• Published 14th Aug 2020
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Interviews With Equestrians - Jmaster49

A look inside the hidden perspectives of the average pony by your average joe. Starting with the imprisonment of Cozy Glow, this pony sets out to expose the hidden problems of Equestria that its residents have a right to know.

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Subject 166: Night Mission Part II

I couldn’t believe it. Monsters from an age where such creatures were considered to be so threatening that ponies and other creatures were ordered to flee on sight. Absolutely no one could figure out how to beat these things back in their time. To the point where they only went extinct due to constantly fighting with each other. But now, here they were in their full glory. Werebears that had a taste of blood and flesh.

Part of me wondered about those mares that had been used for this. Were they really ponies with lives who had been stripped away from them or were they created for the sole intent of causing this...hellish nightmare. And just why were they so scathing towards Neon?

One thing was for sure, he wasn’t torn up about it….or was he?

“I…why did this...feckin’ ‘ell. There’s no time for any of this,” he turned to look at me, “We’ve gotta do all we can to save them.”

I took a step forward. “Remember what I said. We are under no obligation to throw our lives away, friend.”

He glared at me, and tapped a hoof against my chest. “Be that as it may--I want to do all I can to rescue ‘em. I...I have to. I’m not some heartless bloodsucking creature, mate. You know that.”

That was a given. And I suppose I was wrong. It turned out that their words did have some sort of effect on him. Their hatred towards bats and refusal to his aid...did it mean that they were more comfortable with their fate instead of receiving help from someone like him? If so, that was very sad. But he was right. Now wasn’t the time to be concerned over such pesky details. We needed to help them if we could.

“Alright. But just what can we do?” I asked while I stared at the demonic bear creatures.

They must not have spotted us immediately. Both of the bears sniffed around, and circled the area as if they knew their prey was nearby. It prevented us from any sudden actions, as it would alert them of our location.

Neon and I were both in the middle of a small patch of grass at the edge of the woods. The bears were on the prowl with pools of drool that dripped out of their mouths and foamed like the rabid beasts they were. Their misshapen, uneven teeth were sharper than any knife I had come across before. In order to get through this in one piece, we would need to play it smart.

“Follow my lead,” Neon whispered to me, “I will create a sound so high-pitched that only they could hear it. Then, we split up and take one down each.”

A solid plan indeed. But I wasn’t exactly one-hundred percent confident in our abilities to take down a creature that we had absolutely zero knowledge of. But there was no harm in at least doing our best to figure out what it could and couldn’t do.

“Okay...but don’t be careless,” I replied.

So the plan was simple. One thing that many didn’t realize was that batponies were capable of was a sonic screech loud enough to pierce through even the thickest of materials. But not only was it loud, it was extremely high pitched as well. So much so, that regular ponies such as myself wouldn’t even be able to hear it!

“Ahem…” Neon cleared his throat, took a deep breath, reeled back and--! “....!!!!”

I didn’t hear a thing, but he screamed a high-pitched screech with enough potency to cause the pair of Bearserkers to stop dead in their tracks. Not only that, but it completely disoriented them as well! They ran around in a panic. Their paws thundered across the ground with enough force to make the earth shake. The rocks near Ghastly Gorge started to crackle apart from such force! Until…


The demonic bears crashed into nearby trees--followed by a fear pears that rained down upon them afterwards. But even after that, the residual force from their impact against the trees caused them to fall over in the opposite direction.

That was my cue.

With a hefty tackle, I charged one of the beasts towards the edge of the Gorge’s cliff. Because I was much smaller, I had the advantage in the way of being able to out-maneuver it through sheer agility. I figured Neon would have that part understood as well, and would make use of it in this battle.

“Yikes!” I yelped as I dodged a swipe of the bear’s claws, then a heavy clasp of its jaws as it roared at me.


I had to shield my face from the force of its breath. Not to mention it was completely unsanitary. But that was beside the point. I needed to know if there was a way that I could revert this mare back to her original state. But at the same time, I couldn’t kill her. Come on, Pale. You had to think.

Each time it charged at me, I would.continue to avoid its attacks. But with each movement, I could sense the aura of the pony under the effects of this...strange magical curse. She was still there. I just needed to knock the influence of the berserker out of her body. But how...wait.

Knock it out. That was it.

I looked over at one of the nearby fallen trees that they had knocked over just moments ago. That could work. I just needed to--


“AH!” I yelped, but thankfully, only a bit of my tail had been bitten by the monster. Good thing too. That was too damn close and was near to the rest of my flank. I performed a backflip, and waved as I ran towards the massive, tipped oak. “This way!”

The bear monstrosity ran after me with everything it had. I was lucky that my agility gave me the advantage I needed to get a few paces ahead. That way, I could grab a hold of that tree.

With the enhancements from that crystal, combined with my own innate earth pony abilities, I could manage just enough strength to lift it. “Okay. Here we go.” The bearmare closed in. It was now or never for this plan to work.

I stood on my hind legs, and grabbed ahold of that tree with my hooves as if it were a bat for baseball. I used all of my might to spin it around one good time, and just before the bear could lunge at me for an attack--!


I struck it with enough force to send the bear into more trees. But next came the most important question.

Was that enough to rid her body of the curse that was placed upon her?

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