely scarce since Discord was impersonating him back then. Nopony has any real dirt on the guy.โ€

Cozy clutched the blankets of her bed as she looked away from me. โ€œWell...I do. I know more about him than anypony else alive at this moment.โ€

I had to hold back a horse-like wheeze. The fact that she apparently knew more about Grogar than anypony else in existence was extremely hard to believe, but also perilous. As I had mentioned, hard evidence and knowledge of that ram was almost non-existent. How could Cozy Glow--a filly that grew into a mare that had been imprisoned for twenty years--know more than Twilight, Sunburst, and Celestia on the subject?!

Before I asked anything else, I made sure to shut the door to her room as well as check to make sure all of the windows and vents were sealed. None of what she was about to say could leave this room, as it was dangerous info that could threaten our lives, as well as everyone around us.

โ€œOkay, Cozy,โ€ I sat down next to her hospital bed once more and got ready to listen, โ€œJust how do you claim to know so much about Grogar?โ€

She sighed, and went on. โ€œWell, I was imprisoned alongside Chrysalis and Tirek, as you know. But through the stone punishment, we were still fully cognitive, and could think and act for ourselves. I could also overhear the thoughts that they had.โ€

Part of me wondered just how aware she couldโ€™ve been while trapped in a rocky prison. However, I elected not to dwell on it further to avoid forcing more trauma onto her. โ€œI see...and what did you manage to hear?โ€

โ€œI heard Tirek talk about lots of things including how Scorpan used to know Grogar and fought back against him. Grogar was considered the โ€˜Father of Monstersโ€™ and created all of the creatures we know of that roam Equestria. Chimeras, bite-acudas, hydras, bugbears, fruit bats, all of them and more--were his doing.โ€

Scorpan used to fight Grogar? Just how was that possible? Just how long did centaurs and rams live?! Questions for another time, unfortunately. โ€œOkay, that makes sense. But what else do you know of Grogar specifically?โ€ I asked.

โ€œTirek mentioned something about Grogar likely desiring to regain all of his lost magic. The Bewitching Bell allowed him to steal the magic of others, but when Gusty The Great stole it from him, he lost all of his power, and faded into obscurity as a complete myth. A legend.โ€

โ€œCuriousโ€ฆโ€ I mumbled, โ€œThen just how is he alive now?โ€

She sighed again as she looked down at her sheets. โ€œThat is something I donโ€™t knowโ€ฆโ€

Then we heard a knock at the door. โ€œCozy?โ€ It was Nurse Redheart who called out, โ€œItโ€™s time for you to take a dosage of medicine for your head pain.โ€

There was no way weโ€™d be able to continue this conversation with anyone else listening to us. At that moment, I chose to hold the topic until later. โ€œ...Weโ€™ll speak more on this soon, alright, Cozy?โ€

She nodded, and lied down once more. โ€œ...Okay, Pale. And Iโ€™m sorry.โ€

I shook my head. โ€œDonโ€™t be, kid. Itโ€™s not your faultโ€ฆโ€ From there, I opened the door to allow Redheart to enter the room. I left, and went back down the hall towards the main lobby.

Things just got a bit more crazy.

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