• Published 14th Aug 2020
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Interviews With Equestrians - Jmaster49

A look inside the hidden perspectives of the average pony by your average joe. Starting with the imprisonment of Cozy Glow, this pony sets out to expose the hidden problems of Equestria that its residents have a right to know.

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Subject 257: Last Notation

“A note?” I asked, “What does it say, kid?”

Cozy went ahead and started to read…

“I never expected to fail at this stage, but I knew that my moments were ultimately numbered. As a result, I decided it was best to be prepared in the moment that I did. If you’re reading this, then that means I have succumbed to my own foolishness, and thus, entrust the rest to you. Grogar is going to launch an attack that will utterly warp the way you and everyone alive on that planet lives for an eternity. I am unable to explain in great detail, but just know that you must stop him by any means necessary. He will be at the Castle of the Two Sisters to execute the final portion of his plan. I would have tried something myself, but unfortunately, I was unable to act on my own terms. Once more, if you are reading this then you have proven to be a worthy adversary. So carry out that legacy of yours and keep everyone safe, detective. If that is what you truly desire.”

After I read it, I stared blankly into space for a moment. Such words were...unexpected to say the least. Did he really leave that in advance just for us to find, knowing he would lose? That was some next-level planning…

At the end of the day, even though he was my enemy, he was still a living being just like the rest of us who wanted to keep the world safe. Did I agree with his methods? Absolutely not. However, it was still a pain to know that he had no control over his actions which begged the question:

Did he set all of this up just to get defeated on purpose?

It certainly gave me a lot to think about, but for the moment, I couldn’t focus on that. If what he said was true, then the final confrontation was nigh. This could very well make or break the state of the world around us.

“What do you think, dear?” Cheerilee asked with an inquisitive stare at the note, “Do you think this is real? What if it’s a trap?”

That was entirely plausible, but unlikely. The likelihood of Neighsay trying something that desperate when he knew his existence was on a timer seemed rather foolish. He no longer had anything to gain from deception, so why…

Blech. We needed to regroup before we made any old reckless decision. The strongest demons in the vicinity had been eliminated, and we needed to gather our resources before we launched an attack.

“Alright, listen up,” I turned to them both, “What we need to do is clear out the rest of the straggler demons. Once that’s done, we should meet up at the Town Hall to group up, and put our heads together before we make any other choices. Does that sound good to you both?”

Cheerilee nodded. “Alright. That sounds like a good idea. It’d give everypony a chance to come together before we go down that path. What do you think, Cozy?”

The kid shut her eyes for a second, and exhaled moments later. “...The sooner I know that everypony is okay, the better. We should go check out how Redheart and the various patients are doing. Flurry should be back there by now. Then we need to let the Mayor know what we intend to do next. After that, well--it’s on us to make a decision, pops…”

That was good enough for me, really. Cozy always had the most astute sense of judgement towards things like this. So, I gave her that trust, and followed her word. “Alright, Cozy. I’m with you.”

As per her direction, we would head back to the hospital grounds first. There, we could see that most of the demons had been routed with a few here and there. For the most part, it was business as usual at the hospital with various medical professionals tending to wounds all over the place.

Among them, I could see Lightning Dust and Scootaloo in the lobby. Both had some bandages wrapped around their bodies. Scootaloo had a few around her abdomen while Dust had a few in various places on her body.

The orange pegasus spouted some excitable words at the much older teal mare.

“You have to show me how you did that!” Scoots pleaded, “You were awesome, and I can’t thank you enough for jumping in when you did.”

Dumbfounded, the teal pegasus blushed from disbelief at what she just heard. “...You...me? Really?”

Scootaloo simply nodded her head. The young mare was truly enthralled.by what her elder had accomplished as evidenced by her wide eyes. “Yeah!”

I couldn’t help but smile.What an adorable thing to witness. After so much time spent in conviction, Dust had finally started to turn herself around.

A few moments later, we would see Flurry Heart and Redheart trot out to the lobby from within the main hospital doors.

“It’s a good thing you brought them here when you did,” Redheart explained, “Their magic had been nearly removed from their bodies, but we’ll be able to resuscitate them soon enough.”

“That’s good,” Flurry replied, “Thank you. Now I need to go back and find--” she turned her head and took a step forward, only to lay eyes on us all and nearly stumble. “Ah--! Oh, you’re...already here, huh? Awkwaaaaaaard.”

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