• Published 14th Aug 2020
  • 4,392 Views, 1,863 Comments

Interviews With Equestrians - Jmaster49

A look inside the hidden perspectives of the average pony by your average joe. Starting with the imprisonment of Cozy Glow, this pony sets out to expose the hidden problems of Equestria that its residents have a right to know.

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Subject 320: They Accept


A few minutes passed between my knock and the door being answered. Cheerilee answered wearing nothing. Dammit--I wanted to see what she looked like with the dress on. But I guess I could wait.

“Oh, Pale! We were just discussing a few things and then…”

I took a look over her shoulders to see the Crusader mares in her home. Scootaloo was next to the mirror while Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were on the couch. All three of them looked like they had just witnessed a ghost leave their bodies. Frozen solid in place.

I glanced at Cheerilee with a concerned frown. “Er...you didn’t tell them something traumatic, did you? Such as our private time together?”


Her tail knocked me upside my flank, to which I responded with a giddy set of laughter.

“No, you silly boy,” she chastised me as we stepped inside, “I simply offered them the position of maids of honor and they just...got like this. I’m not sure how to break them out of it.”

Oh. Guess that would shock them into silence. The Crusaders have known Cheerilee for just about their lives and to be a part of something so special and important for their former teacher was just about the highest honor they could receive. Just the thought of it made me tear up a bit--internally anyway.

On the outside, I was mostly concerned about how to snap them out of it.

“Oh wait, I have an idea,” I explained as I walked into the kitchen, “I’ve seen this done in a few movies. You got any pepper?”

“Right there in the cupboard,” Cheerilee pointed to the cabinet, “Why? What are you planning on doing?”

I grabbed the pepper shaker, and walked back over to the three, still-frozen mares. Wow. They must have been really surprised to hear that Cheerilee wanted them at her wedding. Hopefully they weren’t straight up paralyzed…

Anyhow, I simply unscrewed the cap, and flashed the open pepper shaker in front of their noses for a brief moment. Then, I immediately backed away…





Yup. As expected, all three of them started to sneeze, and finally came to their senses. Who says that movies were an inaccurate source of information?

Luckily, they were able to speak clearly after having sneezed their state of shock off.

Cheerilee stepped forward. “...Are you girls okay? You blacked out with your eyes open when I asked if you’d be willing to join our--”

The three mares suddenly surrounded Cheerilee with their faces aglow, with smiles that stretched from ear-to-ear.

“YOUR WEDDING?!” they shouted, “YES, PLEASE!”

“Girls, girls!” Cheerilee giggled as she gently backed away, “Whew...thank you. I’m just glad you’re all not frozen or something.”

Applebloom was the first to give a detailed response. “It’s been mah dream to be at yer weddin’, Cheerilee! We’ve all wanted to see ya happy and settle down with a special somepony, haven’t we, girls?”

“Absolutely!” Scootaloo cheered, then rolled her eyes, “I mean, so long as I don’t have to wear some super long and stuffy dress that is.”

“I’m sure I can figure something out,” Sweetie Belle assured her friend, “More importantly, I’m just happy to see everything fall in place for you, Cheerilee.”

Applebloom then set her sights on me. “Oh, and Mr. Vestige--Ah’m willin’a babysit if ya’ll ever need me! Or house-sit! Or sit watch over anything for ya’ll. If ya need anythin’, just holler. Even if it’s somethin’ as simple as needin’ somethin’ moved around!”

Did she really think we were getting old already? Or was that a comment in preparation for the future.

“...There’s no need to worry about that,” I said, though I didn’t want to completely turn her down. “Thank you, Ms. Bloom.”

Applebloom never witnessed her own parents get married due to their early passing. Cheerilee was more or less a second mother to her throughout her childhood that she found comfort in. So if she wanted to be involved, then I was more than willing to accept her offer.

“We’ve always wanted Ms--well I guess it’s Mrs now--Cheerilee to get married to someone strong, smart, and kind,” Scootaloo complimented me, “I don’t think we need to ask if you fit the bill. We’ve more than seen it by this point, sir. You deserve her.”

Her comment pained me from how much genuine praise that was laced within those words. It was unprecedented, but I wasn’t about to deny it. “...I know she does. Thank you, Scootaloo.”

While her parents were still alive and well, they weren’t around very much during her childhood due to their jobs. Even now, they were retired, and the orange pegasus had to figure out the rest of her life on her own. Seeing Cheerilee happy would probably bring an extreme amount of joy to her.

“You already know how I feel about it,” Sweetie Belle commented, “Just make sure Cheerilee is never sad again. Please?”

“I’ll do my damndest,” I replied.

Sweetie Belle was a bit on the luckier end of things but in a weird way. Her parents were happily married and appeared every so often, and her sister was married also. I could only wager that she felt extra sad that Cheerilee had been unable to find someone until recently.

Well, that was about to change. She was going to have the best life ever--even if it k--well, you get the point.

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