• Published 14th Aug 2020
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Interviews With Equestrians - Jmaster49

A look inside the hidden perspectives of the average pony by your average joe. Starting with the imprisonment of Cozy Glow, this pony sets out to expose the hidden problems of Equestria that its residents have a right to know.

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Subject 316: She's Staying

“Whoops, guess I didn’t mention that. Surprise, kiddo!” She put a hoof around my neck, and pulled me in for a hug.

“You’re really….” I was instantly moved to tears. Unable to comprehend the fact that my mother had actually decided she wanted to permanently stay within my life. I was floored really. “...staying...I can’t believe it.”

I felt her place a quick kiss on my forehead. “Hey now. I already left once. There’s no way in hell I’m gonna do that again. These old bones need a place to finally settle down and relax. I figure what better place than right next to my son and his new family?”

“...” I paused, and slowly stopped my sniffles. My crying was substituted for laughter as I responded to her comment about herself. “You? Old? Ha! You still look like you could pass as my sister.”

Rights let go of me with a scoff and a laugh of her own. “That’s a funny joke, kiddo. Don’t mess around like that. I’m 51 freakin' years old. I could easily pass as a granny at this point.”

I had to stifle a snicker. There was no way I’d let her say such a thing about herself. Especially since I was what--36? “Yeah right! You still look awesome for your age.”

“Nah,” she shook her head, “Your wife? Now that’s a fine-looking mare for her age. She’s about, say, 40-ish? A bit older than you, I take it?”

When Rights put it like that, I had to stop and let out an awkward cough for a second. “Well, yes. But why does that matter?”

“Ah, I see now--you have a particular set of tastes, huh?”

“No--no! That’s not it at all.” I had to quickly shut her down--mainly because I had absolutely no idea what she meant.

After a moment or two, she chuckled, and patted me on the back. “I’m just messing with you, sonny-boy. I think Cheerilee is gonna be the perfect match for you. A mare who knows her way around conversation, is always willing to help those around her, but is still willing to kick some ass.” She flashed me a knowing sort of smile. “Sound familiar?”

Aw shit. Well I guess it made sense. Studies found that most individuals tended to find mates that shared similar traits to their parents. Obviously my biological parents were non-existent, so Miranda Rights was essentially my mother. And the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. She and Cheerilee did have a bit in common--even down to both having past relationships that didn’t work out--but don’t tell Miranda I said that.

Of course, there were also many key differences. Chief of which was the fact that Cheerilee and I were similar ages--which is where the source of attraction stemmed from. Also the fact that I knew that she and I would have a happy rest-of-our-lives to share with each other. Rights’ life is ultimately finished, and I’m glad she can finally retire comfortably.

“I suppose you make a good point,” I said, “And your methods kind of rubbed off upon me, because I was ultimately able to think about saving Cozy because of what you did for me, Miranda. And I couldn’t be more grateful for that.”

“...Make sure you treat her well, alright? Don’t smother her. Let her make the choices she wants to make and only intervene if it’s a bit too dangerous--but don’t be overbearing. If that makes sense…” she trailed off as if she was uncertain of her own words.

That was something else that I had already thought of. At this point, Cozy was indeed her own person and could do things her own way if so chose. I adopted her as my daughter to ensure that she would never be alone in this world again. How she would go about her life at this point was entirely up to her. No higher powers that sought to manipulate her, and no one to force her into something she didn’t want to do.

All that was left would be to watch the seed that I planted grow into a beautiful blossoming meadow. Or something like that.

“Relax, mother,” I said with a confident grin of my own, “Everything will turn out just fine…”

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