• Published 14th Aug 2020
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Interviews With Equestrians - Jmaster49

A look inside the hidden perspectives of the average pony by your average joe. Starting with the imprisonment of Cozy Glow, this pony sets out to expose the hidden problems of Equestria that its residents have a right to know.

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Subject 299: Ceremony Part 6

“Cathartic Corkscrew,” Twilight started up her next speech, “You are Pale’s best friend, aren’t you? Ever since you both attended the Officer’s Academy, he’s always been the one who looked out for you and kept you safe. You’ve always felt like you needed to return the favor haven’t you?”

Cork didn’t need to say much. His awkward stare at the floor beneath him, and the way he shuffled his hoof pretty much gave it away.

Twilight continued, as casually as ever. “I know exactly what that feels like. I’ve had loads of friends over the years who have still stuck by me no matter how hard it gets. And the things I’ve heard that you’ve done for your friends are off the charts. Slaying monsters like mimics and surviving being set on fire--twice?! I can’t imagine how you managed, but you’ve proven that the bond you make with a friend is stronger than any supernatural disaster or enemy. No matter what happens, you’ve pushed through everything that’s stood in your way all in the name of keeping your friends safe and doing the same they did for you when you first met. That’s why I would like to present you with this Medal of Boldness…”

She levitated a medal around his neck. This one had what appeared to be an engraved tornado or hurricane in the middle. Which represented his unrelenting power.

Next was Quick--and boy this would be a doozy.

“Quick Draw...just like Corkscrew you were a childhood friend of Pale Vestige. But unlike Corkscrew, who never faltered in his loyalty to his friend, you lost your way a bit. Didn’t you?” she asked with an authoritative glare.

Quick Draw didn’t say a word. She simply took a step back with an uneasy frown on her face as she bit her lip.

Twilight would try and comfort her. “...Don’t beat yourself up. That’s not what today is for. I--as well as many others--are proud of the fact that you were willing to think for yourself and stand up for what was right. In the end, even once your views on your friend were challenged, you didn’t allow yourself to succumb to those feelings. You didn’t allow yourself to be controlled by your emotions. You focused on logic, and kept everything together. Ultimately standing by him as you all braved through the most difficult challenges you’ve ever faced. As a family.”

The yellow mare’s face slowly transformed from a state of hopelessness to a blank stare of confusion at the platform beneath her hooves.

“I…” Quick muttered a response as she wiped tears away from her face, “...I think I get it now.”

Twilight adorned Quick Draw with a medal that had a peace symbol engraved into its face. “That’s why I am presenting you with this Medal of Dignity. Wear it proudly.”

“...I will,” Quick replied, “I will…”

And at last, Twilight trotted over to me with an oddly satisfied expression on her face.

“Well, well, well,” she said in a rather sing-song-y tone, “At long last we come to the ringleader. The stallion behind it all. The head honcho. Where do I even begin with you?”

I decided to retort with a comment that I thought had some wit to it. “Well, my birth was a rather messy affair, so let’s not go that far back, eh?”

It must have been funny because a few audience members did chuckle--so there was that, right?

Even Twilight snorted--but she quickly cleared her throat to play off her reaction. “Ahem--right. Anyhow...your work is nothing short of legendary. I’d recount everything, but we’d honestly be here all day and I know you don’t want that.”

I shook my head, but was promptly cut off. “I don’t, really--”

“Nevertheless,” she went on, “I’d like to touch on something else that I haven’t spoken about very much: Your leadership skills.”

“My what-now?” I asked with a confused tilt of my head.

“The way you take control of any situation you come across. Everything from the way you convinced the public to give Cozy Glow another chance, the way you took care of her, and the way you defended yourself and your family against various enemies...and yet…” she trailed off.

Now heavily invested, I took a step forward. “What do you mean by that?”

“Well look at you,” Twilight glanced at me up and down, “You’re are, by and large--a regular earth pony. In fact, the only thing that really sets you apart from the average one is that your intellect and physical strength are off the charts. But even then, that’s something just about anypony can improve just by working their body to break past their limits. Both mentally and physically. Just...how did you do it?” From behind the princess’s wings, I could see a familiar pen and notebook ready to document whatever I’d say next.

I rolled my eyes with a sarcastic grin. “...Twilight. Everyone. There is no secret.” I started to address the audience at large. “What I set out to do was prove that literally anyone on this earth can put themselves out there and make a difference. That’s all. Do with that as you will. Because I feel like I’d just be repeating myself like a broken record. You don’t need crazy magic or heirlooms to be able to keep the ones you love safe.”

“And that’s why everyone followed you, isn’t it?” Twilight asked, “Because you proved that you could make Cozy Glow into a better pony. And from that, everyone else realized that they were able to make a difference also.”

Did she really just--? No. I need to explain myself properly. I paused, shut my eyes, and huffed hard enough to release steam from my nostrils.

Then I opened my eyes as I started to clear the air on what my goal was. “I didn’t make Cozy into a better pony. I did my job and fought for her justice. She made herself into a better pony. As for everything else you said...that’s a mere byproduct of what I did. I can’t peer into the minds of others and calculate what they will interpret.”

“Well whatever the case, I still want you to have this as a token of our--including my--appreciation.”

I watched as the medal came down over my head. I cupped my hoof against it, and took a look.

It was a five-pointed star with detailed, sideways facial profiles of all of my squadmates with myself in the middle. The center of it.

“The Medal of Wisdom,” Twilight proclaimed, “Awarded only to the highest and most esteemed individuals who serve for Equestria. Thank you, Pale Vestige. And you as well, Flash Drive, Neon Isotope, Cathartic Corkscrew, Quick Draw, and Guttersnipe Poinsettia.”

The six of us stood in line, and boldy puffed out our chests as the crowd applauded for us. We all secretly wanted to get this over with. The sense of merriment had started to wear on us, and I could tell by their uneasy smiles.

Twilight would close the ceremony with one last thing. “I now dub the six of you: Ponies Of the New Era! Or PONE for short!”

Yada-yada-yada--Twilight knighted us and everything took way too damn long from that point. So I’m just gonna skip over the rest.

Once the ceremony was finally over with, I was able to meet up with Cheerilee who had just come out of a meeting with the Mayor and Spoiled Rich within the Town Hall. This was my chance to finally hit her with the question.

I entered the building right as she got out of her meeting, and stopped her.

“...Cheery? Got a minute?”

“Oh--Pale? Why of course--and I see you’ve earned yourself a medal. How amazing! I wish I could have been there, but I was so busy with--”

I cut her off. “No...that’s not what I’m worried about. In fact--there’s something much bigger in the works…” I reached into the suit I had on, and pulled out that same small box from earlier. Within it was a simple, gold ring.

I opened the box, and presented it to her.

“...Will you marry me?”


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